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Chapter 1
Introductory Chapter: Biopharmaceuticals
Yuan-Chuan Chen and Ming-Kung Yeh
Additional information is available at the end of the chapter
1. Introduction
A biopharmaceutical (biological or biologic), which consists of sugars, proteins, nucleic acids,
living cells, or tissues, is a medicinal product manufactured in extracted or semi-synthesized
from biological sources like humans, animals, or microorganisms. Different from traditional
drugs synthesized from chemical processes, the majority of biopharmaceutical products are
derived from biological processes including the extraction from living systems or the production by recombinant DNA technologies (Table 1). Transgenic organisms, especially plants,
animals, or microorganisms that have been genetically modified, are potentially used to produce biopharmaceuticals.
The recombinant human insulin (trade name “Humulin”) was the first biopharmaceutical
approved for human therapeutic uses and marketing in 1982. Currently, biopharmaceuticals
have been extensively used as therapeutic agents such as vaccines, whole blood (or blood
components), immunosera, antigens, hormones, cytokines, enzymes, allergenics, cell therapies, gene therapies, tissues, monoclonal antibodies, and products derived from recombinant
DNA, etc. For example, vaccines are used to prevent infectious diseases and some cancers;
cell- and gene-based biopharmaceuticals are applied to treat a variety of diseases for which
no other drugs or medical devices are available.
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) uses the specific term “advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs)” to refer to human medicines that are based on cells, genes, or tissue
engineering. Cell therapy products (CTPs) are biomedicines containing cells/tissues that have
been manipulated to change their biological characteristics, and these cells/tissues can be
used to treat, prevent, or diagnose diseases [1]. Gene therapy products (GTPs) are therapeutic
agents to make genetic improvement through the repair, deletion, insertion, or substitution of
mutated genes or site-specific modifications for target therapies [2]. Tissue engineering is the
application of a combination of cell, engineering, and material methods, and suitable factors
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Source item
Extracted from living systems
Produced by recombinant DNA
1. Some conventional biopharmaceuticals are Biopharmaceuticals produced by
extracted from animals or humans particularly. recombinant DNA technologies are usually
one of the following three types:
2. Some biopharmaceuticals were extracted from
animals, but they are currently produced by
biotechnologies. For example, the therapeutic 1. Substances that are almost identical to the
body’s own key signaling proteins.
insulin previously extracted from porcine pancreatic islets is now produced by recombinant 2. Monoclonal antibodies that are similar to
DNA technologies in the yeast (Saccharomyces
the antibodies produced by the human
cerevisiae) or E. coli.
immune system against microbes.
3. Receptor constructs (fusion proteins) that
are usually based on a naturally occurring
receptor linked to the immunoglobulin
Whole blood and blood components, organs and
tissue transplants, stem cells, antibodies for passive
immunization, fecal microbiota, human breast milk,
human reproductive cells
Blood factors, tissue plasminogen activators,
hormones, hematopoietic growth factors,
interferons, interleukin-based products,
vaccines, monoclonal antibodies, tumor
necrosis factors, therapeutic enzymes
Table 1. Major sources of biopharmaceuticals.
are added to improve, repair, or replace only part of or whole biological tissues such as bones,
cartilages, blood vessels, organs, skins, muscles, etc. It also involves the use of a tissue scaffold
for the formation of new viable tissues for medical purposes [3–5].
A biosimilar, also known as “follow-on biologic,” is a biologic medical product that is almost
identical to a copy of an original product manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies. It is highly similar to a licensed reference product in spite of minor differences in
clinically inactive components. There are no clinically significant differences between the
biosimilars and the reference products in terms of the safety, purity, and potency. A generic
drug is the same as a brand name drug in dosage, safety, strength, administration, quality,
performance, and intended uses. It is required to take a lot of rigorous tests to ensure that the
generic drug can substitute for the brand name drug. A generic drug must contain identical
active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) with the same amount as the brand name product
and be proved to be bioequivalent to the brand name drug. The substitutability or therapeutic
equivalence of generic drugs has to be evaluated scientifically. If a generic drug is evaluated as therapeutically equivalent as the brand name product, it has equal effects and show
no differences compared with the brand name product. Biosimilars, like generic drugs, can
be manufactured when the original “innovator” product’s patent expires, and are officially
approved versions of the original products [6]. However, there are many differences between
a generic drug and a biosimilar (Table 2). Biosimilars have the same clinical effect as generic
drugs but are only similar to the original “innovator” drugs as they are confirmed by validation methods. Biosimilars will not be the same as the reference products, unlike generic drugs
in which the APIs are identical to the references [7]. Despite this heterogeneity, all generic
drugs and biosimilars have to maintain consistent quality and effective performance throughout their life cycles [8].
