(1) Instituto de Suelos, Centro de Investigación de Recursos Naturales-INTA, 1682.
Hurlingham, Argentina. E-mail:
[email protected]
(2) Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, FCEN, UBA, Pabellón II,
Ciudad Universitaria, 1428. Buenos Aires, Argentina
(3) Departamento de Geología y Paleontología, Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.
IntroductionStratigraphical Framework and Previous Works
The Mercedes Formation
The Asencio Formation
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Nature of the Boundary Between the Mercedes and Asencio Formations
Origin of the Nodular Beds
Genesis of the Columnar Structures in the Grutas Del Palacio
Bibliographic References
ABSTRACT – The boundary between the Mercedes (Late Cretaceous) and Asencio (Eocene) formations has been a subject of controversy
in the past. The morphological evidence about the contact between both formations obtained in this paper indicate that the geochemical
weathering processes that took place during the early Eocene forming the paleosols found in the Asencio Fm. would have penetrated
deeply in the light coloured sandstones of the top of the Mercedes Fm. This is shown by a transitional level composed of a marked
irregular boundary, where ferruginous materials co-exist with relicts of the greyish sandstone, as well as with pouches of ferrugination
within the body of the Mercedes Fm., several meters below that boundary. Likewise, the obtained evidence shows also that the nodular
strata present at the base of the Asencio Fm. are the result of the weathering of the greyish sandstones of the Mercedes Fm., due to their
fragmentation and ferrugination. As a consequence, it is herein proposed that the columnar structures of the so-called Gruta del Palacio
and other similar sites correspond to that transition level at the top of the Mercedes Fm.; the nuclei of the columns would be composed
of the ferruginous tongues whereas the hollows would be the result of the selective water erosion of the sandstone. On the base of the field
evidence, the stratigraphical nomenclature of the cited levels is discussed.
Keywords: Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, weathering, ferrugination, columnar structures, Uruguay.
RESUMEN – H. Morrás, O.R. Tófalo, L.Sánchez-Bettucci - Procesos de erosión en la frontera entre las formaciones Mercedes
(Cretácico) y Asencio (Eoceno), suroeste del Uruguay. El límite entre la Formación Mercedes (Cretácico superior) y la Formación Asencio
(Eoceno) es objeto de controversia. Las evidencias morfológicas del contacto entre ambas formaciones obtenidas en este trabajo indican
que los procesos de meteorización geoquímica que tuvieron lugar durante el Eoceno temprano generando los paleosuelos de la Formación
Asencio, habrían penetrado profundamente también en las areniscas claras del techo de la Formación Mercedes; esto se evidencia por un
nivel transicional constituido por un límite marcadamente irregular donde coexisten materiales ferruginizados con relictos de la arenisca
grisácea, así como por ¨bolsones¨ de ferruginación en el cuerpo de la Formación Mercedes varios metros por debajo de ese límite. Por otro
lado las evidencias obtenidas también demuestran que los estratos nodulares presentes en la base de la Formación Asencio son el resultado
de la meteorización de las areniscas grisáceas de la Formación Mercedes, a través de un proceso de fragmentación y ferruginación de las
mismas. Como consecuencia se propone que las estructuras columnares de la denominada Gruta del Palacio y de otros sitios similares,
corresponden a ese nivel de transición en el tope de la Formación Mercedes; el núcleo de las columnas estaría constituido por las lenguas
ferruginosas en tanto los huecos serían el resultado de la erosión hídrica selectiva de la arenisca. Sobre la base de las evidencias de campo
se discute la nomenclatura estratigráfica en los niveles considerados.
Palabras clave: límite Cretácico-Paléogeno, meteorización, ferruginación, estructuras columnares, Uruguay.
According to Bossi (1966), the late Cretaceous
sedimentary record of the Paraná Basin, in
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
southwestern Uruguay, is composed of the Guichón,
Mercedes and Asencio formations, which Bossi &
Navarro (1988) proposed to name as the Paysandú
Group. The Mercedes Fm., assigned to the late
Cretaceous, is composed of fluvial sedimentary rocks
which were later calcretized and silcretized. This unit
is bearing dinosaur egg nests. The Asencio Fm.,
attributed to the early Eocene, is rich in fossil insect
ichnites and it is composed at the base of fluvial
sedimentary rocks deposited by low hierarchy stream
channels (Pazos et al., 1998), which underwent
weathering processes and pedogenesis under wetwarm climate, forming Ultisol type soils as well as
ferricrete levels. Bellosi et al. (2004) studied in detail
the pedogenetic features of the reddish levels of the
Asencio Fm., suggesting an interpretation about the
genesis of the ferrugineous duricrusts and the nodular
strata that are forming them.
The boundary between the Mercedes and Asencio
formations has been the subject of frequent
controversies and several papers have suggested
different interpretations in particular with respect to
the age and the number and names of the subunits
forming the Asencio Fm. Besides, an original feature
which appears in these deposits in the contact between
the greyish sandstones characteristic of the Mercedes
Fm. and the typical iron stained levels of the Asencio
Fm. are the columnar structures and hollows or caves
developed in between them, whose genesis has not
had a conclusive explanation until today.
