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2007, In H. Richard, M. Magny, C. Mordant (a cura di), Environnements et cultures à l’âge du bronze en Europe occidentale. Éditions CTHS, Paris: 387-395.
9 pages
1 file
The Coste Vicoi – Fontana Bracchi site is located on a small hilly spur which overlooks Sacco's river valley. Excavations carried out in the Eighties brought to light two structures with several attached areas whose interpretation is uncertain. An overall re-examination of the eterogeneous found ceramic fragments provided precise information regarding the chronological periods of the site proto-historic occupation. It seems rather unlikely that the two structures were used continuously until historical ages. Some pottery fragments found in structure n.1 date back to Middle Bronze Age and Recent Bronze Age. The structure n. 2 gave back a larger quantity of fragments, among which some carinate bowls that seem datable to a chronological period of Middle Bronze Age, while other carinate bowls and the truncated cone bowl seem to be attributable to Recent Bronze Age. The bowl's neck can be compared with the fragments referred to Grotta Nuova facies, while the decorations are compared with the so-called " Gruppo del Boschetto ". According to the fragments studied before, the structure had been dated back mainly to Final Bronze Age-Iron Age, but the re-examination of the materials let us suppose that the area was continuously occupied from M.B.A. to F.B.A. It may be possible that the area was previously occupied because of the presence of a spool handle seddled on the top, datable to the late Ripoli facies. [The Protohistoric site of Coste Vicoi – Colleferro (Roma).]
Archeologia e Calcolatori, 2015
The authors analyze, as a sample-area, the region that includes the municipality of Mogoro, in central-western Sardinia, with the objective to reconstruct, through the study of the settlements and their relationships, some economic and social aspects of the human groups of nuragic culture that inhabited this area between the 18th and the 8th century BC. The territory is located at the foot of Monte Arci, along the Mogoro river that runs through the southern part of the plain of the Campidano of Oristano. The area has been intensively investigated from the half of the past century; an in-depth stratigraphic investigation was carried out since 1994 near the nuragic site of Cuccurada, the main center of an articulated territorial system including a rich network of monuments related to the nuragic civilization. The results are illustrated through various research methods: GIS, with the application of spatial analysis tools, and multivariate analysis (cluster and principal components ana...
Archeologia Laziale X, 1990
Quaderni di Archeologia del Veneto, 2009
Environnements et cultures à l'âge …, 2007
di qui in avanti "Archi") si è rivelato il più importante insediamento del Bronzo finale ("BF") e del primo Ferro sul versante adriatico dell' Abruzzo : a 160 m di quota, nella Valle del Sangro, dista attualmente 17 km dal mare. Gli scavi condotti negli anni '70 e '80 (Di Fraia, 1996) hanno portato all'individuazione di un fossato a sezione triangolare asimmetrica, largo da 8 a 10 m e profondo da 2,5 a 3,5 m. Il fatto che i livelli più bassi siano completamente argillosi con rari reperti indica un' originaria funzione di drenaggio e/o raccolta delle acque. Nei livelli medi e superiori il riempimento ha composizione totalmente diversa e stratificata ed è ricco di manufatti, carboni, ceneri, ossa, frammenti di intonaco o concotto : risulta perciò evidente l'utilizzazione del fossato quale discarica. A monte del fossato è stata messa in luce un'area di frequentazione, il cui suolo era formato da tritumi di ceramica e di intonaco e piccole pietre. A valle del fossato sono stati saggiati vari punti, in cui è stata individuata una stratigrafia spessa 100-120 cm, con caratteristiche diverse da quelle del fossato ; potrebbe trattarsi di una o più abitazioni, anche perché sul terreno sterile di base era steso un fitto vespaio di pietre.
La Sicilia Preistorica. Dinamiche interne e relazioni esterne, 2021
The examination of the toponyms adopted for the “new” settlements has remained marginalized in the context of the debate that in the last twenty years has led to a rift between classical archaeologists, divided between “deniers” and “overestimators” of the importance of the phenomenon migratory which, between the eighth and sixth centuries BC, influenced the life of Sicily and the West. A debate that did not involve the protohistoric sector very much. The study combined the reading of polionymes with the results of the latest archaeological, epi-graphic and numismatic analyzes, which have reconstructed ancient and recent data relating to the presence of natives in a new way. He also reconsidered the dictation of the historiographical sources in a more objective way. It was thus discovered that the names of Zancle, Naxos, Katana, Leontinoi, such as Līpára, Thapsos, Mégara, Ybla and Syraqosai attest to realities prior to the arrival of the Greeks, adopted by them and shared with the Natives. These new considerations oblige us to reflect, if not to cancel the concept of the limit between protohistoric and historical epochs
Archeologia dell'abitare. Insediamenti e organizzazione sociale prima della città. Ricerche e scavi. Atti del XIV Incontro di studi di Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria, volume I, Centro Studi di Preistoria e Archeologia, Milano, 2020
Nel contributo sono presentati i dati relativi all’organizzazione territoriale e insediativa, in rapporto alle caratteristiche fisiche del territorio e alle possibilità di sussistenza dell’area compresa tra le pendici meridionali dell’Etna e la piana di Catania. Sono presi in considerazione l’organizzazione dei villaggi, sia a livello territoriale che interna, le caratteristiche architettoniche delle strutture abitative e gli aspetti funzionali legati alle attività insediative, cercando di dare un quadro dello sviluppo dell’area nel periodo compreso tra l’età del rame e l’antica età del bronzo. In this paper, we will discuss the data relating to the territorial and settlement organization, taking into account the physical characteristics of the territory and the subsistence possibilities of the area between the southern slopes of Mount Etna and the Catania Plain. The organization of the villages, both at a territorial and internal level, the architectural characteristics of the housing structures and the functional aspects linked to the settlement activities are taken into consideration, trying to give a picture of the development of the area in the period between the Copper Age and the Early Bronze Age.
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History of Education Quarterly, 2020
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Revista de Direito Público da Economia - RDPE, 2024
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