Introductory Chapter: Biopharmaceuticals
Drug property
Generic drug
Molecular size
Small (~150 Da)
Large (~150,000 Da)
Simple and well-defined
Complex with probable structural
More stable for storage and handling
Less stable, very sensitive to its
Predictable chemical processes are used
to manufacture an identical copy
Specialized biological processes are used
to manufacture a similar copy
Identical to reference products
At least, active pharmaceutical
ingredients are identical
Minor differences in clinically inactive
components are acceptable
Adverse immune responses
Lower potential
Higher potential
Frequency of quality tests in
Clinical trials requirement for
Small clinical trials in healthy
Large clinical trials in patients
Discovery cost
Low or even no
Relatively high
Table 2. Comparison of a generic drug and a biosimilar.
2. Application
Biopharmaceuticals have multiple clinical applications and various advantages for disease
therapy, prevention, and diagnosis.
2.1. Therapy
The therapeutic types of biopharmaceuticals mainly include recombinant protein therapy,
antibody therapy, cell therapy, and gene therapy. Biopharmaceuticals are able to cure or
treat diseases safely and effectively by demonstrating biological activity, and perform specific functions by acting on the disease pathophysiology. Compared with chemical drugs,
biopharmaceuticals are more complex in production, have multiple routes of administration
and different pharmacokinetics. Their advantages are high selectivity and low nonspecific
toxicity; disadvantages include high costs and the induction of antidrug antibodies leading to
decreased efficacy or deficiency in biosafety. Treatment can be optimized through the development of dosing schedules and multiple administrative routes. Additionally, the cost can be
reduced by using biosimilars.
2.2. Prevention
A vaccine is the most important biopharmaceutical used for infectious disease prevention.
It usually contains a biological agent that resembles a pathogen and is usually made from
inactivated microbes, live attenuated microbes, toxoids (toxins), and or part of surface antigens (subunits). Through vaccination, the burst of many infectious diseases has enormously
been decreased such as measles, tetanus, and polio; some are even eradicated such as smallpox. However, the burden of noninfectious diseases such as cancers, cardiovascular diseases,
metabolic diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases is significantly increasing. Currently,
some vaccines are successfully applied to prevent cancers; for example, the human papilloma
virus (HPV) vaccine has been approved for the prevention of cervical cancers.
2.3. Diagnosis
In addition to clinic significance in therapy and prevention, some biopharmaceuticals can
be used to diagnose diseases; for example, monoclonal antibodies have been successfully
applied in the diagnosis of some cancers and infectious diseases, and more are being developed [9–11]. Once monoclonal antibodies specified for a given substance are produced, they
can be used to detect the presence of this substance. They are also very useful in immunohistochemistry that detects antigens in fixed tissue sections and immunofluorescence tests that
detect the substance in frozen tissue sections or in live cells.
3. Perspective and challenge
For recent studies, innovative biopharmaceuticals are developing rapidly and have opened a
new era for human therapy. Many researchers involve in the development of biopharmaceuticals and achieve exciting results. Biopharmaceuticals are promising for scientific perspectives
and regulatory perspectives. Nonetheless, there are still some challenges including scientific
issues and regulatory issues we need to overcome.
3.1. Scientific issue
Along with the advance of biotechnologies, more novel biopharmaceuticals are marketed and
used for clinical application in the world. Biopharmaceuticals have been extensively applied
for disease control, prevention, and diagnosis even though some scientific challenges are still
unsolved. Take vaccines and gene therapies as examples to discuss as follows:
3.1.1. Vaccine
Vaccination, the administration of an antigenic material (vaccine), is considered to be the most
effective strategies for disease control. Appropriate formulation and delivery of vaccines can
maximize the potential advances for disease prevention. The main advantages of vaccination
include the prevention in advance and the immunity for long term; the limitations are complex
vaccination schedules, strict requirements for storage, and restricted routes of administration
[12]. Nanotechnology is an approach to prepare a nanovaccine with the consumption and
side effects significantly decreased. Through the application of nanoparticles, it is possible
for vaccines to be controlled release at specific location, stable at room temperature, and have
replaceable routes for administration. Vaccines based on nanotechnologies may overcome
Introductory Chapter: Biopharmaceuticals
their limitations and result in the development of painless, safe, effective, and economic
products. The major challenges are the toxicity of nanoparticles and the immune responses
induced by nanoparticles, though some biodegradable and biocompatible nanoparticles have
been developed [12].
