OIKOS 109: 63 /70, 2005
The importance of importance
Rob Brooker, Zaal Kikvidze, Francisco I. Pugnaire, Ragan M. Callaway, Philippe Choler, Christopher J. Lortie
and Richard Michalet
Brooker, R., Kikvidze, Z., Pugnaire, F. I., Callaway, R. M., Choler, P., Lortie, C. J. and
Michalet, R. 2005. The importance of importance. / Oikos 109: 63 /70.
Failure to distinguish between ‘importance’ and ‘intensity’ of competition has hindered
our ability to resolve key questions about the role interactions may play in plant
communities. Here we examine how appropriate application of metrics of importance and intensity is integral to investigating key theories in plant community ecology
and how ignoring this distinction has lead to confusion and possibly spurious
conclusions. We re-explore the relationship between competition intensity and
importance for individuals across gradients, and apply our review of concepts to
published data to help clarify the debate. We demonstrate that competition importance and intensity need not be correlated and show how explicit application of the
intensity and importance of competition may reconcile apparently incompatible
R. Brooker, NERC, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory Research Station,
Banchory, Aberdeenshire, Scotland AB31 4BW. (
[email protected]). / Z. Kikvidze and F.
I. Pugnaire, Estacion Experimental de Zonas Aridas, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, General Segura 1, ES-04001 Almeria, Spain. / R. M. Callaway,
Division of Biological Sciences, Univ. of Montana, Missoula, MT 59812, USA. / P.
Choler, Laboratoire d’Écologie Alpine (UMR UJF-CNRS 5553) & Station Alpine du
Lautaret, Université J. Fourier-Grenoble I, Bât. D-BP 53 X, FR-38041 Grenoble cedex
09, France. / C. J. Lortie, Mail Stop 370, UNR, Reno, NV 89557, USA. / R. Michalet,
UMR INRA 1202 BIOdiversité, Gènes et ECOsystèmes, Université Bordeaux 1,
Bâtiment B8, Avenue des Facultés, FR-33405 Talence-France.
Competition is a key process that structures plant
communities (Grace and Tilman 1990). The struggle
for light, water, nutrients or space impacts the growth,
reproduction or survival of plants in many natural
systems. However, quantifying the impact of competition
relative to the physical environment, stochastic events,
and consumers is problematic. In particular, heated
debate has focused on the impact of competition relative
to the severity of the abiotic environment / typically
indicated by plant productivity. Resolving this debate is
not trivial. Understanding the relative effects of ecological functions along gradients provides insight into
generality, conditionality, and mechanism, and provides
the baseline information for predicting the impacts of
many key environmental drivers.
The debate over the role of competition in plant
communities is complex, but opinions are commonly
allotted to one of two opposing dominant camps. On
one hand it is argued that competition plays a similar
role in plant communities irrespective of system productivity, but that the mechanisms by which plants compete
change (Newman 1973, Tilman 1982, 1987, 1988, Grubb
1985). As the argument goes, in productive, abiotically
moderate environments plants compete strongly for light
or space, while in harsh, unproductive environments
plants compete just as strongly, but for water or soil
nutrients. The opposing view is that competition is a
predominant force within plant communities in productive environments, but when productivity decreases and
environmental severity increases the role of competition
Accepted 14 September 2004
Copyright # OIKOS 2005
ISSN 0030-1299
OIKOS 109:1 (2005)
in plant communities decreases (Grime 1979, Huston
1979, Keddy 1989). In addition to these two dominant
models, Taylor et al. (1990) proposed a third model in
which competition is independent of productivity but is
driven by the ratio of resource supply to resource
demand, which in turn depends upon the frequency of
disturbance events. Experimental evidence supported all
three of these points of view, and several reviews have
attempted, through a survey of the available empirical
evidence, to find some degree of reconciliation (Goldberg and Barton 1992, Goldberg et al. 1999). These
reviews have made progress, but the opposing views
continue to be discussed as though they are irreconcilable at a fundamental level.
