R. ABBOTT,* California State University, Los Angeles, CA,
and The Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, CA
The concept of emergence is defined in terms of entities. An entity is an aggregation that
has properties that do not apply to its components and whose definition depends on the
forces that bind the aggregation together. Four primary categories of entities are
identified. Mass-based and attractor-based entities arise naturally and require no energy
to persist. Designed entities are typically human-designed artifacts. Process/structure
entities are typically social or biological systems that require the continual consumption
of energy to perpetuate themselves. In all cases, entities expel entropy into their
environment. Two other categories of entities, temporal and symbolic, are explored in
less detail. Entities exist as a result of the binding forces that hold them together. The
binding forces for mass- and attractor-based entities are fundamental forces and operate,
in some sense, for free: emergence is built into nature. The binding forces for designed
and structure/process entities require the application of energy and give rise to entities
that have come to be known as being far from equilibrium. Entities are built on a
substrate consisting of component entities and the forces to which those component
entities are subject. This parallels the notion of levels of abstraction in computer science.
The approach to emergence in this paper relates to the more traditional notions of
nominal, weak, and strong emergence. We suggest a relationship between weak
emergence and recursive enumerability. We discuss relationships between emergence and
scientific reductionism and downward causation.
Keywords: Emergence, entities, entropy, binding forces, persistence, self-perpetuation
Emergence is a central, although loosely defined, concept within the field of complex
systems. In a recent paper, Bedau (2002) defined what he called weak emergence as a proposed
explication for the informal notion of emergence. For Bedau, a phenomenon is weakly emergent
if it arises in the course of a simulation (or in reality) but cannot be anticipated in advance.1
Bedau’s primary example is the glider in the Game of Life (Gardner, 1970, 1971). Weak
emergence is discussed in more detail in the Background section.
* Corresponding author address: Russ Abbott, Department of Computer Science, California State University,
Los Angeles, CA 90032; e-mail:
[email protected].
1 One often hears that a property is not emergent unless one is surprised by its appearance. This is a naïve form of
what is called epistemological emergence (see O’Connor, 2003). But whether the observer is surprised is not
relevant to much other than his or her psychological state or intellectual powers. The surprise of an observer has
nothing to do with a property or whether something displays that property. Bedau’s weak emergence does not
depend on such a surprise factor. It requires only that the amount of (computational) work needed to show that a
phenomenon will emerge is at least as great as the amount of work needed to run a system and see the
phenomenon emerge.
This paper explores a characterization of emergence from a different perspective. We
identify emergence (in at least some of its forms) with entities. In many, if not most, cases,
emergence refers to the emergence of something (e.g., an entity such as a glider). But entities are
troubling to science. Weinberg, perhaps the ultimate reductionist, puts it this way (Weinberg,
“[T]he reductionist view emphasizes that the weather behaves the way it does
because of the general principles of aerodynamics, radiation flow, and so on
(as well as historical accidents like the size and orbit of the earth), but in order to
predict the weather tomorrow it may be more useful to think [emphasis added]
about cold fronts and thunderstorms. Reductionism may or may not be a good
guide for a program of weather forecasting, but it provides the necessary insight
that there are not autonomous laws of weather that are logically independent of
the principles of physics. [emphasis added] Whether or not it helps the
meteorologist to keep it in mind, cold fronts are the way they are because of the
properties of air and water vapor and so on which in turn are the way they are
because of the principles of chemistry and physics. We don’t know the final laws
of nature, but we know that they are not expressed in terms of cold fronts or
thunderstorms [emphasis added].”
In their hearts, most scientists probably believe that there is something both right and
wrong about this perspective. I doubt that anyone believes there are laws of nature that magically
spring into being whenever we find it convenient to speak in terms of higher-level entities such
as cold fronts. Emergence of this sort is what Bedau calls strong emergence (see “Background”).
Yet concepts such as cold fronts and thunderstorms are so useful that simply to dismiss them as
arbitrary though practical constructs seems wrong, too. One way to frame this tension is to pose
this question about the ontological status of entities such as cold fronts and thunderstorms. Do
they really exist, or are they just conceptual or useful conveniences? In this paper, we propose a
perspective in which higher-level entities really do exist, and we provide a physical rationale for
this perspective.
We also classify entities. Two are of the most interest:
1. Mass-based entities, for which one can describe both a physical mechanism
for their existence as entities and a metric for the degree to which they qualify
as entities, and
2. Structural/process entities (the kind that tend to be most interesting), which
include biological and social entities.
