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Recopilación de una gran variedad de fórmulas aplicables en cálculo diferencial, integral y vectorial.
Gli incontri della Fondazione San Bonaventura "SCRIPTVRA. Luoghi, forme e funzioni della scrittura" sono appuntamenti di varia natura (convegni, seminari, workshops, corsi) che hanno lo scopo di favorire dibattiti e confronti sulla scrittura in un arco cronologico che dalla comparsa delle prime manifestazioni scrittorie giunge fino ai giorni nostri. L'obiettivo di questo progetto, finanziato dalla Fondazione con il sostegno e la partecipazione di partners pubblici e privati, è quello di offrire spazi di riflessione interdisciplinare su temi connessi alle forme, ai luoghi, alla diffusione o alla produzione delle scritture di ogni tipo e ambito cronologico.
La Chiesa cattolica, per diffondere e radicare il messaggio cristiano nel mondo, adopera un sistema particolare di relazioni con le persone. Pone sempre in atto un sistema di rapporti, tra gli esseri umani che aderiscono a essa, basato su una netta distinzione tra un ceto sacerdotale e il resto della popolazione: i fedeli, che vengono chiamati ”laici” per distinguerli appunto dai “sacerdoti”. Questi ultimi hanno il compito non solo di diffondere il messaggio ma soprattutto di mediare la presenza di Dio tra la gente, di guidare i singoli e le collettività a loro affidati. In questo modo il Cattolicesimo non tende tanto a creare un rapporto diretto e indipendente delle persone con la divinità. Ritiene necessario che i fedeli siano costantemente guidati dal sacerdote in ciò che devono credere, nei modi di rapportarsi a Dio, nella loro condotta morale, individuale e collettiva, perciòanche nella politica. Un fedele non è mai indipendente: dovrebbe sempre avere un “padre spirituale” che lo guida.
Future of Afghanistan and Turkey’s Contribution, 2014
Impact of Neighboring Countries • Pakistan is the most important neighbor of Afghanistan and cooperation between Kabul and Islamabad is crucial in attaining stability and security in Afghanistan. • The Taliban regaining power and capturing Kabul is the most important redline for Iran. Therefore Iran does not object to American security guarantees in Afghanistan in the short-run. Regardless, Tehran and Kabul are likely to face a vital dispute regarding water-sharing in the coming years. • Afghanistan is of the utmost importance in the eyes of top leaders in Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan because it has the potential to serve as a transit corridor through which oil and natural gas can flow into Pakistani and Indian markets. • Central Asian states can easily gain access to the Indian Ocean and diversify their trade partners if Afghanistan attains stability. Afghanistan plays a truly strategic role for the rejuvenation of projects such as the Modern-Day Silk Road and the Modern-Day Spice Road. • Since 2001, Russia has successfully engaged with NATO countries in establishing solid grounds for mutual dialogue and cooperation in Afghanistan. Thereby, extremists and terrorist groups within Afghanistan have been jointly kept under control, and mutual efforts have been undergone to prevent poppy harvest and cultivation, and the illicit trade of narcotics. • If the Ukrainian crisis gradually deepens and political dialogue between Western countries and Russia grinds to a halt, NATO-Russia cooperation in Afghanistan can become a thing of the past. • China is pursuing a low-profile foreign policy towards Afghanistan in terms of political risk-taking and visibility. That is because Beijing does not wish to upset or directly confront any parties involved. • The “zero option” policy for the U.S. is not plausible. Besides, the two presidential hopefuls, Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah, made a commitment to sign a bilateral security agreement with the U.S.
International Journal of Biometeorology, 2013
The objective of this work was to quantify the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation of goats in an equatorial semi-arid environment. The latent heat loss from the body surfaces of these ten undefined breed goats was measured using a ventilated capsule in sun and shade and in the three body regions (neck, flank and hindquarters). Skin samples from these three regions were histologically analyzed to relate the quantity of sweat glands, the area of sweat glands and the epithelium thickness of each of these regions to the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation of the examined goats. The epithelium thickness that was measured varied significantly for body regions with different quantities and areas of sweat glands (P<0.01). Among the body regions that were examined, the samples from the neck demonstrated the highest epithelium thickness (16.23±0.13 μm). However, the samples of sweat glands from the flank had the biggest area (43330.51±778.71 μm 2) and quantity per square centimeter (390±9 cm −2). After the animals were exposed to sun, the flanks lost the greatest amount of heat by cutaneous evaporation (73.03±1.75 Wm −2) and possessed the highest surface temperatures (39.47± 0.18°C). The histological characteristics may have influenced the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation that was observed in the flank region after the animals were exposed to sun.
Naim Maturrohmah, 2021
Hukum kewarisan Islam merupakan bagian dari konstruksi ajaran agama Islam yang secara letter lijk (baca: Leterleg) termuat dalam teks-teks ayat suci Alquran. Alquran telah mengatur mengenai cara pembagian harta waris, ahli waris dan syarat-syarat sebagai ahli waris, wasiat dan hal-hal yang secara rinci membahas mengenai waris.
La función guerrera en la mitología de la Gallaecia antigua. Contribución a la sociología de la cultura castreña JOSÉ CARLOS BERMEJO BARRERA RESUMEN: En este trabajo, partiendo de la descripción dada por Estrabón (III, 3, 7 [155]) acerca del culto tributado por los pueblos del Norte de la Península aun dios similar al Ares griego, se deduce la existencia de una deidad céltica de la Segunda Función similar al Mars romano, al Ares griego y a los dioses de la guerra célticos, que aparece representado en los términos derivados de la raíz coso-en la epigrafía latina de la región. Esta divinidad, como las restantes divinidades de la guerra, aparece asociada a un grupo social muy concreto: la aristocracia militar, formada por guerreros profesionales. SUMMARY: In this work, starting from the description given by Strabo (III, 3, 7 [155]) about the homage paid by the North Iberian Peninsula people to a God of War similar to the Greek Ares, a conclusion is reach regarding the existence of a Celtic deity of the Second Function similar to the Roman Mars, the Greek Ares and the Celtic War Gods, that appears symbolized in the terms derived from the root coso-in the Latin inscriptions of the region. This deity-like the remaining martial deities that are similar-appears linked to a very concrete social group: the military aristocracy, formed by professional warriors. rioXAÒ S' ãv xai âXXa TIÇ â7toÔ£icJ£iE xò naXatòv 'EXArivixòv õnoiÓTpo7ta tco vOv f5ap(3apixó) ôiaixcó|a,£VOv.
PhD thesis, 2012
Nairiku-ajia gengo-no-kenkyū. Studies on the Inner Asian Languages 10, 1-7
Anais do(a) IX Congresso Brasileiro de Direito Socioambiental
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 2007
Acta Crystallographica Section E Structure Reports Online, 2009
Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2019