Grace (1991) suggested that debate over the models of
Grime and Tilman was fuelled by a failure to clearly
distinguish between two key components of competition,
the intensity of competition and the importance of
competition, previously defined by Welden and Slauson
(1986). The intensity of competition is a reduction in the
growth of species A as a consequence of the presence of
species B. The importance of competition is the impact
of B on A expressed as a proportion of the impact of the
whole environment on A. These concepts are illustrated
in Fig. 1. For species 1, the total reduction in success (the
‘‘total strain’’ reducing the growth of a species below its
optimum physiological state sensu Welden and Slauson)
due to competition and other factors is 24 arbitrary
units, of which competition accounts for 18 units: the
intensity of competition is therefore 18 units whilst the
importance of competition (the impact of competition as
a proportion of the total impact of the environment) is
18/24/0.75. For species 2, although the intensity of
competition is the same, i.e. 18 units, because the impact
Physiological state
Fig. 1. Graphical illustration of the difference between the
intensity and importance of competition based on Fig. 1,
Welden and Slauson 1986. The figure shows the hypothetical
physiological states of 2 species under three different conditions:
optimum growth (dark grey), the state resulting purely from
competition (light grey) and the state resulting from the
combined effect of competition and other environmental
factors. For discussion of the figure see text.
of other factors is now far greater, the importance of
competition is reduced to 18/36/0.50.
Grace (1991) stated that Grime’s model ‘‘is one that is
explicitly based on tradeoffs in the relative importance of
selective forces’’. It is therefore concerned with the
relative importance of competition. Tilman’s model, on
the other hand, examines the factors that control plant
growth and population dynamics within an environment.
It does not try to separate competition from other
components of the environment, instead these other
components are considered to be integral parts of a
plant’s ability to tolerate a lower resource supply than its
neighbors. Tilman’s model is therefore concerned with
the intensity of competition.
Given that the intensity and importance of competition are clearly different and, as illustrated in Fig. 1,
‘‘need not be correlated’’ (Welden and Slauson 1986), it
is essential that we distinguish between the two. This is
not simply to help us equitably examine the predictions
of Grime and Tilman, but also because the two different
measures of the role of competition address fundamentally different questions. However, very few studies of
competition have clearly made this distinction, and this
may have led to serious misunderstandings. For example
Reader et al. (1994) compared the relative growth rate
(RGR) of Poa pratensis in the presence and absence of
neighbors in 12 different communities encompassing a
wide range of productivity levels, and expressed the
results using an index of competition intensity. They
argued that these findings, showing a lack of relationship
between competition intensity and system productivity,
contradicted the model of Grime. However the predictions of Grime, related to the importance of competition
(sensu Welden and Slauson 1986), cannot be tested using
an index that measures competition intensity. It is
impossible therefore to say whether the experiment of
Reader et al. actually tests the predictions of Grime.
Other similar examples of this type of confusion exist
(Goldberg 1994, Markham and Chanway 1996) and
perpetuate the debate. Sammul et al. (2000) acknowledge
the need to differentiate between intensity and importance in their study of population-level impacts of
competition along productivity gradients. They use two
indices for examining the importance of competition.
The index IC is ‘‘the percentage of variation, accounted
for by the [non target removal] treatment effect, which
equals to the sum of the squares of deviations, due to
removal of neighboring plants . . . divided by the total
sum of squares of deviations’’. This index is developed
from the approach suggested by Welden and Slauson
(1986). IC does not unable the impact of competition to
be expressed relative to the total impact of the environment. Rather, it is a measure of interaction intensity, and
sampling error can affect the total sum of squares, and
thus the value of IC. Their alternative index R, which is
described as the difference between mean population
OIKOS 109:1 (2005)
density (Ncmean) and maximum potential population
density (Nmax), but which is actually expressed as a
ratio rather than an absolute difference (given as R/
Nmax Ncmean
), is simply another measure of competition
intensity as it is not placed within the context of the total
environmental impact. In addition it is not a good
measure of competition intensity as it is vulnerable to
increased sampling as the value used for Nmax is, up to a
point, likely to increase as sample size increases.
