4 Addressing Ecological
Set t ing of Target s
Obj ect ives
t hrough
t he
Louise Lieberknecht,1* Jeff A. Ardron,2 Ralph Wells,3 Natalie C. Ban,4 Mervyn
Lötter,5 Jose L. Gerhartz,6 David J. Nicolson7
Sanctuary 2Pacific Marine Analysis and Research Association 3University of British Columbia,
Centre for Applied Conservation Research 4University of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre 5Mpumalanga
Tourism & Parks Agency; Scientific Services 6WWF‐Canada 7Nature Conservancy of Canada
*Correspondence: E‐mail: Louise.Lieberknecht
Central to meeting the ecological objectives of a reserve network is that its spatial conservation
targets are adequately determined and met. There are a number of approaches to setting
conservation feature targets in Marxan, dependent on the ecological objectives and the available
information. Often, it is appropriate to set broad scale representation targets for habitat or biotope
classifications that cover the entire region (the coarse filter), and then set additional targets for
spatially discreet individual features (the fine filter). Proportional targets for coarse filter features,
such as habitat classifications, can be set the same for all classes for the feature (e.g., 10%), or can
be scaled depending on the overall abundance of each feature class, with rarer ones given higher
proportional targets than more abundant ones (see Box 4.1). For individual fine filter features,
minimum viable population sizes and species/area curves can help define targets, when such
information is available (see Section 4.3.2). Higher targets should be set for features of particular
conservation concern (defined using explicit criteria such as rarity, decline, and threat). Existing
protection measures (spatial and non‐spatial) should influence how targets are set, and existing
legal frameworks and political commitments may contain general targets as a required starting
point. A trans‐regional perspective will often influence targets, e.g., a feature that is rare in one
planning region might be common in an adjacent region, and therefore be treated differently from
a feature that is globally rare. In almost all cases, expert knowledge and opinion will be valuable
in helping to define those targets or target ranges that are most likely to achieve ecological
objectives (see Section 4.3.3 and Box 4.2). Where there is some uncertainty on this matter, it can
be helpful to explore a range of targets to develop different scenarios.
Good systematic conservation planning requires explicit objectives formulated into a
well‐defined problem (see Chapter 1: Introduction). In the context of Marxan, this chapter
discusses the development of feature targets based on such ecological objectives. This is
but one, albeit very important, aspect of translating Ecological goals into objectives
which can then be quantified. In subsequent chapters, there is an outline of how other
settings can be used in Marxan to address other design considerations (see Chapter 5:
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Reserve Design Considerations); and, how to incorporate socio‐economic objectives (see
Chapter 6: Addressing Socioeconomic Objectives).
Broad goals and specific objectives 4 of a project should be stated at the outset, and then
used to formulate the conservation planning problem. Moving from general goals to
quantifiable specific objectives is an important step in using Marxan, which can deal
with some specific objectives explicitly and exactly, but others require interpretation, or
require some imagination. Central to this problem specification is the determination of
feature targets.
A conservation feature is a measurable, spatially definable component of biodiversity
that is to be conserved within a reserve network. Conservation features can be defined at
different levels of ecological scale, e.g., it is possible to protect species, communities,
habitat types, populations, and genetic subtypes. In a Marxan analysis, each
conservation feature is given a target, which is the amount of the conservation feature to
be included within the reserve network, e.g., 10 000 ha of a habitat, or 30% of its original
extent, or one occurrence. 5
How conservation features and targets are incorporated into a Marxan analysis is a
reflection of the ecological objectives of the reserve network. For example, if there is a
representation objective to include the full regional range of habitats within the network,
then a regional habitat classification layer would be included in the analysis with each
class incorporated as a specific conservation feature, for which targets would be set (e.g.,
10% of each habitat type (see Box 4.1). If another objective is to adequately protect a
particularly endangered mammal, then the species itself might be included as an
additional conservation feature, with the minimum viable population size as a target.
Alternatively, it might be more appropriate to use a habitat of importance to the species
as a conservation feature (e.g., foraging habitat), and set a target of a given number of
How conservation features are selected, and their targets set, will depend on the type,
scale, quality and quantity of the available ecological datasets that relate to them. In
practice, the availability of good quality spatial data will often limit what conservation
features and targets can be used. Ecological datasets come in many forms: point samples
of species occurrences, observation records, abundances, species distribution maps
(binary maps or probability of occurrence maps), habitat maps, habitat suitability maps,
Note that there is some semantic confusion in the literature about goals and objectives. In this
handbook, goals will be considered as broader and more general, while objectives are more
specific and quantifiable.
These terms are not to be confused with terminology used by The Nature Conservancy, which
uses the word target to mean the term conservation feature as used in this handbook.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
numbers of individuals or numbers of species recorded on grid squares, probability of
occurrence, etc. Perhaps one of the greatest challenges is integrating and pre‐processing
the various available data, so each conservation feature is summarised in a single
unified dataset, associated with the planning units (see Chapter 7: Assessing and Managing
Data and Chapter 8: Ensuring Robust Analysis). If a probability surface is used, the
probability values can be used as a surrogate for abundance, with total “abundance”
being the sum of the probability surface in the study area. A good practice is to
document not just the conservation features and targets that are used, but also the
rationale(s) behind their selection.
4 .3 .1 H ow coa r se a nd fin e filt e r t a r ge t s w or k t oge t h e r
Coarse filter features are those that cover most or all of the planning area and usually
represent habitats, biomes, or higher level species communities. For example, a
representation target of, say, 25% for a vegetation class may protect an estimated 75% of
all species found within this vegetation class. This is a coarse filter, as it is not
considering any single species, per se, but rather a general grouping that usually occur
together. The further inclusion of targets for fine scale or point locality data for selected
species or habitats, refines this coarse filter approach, to include those critical areas
where taxa of particular conservation concern are known (or likely) to occur. Criteria to
select fine filter conservation features are various, and can include conservation features
with special habitats not adequately represented through a coarse filter, such as rare,
threatened or endangered species; keystone or umbrella species; endemic species; or
species which have a disproportionate influence on their surrounding environment.
In some cases, coarse filter features are distributed across a study area with a broad
range of sizes. For example, a seabed habitat classification might include large swathes
of sandy areas, punctuated by small patches of rocky reef. In such instances, if targets of
equal proportions are applied to all features, then the network can become dominated
by vast swaths of common, likely less threatened features, and protecting such large
common features may not be the best use of limited conservation resources (see Box 4.1).
