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In the stratosphere, to a first approximation, waves propagate up and zonal-mean temperature anomalies propagate down; this is the basic physics behind the “downward control” of the wave-driven circulation (Haynes et al. 1991; see also Shepherd 2002). Temperature represents a balance between radiative relaxation and the wave-driven circulation, and the zonal wind is then determined from temperature by thermal wind balance. Thus, it is better to think of wave drag (or, more properly, angular momentum flux convergence) as driving radiative imbalance in the temperature which then shapes the zonal winds, rather than of wave drag as directly controlling the zonal winds (without thermodynamics): in the momentum equation wave drag is balanced by meridional flow, not by any particular value of the zonal wind.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 2006
Observational and numerical evidence suggest that variability in the extratropical stratospheric circulation has a demonstrable impact on tropospheric variability on intraseasonal time scales. In this study, it is demonstrated that the amplitude of the observed tropospheric response to vacillations in the stratospheric flow is quantitatively similar to the zonal-mean balanced response to the anomalous wave forcing at stratospheric levels. It is further demonstrated that the persistence of the tropospheric response is consistent with the impact of anomalous diabatic heating in the polar stratosphere as stratospheric temperatures relax to climatology. The results contradict previous studies that suggest that variations in stratospheric wave drag are too weak to account for the attendant changes in the tropospheric flow. However, the results also reveal that stratospheric processes alone cannot account for the observed meridional redistribution of momentum within the troposphere.
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II
The structure of stationary planetary waves in the winter stratosphere is computed by. means of a steady-state hemispheric quasi-geostrophic model with a zonal basic state and lower boundary forcing obtained from climatology. The nonlinear wave solution is found to resemble rather closely the linear one, despite the large wave amplitudes which distort considerably the westerly zonal flow. Zonal wavenumber one is the most affected by the wave-wave interactions, experiencing an increase in amplitude and a decrease in westward phase tilt in the northerly regions of the middle stratosphere. Comparison of the solutions to the corresponding climatological wave structure indicates that the inclusion of the nonlinear terms leads to an improvement of the structure of wavenumber one. An examination of the 5-year January climatological basic state reveals a distinct linear relationship between the zonal streamfunction and the tonal potential vorticity in middle and northerly latitudes. Consequently, the wave-wave interactions are to a first approximation a result of the presence of the model dissipation. Weak dissipation in this region implies only weak interactions, which explains the quasi-linear structure of the solutions.
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2006
We show that the interaction between planetary waves and the stratospheric zonal mean flow results in bi-modal (directreverse flow) or unimodal state depending on wave number of the waves. First we demonstrate this using a simple nonlinear dynamic system of the wave-flow interaction, which has two stable equilibrium states and one unstable state (attractors) in its phase space. Then we compare this model dynamics with the stratosphere dynamics using the same dynamical variables and a similar parameter range in the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reanalysis data. This comparison supports the tendency for the states of planetary wave-zonal mean flow in the upper stratosphere to be bi-modal for wave number 2 and unimodal for wave number 1. Crown
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2001
The connection between the Arctic Oscillation and the stratosphere is investigated on intra-annual timescales. Both the National Centers for Environmental Prediction reanalysis data and a general circulation model simulation are used. In the winter half year November-April the dominant variability in the stratosphere in middle and high latitudes has the form of downward propagation of zonal mean zonal wind anomalies. The strength of the anomalies decays below 10 hPa, but often the anomalies reach the surface. The time for the propagation from 10 hPa to the surface is •15 days. When positive anomalies reach the surface, the phase of the Arctic Oscillation tends to be positive. The stratospheric variability and the downward propagation is found to be driven by the vertical component of the Eliassen-Palm flux. This flux propagates from the lower troposphere to the tropopause on a timescale of 5 days. Model and reanalysis compare well in the structure of the stratospheric variability and the connection between the stratosphere and troposphere. However, the strength of the stratospheric variability is -•25% weaker in the model. 1. Introduction Studies of the two-way dynamical coupling between the troposphere and the stratosphere on extratropical latitudes go back at least to the early 1970s [Hines, 1974], and the subject has been studied by several authors in the last decades [Boville, 1984; Kodera et al., 1990; Nigam, 1990; Perlwitz and Graf, 1995; Hartley et al., 1998]. However, the understanding of this connection has gained momentum with the work of Thompson and Wallace [1998], who described an almost annular mode of variability in the Northern Hemisphere winter sealevel pressure which is strongly coupled to the troposphere and lower stratosphere. The mode is called the Arctic Oscillation (AO), and its manifestation at the surface is defined as the first empirical orthogonal function (EOF) of the sealevel pressure north of 20øN. The AO offers a more hemispheric picture of the variability than more local patterns such as the North Atlantic Oscillation. By correlating the principal component of the first EOF with the zonal mean zonal wind