Further illustrative of the confusion surrounding this
issue is the paper by Grace (1993) wherein he again
approaches the question of selecting the correct index to
express competition with respect to the differing predictions of Grime and Tilman. However he discusses the
relative merits of absolute competition intensity (ACI)
versus relative competition intensity (RCI). Both of these
indices are, as their names imply, indices of competition
intensity rather than importance and so should not be
used to test the predictions of Grime. Although the
relationship between productivity and competition expressed as ACI appears to support Grime, this is simply
a consequence of changing plant size along productivity
gradients, an artifact that led to the development of the
RCI index.
We suggest that one reason why the distinction
between competition intensity and importance is still
rarely made is a lack of a common analytical approach,
particularly with respect to the expression of competition importance. Our aims in this paper are firstly to
examine one possible solution for the expression of the
importance of competition, secondly to examine its
relationship to competition intensity, and thirdly to
demonstrate how reanalysis of existing data can lead
to clarification of the debate outlined above.
Here on, to be clear when we refer to importance with
specific reference to the ‘‘importance of competition’’ as
defined by Welden and Slauson, we shall use Cint and
Cimp to symbolize competition intensity and importance
Expressing competition intensity and
Throughout this paper we follow the convention that net
competitive interactions are given a negative value and
net facilitative interactions a positive value. Therefore
increasingly negative values for Cimp or Cint indicate an
increasingly competitive effect, whereas increasingly
positive values indicate an increasingly facilitative effect
(Callaway 1995, Brooker and Callaghan 1998). Additionally many studies now refer to the importance or
intensity of neighbor effects in general rather than
competition alone, acknowledging the important role
of facilitation. Here we discuss competition, and have
named our indices Cimp and Cint, in order to aid
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comparison with previous research. However, the arguments presented with respect to the importance and
intensity of interactions cover both competitive and
facilitative neighbor effects.
Competition intensity-Cint
Cint is the impact of competition irrespective of the
impact of other factors such as abiotic stress. Therefore
suitable indices for expressing Cint are RCI, the relative
competition intensity index (Grace 1993), or the more
recent RNE, relative neighbor effect (Markham and
Chanway 1996, Armas et al. 2004). RNE allows for the
symmetric expression of the intensity of both facilitative
and competitive interactions. The formula can be rearranged to give a more intuitive version where negative
values indicate competition and positive values indicate
facilitation (Callaway et al. 2002):
Cint RNE(PTN PTN )=x
where PTN and PTN are the performance of target
plants (PT) in the presence (/N) and absence (/N) of
neighbors, and x is the greater of the two; either PTN or
PTN. This index does not try to scale the impact of
competition (or facilitation) relative to the impact of
other factors in the environment such as abiotic conditions or herbivory. This is why we refer to RNE as an
index of competition intensity (Cint).
Competition importance-Cimp
As stated, and in contrast to Cint, there is no commonly
applied index of Cimp. Cimp is the impact of competition
relative to the impact of all the factors in the environment on plant success (ultimately taken as reproductive
success, but commonly measured as some form of
growth increment). In order to express Cimp we must
be able to quantify the total impact of the environment
upon plant success. This is difficult. However, it is
possible to obtain a restricted index for Cimp by
quantifying changes in Cimp across environmental gradients. By using a common phytometer across a given
productivity gradient, for example the use of Poa
pratense by Reader et al. (1994), we can infer the
importance of competition relative to other environmental parameters. For example, if we compare the
growth of plants without neighbors at two points along
the gradient, A and B, the difference in growth can be
assumed to be due to differences in the impact of the
environment excluding neighbours at points A and B. If
we scale the impact of competition at point B (i.e. the
difference in growth between plants with and without
neighbors) to this measure of the impact of the
neighbour-free environment, we can produce an index
of the importance of competition. Importantly, the
length of the gradient explored is limited to the tolerance
of particular phytometer species, although we may be
able to lengthen the studied gradient by overlapping
different phytometer species with different abiotic tolerances (although we should be cautious because the
relationship between plant success and severity may
differ between species, so that for a given increase in
severity species A may show a different response
to species B). However, as long as we express the impact
of competition at all other points along our gradient
relative to the impact of the abiotic environment
as calculated in comparison to point A, this index
enables us to examine the relationship between our
environmental gradient and Cimp, even if we do not have
an absolute measure of Cimp. We therefore define Cimp
Cimp (PTN PTN )=(MaxPTN y)
MaxPTN is the maximum value of PTN along the
gradient (e.g. our neighbor free plant at point A) and y is
the smaller of either PTN or PTN. Cimp is similar to an
index proposed by Corcket et al. (2003); RECI / the
relative environmental constraint intensity, which provides a measure of the impact of the environment across
a productivity gradient. However, Cimp moves one step
beyond RECI because it expresses the impact of
competition as a proportion of the impact of the total
environment. At this point it is worth discussing some
features of Cimp that impact upon its application:
1. The selection of MaxPTN as the point against
which to scale the impact of competition, provides a
usable index for analyzing the relative change in
competition importance and intensity within a gradient for a particular species. However, this makes it
difficult to directly compare Cimp values between
species. Direct comparisons are possible if the
absolute maximum level of P for all the species of
interest is known. Nonetheless, comparison of the
slopes of regression lines provides a possible means
for making multi-species comparisons of the rate of
change of the importance of competition across
environmental gradients.
