Los Angeles
Studies in Greek and Vedic Prosody, Morphology, and Meter
A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy
in Indo-European Studies
Dieter Christian Gunkel
© Copyright by
Dieter Christian Gunkel
The dissertation of Dieter Christian Gunkel is approved.
Bruce Hayes
Stephanie W. Jamison
H. Craig Melchert
Brent Vine, Committee Chair
University of California, Los Angeles
List of Figures and Tables...................................................................................................v
List of Abbreviations........................................................................................................viii
0 General introduction.........................................................................................................1
1 The role of foot structure in the formation of verbal nouns in -μα(τ)-.............................4
1.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................4
1.2 χεῦμα versus χύμα: a description of two word formation patterns............................5
1.2.1 An overview of the two patterns...........................................................................6
1.2.2 Presentation of the data.........................................................................................8
1.2.3 The differences in distribution as a significant argumentum ex silentio............20
1.3 The phonological aspect of the innovation................................................................21
1.3.1 Trochaic Shortening............................................................................................22
1.3.2 Trochaic shortening and moraic trochees...........................................................24
1.4 The lexically conservative aspect of the innovative word formation process...........25
1.4.1 The conservative grammar: deriving πῶμα and πῆγμα.....................................28
1.4.2 The innovative grammar: deriving πόμα and πῆγμα.........................................31
1.5 Further evidence for HL# avoidance.........................................................................34
1.6 Conclusion.................................................................................................................40
2 The role of foot structure in inexact responsion in Aristophanes...................................43
2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................43
2.2 Defining exact and inexact responsion......................................................................44
2.3 Inexact responsion as a comic license.......................................................................53
2.4 The rhythmic context for inexact responsion.............................................................54
2.5 Dale’s “theory of syllable-counting”.........................................................................57
2.6 From syllable-counting to syllable-grouping.............................................................59
2.7 Trochaic-paeonic responsion.....................................................................................60
2.8 Paeonic-dochmiac responsion....................................................................................66
2.8.1 Dochmiacs not found in inexact responsion.......................................................70
2.8.2 Comparison of foot distribution and conclusion.................................................74
3. A new method for judging emendations to the Rigveda................................................76
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................76
3.2 Exemplifying the method with a control case: pāvaká- and pavāká-*......................83
3.3 A second case: pīpāya and the emendation pipāya*.................................................88
3.4 A closer look at pīpiyānéva.......................................................................................96
3.5 The evidence for laryngeals making position in vedic meter....................................99
3.5.1 Gippert 1997.....................................................................................................102
3.5.2 Gippert 1999.....................................................................................................106
3.5.3 Word shape distribution and observed versus expected...................................110
3.5.4 The distribution of the pṛthivī́ group................................................................111 The distribution of pṛthivī́ in 8-syllable verse.........................................111 The distribution of duhitár- in 8-syllable verse.......................................114 The distribution of dadhiṣe and dadhire in 8-syllable verse....................120
3.5.5 The rátha- group...............................................................................................124 The distribution of the rátha- group........................................................125 A note on the chronological distribution of jána-....................................128
3.5.6 Summary of the metrical evidence for laryngeals making position.................130
3.6 Conclusion...............................................................................................................133
4. Retrospective and prospective.....................................................................................136
5. References....................................................................................................................140
Table 1: The conservative, χεῦμα-type word formation pattern.........................................6
Table 2: The innovative, χύμα-type word formation pattern..............................................8
Table 3: ºVV ~ ºV roots with exact conservative-innovative juxtapositions...................11
Table 4: ºVV ~ ºV roots with inexact juxtapositions........................................................15
Table 5: Αbsence of innovation in formations to ºVVC ~ ºVC roots.............................18
Table 6: Distribution of STRONG + μα(τ) and WEAK + μα(τ) in ºVV ~ ºV
and ºVVC ~ ºVC roots..........................................................................................21
Table 7: -μα formation patterns in alternating and non-alternating roots/stems...............28
Table 8: Responding trochaic metra in Aristophanes........................................................49
Table 9: Randomly paired trochaic metra..........................................................................50
Table 10: Frequency of surface identity observeds vs. expected.......................................51
Table 11: Types of trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac responsion..........................59
Table 12: ww implementation in trochaic-paeonic responsion...........................................66
Table 13: (LL) distribution in dochmiacs..........................................................................74
Table 14: Metrical distribution of pāvakás in 11-syllable verse........................................80
Table 15: Metrical distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................83
Table 16: Proportional distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................84
Table 17: Metrical distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words
in the opening of 11-syllable verse........................................................................85
Table 18: Proportional distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words
in the opening of 11-syllable verse........................................................................86
Table 19: Metrical distribution of pīpāya, HHL-, and LHL-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................94
Table 20: Proportional distribution of pīpāya, HHL-, and LHL-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................95
Table 21: Metrical distribution of HLHHL- and LLHHL-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................98
Table 22: Proportional distribution of HLHHL- and LLHHL-shaped words
in 11-syllable verse................................................................................................98
Table 23: Metrical distribution of pṛthivī́, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................112
Table 24: Proportional distribution of pṛthivī́, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................112
Table 25: Metrical distribution of duhitar, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................115
Table 26: Proportional distribution of duhitar, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................115
Table 27: Metrical distribution of LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................116
Table 28: Proportional distribution of LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................117
Table 29: Metrical distribution of dadhire, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................121
Table 30: Proportional distribution of dadhire, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words
in 8-syllable verse................................................................................................121
Table 31: Metrical distribution of LLH words, LLH verbs, non-imperative
LLH verbs, and dadhire in 8-syllable verse.........................................................122
Table 32: Proportional distribution of LLH words, LLH verbs, non-imperative
LLH verbs, and dadhire in 8-syllable verse.........................................................123
Table 33: Metrical distribution of the rátha- group and CVCCa- nouns
in 11-syllable verse..............................................................................................125
Table 34: Proportional distribution of the rátha- group and CVCCa- nouns
in 11-syllable verse..............................................................................................126
Table 35: Proportional Distribution of sample LH-shaped nouns
not < *-VCHV- in 11-syllable verse....................................................................127
Table 36: Proportional Distribution of sample LH-shaped nouns
< *-VCHV- in 11-syllable verse..........................................................................127
Table 37: Metrical distribution of jána- in and outside of the Family Books.................129
Table 38: Proportional distribution of jána- in and outside of the Family Books...........129
heavy syllable; also = laryngeal
light syllable
prominent light syllable
n or m
r or l
word boundary
foot consisting of α
word consisting of α; also = metron consisting of α
verse end
designates that α is extrametrical
cross reference within this dissertation
My first thanks go to my committee members, Bruce Hayes, Stephanie Jamison,
Craig Melchert, and my committee chair, Brent Vine, for their unfailing support and
mentoring. Other UCLA faculty to whom I am indebted are Calvert Watkins and Kie
Zuraw. I owe a great deal to David Goldstein and Kevin Ryan, who have made
numerous substantive contributions to this dissertation. I have also benefitted from
interactions with my fellow students and friends, especially Sherrylyn Branchaw, Andrew
Byrd, Jay Friedman, Bernhard Koller, Angelo Mercado, Kanehiro Nishimura, and
Charles Stocking. Many thanks to everyone at the Latin/Greek Institute, especially
Collomia Charles, Alan Fishbone, Rita Fleischer, Hardy Hansen, and Colin King.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Steven Donadio and Pavlos Sfyroeras
of Middlebury College, and to Melanie Malzahn of the University of Vienna. I
acknowledge a special debt to Martin Peters, for his unparalleled generosity, and for a
wonderfully sophisticated introduction to Greek and Indo-European linguistics.
As Diebold Fellow, I have the pleasure of thanking Dr. A. Richard Diebold, Jr.
for his generous endowment of the UCLA Program in Indo-European Studies, which
flourishes in his liberality.
Other friends and loved ones who deserve special thanks: Hannes Fellner, Heather
Gould, Greg Kobele, Timothy McCaffrey, and Kathryn Miller. Above all, I am grateful
to my sister Margaret and my parents for their love and support.
March 5, 1981
Born, Savannah, Georgia
B. A., Literary Studies
Middlebury College
Middlebury, Vermont
Fulbright Scholar, Indo-European Linguistics
University of Vienna
Vienna, Austria
Teaching Assistant
Department of Classics
University of California, Los Angeles
Teaching Assistant
Department of Linguistics
University of California, Los Angeles
Faculty, Basic Greek
Latin/Greek Institute
City University of New York Graduate Center /
Brooklyn College
Gunkel, D. C. 2007. Greek -αρο-: ‘Dirty’ words and derivational morphology. Paper
presented at the American Philological Association Annual Meeting, 5 January,
San Diego, California.
–––. 2007. -αδ- -αρο-: A study in Greek and Proto-Indo-European word formation.
Paper presented at the East Coast Indo-European Conference, 16 June, New Haven,
–––. 2008. Prosodically-driven morphological change in Greek. Paper presented at the
East Coast Indo-European Conference, 21 July, Athens, Georgia.
–––. 2008. Ein Fall der regelmäßigen Kontamination. Paper presented at the International
Conference of the Society of Indo-European Studies, 24 September, Salzburg, Austria.
–––. 2009. The evolution of some Sanskrit long reduplicated perfects. Paper presented
at the World Sanskrit Conference, 2 September, Kyoto, Japan.
Studies in Greek and Vedic Prosody, Morphology, and Meter
Dieter Christian Gunkel
Doctor of Philosophy in Indo-European Studies
University of California, Los Angeles, 2010
Professor Brent Vine, Chair
The dissertation comprises three case studies on the role of prosody in word formation
and versification. In the first study, a change in the formation of (Ancient) Greek verbal
nouns in -μα (type χεῦμα > χύμα) is analyzed as a case of Trochaic Shortening, a
process whereby the phonological preference for well-formed bimoraic trochaic feet at
the right edge of the word motivates a categorical change in syllable weight: a word-final
H(eavy)L(ight) syllable sequence is converted to a LL sequence. Unlike the betterknown cases of Trochaic Shortening in other languages, where the process is purely
phonological, in Greek it is lexically conservative: it only takes place where suffixing -μα
to a pre-existing stem allomorph (e.g., χυ-) results in a word-final LL syllable sequence.
The second study is concerned with the effects of foot structure on subcategorical
syllable weight as reflected in two types of antistrophic correspondence in Aristophanes,
trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac responsion. It is argued that Aristophanes
preferentially aligns (LL) moraic trochaic feet, which have a subcategorical strong-weak
rhythm (LL) determined by foot structure, so that they correspond with HL syllable
sequences, whose strong-weak rhythm is categorically determined. The teleology of the
compositional tactic is to heighten the rhythmic similarity between surface
implementations of underlyingly different metra. The practice is paralleled by
Aristophanes’ preference to match categorical syllable weight in better-understood types
of responsion.
In the third study, a method is proposed whereby emendations to the text of the
Rigveda may be more accurately judged. The method is applied to determine whether a
given form has the prosodic shape reflected by its spelling in the Saṃhitā text or the
shape that has been suggested as an emendation on the basis of its distribution in the
meter. In order to judge between the two, the metrical distribution of the form is
compared with the metrical distribution of all forms that have its spelling shape, then
again with all forms with its suggested shape. The acceptability of the emendation is
determined by the statistical significance of the distributional differences.
0 General introduction
The dissertation contains three studies on the prosody of Ancient Greek and
Rigvedic Sanskrit. Since each study is prefaced with its own introduction, I offer only a
brief overview here, beginning with the languages studied. In the first study, I focus on a
change in the formation of verbal nouns in -μα(τ)- that is primarily reflected in Greek of
the late classical period and the Hellenistic κοινή. The second study is dedicated to the
poetic idiolect of Aristophanes. In the third, I treat the language of the Rigvedic poets,
though questions about the diachronic phonological development of laryngeals lead us to
consider reconstructed stages of Proto-Indo-Iranian as well.
As for prosody, I mainly deal with rhythmic organization at the level of the word,
the foot, and the syllable. In the first study, I discuss the interaction of foot structure,
categorical syllable weight, and morphology in Greek. I propose that the morphological
change that we observe in the -μα(τ)-stem nouns serves a foot-based prosodic preference
for a sequence of two word-final light syllables, i.e., that the change is a form of Trochaic
Shortening. According to the prosodic typology that I subscribe to, which is essentially
that of Hayes (1995), the existence of Trochaic Shortening in Greek implies that Greek
speakers organized syllables into moraic trochees, i.e., feet consisting of either two light
syllables (LL) or one heavy syllable (H). My account of the change and its implications
for foot structure corroborates the analysis of the recessive accent as calculated on the
basis of a moraic trochee at the right edge of the word (Golston 1990).