In both cases (and perhaps most fundamental), the mechanisms that lead to the formation
and persistence of these entities expel entropy from the entity. In the first case, the mechanisms
that expel entropy run, in some sense, for free, illustrating that emergence is a fundamental
feature of nature. In the second case, the mechanisms that expel entropy require the importation
of energy, resulting in entities that are now famously called far from equilibrium. Entities in both
of these classes are self-perpetuating. Although they are not eternal, they are supported by forces
that tend to keep them in existence as entities.
Emergence is typically considered a relationship between macro and micro phenomena — one in
which a macro phenomenon in some sense emerges from underlying micro phenomena. Bedau
defines three increasingly restrictive categories of emergent properties, as follows:
Nominal emergence is characterized by macro-level properties that do not
apply at the micro level but that can be reduced to them. Bedau’s example
here is a circle, which he says consists of a collection of points, each of which
individually has no shape. So being a circle is a property of the whole but not
its parts. But, he continues, if you know that all the points in a collection of
points are equidistant from a given point, then you can derive the fact that the
collection is a circle.
Perhaps a more complex example (but not Bedau’s) is that of a (macro-level)
house that has the property of having some number of bedrooms. The
predicate “number-of-bedrooms” does not apply to the (micro-level)
components of a house — such as paint, lumber, sinks, nails, roofing, and
drywall. But with enough definitional work, perhaps number-of-bedrooms
could be defined in terms of these components. This is emergence as little
(if anything) more than entailment. See the discussion of the designed entity
(the house) and symbolic entity (the circle) in the Categories of Entities
Weak emergence is characterized by macro-level properties that could not be
predicted from the micro level except by simulation. Bedau uses gliders in the
Game of Life as his prototypical example.
All weakly emergent properties are nominally emergent (i.e., they are defined
ultimately in terms of lower-level phenomena, but they are derived in so
complex a way that the work required to derive them is at least as complex as
the work required to allow them to emerge).
Although we do not have time to explore this issue here, Bedau’s weak
emergence is in some sense equivalent (although Bedau does not make this
claim) to recursive enumerability (i.e., a property that must be computed to be
observed). In particular, since one can simulate a Turing machine in the Game
of Life, it can be proved that certain properties of the Game or Life, such as
whether the number of live cells is bounded or whether certain patterns will
appear, are recursively enumerable but not recursive depending on the starting
state of the board.
Strong emergence is characterized by macro-level properties that cannot be
explained by any combination of explanations from the micro level. It is
unlikely that there are any such properties (strong emergence is inconsistent
with any modern scientific conception of the universe) but if there were,
consciousness would be a current candidate. If it were to exist, strong
emergence (e.g., laws of weather that are logically independent of the
principles of physics) would be emergence that, by definition, is magical,
spooky, and mysterious. From here on, we ignore the possibility of strong
When speaking of phenomena or properties that are meaningful at a macro level, one is
inevitably forced to speak of entities that either participate in those phenomena or that have those
properties. In this paper, we approach the issue of macro vs. micro as one of macro entities vs.
their micro components. Our task is to distinguish between (a) macro entities that are composed
of micro entity components and (b) simple aggregations of micro entities that do not deserve to
be considered (macro) entities.
We say here that a property of an aggregation is emergent if its definition depends on the
means (i.e., the mechanisms, design, structures, forces, or constraints), if any, that bind the
aggregation’s components together. Thus, if a property of an aggregation depends solely on the
components of the aggregation, that property is not emergent. To be emergent, the property must
also depend on whatever (if anything) binds the aggregation together. If there are no such
binding forces, the aggregation cannot, by definition, have emergent properties.
Here are two examples of aggregate properties that are and are not emergent:
The mass of a bag of marbles is not emergent because mass does not depend
on the fact that the marbles are in the bag. (As we will see later, a bag of
marbles is what we will call a designed entity.)
The miles-per-gallon rating of an automobile is emergent. The property of
miles-per-gallon does not mean anything with respect to the components of an
automobile simply as a collection of parts. It has meaning only with respect to
the components when bound together as an automobile. (An automobile is
also a designed entity.)
This definition of emergence is consistent with Bedau’s notion of nominal emergence —
which includes weak emergence. The distinction we are making is that a property is emergent
when its nominal derivation depends not only on the component elements but also on how those
component elements are bound together.