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Box 4.1: One approach for scaling coarse filter targets
Protecting 30% of a habitat covering 1 000 000 hectares is a considerably larger
undertaking than protecting 30% of a more unusual habitat covering 1000 hectares,
Ideally, adequacy data (e.g., species‐habitat curves – see below) should be used to select
appropriate percentages. However, for coarse filter features, these data are seldom if
ever available, particularly in the marine environment. In such cases, other approaches
should be explored to scale proportional targets based on the overall abundance of the
conservation features.
One approach to contending with multi‐scalar features is to normalise the spatial data
using a square root transformation (just as species populations can often be normalised
using a logarithmic transformation), and then scaling representation targets roughly in
proportion to the square‐root of the ratio of representative features’ overall areas. Thus,
within a given feature class (e.g., benthic habitats, or marine biomes), for any two
features (x & y), protection would be such that:
(xp / yp) ≈ (xt / yt)0.5
...where the subscript “p” represents the area protected of a given feature and the
subscript “t” represents the total area of a given feature in the network. Put another way,
the distribution of targets for multiple representative features of the same general kind
should fall within a continuum roughly proportional to the square root of their
respective total areas.
In the above example, if 30% of the 1000 hectare feature is protected (i.e., 300 ha) then
according to the formula, we would expect about 9500 hectares of the common one
million hectare feature to be protected, 6 which works out to be about 9.5%. So, perhaps a
10% target would be set for the larger feature and a 30% target for the smaller one.
Statistical assumptions behind this concept are discussed by Ardron (2008).
Whether it is appropriate to scale representation targets, such as suggested here, will
depend on the ecological objectives of the network. For example, Johnson et al. (2008)
point out that marine species associated with more common habitats will likely recruit
from protected as well as unprotected sites, but that those associated with less common
habitats will be more reliant on the dispersed “stepping stones” of protected areas, and
thus proportionally more of those less‐common habitats should be protected. Likewise,
if a greater emphasis is put on protecting rare or unusual features, or if it is
pragmatically unrealistic to protect very large areas, then scaling the targets could be
appropriate. On the other hand, if the representation objective is to faithfully reflect the
natural relative abundances of all representative features across the network, then it may
not be appropriate to include a higher proportion of rarer features.
That is, 300 ha * (1 000 000/1000)0.5 = 9487 ha.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
4 .3 .2 H ow m u ch is e n ough? Via bilit y a sse ssm e nt s, spe cie s- a r e a cur ve s, a n d
e x pe r t opin ion
Ideally, we would inform minimum targets for individual species using detailed
viability assessments – e.g., a reserve system should include enough habitat for 1000
Mountain Zebras (Ferrar and Lötter 2007). For individual species, the absolute values of
targets may be guided by knowledge on minimum viable population sizes (MVPs).
Where available, species‐area curves can be helpful guidance in the setting of targets for
the required areas of different communities / habitats / biomes to be placed under
protection (Desmet and Cowling 2004, Pryce et al. 2006). The principle is that enough
area should be protected to ensure that the characteristic species of a community or
biome are likely to be included; however, the details of implementation can be
complicated (Tjørve 2003), and the way that a curve was developed will influence how it
should be used (Scheiner 2003). Generally, as more area is set aside, the rate of
increasing ecological benefits for the given species community or biome will begin to
flatten (see Figure 4.1), and somewhere in this flattening section is where a target should
be set. One “rule of thumb” is to locate the region of the curve where 1/10 increase in
area gives 1/10 increase in species (Cain 1938). Other related curves consider larval
dispersal, pollination distances, species range, and so forth.
Figure 4.1: Species area curve (from Pryce et al. 2006)
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Unfortunately, especially in the marine realm, such data are usually unavailable and
expert opinion is often the only substitute. In discussions with experts, it is helpful to
understand what is considered to be a minimum viable patch size, and what would be
considered a minimum network size to ensure ecological goals such as genetic diversity.
Spatially relevant issues such as patch separation, terrestrial corridors / marine larval
dispersal distances, and life history stages should also be discussed and translated into
spatial targets, if known and when appropriate (see Section 4.3 ‐ Setting Meaningful
Targets and Box 4.1).
4 .3 .3 Ex pe r t a dvice a nd pe e r r e vie w
The choice of ecological targets used in an analysis could have far‐reaching implications,
and will have to be defended, perhaps in a court of law. The initial selection of ecological
targets by the analysis team should incorporate expert and sometimes also stakeholder
input (see Chapter 10: Using Marxan in Multi‐Stakeholder Planning Processes). Box 4.1
shows the questionnaire that was used in a series of expert workshops to inform marine
conservation planning processes in British Columbia (BC), Canada. Good practice is to
aim for agreement on a range of plausible target values. However, many experts are not
comfortable with the use of numerical target values, and/or tend to overvalue their own
particular areas of research. Thus the task of balancing the numeric values for all
ecological targets in the analysis may ultimately reside with the core analysis team.
During refinements, it can be very helpful to consider the relative target values of
conservation features as a related set rather than absolute values for individual features.
In earlier BC analyses, protection targets for features were first ranked relatively using
quantitative terms (low, mod‐low, moderate, mod‐high, high, very high) and then
afterwards various numerical targets were applied to these terms in different scenarios
(Ardron et al. 2000, Ardron 2003, 2008).
Box 4.2: Expert workshops to assist in setting targets
The British Columbia Marine Conservation Analysis (BCMCA, www.bcmca.ca) has
taken an expert‐based approach to selecting features and setting targets. To do this, the
project team organized one‐day themed expert workshops (for ecological themes
including seabirds, marine plants, fishes, invertebrates, and marine mammals). After an
introduction to the project, each workshop was dedicated to filling out worksheets
based on the questions listed below.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Marine Feature
List the unique species/ecological features from this dataset (e.g.,
species, families, groupings of species or of species habitats) that
require individual consideration in the BCMCA. You may also wish to
delineate features by season/ region or both.
Justification for classifying
features or treating them
Target (range)
The type of measure that
will be used to capture
the marine feature (e.g.,
Percent of current extent
of feature in study area,
percent of current
population, number of
The amount of the feature required for
meeting the BCMCA's 4 ecological
objectives: (1) Represent the diversity of
BC's marine ecosystems (2) maintain viable
populations of native species; (3) sustain
ecological and evolutionary processes; (4)
build a conservation network that is resilient
to environmental change. Ranges should
span minimum to preferred amounts.
Patch Size
Minimum size of
needed to
Other Ecological
How many unique
patches are needed
to ensure long-term
safeguard against
The minimum
distance that
distinct patches of
a feature should be
from one another
(consider dispersal
e.g., connectivity,
ecosystem linkages,
dynamics, special
Spatially georeferenced
data that captures the
location of the features.
