ISSN. 0972 - 8406
The NEHU Journal, Vol XV, No. 1, January-June 2017, pp.97-118
Human Circadian Rhythms and their Health
Biological rhythms represent fundamental property of most living organisms ranging
from several forms of bacteria and single-cell organisms to multicellular plants
and animals. Our body comprises of a whole system of biological clocks that
coordinate beautifully with each other and also with the central clock that remains
entrained with the external environment so that we live in harmony with our
environment. In this article, we present an overview of the biological rhythms seen
in organisms followed by a description of the human circadian system. The
importance of the circadian system in metabolism affecting our metabolic health
and behaviour has also been discussed. This review also covers how disruption of
these circadian rhythms could cause several diseases in our body and includes
some corrective measures for their treatments.
Keywords: Human Circadian Rhythm, Metabolic Disorders, Jet Lag,
Shift Work, Sleep Disorder
1. Introduction
1.1. Overview of Biological Rhythm
or millions of years, organisms live in a complex environment of many
interacting components. Environmental factors continually and most
often predictably change from one moment of time to the next. Rotation
(24 hrs) and revolution (365.25 days) of earth around sun and that of moon
the earth regulate the periodic oscillations of geophysical events
Prof. Anand S. Dixit teaches at the Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill
University, Shillong 793 022, India
Ms. Iadalangki Bamon, Mr. Sanborlang Byrsat and Ms. Ranju Chetri are research
scholars at the Department of Zoology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
793 022, India
Corresponding author: Prof. Anand S. Dixit (
[email protected])
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The NEHU Journal, Vol XV, No. 1, January-June 2017,
like day and night (solar day), lunar month, year, season and tidal flow and
ebb etc. Life on earth has been subjected to strict regimen of these cyclic
changes since its very origin. Through evolutionary time, these environmental
cycles have left their stamp on the basic biology of the organisms. About 3
billion years ago in the course of evolution of life, the recurring solar day
and geophysical pattern served as a template upon which were fashioned
biological sequences of casually related events. For successful survival,
organisms have evolved mechanism(s) to make use of the highly predictable
environment by timing their biological functions for successful survival.
Those who failed to evolve the mechanism to respond and to adapt to ever
changing environment probably perished.
The revelations of temporal organisations in biomes are known as
‘biological rhythms’ which are ubiquitous among living organisms. The
science that objectively quantifies and investigates mechanism of
biological time structure, including rhythmic manifestation of life is
called “Chronobiology” (Halberg et al., 1972). Persons studying the
patterns of rhythms that repeat themselves cyclically are called
“Chronobiologists”. Rhythms are present among organisms from
prokaryotic to eukaryotic plants and animals and in higher vertebrates
including human. They are found at all levels of biological organisation
from the lowest to the highest levels which include from the cell, tissue,
organ system to activities of an organism as a whole. Bioperiodicity is
also evident in behaviour and in changing responsiveness of the organisms
to all factors of the environment, drugs etc. (Brown, 1972). The
bioperiodicity may be of varying duration ranging from a fraction of
seconds to years.
The biological rhythms can be categorized into different types on the
basis of duration of each cycle:
(a) Circadian rhythm: A rhythm of approximately a day (~24 hours) such
as sleep-wake cycle.
(b) Infradian rhythm: A rhythm of more than the period of circadian rhythm,
i.e. with a frequency less than one cycle in 28 hours, e.g. the half weekly
cycle (circasemiseptan) of sudden human death, estrous cycle.
(c) Ultradian rhythm: A rhythm with a period of less than that of circadian
rhythm (less than 20 hours) e.g. pulsatile episodic secretion of hormones.
(d) Circaseptan rhythm: A rhythm with a period of about a week. Some
hormonal rhythms follow a roughly weekly cycle, as do patterns of kidney
transplant rejection.
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(e) Circatriginton or Circamensual rhythm: A rhythm with a period of
about a month, e.g. human menstrual cycle.
(f) Circannual rhythm: A rhythm with a period of about a year (~365.25
days). Seasonal and reproductive rhythms in some animals follow a
circannual cycle.
(g) Diurnal rhythm: This rhythm is an extension of circadian rhythm but
the individuals must be in synchrony with the day and night cycle where
they awake and function normally during daylight hours and sleep during
night hours. Note that it is possible to have a circadian cycle without being
diurnal but not vice versa.
