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Geological difficulties may have a high impact on the economics of an underground construction project, especially when the chosen excavation system turns out to be unsuitable for the conditions encountered. Thus it can be argued that the geological and petrological characteristics of the rock mass should be evaluated with the same degree of effort as that for the geotechnical prognosis. Mechanical parameters seem to be of limited value, especially if the rock mass is composed of anisotropic and inhomogeneous material. Inhomogeneity and anisotropy obviously play a key role during the process of rock fragmentation. The main subject of this paper is the investigation of the influence of anisotropy in drill and blast tunnelling. To investigate the crack pattern in different rock types, drilling tests have been performed using drilling rigs with state-of-the-art percussion drills and common hard metal button bits. The base of the drill hole in the block has been extracted and orientated...
Elastic parameters of rocks are typically used for design purposes in open pit and underground mining, underground spaces and rock-cutting projects. However, the ultimate strength of rocks is strongly influenced by their micro-fractures, preexisting cracks, and anisotropy due to inhomogeneity, discontinuities, and differing particle sizes or shapes and orientations. Since the fracture behaviour of rocks is important to geotechnical engineers concerned with the design of excavations and underground spaces, it is obvious that laboratory investigations of their anisotropic parameters are necessary for safe designs. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of different orientations of the anisotropy of Brisbane sandstone specimens subjected to diametral compressive (indirect tensile) loading that influences their fracture toughness. To obtain the fracture toughness values of anisotropic Brisbane sandstone, Cracked Chevron Notch Brazilian Disc (CCNBD) specimens were ...
Geologische Rundschau, 1997
* Usually the main subject in preliminary site investigations prior to tunnelling projects is the prediction of tunnel stability. During the last years in conventional drill and blast tunnelling, problems have occured also connected to the accurate prediction of drillability in hard rock. The drillability is not only decisive for the wear of tools and equipment but is-along with the drilling velocity-a standard factor for the progress of excavation works. The estimation of drillability in predicted rock conditions might bear an extensive risk of costs. Therefore an improved prediction of drilling velocity and bit wear would be desireable. The drillability of a rock mass is determined by various geological and mechanical parameters. In this report some major correlations of specific rock properties and especially geological factors with measured bit wear and drilling velocity are shown. Drilling velocity is dependent on a lot of geological parameters: Those principal parameters include jointing of rock mass, orientation of schistosity (rock anisotropy), degree of interlocking of microstructures, porosity and quality of cementation in clastic rock, degree of hydrothermal decomposition and weathering of a rock mass. Drilling bit wear increases with the equivalent quartz content. The equivalent quartz content builds the main property for the content of wear-relevant minerals. For various groups of rock types different connections with the equivalent quartz content could be detected. In sandstone bit wear is also dependent on porosity or the quality of the cementation. Finally an investigation program is submitted, which helps to improve the estimation of rock drillability in planning future tunnel projects.
Experiments on uniaxial and triaxial rock mechanics and rock acoustic emissions have been conducted for research on the impact of rock anisotropy on the development of the fractures of different directions by taking as an example the ultra-low-permeability sandstone reservoir in the Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation within the Ordos Basin. The experimental results prove the existence of anisotropy of the rock mechanical property in the different directions on the plane, which is the chief reason for the production of impacts on the development of different assemblages of fractures in the geological periods. The rock anisotropy usually restricts the development of one assemblage of conjugate shear fractures. The fractures in the Yanchang Formation within the Ordos Basin are mainly shear fractures that formed under two tectonic actions. Theoretically, here, four assemblages of shear fractures should have developed, but due to the effect of a strong rock anisotropy, in each period one assemblage of fractures chiefly developed. Thus, two assemblages of fractures are usually developed in every part at present.
Journal of Applied and Emerging Sciences, 2012
Drilling is the primitive and common operation in rock excavation industry, starting from exploration to exploitation. Effect of mechanical properties of the formation on drilling operation is a big challenge to mining engineers. The primarily problem is rock drill-ability. The objective of this paper is to correlate the drill-ability of certain rocks with their mechanical properties including Compressive strength, Tensile strength, Schmidt hammer rebound number and Shore Hardness number, in order to establish rate of penetration. This paper contains investigation of both laboratory experiments and Field examination of drilling equipment. Laboratory work includes the determination of various mechanical properties of rock specimen, determined according to ASTM procedure using Universal Testing Machine. Schmidt hammer test conductedon the rock specimen by clamping into the UTM loading platens. Shore hardness test performed on disc specimen carefully prepared for the purpose. The test ...
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2010
An extensive review on the anisotropy of rock samples has been carried out to characterize the velocity and strength behaviors under a variety of geometrical and mechanical conditions. Primarily, the causes and impacts of anisotropy is discussed to further understand the importance of the effect of such material from an engineering point of view. The strength anisotropy is investigated in laboratory using the standard strength testing practices (UCS, Triaxial, direct shear and etc..) to perceive the directional dependence of strength for anisotropic rocks and the velocity anisotropy using the ultrasonic scanning of the samples under destructive tests to evaluate the cracks propagation, density and orientation. Then, thorough literature review is done to highlight the significant observations that have been previously elicited. Furthermore, the mathematical determination methods of the degree of anisotropy are explored. Finally, this paper summarize that the strength and velocity anisotropy might be influenced by almost the same factors; however, the behavior of each anisotropy may not be the same considering the rock matrix and failure criteria.