Biotechnologies using recombinant DNA technologies, genetic engineering, and tissue culture
encompass a wide range of procedures to modify living organisms for human uses. New vaccines employing biotechnologies improve the product quality and expand the clinical applications [13]. For example, traditional vaccines are only used to prevent infectious diseases,
but vaccines based on biotechnologies are being developed to prevent many noninfectious
diseases such as cancers, type I diabetes mellitus (T1DM), Alzheimer disease, drug addiction,
etc. [13]. In addition, therapeutic vaccines are potentially developing for both infectious and
noninfectious diseases using the biotechnologies such as reverse vaccinology, recombinant
subunit vaccination, recombinant protein vaccination, DNA vaccination, and RNA vaccination. The major challenge is complex vaccination schedules. The vaccines based on biotechnologies are usually only parts of microorganisms (DNA, RNA, or protein); therefore, it is
required to have multiple doses to induce additional “booster” shots for full immunity [13].
3.1.2. Gene therapy
Although many CTPs have been approved for marketing in many countries and extensively
used for disease treatment [1], current gene therapies predominantly exist in basic research
laboratories and their clinical applications are still on trials. Despite of this, some GTPs have
been approved by the EMA such as Glybera (alipogene tiparvovec) in 2012, and by the United
States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) such as Kymriah (tisagenlecleucel) and
Yescarta (axicabtagene ciloleucel) in 2017, respectively. Recently, gene therapies have become
possible through the advances of genetic engineering technology that enabled the manipulation of genome and the development of delivery tools such as lipoids [2, 14], viruses [2, 14],
nanoparticles [2, 14], bacteria [15], gene guns [16], electroporation [17], or nanostraws [18].
Therapeutic components must be transported to targeted cells to exert a therapeutic effect.
Therefore, the delivery tool is essential for drug delivery to target cells and it is very crucial to
select a suitable delivery tool with specificity, efficiency, safety, and economics. However, it is
challenging for the option of delivery tools due to the following issues.
1. Specificity: Some delivery tools are not very specific and may deliver nucleic acids to nontarget cells. It is important to reduce the risk of nonspecific delivery, but the evaluation of
their benefits and risks is complex.
2. Efficiency: Not all delivery tools are efficient enough; some of them are low in efficiency
and multiple rounds of transfections are needed. Additionally, it is hard to improve and
evaluate their efficiency especially in animals and clinics.
3. Biosafety: Some delivery tools are toxic, biohazardous, or even destructive to normal cells
or recipient hosts. Some delivery tools such as lipoids, viruses, bacteria, and nanoparticles
may induce vector-associated immune responses in hosts, and to overcome immune barriers is essential [14]. Consequently, it is required to verify their safety in preliminary tests.
4. Economics: The research and development (R&D) of delivery tools is perhaps difficult,
risky, costly, and time-consuming. Consequently, researchers, funders, and manufacturers must have enough incentives to develop delivery tools. In fact, most biotechnology
companies have little incentive to discover novel delivery tools because of limited revenue
and highly developmental risks.
In several recent studies, encouraging progresses have been made to possibly overcome the
challenges of delivering GTPs in vivo [19–22] (Table 3).
3.2. Regulatory issue
Biopharmaceuticals are more complex than small molecular-weight drugs due to their biological source, large molecular size, structural complexity, and environmental sensitivity. Thus,
it is essential to consider specific and special regulatory issues for the research, production,
clinical trials, applications, and marketing of biopharmaceuticals, though many professional
regulations and developmental frameworks have already been established. Take cell therapies and gene therapies, and biosimilars as examples to discuss as follows:
3.2.1. Cell therapy and gene therapy
CTPs and GTPs have the trend to be commodified because many manufacturers are aiming
at pursuing commercial interests. Commercial promotion of unsupported therapeutic uses of
CTPs and GTPs has become global challenges that have proven resistant to regulatory efforts.
