How shall we assess this?

2003, ACM SIGCSE …


Increased class sizes are forcing academics to reconsider approaches to setting and marking assessments for their students. Distributed and distance learning are creating some of the biggest changes. Some educators are embracing new technologies but others are more wary of what they do not know. In order to address this issue it is first necessary to investigate the types of assessment currently in use and the perceptions that are held by academics with and without experience of the new technologies that are becoming available. In this paper we present the findings of an international survey of Computer Science academics teaching a variety of topics within the discipline. The findings are split into two sections: a snapshot of current assessment practices and an analysis of respondents' perceptions of Computer Aided Assessment (CAA). Academics' opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of CAA are split in line with level of experience of using such techniques. Those with no experience of CAA suggest that it cannot be used to test higher-order learning outcomes and that the quality of the immediate feedback is poor; these negative opinions diminish as experience is gained.

How Shall We Assess This? Janet Carter John English Computing Laboratory University of Kent Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK [email protected] School of Comp and Math Sciences University of Brighton, Brighton, BN2 4GJ, UK [email protected] Kirsti Ala-Mutka Martin Dick William Fone Inst Software Systems Tampere University of Technology Finland [email protected] School of CS and SE Monash University Victoria 3145, Australia [email protected] School of Computing Staffordshire University Stafford, ST18 0DG, UK [email protected] Ursula Fuller Judy Sheard Computing Laboratory University of Kent Canterbury, CT2 7NF, UK [email protected] School of CS and SE Monash University Victoria 3145, Australia [email protected] ABSTRACT 1 Increased class sizes are forcing academics to reconsider approaches to setting and marking assessments for their students. Distributed and distance learning are creating some of the biggest changes. Some educators are embracing new technologies but others are more wary of what they do not know. In order to address this issue it is first necessary to investigate the types of assessment currently in use and the perceptions that are held by academics with and without experience of the new technologies that are becoming available. With increasing class sizes in educational establishments worldwide, the practice of assessment is becoming a problematic issue; increased numbers make it more difficult to assess student attainment. If assessments are graded manually, educators must either set fewer assessment tasks or resign themselves to a greatly increased marking load. In order to cope with increasing student numbers automated assessment is becoming increasingly important in many courses. The number of papers related to the topic that have been presented at ITiCSE conferences in recent years [e.g. 21, 30, 31, 41, 49, 65] reflects this increasing interest. Automated assessment can save time and human resources but its adoption must be pedagogically sound. It is a widely held belief that on-line teaching and learning will be the savior of the educational system. Current research suggests that students initially prefer to be taught by a human, finding a machine too impersonal and a disincentive to learning; but that once the initial stages are completed a machine is an acceptable teacher [54]. There are, however, some important issues to consider: How do you tell that the person taking an on-line examination is the person they should be? How do you tell that they aren’t receiving help? There are projects investigating the effective use of such techniques [3, 60, 74], but they are still in their infancy. In this paper we present the findings of an international survey of Computer Science academics teaching a variety of topics within the discipline. The findings are split into two sections: a snapshot of current assessment practices and an analysis of respondents’ perceptions of Computer Aided Assessment (CAA). Academics’ opinions about the advantages and disadvantages of CAA are split in line with level of experience of using such techniques. Those with no experience of CAA suggest that it cannot be used to test higher-order learning outcomes and that the quality of the immediate feedback is poor; these negative opinions diminish as experience is gained. Categories and Subject Descriptors 1.1 K.3.2 [Computers and Education]: Computer and Information Science Education – computer science education INTRODUCTION Assessment Principles Human Factors. All assessments should follow sound educational principles and the most widely adopted epistemology within the CS arena appears to be that of constructivism. Constructivist principles of educational development suggest that: Keywords • General Terms Assessment, Computer Aided Assessment, Plagiarism. 107 Students are active participants in the process of their own learning • All learning takes place within a context – usually the classroom – where shared meanings and understandings can be created • Students require time to reflect upon the work that they are doing • Students require the space to be allowed to make mistakes and to learn from these mistakes 2 In order to obtain the perceptions and experiences of academics a web-based survey was created (see Appendix). The working group participants then advertised the survey as widely as possible to CS academics. The responses are not necessarily representative of all CS academics; they are necessarily skewed by the means of advertising and the nationalities of the authors. Within the UK the survey was advertised via the LTSN-ICS (Learning and Teaching Support Network for Information Computer Sciences) mailing list and the UK CAA mailing list. US responses were solicited via the SIGCSE mailing list. Ben-Ari [5] notes that learning should be active, not passive; students are being called upon to build mental models of abstract conceptions of how computers work, the nature of variables in programming, and so on. Computer Science in particular is a deeply practical subject, and providing as much opportunity for practical work as possible will help to develop students’ understandings of the principles behind the subject, as long as this work is undertaken in concert with human assistance to overcome misconceptions and refine mental models. The downside, for educators teaching large numbers of students, is that each piece of practical work needs to be marked. 1.2 In Finland the questionnaire was advertised via the Virtual University Network, on the IT-PEDA University Network and on the Finnish Society for Computer Science newsgroup. Australian responses were gathered from members of five of the six schools of the Faculty of IT at Monash University along with members of their Computing Education Research group, paper presenters from the ACE (Australasian Computing Education) 2003 conference, and users of the Faculty of IT intranet at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. It was also advertised multi-nationally on the KIT e-learning mailing list. What is CAA? In this paper, Computer Aided Assessment (CAA) is defined as any activity in which computers are involved in the assessment process as more than just an information storage or delivery medium. Computers can be used in various ways to support students’ learning and course processes. They can provide numerical marking and feedback in both textual and visual formats. In distance and web-based education CAA is often a natural extension to the course. It can also offer many possibilities for campus-based education, especially when large classes are involved. It also provides an easy mechanism for statistical analysis of assessment results at a later date. Statistical analysis, including Mann-Whitney U-tests and KruskalWallis tests, of the numerical aspects of the data has been performed, where appropriate, at a 5% level (p < 0.05). 2.1 The Respondents The responses to the questionnaire are not analyzed by gender or geographical area. Table 1 does, however, provide a breakdown of responses by country of origin, gender and topic taught; this merely provides a context for the conclusions that are drawn. Unsurprisingly the overwhelming majority of responses originate from the countries represented by the authors. 