This seems quite straightforward and reasonable, almost obvious. But the focus on how
elements are bound together has profound implications. In particular, any property that does not
apply directly to fundamental particles is emergent because any such property necessarily
depends on how the elements to which it does apply are constructed. This definition of
emergence thereby alerts us to pay special attention to the means that bind aggregations together.
It is the binding mechanisms that lead to emergence. Given this definition of emergent
properties, we can define an entity simply as follows:
An aggregation is an entity if it has one or more emergent properties.
Thus, an automobile is an entity because it has the emergent property of miles-per-gallon.
It is useful to group entities into categories. Table 1 summarizes our categorization.
Mass-based and attractor-based entities are at equilibrium and require no additional energy to
persist. Process/structure entities and designed entities are not at equilibrium. Mass-based and
process/structure entities are intrinsically bound, being held together by forces internal to
themselves. Attractor-based and design entities are extrinsically bound, being held together by
forces external to themselves.
Mass-based Entities
A mass-based entity has a mass that is less than the mass of its components. The clearest
example is an atomic nucleus. The mass of any atomic nucleus that has more than one nucleon is
always strictly less than the sum of the masses of the protons and neutrons that compose it when
considered in isolation. As illustrated in Figure 1, a helium nucleus (an alpha particle) has a mass
of 4.00153 u, whereas its components, when considered separately, have a total mass of
4.03188 u.
This mass differential exists because less binding energy is needed to hold an alpha
particle together than is needed in total to hold the quarks in the four nucleons together when
they are independent of each other. It is that difference that yields the release of energy in a
nuclear reaction, either fission or fusion. Similar effects occur with other primitive forces:
Atoms are less massive than their components (nuclei and electrons)
considered separately.
Molecules are less massive than the atoms of which they are composed.
Gravitational systems (such as the solar system or a galaxy) are less massive
than the components of which they are composed.
Although the preceding statements may sound strange, they are trivially true. Since
energy is required to break these entities into their components, and since (at least some of) the
energy that is applied when doing so is retained by the components after the breakup, according
to the equivalence of mass and energy and the conservation of mass/energy, the total mass of the
components after the breakup must be equal to the mass of the original entity prior to the
TABLE 1 Categories of entities
Does category require energy
to be sustained?
Intrinsically Bound Entities
Extrinsically Bound
No. At equilibrium.
Mass-based (e.g., atomic
Attractor-based (e.g., lake)
Yes. Far from equilibrium.
Process/structure (e.g., living
cell, nation-state)
Designed (e.g., automobile,
woven cloth)
FIGURE 1 Mass of a helium nucleus (Source: Georgia State
University, 2004)
breakup plus the retained applied energy. So the sum of the masses of the components must
exceed the mass of the original entity. Thus, even a handful of wet sand has less mass than the
sum of the masses of the sand and the water used to wet it.
This perspective even yields an entity metric. One can define the degree to which a
physical aggregation is an entity as the amount of energy required to separate it into its
components. “Entityness,” at least for physical objects, thus becomes a property with a naively
intuitive measure — not a Boolean property.
A Programming Metaphor
As a computer scientist (not a physicist, mathematician, engineer, social scientist, or
philosopher), I find it convenient think in terms that can be expressed in programming language
constructs. Consider the following object-oriented pseudo-program: The two lines in which
energy is released are the lines in which new objects (entities) are created. Another way of
putting this is that object constructors (entity constructors or what might be called emergence
operators) are built into the universe. They have the property that they release energy when
invoked. In other words, in some sense, they run for free.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics tells us that nothing really runs for free. So what
happens to entropy when an entity is created? Constructors of mass-based entities have the
property that they expel entropy from the newly created entity into the environment. The entropy
of a mass-based entity is strictly lower than the entropy of the entity’s components when not
bound together as an entity. Whatever binds the components together limits the states they may
assume and hence lowers the overall entropy. But since entropy cannot decrease overall, the
entropy of the new entity’s environment must increase.
The significance of this phenomenon is that entity-forming forces have the effect of
aggregating component entities into new larger entities while expelling entropy from the
resulting entity into the environment. That this occurs universally and at the most fundamental
levels of physics seems to me to be quite significant. Without becoming too mystical about it,
this illustrates that emergence (i.e., the emergence of entities), is a fundamental feature of the
way the universe works.
Attractor-based Entities
An attractor-based entity is an entity that exists by virtue of the structure of its
environment. For example, a lake exists as water that collects in a basin of attraction. It is not the
water that defines the lake, it is the attractor, which is part of the environment, that defines it.
