International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014), pp.163-172
Self-Optimizing Evaluation Function for Chinese-Chess
Xiangran Du1,2, Min Zahang1 and Xizhao Wang2
Tianjin Maritime College, Tianjin 300350, China
Key Lab. of Machine Learning and Computational Intelligence, College of
Mathematics and Computer Science, Hebei University, Baoding 071002, China
[email protected]
Computer game is a vibrant research area in artificial intelligence. Chinese chess game is
an important part of computer game and it has become an important study area after chess
game had reached its culmination when Deep Blue and its successors beat Kasparov. Some
achievements acquired in Chinese chess game have applied into fields of medicine,
economics and military. This paper presented a new method of optimizing evaluation function
in Chinese-chess programming by particle swarm optimization. The process of training
evaluation function is to automatically adjust these parameters in the evaluation function by
self-optimizing method accomplished through competition, which is a Chinese-chess system
plays against itself with different evaluation functions. The results show that the particle
swarm optimization is successfully applied to optimize the evaluation function in Chinese
chess and the performance of the presented program is effectively improved after many
trains. We also examined the importance of the place control in the evaluation function by the
comparison the optimizing results with and without the control of the place and showed the
comparison result.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Chinese-chess; Particle swarm optimization; Selflearning; Evaluation function
1. Introduction
Artificial intelligence is a method of studying intelligent computer, which makes the
machine have abilities of human thinking and judgment. Machine Game is an important field
of research in artificial intelligence. Various searching algorithms, pattern recognition, and
intelligent methods came from machine game research are widely applied to many fields and
improved the development of these fields. Likewise the advance of these fields greatly
promoted the development of artificial intelligence.
Computer chess is a two-player, zero-sum game with complete information, which has
developed more than 70 years [1]. The famous achievements are chess champion Kasparov
was defeated by supercomputer "Deep Blue" and computer Hydra easily defeated chess
master Michael Adams [2]. Chinese chess is one of the most popular board games worldwide,
being played by approximately 1.5 billion people in china and wherever Chinese have settled.
Chinese chess program has became the next challenge for many artificial intelligence masters,
because the complexity of Chinese-chess is between that of chess and Shogi (the complexity
of chess is 123 (Allis(1994), the complexity of Shogi was estimated Bylida, Sakuta and
Rollason (2002)) and there is a long distance between Chinese chess program and masters of
Chinese-chess [3].
ISSN: 1738-9968 IJHIT
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
Currently, Chinese chess game research focuses on the evaluation function optimization
and game system intelligences. Northeastern University's Wang Jiao used genetic algorithm
to optimize evaluation function [4]. Changsha University’s Fu Qiang successfully achieved
the intelligent Chinese chess by enhance learning [5]. Yifei Wang graduated from Harbin
Engineering University realized the method of combining neural network with TD into the
Chinese chess program [6]. TD (λ) algorithm is introduced into Chinese chess Computer
Game by Hebei University Professor Xizhao Wang and Yulin He [7-8].
The paper presented an intelligent Chinese chess system developed by a dynamic selflearning method. The particle swarm optimization is applied to dynamically optimize
parameters of the evaluation function in this system according to the character of Chinesechess. After a lot of trainings, Chinese-chess program has realized the intelligence. The result
of the experiment shows that it is possible to optimize the parameters in the evaluation
function and the power of Chinese-chess is improved effectively. We also make an
examination about the effect of the evaluation function with and without the place control in
order to simplify the evaluation function under the condition of ensuring efficiency and
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a brief review of the evaluation
function [9]. Section 3 provides the process of training the evaluation function by the particle
swarm optimization. In Section 4, the experimental results showing the performance of the
optimized Chinese-chess program and the comparison results among different training stages
are presented and discussed. Section 5 concludes this paper and points out the direction for
future research.
2. Evaluation Function
Computer Chinese-chess program includes mainly five parts: opening play, moving
generation, searching algorithms, evaluation function, searching and playing the endgame
(see Figure 1). Among of these parts, evaluation function assessed the current state of chess is
most important and reflects intelligence. It is also the part where Chinese chess masters are
superior to computer. If the evaluation function made an accurate assessment, the searching
algorithm can quickly find a right next move that makes the state of the chess favorable to
me, otherwise the searching algorithm only just finds wrong move.
Control Panel
Data Control
Figure 1. The Structure of Chinese Chess Program
The evaluation function in Chinese chess is the difference between the current assessed
values of the two sides.
