Domestication of the donkey: Timing, processes,
and indicators
Stine Rossel*†, Fiona Marshall‡§, Joris Peters¶, Tom Pilgram储, Matthew D. Adams**, and David O’Connor**
*Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, University of Copenhagen, 2300 Copenhagen S, Denmark; ‡Department of Anthropology,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130; ¶Institute of Palaeoanatomy and History of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Ludwig Maximilian University, D-80539 Munich, Germany; 储Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine,
St. Louis, MO 63110; and **Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, New York, NY 10021
Domestication of the donkey from the African wild ass transformed ancient transport systems in Africa and Asia and the
organization of early cities and pastoral societies. Genetic research
suggests an African origin for the donkey, but pinpointing the
timing and location of domestication has been challenging because
donkeys are uncommon in the archaeological record and markers
for early phases of animal domestication are hard to determine. We
present previously undescribed evidence for the earliest transport
use of the donkey and new paleopathological indicators for early
phases of donkey domestication. Findings are based on skeletal
data from 10 ⬇5,000-year-old ass skeletons recently discovered
entombed in an early pharaonic mortuary complex at Abydos,
Middle Egypt, and a concurrent study of 53 modern donkey and
African wild ass skeletons. Morphometric studies showed that
Abydos metacarpals were similar in overall proportions to those of
wild ass, but individual measurements varied. Midshaft breadths
resembled wild ass, but midshaft depths and distal breadths were
intermediate between wild ass and domestic donkey. Despite this,
all of the Abydos skeletons exhibited a range of osteopathologies
consistent with load carrying. Morphological similarities to wild ass
show that, despite their use as beasts of burden, donkeys were still
undergoing considerable phenotypic change during the early Dynastic period in Egypt. This pattern is consistent with recent studies
of other domestic animals that suggest that the process of domestication is slower and less linear than previously thought.
morphometrics 兩 osteopathologies 兩 African wild ass 兩 Egypt
he domestication of plants and animals starting ⬇11,000
years ago (1, 2) transformed human interactions with the
natural world and resulted in a trajectory of intensification that
led to contemporary urbanism. Domestication has often been
thought of as a rare, intentional, short-term process, but recent
genetic, zooarchaeological, and behavioral studies have shown
that, although few large mammals were ever domesticated, many
were domesticated more than once (1–5). More than one wild
ancestor was often involved, and in many species gene flow from
the wild continued for long periods (2, 6, 7). Moreover, unintentional human selection played an important role, particularly
in the early phases of domestication and husbandry (8, 9). As a
result of this new knowledge there is increasing emphasis on
domestication as a nonlinear microevolutionary process influenced by the behavior of individual species, the nature of human
environments, and management practices. To investigate the
length and course of this complex process, though, speciesspecific indicators that identify early phases of domestication are
needed (2, 4–6, 8–11).
Ten articulated donkey (Equus asinus) skeletons recently
discovered in three brick tombs adjacent to the mortuary
complex of one of the founder dynasty Egyptian kings (ca. 3000
B.C.) at Abydos, Egypt, represent the earliest and most numerous articulated donkey skeletons ever found and a unique
opportunity to investigate these issues in the donkey (Fig. 1).
This species is an especially interesting case because multiple
domestication events may have occurred within one geographic
area, northeast Africa (12, 13), and because little is known about
the course of domestication of transport animals (7, 14). Domestication of donkeys ⬇6,000 years ago transformed early
pastoral societies and ancient states. Donkeys are tough desertadapted animals, and their ability to carry heavy loads through
arid lands enabled pastoralists to move farther and more frequently and to transport their households with their herds.
Domestication of the donkey also allowed large-scale food
redistribution in the nascent Egyptian state and expanded
overland trade in Africa and western Asia. Today donkeys and
mules are essential for transport in arid, rugged, and poorer
regions of the globe (15). There is, however, little direct evidence
on the length of the process and the timing of donkey domestication, or on when they were first used for transport rather than
for food. We report here on the recently discovered skeletons
and on a concurrent study of modern African wild ass and
donkey metacarpals that was designed to complement analysis of
the Abydos skeletons and to develop markers for the process of
donkey domestication.