35% of replies are from females, and 25% are from those who teach programming. Computer Science as a subject area is well positioned to benefit from automated assessment. Those who teach the subject can often use their expertise to develop systems that help to reduce their workload without compromising student learning. 1.3 A SNAPSHOT OF CURRENT ASSESSMENT PRACTICES Cheating and Plagiarism Issues 2.2 The issue of cheating and plagiarism is an increasing problem for academics. A recent UK survey suggests that the incidence is actually much higher than many academics realize [20]. Whilst the interviewing of all students to ensure that they can reproduce the work they submit [38] may be practical when students produce only a few pieces of work, it does not scale to situations where students produce regular weekly solutions. Assessment Regimes A wide variety of assessment techniques are used by CS academics; many using more than one technique per course. Table 2 shows the overall proportion of respondents using different types of assessment; the sum is greater than 100% as it is often the case that assessments of different types are set within the same course. An unusual result emerged: breaking the figures down by topic taught reveals that five respondents assess some aspect of their programming course by means of an essay. On-line plagiarism detectors such as JPLAG [50] and MOSS [61] already rely upon electronically submitted work, and it is logical to consider automated marking of such submissions. Another potential benefit of automated assessment techniques is that they can assist in avoiding plagiarism by presenting students with randomly chosen problem sets or individualized exercises. Although students can collaborate on solving the problems they have been set, they are no longer able to submit verbatim copies of solutions obtained by others. Table 3 shows a breakdown of submission mechanisms and marking techniques for each type of assessment. It is notable that practical work is the only kind of assessment task for which a majority of academics use electronic submission. 108 Table 1: Nationality, gender and topics taught Country Topic Australia Finland M F M Programming 1 3 6 Mathematics 1 UK F F M F M 8 2 6 3 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Databases 3 1 2 1 1 WWW 2 Hardware/computer architecture 1 Operating systems 2 2 1 HCI Networks 3 1 1 1 3 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 3 2 1 Distributed systems 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Compilers 1 1 1 Ubiquitous computing Software Engineering 2 Data Mining 1 11 8 19 M F Total 23 8 31 2 0 2 1 2 3 7 3 10 3 7 10 6 1 7 5 3 8 2 7 9 4 4 8 5 0 5 3 3 6 5 0 5 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 1 0 1 2 3 5 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 3 0 3 1 79 0 43 1 122 19 5 24 31 19 50 14 8 22 4 3 7 could complement the weaknesses of others. The levels in the first three of these are presented in Table 4. Taxonomy of CS Assessment In order to understand what is going on in assessment, it is necessary to know: • 1 1 IT • 1 4 Ethics • • 1 1 1 1 Design 2.3 1 3 1 Real-time systems Totals F 1 Data structures/algorithms Systems analysis Totals Other M Computing theory Information systems USA Bloom’s taxonomy is by far the most widely used of those described here; in fact some universities and colleges require course designers to check that they are assessing at every one of Bloom’s levels. The lowest level, knowledge, is also known as recall or remembering and is concerned with the reproduction of previously learned materials. Comprehension is also referred to as understanding and assesses the ability to explain and summarize materials. Application is concerned with using learned material in new situations. Together, knowledge, comprehension and application are considered to be the lower levels of the cognitive domain and the ones most frequently tested using multiple-choice questions. The subject matter being assessed The level of study of the learner (first year, honors year, masters etc) The instrument being used (essay, closed test, practical work and so on) The cognitive attainment levels that the students are expected to achieve Our survey, therefore, asked respondents about cognitive attainment, ideally in a way that was simultaneously short, comprehensible and comprehensive. This is not easy. Analysis, synthesis and evaluation form the upper levels of the cognitive domain. Bloom placed synthesis and evaluation on a par and there has been much subsequent debate about their ordering. Anderson and Krathwohl’s revision of Bloom’s taxonomy places synthesis at the highest level [2] and it is generally held that it, uniquely, cannot be assessed through multiple-choice and short answer questions [36]. A number of taxonomies of competence in the cognitive domain have been produced over the past fifty years. By far the best known is that of Bloom et al [10]; a committee that examined a large bank of assessment instruments produced it in the USA in the 1950s. More recently, the Structure of the Observed Learning Outcomes (SOLO) taxonomy and the reflective thinking measurement model have been proposed and a revised, twodimensional version of Bloom has been developed. Chan et al [15] report that these taxonomies are closely related and that each 109 Table 2: Use of different assessment types Other written exercise 55% Essay Proportion 25% Practical work 74% Openbook exam 16% Closedbook exam 57% In-class test Presentation Other 31% 34% 17% Table 3: Marking and submission techniques by assessment type 21 13 26 Other written exercise 46 32 47 Practical work 46 54 55 Closed-book exam 63 10 58 Open-book exam 10 8 11 In-class test 28 11 27 4 14 26 10 5 1 3 2 5 10 4 11 16 16 5 1 0 4 1 1 Essay Submission mechanism Marking techniques used Manual Electronic Manual Pt manual, pt electronic Electronic Peer assess Interview Presentation Other 28 22 24 6 12 5 6 6 4 6 1 1 5 12 10 6 2 5 Table 4: Taken from Chan et al [15] Bloom Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation SOLO Prestructural Unistructural Multistructural Relational Extended Abstract Reflective Thinking Habitual Action Thoughtful action Reflection of content Reflection of process Critical reflection Table 5: Cognitive level by assessment style (%) Remembering Understanding Application Problem solving Evaluation No. assess. types used Mean levels per type 24 73 95 Closedbook exam 81 91 57 Openbook exam 40 85 60 Inclass test 56 92 53 21 96 71 Other written exercise 20 80 64 54 67 84 60 55 56 32 47 63 79 43 47 37 45 36 68 53 48 24 61 85 68 20 36 34 15 343 13.4 4.5 3.8 4.8 14.3 8.1 7.5 18.2 0.9 Essay Practical work Respondents indicated the cognitive levels they assess with each type of assessment used. Table 2 shows the incidence of each assessment type across all courses, whilst Table 5 breaks these down by cognitive level. A large number of assessments test ‘problem solving’, i.e. a combination of analysis and synthesis, so we use this term rather than analysis and synthesis separately. Presentation Other Total 15 74 68 33 73 67 38 82 70 There are few surprises in Table 5, for example it shows heavy use of closed book examinations to test remembering and concentration on the assessment of evaluation through essays and presentations. In a CS context, the heavy emphasis on problem solving in closed-book examinations and in-class tests may be a plagiarism avoidance technique. scale ranging from not a problem, through minor problem and moderate problem to major problem. Respondents could also indicate that they didn’t know. Table 6 details the results of the survey. The mode and quartiles are also shown to indicate the problem level of plagiarism for each kind of assessment task. As can be seen, essays, other written exercises and practical work are the assessment types that provoke the highest levels of concern from respondents with regard to levels of plagiarism. This is worthy of further investigation; the survey data has been analyzed to determine which, if any, assessment factors influence the respondents perceptions of plagiarism as a problem (Assessment task ‘other’ was not specified in the survey, so no further analysis was performed). 