Preference will be given
to digital data. This list
need not be inclusive but
should represent the best
available data for
science-driven analyses.
description of
type (point
line or
Data provider/
c Extent of
stored with
the spatial
How should this dataset (or combined datasets) be processed/prepared for use in Marxan?
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Box 4.3: Lessons from the expert workshops
By Karin Bodtker, BCMCA
The BCMCA found that completing worksheets (see Box 4.2) worked better in some
workshops than others. In general, they had greater success completing the worksheet
under these conditions:
Features were relatively easy to itemize on a species–by‐species basis.
The range of experts in attendance covered the full range of species groups being
The experts in attendance either held the data they were recommending for the
BCMCA project or they had good knowledge of them.
There were no prior misconceptions about Marxan.
The BCMCA found that even though they had developed clear ecological objectives for
Marxan scenarios, many experts were uncomfortable recommending target ranges for
features because they usually had little or no evidence to support their
recommendations. In hindsight, these three suggestions may help to solicit clearer
responses from experts:
Develop materials on examples of real‐world Marxan analyses. From these, discuss a
range of scenario objectives, itemized features, targets and results.
Acknowledge that peer reviewed science that prescribes targets based on specific
objectives largely does not exist and in order to move forward the project is trying to
ascertain reasonable target ranges based on expert knowledge of the relevant
ecological features.
Emphasize that a range of targets will be explored, acknowledging that a single
“right” number probably does not exist.
Furthermore, BCMCA held workshops at different times with different attendees and
facilitators over a ten month period. While the format for the workshops was the same
(large group plenary and small group break‐out sessions with 4‐6 experts in each small
group), there were different approaches taken by different groups for identifying
features or targets, possibly the result of “group‐think.”
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Box 4.4: An alternative to expert workshops to assist in setting targets
Dave Nicolson, Black Coffee Consulting
An alternative approach to workshops with worksheets would be to hold a workshop
focused on identifying features and data sources to populate those features, and
introducing the topic of targets, followed by a Delphi survey/questionnaire to help set
targets for each of the features. Invited experts would independently assign targets for
all identified features, then be shown the average target and range of targets from all
experts and be given an opportunity to revise their responses. Benefits of this approach
reduced group‐think bias;
experts know the metrics that the data support prior to assigning targets;
efficient use of participants time; and
all experts have equal opportunity to contribute.
Difficulties of this approach include:
low response rate when soliciting expert feedback by questionnaire;
time lapse between explanation of targets and request for target recommendations
(i.e., experts forget or are unsure and do not respond as a result); and
Opinions on features and targets beyond participant expertise.
4 .3 .4 Con se r va t ion st a t u s a s a pr ox y for t a r ge t - se t t in g
The conservation status of species and habitats (e.g., IUCN, or national red lists, globally
or regionally at risk) can be used to inform priorities and set targets for individual
features. Criteria that are commonly used to develop these lists include threat, recent or
historical declines, rarity, endemism, or proportional importance, and features that fall
into these criteria sometimes receive higher percentage targets. Where species or
habitats have declined in extent, data on historic distributions may be available. These
can be used to guide setting targets for what remains, as a proportion of its historic
abundance. Knowledge on the causes of declines can also help inform target setting. For
example, where estuary fish populations are threatened by river obstructions, the
ecological objective may be to protect one whole un‐dammed river length from
catchment to sea, and the target would be a specified length of unaltered aquatic habitat
containing headwater, tributary and mainstream elements.
The use of conservation status to direct fine filter targets risks that the emphasis of fine
filter protection could rest on rare and threatened features, and these alone are very
unlikely to ensure a healthy functioning ecosystem. Therefore, good practice dictates
that other considerations such as ecological significance (e.g., keystone species for fine
filter targets) and representativity (for coarse filter targets) are also quantified.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Box 4.5: Tracking “optional features” in the analysis
Sometimes there may be features of possible secondary interest that are not directly
relevant to the declared ecological objectives of the analysis. These can still be included
in the analysis by setting their target and/or penalty factors to zero. Marxan will not try
to collect them, but the tabular outputs will allow the user to track how much was
included. Alternatively, giving a feature a much lower than usual (but non‐zero) penalty
factor and/or target will allow it to “tip the scales” in situations when two planning units
are otherwise calculated as being equal. However, good practice dictates that such fine‐
tuning only occurs after the more important features and their targets have already been
sorted out (see Section 4.4 ‐ Targets and Trade‐Offs).
4 .3 .5 Ex ist ing pr ot e ct ion le ve ls
If a user “locks in” existing spatially protected areas, current protection levels for
features within those areas will be accounted for in an analysis.
However, when a particular feature is already protected through non‐spatial measures,
such as stringent quotas, this cannot be directly accounted for in a Marxan analysis. If
such a feature is to be given spatial protection, then the benefit it is already deriving
from existing non‐spatial protection can mean that a lower spatial target will provide
sufficient overall protection. This will depend on the ecological objective, bearing in
mind it can be hard to accurately quantify the effectiveness of non‐spatial measures and
translate them into a spatial equivalent.
4 .3 .6 Le ga l fr a m e w or k or m a n da t e
Many countries are signatories to conventions or subject to legislation that require a
certain proportion of particular species / habitats to be preserved (e.g., the European
Community’s Birds and Habitats Directives). This will provide a starting point for
setting ecological targets, as well as making them defensible publicly and in a court of
law; however, caution is advised, as a legal target may not match what is ecologically
required. If there appears to be a discrepancy in this regard, running two sets of
scenarios (the “legal” and the “ecological”) can help visually demonstrate the differences
in the possible solutions to stakeholders and decision‐makers. Likewise, some
organisations have mission statements that commit them to certain targets. Again, these
can be run alongside targets based on project‐specific ecological assessments, as well as
those created by other stakeholders, government policy, or legal requirements (see Box
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Box 4.6: The policy side of setting targets
By George F. Wilhere, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Target development should be informed by science, but it should not be freed from
economic concerns or removed from political discourse (Wilhere 2008). 7 Those who
develop conservation targets within the context of a planning process without
acknowledging the nexus with economics and ethics are possibly guilty of “stealth”
policy advocacy (Lackey 2007). 8
To avoid inadvertent stealth policy advocacy, Wilhere (2008) makes the following
recommendations: Scientists should understand that (1) conservation targets are
ultimately expressions of acceptable risk; i.e., how much of a gamble are you willing to
make? (2) attitudes toward anthropogenic extinction risk are based on ethical values,
and (3) ethical value judgments are outside the realm of science. Therefore, when
scientists base a conservation assessment on a set of subjective targets, they should
clearly state that it represents just one policy option from a wider range of potential
options. Whenever practical, scientists should do conservation assessments for a range
of targets, even including targets that might make conservation biologists
uncomfortable. Scientists should refrain from favouring a particular set of a priori targets
within the published assessment, except for indicating how well these targets would be
expected to meet the conservation objectives of the process. When the data are available,
conservation biologists should ideally work with economists to estimate the relative
costs of different risk levels, including information about absolute and marginal costs.