The African wild ass (Equus africanus) is the wild ancestor of
the donkey. Because the earliest donkeys were found in ancient
Egypt, archaeologists concluded that they were domesticated
from resident Nubian wild ass (E. africanus africanus) by villagers inhabiting the Egyptian Nile Valley. One of the bases for this
view was Sir Flinders Petrie’s unusual discovery of three donkey
skeletons in a First Dynasty tomb at Tarkhan in Egypt (ca. 2850
B.C.) (16). More recent size-based analyses of bones from the
sites of Maadi and Hierakonpolis have provided additional
evidence for the presence of early donkeys in ancient Egypt
(17, 18).
In the 1980s zooarchaeologists working in southwestern Asia
found bones attributable to donkey from sites in Syria, Iran, and
Iraq dating to ca. 2800–2500 B.C. (19–21). Identifications are
difficult in this region because of the ubiquitous presence of
Asian wild ass (Equus hemionus), but these finds and the
discovery of bones identified as African wild ass (22, 23) raised
the alternate hypothesis that donkeys were domesticated in this
part of the Old World.
This paper is dedicated to the memory of S.R. (1975–2007), who died in a tragic hiking
accident shortly after the manuscript was submitted.
Author contributions: S.R. and F.M. contributed equally to this work; S.R. and F.M. designed
research; S.R., F.M., and J.P. performed research; S.R., F.M., and T.P. analyzed data; and S.R.,
F.M., J.P., T.P., M.D.A., and D.O. wrote the paper.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
October 20, 2007.
whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Anthropology,
Washington University, Box 1114, One Brookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130. E-mail:
[email protected].
This article contains supporting information online at
© 2008 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
PNAS 兩 March 11, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 10 兩 3715–3720
Edited by Dolores R. Piperno, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, and Balboa, Panama, and approved January 25, 2008 (received for review
October 16, 2007)
Comparative studies of the morphology of a wide range of
skeletal elements and contemporary equids by the paleontologist
Vera Eisenmann suggest that the metacarpals of these cursorial
mammals are especially responsive to changes in body size and
life habits. She argues that metacarpal morphometrics and
particularly measures such as midshaft depth are better indicators of donkey domestication than element size alone (29), but
this requires more complete specimens than are commonly
found in settlement debris. Complete donkey skeletons are rare,
and since Petrie’s discovery at Tarkhan relatively complete early
donkey skeletons have been excavated at only one Egyptian site,
Abusir (17), where three donkey skeletons were discovered
among the contents of a mastaba dating to the time of King Den,
fourth king of the First Dynasty ca. 3000 B.C. In southwest Asia,
three finds of donkey skeletons date clearly later, between 2400
and 2200 B.C. (19, 30–32). No ancient wild ass skeletons have
ever been found. As a result of the rarity of whole skeletons,
morphometric approaches have not been widely applied to
archaeological material and the identification of early donkeys.
The whole skeletons from Abydos provide a morphological
context for each bone, unobtainable from isolated fragments
from Maadi and Hierakonpolis, and an exceptional opportunity
to apply metacarpal metrics and new paleopathological approaches to the problem of distinguishing hunted wild ass from
domestic donkeys. By providing information on the whole
skeleton and the physical and social setting for domestication the
Abydos burials may also help to identify early management
practices and intentional selection.
Fig. 1.
Abydos donkeys in situ within brick tombs.
New genetic research on mitochondrial DNA of modern
donkeys, though, suggests that not one but two subspecies of
African wild ass were domesticated. Two clades of domestic
donkeys have been identified, one that groups with the Somali
wild ass and the other with Nubian wild ass (12, 13). Variability
in both clades is greatest in Africa. As a result of these findings
and recent archaeological research it has been argued that
African pastoralists domesticated the wild ass as a response to
increasing aridity in the Sahara ⬇6,000 years ago (12, 24).
Testing these hypotheses for ancient Egyptian, southwest Asian,
or African pastoral domestication of Equus africanus requires
identifying the earliest donkeys in their cultural context. Unfortunately, the initial stages of domestication are when donkeys are
most similar to their wild ancestor and therefore hardest to
Egyptian nobility hunted African wild ass long after donkeys
were domesticated, so both occur on Dynastic Egyptian sites.
Equus africanus has been identified from archaeological sites
and from depictions of wild ass hunts such as that from King
Tutankhamun’s tomb. Because many domestic ungulates are
smaller than their wild ancestors and bone fragments from
Predynastic and Dynastic sites show a trend toward size decrease
in Egyptian donkeys through time, osteologically large ass are
usually considered wild and small individuals are usually considered domestic (18). The earliest remains thought to be
donkeys were identified on the basis of size and archaeological
context and are thought to date to late 5th millennium and the
first half of the 4th millennium B.C. contexts in the Egyptian
prehistoric settlements of El-Omari (ca. 4600–4400 B.C.),
Maadi (first half of 4th millennium B.C.), and Hierakonpolis (ca.
