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Kim, S.Y., Chung, W.K., Shin, S.R. and Lee, D.W., 2020. Seismic full-waveform inversion using decomposed P-wavefield. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 29: 201-224. Here we describe the development of a seismic full-waveform inversion method which employs P-wavefield decomposition to obtain accurate velocity information. Briefly, P-wavefield decomposition for multi-component data was performed with Helmholtz decomposition in elastic media and an objective function. To achieve efficient inversion, application of a back-propagation technique is essential. Therefore, a stress tensor was used for P-wavefield decomposition to allow application of a backpropagation technique. Our proposed inversion algorithm was validated with synthetic data obtained from the Marmousi2 velocity model which simulated an ocean bottom, multi-component survey. The subsurface information obtained with our inversion method was more accurate in regard to velocity and structure compared with a conventional elastic ...
Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is a technique for determining the optimal model parameters by minimizing the seismic data misfit between observed and modeled data. The objective function may be highly nonlinear if the model is complex and low-frequency data are missing. If a data set mainly contains reflections, this problem particularly prevents the gradient-based methods from recovering the long wavelengths of the velocity model. Several authors observed that nonlinearity could be reduced by progressively introducing higher wavenumbers to the model. We have developed a new inversion workflow to solve this problem by breaking down the FWI gradient formula into four terms after wavefield decomposition and then selecting proper terms to invert for the short- and long-wavelength components of the velocity model alternately. Numerical tests applied on a 2D synthetic model indicate that this method is efficient at recovering the long wavelengths of the velocity model using mainly offset-...
A common assumption in wave-propagation problems is that the subsurface is approximately an acoustic medium. Under this assumption, important wave phenomena such as S-waves are not included. Due to the increase in computational power in recent years, the acoustic assumption may be left behind and replaced by the more physically correct elastic assumption. Time-lapse seismic data contain information about changes in the subsurface due to the production of hydrocarbons or injection of CO 2 . Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is an inverse method that can be used to quantify these time-lapse changes in the subsurface. Using a 3D isotropic elastic implementation of the FWI method, we studied two strategies for performing time-lapse FWI. We used synthetic ocean-bottom multicomponent seismic time-lapse data to estimate changes in the P-and S-wave velocity models. A sensitivity analysis in which the sensitivities with respect to the magnitude and physical size of the time-lapse anomalies and the noise level in the data was performed. The strategy focusing on explaining the data differences between the baseline and monitor data sets provided fewer artifacts in the inverted elastic models than the strategy that tried to explain the full monitor data set, and it was therefore preferable. The data-difference strategy depends on good repeatability in the time-lapse data sets and sufficient convergence of the inversion of the baseline data set.
Introduction. �he theoretical concepts of full-waveform inversion (FWI) date �ack to the earl� 1980s (�arantola, 1984), �ut due to lack of sufficient computer power, the application of FWI to seismic data did not take off until a few �ears ago. In particular, over the past several �ears, the industr� has �een making large strides toward using gradient-�ased full-waveform inversion (FWI) to �uild velocit� models for use with pre-stack depth migration (�ajeva et al., 2016� Aleardi et al., 2016) after man� s�nthetic model exercises, the attention has turned to the use of field data with the acoustic approximation of the two-wa� wave propagation (Morgan et al., 2013). �hese studies have shown that if the acquired data provide long offsets and low frequencies in the range of 2 to 3 Hz, gradient-�ased FWI can iterativel� �uild a high-fidelit� velocit� model �� means of consecutive use of data with increasing frequenc� �andwidth (the so-called multiscale approach� Bunks et al., 1995). In addition, although the acquired data are not acoustic (�ut more realisticall� viscoelastic and anisotropic) it has �een demonstrated that the 