Cues providing information to organisms about periodicity of
environmental variables are called ‘Zeitgebers’ (German word ‘time givers’).
Zeitgebers are the entraining agents defined as those cyclic environmental
cues that can entrain free running, endogenous rhythms. Depending on their
habitat conditions, different organisms use different environmental cues as
zeitgebers (Dixit and Singh, 2016). In most terrestrial organisms, the daily
light-dark cycle is used as zeitgeber which is not surprising since daily lightdark cycle is usually the most consistent environmental cue. Others may
use temperature cycle, food availability, social factors etc. as zeitgebers.
Circadian rhythms persist in the organisms even in the absence of these
periodic external information suggesting that they are endogenous. They
are built into organisms and programmed into their genetic material being
the products of genes. The biological clock is a part of our body, which
generates a number of biological responses regulated by cycles. Its control
centre is located in the supra chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) of the hypothalamus
in the brain. In particular, it regulates body temperature and the cycle of
sleeping and wakefulness with waking occurring in the morning and the
need for sleep at night. Various studies indicate that SCN play a major role
in generating circadian rhythms in mammals. Therefore, it is also known as
the ‘master clock’. SCN are small paired structures located in the anterior
hypothalamus above the optic chiasma. They receive visual inputs for lightdark entrainment, mostly directly through the retinal pathway. Thus, the
circadian organisation has three components- a pacemaker, an input for
entrainment of the pacemaker and an output pathway for the expression of
overt rhythm.
Among vertebrates, most observed form of biological rhythm is
circadian rhythm. A circadian rhythm is an endogenously driven oscillating
biological rhythm that resets approximately every 24 hours and can
synchronize the body functions with the external temporal environment by
photic (light) and non-photic (e.g. temperature, food etc.) cues (Czeisler
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and Gooley, 2007; Dixit and Singh, 2014). It helps to optimize our energy
use, therefore promoting survival (Foster and Wulff, 2005). It is derived
from the Latin words circa=around, dien=day (Halberg, 1959). This 24hour system exists in many forms of life on earth and is conserved throughout
evolution (Loudon, 2012).The circadian cycle regulates changes in various
performances, endocrine rhythms, behaviour, sleep timing etc. (Duffy et
al., 2001). The interesting thing about circadian rhythms is that even in the
absence of external stimuli, almost 24-hour rhythms are maintained (Czeisler
and Gooley, 2007).
1.2. Human Circadian Rhythms
Before going further with human circadian rhythm, let’s just take a short
glimpse of some eminent scientists and their valuable contributions towards
the development in the field of Chronobiology. A renowned Swiss botanist,
Augustin Pyramus de Candolle (1778-1841) was honoured as the first person
to describe a research that demonstrated the endogenous nature of circadian
rhythms. Candolle studied the rhythm of the folding and opening of the
leaves of sensitive plant. He observed that the rhythm persisted under
continuous illumination and noticed that the period of the rhythm (i.e.,
duration of the cycle) was shorter than 24 hours. He demonstrated the
existence of endogenous circadian clock. Also, a group of three workers,
Jurgen Aschoff, Franz Halberg and Colin Pittendrigh carried out very
influential research in modern circadian physiology. Aschoff’s discovery
and interpretation of the phenomenon of “spontaneous internal
desynchronization” (Aschoff et al., 1967; Aschoff and Wever, 1976) was a
driving force in circadian physiology for decades. Halberg was the creator
of the terms “circadian” (Halberg, 1959) and “chronobiology” (Halberg,
1969). Most of our current understanding of the operation of the circadian
clock is derived from Pittendrigh’s work with flies (Pittendrigh, 1954; 1966)
and rodents (Pittendrigh and Daan, 1976; Daan and Pittendrigh, 1976).
Kleitman (1963) was the first to study human circadian rhythms. In
1938, he performed an experiment on two subjects deep within an underground
cave, the Kentucky’s Mammoth Cave considered as the longest known cave
on earth. These people were shielded from periodic environmental cues and
lived on non-24-hour sleep/wake, light/dark and meal schedules. They were
kept out from the influence of the earth’s 24-hour day. He measured the daily
rhythm of their body temperature and revealed that in one of the subjects, the
circadian temperature rhythm was endogenously generated, persisting for a
month with a near 24-hour period despite imposition of a 28-hour rest/activity
schedule. These facts strongly suggest that a physiological rhythm could
oscillate even in the absence of periodic changes in the environment. This
study therefore established the endogenous and physiologic nature of human
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circadian rhythms for the first time.
