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Author Manuscript
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 November 1.
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
Published in final edited form as:
Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2011 November ; 104(2): 266–270. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.
A SAS Macro for a Clustered Logrank Test
Margaret R. Stedmana,b,*, David R. Gagnona,c, Robert A. Lewa,c, Sin-Ho Junge, Elena
Losinaa,f, and M. Alan Brookhartb,d
aDepartment of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA
of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, Department of Medicine, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
VA Cooperative Studies, Boston V.A. Healthcare System, Boston, MA
Medical School, Boston, MA
of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC
of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
NIH-PA Author Manuscript
The clustered logrank test is a nonparametric method of significance testing for correlated survival
data. Examples of its application include cluster randomized trials where groups of patients rather
than individuals are randomized to either a treatment or control intervention. We describe a SAS
macro that implements the 2-sample clustered logrank test for data where the entire cluster is
randomized to the same treatment group. We discuss the theory and applications behind this test
as well as details of the SAS code.
Logrank Test; Cluster Randomized Trial; Clustered Logrank Test; SAS Macro
1. Introduction
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The logrank test is a nonparametric method of comparing survival curves that makes few
assumptions about the distribution of the data. The clustered logrank test is an extension of
the usual logrank test that adjusts for clustered data. This method may be applied to data
from clinical trials where randomization occurs at the cluster level. Examples of clusters
include households, workplaces, clinics, and geographic regions. Usual survival methods
assume independent observations and should not be used to analyze clustered dat a. Ignoring
the within-cluster correlation leads to an increase in Type I error under cluster
There are only a few SAS methods available for analyzing clustered survival data. One
method is the PHREG procedure. This procedure has a covariance sandwich estimator
option to adjust the variance for clustered data. A more recent method is to encode
© 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author.
[email protected] (Margaret R. Stedman).
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NLMixed with the full likelihood for the shared frailty model. In this paper we chose to
translate Fortran code from Jung and Jeong [1] into SAS code to perform the clustered
logrank test. This program is intended for studies where the entire cluster receives the same
In section 2.1 we will briefly review the theory behind the usual logrank test before
describing its extension to clustered data (section 2.2). In section 2.3 we discuss the details
of the program and its execution. In section 3 we will provide an example of the macro
applied to a cluster randomized trial of an educational intervention for osteoporosis
management. The Clustered Logrank Test Macro (©2009 Margaret Stedman) and example
data are freely distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License and available
to download from our website:
2. Methods
2.1. Logrank Test for Independent Data
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For a general description of the usual Logrank test see [2,3]. In brief, it is a nonparametric
statistical test for comparing survival data. For example, consider a clinical trial in which
patients are randomly assigned to either one of two treatment groups: a treated (g = 1) and
control group (g = 2). Each group contains ng independent random observations. Let (Tgi; g
= 1, 2, i = 1…ng) be their survival times and (Cgi; g = 1, 2, i = 1…ng) be their censoring
times. We assume that survival and censoring times are independent and that patients within
each group share a common survival distribution (Sg(t)), hazard (λg(t)), and cumulative
between Tgi and Cgi
hazard (Λg(t)) functions. We observe the minimum follow-up time
and indicate if censoring occurred by Dgi where Dgi = I {Tgi ≤ Cgi}. So that our data consist
Under the null hypothesis we assume equal cumulative hazard functions (Λg) for both
To test the null hypothesis we compute the usual logrank statistic for independent data:
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where W(t) is a weight function at time t, which is non-preferential to early or late occurring
events and n = n1 + n2, [2,3]
are the number of patients at risk overall and
within group g at time t respectively. The cumulative hazard is estimated by the NelsonAalen estimator: a cumulative ratio of the number of deaths to the number of observations at
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are the number of deaths within group
g and the status of each patient at time t. The variance of the logrank statistic is:
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Under the null hypothesis Λ1 = Λ2= Λ and Z is assumed to follow a standard normal
We reject the null hypothesis when Z exceeds the critical value from the N(0, 1) distribution
for a given level of Type I error.
2.2. Logrank test for clustered data
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For clustered data we assume that observations are additionally defined by their cluster k. So
that Ygk corresponds to the number of patients at risk in group g and cluster k. Similarly, δgk
is the number of deaths in group g and cluster k. Time is indexed differently than in the
previous formulas. For example, Yg(tgki) is the number at risk in group g at the observed
time (of either censoring or death) for observation i in group g and cluster k. Indexes with
primes refer to the same range of values as those without primes, but indexes with primes
are not necessarily fixed to their nonprime counterpart. For example, Yg(tg′k′i′), refers to the
number of patients at risk in group g at some time t where g′ can vary indepent of g to any
value within the range of g (either 1 or 2).
Jung and Jeong [1] proved that by partitioning the clustered logrank statistic (CLR) by group
and cluster we can estimate the variance from the within cluster mean squared error
(MSEgk). Since the clusters and treatment groups are independent the MSEgk can be summed
across clusters to find the total variance for the CLR.