2.4 • Plagiarism Issues Respondents were asked to indicate the level of problem that they experience with plagiarism for each type of assessment task listed in the survey. The problem level was measured on a four-point 110 Exercise Type. The four types of exercise (fixed set of questions, choice of questions, individually tailored questions and group work) were examined using the Mann-Whitney U test for each kind of assessment task to determine whether or not there were any statistically significant differences in the level of plagiarism between those respondents who used the exercise type and those respondents who did not use the exercise type. The only statistically significant difference was found for those respondents setting practical work using a fixed set of questions. Examination of the median and mode however revealed no difference between the groups (median and mode were minor problem for both groups). This indicates that the difference is probably not practically significant. Overall, the type of exercise has little impact on the perceived level of plagiarism. • perceived level of plagiarism amongst students. This may be due to the increased ease of copying an assessment task that is in an electronic format. Regardless of the reason for the increase, the actual level of increase does not raise large concerns. Overall, the submission mechanism has no major effect upon the perceived problem level of plagiarism amongst the respondents. • Aspects of Learning Covered. Aspects of learning were examined in two different ways, firstly by comparing each type of assessment task with the respondent’s perception of a problem with plagiarism against whether the assessment was attempting to cover one of the aspects of learning (remembering, understanding, application, problem-solving, evaluation). A Mann-Whitney U test found that only one of the forty options was statistically significant when a closedbook examination was assessing understanding. In this case the mode and median for both groups were found to be identical; this indicates that, on a practical level, this aspect of learning/assessment type has no effect upon perceived levels of plagiarism. Secondly, the data was recoded to indicate the highest aspect of learning for each kind of assessment. This was then examined with a Kruskal-Wallis test to compare the perceived level of plagiarism for the different levels of the aspect of learning. No statistically significant differences were found for any of the kinds of assessment. The second method by which marking technique was examined involved recoding the data for manual, part manual/part electronic and fully electronic for each assessment type into one variable recording the extent of electronic marking. A Kruskal-Wallis test showed no statistically significant differences between the three levels of electronic marking for any of the types of assessment except for closed-book examination, when looking at the perceived problem level with plagiarism. For this type of assessment, there was a small increase in median for part manual/part electronic when compared to wholly manual or electronic. Overall, the aspects of learning covered have no real effect upon the perceived level of plagiarism. • Marking Techniques Used. Respondents reported the use of a variety of marking techniques: manual, part manual/part electronic, fully electronic, peer assessed, interview. These were then compared with the perceived level of plagiarism problem for each type of assessment in two different ways. Firstly, each type of assessment was compared using a Mann-Whitney U test for users and non-users of the marking technique. This found that only one marking technique/assessment type combination had statistically significant differences; this was the use of part manual/part electronic marking with a closed-book examination. In this case, the median increased from not a problem to minor problem. The modal responses for those who used part manual/part electronic and those who didn’t use it were the same however (not a problem). This indicates that while such a combination may cause some slight problems with plagiarism, they are not particularly worrying. Submission Mechanism. The impact of the mechanism of submission (manual or electronic) for each kind of assessment was examined using a Mann-Whitney U test. For most types of assessment, there were no statistically significant differences on the level of plagiarism between manual and electronic submission. The median for part manual/part electronic was mid way between not a problem and minor problem as compared to not a problem for the other two groups. The modal response for all three groups was ‘not a problem’, which combined with the small size of the increase in median indicates that the extent of electronic marking has little effect on plagiarism in closed-book examinations. Overall, it can be concluded that the marking techniques used for an assessment task will have little if any effect on the perceived level of plagiarism. For closed book examinations and in-class tests, the use of electronic submission did result in a small increase in the median for perceived problem level of plagiarism, but did not affect the mode. Table 7 shows the differences in median. This indicates that for these two kinds of assessment task, electronic submission can cause a small increase in the Table 6: Plagiarism problems for kind of assessment task Plagiarism level for … Essay N Mode 25th percentile 50th percentile 75th percentile 37 Minor Not Minor Moderate Other written exercise 66 Minor Minor Minor Moderate Practical work Closedbook exam Openbook exam In-class test Presentation 88 Minor Not Minor Moderate 70 Not Not Not Not 25 Not Not Not Minor 41 Not Not Not Minor 37 Not Not Not Minor 111 Table 7: Impact of Electronic Submission on Plagiarism Closed-Book Exam Doesn’t Use Uses • 2.5 Median Not a problem Minor problem Mode Not a problem Not a problem students with different sets of questions or by parameterizing questions with different values. (One of the authors has used this approach for in-class tests, where each student is given the same questions but with different values in each question. On one occasion a student submitted of set of completely incorrect answers, but further investigation showed that the answers would have been correct if he had been given the same set of questions as the student next to him, and because of the demonstrable plagiarism he failed not only the test but the entire course.) Teaching Experience and Course Level Taught. Neither of these factors had any statistically significant differences using a Kruskal-Wallis test for any type of assessment task when examining the perceived level of problem with plagiarism. Perceptions of CAA The respondents’ perceptions of CAA are shown in Table 8. This shows that there is strong agreement with the proposition that CAA reduces marking time and improves the immediacy of feedback to students, and some agreement that CAA offers greater objectivity in marking and that it allows students to work at their own pace and more flexibly. There is also some disagreement with the propositions that CAA has fewer security risks than manual assessment, that it is more time-consuming than manual assessment, that it improves the quality of feedback to students, and that it disadvantages special-needs students. Most respondents were broadly neutral on the issues of the possibility of testing higher-order learning using CAA and that the use of CAA makes students more anxious. Some interesting differences emerge when comparing the attitudes of those who have not used CAA with those who have, either a little or a lot. Table 9 shows the proportions of respondents having experience of using Learning Environments and CAA. The respondents as a whole were broadly neutral on the question of using CAA to test higher-order learning, but when the data is correlated against the respondents’ experience of CAA the picture is quite different. Respondents with more experience of CAA tend to believe more strongly that it could be used to test higher-order learning, but those without experience are more skeptical. This would appear to reflect the widespread myth that CAA can only be used for multiple-choice tests; many of those who have little experience with CAA have used commercial learning environments such as Blackboard [9] and WebCT [77] which only support multiplechoice tests, and this reinforces the acceptance of the myth. Figure 10 shows a more detailed breakdown of the responses to this question. The questionnaire also included space for comments on the perceived advantages and disadvantages of CAA. Analysis of these comments shows that the primary perceived advantages of CAA are: • • • • In-Class Test Doesn’t Use Uses Midway between not Not a problem and minor Not a problem Not a problem The time saved in marking, particularly with large groups The immediacy of feedback, although not necessarily the quality of feedback (however, one