Scientific Research and Essays, 2011
This paper examines the relationships between drilling rate index (DRI) and some mechanical properties of rocks in order to evaluate the effect of properties of strength, indexes, and brittleness of rock on rock drillability. For this purpose, some index properties (Shore scleroscope hardness (SSH), and point load strength (PLS) and geomechanical (uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) and Brazilian tensile strength (BTS)) values of 32 sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock samples were determined. Then, the brittleness concepts which use the uniaxial compressive strength and tensile strength of rocks were determined for calculations. Four different brittleness concepts were used in the statistical analysis. In this study, a new brittleness concept (B4) which was found as a result of laboratory studies has proposed by authors for percussive drilling and rotary drilling. The relationships among of DRI and both mechanical rock properties and brittleness concepts were evaluated using r...
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science (IJAERS), 2018
Overcharging in rock s (wall faces) during blasting and excavation usually causes damage to rock mass in most mining and quarry industries. This creates blast-induced fractures which can relates with pre-existing fracture pattern thereby increasing sliding and rockfall from the crest and body of an excavated wall. The spacing and orientation of pre-existing fractures are predominant at a small-scale mining (galamsey) site at 'Atta ne Atta', a town near Beposo, in the Western Region of Ghana. Geotechnical field studies were carried out to investigate the possibility of any instability within the area to eradicate the occurrence of an unexpected future wall failure (rockfall). The geotechnical mapping conducted was focused on fracture distribution and spacing. Mean spacing (Sm) of existing fractures was calculated and corrections were made to obtain calculated spacing (Sc). The scanlines of wall face 001 and wall face 002 intersect with their corresponding strike and dip at 78° and 80° respectively creating a slightly favourable fracture pattern and rock wall stability. The fracture pattern created at Wall Face 003 and Wall Face 004 were unfavourable for rock stability with their corresponding scanlines having a strike and dip of 67 ° and 73 ° respectively. The instability of these wall faces (003 and 004) is as a result of parallel orientation of the induced fractures to the strike of the pre-existing fractures. Observations made from the stereographic projections and rose diagram indicate a cluster of fracture patterns with a general strike of NNE-SSW. Hence, the fracture patterns in the study area are composed of favourable (stable) rock mass at some walls and unfavourable (unstable) rock mass at other wall faces due to overcharging of blast holes.
A családi kapcsolatok reprezentációja Zsindely Sándor: Hegedüs Loránt élete és munkássága című tanulmányában 2 "Az emberiségről szóló leghitelesebb tanulmány maga az ember." Alexander Pope 3 (Id. Scitovsky [1997] 11. o.) Absztrakt Hegedüs Loránt (1872-1943) gazdaságpolitikus, pénzügyminiszter, szépíró és publicista, akinek szociológiai és történeti munkái is jelentősek. S jóllehet azon kevesek egyike, aki a két háború közötti politikai, gazdasági és kulturális elitnek is kiemelkedő alakja volt, életútjáról eleddig nem készült teljes körű feldolgozás. Ezt a hiányt igyekszik pótolni az a biográfia, melynek egyik alfejezete a következő tanulmány. Ez az írás Hegedüs családi-rokoni kapcsolatait mutatja be, Ifj. Zsindely Sándornak (1932-2008), Hegedüs Loránt unokájának a visszaemlékezései alapján. Tanulmányomban abból a premisszából indulok ki, hogy az egyén életútját jelentősen meghatározza társas környezete, így a családja is. Célom ezért az, hogy megállapítsam, kik tartoztak Hegedüs családi hálózatához, s ismertessem a köztük lévő kapcsolatokat. A tanulmány különlegessége, egyben időszerűsége az, hogy olyan, a szakma számára eddig ismeretlen primer forrást dolgoz fel, amelynek szerzőjét és írásait Bekker Zsuzsa jól ismerte. Loránt Hegedüs (1872-1943) was an economic policy maker, minister of finance, belletrist and publicist whose works on sociology and history are also of significance. Although he was one of the few outstanding figures of the political, economic and cultural elite in the interwar period, his life has not been dealt with in a full and detailed manner so far. The biography one chapter of which is this study article aims to make up for this lack. This article describes the family relations of Hegedüs based on the memoires of Sándor Zsindely, Junior (1932-2008), who was the grandson of Loránt Hegedüs. My starting point is the premise that the life of an individual is notably determined by his social environment thus also by his family. Consequently, my aim is to establish who belonged to his family network and to describe the relationships among them. I process a primary source which has been unknown for the profession so far but whose writer and contents was well-known for Zsuzsa Bekker; it makes this article special and topical. *Ezúton köszönöm Lazáry (Zsindely) Zsuzsannának, hogy rendelkezésemre bocsátotta bátyja, Zsindely Sándor visszaemlékezését; Hild Mártának, hogy segített feltárni Bekker Zsuzsa és Zsindely Sándor szakmai kapcsolatának eredetét, Agora Zsuzsannának, Bálint Ágnesnek a szakmai inspirációkat és Harsányi Ivánnak a hasznos tanácsokat. Bevezető Miért írnak és mesélnek az emberek az életükről? A pszichológusok szerint azért, hogy értelmet adjanak mindannak, ami velük történt, voltaképp magának az életnek. Hiszen, mint mondják, az élet nem valami eleve adott dolog (Bruner [1987] 13. o. Id. László [1987] 4. o.).
Diseño y maquetación: José Llorente ISBN: 978-84-936046-1-5 Dep. Legal: Impreso en Anzos (Madrid)
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