Undoubtedly, the different stratigraphical
interpretations about these deposits are conditioned by
the deep diagenetic and pedogenetic modifications that
they have suffered, including the series of various
sedimentation-pedogenesis episodes along the early
Eocene. Recently, in a synthesis work about the
climatic changes exposed by the sedimentary rocks of
SW Uruguay, Tófalo & Morrás (2009) assumed the
interpretation of Bellosi et al. (2004) on the genesis of
the Asencio Fm. facies, including the consideration
of the sedimentary discontinuity between the
Mercedes and Asencio formations as proposed by
Pazos et al. (1998) and clearly illustrated by Tófalo
& Pazos (2010). However, in this paper several
morphological features are described, recently found
at the boundary between the greyish sandstones and
the iron stained sandstones, which allow new
interpretations of the stratigraphical sequence, of the
weathering processes and of the genesis of the caves
and columnar structures cited.
The Mercedes Fm. was defined by Serra (1945)
taking as type section the perforation made in the city
of Mercedes, in which the unit presented a maximum
thickness of 71 m. The formation outcrops in western
Uruguay and particularly, in the Río Negro Department,
extending also to the SW of the Tacuarembó
Department, the Soriano Department and western
Durazno Department (Bossi et al., 1975; Figure 1).
This unit has been attributed to the late Cretaceous
and it is composed of a fluvial succession of lens-like
conglomerates and sandy beds, in which upper portion
calcretes, palustrine limestones and silcretes are
developed (Tófalo & Pazos, 2010). The thickness of
the limestones rarely exceeds 15 m and both their origin,
as well as their stratigraphical position have been a
matter of discrepancies. Goso Aguilar & Perea (2004)
proposed the name of Queguay Fm., placing them in
the early Tertiary. Recently, Tófalo et al. (2001, 2006),
Tófalo & Morrás (2009), and Tófalo & Pazos (2010)
considered them as of Paleocene age, differentiating
the calcretes of phreatic origin which form most of the
limestones of this formation, from the palustrine
limestones of a lesser extension; the transitional
boundary between both facies would indicate a
progressive ascent of the phreatic layer.
FIGURE 1. Approximate location of the described
sites in southwestern Uruguay.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
The “sandtones with dinosaurs” (as they were
called by Serra, 1945) were given the name of Asencio
Fm. by Caorsi & Goñi (1958). This formation is
restricted to SW Uruguay, having been correlated with
the Puerto Unzué Fm. of NW Entre Ríos province
(Argentina) by Gentile & Rimoldi (1979) and Genise
& Zelich (2001). This unit was initially considered of a
late Cretaceous age by Bossi et al. (1975); later on,
Veroslavsky & Martínez (1996) and Goso & Guérèquiz
(2001) proposed that the sediments of this formation
were accumulated in the late Cretaceous, but were
lateritized during the late Paleocene-Eocene; more
recently, Genise et al. (2002) and Bellosi et al. (2004)
suggested that the unit dates from the early Eocene.
The maximum thickness does not exceed 30 m,
according to observations in the arroyo Vera basin
(Morales, cited by Bossi et al., 1975), whereas Bellosi
et al. (2004) estimated that the maximum thickness is
smaller than 15 m in other localities.
This unit is lying on the cretacic Mercedes Fm.
and is covered unconformably by the loess-like silts of
the Fray Bentos Fm., Oligocene-early Miocene.
According to Bossi (1966) and Bossi et al. (1975), the
lower contact with the Mercedes Fm. is conformable
and transitional (Paso Vera, route 14) though for other
authors (Veroslavsky & Martínez, 1996; Bellosi et al.,
2004) the contact is not well defined. Bossi (1966) and
Bossi et al. (1975) divided the Asencio Fm. in the
Yapeyú (lower) and del Palacio (upper) members (Table
1). The first one is composed of pinkish to whitish fine
sandstones, with feldspar rounded grains and either illitic
clayey or calcareous cement (Bossi et al., 1975; Bossi
& Navarro, 1988) and it has dinosaur egg nests. The
del Palacio member, very rich in insect fossil tracks, is
composed of the same sandstones that were affected
by important and generalized ferrification processes
and occasional silicification phenomena (Bossi &
Navarro, 1988), which transformed the typical
sandstone of the unit in a deep reddish, hard rock (Bossi
et al., 1975). The boundary between both members is
appreciated by the colourful variation, from brownish
to intense red tones (Pazos et al., 1998).