respondent noted that ‘poor feedback from CAA is preferable to detailed manual feedback which arrives weeks after the work was completed’) The objectivity and consistency of marking That CAA frees students to work at their own pace A Kruskal-Wallis test shows significant statistical differences in the views of respondents on objectivity, flexibility and the immediacy and quality of feedback, with those having more experience with CAA consistently believing more strongly that CAA had significant benefits in each of these areas. Table 11 shows the median and mode for each category of respondent in each of these areas. These comments broadly agree with the numerical findings presented in Table 8. Some respondents also noted that the speed of marking allows more frequent assessments, both formative and summative, to be conducted; again, this is particularly true for large groups of students. Several respondents commented that having student submissions available in electronic form allows post-hoc analysis of submissions to be performed, although this is of course true of any form of electronic submission system whether the submissions are marked electronically or not. • A number of other drawbacks were widely reported. Many respondents were concerned about reliance upon technology, both in terms of downtime and of system failures that might lose or corrupt data. Issues of security and plagiarism also caused widespread concern, particularly in distance learning environments where it is difficult, or impossible, to verify the identity of the person undertaking the assessment. This is to some extent offset by the recognition that some CAA systems allow questions to be individually tailored, either by presenting different 112 Usage of CAA. The level of problem with plagiarism respondents had found with the different kinds of assessment task was compared with the usage of CAA to determine if there was any relationship between plagiarism problems and CAA. Usage of CAA was measured on two scales, firstly whether they had used CAA at all or not. A Mann-Whitney U test found that there were no statistically significant differences in the two groups for any of the assessment tasks. The second scale measured usage of CAA on three levels (not at all, used a little, used a lot). A Kruskal-Wallis test found no statistically significant differences in the three groups. This indicates that the usage of CAA has no noticeable effect on the perceptions of respondents about the level of plagiarism for assessment tasks. • • • Security of CAA. Kruskal-Wallis tests found that there was no statistically significant difference in perceptions of the security of CAA amongst respondents for any of the following factors: • • Level of teaching experience of the respondent Usage of CAA at all Usage of CAA at varying levels (Not at all, Used a little, Used a lot) Extent of electronic marking Course level taught Table 8: Opinions regarding aspects of CAA CAA has fewer security risks than manual assessment CAA is more time-consuming than manual assessment CAA reduces marking time It is possible to test higher-order learning using CAA CAA offers greater objectivity in marking CAA allows students to work at their own pace and more flexibly The use of CAA makes students more anxious CAA improves the immediacy of feedback to students CAA improves the quality of feedback to students CAA disadvantages special-needs students Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Total 5% 32% 40% 15% 7% 114 10% 35% 28% 21% 5% 113 2% 4% 3% 4% 27% 19% 12% 33% 25% 50% 33% 45% 32% 3% 9% 114 114 113 1% 10% 26% 45% 18% 114 2% 25% 54% 18% 2% 112 0% 4% 5% 64% 26% 114 5% 4% 29% 28% 42% 52% 19% 13% 5% 2% 111 113 Table 9: Actual CAA experience Do you have any experience (past or present) of using online learning environments? Have you ever used computer-aided assessment? Is computer-aided assessment used within your department? No Yes A little A lot Total 36% 64% 116 38% 26% 41% 59% 60 50 Proportion (%) • 40 No 30 Yes, a little Yes, a lot 20 10 0 Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Figure 10: Higher order learning 113 Strongly agree 21% 15% 117 117 Table 11: Medians and modes for perceptions with statistically significant group differences 3 Used CAA? N Can test higherorder learning CAA offers greater objectivity More flexible for students Immediacy of feedback No 43 disagree/disagree disagree/neutral disagree/disagree neutral/neutral Yes,a little Yes, a lot 48 23 disagree/neutral neutral/neutral neutral/neutral neutral/neutral neutral/neutral agree/agree neutral/neutral agree/agree Andrew Solomon from the University of Technology in Sydney [70] is typical of many academics in having over 250 first year students to teach each year. One of the things he is expected to teach them is basic competence with Unix. In previous years the students were provided with a book and sample questions in preparation for the manually marked examination at the end of the course. Marking these examinations consumed a disproportionate portion of the staff time devoted to the subject. 3.1 Pros and Cons of CAA Using CAA can provide an increased amount, quality and variety of feedback for students as well as providing new assessment tools for educators. The benefits include speed, consistency, and availability 24 hours per day. Such tools can support a variety of different learning habits and needs amongst the students. Wellwritten CAA tools can allow teachers more time for advanced support, assessment and education design tasks rather than basic support. Digitally formatted assessments can also offer possibilities for reuse and resource sharing between teachers. This year Andrew wrote a program to semi-randomly generate Unix oriented tasks for the students and then determine whether or not the students had accomplished them. This means that the students receive their mark immediately on completion of the examination. It also means that staff time, which was previously devoted to marking, is now spent on teaching. The problems Andrew experienced with this include: • strong dis-dis /strongly dis disagree/disagree neutral/neutral program, which is then compiled and run against several sets of test data. All code is initially marked electronically, and any answers which fail to compile or which fail to process any of the sets of test data successfully are flagged for manual inspection. In many cases, manual inspection reveals that the answers submitted are ‘nearly right’, with simple errors such as missing semicolons causing the compilation to fail. Marks are awarded manually for such answers. This CAA tool does not differentiate between the students that did not obtain completely correct solutions due to its simplicity; it cannot distinguish between ‘nearly correct’ and ‘wrong’. COMPUTER AIDED ASSESSMENT Many academics claim to be interested in the issues surrounding the adoption of CAA and the experiences related here encapsulate many aspects of their expressed concerns and experiences. In this section we present two stories that exemplify some issues of concern to many. • • Quality of feedback There are, however, disadvantages with the use of CAA. The setup phase for a new system or new assessments requires more time and resources than the development of traditional assessments. Despite careful design work there can be errors or technical problems that prevent the assessment system from working as expected. This, especially on courses that use computer-based systems heavily, can demotivate students or even hinder their learning. The expense of generating questions The restricted type of questions that can be electronically marked The rather unforgiving marking of which a computer is capable This was a new scheme and Andrew did not want his students to be disadvantaged by the new system, so he decided to evaluate this new assessment regime. Andrew asked two experts to interview 20 students and attempt to assess their general Unix competence, without too close reference to the curriculum. He compared the experts’ opinions of the students’ abilities with the marks they attained in the examination. The experts felt that the students all had approximately the same level of competence, but the tests appeared to discriminate between the students; the distinction between students that was detected by the tests is likely to be no more than an indicator of the amount of time students devoted to studying for the examination rather than a difference in general understanding; this is common in non CAA examinations also. The experiment was time consuming and stressful, but ultimately successful. 