3D FWI can �ring significant uplift to the details in the acoustic velocit� field and thus create superior migrated images. Recent computational improvements allowed for the simulation of 3D elastic wavefields and thus undertake the challenge of elastic full-waveform inversion (EFWI). Differentl� from acoustic FWI that is primaril� focused on inverting diving waves, EFWI has the a�ilit� to simultaneousl� invert reflected and transmitted energ� using traveltime, amplitude, and phase information. In this context, EFWI can theoreticall� �e an optimal tool to derive high-resolution and relia�le elastic characterizations of the su�surface that are crucial in man� geoph�sical applications, �ut particularl� in reservoir characterization studies in which onl� primar� P-P reflections and 1D convolutional forward models are routinel� used (e.g. Aleardi and Cia�arri, 2017). ��viousl�, the non-linearit� and the ill-conditioning of FWI increase as man� wave phenomena (multiples or converted waves) or different model parameters (�p, �s, densit�, viscoelastic and anisotropic parameters) are simultaneousl� inverted (�perto et al., 2013). For this reason, applications of EFWI are primaril� focused on inverting multicomponent seismic data (�ears et al., 2010� Prieux et al., 2013� Vigh et al., 2014) that compared to conventional single-component data, �ring in additional information a�out shear wave velocit�. However, acquiring multicomponent seismic data is expensive especiall� in deep-water areas, where hardware limitations prevent multicomponent technolog� from �eing extended to water depths in excess of 1500 m. For this reason, in this work we assess the a�ilit� of EFWI of singlecomponent data to provide accurate elastic su�surface models that could �e used as input for reservoir characterization studies. In the following we show some preliminar� results o�tained on the Marmousi-2 model, which is an elastic model that reproduces a geological profile of north Quenguela in the Quanza Basin in Angola (Martin et al., 2006). We primaril� focus our attention on the evaluation of the accurac� and qualit� of the �p, �s and corresponding �p/�s models. �he inversion strateg�, uses starting models that nicel� approximate the true elastic model and moves from low frequencies to high frequencies, using �oth earl� arrivals, diving waves and reflected events. �he densit� was kept constant to maintain the inversion at a simple level, which allowed us to draw essential conclusions. The Marmousi-2 model and the inversion approach. �he Marmousi-2 elastic model (Figs. 1a and 1�) has �een developed from the Marmousi-1 acoustic model. Both models aim to reproduce the geolog� of the north Quenguela in the Quanza Basin in Angola. Marmousi-2 preserves the Marmousi-1 lithologies and geological structures �ut is deeper and laterall� more extended. �he sedimentar� sequence is quite simple in the left and right edges of the model, �ut it is ver� complex in the centre where thrust structures, salt �odies and high-angle normal GNGTS 2017
Geophysical Prospecting, 2008
Elastic full waveform inversion of seismic reflection data represents a data-driven form of analysis leading to quantification of sub-surface parameters in depth. In previous studies attention has been given to P-wave data recorded in the marine environment, using either acoustic or elastic inversion schemes. In this paper we exploit both P-waves and mode-converted S-waves in the marine environment in the inversion for both P- and S-wave velocities by using wide-angle, multi-component, ocean-bottom cable seismic data. An elastic waveform inversion scheme operating in the time domain was used, allowing accurate modelling of the full wavefield, including the elastic amplitude variation with offset response of reflected arrivals and mode-converted events. A series of one- and two-dimensional synthetic examples are presented, demonstrating the ability to invert for and thereby to quantify both P- and S-wave velocities for different velocity models. In particular, for more realistic low velocity models, including a typically soft seabed, an effective strategy for inversion is proposed to exploit both P- and mode-converted PS-waves. Whilst P-wave events are exploited for inversion for P-wave velocity, examples show the contribution of both P- and PS-waves to the successful recovery of S-wave velocity.
Geophysical Journal International, 1992
SUMMARY Full-wavefield inversion of two-component (elastic), wide-aperture, seismic data from surface sources and receivers simultaneously provides 2-D estimates of both P and SV velocity distributions. The algorithm operates on common-source gathers; it involves cross ...