Among various rhythms in human body, sleep/wake cycle is perhaps
the most overt manifestation of circadian rhythms. Other rhythms control
much of the human body’s normal functions, including performance,
behaviour, endocrine secretions, heartbeat, and body temperature.
Considering various reports, the frequency of heart attack peaks between 6
a.m. and noon (Muller et al., 1985; Rocco et al., 1987) and people having
asthma suffer most prevalent attack at night time (McFadden, 1988).
Interestingly, most human babies are born predominantly in the early morning
hours (Glattre and Bjerkedal, 1983; Kaiser and Halberg, 1962). While these
patterns do not necessarily indicate that the events are driven by the circadian
pacemaker, they do suggest temporal order in the functioning of the human
body. This temporal organization appears to be beneficial; the human body
is prepared for routine changes in state, such as awakening each morning,
rather than simply reacting after shifts in demand (Moore-Ede, 1986). In
addition, these regular cycles in the body present considerations for diagnosis
of health problems and for the timing of medical treatment (Halberg, 1977;
Minors and Waterhouse, 1987).
Apart from the above mentioned physiological functions, many other
findings suggested that the secretions of several hormones also occur in a
cyclic fashion (Van Cauter, 1989; Dixit and Singh, 2013). For example, the
daily surges of prolactin and growth hormone appear to be triggered by
sleep (Van Cauter, 1987). Sex hormones are secreted at varying levels
throughout the day, the pattern of secretion reflecting the fertility,
reproductive state and sexual maturity of the individual. Glucose
concentration in the blood peaks late at night or early in the morning (Van
Cauter, 1989) and insulin secretion peaks in the afternoon (Nejean, 1988).
These physiological variables are not the only human functions that exhibit
circadian rhythms. In addition, human performance, including psychological
processes and mental functions, also exhibits circadian fluctuations
(Colquhoun, 1981). Diverse components of human performance, including
memory, reaction time, manual dexterity, and subjective feelings of alertness,
have been dissected experimentally to ascertain when they peak during the
course of a day and how they are affected by circadian rhythm disruption.
According to Robert (1995, 2000), the human immune response also follows
a circadian cycle (Fig. 1). All these functions are primarily regulated by the
circadian clock, a cluster of nerves located on the hypothalamus in the brain.
This circadian clock relies on environmental cues to regulate its function,
primarily light cues from the day/night cycle. Abrupt shifts in routine, such
as shift changes, or travel resulting in jet lag can alter the sleep wake cycle
and have a detrimental effect on human health. If the alterations in biological
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rhythms are strong enough they may lead to various disorders that affect
human health.
Fig. 1: Human circadian rhythms (source:
2. Disruption of Circadian Rhythms and Health Implications
Circadian rhythms can be maintained and free run in the absence of a source
of entrainment. However, misalignment of internal oscillations with the
external environment results into circadian rhythm de-synchronization. This
is circadian disruption. It is caused by circadian misalignment between
internal clocks and external cues or loss of circadian rhythmicity due to
deregulation of clock genes (Srinivasan et al., 2010). When body rhythms
conflict with those in the environment, function is compromised until the
rhythms are realigned. Circadian rhythms are controlled by a cyclical
expression of circadian genes, and mutations in these genes result in a
modification/disruption of the circadian oscillator. Thus, circadian rhythm
disruption occurs by both genetic (polymorphisms in core clock genes) as
well as environmental factors (such as light at night or artificial light),
increasing the risk of various metabolic syndromes, health diseases and
disturbance in hormone release (Fig. 2). As melatonin rhythm is entrained
by light cues, light exposure at inappropriate time results in suppression of
melatonin at times when it is normally released (Arendt, 2010). Further, low
frequency electromagnetic (EM) waves emitted from power lines and
electrical appliances have been found to disrupt our circadian rhythms,
affecting melatonin rhythms by interfering with its production and secretion
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(Brainard et al., 1999). The invention of artificial light has revolutionized
ways of living by altering behavioural and social attitudes, including sleep
patterns (Vollmer et al., 2012). Even though artificial light is not as efficient
as natural light in circadian rhythm entrainment (Kohyama et al., 2011), it
can contribute to circadian disruption (Czeister and Gooley, 2007).