Attractor-based entities are similar to mass-based entities, except that the entity (the lake) is
separate from the forces that define it. The stuff collected in a basin of attraction has emergent
properties (e.g., the volume of a lake), but the basin itself also has emergent properties (e.g., its
capacity). Energy is required to separate the components from the entity (i.e., to remove
components from the basin).
In this case and the previous case, the entropy flow is the same: from the entity to the
environment. Of particular interest is that in both cases, no energy is required for the persistence
or perpetuation of entities in these classes. Mass-based and attractor-based entities are formed
and persist on the basis of primitive forces.
Designed Entities
Designed entities are a structured collection of components that exhibit properties that the
components would not exhibit either individually or collectively if they were not arranged
according to that structure. Typical examples, which are almost always human-manufactured,
range from cloth, clothing, furniture, and mechanical, electrical, and electronic appliances to
computers and entities that include embedded computers, such as automobiles, houses, satellites,
and semiconductor chip fabrication facilities. The structures of these entities, if not maintained,
typically deteriorate over time — especially though use.
One of my favorite examples of entities in this category is woven cloth, which consists of
thread arranged according to a weave pattern. Being essentially a two-dimensional object, cloth
has a property (area) that its components (threads, which are essentially one-dimensional objects)
do not. Cloth comes into being when a weave structure is (externally) imposed on a collection of
thread components. Unlike mass-based entities, cloth has no intrinsic processes to bind itself
FIGURE 2 Program for building a water molecule
together. Nor is cloth bound together by a simple attractor, although perhaps one could argue that
it is bound together by the many little attractors that create friction. Although cloth is stable if
untouched, it may wear, fray, and unravel with use. It requires mending (the application of
additional external energy to rebuild and repair its structure) to maintain its structure. Like
virtually all manufactured objects, cloth has a lower entropy than the unstructured threads of
which it is composed. But the process of making cloth is a result of the application of energy; it
does not arise spontaneously as a result of fundamental physical forces.
At the other extreme of sophistication from cloth is a notion that most computer scientists
are familiar with: level of abstraction. This is the conceptual framework defined by a
programming language or computer application program. A level of abstraction is a designed
entity or, more frequently, a collection of designed entities along with a collection of operations
that may be applied to them. The binding forces that are used to combine lower-level elements
into a new level of abstraction are the operations that exist at the substrate level. An executing
computer program is the design that combines these lower-level entities into higher-level
In computer science, one typically ignores the need to import energy: the binding forces
operate as if they are free once the computer is powered on. When executing a program, a
computer reduces the entropy within the computer and expels entropy into the environment as
Process/Structure Entities
Process/structure entities are characterized by the fact that they have an abstract structure
that is maintained by one or more internal processes. The internal processes use energy supplied
externally, and they operate only as long as such energy resources are available. Most (perhaps
all) biological and social entities are process/structure entities, although not all process/structure
entities are biological or social. (See the fire, hurricane, and tornado examples below.) The
abstract structure that organizes a process/structure entity persists even as the physical material
of which the entity is composed cycles through it. Process/structure entities are distinguished by
the fact that they tend to be self-perpetuating.
As an example, consider a corporation, which is defined (in this case formally, although a
formal definition is not a requirement for process/structure entities) by a combination of state
law, its articles of incorporation, and its by-laws. The people and property that occupy any
particular role in the corporation at any specific time may come and go. It is the formal structure
and processes defined by the corporation’s charter that persist. (The fact that most articles of
incorporation and by-laws provide a mechanism for their own modification does not change the
fact that, at any time, it is the structure and processes defined by that charter and those by-laws
that characterize the corporation.)
Most social and biological process/structure organizations are not built in so formal a
manner. Yet they are similar in that they generally have a structure that persists even as the
physical material of which these entities are composed comes and goes. It is the job of a
process/structure entity’s internal processes to use the continually recycled physical materials to
maintain the entity’s abstract structure. Consider, for example, how the physical substance of any
biological entity is constantly being renewed.
A process/structure entity’s ongoing internal binding processes are the means that keep it
bound together as an entity. These binding processes are analogous to the ongoing processes (the
exchange of virtual particles) that bind mass-based entities together. The forces that bind a
process/structure entity together are typically quite complex and not as simple as those that bind
mass-based and attractor-based entities together.