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
If the x indicates Red and Eval(x) is greater than zero, it shows the current situation is
advantageous for Red. Otherwise the situation is disadvantageous. Likewise, if the x
represents Black.
The evaluation of a position in Chinese chess has approximately six elements [3]: (1) the
strength of the pieces in play, (2) the positions’ value, (3) the control of the places, (4) the
pieces’ flexibility, (5) the threat between pieces and the protection of pieces from threat, and
(6) the piece features or dynamic adjustment according to the situation. Details of those
elements are discussed blow.
1) The strength of the pieces
The strength of pieces represents the important level for a piece. According to Chinese
chess rules, every piece having unique move means that its effect and important level are
different in various situations. The common values for different pieces are shown in Table 1
given by Chinese chess masters. The strength of pieces can be computed relative to the value
and dynamic weight for each piece on the board, it is form of
where wi the weight expresses the important level for the number i piece on a board. Each
piece has wi that is changing based on the current situation for each piece.
Table 1. The Value of Each Piece
2) The value of the position
The position’s value indicates the value of the pieces at a different place on the board. The
place that can be occupied to threaten the enemy piece especially having a higher value is the
best place. Chinese chess programs are usually equipped with a table stored the estimated
value of possible position for each piece. Figure 2 shows the position value table of the Pawn
on the board.
For example, the value of the Pawn is different with the changing position. The power of
the Pawn is proportionate to the distance with the enemy King.
Figure 2. Position Values of a Pawn Used by ELP
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International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
3) The flexibility of the pieces
If a piece could not move freely under the rule of Chinese chess, its attacking or defending
power is restricted. In other word, the more flexible the piece is, the more attacking or
defending power it has. For example, if a piece stands on the position preventing two
Elephants from protecting each other, the defending power of the Elephants is largely
decreased. However estimating the flexibility of the pieces cost too much, Chinese chess
program usually considers the flexibility of some important pieces.
Table 2. The Flexibility of Each Piece
4) The threat between pieces and the protection of pieces from threat
The threat between pieces and the protection of pieces from threat in evaluation function is
fully considered that the cooperation among the pieces in Chinese chess is important and
makes these pieces form an interrelated whole. When a piece on the board is threatened, we
could move the piece to another place or use a piece to protect it. The security of a piece is
determined by the number and kind of protectors and threatening enemies.
5) The control of the place
The control of the place on the board usually indicates that a place on the next move of a
piece is controlled by it. If a place on the next move of a piece, it is usually considered the
place is controlled by the piece. If a place is control of the both sides, a simple way to
estimate which side controlling of the place is using the number and kind of pieces of both
sides and sequence. The control of the place is valuable when Chinese chess is on opening
and middle game, but the significant value is slightly decreased with the development of the
game. Because the number of the place controlled by a piece is largely increased when the
game is closing to end, some Chinese chess masters suggest that some important place,
especially closing to the King, is seriously considered on the evaluation function.
6) The piece features or dynamic adjustment according to the situation
The piece features indicate the coordination among these pieces, especially for Cannon,
Horse and Rook. The coordination is not simple sum of these pieces and makes these pieces
cooperate as a whole.
Figure 3. Horse-cannon Shows the Power of Cooperative Relationship
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
The value of the sum of one horse and cannon is lower than the value of two cannons from
Figure 1. Two cannons have the value of 600 and one horse and one cannon have value of
580. Two cannons have lower value than one cannon and one horse in fact, because one
cannon and one horse have more tactical skills than two cannons. One of the tactical skills is
called cannon behind a horse. The main tactics applied in Chinese chess include catching two
pieces, pin down, sacrificing or exchanging pieces. These tactics should receive more value
and make Chinese chess program stronger.
3. The Optimization of the Evaluation Function
Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is proposed by doctor Kenndy and Eberhart, it realized
the analogues of bird flocks searching for corns to produce computational intelligence [9].
The advantages of the PSO are a simple realization, a small number of the parameters and
higher speed. The results of the PSO have applied into more and more fields in science. The
PSO has been received more attention and became a new hotspot in optimization algorithms
after GA, ACS, etc., [10].
3.1 Particle Swarm Optimization
In PSO each particle includes the location information and the velocity information are
respectively presented by N dimension
. The location
information indicates these optimized parameters that are feasible solutions in solution space,
and the velocity information for each particle is the optimized speed dynamically regulated by
studying the surrounding environments. Each particle is moved through the search space by
combing some information of the history of its own current and best location with those of
one or more members of the swarm, with some velocity information and random perturbation.