Association between disruption of the circadian clock and risk of metabolic
syndrome, obesity and Type 2 diabetes has been well established (Arble et
al., 2015). Also, circadian disruption in humans may increase diabetes risk
via inflammatory mechanisms independent of sleep loss, leading to decreased
insulin sensitivity without compensatory increase in insulin secretion (Qian
and Scheer, 2016). Several environmental and genetic factors can cause
disruption of the circadian rhythms. This disruption could contribute to
multifactorial diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and metabolic
syndrome (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Circadian rhythm disruption and its consequences adapted from Rüger
and Scheer (2009).
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High causes of mortality in modern societies have shifted from
infectious or communicable to non-infectious or non-communicable chronic
diseases like hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, cancer, coronary artery
disease and diseases of chronic inflammation (Mokdad et al., 2004). Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) have been found to be the leading causes
of death since 2008, accounting for almost 65% of all causes of death
worldwide (WHO, 2010). Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most
significant causes of death in developed countries caused by circadian
disruption (Prasai et al., 2008; Paschos and Fitzgerald, 2010). The
cardiovascular system in man exhibits daily and seasonal rhythms. Heart
rate, cardiac output and blood pressure show daily rhythms (Durgan and
Young, 2010). The SCN stimulates the pineal gland to produce melatonin at
night. Higher chance of developing heart failure or cardiac death is found to
occur in patients with lower nocturnal concentrations of melatonin (Sahna
et al., 2005). An interesting study by WHO (2010) has shown that urban
dwellers are more prone to NCDs as compared to rural dwellers in developed
and developing countries and this difference may be due to the modern
changes in lifestyle. Urban dwellers are found to consume more processed
and convenient foods, and have less physical activity (WHO, 2003). As a
result, these people are more prone to obesity, diabetes and hypertension
due to the imbalance of energy intake and expenditure (Sobngwi et al., 2002).
It has been observed that a deregulation of the sleep-wake cycle affects the
number of circulating lymphocytes (Redwine et al., 2000) and the resulting
immune changes cause many adverse health effects. These inflammatory
responses have been implicated as risk factors in diseases including obesity,
diabetes, cancers, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular complications
(Sarkisian et al., 2017). Further, epidemiological observations have linked
circadian rhythms with cancer risk e.g. women working with more hours
per week or year at night show increased risk of breast cancer. In addition,
urbanization is associated with night shift work and its link to metabolic
syndrome (a multifactorial NCD) has been established (Pietroiusti et al.,
2010). We can see a significant change in lifestyle since the industrial
revolution and as societies become more industrialized, the demand for day/
night activities and services increase (Parliament Office of Science and
Technology (POST), 2005). Extreme use of computers, particularly at night,
is another aspect of modern life that leads to circadian disruption and should
be reduced. Abnormalities in sleep/wake rhythms, appetite and social rhythms
have been observed in depressive disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder,
anxiety disorders, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), and a variety of other
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central nervous system (CNS) disorders (Lamont et al., 2007; McClung, 2007).
Chronotherapeutics is the prevention and treatment of disease based
on knowledge of circadian rhythms. It helps in improved diagnosis of diseases
by monitoring daily oscillations in vital signs (Refinetti, 2006).
Chronopharmacological treatments of hypertension, cancer and asthma
exemplify the use of chronobiological information to maximize
pharmacological effects and minimize side effects. Some selected circadian
disorders and their treatments are listed below:
2.1. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders: These are very common disorders
caused by misalignment between the sleep period and the physical or social
24-h environmental cycle. The blind individuals and night-shift/rotatingshift workers are more prone to develop these sleep disorders. The circadian
rhythm sleep disorders (CRSD) include:
Delayed sleep phase (common in adolescents)
Advance sleep phase (often in the elderly)
iii. Sleep-wake cycle irregular pattern
Non 24-h sleep-wake cycle.