Process/structure entities require a source of energy to power their binding processes and
hence to hold themselves together. This contrasts with mass-based and attractor-based entities,
whose binding processes run for free. This need for energy is similar to the need that designed
entities have for external energy (in the form of maintenance) to hold themselves together. The
difference is that designed entities need energy to allow an external agent to repair their
externally imposed structures. Process entities need energy to run the internal processes that bind
them together. Since they tend to persist if that energy is available (old age is a separate issue)
but also depend on the continual consumption of energy to hold themselves together,
process/structure entities are what has come to be known as far-from-equilibrium systems. These
entities are thus self-perpetuating. They are built in such a way that if the environment within
which they exist remains relatively stable and if the energy they require to power their internal
processes is available, they perpetuate themselves.
The framework within which a process/structure entity’s binding processes operate
defines the entity’s infrastructure. The prototypical example is the circulatory system of a
biological entity. Like mass-based and attractor-based entities, process/structure entities expel
entropy. They differ from mass-based and attractor-based entities in that they import energy to
do it. Here we briefly consider three examples of process/structure entities: hurricanes, fires, and
a nation-state.
Hurricanes and Fires
Two nonbiological and nonsocial examples of process/structure entity are hurricanes and
fires (or flames). Both extract energy from the environment, which they use to perpetuate
themselves and to maintain their internal structures.
A hurricane feeds off the pressure and temperature differential between the warm ocean
and dense lower atmosphere and the cooler and less dense upper atmosphere. Here is a
description of hurricane formation from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (2004):
One ingredient [in hurricane formation] is a low pressure area which
forms over a large area of warm water. The air being drawn into the central low
pressure is curved due to the Coriolis Effect. Surface friction also causes the wind
around the low to spiral toward the center. This gives the hurricane a circular
rotation. The incoming air must go somewhere so it rises. This rising air, which is
saturated with water, cools and condenses to form clouds. The latent heat given
off when the water condenses causes the upper air to warm and increase in
pressure. This high pressure area is the reason why weather is nice in the eye of a
hurricane. This is the start of a feedback mechanism which continues to intensify
the hurricane as long as there is warm water from which to draw energy.
Figure 3 illustrates the structure of a hurricane in cross section.
FIGURE 3 Cross-sectional diagram of a hurricane
(Source: NASA, 2004)
Similar (but not identical — typically there is no central downdraft) mechanisms produce
tornados, flames, and fire storms. In all cases, energy is necessary to heat the inward flowing air
to perpetuate the cycle. A hurricane, or so-called warm-core storm, is unusual (as Figure 3
shows) in that the core consists of downward-flowing air and the heating takes place in the upper
atmosphere as a result of condensation of moisture from the rising moist ocean air. The
condensation occurs at the top of a ring around the eye, called the eye wall. This heating causes
both increased pressure within the eye and decreased pressure at the top of the eye wall, drawing
up more moist air.
What is common to hurricanes, tornados, flames, and fire storms is the operation of a heat
engine (i.e., the performance of work, typically the movement of some physical material, through
the application of heat energy). A hurricane is unusual in that the heat is generated as a result of
condensation in the upper atmosphere, which effectively pumps additional moist air upward into
the condensation area.
Hurricanes depend on moist and relatively warm surface air for their self-perpetuation.
The environmental energy sources upon which hurricanes depend are (a) the energy that
transfers moisture from the ocean to the surface air before it is pumped upward and (b) the
continual cooling or dispersal of heat in the upper atmosphere so that the heat generated by
condensation does not overly warm the condensation area. With these environmental conditions
in effect, hurricanes can perpetuate themselves indefinitely.
The infrastructure of a hurricane consists of the pathways along which air is transported.
If these (especially the upflow of moist air) were blocked, a hurricane’s internal process/structure
would deteriorate, and the hurricane would die.
A hurricane’s primary binding force is the physical force that cause gases to move from
high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas (i.e., along the hurricane’s infrastructure pathways).
The binding forces are (necessarily) inherent to the medium (the atmosphere) of which the
hurricane is composed. If gases were not subject to pressure differential forces, there would be
no hurricane. But because gases are subject to those forces, hurricane structures, once in place,
can perpetuate themselves. Other binding forces are those that generate heat as a result of
condensation and those that allow air to absorb moisture.