2. The response of a single species to multiple
gradients can be compared as long as MaxPTN is
the maximum value of P for all the gradients
considered. In this case we would be able to compare
both absolute values of Cimp and the rates of change,
as long as we had a common explanatory variable for
all gradients. This is essentially the approach that
makes the multi-site comparison of Reader et al.
(1994) possible.
3. The calculation of Cimp (and RECI) necessitates
the use of a phytometer species. The problem then
arises as to which phytometer to use. The competitive
ability and stress tolerance of the phytometer will
influence the relationship between Cint and Cimp and
the productivity gradient. For example a phytometer
with a high competitive ability and low stress
tolerance will show a sizable change in Cimp because
of a large change in P(TN). In addition there is the
choice of native and non native, common versus rare
or large versus small phytometers. Some studies have
used species that are native to the communities
investigated (Pugnaire and Luque 2001), but this is
not always possible, for example if the study covers a
wide range of environments. However, the factors
reducing the success of a non native phytometer
within a community may be different to those acting
upon a native that has already adapted (at least to
some extent) to that environment. Perhaps the choice
of phytometer should be related to the question under
consideration. If we are interested in the pressures
currently acting within a community we should
consider using a native phytometer, if one with
sufficiently broad ecological amplitude is available.
Alternatively if we are interested in the forces to
which native species have already adapted, i.e. ‘‘the
ghost of competition [or environment] past’’ (Connell
1980, our insert), perhaps a non-native would be
appropriate. The response will be phytometer specific,
and should be interpreted accordingly. However, this
is not necessarily a problem. It is likely to be the case
that the genuine relationship between the role of
competition and environmental gradients will, to
some extent, be species-specific. What we need to
do is consider enough species and gradients to detect
higher-level generic patterns. This is best achieved by
using a phytometer as it enables us to make standardized relative comparisons.
Advantages and limitations of competition
Before exploring the use and characteristics of Cint and
Cimp, it is necessary to mention two areas of debate
surrounding this type of analytical tool. First, there has
been recent general criticism of the use of indices in
ecological research. Many indices such as Cimp and Cint
can be classified as ratios, and all ratios are limited in
their suitability for standard statistical analysis (Jasienski
and Bazzaz 1999). However, if the sample size is
sufficient (i.e. n/5) ratios can be rigorously tested by
means of randomisation tests (Manly 1997, Fortin and
Jacquez 2000). In addition randomisation tests have
proved to be effective in analysing other nonratio indices
that are difficult to test by standard statistical methods,
for example for spatial distribution (Roxburgh and
Matsuki 1999) and community structure analyses (Wilson and Roxburgh 2001, Kikvidze and Ohsawa 2002).
