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2018, Recent Advances in IT, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture
7 pages
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Information is essential in the daily management process at any business. It focuses on knowledge, know-how, skills and experience and is one of the main drivers of the innovation process. Companies that devote significant resources to research the market and to develop new products, processes and/or technologies are those ones that are the largest technology licensors. In the terms of Industry 4.0 there is a shift from labor-intensive and capital-intensive industries to knowledge-based and technology-based economies. As competition grows and covers not only national but also international markets, technology emerges as an important business driver in red oceans of competitive battleship. To support a long-term growth goals, new technologies and their intellectual properties could become an object of a marketing. In this case we are talking about technology transfer. In this paper, the subject of research will be the analysis of different ways of managing the technology transfer focusing on transfer on commercial basis. The core of the analysis is to find out the exact dependence between density of technology transfer and innovation based business success that dependence is typical for Bulgaria and Bulgarian companies. In conclusion the reference to the competitiveness level of Bulgarian economy and the calculated innovation based dependence will be presented. That will allow to state our recommendations to the Bulgarian mangers how to increase business growth and competitiveness based on the technology transfer.
Issues relating to technical and technological procurement of the firms in Bulgaria, which determines their positions in the local, regional and global market are particularly topical. The article examines the transfer of technology as a factor for improving the firms’ competitiveness and explores the opportunities for building competitive advantages through it. The practice of most developed countries proves conclusively that over the last few years the factor determining the macro- and micro-level competitiveness is, in fact, the advancement in technology. Identified in the paper are the main priorities for the individual firms operating at the abovementioned levels of economic development.
Selected Papers (part of ITEMA conference collection), 2019
In the adopted in 2015 and updated in 2017 „Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization 2014-2020”, the Bulgarian state sets ambitious goals and undertakes serious commitments to encourage and more decisively support innovation. The main objective of this paper is to investigate certain structural features and indicators of innovation and as a result on this basis to summarize some adopted opportunities and existing constraints on innovation in the private and public sectors at the end of the programming period. As a result of the analysis, both stimulating and retaining factors are synthesized in the context of the size (scale of activity) of the predominant part of the companies, the sectoral company and innovation concentration and the size and structure of R&D expenditure in the private and public sectors. During the study methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as methods of descriptive analysis were used.
Valahian Journal of Economic Studies
Technological information, knowledge transfer, research and innovation are factors of success in the contemporary economy. Romania is on the last place in Europe in terms of innovation, and the Romanian regions occupy the last positions the picture of the European innovation at the regional level. The paper presents a presentation of the situation of the innovation in Romania, with aspects concerning the need for innovation of SMEs. Domestic companies need innovation to cope with the European and international competition. The collaboration with the university/research institutes and the patent/license acquisition have a low share, showing the lack of technology transfer and of certain partnerships between the business environment and the research area. The establishment of networks specialized in technological transfer, with government support, can be a solution for the sustainable growth of the national economy.
Countries, 1996: National Profiles, OECD, Paris, 1 997, and author's data collected on the base of interview. 10 3. Methodology of the survey on barriers to innovation in Bulgaria (1 997) -The official statistical sources of information about innovation activities in enterprises are not sufficient for practical policy-making. Data on R&D expenditures and personnel, patents and scientific publications, as conventional sources for data, do not provide full and reliable information on the innovation activities of enterprises. 5 It is necessary to apply the methods of survey statistics in order to pursue the processes of innovation activities in the country and to provide surveys based on face-to-face interviews as a new source of information relating to this subject.
The High Education reform in the Republic of Bulgaria is aiming at transforming the High Schools into integrated centers for science and education, capable of adequately facing the challenging times and investing in more and more qualitative scientific work in every sphere of the social and economic life. The long period during transition caused demolition of old built relationships and connections between the scientific research work and the real practical requirements of the business. The firms suffer form insufficient financial recourses have limited possibilities to apply new technologies and to order new developments related with their concrete practical problems. It is important to pay attention to the possibilities for new technological solutions application into the practice in order to enhance the competitiveness of Bulgarian firms and to provide researchers with up to date problematic for their scientific work. For realization of that goal a necessity of new type of innovation and technology transfer infrastructure establishment is being determined. The article presents a profound analysis of the tendencies in scientific research, the education system and innovation strategies in Bulgaria and in particular of the University of Rousse “Angel Kanchev”. We base our choice on the structural idea of knowledge-based economy which is seen as analytically useful by Cooke and Leydesdorff (2006). They link the knowledge generation to the knowledge exploitation system (mainly companies) and repulses the perception that only industries with heavy concentration of knowledge assets should be in the focus of the research. The aim of the article is to introduce to the scientific society that in Bulgaria is being worked on that scientific problem and to share the experience in establishment of Technology transfer office (TTO) in the University of Rousse, in building up the connections between the business and scientific workers and to promote a good practice which can be implemented in European Union (EU) member state, due to the financial possibilities, given by the Structural funds. The tasks placed for the solution of the article’s aim are: to elucidate the necessity of technology transfer enhancement between the science and the practice, to analyze the Bulgarian environment and the condition of technology transfer between higher education institutes and business, to estimate the possibilities for technology transfer through establishment of TTO with the use of EU financial sources and to give an example of good practice by sharing the experience, gained during the implementation of EU funded project and to estimate the multiplication possibilities. Special attention is paid on the positive results after the establishment of the Technology transfer office in the University, accomplished with the financial support of the European Union, PHARE program.