3600 B.C.) (18, 25–28).
3716 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0709692105
Archaeological Context
Four hundred eighty kilometers south of Cairo, the site of
Abydos, situated in a great embayment of high cliffs that form
the western edge of the Nile Valley, is famous as the burial place
of the earliest Egyptian kings and as the cult place of the god
Osiris, himself a mythic king of Egypt and ruler of the land of the
dead. One and a half kilometers north of, and functionally linked
to, the tombs of the kings lies a series of royal mortuary
monuments. Overlooking the ancient town, each king buried at
Abydos also built a monumental cult enclosure, in which ceremonial focused on the divine king and relating to the royal
funeral appears to have been conducted. In the 1st Dynasty, both
the tombs and the cult enclosures were surrounded by the tombs
of courtiers and retainers. The exact relationship of the occupants of the graves to the kings is uncertain, but some, at least,
appear to have been of very high status, and physical proximity
to the king may have, in itself, constituted such status. Not all of
these ‘‘subsidiary’’ graves were occupied by human burials.
Graves next to the tomb of one early king contained the remains
of lions, symbolically associated with the power of kingship, and
one of the enclosures was accompanied by graves containing 14
large wooden boats. Regardless of their specific contents, the
most likely basic purpose of the subsidiary graves was to ensure
that the occupants or contents would accompany and be available to the king in the next world. Along with the elaborate and
richly appointed royal burial, the presence of the subsidiary
graves adjacent to the royal tomb and cult enclosure appears to
have been seen as a defining component of kingship in this early
The Abydos donkeys were buried in three contiguous subsidiary grave chambers, in a part of the site known today as the
North Cemetery, adjacent to the cult enclosure of one of the
earliest kings to build at the site. They were found in situ in
the sealed tombs. The construction and location of the graves are
consistent with those of the graves containing human burials
adjacent to other enclosures. The discovery is dated to the Early
Dynastic period by its architectural context and evidence from
seal impressions. Unfortunately none of the seal impressions
bore a royal name identifying the king to whom this monument
Rossel et al.
Table 1. Metacarpal measurements (mean ⴞ SD) by broad group, with results of statistical testing
GL (E1) greatest length
SD (E3) smallest shaft breadth
E4 midshaft depth
Bp (E5) proximal breadth
E6 depth of proximal articular surface
E7 diameter of facet Os C III
E8 diameter of anterior facet Os C IV
Bd (E10) distal supra-articular breadth
E11 distal articular breadth
Dd (E12) depth distal end
E13 smallest depth medial condyle
E14 greatest depth medial condyle
(n ⫽ 6)
(n ⫽ 32)
(n ⫽ 13)
(n ⫽ 8)
P value
195.7 ⫾ 6.5
27.4 ⫾ 0.9*
20.8 ⫾ 0.4*
43.3 ⫾ 1.2
27.7 ⫾ 1.5
35.0 ⫾ 2.2
12.2 ⫾ 1.0
38.2 ⫾ 1.5
37.8 ⫾ 1.0
28.2 ⫾ 1.2
22.8 ⫾ 1.2
25.3 ⫾ 1.8
183.2 ⫾ 14.4
24.6 ⫾ 2.5
19.4 ⫾ 1.9
38.3 ⫾ 3.6
25.2 ⫾ 2.1
31.9 ⫾ 2.9
10.8 ⫾ 1.4
35.7 ⫾ 2.7*
35.2 ⫾ 2.9
26.3 ⫾ 2.5
21.8 ⫾ 1.9
23.4 ⫾ 2.3
190.5 ⫾ 6.7
25.8 ⫾ 1.8
21.3 ⫾ 1.8
44.0 ⫾ 2.3
29.2 ⫾ 1.6
36.2 ⫾ 1.8
12.1 ⫾ 1.3†
39.6 ⫾ 1.9
38.5 ⫾ 2.1*
28.8 ⫾ 1.7*
23.8 ⫾ 1.1*
25.2 ⫾ 1.3*
207.1 ⫾ 8.4
27.0 ⫾ 1.4
22.7 ⫾ 2.0*
45.8 ⫾ 1.8
29.2 ⫾ 1.6
36.9 ⫾ 4.3
12.2 ⫾ 1.0†
41.2 ⫾ 2.3
40.2 ⫾ 1.4
28.9 ⫾ 1.2
24.1 ⫾ 1.1
26.1 ⫾ 1.2
was erected, but the iconography of the seals and the configuration of the architecture suggest a date in the beginning of the
Early Dynastic period, late Dynasty 0, or early 1st Dynasty (ca.