CRSD due to work at irregular hours
(i) Delayed Sleep Phase Disorder (DSPD): DSPD is characterized by a
delay or late sleeping and waking, on most nights, a condition in which the
endogenous circadian pacemaker is not aligned to the desired sleep-wake
schedule, with sleep and wake occurring earlier or later than desired. This
desynchrony is referred to as phase misalignment (Dijk and Czeisler, 1995)
and is thought to arise due to a delay in the circadian pacemaker (American
Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2014). DSPD causes longer than normal
circadian period (e.g., 25 h) (Campbell and Murphy, 2007). Its prevalence
in the general population is 7 to 16 per cent. The teenagers and individuals
around 20 years of age are most commonly affected (Duffy and Czeisler,
2002; Garcia et al., 2001). About 10 per cent of patients with chronic
insomnia seem to have DSPD (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005).
It is also associated with a number of negative health consequences and
significant functional impairments like job performance, financial difficulties
and marital problems in adults (Alvarez et al., 1992). Adolescents with DSPD
show poorer school performance (Saxvig et al., 2012), dysfunctional school
behaviours and under achievement (Szeinberg et al., 2006) and are more
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likely to engage in smoking (Glozier et al., 2014), excessive alcohol (Saxvig
et al., 2012) and caffeine use (Lovato et al., 2013). A useful way of treating
DSPD is to further delay sleep initiation, at a rate of two or three hours
every 2 days, until the desired time of sleep period (ideally from 2330 to
0700 h) is achieved. As prolong wakefulness seems to be easier for the
patients than to anticipate sleep, so this method may be an acceptable one.
The patients can also be treated with phototherapy (exposure to bright light),
applied during 1 or 2 h at the desired waking up time by setting a timer to
turn bright lights on which can help to readjust the biological clock after a
few days. Timed melatonin administration is also recommended for DSPD
treatment. A dose of 0.3 to 3 mg of melatonin late in the afternoon advances
the sleep phase (Sack et al., 2007).
(ii) Advanced Sleep Phase Disorder (ASPD): ASPD is a rare disorder
than DSPD and is characterized by 3- to 4-h advanced sleep onsets and
wake times relative to desired normal times on most nights (Sack et al.,
2007; Reid et al., 2001). It may be associated with a shorter-than-normal
circadian period (e.g., <24 h) (Jones et al., 1999). Its prevalence in general
population increases with age (American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005)
and is estimated to affect about 1 percent of middle aged adults and the
elderly persons. Persons suffering from ASPD engage in the use of alcohol,
sedatives, hypnotic agents or stimulants to treat insomnia and sleepiness
symptoms, which can lead to abuse of these substances. The simplest measure
to treat ASPD is to delay sleep time, at a rate of one to three hours every 2
days, until the desired sleep period is achieved. The elderly population can
indulge themselves in physical, mental or social activities that can keep
them awake until the desired sleeping time. Phototherapy, applied late in
the afternoon for one or two hours, can readjust the biological clock within
a few days. Exposure to artificial light in winter months may compensate
the seasonal variations of light/dark cycle duration and also in locations at
high latitudes (Sack et al., 2007).
(iii) Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm: Persons affected by the irregular sleepwake type of CRSD have an undefined pattern of sleep-wake rhythm. This
type shows either chronic insomnia or sleepiness, depending on the particular
necessity at that moment. Patient’s sleep consists mostly of naps at any
time of day or night instead of one consolidated sleep period. This pattern is
mostly seen in association with neurological diseases, such as dementia,
and in children with intellectual disabilities. It is the result of inadequate
sleep hygiene and lack of exposure to synchronizing external agents, such
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as sunlight, physical and social activities, particularly in the elderly (Martinez
and Lenz, 2010). Strict compliance with desired time of sleep period together
with filling waking hours with physical and social activities, can correct
irregular sleep-wake rhythm. Intense light, applied for one or two hours at
the desired waking time, can synchronize internal clocks. A dose of 3 mg of
melatonin late in the afternoon can be useful to control this symptom in
children with psychomotor deficit (Sack et al., 2007).