Some unapproved or unproved CTPs and GTPs are tried on patients only according to their
indefinite perspectives. Some CTPs and GTPs which clinical trials or data are still incomplete are prematurely released on the market only due to significant interests. A coordinated
approach at the national and international levels focused on engagement, harmonization, and
enforcement must be implemented to reduce the risks related to direct consumer marketing of
unapproved or unproven CTPs and GTPs [23]. However, in some cases, some CTPs or GTPs
have not yet completed their efficacy validation, but they have enough data to verify their
Discovery of a specific virus such as adeno-associated viruses (AAVs)
Application of a combination system such as AAVs-CRISPRs
Combination with several factors such as smaller Cas9 orthologues, tissue-specific minimal
promoters, AAV serotypes, and different routes of administration;
Development of novel and safe delivery tools such as lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), AAVs, and
International collaboration among manufacturers and harmonization for product review and
approval in different countries can raise the profits and reduce the expenses
Abbreviation: clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPRs)/Cas9 nuclease system.
Table 3. Possible strategies for overcoming the challenges for drug delivery (cited from Table 3. Potential Application of
the CRISPR/Cas9 System against Herpesvirus Infections. Viruses. 2018 May 29;10(6). pii: E291).
Introductory Chapter: Biopharmaceuticals
safety and estimate their efficacy. For the therapy of patents, who are in serious conditions or
unmet medical needs, specific CTPs or GTPs can be accessible to these patients with adaptive
licensing [1]. The regulator should establish a conditional approval system in the regulation
with deadline, a fast-track review, and communication mechanism to have patients in urgent
needs take specific CTPs or GTPs as soon as possible.
3.2.2. Biosimilar
As products of living organisms, biopharmaceuticals are more complicated than small molecular-weight chemical drugs because of their sensitivity to manufacturing processes and posttranslational changes [24]. Most information on the manufacturing process is not fully open to
the public, because it may be proprietary or a patent. This information gap stands for a critical
challenge for biosimilar developers and plays a crucial role in explaining the differences in regulatory pathways. It is required to demonstrate biosimilarity and assure that the change in manufacturing process represents no effects on safety and efficacy. The extent of the change is usually
a key indicator to the analysis required to evaluate the quality. Biosimilarity exercises have been
addressed differently by regulators to realize that biosimilar developers begin with fundamental
differences including culture media, purification processes, and formulations [24]. Therefore,
it is required to ensure that the changes do not influence the efficacy and safety of biosimilars.
Biosimilars are defined and present their financial and clinical implications in current publications, regulations, and the US FDA guidance documents [25]. Some biopharmaceuticals may be
replaced with cheaper biosimilars when they lose the patent protection. However, unlike generic
drugs, biosimilars are different from the reference products in structure and function. The US
Biologics Price Competition and Innovation (BPCI) Act of 2009 created an abbreviated licensure
pathway to allow for the development and approval of biosimilars and interchangeable reference products that are licensed [25, 26]. The US FDA can approve biosimilars via the abbreviated licensure pathway in accordance with the BPCI Act. Biosimilars approved in Europe are
only composed of simple and small molecules. Complex and large-molecule biosimilars will be
subjected to a more rigorous and prolonged approval processes [25]. The financial success of
biopharmaceutical therapies and their patent expiration eventually result in the development
of biosimilars. The pharmaceutical company has to develop complex biosimilars that mimic
the original “innovator” drugs and explore analytical methods to demonstrate similarity to
regulatory authorities [25]. A comment outlines the efforts of an integrated health system to
ensure biosimilar accessibility and discusses the current challenges and future implications
[27]. Biosimilars still confront regulatory challenges on potential implications for pricing, site of
care, and pharmacy dispensing practices [27]. Generally, we believe that biosimilars are helpful
to the health-care system, but their expected benefits may not be understood in the near future.
4. Conclusion
Biopharmaceuticals are very promising for disease control and prevention due to their characteristics and multiple advantages over traditional drugs. Many novel biopharmaceuticals
are being developed and may be applied for clinical application in the near future, though
some scientific and regulatory issues are still unsolved. We expect research works including
the discovery, production, applications, prospects, and challenges of biopharmaceuticals to
gain the fruitful outcome and have a great impact over the humans. All prospects will come
true and challenges will be overcome eventually if we constantly endeavor.
Author details
Yuan-Chuan Chen1,2 and Ming-Kung Yeh3*
*Address all correspondence to:
[email protected]
1 Program in Comparative Biochemistry, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
2 National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan
3 School of Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan
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