3000 B.C.), the time of the earliest Egyptian Kings such as
Narmer and Aha.
The grave chambers were constructed in pits dug into sand,
with sidewalls built of mud bricks. They were roofed with wood,
which was capped with mud brick masonry. There was no
evidence for superstructures above the grave chambers. All
animals were oriented on their left sides on reed mats, parallel
to each other and facing southeast (Fig. 1). The tombs were used
only for the burial of the asses and did not contain human
remains or mortuary goods. The skeletons were largely, but not
entirely, complete. Five crania were missing, possibly as a result
of ancient probing by grave robbers. Preservation was excellent,
and in places remnants of soft tissue and hair adhered to the
excavated bones.
Results and Discussion
Four kinds of information were analyzed for this study: age, sex,
osteometrics, and skeletal pathology. Approaches taken to collection of these data are detailed in Materials and Methods. Age
data including fully erupted dentitions with moderate wear (4/4
analyzable individuals) and fully fused long bone epiphyses
(10/10 individuals) show that the Abydos animals were prime
adults. Incisor wear suggests ages between 8 and 13 years. The
presence of prominent canines (4/4 analyzable individuals) and
pelvic characteristics of two additional individuals, including the
semielliptical proportions of the pelvic inlet and the thickness of
the pubic symphysis and body, suggest that all sexable animals
(6/10) were male.
Metacarpal Osteometrics. Osteometric analysis focused on meta-
carpals. Measures used and sampling of variation are discussed
in Materials and Methods. Twelve measurements taken on six
Abydos animals, 21 African wild ass, and 32 donkey metacarpals
are listed in supporting information (SI) Table 3 and summarized in Table 1. Osteometric data were analyzed by using two
contrasting approaches to gain insights into different aspects of
the group patterns. The first approach examined patterns in
individual measurements by broad group, Abydos ancient ass,
African wild ass, and donkeys, to explore specific changes with
early domestication. The second approach combined individual
animals into groups with hierarchical cluster analysis using 11
variables to explore individual variation and its relationship to
group membership in our sample. In exploring relationships
among morphology, size, taxonomy, and life habits, it was useful
Rossel et al.
to distinguish between Nubian and Somali wild ass and between
wild living and confined zoo wild ass (see SI Table 3).
The general trend in the measurements was for donkeys to be
smallest, Somali to be largest, and for Nubian to be larger than
Abydos (Table 1). The mean of the donkey measurements was
always the smallest of the four groups. As might be expected,
given that specimens were domestic, came from three continents,
and included animals bred for different purposes (see Materials
and Methods), their variability, as measured by standard deviation, was usually the largest (10/12 measurements). The means
of the Somalis were largest, or tied for largest, for 11/12
measurements, and the means of the Nubians were larger than
the means of the Abydos for 8/12 measurements.
Donkeys were the group most different from the others: the
difference between the donkey and Somali means was statistically significant for 11/12 measurements, the difference between
donkey and Nubian means was statistically significant for 9/12
measurements, and the difference between donkey and Abydos
means was statistically significant for 3/12 measurements. Nubian and Abydos differed very little from Somalis, or from each
other: the difference between Somali and Nubian means was
statistically significant for 1/12 measurements, and the difference
between Somali and Abydos means, and between Nubian and
Abydos means, was never statistically significant.
To explore these patterns further, individuals were analyzed
by hierarchical cluster analysis (Fig. 2; statistics discussed in
Materials and Methods). For this analysis individuals were classified into narrower groups that reflect taxonomy as well as size
and life habits (SI Table 3). Lifelong wild animals or wild-shot
animals (Nubian WS 3/13, Somali WS 2/8) were differentiated
from wild-caught but zoo-raised wild ass (Nubian WC 8/13,
Somali WC 2/8); other groups included first-generation zoo-born
(Nubian ZB1, 2/13) and second-generation zoo-born (Nubian
ZB2, 4/13 Nubian) wild ass. Donkeys were divided into size
groups; the smaller group included Kenyan donkeys (K 5/32),
northeast African Egyptian, Sudanese, and Ethiopian donkeys
(E 3/32), Greek donkeys (G 4/32), and small American donkeys
(AS 2/32), and the larger group included northern European
donkeys (NE 1/32), large American donkeys (AL 2/32), large
Egyptian riding ass (EL 2/32), and unknown (U 13/32) (see SI
Table 3).