3.2 Types of CAA in CS Education This section presents a summary of existing CAA approaches used within CS education, describing their connections to Bloom’s taxonomy [10]. Respondents report that they mostly use electronic marking to test for higher cognitive levels of learning, i.e. problem solving and evaluation. The survey did not contain specific questions about the types of CAA respondents used, but the large numbers of answers from programming teachers setting practical work suggests that a large number of respondents use at least partially automatic marking when assessing programming tasks. • John English from the University of Brighton provides another example. He regularly uses online practical programming examinations for first-year students [31]. They are conducted under normal closed-book examination conditions; however, many of the questions involve writing program fragments that are marked electronically after the end of the examination. The marking is performed by embedding the answers into a test 114 Multiple-choice questions. These can be used to assess many cognitive levels. Whilst poorly constructed multiplechoice questions assess nothing but logic in answering, welldesigned questions are a good tool for assessing knowledge and comprehension [56], or even higher cognitive levels [28]. Multiple-choice questions are often offered by learning environment software, such as WebCT and Blackboard [77, 9]. The questions can take several forms; visual, multiple choice, combination, gap filling [22, 35, 51, 63]. Generating different permutations of question sets or different values for question variables means that tests can be individualized to prevent cheating and memorizing, and also to increase complexity [32, 71]. In addition, some tools have been developed to assess the comprehension of a specific topic, e.g. pointers in C++ [53]. • • • • complementing the automatic assessment with human assessment [1, 46]. According to survey respondents, people use CAA more for summative assessment than formative assessment, although it is used for both. The literature suggests that CAA can be efficiently incorporated into many courses to aid formative assessment and student support throughout a course [19, 2, 71]. CAA makes it possible for students to learn from feedback and resubmit their work, which supports their learning and self-assessment [57], and it facilitates the generation of individualized questions according to students’ attainment levels or previous success [35, 75]. This fits with the educational principles of constructivism: allowing students to learn from their mistakes and being contingent upon them [80]. Textual answers. Textual assessment often requires students to write short answers or essays. Again, dependent upon the skill and experience of the question designer, these can be used to test both lower and higher order learning skills. There are several approaches to supporting automatic assessment of free text answers. Some learning environments and question systems base the assessment on either direct text comparison or regular expressions, and these support short answer questions. There are, however, many more sophisticated approaches to the assessment of textual content [12, 16, 59]. 3.3 What we can learn about CAA from other disciplines Our survey shows that most respondents are teaching and assessing programming, so it is probably inevitable that their main use of electronic methods of coursework submission and marking focus on practical work and written exercises. Nevertheless, the survey covers teaching of a wide range of topics such as mathematics, information systems and ethics. It is therefore appropriate to see whether we can learn anything from the use of CAA in other disciplines. Programming assignments. Practical programming is the most common way of evaluating students application and problem-solving skills. When aiming to assess lower level application skills, CAA can be helpful in assessing a student’s ability to produce correctly functioning classes or functions, without the need to be able to produce a whole program [3, 11, 65]. CAA can also be used to test the analysis level. For example, by providing students with a program containing bugs and requiring them to correct it into a program that compiles and functions correctly [31]. There are also several integrated systems and tools for assessing complete programming assignments. The most common metrics are program functionality, complexity, style and efficiency [41, 74]. Some systems also provide additional metrics, such as test data coverage [57] and programming skill [35]. In addition to integrated tools there also exist independent, aspect specific, tools, for example: dynamic memory management or coding conventions in C++ [1]; spreadsheet and database testing [67]. Extensive work on the automated assessment of mathematics led to the formation in 2001 of the Scottish Centre for Research into On-Line Learning and Assessment (SCROLLA). This group has been working on assessment at the school-university interface and its’ work is described by Beevers and Paterson [8]. They provide examples of automated assessment using simple questions, such as Find the equation of the normal to the curve with equation f(x) = x3 – 2x at the point where x = 1 And more complex ones, such as A function is defined by f(x) = (x2+6x+12)/(x+2), x ≠ -2 Visual answers. Visualizations can be used for assessing both understanding and application, e.g. with data structures and algorithms [52]. Translating programs into flowcharts can be used to assess a student’s understanding of program flow [11]. It is also possible to assess the problem-solving level by using CAA for design diagrams [43]. (a) Express f(x) in the form ax+bx+b/(x+2) stating the values of a and b (b) Write down an equation for each of the two asymptotes (c) Show that f(x) has two stationary points Peer assessment. With large numbers of students, it would be very difficult to arrange organized peer evaluation without the aid of computers. With electronic submission it is possible to automatically randomize peer assessors, to anonymize answers, to give and store the marks and to compare their consistency; peer assessment strategies can be greatly developed. Some approaches to computer assisted peer assessment have already been introduced [34, 76]. Peer assessment can also be utilized for assessing students’ evaluation skills, by comparing their assessment to their teacher’s assessment or to each other’s [23]. (d) Sketch the graph of f (e) State the range of values of k such that the equation f(x) = k has no solution Their approach is to use software that can process user-entered mathematical expressions and to split each problem into a series of intermediate steps. This provides support to the weaker students, who can obtain partial marks even if they cannot answer the whole question immediately. Making this optional has benefits for stronger students in accordance with Wood’s notions of contingency [80]. They also provide a range of modes of delivery ranging from an examination mode to a help mode that is useful for self-assessment. Much of this work could be adopted directly by computer scientists who are teaching their students mathematics. The approach of using optional, intermediate steps It can be deduced from the survey that it is more common to combine CAA use with manual marking than to rely on it totally for fully electronic marking; for example either flagging all cases that are not clearly correct for human inspection [31] or 115 has wider applicability for assessment of core computer science topics. 