In the second study, I propose that the way Aristophanes organized language in
the lyric passages of his comedies reflects the interaction of moraic trochaic foot structure
and subcategorical syllable weight. I argue that when Aristophanes departed from the
normal type of “exact” responsion by placing underlyingly different metrical units in
“inexact” responsion, he actively heightened the rhythmic similarities between the
corresponding sequences on the surface by matching footed (LL) syllable sequences,
which had a subcategorical strong-weak rhythm due to the inherent sonority profile of the
moraic trochee, with HL sequences, which had a strong-weak rhythm due to categorical
distinctions that were independent of foot structure. The preferential matching of (LL)
with HL in inexact responsion is especially plausible in light of the fact that Aristophanes
preferentially matched categorical syllable weight in exact responsion. On this view,
inexact and exact responsion may be viewed as two variants of the same underlying
compositional technique.
Subcategorical distinctions in syllable weight are briefly met again in the third
study, where we see that the Rigvedic poets located LLH-shaped words surprisingly often
in pāda-final position in Gāyatrī-type octosyllabic verse, such that the initial light syllable
of the word occupies a strictly regulated preferentially heavy position in the meter, which
ends lwx||. As already seen by Oldenberg (1888: 10-13 and fn. 1), this seems to be a
special property of word-initial light syllables of the LLH-shaped word class. The
implication is that something about the rhythmic organization of that particular word
shape renders those initial light syllables weightier than others—not weighty enough to
be categorically heavy, but enough to be better suited for location in a longum than most
other light syllables.
The prosodic unit of primary concern in the third study is the word. There, I
propose an improved method for judging metrically motivated textual emendations, i.e.,
for cases where scholars have suggested that the spelling of a particular word in the
received text does not accurately represent its prosodic value, because that word is
distributed in the verse in such a way that it appears to regularly violate the metrical
preferences for syllable weight distribution. The basic point that is accounted for in the
new method is that the poets composed verses in words and phrases rather than in
syllables. Consequently, we judge the emendations on the basis of the way the poets
distributed word shapes in the verse rather than on the basis of the average distribution of
heavy and light syllables in each metrical position. The method has a further potential
application, which is briefly introduced by way of a few examples. It allows us to
distinguish between the prosodic factors governing word order in the Rigveda and other
factors, such as morphosyntax, since distributional differences within classes of word
shapes cannot be attributed to prosodic factors.
1 The role of foot structure in the formation of verbal nouns in -μα(τ)-
1.1 Introduction
This chapter is concerned with the relationship between word formation and foot
structure in Greek. Generally speaking, evidence for Greek foot structure has not been
sought so much in word formation patterns as in meter, accentual phenomena, and the
musical fragments. One gets a sense of this from the impressive collection of data that
Devine and Stephens martial for their theory of Greek foot structure (1994: 102-117). Of
the thirty-five phenomena they set out to explain, only one has to do with word
formation, namely the well-known morphophonological stem vowel lengthening in
comparatives and superlatives in -τερος and -τατος to ο-stem adjectives, whereas
fourteen are metrical phenomena. In the following pages, I offer an analysis of a change
in word formation that affected the productive class of verbal nouns in -μα(τ)- (§1.2). I
propose to understand the innovative word formation pattern as reflecting Trochaic
Shortening, a process whereby word-final H(eavy)L(ight) sequences are converted to LL
sequences (§1.3.1). Trochaic Shortening is thought to be found only in languages with
moraic trochaic feet, and Greek has been independently analyzed as such a language
The innovative pattern of forming -μα(τ)-stem nouns turns out to be restricted in
an interesting way. Speakers were only willing to adjust the problematic word-final HL
sequence by borrowing a pre-existing allomorph to use as the phonological base. I adopt
Steriade’s theory of Lexical Conservatism to capture this restriction and model the word
formation patterns (§1.4). After pointing to further cases of word formation that may
reflect the same avoidance of word-final HL sequences, and by extension, moraic
trochaic feet (§1.5), I conclude by comparing my analysis with previous treatments of the
change (§1.6).
1.2 χεῦμα versus χύμα: a description of two word formation patterns1
The class of verbal nouns in -μα(τ)-, such as χεῦμα, (gen. sg.) χεύματος ‘that
which is poured’, was one of the most productive in Greek. The word list in Buck and
Petersen (1945: 221 ff.) runs to over 3,600, and most items exhibit the compositional
(i.e., synchronically predictable) semantics associated with productivity.2 The nouns
typically have a result reading, though action readings are attested as well. It is thanks to
this high degree of productivity that we are able to obtain such an accurate picture of the
change in word formation that affected these nouns, since the word formation patterns
before and after the change only differ where the base verb had an alternating
(synchronic) root or stem. Since the vast majority of Greek verbs do not exhibit root
The following scholars discuss this change in word formation: Buck and Petersen (1945: 222); Chantraine
(1933: 175-190 and passim); Fraenkel (1910: 187); Glaser (1894: 52-59, 81-83); Hatzidakis (1895: 111;
1897: 103); Osthoff and Brugmann (1881: 132-141); Peters (1980: 333); Schwyzer (1898: 47-49; 1939:
522-524); Specht (1931: 50); Stratton (1899); Wackernagel (1916: 76, fn. 1).
This, of course, does not hold for the small group of lexicalized items such as αἷμα ‘blood’, ὅνομα
‘name’, σῆμα ‘sign’, σῶμα ‘body’, etc.
alternation, the vast majority of deverbal nouns in -μα are formed the same way
according to both patterns.
1.2.1 An overview of the two patterns
In Archaic Greek, verbal nouns in -μα(τ)- basically reflect one productive word
formation pattern, which I will refer to as the conservative, or χεῦμα-type pattern. In the
conservative formations, -μα(τ)- is suffixed to the strong root/stem of the verb, if the base
verb exhibits a strong ~ weak morphological stem alternation: χεῦ-μα is formed to the
strong allomorph χευ- of the verb ‘pour’, which exhibits the alternation χευ- ~ χυ-; to
πω- ~ πο- ‘drink’, πῶ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘drink’ is formed; to εὑρη- ~ εὑρε- ‘find’,
εὕρη-μα (Herodotus+) ‘discovery’ is formed, etc. In the conservative-type formations,
the choice of the base of affixation is morphological, and may be described as
STRONG + -μα(τ)-, as in Table 1.
Table 1: The conservative, χεῦμα-type word formation pattern
STRONG + -μα(τ)-
χευ- ~ χυ-
πω- ~ πο-
εὑρη- ~ εὑρε-
δηκ- ~ δακ-
ζευγ- ~ ζυγ-
λειπ- ~ λιπ-
WEAK + -μα(τ)-
Beginning with Pindar’s use of πό-μα ‘drink’, an innovative word formation
pattern is attested. According to the innovative pattern, -μα(τ)- is suffixed to the weak
root/stem of alternating verbs if and only if that weak stem ends in a short vowel. This is
reflected in πό-μα (Pindar+) ‘drink’, εὕρε-μα (Hippocrates+) ‘discovery’, and χύ-μα
(Aristotle+) ‘that which is poured’. If the weak root does not end in a short vowel,
-μα(τ)- continues to be suffixed to the strong stem: δῆγ-μα (Aristotle+) ‘bite, sting’
continues to be formed with the strong root δηγ- of the verb meaning ‘bite’, which
alternates δηγ- ~ δαγ-; to ζευγ- ~ ζυγ- ‘join’, ζεῦγ-μα (Thucydides+) ‘that which is
used for joining’ is formed; to λειπ- ~ λιπ- ‘leave’, λεῖμ-μα (Herodotus+) ‘remains’ is
formed, etc. No changes are attested in formations to those stems. In short, in the
innovative, χύμα-type formations, the choice of the base of affixation must be stated in
morphological and phonological terms. Table 2, which provides an overview of the
innovative pattern, reflects the distinction that has emerged between roots whose weak
allomorph ends in -V and those that end in -VC.
Table 2: The innovative, χύμα-type word formation pattern
STRONG + -μα(τ)-
WEAK + -μα(τ)-
WEAK in -V
χευ- ~ χυ-
πω- ~ πο-
εὑρη- ~ εὑρε-
δηκ- ~ δακ-
ζευγ- ~ ζυγ-
λειπ- ~ λιπ-
The innovative formations become more frequent in the Hellenistic κοινή, and it is clear
from prescriptive statements of the Atticists that they were stigmatized as such.3 This
points to a sociolectal element in the variation between the conservative and innovative
patterns reflected in the texts, at least during the later period.
1.2.2 Presentation of the data
The data below is presented just as in Table 2 above. First, I present the -μα
formations to the alternating roots with a strong allomorph that ends in a long vowel or
diphthong (e.g., πω-, χευ-), and a weak allomorph that ends in a short vowel (e.g., πο-,
χυ-). I will refer to the class as ºVV- ~ ºV- roots. I then present the -μα formations to
Cf. εὕρημα οὐκ εὕρεμα (Phrynichus, Eclogae, entry 420), “[correct/Attic usage is] ‘εὕρημα’, not
the alternating roots with a strong allomorph that ends in a long vowel or diphthong plus
a consonant (e.g., δηκ-, ζευγ-), and a weak allomorph that ends in a short vowel plus a
consonant (e.g., δακ-, ζυγ-). I will refer to that class as the ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots. The
morphophonological aspect of the innovative -μα formation pattern emerges from a
comparison of the two classes.
I first present the clearest examples of the change in
Table 3. These involve cases where a conservative and an innovative form are
not only attested to the same verbal root, they are attested to exactly the same verbal
stem, i.e., simplex or compound verb. The data is organized into sets of four forms.
Above each set of forms, I list the root allomorph alternation and the citation form of the
verb (the first principal part) in parentheses. Immediately below that, I juxtapose the
conservative -μα formation to the strong allomorph (S) with the innovative formation to
the weak allomorph (W).
χευ- ~ χυ- ‘pour’ (χέω)
(S) χεῦ-μα (Iliad+) ‘that which is poured or flows’
(W) χύ-μα (Aristotle+) ‘id.’
The rest of the set consists of root-related forms that also contain the weak allomorph—
the allomorph adopted in the χύμα-type formation. First, I list a verb form with the weak
allomorph (V). In the ºVV- ~ ºV- class, this is typically the perfect medio-passive (where
the root is preceded by a reduplicant).
(V) κέ-χυ-μαι (Iliad+)
If no such perfect medio-passive is attested, I list the aorist passive (where the weak
root/stem is preceded by the past indicative augment ἐ-, and suffixed with -(θ)η-).
(V) ἐ-χύ-θη-ν (Odyssey+)
The root-related action noun in -σις closes the set.
(N) χύ-σις (Aeschylus+) ‘(act of) pouring’
The root-related items with the weak allomorph may be viewed as the donors, or the
sources, of the innovative weak phonological base, the intuition being that the χυ- in
χύ-μα results from borrowing the χυ- form χύ-σις, κέ-χυ-μαι, etc., as has been
suggested in previous discussions of the change (§1.6).4 For clarity of exposition, I list
only one (simplex or prefixed) form per verbal root. In addition to the innovative
simplex formation εὔρε-μα, our first example below, there are five derivatives to
compound verbs: καθεύρε-μα, ἐξεύρε-μα, ὑπερεύρε-μα, ἀφεύρε-μα, and
ἀναφεύρε-μα. In addition to the conservative simplex formation εὕρημα, there are
seven derivatives to compound verbs. I list the total number of conservative and
innovative formations to the root below each lexical configuration. Some limited
commentary on the data is given in the footnotes.
Verbal nouns in -μα were certainly not derived from an abstract verbal root in Greek. This is clear from
cases where they inherit phonological material peculiar to particular inflectional stems of the verb, such as
the -σ- in κέλευσμα and the numerous derivatives in °σ-μα, which was clearly adopted from the perfect
medio-passive (cf. Blevins and Garrett 2009). Such “inheritances” are not restricted to the perfect mediopassive, however.
Table 3: ºVV- ~ ºV- roots with exact conservative-innovative juxtapositions5
1) εὑρη- ~ εὑρε- ‘find, discover’ (εὑρίσκω)
(S) εὕρη-μα (Herodotus+) ‘invention, discovery’
(W) εὕρε-μα (Hippocrates+)6 ‘id.’
(V) εὑρέ-θη-ν (Aeschylus+)
(N) εὕρε-σις (Herodotus+) ‘discovery’
Total S: 8
Total W: 6
2) ἑψη- ~ ἑψε-7 ‘boil’ (ἕψω)
(S) ἕψη-μα (Plato+) ‘that which is boiled’
(Ι) ἕψε-μα (Septuagint)8
(V) ἡψε-μαι (Anthologia Graeca) [ἡψε- ← ἕψε via reduplication]
(N) *ἕψε-σις [unattested]
Total S: 7
Total W: 1
The data was obtained from Buck and Petersen (1945: 222 ff.), TLG searches, and the literature cited at
§1.5. I attempted a complete collection through the 2nd c. CE. The references to inscriptional attestations
are meant to be representative, not exhaustive.