The scree plot at the base of the dendrogram showed that the
distance bridged to join clusters began to increase markedly at
the transition from six to five clusters, but using three clusters
was most informative for our analysis. One cluster, highlighted
in green, was clearly the ‘‘small, donkey’’ group. It included a
majority (20/31) of the donkeys and one exceptionally small
PNAS 兩 March 11, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 10 兩 3717
*One missing data point.
†Two missing data points.
Donkey AL
Somali ZB1
Donkey AL
Donkey E
Donkey U
Donkey U
Nubian WC
Nubian ZB1
Nubian ZB2
Nubian ZB2
Nubian ZB2
Nubian ZB1
Donkey U
Donkey U
Nubian WC
Donkey NE
Donkey U
Somali WC
Nubian WS
Nubian WC
Somali WC
Somali WC
Nubian ZB2
Somali ZB1
Somali WS
Nubian WS
Donkey EL
Donkey EL
Somali WS
Nubian WC
Donkey U
Donkey G
Donkey AS
Donkey G
Donkey AS
Donkey G
Donkey U
Donkey K
Donkey K
Donkey U
Donkey K
Donkey K
Donkey E
Donkey E
Donkey G
Donkey K
Donkey U
Donkey U
Donkey U
Donkey U
Table 2. Distribution of skeletal pathology among Abydos
animals, confined African wild ass from zoos, and free-living
African wild ass and zebra
Spavin (arthropathia deformans
et ankylopoetica tarsi)
Spondylosis deformans
Compression/inclination of
neural spines
Compression of neural spines of
first thoracic vertebrae
Joint wear
(E. asinus)
Zoo (E.
(Equus sp.)
Paleopathology. Despite the fact that the Abydos animals were
prime adults and not aged animals, we observed multiple
developmental stages of spondylo-arthropathies on the Abydos
skeletons (Table 2). These are a posttraumatic response to
microfractures arising in the vertebral bodies with overloading
and strain. The initial symptom is inflammation of the ventral
ligament (33), visible in animals II, IV, V, and X, followed by
periarticular osteophyte formation at the intervertebral space
resulting in spondylosis deformans (34) present in animals II, V,
and X (Fig. 3). Strain-induced spondylosis is accompanied by
partial to almost complete degeneration of intervertebral discs,
the consequences of which we observed on the articular facets of
Scree Plot
Fig. 2.
Hierarchical cluster analysis dendrogram of metacarpal variables.
wild-caught Nubian. Another cluster, highlighted in blue, was
clearly the ‘‘large, wild’’ group. It included 6/7 Somalis, 4/12
Nubians (generally the animals with less history of confinement:
2/2 wild-shot, 1/4 wild-caught, and 1/6 zoo-born), a minority (2/5)
of the Abydos, and two Egyptian riding donkeys specially bred
for size. Finally, there was a ‘‘middle’’ group, highlighted in red.
It included 7/12 of the Nubians (generally the zoo animals: 2/4
wild-caught and 5/6 zoo-born), the majority (3/5) of the Abydos,
and a minority (9/31) of the donkeys.
3718 兩 www.pnas.org兾cgi兾doi兾10.1073兾pnas.0709692105
Fig. 3. Vertebral arthropathies of Abydos donkey skeletons. (Upper) Osteophyte formation. (Lower) Compression remodeling of spine.
Rossel et al.