(iv) Non 24-h Sleep-Wake Syndrome: This disorder, also known as nonentrained or free-running type CRSD is characterized by sleep symptoms
that occur as a result of the longer (approximately 25 h) duration of the
circadian timing mechanism cycle. Lack of light signal in individuals unable
to receive the light-dark external cues for the circadian clock system is one
major factor causing this syndrome in which individuals do not keep a regular
24-h sleep-wake schedule. This syndrome, occurring mostly in blind
individuals and rarely in individuals with normal vision (mostly teenager
males) show free running circadian rhythms (Hayakawa et al., 2005). Abuse
of alcohol, hypnotic, sedative, and stimulant agents exacerbate the disorder
and it can become chronic if left untreated. It can also lead to depressive
symptoms and mood disorders. Such syndrome is common in blind persons
and individuals with irregular light-dark patterns because of night-shifts or
rotating schedules. Administration of melatonin at low physiological doses
(around 0.5 mg), late in the afternoon can regulate non 24-h sleep-wake
syndrome (Skene and Arendt, 2007).
(v) CRSD due to work at irregular hours
(a) Jet lag disorder: Circadian rhythm disruption in travellers lead to jet
lag or time zone change syndrome. It is caused by the temporary divergence
between the environmentally adequate sleep-wake cycle and the endogenous
cycle generated by the circadian timing mechanism, usually after a trip
during which at least two time zones are crossed. Though, some people
recover quickly, others take time. Our body’s clock will eventually reset
itself, but this often takes a few days; starting from one to two days after the
arrival and resolves spontaneously within one week. The affected people
complain of insomnia or sleepiness, impaired alertness, cognitive problems,
malaise, fatigue, disorientation, mental dysfunction, tiredness, loss of
concentration, anxiety, depression, irritability, mood disorder and
gastrointestinal illness. This disorder affects all age groups, though older
people can present more pronounced symptoms. The severity of jet lag
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symptoms correlates with the number of time zones crossed. More the number
of time zones, the more severe the symptoms. Chronic jet lag can also have
serious effects on memory function, which elevate the cortisol levels and
significant cognitive impairments (Cho, 2001). It has been known that jet
lag cause a shift in behavioural, physiological, and hormonal rhythms in
humans (Desir et al., 1981) and it is of great interest to circadian researchers
due to the quick misalignment and need for subsequent re-entrainment of
the circadian system. People travelling to a different time zone should be reentrained to the new LD cycle. Exposure to light or light avoidance at a
particular time can help to synchronize local clock time to internal clocks.
In the first days, travellers to the East should avoid light at destination in the
hours corresponding from 2100 to 0300 h at their origin, i.e., at the time of
melatonin peak in their internal clocks and they should receive bright light
when the hour at origin is between 0500 and 1100 h. People flying to the
West should avoid light from 0500 to 1100 origin time and they should be
exposed to bright light between 2100 and 0300 h origin time (Chesson et
al., 1999). Caffeine is useful to reduce fatigue (Beaumont et al., 2004).
Travellers crossing more than four time zones are recommended to take
melatonin (Buscemi et al., 2006). Maintaining hydration, eating fruits, taking
naps and avoiding ingestion of alcohol are useful suggestions (Waterhouse
et al., 2007). Outdoor exercises have also been reported to decrease jet lag
symptoms in airline pilots (Shiota et al., 1996).
(b) Shift work disorder: Increased work demands in this century has resulted
in the formation of a work-driven on-demand “24-hour society” in which
regular sleep-wake cycles are not considered a necessity. The invention of
electric lights has made light omnipresent 24 hours a day and permitted
round-the-clock shift work. Many people across the world are employed as
shift workers (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2005) and are forced to adopt a
work-rest schedule that does not match the 24 hour solar day, resulting in
“circadian misalignment”. As diurnal species, humans typically sleep at night
and are awake during the day. Consequently, engaging in shift work often
induces conflict between people’s internal body clocks and the actual time
of day. These conflicts make shift workers work when their body is preparing
for sleep, and sleep when their body is preparing for wakefulness. Working
at irregular hours often causes sleep disorders characterized by complaints
of insomnia, excessive sleepiness, shortened total sleep time and inadequate
sleep quality. This disorder, besides impairing work performance, also
increases the risk of accidents due to decreased alertness (Schwartz and
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Roth, 2006) and also causes physical and mental health diseases such as
hypertension (Pickering, 2006), breast cancer, uterine and cervical cancer
(Haus, 2006) and cardiovascular diseases (Morikawa et al., 2005; Karlsson
et al., 2001, 2005; Tuchsen et al., 2006; Haupt et al., 2008; Prasai et al.,