Preciosi et al. (1985) divided the Asencio Fm. in
three members: the basal one, Yapeyú, composed of
yellowish sandstones, the middle del Palacio formed
by reddish, ferrified sandstones, and the upper one,
Algorta, integrated by calcarenites and whitish
carbonate layers (Table 1). Besides, Ford (1988a) and
Ford & Gancio (undated) proposed a type section for
this unit which is composed, from the base to the top,
of: a) yellowish whitish, quartzitic, fine to medium sands;
b) similar composition and texture sandstones, but with
reddish mottled; c) the same sandstones, now strongly
impregnated with reddish iron oxides and hydroxides.
The authors indicated that the reddish levels of this
sedimentary body, which they called “ferrification
TABLE 1. A comparative scheme of various stratigraphic propositions
referred to the late Cretaceous-Paleogene interval in SW Uruguay.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
crusts”, represented the basal levels of ferruginousferrallitic paleosols. The boundary with the underlying
Mercedes Formation would be a silicified level of
regional distribution (Ford and Gancio, undated).
On the other side, Ford (1988c) and Ford & Gancio
(undated) proposed to restrict the name of Asencio
Fm. to the Yapeyú member, as named by Bossi, and
provisionally defined the Palmitas Fm., a new
stratigraphic unit of intense reddish colour, composed
of conglomerates of supposed fluvial origin developed
from the erosion of ferrallitic soils that contain fossil
insect nests and tentatively assigned it to the early
Cenozoic (Table 1).
Contrarily, Pazos et al. (1998) limited the name of
Asencio Fm. to the del Palacio member, because they
found a regional unconformity which they named as
the Yapeyú paleosurface, which separates the Yapeyú
and Asencio members as named by Bossi. In descriptive
terms, the authors named as Yapeyú and Palacio
sections the levels located below and above the Yapeyú
paleosurface. At the level of the Yapeyú section and
below the paleosurface of that name, in the locality of
Pedro Chico, these authors described biological
features such as pedotubules as well as red mottled
and conical columnar structures similar to pipes that
progressively disappear with depth, among which the
whitish host material occurs, since it has a smaller
content of iron oxides and hydroxides. It should be noted
that the paleosurface defined by Pazos et al. (1998)
does not coincide with that one established by Ford
and Gancio (undated) because the latter authors located
it above the levels of “ferrallitic crusts”, whereas the
others placed them underneath (Table 1).
Pazos et al. (1998) denied as well the existence
of the fluvial conglomerate levels corresponding to the
Palmitas Fm., because no clean contacts or channel
geometries are seen and the levels are internally
massive, characteristics which are not compatible with
fluvial flow action. The Yapeyú paleosurface would
mark a change in the climatic conditions, indicating a
notable interruption in sedimentation and acting as the
boundary between two sedimentary cycles, because
above it fluvial sediments are found, represented by
low hierarchy stream channels and piled up, paleosol
levels with an abundant ichnofauna (González et al.,
1998). The ferrification processes would be younger
than the whole section sedimentation, affecting in depth
down to the paleosurface, which would have acted as
a geological barrier for the migration of the iron carrying
solutions under it (Pazos et al., 1998). According to
these same authors, the paleosurface occurs clearly
subhorizontal at Pedro Chico and Gruta del Palacio
but, instead, it is clean and smoothly irregular in the
arroyo Coquimbo basin, where fractures are observed
that would have allowed the penetration of the iron
bearing solutions which precipitated irregular and crisscrossed veins, with nodule development, although relicts
of the primary sandstone are preserved as well.
Likewise, it should be mentioned that Pazos et al.
(1998) stated the need of carefully analyze if true
differences do exist between the Yapeyú member of
Bossi (1966) and Bossi et al. (1975) with the underlying
Mercedes Fm. or if it is just a “facies” located at its
top. The authors propose specifically to reconsider the
stratigraphic level of the so-called Yapeyú member,
which could be assimilated to the Mercedes Fm.
Besides, Goso Aguilar (1999, cited by Goso Aguilar &
Guérèquiz, 2001) defined a single unit which he called
the Mercedes-Asencio Fm. Later on, Goso Aguilar &
Perea (2004) abandoned the Asencio denomination,
considering the Mercedes Fm. as integrated by the del
Chileno, Yapeyú and del Palacio members (Table 1).
With respect to the intense reddish, indurated
levels of what would be the del Palacio Member of the
Asencio Fm. according to Bossi (1966) and Bossi et
al. (1975), the group formed with the Palmitas and
Asencio formations according to the proposal of Ford
& Gancio (1988), the Asencio Fm. in the sense of Pazos
et al. (1998, 2002) or the del Palacio Member of the
Mercedes Fm. according to Goso Aguilar & Perea
(2004) (Table 1), several authors have interpreted them
as a result of pedogenetic processes (Caorsi & Goñi,
1958; Ford, 1988b; Veroslavsky & Martínez, 1996;
González et al., 1998; González, 1999). Goso Aguilar
& Guérèquiz (2001) and Goso Aguilar & Perea (2004),
in recognition of the pedogenetic character of the del
Palacio Member, proposed that the latter should be
considered of pedostratigraphic character, defining it
as the del Palacio Geosol. Recently, Bellosi et al. (2004)
offered an elaborated interpretation of the genesis of
the Asencio Fm. in which they distinguished two facies:
ferruginous duricrusts and massive nodular beds
interfingered and repeated up to 3 and 4 times within
the whole thickness of the formation.