4 USING CAA It is apparent that CAA is not a panacea for the problems of assessment. The most widely available test type in current CAA systems is the multiple-choice test, or variations on this theme (e.g. [33]). These are most suitable for assessing lower order skills, and this is perhaps reflected by the survey responses where approximately 63% of first-year courses used some form of CAA, declining to approximately 44% for intermediate level courses and 31% for final year and postgraduate courses. This may, however, also be due to other factors such as the larger class sizes in firstyear courses compared to later years, and the ‘little and often’ assessment philosophy used in many institutions for first-year courses. The use of automated assessment in business and management is also growing as teachers struggle to cope with rapidly growing class sizes, usually in conjunction with a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). The area of learning tested is often quantitative but it differs from the assessment of mathematics described above in that the emphasis is on interpretation. Smailes [69] describes the benefits of using multiple choice, graphic and ‘fill in the gaps’ tests in Blackboard [9] for a first year Data Analysis course. Fuller [36] also discusses the use of CAA in assessing quantitative methods at both first year and postgraduate level. He presents sample questions based on every level of Bloom’s taxonomy except synthesis, and argues that it is perfectly possible to assess analysis and evaluation through multiple choice questions or ones requiring a short phrase that can be automatically parsed. A serious limitation is the ‘black and white’ marking schemes employed in CAA, which are only really suitable for assessments in courses like programming where an answer can be clearly categorized as right or wrong. Many systems for the automatic assessment of programming exercises have been developed (e.g. [3, 21, 47, 57, 65, 74]) and it is notable that our survey shows approximately 70% of first-year programming courses using CAA to some extent. Shades of gray in marking schemes have to be aggregated from a number of ‘black and white’ scores for different aspects of the assessment. Modern language teachers have developed a range of tools for supporting and assessing the acquisition of language skills, generically referred to as CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning). Techniques used to assess learning of grammar and vocabulary include sentence reordering and gap filling; these are considered to have a high degree of validity in measuring attainment [66]. One of the major perceived drawbacks to the use of CAA is the cost in time and effort required to set up a CAA-based assessment. This depends partly upon the quality of the authoring framework used to create the assessments and their marking schemes, but it also depends on the time and effort spent in staff training to be able to use the authoring system and the imagination of staff in finding ways to use CAA effectively for particular courses. There is also a cost involved in administering the system, which may include making adjustments to cater for special-needs students, granting extensions to deadlines and collating results. It may be possible to reuse questions once they have been developed, but the rate at which the contents of courses can change, particularly in a fast-moving field like computing, means that a process of continuous maintenance is needed to prevent assessments from becoming stale. Work to apply automated assessment to extended pieces of writing is now producing results that are claimed to be as accurate as human markers for technical essays. Content and style are both measured and graded. The disadvantage of this approach for long essays is that a large dictionary of reference material is required, which makes the approach infeasible for most people. However for short answer questions this approach can be used to mark against a single sample response supplied by the setter. A good review of this work is provided by Whittington and Hunt [79]. The work described here has obvious parallels in computer science teaching and mainly measures recall, comprehension and application to straightforward problems. There is, however, another very different group of applications of computer aided assessment. These involve its use in measuring participation in discussion and creative writing. Hatzimoysis [40] gives a very clear picture of the use of virtual seminars in teaching philosophy topics, including ethics. He points out that the ongoing, asynchronous format of the virtual seminars gives formative feedback and that electronic discussion captures the contributions of individual students to the synthesis of a group report. In a computer science context, this can be used to measure students’ ability to work in a group, as described by Fuller et al [37]. Virtual seminars for a final year course in Computer Support for Cooperative Working taken by psychology and computing students are described by the ASTER project [42], where the evaluation showed that assessment of seminar participation increased students’ motivation to contribute and reflect on the subject matter. Sloman [68] also reports the benefits of virtual seminars in promoting student reflection; he used them to teach a course on economic principles. He concludes that ‘Virtual seminars are best suited to what I call ‘metaeconomics’. These involve students questioning assumptions behind policy objectives, relating economic concepts to current economic issues…’ Test design for automatic assessment is also more complicated than it is for manual assessment. If a marking scheme for manual assessment is badly designed, human markers can use their judgment to overcome its deficiencies. With an automatic marker, no such judgment is possible, and it therefore takes more effort to not only design questions that can be assessed successfully, but to implement and test the corresponding marking schemes. In order to maximize the possibility of reuse, question banks can provide a solution. A locally-developed question bank can provide the necessary variety in assessment exercises; externally developed question banks may also help, but here there is a question of quality control and how well externally developed questions fit in with the needs of the courses at a particular institution. The use of externally developed question banks requires adherence to standards to ensure interoperability. The overwhelming majority of survey respondents considered interoperability to be an important issue, regardless of whether they themselves use CAA at present. The IMS Question & Test Interoperability Specification [45] is designed specifically to 116 tests and considerably more difficult to analyze free form text answers. This generates the perception that automated testing is more appropriate for lower order learning skills. This perception is likely to change as lexical analysis improves or as questioning styles evolve. Carneson et al [13] have used multiple-choice questions to assess higher order learning skills; they demonstrate how to assess all but synthesis. address this particular issue, although it is an open-ended specification that provides for vendor-specific extensions. The obvious danger with an extensible standard is that, like programming languages, different vendors will provide incompatible extensions that will actually hinder interoperability. 4.1 Alleviating Disadvantage It has been suggested that the majority of university level courses offer a similar experience to each student taking them [24]; increasing numbers of students often implies a reduced amount of time to be spent upon individuals. This is complicated by the increasingly widely differentiated past experiences that students bring to university. An assessment system should not disadvantage any identifiable portion of the cohort. For example it is well documented that male and female students pursue electronic debates in subtly different fashions [48], so designing an assessment that rewards typical male behavior and punishes (by lack of marks) typical female behavior [18] is to be avoided or, if this is not possible, compensated by an assessment that is biased in the other direction. Automated assessment requires careful design and administration and the development effort can be considerable. The developments of question banks and support networks are demonstrating benefits and reducing the overheads of implementing CAA. Some interoperability problems exist when CAA products are designed to be platform specific or require particular security protocols [78], but there is widening acceptance of CAA. Interoperability standards are emerging [45] that will help to promote widespread use of question banks and the popularity of CAA. 4.2 One important issue that needs to be considered when adopting CAA is security. Security in this discussion refers to activities by the students that could affect the validity of the assessment outcomes, for example, plagiarism, impersonation of the candidate, electronic eavesdropping and system hacking. Although students may cheat in any form of assessment, cheating is generally only perceived as a problem with summative assessment tasks. In formative assessment the students are seen as only cheating themselves and this of lesser concern. It is obviously important that assessment is impartial and effective. The role of assessment has expanded