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum - Oeconomia, 2017
The aim of the study was to analyse the existing concept of technology transfer and the experience of selected countries. The starting point was outlining the essence of the strategic paradigm of the innovation and technology transfer theory. The concept of the subject-territorial origin of innovation was also interpreted, emphasizing the fact that small companies, linked to one another in a network of business relationships, form structures that bind them to the environment in which they operate, This translates into effectiveness of the processes of technology transfer. The paper also analyses the dynamic and interactive models of technology transfer in selected countries with a long tradition of noticeable effects in terms of transfers of innovative technology solutions.
Procedia Engineering, 2016
This paper presents a model of approaching the managing the innovation process in case of small and medium-sized companies. The process of development by means of innovation is analysed from two perspectives, namely: from the perspective of companies that apply the innovations and from the perspective of universities as suppliers of technologies and knowledge. Some aspects specific for the management of innovation are given in the first part while the second part contains some aspects referring to the university technological transfer and are presented the main types of legal agreements for the technological transfer.
This research investigates the critical elements that influence the ability of firm to introduce innovations in products and processes through international technology transfer. Based on resource-based theory and researches with similar research question, we suggest the conceptual framework where the main characteristics of international technology transfer as well as critical internal and external factors and firm's attributes can contribute to cultivation of innovation capability of the firm. The mode of technology transfer proposed as main characteristic of international technology transfer for development of innovation capability was proposed. Firm's level of R&D expenditures suggested as an internal factor. Government support and level of integration of supplier of technology into firm learning process are proposed as the external factors. The firm's size, age, ownership and type of manufacturing sector were the firm's specific factors in this study. Quantitative and qualitative data collected from Kazakhstan manufacturing firms working in scale intensive and supplier dominated sectors shows that within such modes of international technology transfer as direct purchase and turnkey projects, the firms introduce more innovations in products and processes. The integration of supplier in firm's learning process, mostly on technology transfer preparation stage, is a important contributor to the innovation capability development process. Other factors because of limitations in sample size and qualitative information did not show any effect on number of innovative products and processes.
The international flow of systematic knowledge and its successful utilization and absorption into domestic production and management processes are a key determinant for the ability of catching-up economies to compete in the global market and to narrow the technological gaps with developed economies. One of the most important dynamic effects of regional economic integration is the enhanced possibility of international technology transfer among participating countries. The European integration provides such an opportunity for the technological laggard Bulgaria. The objective of the paper is to provide an analysis of market-mediated international transfer of technology to Bulgaria after its European Union accession through the following major channels: foreign trade, foreign direct investment, licensing. The results show that the process of technological catching-up is not an automatic one and Bulgaria does not leverage its EU membership sufficiently to embark on a sustainable path of technological upgrading.
Філиппова С.В., Ковтуненко Ю.В. Комерціалізація та трансфер технологій: зміст процесів та їх кореляція у інноваційної діяльності промислового підприємства. Визначено зміст процесів комерціалізації та трансферу технологій у інноваційної діяльності промислових підприємств, представлено розмежування категорій та їх взаємозв’язок. Ключові слова: комерціалізація, трансфер технологій, інноваційна діяльність, етапи процесу комерціалізації, етапи трансферу технологій, промислове підприємство
Academia Engineering, 2024
Fuzûlî’nin Leylâ vü Mecnûn’unda Anlatı Söylemi ve Köken İncelemesi (-Nizâmî’den Fuzûlî’ye- Yeniden Yazılan Leylâ ve Mecnûn Mesnevileri Bağlamında), 2024
Cultural Anthropology , 2016
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 2018
Povijest neostvarenih mogucnosti, 2018
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2018
The American Journal of Bioethics, 2019
SAÜ Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2016
Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 2018
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020
Sykepleien Nett, 2014
Advances in Geosciences, 2013
Applied Mathematical Sciences