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A detailed comparative analysis of transport and thermodynamic properties of biodiesel fuels and components of these fuels is presented. Five types of biodiesel fuels are considered: Palm Methyl Ester, produced from palm oil; Hemp Methyl Esters, produced from hemp oil in the Ukraine and European Union; Rapeseed oil Methyl Ester, produced from rapeseed oil in the Ukraine; and Soybean oil Methyl Ester, produced from soybean oil. Up to 16 components (methyl esters in most cases) of these fuels are considered. The results are applied to the analysis of biodiesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation in conditions relevant to internal combustion engines, using the model described elsewhere.
A comparative analysis of predictions of several models of biodiesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation in realistic Diesel engine-like conditions is presented. Nineteen types of biodiesel fuels composed of methyl esters are used for the analysis. It is shown that the model, based on the assumption that the diffusivity of species in droplets is infinitely fast and the liquid thermal conductivity is infinitely large, under-predicts the droplet evaporation time compared with the model taking into account the effects of finite diffusivity and conductivity, by up to about 15%. A similar under-predictions of the model in which the transient diffusion of species is ignored and the liquid thermal conductivity is assumed to be infinitely large, is shown to be about 26%. The latter result is not consistent with the earlier finding, based on the analysis of only five types of biodiesel fuels and different input parameters, in which it was shown that the deviations between the evaporation times predicted by these models do not exceed about 5.5%. As in the case of Diesel and gasoline fuel droplets, for biodiesel droplets the multi-component models predict higher droplet surface temperatures at the final stages of droplet evaporation and longer evaporation times than for the single-component models. This is related to the fact that at the final stages of droplet evaporation the mass fraction of heavier species, which evaporate more slowly than the lighter species and have higher boiling temperatures, increases at the expense of lighter species.
Discrete Components Model taking into account liquid species diffusion. The dependence of the properties of components of biodiesel fuels on temperature. The modelling of heating and evaporation of biodiesel fuel droplets. a b s t r a c t Biodiesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation is investigated using the previously developed models, taking into account temperature gradient, recirculation, and species diffusion within droplets. The analysis is focused on four types of biodiesel fuels: Palm Methyl Ester, Hemp Methyl Esters, Rapeseed oil Methyl Ester, and Soybean oil Methyl Ester. These fuels contain up to 15 various methyl esters and possibly small amounts of unspecified additives, which are treated as methyl esters with some average characteristics. Calculations are performed using two approaches: (1) taking into account the contribution of all components of biodiesel fuels (up to 16); and (2) assuming that these fuels can be treated as a one component fuel with averaged transport and thermodynamic coefficients. It is pointed out that for all types of biodiesel fuel the predictions of the multi-component and single component models are rather close (the droplet evaporation times predicted by these models differ by less than about 5.5%). This difference is much smaller than observed in the case of Diesel and gasoline fuel droplets, and is related to the fact that in the case of Diesel and gasoline fuel droplets the contribution of components in a wide range of molar masses and enthalpies of evaporation needs to be taken into account, while in the case of biodiesel fuels the main contribution comes from the components in a narrow range of molar masses, boiling temperatures and enthalpies of evaporation. As in the case of Diesel and gasoline fuel droplets, the multi-component model predicts higher droplet surface temperature and longer evaporation times than the single component model.
International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering, 9(1), 46 - 49., 2015
This paper presents the application of the Discrete Component Model for heating and evaporation to multi-component biodiesel fuel droplets in direct injection internal combustion engines. This model takes into account the effects of temperature gradient, recirculation and species diffusion inside droplets. A distinctive feature of the model used in the analysis is that it is based on the analytical solutions to the temperature and species diffusion equations inside the droplets. Nineteen types of biodiesel fuels are considered. It is shown that a simplistic model, based on the approximation of biodiesel fuel by a single component or ignoring the diffusion of components of biodiesel fuel, leads to noticeable errors in predicted droplet evaporation time and time evolution of droplet surface temperature and radius.
