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2016, Fifty-One Key Feminist Thinkers, edited by Lori Marso
6 pages
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Nuestra historia empieza el s. IV a.C. con Aristóteles (384 -322 a.C.). Nació en Estargia, al norte de Grecia. Su padre fue el médico de Filipo de Macedonia (padre de Alejandro Magno). Desde los 18 años hasta los 38 estuvo en la escuela de Platón.
Suppletion has been the topic of numerous articles and monographs in recent years, as interest in this phenomenon has grown among specialists in a wide spectrum of synchronically oriented linguistic disciplines, from typology to morphological theory to acquisition. It has become increasingly clear that an understanding of the history of suppleting paradigms is indispensable to the synchronic formulation of typological or morphological claims about suppletion, and morphological irregularity in general. The present volume aims to supplement the synchronic approach to suppletion with a diachronic perspective. It treats problems in the analysis, reconstruction, and evolution of suppletive morphology in a range of ancient and modern Indo-European and Afroasiatic languages. Some contributions are more traditional in orientation, e.g. arguing for the crucial importance of etymology in the diachronic study of suppletion, while others grapple with contemporary debates on the nature of “strong” vs. “weak” or inflectional vs. derivational vs. stem suppletion, and still others raise questions of phonology, syntax, semantics, and language contact. Several contributions deal with the synchrony and diachrony of suppletion in individual ancient and modern Indo-European languages, often with interesting implications for Indo-European and for linguistic typology in general. Topics include: the formation of perfect passive participles in Latin; the double-copula systems of Celtic, Romance, and Basque; the prehistory of heteroclitic nominal stems in Proto-Indo-European; suppletion in Afroasiatic, older Indo-Iranian, Tocharian, Romance, and the Modern East Iranian language Yaghnōbī; the Gothic synthetic and periphrastic passives in competition; and minimal word constraints and suppletive imperatives in Arabic. The book will be of interest to all those working on Indo-European or Afroasiatic languages, as well as scholars of language change in general, linguistic typology, morphological theory, and language acquisition.
Esta guía fue elaborada para personas que han sido diagnosticadas con Mesotelioma, un padecimiento ocasionado por la exposición al asbesto, y para personas con cáncer pulmonar relacionado al asbesto. También está dirigida a sus cuidadores y familiares, así como a quienes viven en zonas contaminadas por la industria tóxica del asbesto: un material mineral fibroso ampliamente usado en el sector de la construcción y la manufactura de diversos productos como balatas, techos, láminas o tinacos. Elaborado en el marco del proyecto “Abordaje transdisciplinario de la epidemia de mesotelioma maligno pleural por exposición al asbesto en la comunidad de San Pedro Barrientos” Programa Nacional Estratégico Agentes Tóxicos y Procesos Contaminantes Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencias y Tecnologías (CONAHCYT)
European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015
Cannabis is one of the most prevalent drugs used worldwide. Regular cannabis use is associated with impairments in highly integrative cognitive functions such as memory, attention and executive functions. To date, the cerebral mechanisms of these deficits are still poorly understood. Studying the processing of visual information may offer an innovative and relevant approach to evaluate the cerebral impact of exogenous cannabinoids on the human brain. Furthermore, this knowledge is required to understand the impact of cannabis intake in everyday life, and especially in car drivers. Here we review the role of the endocannabinoids in the functioning of the visual system and the potential involvement of cannabis use in visual dysfunctions. This review describes the presence of the endocannabinoids in the critical stages of visual information processing, and their role in the modulation of visual neurotransmission and visual synaptic plasticity, thereby enabling them to alter the transmi...