Cf. the inscriptional attestation at IG.VIII.3074, Boeotia, 2nd c. BCE.
The weak stem ἑψε- is a late, weakly attested innovation. It is metrically secure at Anthologia Graeca,
Oracula, Epigram 264.15 in a 3sg. perfect medio-passive ἤψεται. Its rarity may explain the absence of
Cf. the inscriptional attestation at IG.VII.3064, Boeotia, 301 CE.
3) θη- ~ θε- ‘put, place’ (τίθημι)
(S) ἀνά-θη-μα (Odyssey+) ‘thing dedicated or set up’
(W) ἀνά-θε-μα, ἄν-θε-μα (Theocritus+) ‘id.’
(V) ἀν-ε-τέ-θη-ν (Herodotus+) [with -τε- ← /-θε-/ via dissimilation of aspirates]
(N) ἀνά-θε-σις (Lysias+) ‘dedicating’
Total S: 14
Total W: 21
4) κρῑ- ~ κρι- ‘distinguish, choose, decide’ (κρi</νω)
(S) κρῖ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘(matter for) decision’
(W) κρί-μα (JWI 2.3669) ‘id.’
(V) κέ-κρι-μαι (Iliad+)
(N) κρί-σις (Parmenides; Aeschylus+) ‘decision’
Total S: at least 110
Total W: at most 8
5) πω- ~ πο- ‘drink’ (πi</νω)
(S) πῶ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘drink’
(W) πό-μα (Pindar+) ‘id.’
(V) πέ-πο-μαι (Theognis+)
(N) πό-σις (Iliad+) ‘drink(ing)’
Total S: 3
Total W: 4
A 1st c. CE metrical inscription, according to the LSJ Supplement (non vidi).
Since the length of the iota is not noted in the spelling, the only secure example of a long vowel is the
metrically secured one in Aeschylus, and it is not possible to tell whether formations like κρίματα in prose
contain the strong stem or the weak stem.
6) ῥευ- ~ ῥυ- ‘flow’ (ῥέω)
(S) ῥεῦ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘that which flows, current, stream’
(W) ῥύ-μα (Orphica 10.22)11 ‘id.’
(V) ἐ-ρρύ-η-ν (Iliad+)
(N) ῥύ-σις (Plato+) ‘flow’
Total S: 2
Total W: 2
7) σχη- ~ σχε- ‘hold, have’ (ἔχω)
(S) σχῆ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘form, figure’
(W) σχέ-μα (Hesychius)
(V) ἔ-σχε-μαι (Philoxenus)
(N) σχέ-σις (Aeschylus+) ‘state, condition’
Total S: 4
Total W: 1
8) φορη- ~ φορε-12 ‘bear, wear’ (φορέω)
(S) φόρη-μα (Sophocles+) ‘that which is carried or worn’
(W) φόρε-μα (Hippolytus) ‘id.’
(V) ἐ-φορέ-θη-ν (Cyanides), ἐ-φόρε-σ-α (Diodorus Siculus+)
(N) φόρε-σις (Scholiast to Aristophanes Birds 156) ‘wearing (of clothes)’
Total S: 18
Total W: 2
Cf. the inscriptional attestation at IG IX.1.692, Corcyra, 2nd c. BCE.
There is a late development of a weak stem φορε- in this verb, comparable to the development of ἑψε-.
It is relatively well attested in the aorist active and middle ἑφόρεσα, and eventually makes its way into the
aorist passive.
9) χευ- ~ χυ- ‘pour’ (χέω)
(S) χεῦ-μα (Iliad+) ‘that which is poured or flows’
(W) χύ-μα (Aristotle+)13 ‘id.’
(V) κέ-χυ-μαι (Iliad+)
(N) χύ-σις (Aeschylus+) ‘(act of) pouring’
Total S: 3
Total W: 15
In addition to the examples given in Table 3, there are numerous χύμα-type formations
that are not matched exactly by a χεῦμα-type predecessor with respect to the prefix, or
lack thereof. There are various reasons for this. In part, this may be ascribed to the fact
that a -μα derivative to the particular compound verb was only formed by authors of later
periods when the innovative pattern was better represented. In other cases,
morphological blocking was likely involved. For example, there is no simplex form
*δῆμα attested, which we would predict either as the Greek outcome of an IndoEuropean *déh1-mn (cf. Vedic dā́man- n. ‘band, bond’), or as a later Greek-internal
χεῦμα-type formation to the strong allomorph of δη- ~ δε- ‘bind’ (δέω). It was
presumably not formed during that period because δεσμός ‘band, bond’, which had
likely been lexicalized since Mycenaean (de-so-mo), meant essentially the same thing. It
is absolutely clear, however, that *δῆμα would have been the conservative-type
formation, from comparison with the -μα formations made to compounded forms of the
same verb, such as ἀνάδημα (Pindar+) ‘hair band’, to ἀναδέω ‘bind on top, crown’.
Cf. the inscriptional attestation at IG.VII.303, Oropos, ca. 240 BCE.
Thus, the inexact juxtapositions between conservative and innovative -μα formations
given in Table 4 reflect the same change in word formation as the exact juxtapositions in
Table 3. In each case, -μα is suffixed to a weak allomorph of a ºVV- ~ ºV root. I list one
example of each verbal root involved. In place of an exact χεῦμα-type match, I supply a
root-related conservative form where possible.
Table 4: ºVV- ~ ºV roots with inexact juxtapositions
10) αἱρη- ~ αἱρε- ‘take’ (αἱρέω)
(S) παρ-αίρη-μα (Thucydides+)
(W) ἀφ-αίρε-μα (Septuagint+) ‘that which is taken away; tribute’
(V) ἀφ-αιρέ-θη-ν (Aeschylus+)
(N) ἀφ-αίρε-σις (Plato+) ‘taking away’
Total S: 7
Total W: 10
11) βη- ~ βα- ‘step, go’ (βαίνω)
(S) βη-μα (Homeric Hymns+)
(W) παρα-σύμ-βα-μα (Chrysippus+) ‘secondary accident or circumstance’
(V) ξυμ-βέ-βα-σθαι (Thucydides+)
(N) σύμ-βα-σις (Euripides+)
Total S: 4
Total W: 5
12) δη- ~ δε- ‘bind’ (δέω)
(S) ὑπό-δη-μα (Homer+)
(W) δέ-μα (Polybius+) ‘band, tow rope’
(V) δέ-δε-μαι (Theognis+)
(N) δέ-σις (Plato+) ‘binding’
Total S: 8
Total W: 4
13) δω- ~ δο- ‘give’ (δίδωμι)
(S) *(-)δω-μα ‘gift’ [unattested]14
(W) δό-μα (Plato Definitiones, Plutarch+) ‘gift’
(V) δέ-δο-μαι (Homer+)
(N) δό-σις (Herodotus+)
Total S: 0
Total W: 10
14) ἡ- ~ ἑ- ‘release’ (ἵημι)
(S) ἧ-μα (Homer+)
(W) ἔν-ε-μα (Dioscorides+) ‘injection’
(V) ἐν-έ-θη-ν (Dioscorides+)
(N) ἔν-ε-σις (Hippocrates+) ‘injection’
Total S: 3
Total W: 3
In addition to the presence of lexicalized items meaning ‘gift’, such as δῶρον, *δῶμα ‘gift’ may have
been avoided due to potential homonymy with δῶμα ‘house’ (cf. Chantraine 1933: 179).
15) κλῑ(ν)- ~ κλι- ‘(make) lean, slope’ (κλίνω)
*?(-)κλῑ-μα [unattested?]15
κλί-μα (Pseudo-Scymnus+) ‘inclination, direction, region’
κέ-κλι-μαι (Iliad+)
κλί-σις (Euripides+) ‘inclination; (place for) lying down; region, clime’
Total S: 0?
Total W: 9
The one apparent exception to the pattern above are the formations in -στε-μα to
compounded forms of στη- ~ στα- ‘stand’ (ἵστημι) such as σύστεμα (well attested
inscriptionally from the 2nd c. BCE on), διάστεμα, παράστεμα, κατάστεμα, and
ὑπόστεμα, where we would expect *-στα-μα. Attributing these to an irregular
phonological shortening of η → ε seems problematic, since the change happens regularly
in -μα formations to that root. It is exactly what we would expect to find if there were a
weak stem στε-. Here, there are two possibilities. The stem στε-, attested in ἐ-στε-σ-α,
could have served as the base (Hatzidakis 1895: 111; 1897: 103), but ἔστεσα is first
attested two or three hundred years later than σύστεμα, which may or may not be
problematic. A second possibility is that the aorist subjunctive forms στῶ, στῇς, στῇ,
etc. were synchronically analyzed as derived from the contraction of στε- + inflectional
I have not been able to find evidence for the κλῖμα cited by Chantraine (1933: 179) as the older form. It
may well never have been formed during the attested period, since the strong root/stem allomorph was
arguably κλῑν- (or perhaps κλῐν-) by that point in time, as evidenced by its presence in the aorist ἔ-κλῑν-α,
as well as in the present, where the -ν- originated as a suffixal element. If the -ν- was reanalyzed as part of
the strong root/stem early enough, a strong formation *(-)κλῑν-μα would have been avoided due to the
illicit phonotactic sequence *-νμ-.
endings, and that the stem στε- was essentially extracted from those, and used as a
derivational base for the formations in -μα.16 Various analogical proportions have been
suggested as well (Schwyzer 1898: 47-49). It is difficult to judge between the
In Table 5, I give a survey of the -μα formations to ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots. Here,
the distribution of the weak root allomorph in the verbal paradigm and related nominal
formations is somewhat different from the ºVV- ~ ºV- roots.17 Most notably, the action
nouns in -σις do not exhibit the weak root allomorph. Since the change in the -μα
formation pattern does not affect this class, it is impossible to tell whether a given
formation to the strong allomorph reflects the conservative formation pattern or the
innovative one.
Table 5: Αbsence of innovation in formations to ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots
1) δηκ- ~ δακ- ‘bite, sting’ (δάκνω)
(S) δῆγ-μα (Xenophon, Aristotle+) ‘bite, sting’
(W) *δάγ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἐ-δακ-ον (Homer+)
(N) δάκ-ος (Aeschylus+) ‘bite, sting; biting, stinging (beast)’
Total S: 4
This possibility was pointed out to me by P. Sfyroeras (p. c.). From a synchronic standpoint, if the
subjunctive forms were derived from the weak stem στα-, we would expect *στᾷς, *στᾷ, etc.
This is due in part to an earlier morphophonological change discussed by KuryLowicz (1956: 185, 203-
204; 1968: 249) and Peters (1980: 345-349), whereby the weak allomorph was replaced with the strong
allomorph before consonant-initial morphemes including -σις. The change seems to have taken place very
early, and the inherited weak stems in those formations are only found in scattered remnants.
2) ζευγ- ~ ζυγ- ‘join’ (ζεύγνυμι)
(S) ζεῦγ-μα (Thucydides+) ‘that which is used for joining’
(Ι) *ζύγ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἐ-ζύγ-η-ν (Pindar+)
(N) σύ-ζυγ-ος (Aeschylus+) ‘paired, united’
Total S: 4
3) λειπ- ~ λιπ- ‘leave (behind)’ (λείπω)
(S) λεῖμ-μα (Herodotus+) ‘that which is left; remains’
(W) *λίμ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἔ-λιπ-ον (Iliad+)
(N) ἐλ-λιπ-ής (Thucydides+) ‘omitting’
Total S: 9
4) ληβ- ~ λαβ- ‘take’ (λαμβάνω)
(S) λῆμ-μα (Sophocles+) ‘that which is taken in or received’
(W) *λάμ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἔ-λαβ-ον
(Ν) λαβή (Alcaeus+) ‘grip, hold’
Total S: 11
5) πηγ- ~ παγ- ‘(become) fix(ed)’ (πήγνυμι)
(S) πῆγ-μα (Aeschylus+) ‘thing fastened or congealed’
(W) *πάγ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἐ-πάγ-ην (Iliad+)
(N) πάγ-η (Aeschylus+) ‘thing that fixes or fastens’
Total S: 8
6) ῥηγ- ~ ῥαγ- ‘break, tear’ (ῥήγνυμι)
(S) ῥῆγ-μα (Eupolis+) ‘break, tear’
(W) *ῥάγ-μα [unattested]
(V) ἐ-ρράγ-η-ν (Aeschylus+)
(N) αἱμο-ρραγ-ίᾱ (Hippocrates+) ‘hemorrhage’
Total S: 9
1.2.3 The differences in distribution as a significant argumentum ex silentio
It emerges clearly from the data that according to the innovative pattern -μα was
suffixed to the weak allomorph if it ended in a short vowel, and otherwise to the strong
allomorph. One might argue, however, that taking the absence of WEAK + μα(τ)
formations to the ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots to be significant is an argumentum ex silentio, and
that the absence of such formations can be attributed to an accident of attestation. We
can quantify what the likelihood of such a claim is from the overall distribution, given in
Table 6.18
I have removed the data from κλῑ(ν)- ~ κλι- from the tally, since it is arguably not a ºVV- ~ ºV- root, as
well as the data from κρῑ- ~ κρι-, since it is not possible to clearly distinguish between strong and weak
allomorphs in many cases (cf. fn. 10 and 15, respectively).