Extinction risk could be framed in terms of cost–benefit trade‐offs, while still
recognizing the decision as ultimately an ethical dilemma.
4 .3 .7 Tr a n s- r e giona l pla n nin g
Noting the proportional importance or degree of endemism of a species within a study
region may assist in setting targets and in edge‐matching of conservation plans,
particularly if the regions follow administrative rather than ecological boundaries, or in
ecological regions where it is not possible to run one single assessment. For example, a
species that is rare in a particular region may be at the edge of its geographical range,
and well represented (and protected) in an adjacent region: such a species should
generally be given a lower target than a globally rare species. Usually it is good practice
to preserve species in the core of their geographical range, i.e., their “strongholds;”
however in some cases it might be appropriate to consider targets for species at the edge
of their geographical range, if it is known that the distribution is shifting in that
direction; e.g., due to climate change.
Wilhere, G.F. 2008. The how‐much‐is‐enough myth. Conservation Biology 22: 514‐517.
Lackey, R. T. 2007. Science, scientists, and policy advocacy. Conservation Biology 21: 12–17.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Where the geographical range of feature classes spans multiple planning regions, and it
is not possible to run a single assessment for all regions together, setting the same
representativity targets for the different feature classes in adjacent regions, irrespective
of their relative abundance within each region, will ensure some degree of consistency
between the plans covering adjacent areas. Such consistency can be important to
stakeholders, whereby all regions are seen to be treated equally, which is interpreted to
mean “fairly.” Ecologically, however, this is usually not ideal, as it disregards ecological
differences between regions and good practice would dictate attempting to take these
differences into account, when practicable.
4 .4 .1 I t e r a t ive pla n n in g
Achieving broad ecosystem goals, and thus all ecological objectives and Marxan targets
that flow from them, should be considered central to any ecosystem‐based analysis.
However, pragmatic considerations often require trade‐offs to be made. In exploring
trade‐offs, it is a good practice to iteratively explore a range of plausible targets, to
document the pros and cons, and the reasoning behind the decisions ultimately made.
For example, if experts are unable to agree on a target for a conservation feature, it can
be helpful to run different scenarios, exploring these differences. It may be found that
they do not make much difference to the reserve design. Or, if they do change the
solutions dramatically, then this clearly indicates an area where more research or
additional advice is required (see Section 8.4 ‐ Sensitivity Analysis).
Likewise, it can be important for stakeholders to understand that changing some targets
may not impact outcomes significantly, because targets for other objectives are driving
overall outcomes. Since it is often not possible to be certain if a particular target will
meet the criteria of adequacy (of conserving viable populations, for example), it is
important to communicate other (higher or lower risk) options may exist, so that
stakeholders understand the tradeoffs (see Chapter 10: Using Marxan in Multi‐Stakeholder
Planning Processes).
4 .4 .2 W e igh t ing t a r ge t s t h r ou gh t h e spe cie s pe na lt y fa ct or
Promising Marxan solutions should be evaluated in light of meeting their ecological
targets, and initially the two most likely issues will be:
Under‐representation: When not all targets were achieved, what was the shortfall?
Was it ecologically / statistically significant? Does this indicate that the target was
unrealistic? Should the target be lowered, or alternatively, does increasing the
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
species penalty factor 9 correct this shortfall? What impact does making those
adjustments have on the new Marxan solutions overall?
Over‐representation: Were targets overachieved? This can mean that the solution is
not spatially efficient and the associated species penalty factor could be adjusted
downwards. What impact does making those adjustments have on the new Marxan
solutions overall?
As indicated above, the user can decide how important it is to meet the target for a
specific conservation feature through adjustment of the species penalty factor. Initially,
it ought to be set the same for all features in an analysis. If some targets are not being
met for some conservation features, these may be iteratively given a higher species
penalty factor than others, in order for all targets to be met (see Section 8.3.1 ‐ Iterations).
Some practitioners may hesitate to do this, reasoning that each conservation feature and
its ecological objective (hence target) is considered equally important. However, it may
be that some conservation features are more costly / difficult to obtain than others, and
with a flat penalty factor their targets will not be met. If including these features is a
necessary objective, then their species penalty factor will have to be increased (or, their
costs decreased; or, the factors for other features decreased). Philosophically, the use of
equal penalty factors assumes a “flat” ecological hierarchy, which can be difficult to
defend, since it goes against the commonly accepted notions of the heightened
ecological importance of keystones species, the intrinsic value in protecting rarity, etc.
Regardless of which decision is taken, good practice dictates that the underlying
reasoning for such decisions be clearly explained. Further guidance on setting the
species penalty factor is given in the Marxan User Manual and in Chapter 8: Ensuring
Robust Analysis.
4 .4 .3 Adj u st in g t a r ge t s ba se d on pr a gm a t ic conside r a t ions
A decision may be taken to lower some targets. For example, if targets are set to
represent a percentage of each broad habitat within a study area, even if that percentage
is low, it may only be possible for Marxan to meet those targets by selecting very large
areas ‐ especially if additional constraints are included in the analysis (e.g., locked in
areas or fine filter targets for individual species, as discussed above). In such
circumstances, the outcome may not be politically or practically achievable, and such
targets that drive selection towards large swaths of area may have to be lowered. For the
purposes of decision‐making, a final product may include a number of reserve scenarios
created based on the same conservation features but a variety of different targets for the
features (e.g., 10%, 20%, 30%, etc.), reflecting differing levels of protection, differing
conservation costs, and differing risks to species viability and ecological integrity.
The species penalty factor (SFP) can be applied to any kind of feature, including species, but
also habitats, biomes, etc. To clarify this, some users instead use the term conservation penalty
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
It may be impractical to achieve all ecological objectives. Difficult trade‐offs often have
to be made by decision makers and planners, which are ultimately borne by the wider
stakeholders and public; i.e., society. That is not to say that scientists and
conservationists should not continue to argue their case for ecological objectives.
