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Laura Coffey-Glover, lecturer in Linguistics at Nottingham Trent University, has greatly contributed to the studies on gender construction with insightful articles published on the international core journals, such as “Ideologies of masculinity in women’s magazines: a critical stylistic approach” (2015). The reviewed book, sharing the same research domain with the above article, covers a sweeping topic and methodology. It examines how masculinity is constructed through language from the perspective of labelling, describing, representing and decoding underpinned by the integration of Critical Stylistics and corpus linguistics techniques. The extensive scope and combined parameters enable this book to stand out and arouse great interest in the fields of discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics and gender studies. The book consists of nine chapters. From my point of view, it can be divided into four parts. The first (chapter 1) specifies some key notions and research ai...
Nordic Journal of English Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2008
Special issue of the Nordic Journal of English Studies. A link to the official journal page for the introduction:
Suvremena lingvistika, 2018
This article reports on an analysis of ideologies of masculinity in a corpus of women's magazines from a (feminist) critical stylistic perspective. I identify four core themes of ideologies of masculinity produced via assumed and implied meanings. My discussion of these themes demonstrates how the texts' constructions of masculinity ultimately uphold gender dichotomies, denying a performative understanding of 'gender' in a poststructuralist age. The ideologies discussed have potentially negative implications for female readers, because they serve to maintain notions of gender difference and uphold the power differential between women and men.
Journal of Culture, Society and Development, 2019
In this paper, we examine the various ways in which language portrays a negative image of women. We argue that this state of affairs is of great concern to feminists. We identify ways in which language has been found wanting in as far as women are concerned. Firstly, language, especially the English language, is accused of creating false gender neutrality because this purported neutrality ends up showing a bias towards maleness. Feminists further argue that the English language makes women invisible and always overshadowed by men. The language is accused of making maleness the standard measure of humanity and maturity. As such, maleness is seen as the norm. They further argue that sex-marking common in the English language encourages male visibility and powerlessness of women in a male dominated world. As a result, the world is seen through an oppressive male worldview. Reform efforts have been piecemeal and as such have largely failed to reach the desired destination. Critics argue that these claims concerning the maleness of the English language are contentious, as they tend to be exaggerated, unrealistic and problematic.
Routledge, 1995
From back cover: "Gender Articulated is a groundbreaking work of sociolinguistics that forges new connections between language-related fields and feminist theory. Refuting apolitical, essentialist perspectives on language and gender, the essays presented here examine a range of cultures, languages and settings. They explicitly connect feminist theory to language research. Some of the most distinguished scholars working in the field of language and gender today discuss such topics as Japanese women's appropriation of "men's language," the literary representation of lesbian discourse, the silencing of women on the Internet, cultural mediation and Spanish use at New Mexican weddings and the uses of silence in the Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas hearings."
This paper focuses on the literature that has contributed to the understanding of the major research questions underlying two major strands, language and gender, concentrating on the development of the literature from the deficit and dominance models to the social constructivist era of post-modernism in order to provide a context for recent developments in language and gender theories. The study of language and gender has increasingly become the study of discourse and gender. While phonological, lexical, and other kinds of linguistic analysis continue to be influential, the interdisciplinary investigation of discourse-level phenomena, always a robust area of language and gender scholarship, has become the central approach of the field.
Balirano, G. / Palusci, O. (eds) 2018. Miss Man? Languaging Gendered Bodies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-5275-1096-8., 2018
This volume draws together contributions containing original research on a number of linguistic and semiotic understandings of gender in the context of current debates about gender non-conforming people and diverse ways of ‘doing’ masculinities. It contests the constraints, stereotypes, and prejudices concerning gender nonconformity by sparking academic inquiry, possibly leading to social change. The book explores various gender non-conforming tropes as they apply either to same-sex related desires, identities, and practices or to other dimensions of gender non-normative experiences, such as weak or socially-perceived as unacceptable representations of manliness. The volume demonstrates that language matters in the everyday experience of gender diversity beyond traditional gender binarism. By modelling some of the approaches that are now being explored in linguistic and gender studies and by addressing language use over a range of diamesic, diastratic and diatopic contexts, all contributors here discuss cogent issues in language and gender.
The "Ocean SAmpling MObile Network" (SAMON) Project is a simulation testbed for Web-based interaction among oceanographers and simulation based design of Ocean Sampling missions. In this paper, the current implementation of SAMON is presented, along with a formal model based on process algebra. Flexible optimization handles planning, mobility, evolution, and learning. A generic behavior message-passing language is developed for communication and knowledge representation among heterogeneous Autonomous Undersea Vehicles (AUV's). The process algebra subsumed in this language expresses a generalized optimization framework that contains genetic algorithms, and neural networks as limiting cases.
Nombres en la sombra. Hacia la deconstrucción del canon en la historia de la moda y del textil, 2019
Las empresas de encajes artesanos en Cataluña en el siglo XIX Los negocios de encajes artesanos tienen su origen en el siglo XVII, aunque es a partir de la segunda mitad del XVIII cuando vivieron su máximo desarrollo. En el siglo XIX, después de la guerra del francés la actividad se recuperó rápidamente, pero la progresiva incorporación del producto industrial hizo que los negocios de encajes artesanos desaparecieran a mediados del siglo XX. En el Maresme, donde el textil ha sido siempre uno de sus principales activos, este sector tuvo un papel destacado. Encajera realizando encajes en Arenys de Munt. Foto Joaquim Castells. Arxiu Històric Fidel Fita El empresario o empresaria denominado popularmente rander se encargaba en su casa o taller de diseñar los modelos o adquirirlos, realizar los patrones y distribuirlos entre las encajeras, mujeres que trabajaban en casa, siguiendo el modelo putting out system. Los encajes realizados volvían a la empresa, donde se vendían a metros a mercerías, modistas o talleres de ropa blanca o se realizaban las piezas. Los encajes ornamentaban juegos de cama, ropa interior, complementos de la indumentaria femenina como mantillas, abanicos, pañuelos o piezas del ajuar litúrgico como albas, roquetes, manteles de altar, etc.
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2001
Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2006
2003 Annual Meeting, …, 2003
Numerical Linear Algebra With Applications, 2000
Oecologia, 1976
International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 2000
Deadly Skills The SEAL Operative s Guide To Eluding Pursuers Evading Capture And Surviving An
The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, 2011
Singapore medical journal, 2012
Diponegoro Journal of Accounting, 2019
Energy Conversion and Management, 2019
Pedro & João, 2022