In a synthetic manner, Bellosi et al. (2004)
considered that the formation is composed of a series
of superposed, strongly weathered profiles, resulting
from the following sequence of events:
1. The fluvial sandy sediments were initially
transformed in well developed, red Ultisols, under
warm and wet conditions in a savanna environment.
2. In a subsequent stage Ultisols evolved to
ferruginous crusts (authochtonous ferricretes or
“cuirasses”) during periods of prolonged
3. The top of the ferricretes was dismantled by rehydration due to a strong rainfall increase, what
originated the nodular levels.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
According to these authors, the morphology of the
duricrusts is generally tabular, although it may occur
as undulated, lens-like or wedge-shaped, with
thicknesses of 0.5 to 2.5 m. Following these authors,
the duricrusts are formed by clayey red sandstones,
very massive and indurated. The more compact ones
are dark red (5R 3/4), with abundant root marks,
whereas those of lesser consolidation have a prismatic
or blocky soil structure, and they include abundant bee
and coleopteran nests (Coprinisphaera ichnofacies).
The coarse fraction is formed mainly by monocrystalline
quartz (85-90 %), accompanied by other silica varieties
and a very small percentage of granitic rocks and
feldspar fragments. The clay fraction is composed of
smectite, kaolinite and possible interstratified clays,
which agrees with the analysis performed by Goso &
Guérèquiz (2001) and Ford (1988b); this latter author
has also indicated an increase of the proportion of
kaolinite towards the top of the sections. The
microstructure is complex, predominantly spongy, grain
and pore striated b-fabric, with a large enrichment in
illuviated clay, which allows to characterize them as
Bt horizons and to consider the original soils as Ultisols
(González, 1999). The following climate change
towards a marked contrast in the precipitations, with
periods of extended desiccation, would have produced
the des-hydratation of the soils and their induration due
to a dense network of iron compound crystals which
have a strong cementing effect, forming ferricretes or
other duricrusts.
The nodular beds described by Bellosi et al. (2004)
would be coincident with the “conglomerate levels” of
Ford 1988c and Ford & Gancio (undated), forming
irregular and discontinuous levels that do not present
channel geometries but they are massive and clastsupported (González et al., 1998; Pazos et al., 1998).
However, there are matrix-supported levels, formed
by dark red (5R 3/4) to greyish red (5R 3/6) nodules,
included in lighter clayey materials with tones that vary
from greyish yellow (5Y 8/4) to greyish pink (5R 8/2)
and yellowish grey (5Y 8/1).
According to Bellosi al. (2004), the lateral and
vertical passages, transitional from crusts to nodular
beds due to the increase of clay content, are frequent.
These authors also indicated that in some outcrops (i.e,
the Espiga quarry) the nodular beds include smaller
sectors of duricrusts of around 1-2 m2, keeping a
gradational contact in between them. Due to this
duricrust preservation in more extensive nodular beds,
as well for the gradational contacts in all senses, these
authors interpreted that the origin of the nodular beds
was produced by chemical weathering and gradual
disintegration of the ferruginized crusts. This process
of superficial disintegration of the ferricretes, which
has been called “dismantling”, would have been due to
an important increase in precipitation, producing rehydratation and corrosion of hematite and the formation
of residual nodular beds.
Following the interpretation of Bellosi et al. (2004),
after the “dismantling”, a new period of sedimentation
followed with appropriate conditions for the Ultisols
formation, with annual rainfall between 1300 and 1700,
initiating a new cycle. In this way, they considered that
the Asencio Fm. is the result of at least four laterization
phases, each one of them including a sequence of
(nodule formation) in response to successive climatic
changes. Finally, these authors indicated that these
weathering paleosurfaces reflect an extension of the
tropical environments towards southern South America,
what suggests that this formation dates from the early
Eocene, corresponding to the expansion of those
conditions during the climatic optimum of the
In this paper, observations and field descriptions at
the Espiga quarry are presented, as well from another
extensive unnamed quarry located nearby, close to Nueva
Palmira (33°52´22.6´´S, 58°09´44,5´´W) (Figure 1, site 1).
In these quarries, the thickness of the red levels of the
Asencio Fm. is variable, with an average of 5 m. The
Fray Bentos Fm. is overlying it, with an average thickness
of 4 m, though in some sectors the Asencio Fm. is found
at the surface, on which the present soils has developed,
bearing the morphological characteristics of a Ultisol.
Likewise, the observations in a quarry nearby the
locality of Cerro Vera, with access from route 14
(33°05´48,3´´S, 57°33´29,1´´W), are included as well
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
(Figure 1, site 2). The obtained information from the
profiles in the quarries is complemented with the
observation of the columnar structures at the site known
as “Gruta del Palacio”, in the Flores Department, on route
14, km 235 (Figure 1, site 4), and of the relict structures
found in the neighbourhood of route 14, at 2.4 km of its
crossing with the arroyo Vera (Figure 1, site 3).