Presenting to planners and decision makers a variety of output solutions illustrating
trade‐offs with other activities or interests is good practice.
Marxan outputs can be compared with solutions from other conservation planning tools,
such as C‐Plan (see Carwardine et al. 2006) or Zonation (http://www.helsinki.fi/
bioscience/consplan/). These can suggest other solutions to difficult trade‐offs.
It may be enlightening to compare solutions to random surfaces, in order to measure the
ratio of efficiency (e.g., 30 times more efficient than random chance), which can also help
build confidence that the tool is working as it should despite the difficult trade‐offs.
As always, the rationale behind the Marxan trade‐offs and the ultimate decisions taken
should be transparent and documented, ideally with the relevant authorities
accountable for their decisions.
More detailed guidance on evaluating Marxan outputs is provided in Chapter 9:
Interpreting and Communicating Outputs.
4 .5 .1 Ga ps in qua lit y a nd cove r a ge of spa t ia l da t a
The ecological importance of a feature has to be balanced with the quality of its data.
Weak or incomplete data should not be “driving” the analysis.
It may be tempting to include all conservation features for which there is some data, but
if particular datasets are very weak, it may be preferable not to include them at all.
However, if a feature is rare or otherwise important, then perhaps including incomplete
or weak data will be judged as being better than using none at all. In such cases, it is
generally good practice to assign the weaker dataset a lower than normal species
penalty factor. It’s a balancing act. Whatever the case, analysts and planners should
record the decision and its rationale.
Sampling bias is a common problem; the algorithm will gravitate towards data‐rich
areas, so that even those features that are more widely distributed and recorded will be
chosen in these data‐rich areas, if possible (see Chapter 7: Assessing and Managing Data). If
there are comprehensive surveys for a particular feature in one part of the region, and
not another, and it is decided to include it, then mitigating strategies will have to be
employed, such as breaking the study area into sub‐regions, and setting targets for
conservation features for both the entire study area and each of the regions in which
data are found (e.g., Pryce et al. 2006). If significantly different data collection methods
have been used in different places, then these might be better treated as separate
features. Sometimes, it is easier to run a separate analysis for smaller data‐rich regions.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
Where data are even but patchy then statistical models can be used to extrapolate
distributional data for features evenly across the region (Rondini et al. 2005).
When there are no data for conservation features to inform targets for a particular
ecological objective, then a surrogate or modelled surface should be used if possible.
In terms of good practice, it is important to understand the actual effects of using
incomplete or varying datasets, make an informed decision, and to communicate the
trade‐offs clearly, especially if important ecological objectives cannot be addressed.
More advice on data preparation is given in Chapter 7: Assessing and Managing Data and
Chapter 8: Ensuring Robust Analysis.
4 .5 .2 Ga ps in scie n t ific k n ow le dge
Even with good knowledge on the distribution of features, it is often not known what
targets are necessary in order to achieve ecological objectives. In some cases, there may
be very specific scientific evidence that can be used, e.g., minimum viable population
sizes, or the minimum area of a habitat required for foraging for individuals of a
particular species. However, such cases are the exception. It is usually hard to come up
with definite figures such as a percentage of the total area of a habitat that should be
placed under protection in order to ensure its integrity and persistence. No matter what
value is chosen, some species inevitably will fare better than others. In such cases, the
exploration of plausible ranges of values may be more meaningful, and often can
highlight likely compromises. Plotting the cost of the overall network versus the upper
and lower range values of the targets can indicate if there are non‐linear relationships to
be considered, where the network is relatively “cheap” up to a certain point, and then
becomes costly.
Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through the setting of Targets
5 Reserve Design Considerat ions
Mervyn Lötter,1* Louise Lieberknecht,2 Jeff A. Ardron,3 Ralph Wells,4 Natalie C.
Ban,5 David J. Nicolson,6 Jose L. Gerhartz7
Tourism & Parks Agency; Scientific Services 2Finding Sanctuary 3Pacific Marine Analysis and
Research Association
of British Columbia, Centre for Applied Conservation Research
of British Columbia, Fisheries Centre 6Nature Conservancy of Canada 7WWF‐Canada
*Correspondence: E‐mail: mervyn.lotter
In addition to setting ecological targets (see Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological Objectives through
the Setting of Targets), there are a number of spatial reserve design considerations that can be
addressed using Marxan. These include options to set minimum patch sizes for specific features
(to allow for the capture of ecological processes that operate at known spatial scales), and to
specify a minimum distance between and number of replications of patches for specific features (to
allow the incorporation of an “insurance factor” against local catastrophic events). One of the
most complex issues in conservation planning is ecological connectivity; this can be partially
addressed by choosing appropriate boundary length modifier (BLM) values and planning unit
shapes, as well as modifying the boundary file to bias the algorithm towards selecting specific sets
of spatially separated planning units together. The main obstacle to the adequate incorporation of
ecological connectivity into the planning process, however, remains the lack of spatially explicit
knowledge about connectivity at broad ecological scales. No single tool can consider all ecological
aspects, and for those that are not easily delineated spatially, other tools could be used in
conjunction with Marxan.
In addition to the setting of ecological targets (see Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological
Objectives through the Setting of Targets), Marxan allows for several other reserve network
design considerations to be incorporated. This chapter outlines these considerations and
how they relate to Marxan functionalities, which together with well chosen targets, can
help to achieve ecological objectives. Readers are also directed to the Marxan User
Manual, which discusses the operation of these features.
Within the framework of systematic conservation planning there are at least four general
classes of ecological objectives: representation, adequacy, efficiency and design
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
(Possingham et al. 2006). 10 Representation objectives are about “getting a bit of
everything”. For example, the specific objective to conserve every habitat type is
primarily about representation, with little thought about adequacy and design.
Adequacy objectives focus on creating a reserve network that is sufficient to conserve
the conservation features in perpetuity. For example, the specific objective of conserving
a viable population of mammals emphasises adequacy. Ecological uncertainty in these
issues speaks to the need to understand trade‐offs (costs versus precaution) when
defining such objectives. The threat to particular areas, and allowing that threat to
modify decisions, can also be considered as part of adequacy objectives; e.g., to conserve
15% of the distribution of all types of coral reef, using those sites that are least
threatened by coral bleaching. Efficiency objectives focus on achieving ecological
objectives while still keeping the cost of the whole system small, where cost is often
measured in socio‐economic terms (see Chapter 6: Addressing Socioeconomic Objectives).