Table 6: Distribution of STRONG + μα(τ) and WEAK + μα(τ) in ºVV- ~ ºV- and
ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots
STRONG + μα(τ)
WEAK + μα(τ)
ºVV- ~ ºV-
ºVVC- ~ ºVC-
The odds that the differences in distribution could be attributed to chance (given samples
of this size) are infinitesimal. The p-value given by a Fisher’s Exact Test is 2.531e-12.
In short, we are dealing with a statistically (highly) significant argumentum ex silentio.
1.3 The phonological aspect of the innovation
We have noted that in the innovative formations the weak root allomorph was
only used as the base of affixation if it ended in a short vowel. This is descriptively true,
but by stating the phonological aspect of the innovation in prosodic terms, we may bring
the change in line with a phonological process that we find in other languages, namely
Trochaic Shortening (§1.3.1). The innovative formations based on the weak root
allomorph all end in a sequence of two light syllables:
L L#
H L L#
L L#
L L#
Putative (unattested) WEAK + μα(τ) formations to roots of the other type would all have
ended in a heavy-light sequence:
H L#
H L#
H L#
That is to say that the allomorph replacement of STRONG → WEAK / __ + μα(τ) only
occurred where it resulted in LL#. We may thus state the phonological nature of the
allomorph replacement in prosodic terms as H → L / __ L#.
1.3.1 Trochaic Shortening
The adjustment of word-final HL sequences to LL sequences, or differently
stated, the conversion of H → L / __ L#, is known as Trochaic Shortening. In this
section, I introduce Trochaic Shortening by way of Fijian and Samoan, where the change
in the weight of the penultimate syllable is brought about by various phonological
processes including shortening underlying long vowels (e.g., /eː/ → [e]),
monophthongizing diphthongs (e.g., /ai/ → [e]), breaking diphthongs and long vowels
(e.g., /ai/ → [a.i], /eː/ → [e.e]), etc. (Hayes 1995: 145 ff.; Zuraw, Orfitelli and Yu: 2008).
The following examples are from Fijian (cf. Hayes 1995: 145).
(A) Trochaic Shortening in Fijian
(1) /nreː-ta/ → [nréta] ‘pull’
H → L / __ L#
(2) /taː-y-a/ → [táya] ‘chop it’
H → L / __ L#
(3) /rai-ða/ → [réða] ‘see it’
H → L / __ L#
In examples (1) and (2), the word-final HL sequence is converted to LL via phonological
shortening of the underlying long vowels, i.e., Vː → V __ CV#. In example (3), the
diphthong is monophthongized. In other dialects, the diphthong is broken into a
disyllabic sequence ra.í.ða, both strategies resulting in LL#. Samoan exhibits similar
processes, as in these examples cited by Homer (2007) and Zuraw, Orfitelli and Yu
(B) Trochaic Shortening in Samoan
(1) /tsuːsi/ → [tsúsˑi] ‘write’
H → L / __ L#
(2a) /peleː-ŋa/ → [peléŋˑa]
H → L / __ L#
→ [pèle.éŋˑa]
H → L / __ L#
In (1), the underlying long vowel is shortened. In (2a) and (2b) there is some variation:
(2a) reflects shortening of the long vowel; (2b) reflects an alternative strategy whereby
the long vowel is broken into two short vowels. Both effect the same change to LL#.
The slight lengthening of the consonant following the stressed vowel occurs regardless of
the underlying length of the preceding vowel.
From a prosodic standpoint, the innovative -μα formations to the ºVV- ~ ºV- roots
reflect the same adjustment.
(C) H → L / __ L# as reflected in the innovative -μα formations
(1) χεῦμα > χύμα ‘stuff poured’
H → L / __ L#
(2) πῶμα > πόμα ‘drink’
H → L / __ L#
(3) εὕρημα > εὕρεμα ‘discovery’
H → L / __ L#
1.3.2 Trochaic shortening and moraic trochees
Trochaic Shortening is usually ascribed to foot construction, i.e., the grouping of
syllables into feet, specifically to the construction of moraic trochaic feet (Prince 1992;
Hayes 1995: 145-149). Moraic trochees are one of the three types of (bounded) feet in
the inventory proposed by Hayes (1995), which has become standard in prosodic
phonology and morphology, and which I assume for the analysis of Greek foot structure
proposed here. Each moraic trochaic foot consists of two moras, such that a foot may
consist of either one heavy syllable (H), or two light syllables (LL). Trochaic Shortening
is found in languages where the most prominent of the moraic trochees is preferentially
aligned with the right edge of the word. A word-final HL sequence poses a problem for
footing in languages with right-aligned moraic trochees because it is impossible to align a
bimoraic foot with the right edge of the word. For example:
/tsuːsi/ → *(tsuːsi)
yields a trimoraic right-aligned foot
/tsuːsi/ → *(tsuː)si
yields a bimoraic foot that is not right-aligned
/tsuːsi/ → *(tsuː)(si) yields a monomoraic right-aligned foot
Shortening the long vowel, or making whatever other phonological adjustments effect a
change of H → L / __L#, allows for a complete parse of the word-final sequence into a
bimoraic right-aligned foot: /tsuːsi/ → (tsú.sˑi).19
Greek has been analyzed on independent grounds as a language with right-aligned
moraic trochees by Golston (1990), building on the proposal of Sauzet (1989). These
studies treat the recessive (i.e., the default, non-lexical) accent calculus as their primary
evidence for foot structure.20 Below, I provide a brief description of moraic trochee
formation in Greek, according to what I will refer to as the Sauzet-Golston analysis.21
According to their analysis, Greek speakers grouped syllables into moraic
trochees proceeding from right to left through the word. In Greek, as in a number of
other languages, one word-final consonant is extrametrical, which is to say that for
purposes of the recessive accent calculus, it is not included in the final syllable (Steriade
1988; Probert 2003: 28-33).22 Thus, the final syllable of ἄνθρωπος ‘man, human being’
is a light πο, not a heavy πος, for purposes of the recessive accent calculus. Following
the standard convention, I mark the extrametrical consonant with angled brackets (e.g.,
For footing-related phonological shortening processes in Latin, such as brevis brevians and “cretic
shortening”, cf. Mester (1994) and Fortson (2008: 176 ff.).
The Sauzet-Golston approach to the recessive accent is superior to that of Devine and Stephens in two
important respects. First, Sauzet and Golston relate the accent calculus to foot structure, whereas Devine
and Stephens consider the two prosodic systems to be unrelated (Devine and Stephens 1994: 152-156).
Second, Sauzet and Golston operate with the far more restrictive foot inventory proposed by Hayes (1995),
For Devine and Stephens, feet in Greek alone can be bimoraic, trimoraic, iambic and trochaic (117-156).
For an excellent survey and discussion of various generative analyses of Greek foot structure, cf. Probert
For evidence for extrametricality, and the analysis thereof, cf. Hayes (1995: 56-60, 105-108).
πο<ς>), syllable boundaries with a dot, and feet with parentheses. Where syllable
boundaries align with foot boundaries, I do not mark them with a dot, since the syllable
boundary is implied by the foot boundary. Forming moraic trochees (LL) or (H) from
right to left, beginning with the most prominent foot at the right edge of the word, we
arrive at the following foot structures (where the accent is momentarily left off):
(D) Syllabification and construction of moraic trochees
(1) ἐδυναμην → ἐ(δυ.νa)(μη)<ν>
(2) ἐδυναμεθα → ἐ(δυ.να)(με.θα)
The word-initial syllable ἐ cannot be incorporated into a bimoraic foot, and is left
unfooted. Words like ἄνθρωπος, with word-final HL sequences, present the same
problem for footing that is “fixed” by Trochaic shortening in Fijian and Samoan, since it
is impossible to group that sequence into a bimoraic foot at the right edge of the word:
(3) ἀνθρωπος → (ἀν)(θρω)πο<ς>
Unlike Fijian and Samoan, however, Greek does not exhibit widespread phonological
Trochaic Shortening. Thus, in most instances, a word-final HL sequence is not altered,
and the word-final syllable is left unfooted, as is the case in most of the languages with
moraic trochaic feet surveyed in Hayes (1995).
According to the Sauzet-Golston analysis, the recessive accent placement results
from the association of a High-Low* tonal melody with the most prominent syllable of
the most prominent foot of the word, i.e., the first syllable of the word-final moraic
trochee. The Low* part of the melody “docks” directly to that syllable (and is therefore
marked with a post-posed asterisk). The High part of the melody, which is represented
by the graphic acute accent, is thereby located on the mora preceding that syllable.23 In
the examples given in (Ε) below, the High-Low* tonal melody is represented Hi–Lo*. I
use boldface type to highlight the syllable to which the melody docks.
(Ε) Moraic trochees as reflected by the recessive accent
(1) ἐ(δυ.νά)(μη)<ν>
(2) ἐ(δυ.νά)(με.θα)
Ηi – Lo*
(3) (ἄν)(θρω)πο<ς>
The Sauzet-Golston analysis elegantly relates the recessive accent calculus to foot
structure, specifically to a moraic trochee at the right edge of the word, bringing the
recessive accent calculus in line with prosodic systems of other languages. Furthermore,
it supports our association of the innovation in the χύμα-type with Trochaic Shortening,
since Trochaic Shortening is only found in languages with moraic trochees (though only
a small subset of those languages exhibit Trochaic Shortening). In short, if Greek
speakers grouped their syllables into moraic trochees, it would be typologically
unsurprising to find evidence for Trochaic Shortening.
For a discussion of the phonetic correlate of the accent as high pitch, cf. Devine and Stephens (1994: ch.
4, with refs.)
1.4 The lexically conservative aspect of the innovative word formation process
That Greek does not exhibit regular, phonological Trochaic Shortening is clear
from a comparison between the small group of alternating roots of the ºVV- ~ ºV- sort,
and the far larger group of non-alternating roots/stems, sketched out in Table 7.
Table 7: -μα formation patterns in alternating and non-alternating roots/stems
ALERNATING ºVV- ~ ºVχευ- ~ χυ-
πω- ~ πο-
εὑρη- ~ εὑρε-
If Greek exhibited purely phonological Trochaic Shortening, we would find hundreds of
formations like *γύμα, *κάρπομα, *μέτρεμα, etc. Speakers only fixed the footing
problem where suffixing -μα to the pre-existing weak root allomorph yielded a wordfinal LL sequence: (χύ.μα), (πό.μα), (εὕ)(ρε.μα), etc.