over the last 50 years to provide evaluation of programs in addition to the traditional placement, selection and certification of individual learners. We must balance the need to provide robust evaluation data with the duty to serve the individual requirements of the learner [25]. Assessment has an important pedagogical role and must match the desired learning paradigms and taxonomic levels; assessment and learning are inextricably linked and the planned assessment style will shape the teaching and learning strategies. It therefore follows that assessment plays a pivotal role in driving the motivation of individual learners [39]. Personal motivation is driven by two sets of forces: • Those provided externally by society that may include peer group pressures, goals set by progression requirements and career aspirations • Emotional and internal expectations such as confidence, prior experiences, personal esteem, etc Of particular concern is the security of assessment that is conducted online and in isolation from the educator, and the opportunities this offers for cheating. Recent research by Carpenter et al [14] found that 62% of students did not consider that working in groups on take home examinations or Web-based quizzes was cheating. This concurs with Barnett [6] who reported that the incidence of cheating increased when the supervisor left the room during an examination. These studies would tend to suggest that students sitting an online examination would be more inclined to cheat if they were unsupervised. In an attempt to address this problem, there have been various developments that facilitate automatic invigilation of online assessment. Technologies such as fingerprint identification have been developed to verify the online user [17]. Others describe processes for the management of unsupervised examinations to increase security. Thomas et al [74] conduct synchronized online examinations that use password access and a set time limit for completion. Mulligan [62] suggests using software to synchronize a student’s computer clock with the network to verify the time that a test was taken, but there appears to be no clear and reliable way to verify the identity of the person who sits an assessment task online. So a learner can perceive a task as: • • • • Plagiarism and Security Issues Necessary and enjoyable Unnecessary but enjoyable Necessary but not enjoyable Unnecessary and not enjoyable [7] If the style of the assessment matches the learning style of the learner the process of assessment will become more enjoyable. Cognitive style is one of the dimensions that affect learning style [29]. It has been shown to be of significance among students that fail to persist beyond the first year of university study [64] where students with a sequential style are more likely to be persistent than those with a random style. It is important to ensure the constraints of technology do not bias CAA towards a particular learning style. CAA, conducted under supervision, can be used to reduce the opportunities for cheating. Heron [55] successfully used computer based assessment to reduce cheating on paper-based assignments. She reports that requiring students to produce assignment work under supervision has virtually eliminated cheating on these assessment tasks. However, such practices do greatly restrict the types of assignment work that can be set. When we consider that assignment work and class tests have been found to have the highest rates of cheating and that students consider these to be among the most acceptable practices, CAA becomes an important As technology increases in capacity and functionality the constraints it imposes reduces. However there are still difficulties in adapting technology to evaluate higher level learning skills such as synthesis [36]. It is easy to automate multiple selection 117 tool for the educator [14, 26]. Of further concern here is that a 10year follow up study by Diekhoff [27] found that these forms of cheating are on the increase. remembering, understanding and applying knowledge, these are obviously a good place to start. Courses on topics such as programming, which benefit from ‘little and often’ assessment and where submissions can be clearly categorized as right or wrong are also good prospects for CAA. The use of individualized questions can also help to reduce plagiarism. Using computers for assessment has provided new ways in which students may cheat. For example, Ala-Mutka [1] found that students generate meaningless comments in program code to satisfy an automatic style checker requirement for a certain percentage of comments. However, using computer-aided assessment has also provided educators with mechanisms to curb cheating. For example, providing tests on computer rather than on paper has also facilitated the generation of instant and individual sets of questions reducing the opportunity to cheat. Hunt et al [44] stress the importance of providing students with assessment tasks that are relevant and appropriate. In support of this Ashworth [5] found that students will be more inclined to cheat if they do not see a learning purpose to the assessment. Furthermore, anxiety produced by an assessment task that is unfamiliar can induce students to cheat. Providing situationally authentic assessment tasks could therefore reduce the likelihood of cheating. For example, online programming examinations or open book examinations may provide a more realistic assessment of programming skills and are closer in nature to the actual work the students have already done and will potentially need in their future employment. In an evaluation of online programming tests by Mason and Doit [58], student responses indicated that the online tests provided a fairer assessment of those who deserved to pass or fail and that the online tests ‘motivated them not to copy and to obtain the practical skills expected of them through course work’ (p.144). It seems that the issues here are complex. The use of CAA in certain situations is seen as increasing the risk of cheating and providing students with different opportunities to cheat. However, assessing the learner in an electronic environment has allowed for new ways to address the cheating problem. 4.3 • Which system to adopt? The choice is between adopting a third-party system (either a commercial system such as Blackboard [9] or WebCT [77], or a non-commercial systems such as BOSS [49] or CourseMaster [41]), and developing an in-house system. There may be other factors, such as an institutional decision to adopt a particular system as a vehicle for course management, but if such a system does not provide the desired CAA facilities it will be necessary to develop additional plug-in CAA modules, if this is possible. Developing an in-house system is the most expensive option, although it can provide a solution that is more closely aligned to the institution’s requirements. Quality of support is an important issue when adopting a third-party system. Before taking a decision to buy such a system, it will be necessary to investigate what assessment facilities it provides and how easy it is to develop new plugin modules for specialist institutional requirements. • How much investment will be needed? There are costs involved in the initial deployment of a system, but there are also costs associated with staff training, maintenance, development of additional specialist tools, and development and testing of questions and marking schemes. The cost of developing questions can however be reduced by investing in the creation of a question bank to enable reuse. • What effects will a system failure have? CAA requires reliable systems, where servers are available at all times. Disruptions due to server downtime, network outages or disk crashes must be guarded against, and a fallback position should be designed to mitigate the effects of disruptions according to the perceived level of risk. Using pilot schemes can help to discover what effects CAA systems have on system loading before attempting wide-scale deployment. • Are standards important? The simple answer is ‘yes’. Following IMS interoperability standards will make it easier to share material with systems at other institutions, and will also help with migration issues if upgrading to a different system becomes necessary. However, it is necessary to be aware of the open-ended nature of such standards and the possible use of incompatible vendor-specific extensions. Guidelines for adopting CAA Adopting CAA can have a number of benefits for both staff and students. Staff benefit