Finally, reserve design objectives address issues of spatial position, size and shape. For
example, we may wish to ensure all reserves are at least 1000 ha, or the whole system is
relatively compact (has a low edge to area ratio). Reserve design considerations may also
include issues such as replication and connectivity, as discussed below.
Connectivity (within the sea/landscape) is defined as “the degree to which the landscape
facilitates or impedes movement among resource patches” (Taylor et al. 1993). It is a
complicated issue, varying from feature to feature, and cannot be fully incorporated
using reserve selection tools currently available, including Marxan. However, some
aspects of it can be addressed. Brooks (2003) recognises two components to landscape
connectivity: structural and functional connectivity.
Structural connectivity is the spatial structure of a landscape and can be described from
map elements (e.g., vegetation units). Ensuring clusters and corridors connecting
clusters across the landscape, assists in maintaining structural connectivity. In Marxan
changing the “boundary length modifier” (BLM) alters the relative importance of
maintaining structural connectivity.
The shape of planning units will also have an effect on structural connectivity. Multi‐
facetted (edged) planning units (e.g., hexagons) are often more efficient than a square
grid in creating reserves with low edge to area ratios. If unevenly sized planning units
are chosen, larger units will naturally be internally better connected than smaller ones,
but the chances of external connectivity (between planning units) is greater with smaller
units because they generally “cost” less to join together than larger units. On land,
10 There are several variations on this theme. For example, the OSPAR and HELCOM regional
seas conventions consider four network criteria: representation, adaquacy, connectivity, and
replication (OSPAR 2007). The Convention on Biological Diversity is considering the four
OSPAR/HELCOM criteria, plus a fifth: Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (CBD 2008)
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
planning units are sometimes chosen to represent watersheds, which are inherently
internally connected. In the marine realm, however, such delineations are much less
clear, and regularly sized units are most often selected. In the Great Barrier Reef Marine
Park rezoning a decision was made that each coral reef would be a single planning unit
so, in general, whole reefs are either inside, or outside, the reserve system.
Functional connectivity recognises the response of individuals to landscape features (e.g.,
certain fish require continuous stretches of river for feeding and spawning). Functional
connectivity considers the biology and life history of the features concerned, and the
reality is that there may be very limited data available. Furthermore, connectivity
distances vary widely between species, and a “sink” for one may be a “source” for
another, making it difficult to address connectivity at a landscape or ecosystem scale (as
opposed to for individual species or populations).
In the marine environment, ocean currents are often used as a proxy for connectivity,
based on the fact that many species have a larval development phase, during which they
may disperse “passively” in currents. However, the actual dispersal patterns of marine
species can be strongly affected by larval behaviour, often resulting in shorter dispersal
distances than expected based on current strengths and direction (e.g., Leis 2002).
In the terrestrial environment, it may be possible to spatially define and map corridors
for individual features, such as migration routes along mountain passes. It may also be
possible to define probabilistic corridors in the marine environment. Spatial models can
be used to assist in predicting corridors; a least‐cost path analysis (such as available in
several GIS) is one approach. If there are known critical corridors or “bottlenecks” they
can be locked into the Marxan reserve system.
If there is reliable evidence of functional connectivity between two spatially separated
areas for a given feature, they can be given a common boundary in the boundary input
file. It does not matter if planning units do not actually share a boundary – if they share
a high boundary value in the input file, Marxan is effectively ʺtrickedʺ into treating them
as neighbours, and it will act to reduce boundary costs by selecting them together (see the
CLUZ website at www.mosaic‐conservation.org/cluz/). New versions of Marxan will
make this more explicit by calling the boundary length a “connectivity cost”. In effect,
the “connectivity cost” allows for the fact that the whole network is more than the sum
of its parts, and that spatial adjacency is just one form of connectivity, amongst others.
In Marxan, it is possible to define how large a patch of a particular feature must be in
order for it to count towards meeting its target. This can help ensure persistence and
integrity of the feature. Species area curves (Figure 4.1), or population viability analyses,
can be helpful in calculating minimum clump targets, if such data are available.
Minimum clump size targets can also ensure that dynamic ecological processes are
captured, which are otherwise difficult to add as features. For example, if we know that
most fires burn to around a certain size, the user may wish to make all reserves several
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
times that size so the chance that a whole park burns is very small, and each park
maintains a mosaic of successional stages. Similarly we may wish to set a minimum
clump size large enough to allow for plant‐pollinator interactions to continue.
Within the marine environment, it has been suggested that if clump sizes are too small,
most larvae will disperse beyond the protected areas, making populations within the
clusters unable to sustain themselves (Halpern and Warner 2003). However, there is
evidence for high levels of larval retention mechanisms in many marine environments,
such as coral reefs (e.g., Swearer 1999, Cowen et al. 2000, Leis 2002, Cowen et al. 2006).
Where there is good data available for the spatial scales of larval dispersal/retention, this
can help inform minimum clump size targets, as well as design considerations relating
to wider connectivity (see above). In general, however, marine organisms have a wide
variety of dispersal distances, and thus it is important in designating patch sizes to
consider whether there are neighbouring sites that can supply recruits (Johnson et al.
It is worth bearing in mind that increasing the BLM setting will increase the clump size
throughout the reserve network. This is of course different from specifying the
minimum clump size for individual conservation features, but in practice is often
sufficient. The effect of the BLM can readily be calculated in a GIS by merging
(“dissolving”) all of the selected reserve network units and calculating the average patch
size and other statistics, which can be compared with the required patch sizes to support
viable populations of conservation features. Setting minimum clump targets for
individual features increases Marxan processing time considerably, and it may also
result in some representation targets not being achieved (one solution may then be to
increase the species penalty values for those features not adequately represented). It is
important to understand such trade‐offs, and how they can affect final solutions, when
using minimum clump size targets.
To ensure long‐term persistence of some conservation features, a conservation area
network may require those features to be protected in multiple separate patches, spaced
apart from one another. Replication of features can:
spread risk against damaging events and long term change affecting individual sites;
ensure that natural variation in the feature is covered (either at a genetic level within
species or within habitat types);
increase the number of connections between sites and enhance connectivity in the
allow the establishment of replicate scientific reference areas; and,
allow for uncertainty in the identification of features, such that the greater the
uncertainty, the more replication is required to ensure the feature is likely being
protected (OSPAR 2007, p27).
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
To achieve this, the practitioner can set minimum distances between different protected
patches containing a particular feature. Additionally, the design can also ask for a given
number of replications of features within a reserve network. For example, in
Mpumalanga, South Africa, at least three replications of large montane grassland
patches (>15 000 hectares each) were required, with a minimum distance of 20 km
between these patches, so that they could not be contiguous (Ferrar and Lötter 2007).
