Осма национална конференција со меѓународно учество - ЕТАИ 2007
Eighth National Conference with International Participation - ETAI 2007
Охрид, Република Македонија - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 19 - 21. IX 2007
Elena Ikonomovska, Suzana Loskovska, Dejan Gjorgjevik
University Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies,
Skopje, Republic of Macedonia,
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract – At present a growing number of
applications that generate massive streams of data
need intelligent data processing and online
telecommunication systems, sensor networks and
other dynamic environments are such examples.
The imminent need for turning such data into
useful information and knowledge augments the
development of systems, algorithms and
frameworks that address streaming challenges.
The storage, querying and mining of such data
sets are highly computationally challenging tasks.
Mining data streams is concerned with extracting
knowledge structures represented in models and
patterns in non stopping streams of information.
In this paper, we present the theoretical
foundations of data stream analysis and identify
potential directions of future research. Mining
data stream techniques are being critically
Index terms—data streams, data mining, review
Recently a new class of emerging applications has
become widely recognized: applications in which
data is generated at very high rates in the form of
transient data streams. Examples of such applications
include financial applications, network monitoring,
security, telecommunication data management, web
applications, manufacturing, sensor networks, and
others. In the data stream model, individual data
items may be relational tuples, e.g., network
measurements, call records, web page visits, sensor
readings, and so on. However, their continuous
arrival in multiple, rapid, time-varying, possibly
unpredictable and unbound streams open new
fundamental research problems. This rapid generation
of continuous streams of information has challenged
our storage, computation and communication
capabilities in computing systems. The vast amounts
of data arriving in high speeds need employment of
semi-automated interactive techniques, to perform
real-time extraction of hidden knowledge and
From the last decade, data mining, meaning
extracting useful information or knowledge from
large amounts of data, has become the key technique
to analyze and understand data. Typical data mining
tasks include association mining, classification, and
clustering. These techniques help find interesting
patterns, regularities, and anomalies in the data.
However, traditional data mining techniques cannot
directly apply to data streams. This is because most
of them require multiple scans of data to extract the
information, which is unrealistic for stream data. The
amount of previously happened events is usually
overwhelming, so they can be either dropped after
processing or archived separately in secondary
storage. More importantly, the characteristics of the
data stream can change over time and the evolving
pattern needs to be captured. Furthermore, we also
need to consider the problem of resource allocation in
mining data streams. Due to the large volume and the
high speed of streaming data, mining algorithms must
cope with the effects of system overload. Thus, how
to achieve optimum results under various resource
constraints becomes a challenging task.
In this paper, we review the theoretical foundations
of data stream analysis. Some general issues in
stream data mining are discussed. Mining data stream
techniques are critically reviewed.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents
the theoretical background of data stream analysis.
Mining data stream techniques and systems are
reviewed in section 3. Some open research issues are
discussed in section 4. Section 5 summarizes this
review paper.
The foundations on which stream data mining
solutions rely, come from the field of statistics,
complexity and computational theory [44]. The
online nature of data streams and their potentially
high arrival rates impose high resource requirements
on data stream processing systems. In order to deal
with resource constraints in a graceful manner, many
data summarization techniques have been adopted
from the field of statistics. They provide means to
examine only a subset of the whole dataset or to
transform the data vertically or horizontally to an
approximate smaller size data representation so that
known data mining techniques can be used. Also,
techniques from computational theory have been
implemented to achieve time and space efficient
solutions. In this section we review these theoretical
Summarization techniques are often used for
producing approximate answers from large databases.
They synthesize techniques for data reduction and
synopsis construction. Summarization techniques
refer to the process of transforming data to a suitable
form for stream data analysis. This can be done by
summarizing the whole dataset or choosing a subset
of the incoming stream to be analyzed. When
summarizing the whole dataset techniques such as
sampling, sketching and load shedding are used. For
choosing a subset of the incoming stream synopsis
data structures and aggregation techniques are used.
An excellent review of data reduction techniques is
presented in [12]. We present the basics of these
techniques with examples of their applications in the
context of data stream analysis.
