Men in Women's Worlds


Laura Coffey-Glover, lecturer in Linguistics at Nottingham Trent University, has greatly contributed to the studies on gender construction with insightful articles published on the international core journals, such as “Ideologies of masculinity in women’s magazines: a critical stylistic approach” (2015). The reviewed book, sharing the same research domain with the above article, covers a sweeping topic and methodology. It examines how masculinity is constructed through language from the perspective of labelling, describing, representing and decoding underpinned by the integration of Critical Stylistics and corpus linguistics techniques. The extensive scope and combined parameters enable this book to stand out and arouse great interest in the fields of discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, corpus linguistics and gender studies. The book consists of nine chapters. From my point of view, it can be divided into four parts. The first (chapter 1) specifies some key notions and research ai...