Where separation distance and replication are used to provide an insurance against
disaster, areas containing the same features should be separated by sufficiently large
distances to offset the chance of a catastrophic event affecting more than one site. The
distances and number of replications required will vary depending on the nature of the
main threat(s), and the vulnerability of the features to those threats. Applying the
precautionary principle means increasing the number replicates when there is
uncertainty about data, for features that are particularly vulnerable, and in areas /
regions that are particularly threatened (e.g., for seabird feeding areas near major
shipping routes, where oil spills are more likely than elsewhere).
When using separation distance, it is important to be aware of the distance units being
used. If units and boundaries are measured in metres, then distance (separation) needs
to be measured in metres. Use of the separation distance option can also considerably
increase processing time.
Planners need to weigh the importance of insurance against catastrophic events against
considerations that may require distances between patches to be kept small, e.g.,
facilitating recolonisations in a metapopulation and ecological connectivity in general
(see above).
There are possible alternatives to the use of replication settings. In the Colombian
Caribbean the names (codes) of single conservation features were altered depending on
what part of the planning region they occurred in (e.g., feature1area1, feature1area2
etc.), and then targets were set for each “different” feature. That ensured a spread of the
feature across the protected area network, rather than it being represented in a single
clump (Alonso et al. 2008). In Cuba, a planning region was split into sub‐regions, each of
which was included as a conservation feature, assigning it a high penalty factor and
setting specific targets for each of the sub‐regions. This way reserves were replicated
across the entire planning region (Halidina et al. 2004). However, these approaches limit
to some degree the algorithm’s ability to spatially optimise solutions.
Because of the computational costs of the two Marxan parameters, clumping and
separation distance, we recommend that the user first try alternative methods such as
discussed in the previous paragraph.
Although Marxan does not select optimal portfolios according to specific reserve shapes,
the shape of the reserve network can be influenced by the boundary length modifier and
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
boundary cost values. The BLM acts to cluster units, so the higher the BLM, the more
Marxan tries to cluster them. If the boundary cost values are altered for certain planning
units, the algorithm will tend to cluster those sets which share higher cost boundaries.
By modifying boundary cost, it is possible to create solutions with different degrees of
fragmentation in different parts of a study region (see Box 5.1).
Box 5.1: Accounting for varying degrees of fragmentation in the landscape
In British Columbia, Canada, where there are a variety of open and constrained marine
water bodies, Ardron (2003, 2008) used boundary cost to fine‐tune the relative clumping
of hexagons in the analysis’ four Ecological Regions (inlets, passages, shelf, slope). To
determine this value the edge to area ratio of each of these regions was calculated to
inform an appropriate scalar. The non‐dimensional measure used was: (P2/A)0.5, where P
= total perimeter of region, and A = total area of the region. Altering the boundary costs
per region allowed for more fragmented solutions in areas constrained by geography,
such as inlets, but encouraged more clumped solutions in open waters, such as over the
continental slope.
In trying to select reserves with low perimeter to area ratios, it may be expedient to first
undertake the calculations and select suitable sites that qualify in a GIS, before
incorporating them as features within Marxan. For example, within the Mpumalanga
Biodiversity Conservation Plan (Ferrar and Lötter 2007), suitable grassland areas were
selected by first removing transformed land, then selecting grassland patches with low
perimeter to area ratios, and only incorporating these patches as a feature layer within
the Marxan assessment. Following from that, minimum clump size, clump distance, and
number of clumps were set for that feature.
5 .6 COST
Every planning unit in Marxan has a cost. Marxan tries to meet all the biodiversity
constraints for minimum total cost (ignoring for now design issues). Hence the cost
setting can be used to favour selection of planning units in certain areas, over other areas
of equal size, e.g., to favour the selection of planning units in areas of high biological
integrity. Usually cost is calculated either as simple reflection of area, or as an economic
cost; however there is no reason why the cost of each planning unit cannot reflect an
ecological issue where high cost sites are ones we wish to avoid, all else being equal.
Here we discuss some possible ecological applications of the cost variable to influence
reserve design.
As mentioned in Section 5.2 ‐ Connectivity, the cost surface can effectively be used to
reflect corridors that connect protected areas with one another, or species with protected
areas, by lowering the cost value of the planning units within these identified corridors.
Several options exist to create a cost surface, such as least‐cost path analysis or friction
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
surfaces (reduced movement through the landscape). One can use a friction surface (cost
raster in Idrisi or ArcGIS) directly as a Marxan cost surface where increased friction
areas, or areas unsuitable for the movement or migration of species through the
landscape, are more expensive and so will be generally avoided during Marxan’s
selection of planning units.
In order to favour areas with high ecological integrity, planning units in a healthy (less
disturbed) state can be given a lower cost (relative to their size) than planning units in
unhealthy areas. The Nature Conservancy of Canada developed a cost surface (called
the suitability index) by weighting between and within a number of factors using a
pairwise comparison and expert evaluation (see Box 5.2) (Pryce et al., 2006). The Nature
Conservancy routinely uses external threats to a site as a surrogate of cost. Threat can be
a good proxy for economic cost, and if the threat cannot be abated then making
threatened sites high costs will mean the chosen reserve system is less likely to be
influenced by these external forces. The cost of planning units can be increased in areas
that are important for economic activities, such as fishing, relative to areas that are less
important for fishing, as was tested in the Irish Sea Pilot project in the UK (Lieberknecht
et al. 2004). That way, it is possible to explore ways of meeting ecological targets whilst
minimising impacts on ongoing human activities (see Chapter 6: Addressing Socioeconomic
Marxan can, however, only use one cost surface within each analysis. It is possible to
combine different spatial surfaces into one cost layer, but care should be taken not to
combine too many different themes into one layer where consideration may need to be
given to transformation, scaling, standardisation, weighting, etc. If one needs to merge
different layers into one cost surface, it is advisable to use a more rigorous and
defensible method of layer integration, such as the use of a multi criteria analysis (MCA)
methods or software (see Chapter 6: Addressing Socioeconomic Objectives). Good practice
suggests keeping the costs as straight‐forward and interpretable, as possible. If data
depicting the economic cost of implementing conservation measures is available, it is a
good practice to use this as the cost layer as it will produce cost‐efficient solutions. The
use of a new cost layer may require adjusting some species penalty factors (up or down)
in order to efficiently achieve ecological targets (see Chapter 4: Addressing Ecological
Objectives through the Setting of Targets and Chapter 8: Ensuring Robust Analysis).
