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Attorneys and Counselors, Orange, California.
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Art-Sanat, 2024
This study focuses on the Byzantine buildings located in the Lower City of Perge. One of the significant structures in the city is the South Church (Basilica A), which is a three-aisled basilica with a transept and gallery, dating back to the early 5th century. Another notable church in the city, capturing attention with its large dimensions, is the North Church (Basilica B). This basilica, with its five aisles and transept, is accompanied by an atrium to the west and a narthex. Due to its size, it is believed that this structure could have served as the city's cathedral, dating to the 5th and 6th centuries. Located on the east-west oriented street of the city, the East Church (Basilica C) has managed to preserve its narthex to the west and its five-sided apse to the east. This remarkable structure, with its extraordinary length, is also among the early Byzantine churches in the city. On the north-south oriented street, a church with an inscribed cross plan (known as the Small Church) was constructed and can be dated to the 10th century. Inside the Palaestra to the west of the city, a structure with a tetraconch plan was erected. Similar to its counterparts, this edifice, believed to have been used for religious purposes, can be dated back to the latter half of the 5th century and the 6th century. The urban layout of the Lower City remained intact until the 7th century, at which point there was a decline in activity in the city. Subsequently, during the Middle Byzantine period, most likely around the 10th century, there is evidence of a limited reoccupation and settlement in the city.
The socio-pedagogical professional educator, recently redefined by the Law 205/17, Budget Law for the financial year 2018 multiannual budget for the three-year period 2018-2010, section 1, subparagraph 594-601 (G.U. n. 302 of 29/12/17 effective date 1/1/18), assumes a strategic and rigorously recognized role as a professional in the field of educational care and help within the micro and macro social and educational contexts. Nowadays, in fact, these contexts are constantly called to renew themselves in the direction of the affirmation of the inclusive perspective in order to ensure full citizenship, membership and participation rights of all forms to diversity. With reference both to the delicate task of inclusive governance required within the Special Pedagogy and to the careful planning of personalized educational-didactic interventions, it is necessary to critically reread the educational background and skills of our professional. In particular, it is necessary to combine theore...
Civitas eBooks, 1999
4. Las Comunidades Europeas en el proceso codificador del D.I.Pr. ad extra.-III. LAS TÉCNICAS DEL D.I.Pr. EN LA APLICACIÓN DEL DERECHO COMUNITARIO. 1. Solución de los problemas de aplicación al Derecho de la competencia. 2. Solución de "conflictos de leyes" en el Ordenamiento comunitario: aplicación al Derecho de la Seguridad Social. 3. El D.I.Pr. y las lagunas del Derecho comunitario. I. APROXIMACIÓN A UNAS SINGULARES RELACIONES Si se contempla al D.I.Pr. como un Ordenamiento regulador de las situaciones privadas internacionales en relación con un sistema determinado, en nuestro caso el español, es indudable que la incorporación de España a las Comunidades Europeas a principios de 1986 ha supuesto una transformación sustancial de su enfoque tradicional. La adhesión ha producido en este ámbito tres alteraciones de base: en primer término, ha
Verba Anuario Galego De Filoloxia, 2013
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Oxford University Press eBooks, 2023
Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition, 2004
Journal of Military History, 2004
BMC Palliative Care, 2020
Te Kaharoa, 2019
International Journal of Institutions and Economies, 2012