Sampling – The idea of representing a large dataset
by a small random sample of the data elements goes
back to the end of the nineteenth century and has led
to the development of a large body of surveysampling techniques. Sampling is the process of
statistically selecting the elements of the incoming
stream that would be analyzed [21]. Some previous
work on the field of employing sampling techniques
for computing approximate frequency counts over
data streams is presented in [42]. Domingo et al.
[19][21] studied sampling approach to tackle decision
tree classification and k-means clustering. Sampling
plays an important role in developing techniques for
clustering data streams [35]. Babcock, Datar, and
Motwani [8] studied sampling in the sliding window
model. Also, sampling has been often used as a data
reduction technique for producing approximate
answers for queries over data streams in [1][2].The
problem with using sampling in the context of data
stream analysis is the unknown dataset size.
Therefore the treatment of data stream should follow
a special analysis to find the error bounds. Sampling
also does not address the problem of fluctuating data
rates. When using sampling, it would be worth
investigating the relationship among the three
parameters: data rate, sampling rate and error bounds.
Designing sampling-based algorithms that can
produce approximate answers that are provably close
to the exact answer is an important and active area of
Sketching – Sketching [7][42] involves building a
summary of a data stream using a small amount of
memory. It is the process of vertically sampling the
incoming stream. Sketching has been applied in
comparing different data streams and in aggregate
queries. Alon et al. in [6] introduced the notion of
randomized sketching which has been widely used
ever since. Dobra et al. in [18] demonstrate that
sketching can be generalized to provide approximate
answers to complex, multi-join, aggregate SQL
queries over streams with explicit and tunable
guarantees on the approximation error. Techniques
based on sketching are very convenient to distributed
computation over multiple streams. The major
drawback of sketching is that of accuracy. Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) would be a better
solution if being applied in streaming applications
Load Shedding – Load shedding refers to the process
of eliminating a batch of subsequent elements
(randomly or semantically) from being analyzed [15].
It has the same problems of sampling. Load shedding
is not a preferred approach with mining algorithms,
especially in time series analysis because it drops
chunks of data streams that might represent a pattern
of interest. Still, it has been successfully used in
sliding window aggregate queries [9].
Synopsis Data Structures – Synopsis data structures
embody the idea of small space, approximate solution
to massive data set problems. Creating synopsis of
data refers to the process of applying summarization
techniques that are capable of summarizing the
incoming stream for further analysis. Wavelet
analysis [31], histograms, and frequency moments [7]
have been proposed as synopsis data structures.
Wavelets are one of the often-used techniques for
providing a summary representation of the data.
Wavelets coefficients are projections of the given
signal (set of data values) onto an orthogonal set of
basis vector. They have the desirable property that
the signal reconstructed from the top few wavelet
coefficients best approximates the original signal in
terms of the L2 norm. There has been some research
done in computing the top wavelet coefficients in the
data stream model. The technique of Gilbert et al.
[32], gives rise to an easy greedy algorithm to find
the best B-term Haar wavelet representation.
Histograms approximate the data in one or more
attributes of a relation by grouping attribute values
into “buckets” (subsets) and approximating true
attribute values and their frequencies in the data
based on a summary statistics maintained in each
bucket [7]. For most real-world databases, there exist
histograms that produce low-error estimates while
occupying reasonably small space. Hence, they are
the most commonly used form of statistics in
practice. There has been some work on using them
for approximate query answering [1][2].
Aggregation – Aggregation is the representation of
number of elements in one aggregated element using
some statistical measure such as means, variance or
the average. It is often considered as a data rate
adaptation technique in a resource-aware mining
[28]. The problem with aggregation is that it does not
perform well with highly fluctuating data
distributions. Algorithms over data streams that
utilize aggregation include approximate quantiles
[41][33], V-optimal histograms [36], wavelet based
aggregate queries [30][43], and correlated aggregate
queries [29]. Merging online aggregation with offline
mining has been studied in [1][4][5]. Aggregation has
been successfully used in distributed stream data
environments and with continuous queries over data
streams [11].