In recent work (1999a; 1999b; 2008; typescript), Steriade has described and
analyzed a number of word formation processes which reflect a similar interaction
between phonology, morphology, and the lexicon, which Steriade refers to as Lexical
Conservatism. The basic notion is this: under certain circumstances, speakers are
unwilling to create new phonological variants of a stem to satisfy a phonological
preference, but they are willing to use pre-existing variants to do so. Differently stated,
in lexically conservative word formation processes, the phonological modification of a
stem is blocked, unless that modification already exists in the paradigm of the
derivational base, or in a root-related word. This quite accurately captures the innovative
-μα formation pattern. Speakers would like to avoid the sequence HL# by converting the
H → L / __ L#. However, they are unwilling to phonologically modify the strong (or
only) verbal root/stem to avoid HL#. They are unwilling, for example, to delete the /e/ in
γευ- in order to generate a *γύμα that would avoid HL#. And so they continue to
produce γεῦμα (Euripides+) ‘taste’ as the result noun formed to γεύω (Homer+) ‘taste’,
which has only one root allomorph γευ-. When generating a result noun to χέω ‘pour’,
however, they are willing to break with the usual STRONG + μα(τ) pattern and “borrow”
the weak root allomorph χυ- from a root-related formation. When they form a result noun
to ζεύγνῡμι ‘join’, they adhere to the STRONG + μα(τ) pattern because none of the preexisting allomorphs (ζευγ-, ζυγ-) allows them to avoid the footing problems posed by
Steriade’s analyses are couched in a framework with correspondence constraints
(McCarthy and Prince 1995), which evaluate the identity between the input and the
output candidates, with one major addition. Correspondence constraints evaluate the
identity between one input and the output candidates. To these, Steriade adds a set of
correspondence constraints that evaluate the identity between the output candidates and
one of a set of root-related forms. In the analysis offered below, I use a set of somewhat
informal constraints, which I hope will lend perspicuity to the analysis without doing
injustice to the theory. Instead of fleshing out the set of constraints involved in moraic
trochaic footing and Trochaic Shortening, I posit one informal markedness constraint
*HL#, which militates against the problematic word-final HL sequences. In addition to
this, I posit two identity constraints, MAX-MS(STRONG)-STEM and MAX-LEX-STEM. The
first requires material in the pre-suffixal stem of the strong morphosyntactic base
allomorph to have corresponding material in the output. It basically requires that the
output have the -ευ of the strong root allomorph found in ἔχευ(σ)α. MAX-LEX-STEM
requires material in the syllable rhyme of one of the set of root-related items to have
corresponding material in the output. It requires that the output have either the -ευ of the
strong allomorph or the -υ of the weak one contained in κέχυμαι, χύσις, etc. With these
three constraints, I first model the conservative -μα formation grammar, then the
innovative one.24
In Greek, I assume the following constraint ranking for the conservative grammar:
For the innovative grammar, I assume: FTBIN, DEP, MAX-LEX-STEM >> EDGEMOST-R >> MAXMS(STRONG)-STEM, PARSE-σ.
Thus, the informal *HL# may be thought of as representing EDGEMOST-R in the analysis below.
1.4.1 The conservative grammar: deriving πῶμα and πῆγμα
The conservative grammar values phonological identity between the strong
allomorph and the output more highly than it values prosodic well-formedness. This is
captured by the following contraint ranking:
In the tableaux below, I give a form of the base verb with the strong root/stem as the
input. It is the one input form referred to by MAX-MS(STRONG)-STEM. I list the lexically
related forms above the tableaux. Together with the strong stem of the base, they
represent the set of items referred to as possible inputs by MAX-LEX-STEM, the lexically
conservative correspondence constraint. In each derivation, I give three candidates.
First, I give a formation to the strong stem, then a formation to the weak stem, and
finally, a formation that has undergone purely phonological changes to produce a light
pre-suffixal syllable.
Tableau 1: Deriving πῶμα in the conservative grammar
Lexically related forms: πέ-πο-μαι, πό-σις
Input: πέ-πω-κα
Tableau 2: Deriving πῆγμα in the conservative grammar
Lexically related forms: ἐ-πάγ-η-ν, πάγ-η
Input: πήγ-νῡ-μι
The conservative grammar rules out the formations to the weak allomorph, πόμα and
*πάγμα, as well as the Samoan-type *πόομα, and a putative *πάμα, which has
undergone deletion of rhyme material, all on the same grounds. They all violate the
undominated MAX-MS(STRONG)-STEM, the constraint that requires the output to have a
pre-suffixal stem that is identical to the pre-suffixal stem in the strong allomorph of the
verbal base. It is worth noting that there is no evidence for the presence (or ranking) of
the MAX-LEX-STEM constraint in the conservative grammar. This is because each
candidate that violates it also violates MAX-MS(STRONG)-STEM (but not vice versa). In
the innovative grammar, however, the MAX-LEX constraint becomes visible.
1.4.2 The innovative grammar: deriving πόμα and πῆγμα
The innovative grammar captures a lexically conservative derivation with a
slightly different ranking of the same constraints:
In this grammar, the lexically conservative correspondence constraint is undominated.
MAX-LEX-STEM rules out -μα formations that are not formed to the root allomorph
contained in one of the lexically related forms, i.e., those that have undergone
Fijian/Samoan-type phonological modifications. But unlike the conservative grammar in
§1.4.1, it values prosodic well-formedness more highly than identity between the output
and the strong allomorph.
Tableau 3: Deriving πόμα in the innovative grammar
Lexically related forms: πέ-πο-μαι, πό-σις
Input: πέ-πω-κα
While MAX-MS(STRONG)-STEM is ranked lower in the innovative grammar than in the
conservative one, it is nevertheless active. This is apparent in the derivation of -μα
formations to the ºVVC- ~ ºVC- roots.
Tableau 4: Deriving πῆγμα in the innovative grammar
Lexically related forms: ἐ-πάγ-η-ν, πάγ-η
Input: πήγ-νῡ-μι
Where there is no lexically related allomorph that would satisfy the prosodic constraint,
MAX-STRONG-STEM prefers the candidate that is derived by the STRONG + μα(τ) pattern
to the form derived from the weak allomorph, since they perform equally badly with
respect to the markedness constraint *HL#. In effect, this grammar prefers outputs with a
word-final LL sequence, as long as the base of affixation corresponds to an allomorph
found in a related form, such as the perfect medio-passive or the verbal noun in -σις.
1.5 Further evidence for HL# avoidance
In order to make the analysis of χεῦμα > χύμα more plausible as a case of
lexically conservative Trochaic Shortening, we should look for further Greek-internal
evidence for the avoidance of HL#. This may be difficult because, as I have argued,
speakers were unwilling to perform purely phonological operations in order to avoid the
sequence. Further evidence would therefore most likely be morphophonological in
nature.25 Here, I mention a general area that could lend further evidence to the analysis,
where the diachronic development of innovative suffix allomorphs results in LL#
sequences, and I treat another case of word formation in more detail.
There is a general diachronic pattern in Greek whereby -VCo-shaped adjectival
suffixes develop as functional variants of more conservative -Co-shaped ones. In the list
given in (F), which is not exhaustive, the notation -VCo- ~ -Co- signifies “-VCodevelops as a functional variant of -Co-”.
(F) -VCo- as innovative functional variants of -Co-shaped suffixes
-ιμο- ~ -μο-: διαμόνιμος ‘steadfast’, διαπόμπιμος ‘exported’, etc.
-ανο- ~ -νο-: πιθανός ‘persuasive’, τραγανός ‘edible’
-ινο- ~ -νο-: ἀληθινός ‘authentic’, ῥαδινός ‘supple’
-ερο- ~ -ρο-: δολερός ‘tricky’, φανερός ‘apparent’, γλυκερός ‘sweet’
-υρο- ~ -ρο-: φλεγυρός ‘flaming’, ἁλμυρός ‘salty’
It is by no means clear that all the functional variants in -VCo- are due to a
prosodic constraint against HL# sequences, though such a constraint might well be
reflected in the general pattern of diachronic development whereby nominal formations
ending -VC-Co- are replaced with formations of the shape -VC-VCo-. Below, I briefly
It could also involve subcategorical adjustments to H syllables / __ L#. It is possible that Dionysius of
Halicarnassus’s statements in de comp. verb. (ch. 17, 12, 20) provide evidence for such durational
adjustments. Recent contributions to the problematic interpretation of these passages are Ruijgh (1987) and
Prauscello (2001).
treat a slightly different case, where I suggest that a number of adjectives in -α-ρό- may
reflect the avoidance of -ᾱ-ρό-.
From a morphosyntactic point of view, these adjectives seem to be derivatives in
-ρό- from ᾱ-stem nouns. In these derivatives, the suffix -ρό- serves its well-attested
function as a denominal suffix that forms adjectives with possessive (or more broadly
exocentric) semantics. This seems likely from a semantic standpoint as well. As an
example, we may take σκιαρός ‘shady’. The derivational base, from a morphosyntactic
and semantic standpoint, seems to have been σκιa>/ ‘shade’.
What is unexpected in formations like σκιαρός is the phonological shape of the
base of affixation. The α-vowel of the derivative σκια-ρό- is short, while the α-vowel of
the derivational base σκιᾱ- is a long. Usually, in -ρό- (as generally in -Co-shaped)
derivatives from ᾱ-stem (Attic/Ionic η-stem) nouns, the long stem-final vowel of the
derivational base is retained, as shown in (G).
(G) The unmarked derivation X-ᾱ → X-ᾱ-ρός
ἀνίη (Homer+) ‘grief’
ἀνιηρός (Homer+) ‘grievous’
ἄτη (Homer+) ‘delusion’
ἀτηρός (Theognis+) ‘delusional’
ὀδύνη (Homer+) ‘pain’
ὀδυνᾱρός (Pindar+) ‘painful’
To judge by equations like that of Latin barbātus with OCS bradatŭ and Lithuanian
barzdótas, the resulting -ā-Co- is also the inherited pattern (< I-E *-eh2-Co-).26 It seems
Cf. (Hajnal 1993:130-131).
significant that the -α-ρό- adjectives with the unexpected short α-vowel always have a
nominal formation in -άδ- in their lexical paradigm. The -άδ- stems, which were
originally derived from nouns in -ᾱ (Attic/Ionic -η) as well (Rau: forthcoming), are
arguably the source of the short α-vowel in the -α-ρό- adjectives, via a lexically
conservative word formation process. In (H), I list the -α-ρό- adjectives, the
morphosyntactic base nouns in -ᾱ, and the lexically related nominal in -άδ- (cited in the
nom. sg. -άς).
(H) -α-ρό- adjectives attested beside ᾱ-stem nouns and nominals in -άδσκιαρός (Pindar+) ‘shady’
σκιa>/ (Homer+) ‘shade, shadow’
σκιάς (Εupolis+) ‘providing shade’
σοβαρός (Aristophanes+) ‘rushing, violent’
*σοβᾱ ‘(act of) rushing, rush(er)’27
σοβάς (Eupolis+) ‘insolent, capricious’
The following two formations are nouns that are plausibly derived from older adjectives
in -α-ρό-. οἴναρον (Cratinus+) ‘tendril, leaf’ is plausibly a substantivized neuter form of
*οἰναρός ‘of or belonging to the vine’, and νομάριον· σκεῦος τραγικόν (Hesychius)
may plausibly be derived from *νομαρός ‘of or belonging to the pasture’.
cf. μυιο-σόβη (Menander) ‘flyflap’
(I) Nouns plausibly derived from -α-ρό- adjectives
οἴναρον (Cratinus+) ‘tendril, leaf’
οἴνη (Hesiod+) ‘vine’
οἰνάς (Myc., Simonides+) ‘vineyard’
νομάριον· σκεῦος τραγικόν (Hesychius)
νομή (Herodotus+) ‘pasturage’
νομάς (Pindar+) ‘nomad’
To judge by their semantics, which are less compositional, and their dates of attestation,
the word formation process that produced these adjectives in -α-ρό- (and their
derivatives, such as οἴναρον) was no longer productive in the classical period. We seem
to be dealing with a lexical residue of an earlier productive process. This makes it
plausible that that the following forms in -αρό- were also derived from ᾱ-stem bases, but
that the bases, which are not attested, were lost or replaced. The related nominals in -άδare attested.
(J) -α-ρό- nominals attested beside -άδ- nominals
σιναρός (Hippocrates) ‘damaged’
σινάς (Hesychius) ‘destructive’
στιβαρός (Homer+) ‘sturdy’
στιβάς (Sophocles+) ‘bed of straw’
λογάρια (Aristophanes+) ‘petty speeches’
λογάς (Herodotus+) ‘select’ (of troops)
It is at least prima facie plausible that the pattern of attestation that we find in
archaic and classical Greek reflects an older, moribund word formation process much like
the one that produced the innovative formations of the χύμα type. Essentially,
prosodically problematic HL# sequences were avoided only where a lexically related
formation in -άδ- provided a phonological stem with a short -α, i.e., one that resulted in a
LL# sequence. The grammar that would produce these is essentially the same lexically
conservative grammar sketched out above. Here, the MAX-LEX constraint refers
specifically to the pre-suffixal syllable rhyme. The constraint ranking is:
Here, the cyclical correspondence constraint MAX-MS, which requires the output form to
be stem-identical to the morphosyntactic base noun σκιᾱ-, lacks the additional
morphological stipulation (STRONG) reflected in the -μα stems. The ᾱ-stem base nouns
do not exhibit stem alternation.
Tableau 5: Deriving σκιαρός in a lexically conservative grammar
Lexically related item: σκιάς, gen. sg. σκιάδος
Input: σκιᾱσκιᾱ-ρός
Under this ranking, the grammar prefers the prosodically well-formed adjectives whose
phonological bases correspond to the lexically related -άδ-stems. Where there is no
lexically related formation in -αδ-, the grammar produces forms derived from the
morphosyntactic base, such as ἀνιᾱρός.