Similar analyses can be done for tornados and, perhaps more interestingly, for fires. A
fire’s primary binding processes are its convection currents and infrared radiation, both of which
carry heat throughout the area that defines the fire. The convection flows and the radiation
vectors also define the fire’s (changing) infrastructure. A fire can persist only as long as such an
infrastructure can be built and as long as there is enough fuel to maintain that infrastructure is
A nation-state has properties (e.g., capital city, laws, currency, foreign policy) that do not
apply to its components; thus, it is an entity. A nation-state has a process infrastructure that
provides the means by which it operates as a state and an economy. These include the traditional
political and economic infrastructure elements, as follows:
Political infrastructure: Elective, legislative, judicial, regulatory, police
processes, etc.
Economic infrastructure:
(processes), etc.
The multiple ongoing internal processes that define these infrastructures are what bind
the nation-state together and allow it to function as a discernable entity. It is the nation-state’s
structure and infrastructure that persist over time rather than the elements that play particular
roles within the structure.
No one individual fills a political role indefinitely. (Even kings die, yet
kingdoms persist.) It is the political (infra)structure that remains stable,
although it may evolve.
No one truck, road, or airport defines a transportation system, for example. It
is the economic (infra)structure that remains stable, although it, too, may
The authors of the U.S. Constitution recognized and affirmed the importance of infrastructure as
binding processes by writing a postal system into the Constitution.
Like a hurricane that develops by using the atmosphere as a substrate, a nation-state (and
any social organization) is built by using people as the substrate. Consequently, the binding
forces that hold a nation-state together must be operations that people can perform and forces
that act on people. The attendees at this conference know far more about this than I. So I will do
little more than offer a basic list of capabilities and forces that apply to people.
The capabilities are whatever it is that people are able to do. The analogy to a hurricane is
that air is capable of both absorbing and releasing moisture. At their most general scope, the
capabilities of people include physical self-propulsion, the ability to understand and use
language, the ability to follow instructions, the ability to perform physical acts in the world
(e.g., aiming and shooting a gun or digging a ditch), and the ability to manipulate symbols
(e.g., voting).
Besides having these capabilities, people are malleable in that they are capable of
learning new knowledge, skills, values, and even emotional responses. An extremely important
(if seemingly magical) capability — and one upon which a modern market economy (as well as
our scientific research infrastructure) relies — is the ability of people to develop new ideas and
perspectives. All of these capabilities are available for use in developing a social system.
Besides these capabilities, it is important to catalog the forces that act on people. These
include emotional forces (e.g., interpersonal love, tribal loyalty, patriotism, fear, anger, and
compassion, which tend to impel people to take actions), physical forces (e.g., being detained,
restrained, or killed by force), intrinsic forces (e.g., the need for food, sex, community; the
impulse for self-preservation; creativity; taking initiative; ethical behavior), and whatever else is
inherent in the nature of human beings.
This is certainly a broad and superficial list, which should be elaborated upon much more
carefully. But whatever the list eventually evolves into, it is these forces and capabilities upon
which a nation-state must be built.
We Can Create New Process/Structure Entities
One nice feature of entity formation is that we can imagine and create new ones. Clearly,
any designed object is a human-created entity. So are many of the social systems we have
created. Perhaps more interestingly, we are also capable of creating the means for creating new
entities. Most of the infrastructures of modern nation-states provide a basis for the creation of
new entities. The internet is the latest example of such a generic infrastructure around which new
entities can grow.
Other Categories of Entities
Besides the categories of entities sketched above, there are a number of other categories
of entities that do not fit the preceding paradigm. It is not yet clear how to describe the binding
forces for the following classes of entities.
Temporal Entities
Temporal (performances) entities exist in time. They carry and apply energy. Examples
include a performance of a musical note/chord/melody, a performance of an algorithm (or a
play), or virtually any performance. All of these entities exhibit emergence in that they have
properties that do not apply to their components. A chord, for example, may be dissonant — a
property that does not apply to individual notes. A performance of an algorithm (or a play) may
achieve a computational (or an emotional) result that differs from the results achieved by the
performance of their individual components. Performance entities are different from the
descriptions of how they are produced. The performance of a note is not the specification of the
note. It is the actual production of the sound. The same goes for the performance of an algorithm
or a play.
Two other examples of temporal entities that I do not understand (and that may be
related) are a ripple on the surface of a liquid (or more generally, a wave carried by a medium)
and the domino effect (e.g., dominos fall in sequence, as one topples the next).
It seems to matter that temporal entities are applied to other entities (i.e., they do not
stand alone).