Sliding Window – is considered as an advanced
technique for producing approximate answers to a
data stream query. The idea behind sliding window is
to perform detailed analysis over the most recent data
items and over summarized versions of the old ones.
This idea has been adopted in many techniques in the
undergoing comprehensive data stream mining
system MAIDS [22]. Imposing sliding windows on
data streams is a natural method for approximation
that has several attractive properties. It is welldefined and easily understood. It is deterministic, so
there is no danger that unfortunate random choices
will produce a bad approximation. Most importantly,
it emphasizes recent data, which in the majority of
real-world applications is more important and
relevant than old data.
Having discussed the different theoretical approaches
to data stream analysis problems, the following
section is devoted to stream mining techniques that
use the above theoretical approaches in different
Mining data streams has been a very attractive field
of research for the data mining community for the last
few years. The algorithmic ideas above presented
have proved powerful for solving a variety of
problems in data streams. A number of algorithms
have been proposed to deal with the high speed
feature in mining data streams using different
techniques. In this section, we present the related
work in mining data streams, concerning clustering,
classification and frequency counting techniques.
3.1 Clustering
Clustering of stream data has been one of the most
studied data mining tasks in this growing field. The
centre of the attention for many researchers has been
the k-median problem, initially posed by Weber [51].
The objective is to minimize the average distance
from data points to their closest cluster centers.
A large body of algorithms has been proposed that
deal with this problem. Guha et al. [35][37] proposed
an algorithm that makes a single pass over the data
stream and uses small space. Babcock et al. [10] have
used exponential histogram (EH) data structure to
improve Guha et al. algorithm [35]. Charikar et al
[14] have proposed another k-median algorithm that
overcomes the problem of increasing approximation
factors in the Guha et al [35] algorithm.
Another algorithm that captured the attention of many
scientists is the k-means clustering algorithm. This
algorithm has also been studied analytically by
Domingos et al. [19][21]. They have proposed a
general method for scaling up machine learning
algorithms named Very Fast Machine Learning
VFML. They have applied this method to K-means
clustering VFKM and decision tree classification
VFDT techniques. Ordonez [47] has proposed an
improved incremental k-means algorithm for
clustering binary data streams. O’Challaghan et al.
[45] proposed STREAM and LOCALSEARCH
algorithms for high quality data stream clustering.
Aggarwal et al. [1][5] have proposed a framework for
clustering evolving data steams called CluStream
algorithm. In [4] they have proposed the HPStream; a
projected clustering for high dimensional data
streams, which has outperformed CluStream.
Stanford’s STREAM project has studied the
approximate k-median clustering with guaranteed
probabilistic bound [14][35][37][46].
3.2 Classification
Several authors have studied the idea of
implementing a decision tree technique for
classification of stream data. Ding et al. [17] have
developed a decision tree based on Peano count tree
data structure. Domingos et al. [19][20] have studied
the problem of maintaining decision trees over data
streams. In [19] they have developed the VFDT
system. It is a decision tree learning system based on
Hoeffding trees. Ganti et al. [23] have developed
analytically two algorithms GEMM and FOCUS for
model maintenance and change detection between
two data sets in terms of the data mining results they
induce. The algorithms have been applied to decision
tree models and the frequent itemset model.
Techniques such as decision trees are useful for onepass mining of data streams but these cannot be easily
used in the context of an on-demand classifier in an
evolving environment.
The concept drifting problem in stream data
classification has been addressed by several authors.
Wang et al. [50] have proposed a general framework
for mining concept drifting data streams. The
proposed technique uses weighted classifier
ensembles to mine data streams. Last [40] has
proposed an online classification system which
dynamically adjusts the size of the training window
and the number of new examples between model reconstructions to the current rate of concept drift.
Aggarwal et al. in [5] have presented a different view
on the data stream classification problem from the
perspective of a dynamic approach, in which
simultaneous training and testing streams are used for
dynamic classification of data sets .
3.3 Frequency Counting
Frequency counting has not attracted much attention
among the researchers in this filed, as did clustering
and classification. Counting frequent items or
itemsets is one of the issues considered in frequency
counting. Cormode and Muthukrishnan [16] have
developed an algorithm for counting frequent items.