1.6 Conclusion
The core contribution offered here is a description of the innovative -μα
formation process that notes that systematic differences between derivatives depend on
the phonological shape of the verbal root/stem allomorphs. This asymmetry has not been
noted in previous treatments of the change, to my knowledge, and it must be accounted
for under any future analysis. I have proposed to equate the phonological aspect of the
innovation with Trochaic Shortening, a process found in other languages which
descriptively involves the adjustment of H → L / __L#. According to current
phonological theory, Trochaic Shortening is only found in languages with moraic
trochaic feet, and Greek has been analyzed as such a language on the basis of the
recessive accent calculus. A further point of interest is that once the phonological shape
of the root/stem allomorphs is taken into account, the change may be viewed as regular,
insofar as a χύμα-type formation is attested for most every ºVV- ~ V- root to which such
a verbal noun was productively formed.
This particular change in word formation is not only interesting from a
phonological standpoint and for its potential implications for foot structure. It also has
implications for our understanding of the nature of word formation and morphological
change. This is clear from previous discussions and analyses of the change, where the
apparent borrowing of the weak allomorph from a related word is referred to as
“contamination”.28 I have adopted Steriade’s theory of Lexical Conservatism to capture
the intuition of allomorph borrowing more explicitly. It is worth noting that a number of
questions raised in the earlier scholarship have counterparts in Steriade’s work. Where is
the innovative allomorph taken from? An inflectional form of the base verb? From the
lexically (and semanantically) related action nouns in -σις? Either? The problem has to
do with the identification of the derivational base, and in theories that recognize multiple
bases, such as Lexical Conservatism, it has to do with how to constrain the set of possible
bases. I have adopted a relatively unconstrained definition of the lexical correspondence
constraint, whereby any root-related form can “provide” the phonological base, though
more restrictive approaches may be possible.
With one exception (Schwyzer 1898: 47-49), the actual process resulting in
contamination is neither defined nor discussed.29 One can infer from the conception of
contamination found in Paul (1920: 160-173) that the semantic and phonological
similarity between χεῦμα ‘that which is poured’ χύσις ‘(act of) pouring’ and/or
The following scholars refer to the change as contamination: Buck and Petersen (1945: 222); Chantraine
(1933: 175-190); Hatzidakis (1895: 111: 1897: 103); Peters (1980: 333); Schwyzer (1898: 47-49);
Schwyzer (1939: 522-524); Specht (1931: 50); Stratton (1899), etc.
Schwyzer views the change as a kind of suffix replacement, whereby speakers replaced -σις with -μα
during the koiné period, without adjusting the base of affixation. This is perfectly in line with the analysis
provided here, insofar as the phonological base of affixation is “borrowed” from the -σις nouns, or other
lexical items with the weak root allomorph.
nominalizations of the perfect passive such as τὸ κεχυμένον ‘that having been poured’
reflected a close psychological association of the forms that induced a change effecting
even greater phonological similarity between the forms. Such a view is on the right track
insofar as it locates the process in the mind of the speaker and in that it relates the
innovative pre-suffixal stem of the -μα formations to that of semantically and lexically
related items. The analysis of the change as a lexically conservative type of Trochaic
Shortening that I offer here may be viewed as a more explicit model of such a
psychological process that takes the prosodic nature of the change into account as well.
2. The role of foot structure in inexact responsion in Aristophanes
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, I discuss two problematic aspects of Aristophanes’ versification,
trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac responsion. I argue that these types of so-called
inexact responsion are like exact trochaic-trochaic responsion in that they reflect the
poet’s preference to closely match the surface rhythms in correspondence. Following a
suggestion by Dale, who seems to intuit the role of foot structure in inexact responsion
(Dale 1968: 64-65), I propose that Aristophanes arranged the verses using foot-based
prominence relationships between light syllables to heighten the rhythmic similarities
between dochmiac and paeon in strophic correspondence. Simply put, he preferred to
match (LL) moraic trochees, which have a foot-based trochaic rhythm (LL), with the HL
sequences in the corresponding metra. This is reflected in the statistically significant
difference between the distribution of (LL) moraic trochaic feet in dochmaics which
respond with paeonic dimeters and dochmiacs which do not.
In Chapter 1, I presented a case where the interaction of foot structure and
syllable weight resulted in a categorical change in syllable weight, from heavy to light.
In this chapter, we are concerned with subcategorical distinctions, specifically with
differences among light syllables. There are two major factors that contribute to
subcategorical syllable weight distinctions. One is the segmental make-up of the syllable,
and the other is foot structure. Both have been shown to be relevant to Greek meter.30 I
propose that inexact responsion in Aristophanes provides further evidence for the latter
2.2 Defining exact and inexact responsion
The basic characteristics of unusual, “inexact” types of strophic responsion are
best defined against the backdrop of responsion as we regularly find it. I begin by briefly
describing strophic responsion as it is usually encountered in Aristophanes, and
introducing the metrical constituents that are most relevant to this study.
The lyric passages in Aristophanes that we are concerned with here are composed
in stanzaic units referred to as strophes, which are followed by metrically matching
antistrophes. They were sung to the accompaniment of music, and range in length from
short strophes of ca. 30 metrical positions (roughly equivalent to syllables) to longer
strophes consisting of 100 metrical positions or more. The strophe contains multiple
levels of hierarchical metrical structure that parallel and are presumably ontologically
related to the prosodic phrasing of everyday language. Here, we will primarily focus on
the relatively basic building blocks of the strophe known as metra. Aristophanes uses 12
or 13 different types of metra in strophic composition. The three involved in the types of
For the relevance of the segmental composition of the syllable for subcategorical (alias infracategorical)
weight distinctions as reflected in the hexameter, cf. Ryan (forthcoming). For foot-based and other
suprasegmentally-based distinctions, cf. Devine and Stephens (1982; 1994: 105 ff.)
inexact responsion treated here are the trochaic metron, the paeon, and the dochmiac. (I
will also refer to the trochaic metron as the trochee.) Since ancient times, Greek metrists
have conceived of a metron as having one abstract, underlying form and various possible
surface instantiations. The underlying form of the trochaic metron is [twtx]. (I will
use square brackets to enclose underlying metra.) It contains four metrical positions, and
has a strong-weak-strong-weak trochaic rhythm. The first (t), a strong position, may be
implemented with either one heavy or two light syllables. The implementation with a
heavy syllable is the more common, unmarked type. The marked implementation with
two light syllables, referred to as resolution, is relatively rare, and subject to a number of
restrictions involving word and other prosodic boundaries. (The more common
implementation is placed below the less common one in the notation t, here and
elsewhere.) The second position is weak, and it is the most strictly regulated position in
the metron. In lyric verse, Aristophanes virtually never implements it with anything but a
light syllable. The third is a strong position like the first, though resolution is roughly
three times rarer. The fourth and final weak position may be implemented with either a
light or heavy syllable. It is referred to as an anceps (x) position. There are thus eight
possible surface instantiations of the trochaic metron (which I enclose with vertical bars).
I list them in order of the frequency with which Aristophanes used them in lyric verse:
|lwll|, |lwlw|, |rwlw|, |rwll|, |lwrw|, |rwrw|, |rwrl|, |lwrl|
The instantiations may have 4 or 5 morae, depending on whether the anceps position is
filled with a heavy or light syllable, and between 4 and 6 syllables, depending on whether
the first and/or the third position is resolved.
The second metron relevant to our analysis is the paeon. It has an underlying
form [lwt], and two possible surface instantiations, a paeonic and a cretic,
|lwr|, |lwl|
Paeonic verse shares a “falling” (strong-weak) rhythm with trochaic verse, with which it
is often combined in the strophe. The polymorphous metron known as the dochmiac is
the final character in our cast of three. With the somewhat spectacular underlying form
[xttxt], the dochmiac has 32 logically possible instantiations. At least 6 are
completely unattested, and many are very rarely encountered anywhere in Greek lyric.32
In the extant, non-fragmentary comedies, Aristophanes uses 13 different instantiations
according to Parker’s tally (1997: 68), of which the five most common are:
|wllwl|, |wrlwl|, |lrlwl|, |wrrwr|, |wrlwr|
These have from 8 to 10 morae, and from 5 to 8 syllables. In Aristophanes, 104 of the
113 dochmiacs have 8 morae, like the canonical instantiation |wllwl|, though
The question of whether to classify the paeon as a cretic metron [twt] also goes back to ancient times
(White 1912: 194), and has no real bearing on our inquiry. We are dealing with a type of verse which
descriptively consists of surface repetitions of |lwww| and |lwl|, and has clear affinities with trochaic
rhythm, with which it is often combined. On the exceptional |rwl| sequences, and the problem of the
classification of this verse type in general, cf. White (1912: 192) and Parker (1997: 47).
There is a descriptive gap in attestation where a heavy implementation of the second anceps would be
followed by a resolved final position, i.e., where the instantiation would descriptively end in a dactylic
sequence lww|. Cf. West (1982: 108 ff.) and Parker (1997: 65 ff.), with references.
instantiations with 9 and 10 (the maximum) are attested, and the fully resolved
octosyllabic forms |wrrwr| are not uncommon (11%).
The poets did not freely combine all types of metra within the strophe. In
addition to other factors, rhythmic affinities between types of metra, such as the affinity
between trochaic and paeonic mentioned above, clearly constrained the combinations.
The relationship between strophe and antistrophe is far more constrained. There is a
highly regular correspondence of metra referred to as responsion. For example, if a
strophe begins with three trochaic metra and a cretic (lwl), the antistrophe will almost
always begin the same way, and the correspondence holds, metron for metron, through
the songs. As an example, I cite the beginning of a strophe and antistrophe from
Aristophanes’ Birds, 1470 ff. = 1482 ff.33 (The = signifies ‘responds with’.)
w l
l| |l
w l
l| |l
w l
[lwl] ...
w l| ...
πολλὰ δὴ καὶ καινὰ καὶ θαυμάστ᾽ ἐπεπτόμεσθα καὶ ...
[twtx] [twtx] [twtx] [lwl] ...
|l w
l| |l
l l| |l
w l| ...
ἔστι δ᾽ αὖ χώρᾱ πρὸς αὐτῷ τῷ σκότῷ πόρρω τις ἐν ...
Unless otherwise noted, I cite the text according to Parker (1997), and follow her metrical analysis,
except that what I refer to as a paeon, Parker refers to as a cretic.
In the usual type of responsion, the correspondence between underlying metra is exact,
but the surface implementations may differ. For example, the third trochaic metron of the
strophe cited above is implemented:
| l
w |
(the dot marks syllable boundaries)
The responding metron in the antistrophe, however, has a different implementation of the
anceps position:
| l
l |
-τῷ σκό.τῷ πόρThis type of surface mismatch is relatively common, whereas a mismatch with respect to
resolution is relatively rare. The question arises as to whether the rarity of the various
types of surface mismatches is a function of the overall rarity of the surface instantiations
involved or whether it reflects a preference on the part of the poet to match the surface
rhythms exactly. For example, we only encounter |lwll| responding with |rwll| 6
times. Is this because Aristophanes avoided the surface mismatch, or is it because he
avoided resolving the first position |rwll| of the metron more generally? While a
detailed treatment of this subject is beyond the scope of this dissertation, I briefly give the
evidence from trochaic responsion in Aristophanes.
In order to test whether Aristophanes preferred to match responding trochaic
metra on the surface or not, we first tally each responding pair, given in Table 8.
Table 8: Responding trochaic metra in Aristophanes
299 |lwll|
156 |lwlw|
Total instantiations: 518
Total pairs in responsion: 259
Reading the first row from left to right, we see that there are 299 instantiations of the
shape |lwll|. There are 97 pairs of surface-exact responsion of |lwll| = |lwll|.
There are 84 pairs where |lwll| responds with the ditrochaic instantiation of the metron
|lwlw|. Those differ with respect to the implementation of the anceps position, and so
In order to judge whether these pairings reflect a preference for exact matching or
not, we then take all of the implementations that occur in the strophe (not both strophe
and antistrophe, since they potentially depend on one another) and match those at
random. I performed the random matching twice, and took the average, given in Table 9.
Table 9: Randomly paired trochaic metra
144 |lwll|
Total instantiations: 25834
Total pairs in responsion: 129
The figures in Table 9 represent what we would expect to find in the text if Aristophanes
did not care at all about surface identity between the metra. Next, we need to classify the
degrees of exactness of surface identity between the responding metra. I have chosen the
following classification, though others are possible as well, e.g., a classification in terms
of syllable count and/or mora count identity. Under the scheme I have chosen, the pairs
1) match exactly (Exact)
2) differ with respect to anceps implementation only (A)
3) differ with respect to one resolution (1-R)
4) differ with respect to one resolution and the anceps implementation (1-R & A)
5) differ with respect to two resolutions (2-R)
6) differ with respect to two resolutions and the anceps implementation (2-R & A)
To arrive at an even total for pairing, I omitted one |lwll| metron, this being the most common type.