Diverse terms, such as laterization, ferrallitization,
ferrification, have been used in the literature to
describe the weathering processes and iron oxide
accumulation in the materials of the Asencio Fm. In
the present paper and according to the results
presented by Bellosi et al. (2004), which indicate
pedogenetic processes with illuvial accumulation of
clays, the term ferrugination, corresponding to an
intermediate phase of geochemical weathering and
pedogenesis (Duchaufour, 1977), will be used.
In the observations performed at the Espiga
quarry, and in the other one located nearby, the
morphology of the boundary between the Asencio and
Mercedes formations goes from markedly undulated
to clearly irregular, with tongues of approximately
conoid shape, between 1 and 3 m in depth, of
ferruginized materials of the Asencio Fm., which
vertically penetrate into weathered, fissured and
fragmented, greyish whitish materials, belonging to the
Mercedes Fm. (Picture 1A, B).
In some areas, the reddish colour tongues may
include relicts of material coming from the Mercedes
Fm., apparently more resistant due to a larger
compaction and/or carbonatation, which, as they have a
horizontal disposition, generate structures of the “stone
layer” type (Picture 2). In other cases, the partially
coalescent ferrugineous tongues generated the
individualization and isolation of approximately spherical
and strongly fragmented volumes of the Mercedes Fm.
sandstones (Picture 3A, B).
Concerning the boundary indicated by the colour
variations, in many cases this is gradual, passing along
a few tens of cm from the greyish materials, through
pinkish and orange colours to the intense reddish tones
of the ferruginized materials (Picture 4). In other cases
equally frequent, diffuse passages are observed, which
may be in the order of 100 cm distance, between the
sandstones and the ferruginous materials (Picture 3A,
B). A transversal section to the ferruginous tongues
allows the observation that, from the rock with calcium
carbonate towards the central zone, the iron and clay
material content increases progressively (Picture 5A).
In a few cases, it has also been observed that the
boundaries may be straight and the passages abrupt,
what would be indicating the presence of fissures or
small displacement faults (Picture 5B).
Another very interesting and indicative feature,
regarding the interpretation of the processes that have
taken place at the boundary between both formation,
is the common existence of isolated “poaches” of
ferruginized material typical of the Asencio Fm., of
varied morphology and dimensions but in many cases
of up to 0.5 – 1.0 m in diameter or length, which are
deeply included within the Mercedes Fm., in most cases
at 2 or 3 m below the contact between the ferruginized
beds and the material bearing calcium carbonate.
(Picture 6A, B).
In addition to these larger features, which are
evident even at a certain distance from the quarry front,
the detailed proximal observation also revealed small
isolated fissures and cavities with ferruginized and clearly
clayey material belonging to the Asencio Fm., deeply
included within the Mercedes Fm. (Pictures 7A, B, C).
PICTURE 1. A) a section of approximately 13 m depth in a sector of the Espiga quarry, where the sequence
of the Mercedes, Asencio and Fray Bentos formations is presented. It can be observed the clearly irregular boundary
of the weathering front between the Mercedes and Asencio formations; B) a detail of the front of the quarry where
the dimensions of the weathering tongues penetrating into the Mercedes Fm. can be noticed.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
PICTURE 2. The contrast between the greyish whitish sandstone of the Mercedes Fm.
and the ferruginous materials can be observed. In this case, the weathering tongue includes relicts
of apparently more resistant materials of the Mercedes Fm., generating a structure of the “stone layer” type.
PICTURE 3. A) although the boundary between the ferruginous materials and the Mercedes Fm. sandstones generally
varies between abrupt to gradual, occasionally diffuse passages may also be observed. It is also appreciated the
individualization of spherical relicts of the sandstone; B) another sector of the weathering front with diffuse passages
and individualization of more resistant relicts of the Mercedes Fm. In this sector, the Asencio Fm. outcrops and in
between the greyish sandstone relicts, the base of one Ultisol type paleosol can be observed at the present surface.
PICTURE 4. At the base of a weathering tongue the gradual contact
between the sandstone and the ferruginized materials can be seen.
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PICTURE 5. A) a transversal profile, in the three sites where the working tools are placed, allows to observe
that from the rocks of the Mercedes Fm. to the central zone of a weathering tongue the iron and clay contents grow
progressively; B) detail of other lateral contact of the same ferrugination tongue; although in general the passages
between the sandstone and the ferruginized material are gradual and diffuse and the boundaries are undulating,
in some sectors the contacts are abrupt and the boundaries are straight, which would correspond
to the presence of fissures or small fractures of negligible displacement.
PICTURE 6. In A) and B) pouches of ferrified Asencio Fm. typical materials are observed, included
deeply within the Mercedes Fm. and wedge like structures (particularly in 6A) as a result
of the weathering process of the sandstone along fractures.