The algorithm maintains a small space data structure
that monitors the transactions on the relation, and
when required, quickly outputs all hot items, without
rescanning the relation in the database. Giannella et
al. [24] have developed a frequent itemset mining
algorithm over data stream. They have proposed the
use of tilted windows to calculate the frequent
patterns for the most recent transactions. Manku and
Motwani [42] have proposed and implemented an
incremental algorithm for approximate frequency
counting in data streams that uses all the previous
historical data to calculate the frequent patterns.
Data stream mining is a stimulating field of study that
has raised many challenges and research issues that
need to be addressed by the machine learning and
data mining communities. The characteristics of data
streams as pointed out in Section 1 indicate that when
developing mining techniques of this kind, there are
more issues that need to be considered than in
traditional databases. The following is a brief
discussion of some crucial open research issues:
• Memory management: The first fundamental
issue we need to consider is how to optimize the
memory space consumed by the mining algorithm.
Memory management is a particular challenge
when processing streams because many real data
streams are irregular in their rate of arrival,
exhibiting burstiness and variation of data arrival
rate over time. A stream mining algorithm with
high memory cost will have difficulty being applied
in many situations, such as sensor networks. More
research needs to be done in developing new
summarization techniques for collecting valuable
information from data streams. Fully addressing
this issue in the mining algorithm can greatly
improve its performance [34].
• Data pre-processing: data pre-processing is an
important and time consuming phase in the
knowledge discovery process and must be taken
into consideration when mining data streams.
Designing a light-weight preprocessing techniques
that can guarantee quality of the mining results is
crucial. The challenge here is to automate such a
process and integrate it with the mining techniques.
• Compact data structure: Due to bounded
memory size and the huge amount of data streams
coming continuously, efficient and compact data
structure is needed to store, update and retrieve the
collected information. Failure in developing such a
data structure will largely decrease the efficiency of
the mining algorithm. Even if we store the
information in disks, the additional I/O operations
will increase the processing time. Incremental
maintaining of the data structure is a necessity since
it is not possible to rescan the entire input. Also,
novel indexing, storage and querying techniques are
required to handle the continual fluctuated flow of
information streams.
• Resource aware: This is a fundamental issue
that considers the problem of how the limited
resources, e.g., memory space and computation
power, can be well utilized to produce accurate
estimates. Stream data mining algorithms must not
ignore the problem of nearly consuming the
available resources while they are still running.
Data will be lost when the memory is used up and
this would lead to inaccuracy of the mining results,
thus degrade the performance of the mining
algorithm. Several authors in [25][26][48]
discussed this issue and proposed their solutions for
resource-aware mining. Gaber et al. proposed an
approach, called AOG, which uses a control
parameter to control its output rate according to
memory, time constrains and data stream rate
[25][26]. Teng et al. proposed an algorithm, that not
only reduces the memory required for data storage
but also retains good approximation given limited
resources like memory space and computation
power [49].
• Visualization of results: Visualization is a
powerful way to facilitate data analysis, but it is
crucial that visualization systems explicitly express
the presence, nature, and degree of uncertainty to
users. Visualization of traditional data mining
results on a desktop is still a research issue, while
visualization on small screens of a PDA, for
example is a real challenge. Streamed data analyzed
on a PDA should be efficiently visualized in a way
that will enable taking a quick decision.
The spreading of data stream phenomenon in real life
applications has influenced in great manner the
development of stream mining algorithms. Mining
data streams has raised a number of research
challenges for the data mining community. Due to the
resource and time constraints many summarization
and approximation techniques have been adopted
from the fields of statistics and computational theory.
Based on these foundations, a number of clustering,
classification and frequency counting techniques
have been developed.
Mining data streams is an immature, growing field of
study. There are many open issues that need to be
addressed. The development of systems that will fully
address these issues is crucial for accelerating the
science discovery in the fields of physics and
astronomy [27], as well as in business and financial
applications [39]. This would improve the real-time
decision making process in almost every area of our
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