Symbolic Entities
Symbolic entities require interpretation. Examples include a pair of socks,2 a sentence,
the set of prime numbers, the constitution of a government, the specification of an algorithm, and
Bedau’s circle. All these entities exhibit emergence in that they have properties that their
components do not have.
An algorithm (specification) may be proved to compute a result that the individual steps
do not compute individually. An algorithm depends on the control structures that bind its
components together. Thus, the control structures define an organization for an algorithm, but
they exert no control over the components other than during its execution. The control structures
of an algorithm are not binding forces in the sense used earlier. They do not compel components
to stay together.
A sentence has a meaning that depends crucially on its syntax, which binds its
components together. The situation is similar to that of an algorithm. But syntax has an effect
only in the mind of the interpreter. It is not, in itself, a physically binding force.
Bedau’s circle is bound together by its definition (i.e., a set of points equidistant from a
distinguished point). Again, the binding structures exist, but they have no force on their own.
The definition must be interpreted by an interpreting agent.
In all cases, an interpreter is required for a symbolic entity. Without something to
interpret the syntax or other binding connectives of a symbolic entity, it would not exist as an
We agree with Weinberg that strict downward causation (macro to micro) is as unlikely
as strong emergence. We do not expect new forces to appear magically at a macro level and then
have an effect at the micro level. However, downward causation is virtually essential from a
practical perspective.
Consider the trajectory of a proton in a molecule in one of the blood cells flowing
through the body of a passenger on an airplane. That trajectory depends on the passenger’s
mechanical and physiological structure and activities. It also depends on the trajectory of the
airplane in which the passenger is riding. That trajectory, in turn, depends on the weather the
2 An individual sock is a designed entity. It is the pair that is a symbolic entity, with the individual socks as
plane encounters during the trip. It also depends on the rotation of the earth, the earth’s
revolution around the sun, the solar system’s revolution around the galaxy, etc. This is a more
elaborate form of the example given originally in Sperry (1969): the trajectory of an atom in the
rim of a wheel rolling downhill.
Perhaps more interesting, the plane’s trajectory also depends on decisions made by the
pilot and various flight controllers. These depend, in part, on regulations adopted and distributed
(on paper or electronically) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), a governmental
entity. The passenger’s decision about which flight to book depends on the schedule and rates set
by the various airlines, which depends on decisions made by analysts and executives of the
airline companies. These scheduling decisions also depend, in part, on regulations promulgated
by the FAA, etc.
It would be impossible to compute any of these effects without taking into consideration
the entities involved as entities. It would be completely hopeless to attempt to describe all that in
a purely bottom-up manner, in terms of the laws of fundamental particle physics.
A property of an aggregate is emergent if it depends on whether and how the aggregate is
bound together. Entities are aggregates that have emergent properties. Mass-based entities occur
naturally and “for free” in that their construction releases energy. The universe is set up to
produce entities and thus to exhibit emergence. Process/structure entities, although also naturally
occurring, are not free and exist far from equilibrium. Their persistence and self-perpetuation
requires the continual consumption of energy. We as human beings are capable of imagining and
creating both new designed entities and new process/structure entities that have properties we
want. We are also capable of creating new infrastructures that often provide a basis for the
development of new entities — whose emergent properties sometimes surprise us.
Bedau, M.A., 2002, “Downward Causation and the Autonomy of Weak Emergence,”
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Gardner, M., 1970, 1971, “Mathematical Games: The Fantastic Combinations of John Conway’s
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Available at http://www.ibiblio.org/lifepatterns/october1970.html.
Georgia State University, 2004, Nuclear Binding Energy, Department of Physics and
Astronomy. Available at http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/nucene/nucbin.html.
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 2004, “Hurricanes: The Greatest
Storms on Earth,” Earth Observatory. Available at http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/
National Center for Atmospheric Research, 2004, “How Hurricanes Form,” Windows to the
Universe. Available at http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/earth/Atmosphere/
O’Connor, T., and H.Y. Wong, 2002, “Emergent Properties,” in E.N. Zalta, ed., The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2002 Edition). Available at http://plato.stanford.edu/
Sperry, R.W., 1969, “A
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Weinberg, S., 1995, “Reductionism Redux,” in J. Cornwall, ed., Nature’s Imagination, the
Frontiers of Scientific Visions, Oxford University Press. Available at http://www.idt.
mdh.se/kurser/ct3340/ht02/Reductionism_Redux.pdf and also at http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/