PICTURE 7. Details of small fissures and cavities away from the weathering front with ferruginized materials
within the Mercedes Fm. In A) a clayey reddish accumulation is observed; in B) and C) the concentric
fragmentation of the sandstone and the formation of ferruginous nodules is observed.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
As it appears from the referred morphological
evidence, in the herein studied sites and at the level of
the contact between the ferruginous materials and the
calcium carbonate bearing sandstones, a stratigraphic
discontinuity or paleosurface between the Asencio and
Mercedes formations which would act as barrier for
the ferruginization, is not present. Contrarily, the
observed morphological features show that in these
localities the boundary between these formations is
transitional. The definition of the boundary presents
variations that correspond to the more or less
progressive increment of the iron oxi-hydroxides and
clay fraction contents between the described tongues
and pouches, which would result from weathering
processes of the sediments of both formations under
warm-wet climate conditions.
The sectors of the Asencio Fm., composed of
varied size nodules but which could be estimated around
2-4 cm in mean diameter in the herein studied sites,
were called “conglomerate levels” and interpreted as
of sedimentary origin by Ford (1988c). On the contrary,
Bellosi et al. (2004) suggested that these “nodular beds”
are of residual origin, as a result of the gradual
disintegration of the ferruginized crusts, by a superficial
process of “dismantling”. It should also be noted that
Bellosi et al. (2004) indicated the existence of some
complex stratigraphic relationships between the
ferricretes and the nodular beds, which could hardly
be interpreted as superficial dismantling processes.
Consequently, these authors also proposed subsuperficial dismantling processes due to phreatic layers
“perched” under the ferricrete that would produce the
solubilization of the iron and the instability of the
aggregates due to the circulating waters. These authors,
in particular, pointed that “the relict crusts surrounded
by the nodular beds at the Espiga quarry could be an
example of non superficial dismantling”.
On the contrary, our observations in the herein
cited sites, and particularly at the Espiga quarry,
suggested a different interpretation to that one proposed
by Bellosi et al. (2004) about the nodulation process
within the Asencio Formation.
As it may be observed in contact areas between
both materials (Pictures 8 and 9A, B), from the more
or less homogeneous sandstones of the Mercedes Fm.,
a transition to a fissured and fragmented sandstone
sector takes place, with irregular and equidimensional,
as well as laminar, fragments, and with varied sizes
oscillating between 5 and 20 cm in diameter. From the
fragmented sector, a relatively abrupt transition to a
“nodulation” sector takes place, generally of small
thickness, in which the fragments of still greyish colour
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
and undoubtedly derived from the Mercedes Fm.
achieve a nodular morphology, and among which a
reddish clayey material is found. From this transitional
sector with greyish nodules, the sequence passes
towards the interior of the tongues composed by totally
ferruginized nodules, of intense reddish colour and a
larger content of clayey plasma in between the nodules.
Other morphological evidence related with the
previously described process is the nodulation observed
in the inner part of the Mercedes Fm., at sites quite
away from the boundary between both formations. As
it may be observed in Pictures 7B and 7C, the
weathering process in the interior of the Mercedes Fm.
is initiated undoubtedly from pores connected with the
weathering front from which the meteoric waters have
penetrated, initially generating a process of fissuration
and concentric fragmentation of the sandstone, which
is progressively nodulated and ferruginized, and parallel
increasing the clay fraction content. Consequently,
without outruling the interpretation of Bellosi et al.
(2004), which could be valid at more superficial levels
of the formation, it is herein proposed that the nodular
beds of the Asencio Fm. –an particularly those present
at the base- are the result of a ferruginous type,
geochemical weathering of the sandstones of the
Mercedes Fm.
These nodules, through a process of firstly
fragmentation and then ferrugination of the calcareous
PICTURE 8. Nodular beds at the weathering front.
PICTURE 9. Details of the formation process of the nodular beds at the weathering front. A) the fragmentation
of the Mercedes Fm. materials is observed and the formation of greyish nodules; in B) it is clearly seen the nodulation
process through the progressive passage from the consolidated, homogeneous sandstone (1), the fragmentation
and nodulation of the sandstone (2) and, finally, the ferrugination of the nodules (3).
sandstones, would be formed both at the weathering
front (the Asencio-Mercedes boundary), in relicts of
the Mercedes Fm., included and isolated in previously
ferruginized levels of the Asencio Fm., as in the interior
itself of the Mercedes Fm., where cavities or fissures
in conection with the weathering front may be present.
Following this line of interpretation, it is interesting
to mention that, according to Bellosi et al. (2004) the
clay of the nodular material matrix is very rich in
smectite, with possible participation of illite-smectite
interstratified clay minerals, and consequently different
to the kaolinite rich clay of the ferruginous duricrusts.