An analysis of Abydos, modern Nubian, and Somali wild ass and
donkey metacarpal measurements shows that Abydos animals
were closest in shape to the Nubian wild ass but were more
similar to Somali wild ass than to modern donkey. Examination
of individual traits shows that metacarpal morphology in Abydos
animals is a mosaic of wild and domestic characters. These
Abydos data provide the first insights into the sequence of
morphological change in the African wild ass with domestication. Reductions in metacarpal midshaft depth and distal
breadth occur earlier than other metrical changes and are good
indicators of ongoing selection processes. Metacarpal midshaft
breadth, proximal breadth, and proximal depth in the Abydos
metacarpals are, on the other hand, conservative and similar to
those of the African wild ass. The degree of overall size reduction
(metacarpal length) in the Abydos metacarpals is difficult to
gauge, being more dependent than other measures on whether
ancient Egyptian donkeys were domesticated from the tall
Somali or the shorter Nubian wild ass. If, as seems likely on
geographic grounds, the Nubian wild ass was the wild ancestor
of Egyptian donkeys, then size reduction was minimal at this
stage of donkey husbandry.
The overall similarity of the shapes of Abydos and African wild
ass metacarpals could be interpreted as suggesting that the
Abydos animals were wild. Alternately, the fact that some
measurements of metacarpal architecture suggest wild ass and
others suggest donkey might point to initial stages of domestication and unintentional selection processes in an anthropogenic
environment before confinement by humans or introgression
between wild and domestic populations. But the context of and
the skeletal pathologies on the Abydos animals are consistent
with confinement and prolonged use for heavy transport. All
Abydos long bones show abrasion of cartilage, osteophyte formation along the margins of the articular surfaces, and scouring
of the joint surface consistent with wear resulting from transport
of heavy loads. All vertebral columns exhibit neural spine
compression and remodeling consistent with confinement or
Rossel et al.
suspension of loads across the back. Regardless of morphology,
all of these animals were used as beasts of burden.
These First Dynasty donkeys from Abydos provide the earliest
direct evidence of use of donkeys for transport rather than for
meat. They also provide the earliest secure, non-size-based
evidence for domestic donkeys. Unlike size, behavior-induced
bone pathology is an unambiguous indicator of how donkeys
were actually used by humans. The Abydos finds demonstrate
that bone pathology can be used archaeologically to identify
domestic status in transport animals (35) and to recognize early
stages of management before genetic or potential osteomorphological and metrical changes.
The Abydos data establish pathology as an early signal of
domestication of the donkey, followed by decreases in metacarpal midshaft depth and distal breadth measurements, and finally
by overall size decreases and shape changes. Together these
indicators will allow identification of different phases of the
domestication process and development of a more nuanced
understanding of early use and management of the donkey. This
sequence supports arguments that domestication may be first
seen through indicators of management rather than through a
decrease in body size (9–11).
It used to be thought that animal domestication was a quick
and deliberate process involving intense initial selection. Recent
genetic and zooarchaeological studies emphasize long-term evolutionary change in the process of domestication (2, 4, 5, 36). But
the time scale and nature of selection processes during domestication are not well understood. The Abydos data show that the
Abydos donkeys still bore important similarities to their wild
ancestors at least 1,000 years after the earliest possible evidence
for domestication. Their burial and its location in the high status
area of the North Cemetery indicate that the animals were highly
valued and may have been used to provision the royal household.
This elite status reinforces perspectives on the economic importance of the donkey to the first pharaohs, land-based transport,
and integration of the early Egyptian state (37). Morphology
shows that, despite their value and intensive use as beasts of
burden, the process of domestication of the donkey was lengthy,
with significant phenotypic changes still ongoing during the early
Dynastic period in Egypt.
Materials and Methods
The Abydos skeletons are curated in the magazine of the Penn–Yale–IFA
Expedition House. Modern comparative wild ass skeletons were studied at the
Field Museum in Chicago; the natural history museums in London, Basel,
Berlin, and Bern, Switzerland; the Bavarian State Collections for Zoology and
Anthropology and Palaeoanatomy in Munich; and the Powell Cotton Museum
in Kent, U.K. Domestic donkey skeletons were also studied at the Natural
History Museum in Geneva; the Julius Kühn Museum in Halle, Germany; and
the National Museums of Kenya (Table 1 and SI Table 3). All bones were
measured to the nearest millimeter following conventions established for
zooarchaeologists by von den Driesch (38) and specialist equid measurements
developed by Eisenmann and Beckouche (29). The 12 metacarpal measurements detailed in Table 1 were taken by using digital calipers and an osteological measuring box. Age and sex were estimated for the Abydos animals on
the basis of dental eruption and wear, epiphyseal fusion, presence and size of
canines, and pelvis morphology (39). Six Abydos metacarpals were complete
enough for morphometric study; five crania, one pelvis, and long bones from
10 animals were used for estimation of age and sex.