Geophysical Journal International, 2015
In this study, we demonstrate the application of 3-D isotropic elastic full waveform inversion (FWI) to a field data set from the Sleipner area in the North sea. The field data set consists of a narrow azimuth marine towed streamer survey. The limited maximum offset of less than 2000 m poses strong challenges for the FWI technique, due to the lack of wide-angle wave phenomena, particularly for the deeper sediments. In addition, the lack of information about shear waves implies that only the P-wave velocities can be estimated with some confidence. In this work, the P-wave velocities are inverted using FWI, whereas the S-wave velocities and densities are coupled to the P-wave velocities using empirical relationships. To check the validity of this work flow, a synthetic sensitivity analysis inspired by a well log from the area is performed. In this analysis the difference between acoustic and elastic FWI is also compared. The conclusion from the sensitivity analysis is that, as long as the empirical relationships are not too far away from the true relationships, the elastic FWI is able to resolve the subsurface parameters within an acceptable error margin. Furthermore, the acoustic approximation fails due to the large differences between the elastic and acoustic reflection and transmission coefficients, meaning that elastic FWI is necessary for resolving the parameters satisfactorily. Acoustic and elastic FWI are performed for the field data. The results of the field data example show that elastic FWI produces an elastic model which accurately simulates the observed data, whereas the acoustic FWI produces an acoustic model that includes artefacts, particularly in the upper part close to the sea bottom. Elastic FWI is therefore favourable for short offset seismic streamer data. The estimated elastic P-wave velocity models were used to depth migrate the data. The depth migrated images show improved resolution and continuity compared to those migrated using a model derived from conventional seismic processing methods. At the same time, the P-wave velocities show strong correlations with the corresponding migrated seismic image, which increases the confidence on the inverted model.
Annals of Geophysics, 2018
Geophysics, 2009
Full-waveform inversion ͑FWI͒ is a challenging data-fitting procedure based on full-wavefield modeling to extract quantitative information from seismograms. High-resolution imaging at half the propagated wavelength is expected. Recent advances in high-performance computing and multifold/multicomponent wide-aperture and wide-azimuth acquisitions make 3D acoustic FWI feasible today. Key ingredients of FWI are an efficient forward-modeling engine and a local differential approach, in which the gradient and the Hessian operators are efficiently estimated. Local optimization does not, however, prevent convergence of the misfit function toward local minima because of the limited accuracy of the starting model, the lack of low frequencies, the presence of noise, and the approximate modeling of the wave-physics complexity. Different hierarchical multiscale strategies are designed to mitigate the nonlinearity and ill-posedness of FWI by incorporating progressively shorter wavelengths in the parameter space. Synthetic and real-data case studies address reconstructing various parameters, from V P and V S velocities to density, anisotropy, and attenuation. This review attempts to illuminate the state of the art of FWI. Crucial jumps, however, remain necessary to make it as popular as migration techniques. The challenges can be categorized as ͑1͒ building accurate starting models with automatic procedures and/or recording low frequencies, ͑2͒ defining new minimization criteria to mitigate the sensitivity of FWI to amplitude errors and increasing the robustness of FWI when multiple parameter classes are estimated, and ͑3͒ improving computational efficiency by data-compression techniques to make 3D elastic FWI feasible.
Exploration Geophysics, 2017
Full waveform inversion (FWI) is a method that is used to reconstruct velocity models of the subsurface. However, this approach suffers from the local minimum problem during optimisation procedures. The local minimum problem is caused by several issues (e.g. lack of low-frequency information and an inaccurate starting model), which can create obstacles to the practical application of FWI with real field data. We applied a 4-phase FWI in a sequential manner to obtain the correct velocity model when a dataset lacks low-frequency information and the starting velocity model is inaccurate. The first phase is Laplace-domain FWI, which inverts the large-scale velocity model. The second phase is Laplace-Fourier-domain FWI, which generates a large- to mid-scale velocity model. The third phase is a frequency-domain FWI that uses a logarithmic wavefield; the inverted velocity becomes more accurate during this step. The fourth phase is a conventional frequency-domain FWI, which generates an imp...
full waveform inversion isti. simultaneous inversion of velocity and seismic equipment. multiscale seismic imaging of the eastern nankai trough by. full wave form inversion for seismic data. 1801 07232 seismic full waveform inversion using deep. regularized seismic full waveform inversion with prior. time domainfull waveform inversion using adi modeling. reflection full waveform inversion springerlink. full seismic waveform modelling and inversion. synthetic seismograms and seismic waveform modeling. full waveform inversion studies diva portal. full waveform inversion fwi products downunder. software library opentoast toolbox for applied seismic. extracting geologic information directly from high. the low frequency wavefield in exploration seismology. reflection full waveform inversion springerlink. full waveform inversion fwi products downunder. full seismic waveform modelling and inversion andreas. cgg full waveform inversion. full waveform inversion with wave equation migration a...
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