OIKOS 109:1 (2005)
Applying the new index
We have argued that ignoring the distinction between
Cimp and Cint has lead to confusion over the role of
competition across productivity gradients, and that
arguments surrounding Cimp have not been properly
addressed because of the use of indices that actually
measure Cint (Reader et al. 1994). We re-analyzed the
data of Reader et al. (1994; data taken directly from
Fig. 1) for the phytometer Poa pratensis to calculate Cint
and Cimp using the indices proposed above, with growth
rate of plants in the most productive environment in the
absence of neighbors as our fixed reference point
(MaxPTN). We found that although Cint showed no
response to system productivity (as shown by Reader
et al. in their plot of CIr, Fig. 2A), Cimp declined with
decreasing system productivity supporting the predictions of Grime (Fig. 2B).
However, the relationship between Cimp and Cint
found for Poa pratensis will not necessarily be the
same for other phytometers or other systems. For
example, Pugnaire and Luque (2001) examined the
interactions between Artemisia barrelieri (the target
species) and Retama sphaerocarpa shrubs (the neighbor
matrix) along an environmental severity gradient in
semi-arid southeast Spain. Re-analysing their data
(F. Pugnaire, pers comm.) we find that both the intensity
and importance of competition were related to system
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Neighbor biomass (g m–2)
Second, Freckleton and Watkinson (1997a,b, 1999)
discuss potential problems specific to competition indices. They state that such indices are inherently flawed
because they do not allow the partitioning of the
components of any competitive (or facilitative) impact
of neighbor plants on the target individual into interspecific and intraspecific competition. Therefore, when
competition is found to vary along a gradient, be it either
change in CintorCimp, it is impossible to tell whether this
change is due to an absolute change in the amount of
competition experienced, or to a change in the relative
equivalence of neighboring species. However it has been
counter-argued that, despite these problems, the RCI
(and implicitly the RNE) still provide a reasonable
measure of net interactive effects and that the alternative
response surface analysis is impossible (or at least
beyond the practicable) in field experiments (Markham
1997, Peltzer 1999). The aim of this paper is not to
attempt to resolve this debate. Although any index
represents an integration and simplification of a variety
of processes, indices are an easily applied and therefore
popular method of expressing plant interactions. As long
as they are used, and importantly as long as researchers
refer to the large body of literature that has already
developed using them, we must be able to clearly
differentiate between Cint and Cimp.
Neighbor biomass (g m–2)
Fig. 2. (A) Competition intensity Cint and (B) competition
importance Cimp vs neighbour biomass (g m 2) recalculated
from the data of Reader et al. (1994, Fig. 1). Fitted lines show
results of generalised linear mixed model analysis performed
using the MIXED procedure SAS version 8.0 (SAS Institute
1999). Cint / /0.00088 neighbor biomass /0.6957, F1,39 /2.76,
P /0.1047. Cimp / /0.00100 neighbor biomass/0.09264,
F1,42 /27.32, P B/0.0001. Site was specified as a random effect,
degrees of freedom were calculated using the Satterthwaite
option, and data normality was tested using the UNIVARIATE
productivity (in this case indicated by PTN) with
decreasing intensity and importance of competition
(and increasing importance and intensity of facilitation)
with reduced system productivity (Fig. 3). In this case,
in contrast to the Reader et al. data set, both Cint and
Cimp were strongly correlated to system productivity.
These examples demonstrate that the relationship between Cint and Cimp across productivity gradients may
not be constant and, as Welden and Slauson stated,
competition intensity and importance need not be
Calculation of Cint and Cimp depends on two common
factors, the success of plants in the removal and control
treatments (PTN and PTN). Therefore we might
expect in some circumstances for Cimp and Cint to be
closely related. We can explore this relationship visually
by constructing a hypothetical, illustrative model system
where the values of PTN and PTN range freely
between 0 and 10. We can then calculate Cimp and Cint
for this range of PTN and PTN values and examine
the relationship between Cimp and Cint by plotting
Cimp /Cint (an indication of the degree to which the
–1– 0
C imp–C int
Mass of removal plants (PT–N)
Mass of removal plants (PT–N)
Fig. 3. (A) Cint and (B) Cimp experienced by Artemisia barrelieri
due to the presence of Retama sphaerocarpa vs mass of
A. barrelieri plants without neighbours (PTN; used here as
an index of system productivity in the absence of information
on system neighbour biomass) recalculated from Pugnaire and
Luque (2001), data from F. Pugnaire (pers. comm.).