In Table 10, I compare the differences between responding pairs that we observe in
Aristophanes, and those that we would expect under the hypothesis that he matched them
without respect to surface identity.
Table 10: Frequency of surface identity observeds vs. expected
1-R & A
Observed 137 (53%) 89 (34%) 15 (6%) 14 (5%)
46 (35%)
2-R & A Total
1 (0%) 3 (1%)
51 (39%) 12 (9%) 16 (12%) 2 (3%) 4 (3%)
The percentage of exactly matching pairs in Aristophanes is quite a bit higher than the
expected value. We can test for the significance of this by comparing the observed and
expected distributions of exactly and inexactly responding metra, given below:
A Fisher’s Exact Test shows that the differences in distribution are significant. There is
only about a one in a thousand chance that differences this great would have have arisen
by chance in samples of this size (p = 0.001227).
In sum, we can say that Aristophanes preferred matching the surface metra
exactly, but the preference was not particularly strong, since 47% of the pairs do not
match exactly, and hypothetically, there could be exact matching in virtually all cases.
While this result is unlikely to surprise Greek metrists, it allows us to securely define the
usual, “exact” strophic responsion as involving an exact correspondence between
underlying metra, and a preferentially exact correspondence between surface
The “inexact” trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac responsion, in contrast,
involves strophic correspondence between underlyingly different metra. At Birds 327 ff.
= 343 ff., the strophe and antistrophe open with exact correspondence between anapaestic
metra, after which we encounter four dochmiacs in the strophe in correspondence with
four paeonic dimeters in the antistrophe. I cite the first of the five responding sets 333a ~
349a (the ~ signifies “responds inexactly with”).
|l w
2 paeons
[lwt] [lwt]
w w w w w w|
ἐς δὲ δόλον ἐκάλεσε
|l w w
ww w|
οὔτε γὰρ ὄρος σκιερὸν
It is worth briefly noting something that we will return to in more detail below, namely
that the surface similarity between the instantiations of the underlyingly different metra is
striking. The sequences are isosyllabic, and differ only with respect to the weight of the
fifth syllable, suggesting that inexact responsion may reflect a preferentially exact
correspondence between surface rhythms as well.
This and like passages involving inexact responsion have come over the last
century or so to be recognized as authentic Aristophanic composition, though metrists
may disagree about the textual legitimacy of one case or another.35 The grounds for this
are neatly expressed by Dale: “[i]t is clear that, in comedy especially, metrical
irregularities traceably similar in type, where the text is otherwise irreproachable, occur
so often that emendation of all to conformity with a rigid metrical scheme is mistaken
purism” (Dale 1968: 91). In the following section, I further characterize the two types of
inexact responsion primarily by way of Dale’s discussion.36 I begin with broader issues
of genre and rhythmic context, then return to address whether Aristophanes matches
surface rhythms in inexact responsion.
2.3 Inexact responsion as a comic license
As reflected in the quotation above, in Dale’s view inexact responsion was
essentially restricted to comedy, though she suggests that a number of problematic
metrical phenomena in Euripides are related (Dale 1968: 97). An examination of the
Euripidean passages is beyond the scope of this study, but if inexact responsion reflects a
technique associated with the freer compositional style of comedy, its presence in
Euripides would be unsurprising, and perhaps even expected. This is because during the
last twenty or so years of his fifty-year career as a tragedian, Euripides’ style of
versification became increasingly more like that of the less strict forms associated with
satyr plays and comedy. The best-studied example of this is his use of resolution. In
For an overview, cf. Parker (1997: 113-119).
The topic is treated in Dale (1968: 56-57, 64-66, 78-79, 89-91, 97, 112, 190, 207).
short, the consistently increasing frequency of resolution and the expanding set of
rhythmic configurations in which resolution is found in the later plays of Euripides
become steadily more like Aristophanes’ use of resolution in comedy.37 In addition,
Devine and Stephens have demonstrated that Euripides steadily relaxed a constraint
against a heavy syllable followed by a low-level prosodic boundary at Porson’s bridge in
the iambic trimeter (Devine and Stephens 1994: 309 ff.). Here again, Euripides departs
from the stricter style of versification reflected in Archilochus, Semonides, and Solon,
and moves towards the unconstrained treatment of Porson’s bridge in comedy. It seems
perfectly plausible to view inexact responsion along similar lines. Its rarity and its
restriction to comedy (or comedy and Euripides) would then be due to the fact that while
inexact responsion was not unmetrical (i.e., metrically ungrammatical), there was both a
strong precedent and preference for exact responsion.
2.4 The rhythmic context for inexact responsion
Next, we consider Dale’s suggestion that inexact responsion was restricted to
particular rhythmic contexts. Dale refers to these as “patter-rhythms” (1968: 97), and
The study of resolution in Euripides as a chronological criterion goes back at least to J. G. Hermann. For
a survey of the literature through the late 1970s, cf. Ceadel (1941: 66-69) and Schein (1979: 55-58).
Extensive and more recent work has been done by Devine and Stephens, including a useful (1980) review
and reworking of Zieliński (1925), and a series of articles (1978; 1981; 1982) culminating in a book-length
treatment of resolution and Porson’s bridge (1984), which in turn is placed within a larger book-length
analysis of Greek prosody (1994: 107-111 et passim). Cf. also Cropp and Fick (1985) and Philippides
expresses the opinion that “it is hard to resist the inference that the relation of l to w in
the comic trochee and paeon was far from being the rigid 2:1 that might appear from the
mathematical precision of the ancient musicians’ formulas” (90). A number of other
scholars have suggested that the durational ratio of l to w was reduced in trochaic
contexts and faster performance rates.38 This is most likely not peculiar to Aristophanes,
dramatic performance, or the Greek language. There is experimental evidence for
reduction of this sort in the recitation of trochaic verse in a number of other languages,
and the phenomenon has plausibly been taken to reflect a linguistic universal grounded in
the way humans perceive rhythm.39 Reduction of durational ratios at faster rates of
speech is extremely well documented crosslinguistically as well, and it is quite fair, I
think, to infer that trochaic rhythm and increased performance rate in Aristophanes gave
rise to a significantly greater surface similarity between trochaic lwlw and paeonic lwww
sequences. This would arguably hold for paeonic-dochmiac responsion by transitivity:
trochaic ~ paeonic ~ dochmiac. That is not to say that the dochmiac was underlyingly
trochaic, but that the particular instantiations of the dochmiac that correspond with
paeons had a quasi-trochaic rhythm. I will argue below, for example, that where the
dochmiac was implemented with lwwwwwww, Aristophanes effected a surface rhythm that
Cf. Wilamowitz (1904: 265 ff.; 1921: 470 ff.) and White (1912: 82 ff.), with references to the earlier
statements of Rossbach and Westphal. For related statements in the ancient sources, cf. Devine and
Stephens (1994: 116).
Cf. Hayes (1995: 79-81) for the “iambic/trochaic law”, and Hay and Diehl (2007) for more recent
experimental work.
more closely approximated the rhythm lwwwlwww of the paeonic dimeter with which it
responded, with the result that both sequences had a clear overall “falling” rhythm.
While the five repetitions of paeonic-dochmiac responsion cited above constitute
strong evidence that the phenomenon cannot be attributed to textual corruption, evidence
for the authenticity of trochaic-paeonic responsion comes from Aristophanes’
combination of trochaic and paeonic within the strophe and stichic verse in such a way
that suggests that he felt the two to be quasi-interchangeable (cf. White 1912: 82-85).
There is an especially striking use of a paeon in place of the expected trochaic metron in
a sequence of over 20 recitative tetrameters at Lysistrata 1014-1036 (Dale 1968: 89).
They have the following form:
[twtx] [twtx]
In this context, we expect the usual trochaic tetrameter catalectic:
[twtx] [twtx] [twtx] |lwl|
I do not give the paeon, which appears in place of the expected third trochaic metron, as
[lwt], because we only find the sequence |lwww| through the entire passage. I believe
everyone would agree that the reason for this is that a cretic |lwl| instantiation of the
third metron would constitute too great a departure from the expected rhythm, which is
basically |lwlw| or |lwll|. Since the verse-final cretic is the typical clausular sequence
for both trochaic and paeonic tetrameters, it is completely chameleonic in this context.
The fact that in this exchange between the chorus of old men and the chorus of old
women Aristophanes places the peculiar tetrameters in the mouth of the men, whereas the
chorus of old women recite the expected trochaic tetrameters, and the fact that the
rhythmically slightly aberrant tetrameters end exactly at the kiss of reconciliation
between the two choruses, is unmistakably intentional.
2.5 Dale’s “theory of syllable-counting”
For the same reasons that the paeon always appears in its four-syllable form
where it functions as a kind of rhythmic equivalent of the trochaic metron within the
verse, the trochaic metron and paeon are always isosyllabic where they are in strophic
responsion. I cite Wasps 1062 ~ 1093 as an example, where the surrounding metrical
context likewise involves trochaic metra and clausular cretics. The inexactly responding
sequences are underlined.
l w ||l w
(clausular) cretic
w w||l
l w||l w l|
καὶ κατ’ αὐτὸ τοῦτο μόνον ἄνδρες ἀλκιμώτατοι.
w l w||l
w l w||l w
(clausular) cretic
w||l w l|
τοὺς ἐναντίους, πλέων ἐκεῖσε ταῖς τριήρεσιν.
In her discussion of this passage, Dale notes that “[i]t seems clear therefore that
this is another instance where syllable-counting takes the place of quantitative accuracy
in responsion” (Dale 1968: 89). This and like statements have led scholars to attribute a
“theory of syllable-counting” to Dale, which receives a relatively harsh review from
Parker, for one, who recognizes its potential to overpredict, asking why syllable-counting
is so rare if it is an acceptable alternative to quantitative composition (Parker 1997: 117).
Certainly, in a completely unconstrained form, the theory would predict that
Aristophanes (and possibly also Euripides) could abandon quantitative correspondence in
responsion for syllable-counting correspondence whenever he pleased. Several things
must be said in Dale’s defense. First, the “theory” is nowhere discussed at length, much
less formalized in any way, but consists of a number of suggestions scattered throughout
the work. This is perhaps due in part to the “justified hatred of self-supporting theoretical
structures” that Parker attributes to Dale (loc. cit.), but whatever the case may be, the
reader is left to construct anything approaching a theory. Secondly, Dale points to
numerous ways to constrain the theory. Her view of inexact responsion as a comic
license and her suggestion about the durational reduction in trochaic-paeonic contexts
already serve to constrain the theory considerably: inexact responsion is a compositional
practice restricted to quasi-trochaic rhythmic contexts in freer compositional styles; the
rhythms in surface correspondence must be isosyllabic.
2.6 From syllable-counting to syllable-grouping
In my view, Dale’s most important point regarding inexact responsion is that it,
like other departures from the strict rhythmic norm, is alleviated by diaeresis
(correspondence of word boundary and metron boundary) and what she terms “syllablegrouping” (Dale 1968: 64-65). The basic idea, as I understand it, is that in these contexts
especially, the poets aligned word boundaries and “syllable groups” with the metrical
boundaries in such a way as to preserve rhythmic regularity. In other words, they are
using the natural rhythm of the prosodic word even more carefully. It is here (on my
reading) that Dale intuitively describes the role of foot structure in inexact responsion—
what else is a foot but a syllable group?
This invites us to attempt to flesh out Dale’s intuition in a way that is both
rhythmically plausible and respects the foot structure argued for in Chapter 1. If we
briefly survey the surface sequences attested in trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac
responsion, we see that one inexact rhythmic correspondence is common to all but one of
Table 11: Types of trochaic-paeonic and paeonic-dochmiac responsion
Type A
Type B
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
If the ww sequences that correspond with lw sequences were implemented with two light
syllables that belonged to the same (LL) foot, the strong-weak sonority profile that is
crosslinguistically characteristic of moraic trochaic feet (Hayes 1995: 69) would
plausibly result in greater surface identity between ww and lw.40 I turn to the cases of
trochaic-paeonic responsion to sketch out the rhythmic scenario in more detail.
How exactly the prominence was manifested phonetically in Greek is unclear. It may have involved
(subphonemic) stress, as argued by Allen (1973), an increase in duration, as argued extensively by Devine
and Stephens (1982; 1984; 1994) contra Allen, or both, as in word-final feet in Samoan (Zuraw, Orfitelli
and Yu 2008).