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Note that CLR is equivalent to the logrank test (LR) for independent data. Despite its
complex formula, the LRgk is merely a partition of the logrank statistic for group g, cluster k:
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where W is a weight function specific to the log rank test:
Jung and Jeong [1] prove that CLR converges to a N(0; 1) under H0. This is convenient for
hypothesis testing purposes because the Wald test resolves to a standard normal distribution:
Again, we reject the null hypothesis when Z exceeds the critical value for a given level of
Type I error.
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2.3. SAS Macro
The SAS program performs a 2-sample clustered logrank test. It is written in SAS version
9.1 and may not operate correctly in earlier versions. Users should confirm that the IML
package has been installed prior to use. The full code for the clustered logrank test is posted
to our web site:
The macro is flexible and can accommodate variable cluster sizes and unbalanced designs.
No assumptions are made with respect to the number of clusters per treatment group or
number of observations per cluster. The SAS program requires five macro variables to be
defined by the user. All five variables must have entries from the user in order for the macro
to run. See Appendix A for a full description of the macro variables.
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At the beginning of the program the number of clusters and total observations are counted
and reported back to the user (step 1). The counts are given macro variable names to be used
later in the program. In step 2, the data are sorted in descending order by time. In step 3 the
number of observations at risk (Y) and the number of deaths (d) at each time point are
computed. Variables are created to store the total number of observations at risk (YY) and
the total number of deaths (DD) and group specific counts (denoted by g1 and g2). The
weight (wt) for the logrank test is also computed at each time point. The data are collapsed
down to one observation per time point. The group specific estimates for the Nelson-Aalen
statistic (see formula 4) and its variance (see formula 5) are computed assuming independent
observations. For a full description of the method see section 2.1
The clustered variance requires multiple steps to compile. The dataset with one observation
per time point is joined with the original data in a one-to-many merge by time interval (step
4). Essentially this step re-weights the time specific data to the number of observations in
the dataset. The remaining computations are applied to this dataset with SAS IML (step 5).
To simplify the explanation of the code, it has been broken down into the following steps.
Each step has been denoted by a comment statement in the program.
Calculate part 1 of LRgk for each cluster:
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Compute part 2 of LRgk
Events matrix: δg′k′i′
At risk matrix: Ygk(tg′k′i′)
Weight matrix:
Multiply parts 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3 together.
Subtract part 1 from part 2 to estimate the within cluster statistic LRgk
Square LRgk and sum across clusters to find the clustered variance
Display results
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The input dataset should be structured so that each record contains a unique observation
allowing for multiple records per cluster. The SAS program does not require an equal
number of observations per cluster or equal number of clusters per treatment group. If there
is only one observation per cluster, the program resolves to the standard unclustered logrank
test. The input dataset should include (but is not limited to) at least the following variables:
cluster identifier, treatment group, time to event, and censoring indicator. The program
assumes that the treatment groups are ordered as control first and treated second. The
censoring variable should be coded so that 1=event, 0=censored. The input dataset should be
a permanent SAS dataset saved to the subdirectory specified by the user at the top of the
Output from the macro displays the number of clusters and observations per treatment
group. The variance, assuming independent data, is presented alongside the clustered
variance. A ratio of the two results gives an estimate of the variance inflation factor due to
clustering. The logrank statistic listed in the output is the same for both the clustered and
unclustered data. The Z statistic is computed by dividing the logrank statistic by the
clustered logrank standard deviation. The p-value for the Z statistic assumes a two sided test.
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3. Example study
We applied the clustered logrank test to results from a randomized controlled trial of an
education program for physicians to improve osteoporosis management. Physicians were
randomized to a one-on-one educational session versus no education. Those randomized to
the intervention were provided information on how best to prevent osteoporosis in high-risk
patients. Patients of the enrolled physicians were followed for a maximum of 296 days to
determine when they received either a bone mineral density test or osteoporosis medication.
The outcome was time until receipt of appropriate medical care. The average follow-up time
was 263.5 days with 85% censoring. Since the treatment was randomized at the physician
level, the individual patient outcomes were considered clustered within the physician. A
total of 435 physicians were enrolled in the study. The number of patients per physician
varied between 1 and 148. [4]
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To demonstrate use of the macro, we simulated data to replicate the structure of the
osteoporosis trial. To download the SAS dataset please visit our website:
A codebook for the variables is listed in Appendix B. To create the simulated data we
specified a shared frailty model with a Weibull baseline hazard and a lognormal physician
effect. To simplify the example we simulated 458 physician clusters (229 per treatment
group) with 8 observations per cluster. A treatment effect was specified to simulate a hazard
ratio of approximately 1.12. All data were censored at 296 days. Figure 1 displays survival
curves of time until receipt of medical care for patients of the intervention (red dashed line)
and control physicians (blue solid line).
To call the logrank macro using the simulated example data specify the input variables as
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The clustered logrank test requires approximately 6 seconds of real time to complete and the
results from the output are summarized in the Appendix C. The first half of the output (not
shown) confirms the number of clusters and the number of observations per treatment group.