2008; McCubbin et al., 2010). Shift-workers favour irregular eating times
and are therefore associated with altered insulin sensitivity and higher body
mass leading to increased risk for obesity and inflammation (Delezie and
Challet, 2011). Therefore, night shift work is a real health hazard. The hazards
of artificial light are not limited to disturbance of entrainment only but
disrupted sleep-wake schedules lead to constant light exposure at night that
can result in severe disruption to melatonin rhythms. Further, night shift
work is clearly most important in certain occupations like healthcare and
aviation industries where people are mostly awake for many hours and are
often unable to maintain sleep patterns that correspond to the natural human
circadian rhythm. This may develop fatigue leading to many accidents and
unwanted situations. Many studies have shown that the development of
metabolic syndrome (Pietroiusti et al., 2009) and incidence of coronary heart
disease (CAD) (Kawachi et al., 1995) were strongly associated with night
shift work in nurses. Furthermore, the number of people experiencing
circadian disruption on a daily or weekly basis is expected to increase as the
trend for a nonstop 24 hour society spreads and more and more people
voluntarily shift to more nocturnal activity. Approximately, 20 per cent of
the work force in industrialized countries works during variable hours and
that 2 to 5 per cent of these workers suffer from some sort of sleep disorder
(American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2005). It is advised that at least 48
hours should be given between shift changes to ease the transition between
shift changes and less frequent rotations should be considered. Developing
a regular schedule, avoiding caffeine or physical activity before sleep, and
wearing eye masks/ear plugs while sleeping ensure good sleep quality.
Appropriate exposure to bright light, dim light and darkness can help in the
alignment of circadian rhythm to shift work. Especially in case of night
shift workers, exposure to intense light during work and avoidance of light
by the use of dark glasses while leaving work can prevent melatonin secretion
at night and stimulate it during the day and thus help to synchronize sleep to
melatonin secretion. To fight insomnia, short-term use of a hypnotic agent
or melatonin prior to sleeping can be helpful (Sack et al., 2007). To avoid
sleepiness, one can take nap before the shift or during the shift break or can
take caffeine (Wyatt et al., 2004).
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It is important to mention little about what measures should be taken
to avoid circadian disruption and resulting disorders and diseases, i.e.,
prevention. In all CRSDs, it is fundamental to enforce the adequate use of
sleep hygiene measures (Table 1).
Table 1. Sleep hygiene measures for patients with circadian rhythm
sleep disorders.
Show consideration for the biological clock:
Maintain regular hours for sleeping and getting up, using an alarm clock.
Avoid variations of over 2 h in getting up time on weekends.
Avoid staying in bed for over 7.5 h, including naps.
Exercise at least 6 h before sleeping.
Relax and sleep:
Avoid exciting or emotionally disturbing activities near bed time.
Avoid activities that demand a high level of concentration immediately before going to bed.
Avoid mental activities such as thinking, planning, or recollecting in bed.
Beware of drugs and disruptive environments:
Prior to sleeping, avoid products that contain alcohol, tobacco, caffeine or any substance that
acts on the CNS.
Ensure that the bed is comfortable, with mattress, sheets, and covers appropriate for the
Ensure that the bedroom is dark and quiet, with a temperature around 24°C (ranging from 17
to 27 °C)
3. Conclusion
Clocks throughout our body control ~24 hour rhythms of behaviour (sleep/
wake cycle, eating patterns, physical and social activity) and physiology
(hormone release, metabolism, muscle capability, attention/alertness etc.).
These are referred to as biological rhythms which are produced in almost
every cell of our body and are coordinated by a specialised area of brain
known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). These internal rhythms are
coordinated with environmental cues such as light exposure, food intake
and activity. Maintaining robust biological rhythms is very important for
our health. The importance of circadian timing has been demonstrated both
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through evolutionary relevance and observed health implications of disrupted
clock systems. Light affects the master clock (SCN) by resetting it in our
brain. Biological rhythm disruption is caused by erratic behaviour or by
conflicting timing of our internal rhythms and our environment (such as
light and food). Common reasons for mismatch include jet lag, shift work,
exposure to artificial light at night and erratic eating and sleeping patterns.
Disrupted biological rhythms can have huge negative impacts to our health
including increased risk for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity,
sleep disorders, and depression etc. We can maintain a healthy clock by
eating within 10-12 hours/day, getting exposure to sunlight in the mornings,
trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day and exercising
regularly but not too late.
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