New results of the investigation of biodiesel fuel droplet heating and evaporation, using previously developed models, are presented. Temperature gradient, recirculation and species diffusion within the droplets are taken into account. The results of calculations, taking into account the contribution of all components of biodiesel fuels (up to 16) and assuming that these fuels can be treated as a one component fuel, are discussed. It is pointed out that there are serious problems with the application of the approach, based on the analysis of diffusion of individual components, to the modelling of heating and evaporation of realistic Diesel fuel droplets, as the latter include more than 100 components. In our earlier papers, a new approach to the modelling of heating and evaporation of multi-component droplets, suitable for the case when a large number of components are present in the droplets, was suggested. This approach was based on the introduction of quasi-components, and the model was called the 'quasi-discrete' model. It is pointed out that there are two main problems with the application of the quasi-discrete model to realistic Diesel fuels. Firstly, even if we restrict our analysis to alkanes alone, it appears not to be easy to approximate this distribution with a reasonably simple distribution function. Secondly, the contributions of other hydrocarbon families in addition to alkanes cannot be ignored in any realistic model of Diesel fuels. Some results of the development of the generalised multi-dimensional version of the quasi-discrete model and its application to realistic Diesel fuel droplets are presented.
Economía Internacional Krugman y Obstfel, 2006
ECONOMíA INTERNACIONAL Teoría y política. Séptima edición Paul R. Krugman; Maurice Obstfeld PEARSON EDUCACIÓN, S.A., Madrid, 2006 ISBN 10: 84-7829-080-X ISBN 13: 978-84-7829-101-4 Materia: 339 Formato 195# 250 mm Páginas: 768
Bagan alir (flowchart) adalah bagan (chart) yang menunjukan hasil (flow) didalam program atau prosedur sistem secara logika. Bagan alir digunakan terutama untuk alat bantu komunikasi dan untuk dokumentasi [1].
In S. Bager Charleson & A. McBeath (Eds.), Supporting Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed methods Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 247-266. ISBN 9783031139413., 2023
In this chapter, researchers preparing to broach emotionally loaded and sensitive topics will find practical examples of mixed methods approaches tailored to such contexts. Dr Sally Cook outlines the stages of a qualitative mixed-methods approach project combining Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and Ethnography, to explore the meaning which survivors of torture ascribe to using a second language in their healing journey. Dr Louise Rolland describes how carefully selected interviews can shed light on quantitative findings from an international web survey. She also advocates for researchers to consider language as part of their methodology, translating lessons from her research – the role of languages in mediating multilinguals’ expression of emotions and identity in psychotherapy – into academic practice. Both authors weave self-care into their stories, ensuring that the ethics of researching within a sensitive context include consideration of the researcher as well as the participants. Professor Dewaele and Dr Costa add a meta-perspective on methodological choices – as earlier supervisors and mentors, and based on their well-established authority in the field of multilingual therapy and mixed methods research.
The growth of social media poses a dilemma for security and law enforcement agencies. On the one hand, social media could provide a new form of intelligence – SOCMINT – that could contribute decisively to keeping the public safe. On the other, national security is dependent on public understanding and support for the measures being taken to keep us safe. Social media challenges current conceptions about privacy, consent and personal data, and new forms of technology allow for more invisible and widespread intrusive surveillance than ever before. Furthermore, analysis of social media for intelligence purposes does not fit easily into the policy and legal frameworks that guarantee that such activity is proportionate, necessary and accountable. This paper is the first effort to examine the ethical, legal and operational challenges involved in using social media for intelligence and insight purposes. It argues that social media should become a permanent part of the intelligence framework but that it must be based on a publicly argued, legal footing, with clarity and transparency over use, storage, purpose, regulation and accountability. #Intelligence lays out six ethical principles that can help government agencies approach these challenges and argues for major changes to the current regulatory and legal framework in the long-term, including a review of the current Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.
This article reproduces the text of a paper read at the session 'The role of museums in revitalising cultural landscapes' organized by ICOM Netherlands at the ICOM General Conference in Milan in 2016. Taking the planned World Heritage nomination of the Roman frontier on the Lower Rhine as their central case, an international group of experts discussed such topics as museums and cultural landscapes, visitor experience, tourism, cooperation, and government responsibility. The present paper reviews a number of recent references, reconstructions and visitor centers designed to increase public awareness and experience of the Roman frontier in the Netherlands. Special attention is given to the development and design strategy of Castellum Hoge Woerd in the municipality of Utrecht (NL) which combines a museum, a theatre, an urban farm and a restaurant.
Engineering Seismology, Geotechnical and Structural Earthquake Engineering, 2013
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Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017
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Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2003
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B, 2014
Revista Brasileira de Ciências Policiais, 2022
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Skin Research and Technology, 2009
IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 2014