Next, there is a table displaying the unclustered variance, the clustered variance, the
clustered logrank test statistic, and the p-value. The clustered variance (378.89) is inflated to
almost twice the size of the unclustered variance (186.71). The p-value for the clustered
logrank test indicates that there is a significant difference between patients of the doctors
who received the educational program compared to patients of doctors who did not receive
the educational program (Clustered logrank=2.03, p=.042). If we had ignored the clustering
we would have found a more strongly significant result (Usual logrank test=8.3709,
4. Discussion
We have created a SAS macro program for the clustered logrank test originally developed
by Jung and Jeong. [1] The Clustered Logrank Test Macro (©2009 Margaret Stedman) is
freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The program can be
used to analyze survival data from any SAS dataset. The program may be applied to variable
cluster sizes and unbalanced designs. Currently there is no other software freely available to
run a clustered logrank test.
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Other methods exist to analyze clustered survival data, such as the PHREG procedure with
the covariance sandwich estimator option and the NLMixed procedure for the accelerated
failure time frailty model. Both of these methods make assumptions about the distribution of
the data or the structure of the covariance matrix. [5,6] The clustered logrank test is a
completely non-parametric method which makes no assumptions about the distribution of
the data. It is unlikely that the clustered logrank test will be as powerful as optimal
parametric methods that leverage distributional assumptions. The test is asymptotically
equivalent to Cox Proportional Hazards with robust standard errors for a large enough
sample of clusters [1,7].
There are several areas for expansion of the macro. The current program is designed for
analyzing survival data where the entire cluster is randomized to the same treatment group.
Alternative designs, where randomization occurs within cluster, should be analyzed by a
different method.[8] Although it is possible to compare multiple groups with the logrank test
the clustered logrank test macro is currently limited to two sample tests. Jung and Jeong [1]
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have extended the method to include more than two groups so it is possible, though not
simple, to extend the code to accommodate multiple groups. The logrank test is only one of
a family of rank tests. Other rank tests include the Gehan-Wilcoxon and the PrenticeWilcoxon rank tests. These tests apply different weights to the data. The weight statement
could be easily redefined in the SQL step of the macro to extend the code to accommodate
these other rank tests.
I would like to acknowledge Dr. Daniel H. Solomon at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s
Hospital for his osteoporosis studies which provided inspiration for this work. This research was supported by the
National Institutes of Health, Grant #AG-027400 awarded to M. Alan Brookhart.
A. Logrank Macro Variable Definitions
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Variable Name
Name of the input dataset containing the data to be tested.
The treatment group or independent variable.
Identifies each unique cluster.
Time to event
Indicator of censoring. 1=event, 0=censored
B. Simulated Data (simdata.sas7bdat) Variable
Variable Name
The assigned treatment group: education or no education.
The unique identifier for each patient.
The randomized physician identifier.
Time until receipt of appropriate medical care.
Indicator for the patient having received appropriate medical care.
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Table 1
C. Summary of Results from Example Data to
Demonstrate the Clustered Logrank Test Macro
Summary of results from example data.
Group 0 (Control group)
Number of clusters
Number of observations
Group 1 (Treated group)
Number of clusters
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Number of observations
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Independent variance
Clustered variance
Logrank statistic
Clustered logrank test
Clustered logrank p-value
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1. Jung S, Jeong J. Rank tests for clustered survival data. Lifetime Data Analysis. 2003; 9:21–33.
[PubMed: 12602772]
2. Harrington DP, Fleming TR. A class of rank test procedures for censored survival data. Biometrika.
1982; 69(3):553–566.
3. Flemming, TR.; Harrington, DP. Counting Processes and Survival Analysis. 1st Edition. New York:
Wiley; 1991.
4. Solomon DH, Polinski JM, Stedman M, Truppo C, Breiner L, Egan C, Jan S, Patel M, Weiss TW,
Chen Y, Brookhart MA. Improving care of patients at-risk for osteoporosis: a randomized
controlled trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2007; 22:362–367. [PubMed: 17356969]
5. Kelly PJ. A review of software packages for analyzing correlated survival data. The American
Statistician. 2004; 58(4):337–342.
6. SAS/STAT Users Guide, Version 9.1.2.
7. Lee, EW.; Wei, LJ.; Amato, DA. Cox-type regression analysis for large numbers of small groups of
correlated failure time observations. In: Klein, J.; Goel, P., editors. Survival Analysis: State of the
Art. 1992. p. 237-245.
8. Jeong J, Jung S. Rank tests for clustered survival data when dependent subunits are randomized.
Statistics in Medicine. 2006; 25:361–373. [PubMed: 16158408]
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Figure 1.
Time until receipt of medical care for high-risk patients. Red dashed line represents the
patients of physicians in the intervention group. Blue solid line represents patients of
physicians in the comparison group.
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Comput Methods Programs Biomed. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 November 1.