Few African wild ass skeletons exist in museums worldwide, but all known
skeletons were measured (n ⫽ 21). There was considerable variability because
wild ass measurements are drawn from two subspecies; 13 Nubian wild ass (E.
a. africanus, extinct in the wild) and eight of the larger Somali wild ass (Equus
africanus somaliensis, critically endangered) were studied (SI Table 3). A third
group, the Atlas wild ass (extinct), is known from Saharan rock art and Roman
mosaics, but not from skeletons. In this analysis, therefore, it was possible to
sample the majority, but not the full range, of past variability in the skeleton
of the African wild ass.
Donkeys are common, but their skeletons are rare in world collections. For
comparison with wild ass and archaeological specimens we measured 16
PNAS 兩 March 11, 2008 兩 vol. 105 兩 no. 10 兩 3719
the entire vertebral column and in all individuals studied, along
with hypertrophy of bone along the margins of these articulations. Compression and inclination of neural spines toward the
right side were repeatedly observed in the caudal thoracic and
cranial lumbar segments of the vertebral column of individuals
I, II, IV, V, VI, VII, and VIII, possibly the result of the animals’
being ridden (31). In all skeletons except IX, the neural spines
of the first five thoracic vertebrae were compressed against each
other (Fig. 3). This is consistent with considerable external
pressure exerted just over the shoulder blade. The joints of the
appendicular skeleton of all animals showed heavy wear implying
serious damaging of the articular cartilage. In several instances
the condition of the acetabular joint approached eburnation.
Joint wear was distributed fairly evenly among the different parts
of the extremities, including the feet, which we believe results
from loading rather than pulling. Finally, we also noted several
examples of individual trauma, including an inflamed mandibular diastema, one dislocated rib, and one rib with a healed
We observed no pathologies on skeletons of modern freeliving wild equids (0/8), but five of 16 modern African wild ass
from zoos exhibited some form of pathology (Table 2). Four of
these were aged animals, but the fifth was only 11 years old.
Three animals showed vertebral spondylo-arthropathies, two
suffered from spavin (arthropathia deformans et ankylopoetica
tarsi) (33), and one animal had dislocated a rib. None of the
African wild ass from zoos exhibited the lipping, eburnation, and
extensive wear of appendicular joints shown by the Abydos
animals or any traces of spinal compression.
donkeys from Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean, and Europe and obtained
measurements for 16 additional animals from published sources (29) (n ⫽ 32)
(SI Table 3). Donkeys are not as phenotypically variable as domesticates such
as horses or dogs, but because of selective breeding all modern domestic
animals are more variable than their wild ancestors (8). This sample excludes
modern giant and dwarf breeds, but two Egyptian White Riding asses, bred for
height (29), were included in addition to donkeys used as pack animals.
We used a photographic record, color-coded diagram, scoring system, and
qualitative description of individual skeletal features and abnormalities to
record paleopathologies and wear (40). All elements from the 10 Abydos
skeletons were examined for the paleopathological study. Two Somali wild ass
and three Nubian wild ass, representing all known skeletons collected for
museums from the wild, and one Burchell’s (Equus burchelli) and two Grevy’s
zebra (Equus grevyi) skeletons were studied to provide a baseline for agerelated wear in free-living wild equids. Nine Nubian wild ass and six Somali
wild ass skeletons from zoo animals were examined for age-related wear in
confined wild ass.
Statistical analysis of the measurement data was performed in two phases.
The first was comparison of the group means. Differences in the overall
pattern were tested for statistical significance with ANOVA. When the overall
pattern was statistically significant, all pairs of means were tested by using the
Tukey–Kramer honestly significant difference test. The threshold of statistical
significance for all tests was P ⬍ 0.05. The second phase was hierarchical cluster
analysis. All variables except E8, which was statistically weakest with most
missing data (four individuals), were used to cluster all individuals with
complete data (55/59) using Ward’s minimum variance method. All analysis
was performed by using JMP 6.0 (SAS Institute).
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. For their role in facilitating the Abydos research we
thank the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities. We are grateful to Louis
Chaix, Richard Meadow, and the museums listed in Materials and Methods (SI
Table 3) and their curators for facilitating collection of metrical and pathological data. We also thank Richard Redding, David Browman, and anonymous
reviewers of the manuscript for their comments. This research was supported
by National Science Foundation Grant BCS-0447369.
Rossel et al.