at different heights, a deep vertical coupling was revealed embracing the troposphere and the lower stratosphere. The resulting three-dimensional mode was originally described as equivalent barotropic, but recently anomalies have been discovered to propagate downward from the stratosphere [Baldwin and Dunkerton, 1999; Kuroda and Kodera, 1999]. In parallel with this development, downward propagating stratospheric anomalies have been studied in heavily truncated models for several decades [Holton and Mass, 1976; Yoden, 1987; Christiansen, 2000a] and have very recently been identified and studied in three-dimensional models [Christiansen, 1999; Scaife and James, 2000]. Without the annual cycle they make up a series of stratospheric vacillations: alternating positive and negative anomalies with an appearance very much like the quasi-biennual oscillation (QBO) but with a shorter timescale of 50-100 days. We have previously studied the connection between the stratospheric vacillations and the AO in perpetual January experiments with a general circulation model (GCM) [Christiansen, 2000c]. In this paper we enhance the study by including the annual cycle to make a direct comparison with observations possible. In almost all aspects studied, model and observations compare very well. The primary diagnostic is zonal mean zonal wind anomalies as also used by Christiansen [2000c]. This quantity has a more direct physical content than the index based on EOF analysis presented by Baldwin and Dunkerton [1999, Propagation of annular modes from the mesosphere to the Earth's surface, The major contribution of the paper is related to the mechanism of the downward propagation in the stratosphere and to what extent the observations and the GCM comply with the simple, one-dimensional mechanism put forward by Christiansen [1999, 2000b]. In this conceptual picture the downward propagation of 27,307
Geophysical Research Letters, 1990
An investigation is conducted to determine the influence of changes in the upper stratospheric mean zonal wind on the circulation of the lower atmosphere. In addition to observed data, results of numerical experiments with a genera/ circulation model are used, in which the solar ultraviolet heating rate is varied to force changes in the mean zonal wind in the upper stratosphere. It is found that when the upper stratospheric mid-latitude westerlies are strong during December, lower stratospheric polar night jet is persistent and the westerlies in the polar region of the troposphere become stronger in the following February. These results are common to both the observations and the numerical experiments. 1263 1-245, 1987. Shibata. K., and T. Aoki, An infrared radiative scheme for the numerical models of weather and climate, J. Geophys. Res., 94,14923-14943, 1989. Wakata, Y., and M. Uryu, S tratospheric multiple equilibria and seasonal variations, J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 65, 27-42, 1987.
The momentum budget of the Transformed Eulerian-Mean (TEM) equation is calculated using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis (ERA-40) and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Reanalysis 2 (R-2). This study outlines the considerable contribution of unresolved waves, deduced to be gravity waves, to the forcing of the zonal-mean flow. A trend analysis, from 1980 to 2001, shows that the onset and break down of the Northern Hemisphere (NH) stratospheric polar night jet has a tendency to occur later in the season in the more recent years. This temporal shift follows long-term changes in planetary wave activity that are mainly due to synoptic waves, with a lag of one month. In the Southern Hemisphere (SH), the polar vortex shows a tendency to persist further into the SH summertime. This also follows a statistically significant decrease in the intensity of the stationary EP flux divergence over the 1980-2001 period. Ozone depletion is well known for strengthening the polar vortex through the thermal wind balance. However, the results of this work show that the SH polar vortex does not experience any significant long-term changes until the month of December, even though the intensification of the ozone hole occurs mainly between September and November. This study suggests that the decrease in planetary wave activity in November provides an important feedback to the zonal wind as it delays the breakdown of the polar vortex. In addition, the absence of strong eddy feedback before November explains the lack of significant trends in the polar vortex in the SH early spring. A long-term weakening in the Brewer-Dobson (B-D) circulation in the polar region is identified in the NH winter and early spring and during the Correspondence to: E. Monier ([email protected]) SH late spring and is likely driven by the decrease in planetary wave activity previously mentioned. During the rest of the year, there are large discrepancies in the representation of the B-D circulation and the unresolved waves between the two reanalyses, making trend analyses unreliable.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014
To challenge the hypothesis that equatorial waves in the lower stratosphere are essentially forced by convection, we use the LMDz atmospheric model extended to the stratosphere and compare two versions having very different convection schemes but no quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO). The two versions have realistic time mean precipitation climatologies but very different precipitation variabilities. Despite these differences, the equatorial stratospheric Kelvin waves at 50 hPa are almost identical in the two versions and quite realistic. The Rossby gravity waves are also very similar but significantly weaker than in observations. We demonstrate that this bias on the Rossby gravity waves is essentially due to a dynamical filtering occurring because the model zonal wind is systematically westward. During a westward phase of the QBO, the ERA-Interim Rossby gravity waves compare well with those in the model. These results suggest that (i) in the model the effect of the convection scheme on the waves is in part hidden by the dynamical filtering, and (ii) the waves are produced by other sources than equatorial convection. For the Kelvin waves, this last point is illustrated by an Eliassen and Palm flux analysis, showing that in the model they come more from the subtropics and mid-latitude regions, whereas in the ERA-Interim reanalysis the sources are more equatorial. We show that non-equatorial sources are also significant in reanalysis data sets as they explain the presence of the Rossby gravity waves in the stratosphere. To illustrate this point, we identify situations with large Rossby gravity waves in the reanalysis middle stratosphere for dates selected when the stratosphere is dynamically separated from the equatorial troposphere. We refer to this process as a stratospheric reloading.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