Bossi & Navarro (1988) indicated also that the cement
of the whitish sandstones of the Yapeyú member of
the Asencio Fm. would have an illitic composition
different from the kaolinitic composition of the del
Palacio Member. Likewise, Ford (1988b) and Ford and
Gancio (1991) found that the clay fraction of the
Asencio Fm. would be composed of a kaolinitesmectite association, observing that there is a significant
increase of the crystallinity of the smectite towards
the base of the profiles and in parallel, a lowering of
crystallinity in the kaolinite. Goso & Guérèquiz (2001)
also pointed that the clays of the sandy mudstones
underlying the ferruginized sandstones has a basically
smectitic composition, with a proportion of this clay
higher than 90 %. In other terms, these data indicate
that the clay fraction of the sandstones and greyish
whitish sandy mudstones at the base of the ferruginous
materials of the Asencio Fm. –being these considered
according to several authors as the Yapeyú Member
of the Asencio Fm. or as the Mercedes Fm.- would be
composed of minerals of the 2:1 type. Consequently, in
coincidence with the field morphological observations,
the fact that the nodules have a smectitic–illitic
composition indicates that they may be considered as
relicts of low grade weathering derived from the
Mercedes Fm. and not as ferricrete relicts.
In several localities of western Uruguay, caves
of variable size occur which are sustained by
cylindrical columns. At the Flores Department the socalled Gruta del Palacio is found, showing these highly
indurated columnar structures, developed in the
sandstones of the Mercedes Fm.; externally, the
columns present the whitish colours of this formation
and they are crowned by the typical ferruginous crusts
of the Asencio Fm. (Picture 10A, B). In between the
columns, a whitish, friable material occurs (Pazos et
al., 1998); as it was mentioned before, according to
Goso & Guérèquiz (2001), the sediments between the
columns would be greyish sandy pelites smectitic
composition. At this site, according to the description
of the latter authors, these structures present a height
of 2.20 m with an average diameter of 0.88 m; the
diameter at the base and top of these columns is
somewhat wider than the diameter at their middle
portion. In front of the cave openings, which are
presently receding, relicts of the base of the columns
showing their internal structure may be observed. Both
cited papers pointed at these transversal sections the
existence of a concentric structure, with a central
nucleus and an outer aureola. In a synthetic description,
this concretion morphology would be composed of an
outer aureola of very fine sandstone with ferruginous
cement and by a central nucleus with iron concretions
contained in ferruginous plasma. Pazos et al. (1998)
also pointed out that the contact between the nucleus
and the outer aureola presented a strong concentration
of iron hydroxide.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
PICTURE 10. A) front part of the Grutas del Palacio, with the typical columnar structures of greyish
sandstone, sustaining the ferruginized material of the Asencio Fm.; B) the broken line indicates the boundary
between the ferruginous nucleus of the columns and their cortex of greyish sandstone, suggesting
the relationships with the geochemical weathering tongues described at the quarry front.
Concerning the genesis of the columnar structures,
Pazos et al. (1998) interpreted them as the result of
diagenetic process generating concretions and of
subsequent differential erosion. In turn, Goso &
Guérèquiz (2001) interpreted that the columns would
result from the fracturing of the upper portion of a
clayey pedogenetic horizon (an argillic Bt horizon),
whose remnants would be found at the base of the
columns, through which iron bearing waters coming
from the weathering processes and the soil formation
in tropical climates circulated; the concentric diffusion
of these solutions would have led towards the column
Nevertheless, the morphological evidence obtained
in this paper allows the proposition of a new
interpretation of the genesis of the columnar structures
of the del Palacio caves.
In fact, the irregular boundary formed by deep
chemical weathering tongues at the top of the Mercedes
Fm. as it has been described above, generated a
transitional sector with an average thickness of around
2 m, composed of different composition discrete bodies,
of vertical development and conoid morphology: some
of them are composed by greyish whitish sandstones
and others are so of the same ferruginized sandstones.
Consequently, it is herein proposed that the columnar
structures correspond to this transitional level; in this
interpretation, the body of the columns would be
composed of the ferruginous tongues whereas the
hollows would be the result of carbonate dissolution and
the erosion of the Mercedes Fm. material (Picture 10B).
These erosion processes of the greyish sandstones with
hollow formation would have taken place in a
hydromorphic environment, following the incision of the
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
surface and the genesis of the present landscape.
Other evidence, obtained in the same region where
the Gruta del Palacio occurs, would seem to reinforce
the previous interpretation. Effectively, in the proximities
of the arroyo Vera, cylindrical bodies have been found
which are similar to the columnar relicts found at the
Gruta del Palacio (Pictures 11A, B and 12A, B, C).
