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2002, Dionysius
28 pages
1 file
Popularizing views reduce Heraclitus' teaching to the doctrine of flux ; not flux alone, however, but the juxtaposition of permanence and change, common and private, nomos or logos and the perennial exchange of opposites characterise Heraclitus. Plato saw in Heraclitus an anticipation of his own attempt to reconcile the opposition of permanence and change, knowledge and opinion, being and appearance. The analogy between Heraclitus' dedication to the logos and Plato's progression from Socratic definition to the theory of forms, the shared elements of a nascent ontology of soul, prove Plato to be a genuine Heraclitean and Heraclitus a true antecedent of Platonic thought.
'Filosofía y religión en la Grecia antigua'. Dirigido por Jorge Luis Gutiérrez y David Torrijos-Castrillejo. Editado por Andre da Paz, Luiz Eduardo Freitas y Pedro Maurício Garcia Dotto, Salamanca: Pontificia Universidad de Salamanca/Sindéresis, 2024. ISBN: 978-84-17601-83-6, 291 pp.
This book brings together a number of researchers of different nationalities to reflect on religion and philosophy in ancient Greece. These scholars have been convened by the Brazilian research group Delphos and discuss, in particular, how religious and philosophical thought intertwined during this period. Among the papers collected here, several are devoted to epic and philosophical literature before Plato. The others deal, alongside this great classical philosopher, with Aristotle and Philo of Alexandria. These contributions allow us to recognise how the vision of the cosmos, metaphysics and human life are intertwined in Greek thought. A journey is made from traditional Greek religion to its philosophical reinterpretations, reaching as far as the monotheistic God of Judaism made known in the Hellenic language. The nature of the cosmos, investigated scientifically, is no stranger to the Greeks' view of the divine, but neither is ethics, with all its demands. Thus, these studies provide a kaleidoscopic view of the various points of view from which nature, the human condition and divinity are approached through the eyes of ancient Greek literature.
Verlag der �sterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften eBooks, 2005
According to Merleau-Ponty in his Phenomenology of Perception, we experience time as a “field of presence.” In his words, “It is in my ‘field of presence’ in the widest sense … that I make contact with time, and learn to know its course.” This field is fundamental. It elucidates my spatial apprehension. In his words: “Perception provides me with a ‘field of presence’ in the broad sense, extending in two dimensions: the here-there dimension and the past-present-future dimension. The second elucidates the first.” In other words, I understand the spatial “here-there” dimension in terms of the temporal dimension. The “there” is what I immediately grasp in still having in hand “the immediate past.” In this article, I propose to examine the general conception of time as a field of presence. This examination can be seen as a kind of “thought experiment,” where we see what happens when we reverse this relation—i.e., when we elucidate the “past-present-future dimension” in terms of “the here-there dimension.” Such a reversal, I will argue, brings to the fore the pragmatic, spatial character of lived time. It also has consequences for psycho-analytical research.
Análisis de la situación cultural del capitalismo contemporáneo y la necesidad de pensamiento crítico para combatirlo en aras de una sociedad más humana.
A child is born with all the potentials and capabilities that are required for acquiring basic human qualities. Early childhood is a very delicate period of developing and supporting this crude state of the child, which in turn supports building of his self-esteem and confidence in his abilities. This early development of the toddler can be reinforced by providing apt environs for his free movement and associations, having his/her own experiences, developing, nurturing and fostering each dimension of his/her personality, and transferring all his individual potentials to the fullest. A free environment and mindset to act, perform and play with a sense of autonomy, is in harmony with this initial state of the child, and should be the appropriate setting for the early childhood development paradigm. The primary setting for this holistic development and progression of potentials towards perfection needs the establishment of a specific theoretical background, identification of themes and discussion of various aspects to be carried out at first. For this vital and important stage of early childhood development, five inclinations of fit'rat are discussed, as endowed by the Allah Almighty. These inclinations lay the foundations for any further development of child's behaviors and personality, and are the required integral virtues in the upcoming stages of his life.
Mediterranean Politics, 2024
In the context of the global push to counter migrant smuggling, in November 2023 the European Commission presented a new anti-smuggling directive proposal, replacing the 2002 Facilitators’ Package. In this article, we critically analyse two key elements of the new directive proposal and reflect on their implications on human mobility in the Central Mediterranean. First, we explore the proposal’s limited scope, which frames the facilitation of movement primarily as a criminal offence performed by migrant smuggling networks alone. Second, we assess the introduction of the financial or material benefit as a constitutive element of the crime of smuggling. We then evaluate these components in light of the recent developments in the criminalization of sea rescue operations and people on the move along the Central Mediterranean route. Finally, we raise concerns over the directive’s potential impact on human mobility within the Euro-Mediterranean region. While it may reduce the likelihood of sea rescue efforts from being labelled as smuggling, the directive will allow for the continued prosecution of people on the move who pilot boats for no financial benefit, in an effort to save their lives and those of others.
Muzealnictwo, 2023
Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań proweniencyjnych poświęconych darowi Władysława Jagniątkowskiego(1856–1930) i jego żony dla Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie.Przekazany w 1930 r. zbiór zabytków pochodzi zterenów Chin oraz Wietnamu, gdzie darczyńca przebywał jako żołnierz kolonialnej armii francuskiej, biorąc udział w tłumieniu powstania bokserów. Na podstawie nietypowych źródeł – tekstów pisanych przez Jagniątkowskiego – autorki analizują okoliczności powstania zbioru. Wieloaspektowa kontekstualizacja daru w oparciu o badane teksty prowadzi do hipotez na temat wpływu osobistych doświadczeń darczyńcy oraz uwarunkowań kolonialnych na proweniencję zabytków. Badania nad pochodzeniem daru Jagniątkowskich są dobrym przykładem potencjalnych trudności, z którymi mierzą się osoby w muzeach starające się opracować pełną proweniencję obiektu. Wpisują się one również w coraz powszechniejsze badania nad weryfikacją zachodnich kolekcji sztuki chińskiej, budowanych w okresie powstania bokserów.
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Los espacios militares de San Luis Potosí, 1592-1847. Una historia social y urbana de sus empalizadas, cuarteles y fortificaciones), El Colegio de San Luis / El Colegio de Michoacán, México, 2022, pp. 170, 2022
College of Sciences Research Day (COSRED), 2024
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Het Land van Beveren LXVI n°4, 2023
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