Compensation between the resolved wave (RW) forcing and the parameterized orographic gravity wave drag (OGWD) accompanying barotropic/baroclinic (BT/BC) instability in the realistic atmosphere is investigated using Climate Forecast System Reanalysis data in the Northern Hemisphere winter stratosphere. When sufficiently narrow and/or strong negative OGWD drives instability, RWs are generated in situ, providing positive Eliassen–Palm flux divergence that compensates for the parameterized OGWD enhancement; this is consistent with the findings of previous studies based on the idealized general circulation models. However, dependence of the compensation rate on RW forcing differs from the nearly complete compensation in the previous studies, implying that an additional mechanism operates for the compensation: the refractive-index modification by BT/BC instability. The negative meridional gradient of the quasigeostrophic potential vorticity leads to the negative refractive index squared f...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2003
A stratosphere-mesosphere model is used to investigate the response of the northern-hemisphere stratospheric ow regime to changes in tropospheric wave forcing and equatorial wind direction. An ensemble approach is employed to assess changes in variability. The ow regime of the modelled atmosphere is broadly determined by the strength of the imposed tropospheric forcing. However, there exists a region of parameter space, where the tropospheric forcing is intermediate, in which the tropospheric control of the stratospheric response is substantially weakened. Under these circumstances the ambient background ow of the stratosphere into which the tropospheric planetary waves propagate is important. We de ne three ow regimes based upon the likelihood of stratospheric warming events, which may have a correspondence in the real atmosphere. With low tropospheric forcing major warming events never occur. With strong tropospheric forcing major warmings always occur. With intermediate forcing, which we suggest may be the case for most of the time in the northern hemisphere, there is reduced tropospheric control, greater uncertainty in the stratospheric response and an increased window of opportunity for in uence from other factors such as early-winter initial conditions, the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) and possibly the solar cycle. We emphasize the importance of using Eliassen-Palm (EP) ux diagnostics not only to examine the extent of 'wave activity' but also to examine where the interaction of the waves with the mean ow is strongest. The latter suggests that ow modi cation in the upper stratosphere as the Aleutian high is developing is a key aspect of the early stages of the stratospheric warming. The model shows strong evidence that the ow in the mid and upper stratosphere modi es the EP uxes at the lower boundary and that the wave uxes through the lower boundary should be considered as part of the response to forcing rather than as the forcing per se. We also highlight the role of travelling anticyclones in the build up of the Aleutian high, the subsequent sudden stratospheric warming and, hence, the modelled variability. These anticyclones are features of the subtropical upper stratosphere with maximum amplitude at the stratopause. Warm disturbed winters are associated with travelling anticyclones that have larger amplitude than average and are more effective in penetrating polewards.
Annales Geophysicae, 2010
Three datasets (the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis, the ERA-40 reanalysis and the LMDz-GCM), are used to analyze the relationships between large-scale dynamics of the stratosphere and the tropospheric planetary waves during the Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. First, a crossspectral analysis clarifies the time scales at which downward propagation of stratospheric anomalies occurs in the lowfrequency band (that is at periods longer than 50 days). At these periods the strength of the polar vortex, measured by the 20-hPa Northern Annular Mode (NAM) index and the wave activity flux, measured by the vertical component of the Eliassen-Palm flux (EPz) from both the troposphere and the stratosphere, are significantly related with each other and in lead-lag quadrature. While, in the low-frequency band of the downward propagation, the EPz anomalies of the opposite sign around NAM extremes drive the onset and decay of NAM events, we found that the EPz anomalies in the troposphere, are significantly larger after stratospheric vortex anomalies than at any time before. This marked difference in the troposphere is related to planetary waves with zonal wavenumbers 1-3, showing that there is a tropospheric planetary wave response to the earlier state of the stratosphere at low frequencies. We also find that this effect is due to anomalies in the EPz issued from the northern midlatitudes and polar regions.
Indo Nordic Authors' Collective, 2024
Transformaciones y retos de la educación en las artes y los diseños tomo 4, 2024
The Persian Gulf in History, 2009
The Samskrita Academy Madras 90th Anniversary Commemoration Volume, 2021
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Impious Dogs, Haughty Foxes and Exquisite Fish, 2019
Review of Ecumenical Studies Sibiu, 2016
Orígenes , 2019
DIW Economic Bulletin, 2016
Geographia Polonica, 2014
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2019
XELB: revista de …, 2010