These cylinders have between 40 and 70 cm in diameter
and their remnants, possibly the consequence of a
combination of natural erosion processes and
anthropogenic destruction, have between 20 and 70
cm. Like the columns at the Grutas, these cylinders
present a ferruginous nucleus and a cortex composed
of the greyish sandstone (Picture 12A). The nucleus
of hematite composition is red and presents a wide
variety of inner structures: in some cases it is fine
grained, of pinkish colour, with significant clay amounts,
with little ferruginous nodules included in the finer mass,
and of friable consistency; in other cases, it occurs
strongly indurated, with ferruginous nodules of 2-3 cm
in diameter in a whitish sandstone matrix. In some of
them, the ferruginous material presents concentric
structure with a friable central portion and an outer
layer strongly indurated (Picture 12B). The outer cortex
of these columnar relicts is generally of a few mm in
thickness, and the greyish sandstone is impregnated
largely by iron oxi-hydroxides which vary in colour from
yellowish –presumably of goethitic nature- to a very
intense red of hematite composition (Picture 12C).
Although the area has not been excavated, in some
parts at the base between the cylindrical relicts, fine
grained, greyish materials have been also observed,
similar to those described by Goso & Guérèquiz (2001)
at the base of the columns at Gruta del Palacio.
PICTURE 11. A) in a small cut, the tabular ferricrete typical of the Asencio Fm. is noted
and at its foot, fragments of greyish cylindrical structures; B) relicts of the cylindrical
structures at a few meters from the previously mentioned front.
PICTURE 12. Columnar relict in which a reddish ferruginous material and the outer cortex of greyish sandstone
with yellowish impregnation of goethitic iron may be observed. A) details of the cylindrical structure,
in which the friable character of the ferruginuos nucleus may be observed; B) in another cylinder, the friable nucleus
is surrounded by an indurated ferruginous layer; C) in this relict, it may be seen that the cylinder is composed
of ferruginous nodules in a sandstone matrix and with an indurated nodular nucleus.
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010
The variety of inner morphologies of these columns
corresponds with the different morphologies described
in the inner portion of the ferruginous tongues at the top
of the Mercedes Fm.: the more friable materials at the
inner portion of the cylinders are comparable to the finer
materials that are present towards the central part of
some of the weathering tongues, whereas the nodular
materials are comparable to the nodules developed at
the edge of the tongues, as the initial weathering phase
of the Mercedes Fm. sandstone weathering. Moreover,
the presence of goethite in the greyish cortex of the
columns would indicate partially reducing conditions,
which could be related to the circulation of superficial
waters generating cement dissolution and sandstone
erosion, thus generating the hollows in between the most
coherent ferruginized materials.
1. The morphological evidence found in the herein
studied sites clearly indicates that the geochemical
weathering processes that would have taken place
during the early Eocene as a consequence of the
southward displacement of the wet subtropical
climate conditions, generating the paleosols of the
Asencio Fm., would have penetrated deeply affecting
also the Cretaceous sandstones of the top of the
Mercedes Fm. In the herein referred observations
there is no evidence of a paleosurface which would
have acted as a limitation to these processes.
Contrarily, a transitional level occurs, composed of
an irregular boundary in which ferruginized materials
co-existed with relicts of the greyish sandstone of
the Mercedes Fm. Besides, it has been possible to
prove that the weathering process has penetrated
deeply –probably through fractures of varied naturein the body of the Mercedes Fm., where ferrugination
poaches may be found several meters below the
described transitional boundary.
2. These results would support the proposition of other
authors about the need of reconsideration of the
stratigraphic rank of the Yapeyú member of the
Asencio Fm., which at the studied sites occurs as
a partially weathered and ferruginized facies of
the Mercedes Fm.
3. The nodular beds of the Asencio Fm. have been
considered of sedimentary origin or a result of
the weathering and destruction of the ferricretes
previously generated within the same formation.
The herein presented observations show that
nodulation is the result of the weathering of the
greyish sandstones of the Mercedes Fm., through
a process of fragmentation and ferrugination. Due
to the fact that this paper has been restricted to
the analysis of the boundary between the greyish
sandstones and the ferruginous materials, it cannot
be ruled out that the nodular beds in the overlying
stratigraphic levels of the Asencio Fm. may have
a different origin.
4. As a consequence of the existence of a transitional
level at the top of the Mercedes Fm., characterized
by deep weathering tongues, as well as for their
internal characteristics, it is herein proposed that
the columnar structures of the so-called Gruta
del Palacio and other sites with similar structures
would correspond to that transitional level. The
nucleus of the columns would be composed of
the ferruginous tongues whereas the hollows
would be the result of the calcareous dissolution
and the selective water erosion of the sandstones
of this formation.
The present contribution was developed in the framework of the UBACyT X236 and X219 projects of the Universidad de Buenos
Aires, Argentina. The authors wish to express their gratitude to Dr. P. Pazos (FCEN-UBA) for their valuable comments and suggestions,
and to Dr. E. Pecoits and Dr. N. Aubet of the Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, for their useful and kind collaboration
during a part of the field work.
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Manuscrito Recebido em: 18 de agosto de 2010
Revisado e Aceito em: 5 de outubro de 2010
São Paulo, UNESP, Geociências, v. 29, n. 4, p. 487-500, 2010