The next iteration occurs after all members in swarm have been moved. Each particle was
programmed to update its velocity and velocity information in terms of the equation (1) and
where w is termed the “inertia weight” and is set a dynamic number from a relatively high
value, to a much lower value. The parameter w with a high value (e.g., 0.9) means that
particles take place global search, but when w is given a low value (e.g., 0.4) the particles in
swarm assemble toward local optima. The updating formula of the parameter w is the
where T is the maximum iteration, w and w is respectively the initial value and the maximum
value of the parameter w.
The parameters C1 and C2 in (1) are often called acceleration coefficients and determine
the magnitude of the random forces in the direction of local optimum (called LBest) and
global optimum (called GBest). The parameter rand is a random number from 0 to 1. The
value C1=C2=2, almost ubiquitously adopted in PSO research.
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International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
3.2 Optimizing Evaluation Function
Each particle in particle swarm represents a set of parameters needing to be optimized
when the PSO optimizes the evaluation function. The fitness function of the particle is the
probability of winning in matches among particles, which is the ratio of the winning number
to the total number of game. The matches among different particles are the Chinese chess
games applied different evaluation functions, which are measured by the chance of victory.
The one of the purpose for optimization is to make the evaluation function estimate the
advantage and disadvantage state of the current position more exact. Another one is to greatly
coordinate with the searching algorithm applied in Chinese chess and finally promote the
power of Chinese chess program. The highest winning percentage in particle swarm is
considered as the global optimum and the local optimum of a particle is regarded as the best
value in the process of updating itself.
Every particle competes with the others in the particle swarm twice by exchanging the
sequence of chess. The evaluation function is composed of the location information for each
particle. Chinese chess programs applied different evaluation functions circularly game with
each other, every two opponents compete twice with different sequence of chess. The result
of the game is recorded in database.
The location information of the particle with the best winning number in database is the
global optimum at the present particle swarm. The distance of these particles is computed
according to the location information and the nearest particle from the updating particle is
selected on the basis of distance. The local optimum for every particle is obtained by
averaging location information of particles that the winning number is no less than the
updating particle’s from the nearest particle.
The velocity and location information are respectively updated by the formula (1) and (2).
The global optimum is eventually regarded as the best parameters for evaluation function
when the global optimum is a sufficiently good fitness or a maximum number of iteration is
4. Experimental Results and Discussion
The presented particle swarm optimization, training method and local or global optimum
have been implemented. Our goals are first, comparing results of optimizing parameters of
the evaluation function at the different generations and pick out the one which performs best
when playing against the other particles, and second, utilizing the best program as an expert
to play against the unoptimized Chinese chess program, and the last, examining the feasibility
of the evaluation function without the control of the place.
4.1 Particle Swarm Optimization
In first training stage, the particle swarm includes 20 particles and every particle is
composed of 90 parameters, the parameter C1 and C2 are set 2 respectively and rand is
initially 0.5. Every particle competes against the others in the swarm 38 games in every
generation with different sequences. There are 380 games in a generation for all particles.
After 400 generations and 152000 games, a new evaluation function is got coming from the
global optimum with the best fitness in particle swarm. We use Chinese chess programs with
40 different evaluation functions that come from 40 particles having the best fitness every ten
(decade) generations in the optimizing process to compete each other at different sequence for
testing the optimizing performance. The result of competition is shown in Figure 4.
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
Figure 4. The Result of Games in Various Generations
In Figure 4, we notice that the power of the new evaluation function has advanced clearly
although there is some zigzag phenomenon. We can also see that the learning efficiency of
the particles is low at the beginning phase in the learning process and the results of the
competition are between 20 percent and 30 percent. As the training proceeds, the performance
of Chinese chess progressed clearly after 220 generations and the winning probability
increased efficiently from 25 percent to 70 percent. The fastest escalating trend in the first
learning stage is from 220 generation to 290 generation and after 300 generation, the winning
probability is stable by and large at 65%. However, in the training process, we found that the
optimized evaluation function can’t judge clearly some complex situations and make the
Chinese chess repeat some moves and sometimes infinite loops.
Based on weights obtained above besides parameter C1 = C2 = 1.5 and rand = 0.3 in the
second training stage and a second 1000 generations are performed. Figure 5 shows that the
process of training the evaluation functions and signs the global optimums for every ten
generation. We noted that the performance advanced fast at the begin of the learning process
and that the speed of learning knowledge gradually decreases as the training carries on from
Figure 5. The global optimum has been largely evaluated from 10% to 70%. The power of the
evaluation function increases in a zigzag until 1000 generation. After 380000 training games,
the power of Chinese chess has been strengthen clearly. The moves evaluated by the new
evaluation function are much intelligent than before, even though occasionally some moves
might be badly computed.