by saving time on marking, particularly when dealing with large groups, and by being able to assess ‘little and often’. Students benefit by having the opportunity to work at their own pace, and to receive immediate feedback on the work that they submit. Other benefits may include reducing plagiarism and using data-mining techniques to discover trends in student submissions. However, making a decision to adopt CAA techniques requires careful preparation. Some of the factors to be considered are: • What types of assessment are possible? CAA is still in its infancy, and most existing systems provide little more than multiple-choice questions, which are really only suitable for assessing the lowest-order skills. Systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments are also fairly common, although many other assessment types are possible. As CAA matures, these will undoubtedly become more widely accepted. • Which courses can benefit? Mass courses with large enrolments will yield the greatest savings in terms of marking time, and lower-order skills are easiest to assess. Since first-year courses generally have the highest numbers and also concentrate more on lower-levels skills such as We should not forget that the primary beneficiaries of CAA systems should be the students. The system as a whole must be based on sound pedagogical principles and must avoid discrimination, or exclusion, based upon gender, disabilities or other factors. Careful design of any CAA system is necessary to ensure that this is so. 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The members of the working group would like to thank Petco Tsvetinov, from the Queesnland University of Technology, who helped in the data collection and preparation, but could not attend the conference in Thessaloniki where this report was prepared. 118 We would also like to thank Andrew Solomon for sharing his CAA experiences with us. 6 Student’s Learning Outcomes: an empirical study, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 27(6), 2002 [16] Christie JR, Automated Essay Marking for both Style and REFERENCES Content, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough, 1999 [1] Ala-Mutka K, Computer-assisted Software Engineering Courses. 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Proceedings of Interface - Virtual Learning and Higher Education, Mansfield College, Oxford 2002 [56] Lister R, Objectives and Objective Assessment in CS1, Proceedings of SIGCSE ’01, Charlotte, 2001 [37] Fuller U, Slater J, Tardivel G, Virtual Seminars, Real Networked Results? Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, Dublin, 1998 [57] Malmi L, Korhonen A, Saikkonen R, Experiences in Automatic Assessment on Mass Courses, Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, Aarhus, 2002 [38] Hagan D, Sheard J, Monitoring and Evaluating a Redesigned First Year Programming Course, Proceedings of ITiCSE’97, Uppsala, 1997 [58] Mason DV, and Woit DM, Integrating technology into computer science education. Proceedings of 29th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Atlanta, 1998 [39] Hargreaves DJ, Student learning and assessment are inextricably linked, European Journal of Engineering Education 22(4), 1997 [59] Mason O, Grove-Stephenson I, Automated free text marking [40] Hatzimoysis A, A Philosophy Primer in Virtual Seminars with Paperless School, Proceedings of 6th Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough 2002, 2002 [60] Medley MD, Online Finals for CS1 and CS2, Proceedings of [41] Higgins C, Symeonidis P, Tsintifas A, The Marking System ITiCSE’98, Dublin, 1998 for CourseMaster, Proceedings of ITiCSE’02, Aarhus, 2002 [61] MOSS, [42] Hogarth S, Virtual Seminars in Psychology and Computing _06.html, 2002 [62] Mulligan B, Pilot study on the impact of frequent computerized assessment on student work rates, Proceedings of 3rd Annual CAA Conference, Loughborough, 1999 [43] Hoggarth G, Lockyer M, An Automated Student Diagram [63] Question Mark, Assessment System, Proceedings of ITiCSE’98, Dublin, 1998 [64] Ross JL, Drysdale MTB, & Schulz RA, Cognitive learning [44] Hunt N, Hughes J, Rowe G, Formative automated computer styles and academic performance in two postsecondary computer courses. 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Learning to Think, Routledge, London, 1991 [73] Thomas P, Price B, Paine C, Richards M, Remote electronic examinations: student experiences, British Journal of Educational Technology, 33, 2002 [74] Thorburn G, Rowe G, PASS: An Automated System for Program Assessment, Computers & Education, 29(4), 1997 121 APPENDIX – THE QUESTIONNAIRE This survey is about the use of different assessment methods in Computing courses and attitudes towards the use of computer-aided assessment. The results of this survey will be used to inform the results of the "How shall we assess this?" working group on assessment techniques at ITiCSE 2003. We would appreciate it if you would take a few minutes to fill in this questionnaire. About you: This survey is for statistical purposes only, and will not be analysed with respect to individuals, institutions or geographical areas. However, we would like you to specify your gender, country and teaching experience, and you may also provide the name of your institution and/or email address if you wish. Your gender Country Teaching experience (years) Institution (optional) Email address (optional) Assessment: Questions in this section relate to a specific course that you teach or is currently taught within your department. By "course", we mean an assessable unit of teaching (known variously as "units", "subjects" or "modules" in some institutions). If you wish to provide information about more than one course, please feel free to fill in multiple copies of this survey! (please select) Course topic: (Please pick the topic that is the closest match to the course that you teach, or choose "other" if there isn't If “other” please specify: _____________________ any suitable topic) (please select) Course level: The questions in this grid relate to assessments associated with the course above. Please fill in as many columns as are relevant, whether they relate to separate assessment tasks or to different aspects of a single assessment task. Other ClosedOpenInPractical Essay written book book class Presentation Other Kind of assessment task: work exercise exam exam test Formative (i.e. for feedback Assessment purposes) type Summative (i.e. for grading purposes) Fixed set of questions Choice of questions Exercise type Individually tailored questions Group work Remembering Understanding Aspects of Application learning Problem-solving covered (synthesis) Evaluation Submission Manual mechanism Electronic Marking Manual 122 techniques used To what extent is plagiarism a problem? Part manual, part electronic Fully electronic Peer assessed By interview Not at all Minor problem Moderate problem Major problem Don't know What steps (if any) do you take to detect and/or prevent plagiarism? Computer-Aided Assessment: Do you have any experience (past or present) of using online learning environments? • Yes / No • If so, which? Have you ever used computer-aided assessment? • No / Yes, a little / Yes, a lot Is computer-aided assessment used within your department? • No / Yes, a little / Yes, a lot Would you use computer-aided assessment if (please tick as many boxes as are relevant): • You had to create the test and computerise it yourself • You had to create the test and someone else would computerise it • Someone else would create the test and computerise it The grid below relates to your perceptions of computer-aided assessment (CAA). Please complete it even if you have no experience of using CAA. Strongly Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree agree disagree CAA has fewer security risks than manual assessment CAA is more time-consuming than manual assessment CAA reduces marking time It is possible to test higher-order learning using CAA CAA offers greater objectivity in marking CAA allows students to work at their own pace and more flexibly The use of CAA makes students more anxious CAA improves the immediacy of feedback to students CAA improves the quality of feedback to students CAA disadvantages special-needs students What do you perceive as the advantages of CAA? What do you perceive as the disadvantages of CAA? When using CAA, do you consider it important to be able to share and swap questions and exercises with others? • No • Yes, with other institutions within the same country • Yes, with other institutions in other countries 123