The Pearson correlation coefficient between Cimp and PTN is
/0.74, PB/0.001, and between Cint and PTN is /0.77,
P B/0.001, N /27 in both cases, (SAS version 8.0, SAS Institute
two indices diverge) against our range of PTN and
PTN values (Fig. 4).
With this approach we can see that, across our range
of PTN and PTN values, there are two lines of equality
between the two indices. First, and somewhat trivial, the
difference between them is 0 when both are themselves
equivalent to 0 (i.e. when PTN /PTN). Second, they
converge when the sum of PTN/PTN /MaxPTN.
This means that in some natural environments it is
possible to find conditions where Cimp /Cint. If removal
experiments are conducted where such a balance
between Cint and Cimp occurs, we would conclude that
Cint and Cimp were equivalent. Elsewhere on the response
surface Cint and Cimp diverge markedly, again reinforcing
the message of Welden and Slauson that competition
intensity and importance need not be correlated.
A mathematical analysis of the equations for Cint and
Cimp demonstrates the same points. In situations of
competition and facilitation respectively:
Cimp Cint (PTN =(MaxPTN PTN ))
Cimp Cint (PTN =(MaxPTN PTN ))
therefore Cint /Cimp when PTN/PTN /MaxPTN,
and when Cint /0, corresponding to the two lines of
convergence visible on the response surface plot (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4. The impact of changes in the performance of hypothetical target plants both with and without neighbors (PTN and
PTN respectively) on Cimp /Cint, the difference between the
importance of competition (Cimp) and the intensity of competition (Cint). The figure has been drawn using values of PTN
from 0 to10 and PTN from 1 to 9 thus avoiding the trivial
situations where either Cint or Cimp equate to infinity (when
PTN and PTN both equal either 0 or 10 respectively). See text
for full details.
We can test this proposed relationship between Cint
and Cimp by using the data of Reader et al. (1994).
A simple statistical summary of these data shows that
the mean PTN (0.0022) is almost an order of magnitude
less than the mean PTN (0.0221), while the coefficient
of variance (CV) shows that PTN (CV /0.56) is
almost 8 times less variable than PTN (CV/4.5).
From this we can conclude that, in these experiments,
neighbors compete intensely with the phytometer along
most of the gradient. Therefore x :/PTN (Eq. 1) and
y :/PTN (Eq. 2). The following predictions can then be
1. Because Cint /(PTN /PTN)/PTN /PTN/
PTN /1, and because PTN is practically constant
relative to PTN, we can hypothesize that Cint
approximates a simple linear function of PTN:
Cint PTN =Mean PTN 1PTN =0:0211;
2. Because Cimp /(PTN /PTN)/(MaxPTN /
PTN), and because PTN in fact is of a negligibly
small value relative to PTN, we can hypothesize that
Cimp approximates a simple linear function of PTN:
Cimp PTN =PTNmax PTN =0:0570:
Using the same data set, there is a highly significant
relationship between Cint and PTN (Cint /
35.34PTN /1.021, F1,42 /56.18, PB/0.001, Fig. 2 for
details of analysis). The reciprocal value of the slope
1/45.34 /0.021 /the mean PTN, and the intercept / /1.021. Therefore the observed response of Cint
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approximates closely the predicted response of PTN/
meanPTN / 1, and the first of our predictions is
supported. Second, the strength of the relationship
between Cimp and PTN is also very high (Cimp /
19.32PTN /0.075, F1,41 /292.66, PB/0.001, see Fig. 2
for details of analysis). In this instance the reciprocal
value of the slope 1/ /19.32 / /0.052 :/MaxPTN; at
the same time the intercept does not differ significantly
from 0 (P/0.073). This means that the response of Cimp
very closely approximates the ratio PTN/MaxPTN
thus confirming the second prediction. These simple
tests indicate that our predicted relationships between
Cint and Cimp hold true for one of the most extensive and
important data sets in the literature.