Özet Bu çalışmada öğretmenlik mesleği, motivasyon kaynakları ve öğretmenlerin temel tutumları arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiştir. Öğretmenlik mesleği, meslek seçimi, kariyer gelişimi ve bazı piko-sosyal değişkenlerle ilişkilidir. Yetenekler, ilgiler, değerler, benlik kavramı ve kişilik bu değişkenlerden bazılarıdır. Öğretmenlik mesleği üzerinde motivasyon kaynaklarının da etkisi vardır. Bu kaynaklar içsel ve dışsaldır. İçsel motivasyon kaynakları dışsal kaynaklardan daha etkilidir. Öğretmenlerin motivasyonları, değer ve inançlarıyla da ilişkilidir. Mantıksız ve işlevsel olmayan inançlar öğretmen tutumlarını etkilemektedir. Bu tür inançlar uyumu zorlaştırmakta ve bazı psikolojik sorunların ortaya çıkmasına yol açmaktadır. Öğretmenlik mesleğinin etkili şekilde sürdürülmesi için bu tür bilişsel çarpıtmaların değiştirilmesi ve öz-farkındalık, içtenlik, tutarlılık, empati gibi tutumların geliştirilmesi gerekir.
¿Se le hizo dificil encontrar el lugar? ¿Hubo mucho tráfico en su trayecto? FORMACIÓN ¿Dónde estudio la preparatoris y por qué eligió esa especialidad? ¿Le gustaria seguir estudiando? ¿Está dispuesto a complementar su formación según se requiera? ¿Qué programas contables maneja? ¿Qué idiomas manejas y a qué nivel?
Culture Agriculture Food and Environment, 2014
Community gardening is lauded as an urban planning tool to enhance local food systems while improving degraded urban environments. To understand how best to expand community gardening participation, this study explores the perceived benefits of community gardening in Baltimore, Maryland. In-depth interviews and focused group interviews with community gardeners revealed that gardens provide benefits at multiple levels, creating an "urban oasis" that provides refuge from urban decay while revitalizing city neighborhoods. At the individual level, gardeners underscored psychological benefits, including pride and a connection with nature. At the neighborhood level, gardeners developed trusting relationships with their neighbors and shared learning experiences. At the community level, gardeners perceived that gardens reclaim city space by cleaning up degraded lots, creating gathering places, and improving the food environment. The variety of perceived benefits that gardens provide to individuals and their communities should be promoted as a tool for developing healthy urban environments. [qualitative methods, grounded theory, community gardens, food access, urban agriculture, urban revitalization] School of Public Health, and include faculty and former and current graduate students. Their combined backgrounds include specializations in the areas of behavior change, health education, food systems, farm management, environmental sustainability, and qualitative research. bs_bs_banner Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment Vol. 36, Issue 2 pp. 69-82, ISSN 2153-9553, eISSN 2153-9561.
Classical Quarterly, 2013
The ἰαματικά, a collection of seven short epigrams about healing grouped together and so labelled in the Milan papyrus attributed to Posidippus, present another useful source of information about the cult and cures of Asclepius (AB 95-101; P Mil. Vogl. VIII 309, XIV.30-XV.22). 1 Brief though the epigrams are (all are four lines in length except the first, which is eight lines), they accord well with the picture of the cult presented by material, epigraphic and other literary evidence. 2 Peter Bing's 2004 discussion of the iamatika remains one of the most enlightening and persuasive. 3 He argues that Posidippus drew for the content of these poems directly on the traditions of the ἰάματα, healing narratives inscribed and published in sanctuaries of Asclepius (a very fitting model, Bing observes, for a literary genrethe epigramderived from inscriptions). 4 Like the iamata, most of the iamatika relate the experiences of individuals cured by the god and include elements typical of the former such as the name, hometown and ailment of the individual treated, a dream visit with Asclepius at his sanctuary and indication of the speed with which the god cured the malady. In addition, Bing discusses the order of the individual poems within the collection and shows how the final iamatikon, a prayer for moderate wealth and health, may affect how we are meant to read the preceding poems.
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Türkiye klinikleri tıp etiği hukuku-tarihi :, 2024
BMC Oral Health, 2024
Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe, 2017
Informes De La Construccion - INF CONSTR, 2000
Engineering Research Express, 2019
Journal of Arid Environments, 2007
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, 1989
Studia Rossica Posnaniensia