Reserve network design should be adaptive to changing environments and priorities.
While Marxan is principally designed to develop a network based on a static “snapshot”
of the way features are spatially distributed, options such as those outlined above
illustrate that the tool is flexible, and thus it can be used iteratively to adapt to changing
situations. Marxan can also incorporate regular data updates, and be used for re‐
analyses as the environment or priorities change. The F‐TRAC Florida Forever program
is a land acquisition program that was able to update the plan every 6 months (Oeting et
al. 2006). Furthermore, if a reserve system designed with a low conservation target, e.g.,
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
5% of every feature, needs to be expanded, then using a higher target with the original
5% system locked in is reasonably efficient (Stewart et al. 2007).
Box 5.2: Developing a cost surface using multiple factors
The Nature Conservancy of Canada wanted to include a number of ecological suitability
factors into its cost surface (Pryce et al. 2006). However, they recognised that factors
such as road density and land development did not have equal impacts on suitability for
conservation or chance of conservation success. To overcome this limitation they
developed a suitability index using a linear combination of factors thought to affect
suitability. Each factor was represented by a separate term in the equation, and each
term multiplied by a weighting factor. The weighting factors were obtained through a
technique known as pair‐wise comparisons where expert (local knowledge and subject
matter) opinion is solicited for the rank and relative importance of each term in the
equation, comparing two terms at a time. The cost (suitability) was defined by the
following equation:
Terrestrial Suitability = A * management_status + B * land_use + C * road_density +
D * future_urban_potential + E * fire_condition_class
Where A, B, C, D and E are weighting factors, calculated from expert input and pairwise
comparison, which collectively sum to 100%.
Sub‐weights, summing to 100%, were also applied to sub‐factors within the
management status, land use and fire condition classes. For example:
land_use = q * % urban + r * % agriculture + s * % mine
Values for each factor (or sub‐factor) are based on the percent area of that factor in the
planning unit. Values for each factor are standardised prior to applying the weights
according to the following equation:
Standardised score = (score for that PU / highest score for all PU)*100
This standardisation has the advantage of creating equal score ranges, which are easily
comparable. As a drawback, it does not account for varying data variability, and will
tend to over‐emphasise factors that come with little variability. Thus, it is best applied in
situations where factors have similar variabilities, or where these variabilities have also
been standardised.
Although the simple index used in this assessment cannot account for the many
complex local situations which influence successful conservation, the study concluded
that some reasonable generalities such as this were useful for assessing conservation
opportunities across an entire study area.
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
5 .8 .1 D ifficu lt e cologica l issu e s
Many context‐specific design considerations arise when striving to meet ecological
objectives. It is impossible to cover all eventualities, but here are three common
There is sometimes strong political pressure to account for the effects of climate
change, even though it is often very difficult to do so. Simple proxies can start to
address some climate change considerations, though. For example, if it is expected
that taxa may migrate to specific areas, such as the cooler slopes of a mountain in an
area where they cannot migrate higher up the slopes, then it is possible to include
the cool slopes as a conservation feature and set a target for them, or to bias the
algorithm towards selection of these areas by lowering the relative cost of planning
units within them. Features on the periphery of their range may become more
important under a climate change scenario. Some areas may become more prone to
extreme weather events and thus could have higher associated costs applied to them.
In all cases, though, the use of such proxies assumes a level of scientific certainty.
Good practice would suggest that these proxies be applied or emphasised (e.g.,
though the Species Penalty Factory) commensurate with their certainty.
Not all configurations of planning units are suited to all types of ecological
objectives. For example, dividing up a planning region into regular hexagons might
not be suitable to freshwater conservation plans, which could accrue greater benefit
using (modelled) sub‐catchments. Some features, such as wetlands or reefs, are
ideally treated as whole, functional, planning units. If they are sub‐divided by
smaller planning units, however, then strategies will have to be employed to keep
them together (e.g., high internal boundary costs). Be aware that units grouped
together to best represent one feature will preclude grouping them together for other
features. In cases where the correct choice of planning units is not clear, a sensitivity
analysis on the effects of different planning unit choices is good practice, and can
help eliminate options that appear to be heavily skew results as compared to other
choices. Starting with a basic grid is a good way to get a sense of what baseline
solutions might look like; then, other more sophisticated planning unit shapes can be
explored. In addition to above (see Section 5.2 ‐ Connectivity), planning units are also
discussed in Chapter 7: Assessing and Managing Data).
Integrating planning realms, such as freshwater and marine, or terrestrial and
aquatic, is an ongoing area of research. The Mpumalanga Biodiversity Conservation
Plan (Ferrar and Lötter 2007) combined the output from a freshwater Marxan
analysis as input files (cost surface) for a finer‐scale terrestrial Marxan analysis. This
was an attempt to combine both freshwater and terrestrial conservation planning
into one holistic plan.
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations
5 .8 .2 Lim it a t ions of M a r x a n in a ddr e ssin g e cologica l obj e ct ive s
Marxan is primarily designed to consider objectives that translate into static spatial
targets. For example, Marxan is very good at achieving targets related to objectives such
as representativity, or incorporating specific sites important to certain life history stages
of a feature. However, persistence of a habitat or species is often influenced by ecological
processes that are hard to represent spatially and are difficult to incorporate into a
spatial “snapshot” analysis. Thus, spatial tools like Marxan are just one tool in the
Likewise, spatial planning is just one toolbox, and other approaches (such as economic
tools) will likely be necessary to ensure overall sustainable resource use and
With Marxan it is difficult to consider:
objectives for which there are no or few spatial data;
ecological objectives that are not persistent in space and/or time;
connectivity (other than straight‐line distances, and using boundary costs as
described above); and
ecological functions that are not spatially defined or persistent.
In summary, no single analysis tool can address all aspects of ecology, or incorporate all
kinds of ecological objectives. Using different tools (spatial and non‐spatial) as a suite
can be more powerful than one at a time, where the output from one tool may help to
inform the input to another (see Box 2.1). For example, habitat suitability models can
produce input into Marxan when complete data coverage is not available. Likewise
Marxan outputs can be used to as input options for non‐spatial analyses. For example,
the size and relative protections of species in a given site can be fed into a trophic model
to indicate the possible effects on the food web of a site. Or, a model of larval dispersal
can shed light on network level objectives, such as connectivity and gene flow, amongst
various Marxan scenarios under consideration.
Chapter 5: Reserve Design Considerations