Herbs are herbal medicines produced from traditional plants such as ginger, turmeric, meet comedy, and others. In Indonesia itself has a wealth of plants medicines and herbal remedies from various tribes spread in various regions. Research showing that 49.53% of Indonesia's population uses good herbal medicine to borrow for health care because of illness. Residents who consume herbal medicine as many as 95.6% are stated to enjoy the of drinking herbal medicine. Survey also shows that of the people who use herbal medicine, 55.3% consume herbal medicine in liquid form, while the rest (44.7%) is consumed herbs in the form of powder, pills, capsules and tablets. Based on the calculation, obtained minimum power of engine is 7.737 HP and the age bearing of design is 49103,08 working hours. Beside that, simulation was done and gotten responses with three variations in the value of B. The resulting system response with fast settling time and low oscillation. It got stable response with ...
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