Figure 5. The Global Optimums for Every Ten Generation
In last training stage, the evaluation function is continuously trained by the PSO for
another 1000 games with parameter C1= C2 = 1 and rand = 0.1 and the results achieved are
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
little better than those before. According to the experiment results, we found that the
presented method can optimize the evaluation function but there are some severe defensive
problems in endgame and the evaluation function occasionally makes the game into the
situation of the endless loop or insignificantly repeats attack on the opponent's king,
especially in the endgame.
4.2 Comparison of the Optimizing Results
For showing the effect of optimization, we let Chinese chess programming optimized by
the last generation’s evaluation function and the unoptimized one plays against each other. As
a result, the optimizing programming won 22 games and got 8 draws without loses. The result
shows that the particle swarm optimization is useful to optimizing the evaluation function.
The last step is to examine the degree of accuracy of the evaluation function without the place
control is whether to lose.
The control of the place on the board usually indicates that a place on the next move of a
piece is controlled by it. Some Chinese chess masters consider that the place control is less
important than the others in the evaluation function and the importance of the place control is
limited. The speed of the evaluation function without thinking the control of the place can be
promoted and the time of searing algorithm is advanced, the power of Chinese-chess
programming is whether to increase or to decrease? The result of the next experimentation is
to answer this problem to some extent.
We repeat the above train process under the condition of without the control of the place in
the evaluation function. After 2400 generations and 912000 training games, an optimizing
evaluation function is realized. For examining the accuracy of the evaluation function without
the place control, we make a result comparison in the last training stage between twice
examinations. The concrete method is to select respectively 100 particles with best fitness
from last 1000 generations in two training experiments for every ten generation, and these
200 particles competes each other with different sequences. After 39800 games, the result of
competition is shown in Figure 6. The red line expresses the competing results of the particles
with the evaluation function having no the control of the place and the results with the place
control is indicated by the blue line from Figure 6.
Figure 6. Comparison the Wvaluation Function Between the Unsimplified and the
Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
From the results of the comparison between the evaluation function with and without the
control of the place, we can notice that the performance of the simplified evaluation function
is better than the un-simplified evaluation function especially for the generations from 300 to
400. In the first 100 generations, the winning probability is almost same for the different
evaluation function. Then the winning probability increases rapidly for the particles from 200
to 500 generation and the winning growth of the particles with the simplified evaluation
function is faster than the unsimplified ones. From 700 to 1000 generations, the performance
of the optimizing particles is clearly obvious and the advantage of the particle without
thinking the control of the place is enlarged. The reason might be that the simplified
evaluation function can save time and cost more time on the searching algorithm that can
search deeper from the game tree. Therefore the evaluation function without considering the
place control is suitable for the Chinese-chess programming.
5. Conclusions and Future Direction
This paper puts forward an intellectualized method that is able to strengthen the
evaluation function in Chinese chess without manual intervention. The method is
carried out by optimizing the evaluation function with the particle swarm optimization.
The experiment shows that the power of Chinese chess has been clearly advanced using
the method presented in the paper. The optimized Chinese chess can easily overcome
the former one. However, the optimizing method only applied to a class of Chinese
chess. We have been carrying on our research on the influences of reducing the
parameters in the evaluation function and transforming the construction method of the
local optimum in particle swarm optimization.
This research is supported by the key project foundation of applied fundamental research
of Hebei Province (08963522D), and by the Scientific Research Foundation of Hebei
Province (06213548). We especially acknowledge Yulin He and Min Zhang for valuable
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Copyright ⓒ 2014 SERSC
International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology
Vol.7, No.4 (2014)
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Xiangran Du received the B.S. degree in Heilongjiang University
of Science and Technology, China in 2006, and M.S. degree in
College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Hebei University.
He works at Tianjin Maritime College and Key Lab. of Machine
Learning and Computational Intelligence. His main research
interests include the application of the particle swarm optimization
and neural network to Chinese chess system and reinforcement
learning to traffic control in urban areas.
Min Zhang received the B.S. degree from Dalian Nationalities
University, China in 2005, and M.S. degree in Transportation
planning and management from Dalian Maritime University, China
in 2007. She has published one book and 15 journal papers. Her
current research interests include the assessment of port
informatization and adaptive dynamic programming in port
informatizational system.
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