The linear models obtained from our calculations
contain a great deal of information about the Cimp and
Cint indices. The first model indicates that under strong
competition, as in the Reader et al. data set, Cint depends
linearly on the performance of the control plants
(PTN). This is not an unexpected result, but the high
goodness-of-fit tells us that the model works well. For
the second model it is interesting to note that the ratio
PTN/MaxPTN is an indicator of the severity of the
abiotic environment (more precisely the relative severity
of the environment without neighbors). Consequently,
the second model demonstrates that Cimp depends
linearly on severity level, an important conclusion for
the abiotic stress productivity models for competition
(Grime 1979) and for competition and facilitation
(Bertness and Callaway 1994). This conclusion is particularly important for variants of these conceptual
models that assume linearity in relations between stress
and the importance of plant /plant interactions (Brooker
and Callaghan 1998, Corcket et al. 2003).
Abiotic severity is closely related to ecosystem productivity, so we can predict that the ratio PTN/
MaxPTN is linearly related to standing biomass.
Indeed, neighbor biomass in the data of Reader et al.
(1994) is significantly related to the ratio PTN/
(PTN/MaxPTN /0.000864
biomass/0.1640, F1,42 /27.19, P B/0.001, see Fig. 2 for
details of analysis). This also explains the linear relationship between Cimp and biomass (Fig. 2B) but the lack of
correlation between Cint and biomass (Fig. 2A). Of
crucial importance is that these statistical relationships
demonstrate that the choice of index will strongly affect
theoretical conclusions drawn from a given set of
experimental data.
In summary our reanalysis of the data of Reader et al.
has highlighted several key points. Most importantly
we have shown that competition intensity shows no
relationship to the productivity gradient (supporting
Newman 1973, Tilman, 1982, 1987, 1988, Grubb
1985), but competition importance linearly increases
(in absolute values) with productivity (thus supporting
Grime 1979, Huston 1979, Keddy 1989) and apparently
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with a decrease in abiotic severity (supporting Bertness
and Callaway 1994, Brooker and Callaghan 1998,
Corcket et al. 2003). This is in contrast to the conclusions that were originally drawn from analysis of this
data. This reanalysis suggests that the models of Grime
and Tilman may not always be in opposition; at a basic
level they are asking questions about two quite different
aspects of the role of competition in plant communities
and both models can be supported by the same set of
data, as long as the appropriate and relevant analysis is
In addition this reanalysis has shown that the relationship between competition intensity and importance may
differ in different systems, as shown by the contrasting
results from Reader et al. (1994) and Pugnaire and
Luque (2001). Future research in this field may therefore
benefit from firstly application of the phytometer
approach which will enable the calculation of Cimp as
well as the more commonly calculated Cint (whilst
bearing in mind the caveats associated with this
approach as discussed earlier), secondly studies that
enable a comparison of severity or productivity relationships with plant interactions in multiple environments
and with multiple phytometers (thus enabling us to
examine the generality of relationships and the impact of
environmental drivers upon them), and thirdly greater
caution and clarity when discussing the role of competition in plant communities.
One of plant ecology’s most intense and protracted
debates is fuelled by a misinterpretation of models and
misapplication of analytical approaches. In order to
resolve this debate we reanalyzed a key published data
set and illustrated how a different analytical approach
sheds new light on the role of competition in plant
communities. Our reanalysis suggests that, in this study,
Grime’s hypothesis was incorrectly rejected. However,
other species and other systems will require their own
analysis and model fitting. Once ecologists have examined many different phytometer species on different
environmental gradients general statements on the
relationship of both the intensity and importance of
plant interactions to productivity and environmental
stress will be possible. We have demonstrated here that
by using simple but relevant indices to summarize the
outcome of interactions, we can move the debate away
from semantics to the original aims of the exploration of
competition as a driving force in nature.
Acknowledgements / We would like to acknowledge the
financial support of the National Center for Ecological
Analysis and Synthesis, UCSB, USA. Many of the ideas
presented here were developed from work funded by the UK
NERC (NER/M/S/2001/00080), the Spanish MCYT
(REN2001-1544), the NSF (DEB-9726829) and the Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation. We would like to thank Jan Moen for
very useful comments on this paper.
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