2.7 Trochaic-paeonic responsion
If we return to the example of (Type A) trochaic-paeonic responsion at Wasps
1062 ~ 1093, we see that the responding sequences are:
w w|
τοῦτο μόνο-
w l w|
-ους, πλέων ἐ-
On the analysis of Greek foot structure discussed in Chapter 1, μόνον would have been
footed as (μό.νο)<ν>, and the foot-internal prominence relationship would yield
(μό.νο)<ν>. (I use boldface type to identify the prominent syllables of feet.) Essentially,
μό is rendered a weightier type of light syllable by virtue of its position in the foot. It
remains categorically light, though. This LL would be a better match for the
corresponding HL sequence implemented by -ω.νε- (of πλέων ἐκεῖσε) in terms of
relative strong-weak (SW) prominence:
w l w|
τοῦτο (μό.νο-)
-ους, πλέων ἐ-
The foot-based prominence lent to μό would give the paeonic sequence an overall
ditrochaic rhythm. In the other three cases of trochaic-paeonic responsion, the final ww
sequence of the paeon is implemented by a (LL) foot as well. The second example
comes just after the first, at Wasps 1064 ~ 1095. I present the data in somewhat more
abbreviated form:
|l w l w|| l w w w||l w l
|l w
l l||l w
l w||l
l w|
οἴχεται, κύκνου τε πολιώτεραι δὴ ~ ῥῆσιν εὖ λέκσειν ἐμέλλομεν τότ’ οὐδὲ41
Here, the relevant ww sequence is implemented by the word-initial foot of
(πο.λι)(ώ)(τε.ρα)<ι>. The other two examples of Type A, and both examples of Type B
trochaic-paeonic responsion are found at Lysistrata 781 ff. = 805 ff., where the strophe
and antistrophe are also composed in trochaic, paeonic, and cretic sequences, with the
addition of spondees (|ll|) that punctuate larger metrical phrases. The semi-choruses
performing are the same old men and women who participate in the recitative exchange
involving the paeonic-trochaic substitution noted above. The examples are found at
Lysistrata 788 ~ 811 and 789 ~ 812, respectively:
The eta of δὴ undergoes “epic correption” (i.e., antevocalic shortening in phrasal context) before the
following αἴδ᾽, according to Parker. This is unusual in trochaic lyric, and it is not clear to me why we
should not simply take this as one of many examples where |lwll| corresponds with |lwlw|. The text
reads λέξειν. In order to capture the syllable boundary [lé], I print λέκσειν.
w w w||l l|
|l wl w||l
τοῖς ὄρεσιν ᾤκει· ~ Ἐρῑνύων ἀπορρώξ
w w w||l l|
|l w
l w||l
κἆτ᾽ ἐλαγοθήρει ~ οὕτος οὖν ὁ Τi</μων
The ww implementations are ὄ(ρε.σι)<ν> and ἐ(λα.γο)(θή)(ρει).
In Type B trochaic-paeonic responsion, the anceps position of the trochee is
implemented by a heavy syllable: |lwll| ~ |lwww|. There is a tendency among
metrists and editors not to class it together with Type A. West, for example, effectively
excludes it: “it seems to be just this paeonic form that has the special affinity with the
trochaic metron, as if lwxw was the essence of trochaic rhythm so far as comic
song/dance was concerned” (1982: 108). There is also a tendency among editors to
regard it as illegitimate, and therefore textually corrupt. The editorial treatment of
Lysistrata 785-786 ~ 808-809 reflects this. The received text is:
|l l| |l wl l||l
w w w||l l|
|l l| |l
w ww||l w
w w||ll|
οὕτως ἦν νεᾱνίσκος Μελανίων τις ~ Τi</μων ἦν τις ἀίδρῡτος ἀβάτοισιν
In this case, the first two syllables of (ἀ.ί)(δρῡ)το<ς> implement the ww sequence.
Bentley emended the antistrophe by changing the order to Τi</μων ἦν ἀίδρῡτός τις,
which results in perfect correspondence. The emendation is printed by Henderson, who
accepts Type A as legitimate, but not Type B.42 However, a second example immediately
follows it, at 787 ~ 810:
|l w l
| l w w
ἐρημίᾱν κἀν ~ περιειργμένος Ἐρῑνύων
Here, the ww sequence is not implemented by a (LL) foot, but the final syllable of
(πε.ρι)(ειργ)(μέ.νο)<ς> and the initial syllable of Ἐ(ρῑ)νύ(ω)<ν>.
There are several reasons to view Type A and Type B as a responsional class.
First, we encounter two cases of Type B trochaic-paeonic responsion in the same songs
that we find two examples of Type A. The overall rhythmic character of the songs is
trochaic-paeonic. Above, I defined inexact responsion as strophic correspondence of
underlyingly different metra, and we are in the process of exploring the nature of the
restrictions on surface similarity. Clearly Aristophanes strongly preferred (or required)
the surface correspondence to be exact with respect to syllable count, but it is not clear
what the further restrictions on similarity were. Descriptively, Type B trochaic-paeonic
responsion involves a surface form of the trochee that has the same syllable count as the
surface form of the paeon. The rejection of Type B as legitimate is made on the implicit
but unfounded assumption that |lwll| and |lwww| are too rhythmically different to be
legitimate. However, in the case of paeonic-dochmiac responsion examined below, we
Cf. the discussion at Parker (1997: 379). Zimmermann also prints Bentley’s emendation (1987: 65).
see different degrees of matching as well. There, both |lwwwwwww| and |wwwwwwww|
respond with paeonic dimeters of the shape |lwww||lwww|. The former dochmiac differs
from the paeonic dimeter with respect to the syllable weight of the fifth position, and the
latter, with respect to both the first and fifth positions. We have seen that in exact
trochaic-trochaic responsion, while Aristophanes preferred to match the surface rhythms
exactly, various degrees of surface identity are attested. We have every reason to expect,
I think, that if Aristophanes did prefer to match more than syllable count in inexact
responsion, the system of preferences would have worked much like it did in trocheetrochee responsion. Since the preferences there were not so strict as to completely rule
out a surface pairing like |lwlw| = |lwll|, so there is no a priori reason to expect a
Type B pairing to be ruled out either |lwll| ~ |lwww|. I sketch out the proposed parallel
between the types of responsion below:
Identical (as possible)
lwlw = lwlw
Not identical (as possible)
lwlw = lwll
lwll = lwll
Trochaic-paeonic (A) lwlw ~ lwww
(B) lwll ~ lwww
Paeonic-dochmiac (A) lwwwlwww ~ lwwwwwww (B) lwwwlwww ~ wwwwwwww
On this view exact and inexact responsion are variants of the same basic compositional
strategy, where Type B trochaic-paeonic responsion and Type B paeonic-dochmiac
responsion are the correlates of the surface mismatch of |lwlw| and |lwll| in trochaic-
trochaic responsion—the syllable count is as close as possible, but the distribution of
syllable weight is not.
In Table 12, I provide a tally of the ww sequences that are filled with a (LL) foot,
and and those which are not.
Table 12: ww implementation in trochaic-paeonic responsion
Other LL
Type A
lwlw ~ lwww
Type B
lwll ~ lwww
While the 5:1 implementation of ww with a (LL) moraic trochee in trochaic-paeonic
responsion is consistent with the hypothesis that foot structure contributed to greater
surface similarity between paeon and trochee, it cannot be shown that Aristophanes
aligned (LL) feet at the end of the paeonic metron more often than we would expect,
since word boundary between the final two syllables of the paeonic sequence (“split
resolution”) is generally avoided whether they are in responsion with trochees or not. At
most, one could argue that the avoidance of split resolution in the paeon contributed to
the rhythmic naturalness of trochaic-paeonic responsion. Paeonic-dochmiac responsion
provides a better testing ground for the hypothesis that Aristophanes actively arranged the
syllable groups.
2.8 Paeonic-dochmiac responsion
The polymorphous nature of the dochmiac provides for a more interesting case
study than the somewhat rigid paeon, with its two possible surface instantiations and the
constraint against split resolution. Essentially, the dochmiac’s flexibility allows us to test
whether Aristophanes went beyond matching the syllable count and actually used footbased syllable prominence to heighten the rhythmic resemblance between the dochmiac
and the paeonic dimeter. There are five types of paeonic-dochmiac responsion by surface
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D
Each dochmiac has either one or two ww sequences that correspond with the lw sequence
with which the paeon begins. As we did with the cases of trochaic-paeonic responsion,
we will tally how often Aristophanes filled those positions with (LL) feet. We then
collect all of the dochmiacs that have the same (Type A, B, C, or D) surface
instantiations, but do not respond with paeons, and perform the same tally. The
comparison allows us to check whether Aristophanes distributed (LL) feet differently in
dochmiacs that he placed in responsion with paeons or not. I divide both data sets into
two classes, one in which all of the relevant ww sequences are filled with (LL) feet, and
one in which they are not all filled with (LL) feet.
Five of the six cases of paeonic-dochmiac responsion are found at Birds 327 ff. =
343 ff. The inexact responsion runs from 333a-335 ~ 349a-351:
|l w
2 paeons
[lwt] [lwt]
w w w w w w|
|l w w
ww w|
ἐς δὲ δόλον ἐκάλεσε
οὔτε γὰρ ὄρος σκιερὸν
|w w w w
|l w
w w w w|
w w||l w ww|
παρέβαλέ τ᾽ ἐμὲ παρὰ
οὔτε νέφος αἰθέριον
|w w w w ww ww|
|l w w w||l w w w|
γένος ἀνόσιον ὅπερ
οὔτε πολιὸν πέλαγος
w w w w l|
|l w w w||lw l|
ἐξότ᾽ ἐγένετ᾽ ἐμοὶ
ἔστιν ὅ τι δέξεται
|w w ww w
w l|
πόλεμιον ἐτράφη.
w w||l w l|
τώδ᾽ ἀποφυγόντε με.
Cases where the foot structure follows straightforwardly from the presentation in Chapter
1 are: (ἐ.κά)(λε.σε), (γέ.νο)<ς>, (ἀ.νό)(σι.ο)<ν>, (πό.λε)(μι.ο)<ν>, and (ἐ.τρά)(φη). I
did not discuss Golston’s (1990) analysis of foot structure as it applies to clitic groups,
which I follow as well. Disyllabic enclitics, such as ἐμέ, are footed, whereas
monosyllabic enclitics, such as τε, are not. This follows from the requirement that the
minimum foot in Greek (and the minimum word) is bimoraic. The foot structure of the
clitic group παρέβαλέ τ᾽ ἐμὲ results from the phrasal compilation of (πα.ρέ)(βα.λε) + τε
+ (ἐ.μέ). Elision and resyllabification in phrasal context yields πα.ρέ.βα.λέ.τε.μέ.
I assume that the foot-based syllable prominence of citation forms is generally
preserved in phrasal context, in the same way that the position of the recessive accent
(also assigned on the basis of the citation form) is preserved. There are cases where
elision of a word-final vowel results in a kind of prominence clash, where we might
expect on typological grounds that there was a phrasal readjustment, as in the well-known
readjustment in English: thìrtéen + mén → thírtèen mén.43 The prominence relations in
ἐγένετ᾽ ἐμοί present precisely this sort of problem. After elision operates on
(ἐ.γέ)(νε.τo) + (ἐ.μο)<ί> in phrasal context, we predict ἐ.γέ.νε.τε.μοί. One could argue
that the strong syllable of the word-final foot would have been more prominent than the
strong syllable of the enclitic, and that -νε.τε- would thus have a strong-weak
relationship.44 On this view, -νετ᾽ ἐμοί would have had a strong-weak-strong rhythm to
match the corresponding δέξεται, but the case is relatively insecure.
The sole example of paeonic-dochmiac responsion outside of the Birds is found at
Wasps 339 ~ 370:
For a theory of phrase-level prosodic adjustments in Greek, cf. Devine and Stephens (1982; 1984: 114-
This would essentially be parallel to situations in English and other stress-based prosodic systems where
“clash” between contiguous primary and secondary stress is more readily permitted than clash between two
contiguous primary stresses.
w w w l|
w w w||l
w l|
τίνα πρόφασιν ἔχων; ~ ἀλλ᾽ ἔπαγε τὴν γνάθον.
Here, the first ww sequence is filled with a (LL) foot, but the second is not: (τί.να) but
πρό(φα.σι)ν ἔ(χω)<ν>. Thus, in four of the six dochmiacs involved in paeonicdochmiac responsion, all the ww sequences that respond with lw sequences are filled with
(LL) feet. In one case (ἐγένετ᾽ ἐμοί) the sequence may be filled with a strong-weak LL
sequence, and one case belongs to the group where the relevant ww sequences are not all
filled with a (LL) foot.
2.8.1 Dochmiacs not found in inexact responsion
Below, I present all of the dochmiacs that have the same surface instantiations,
but are not in paeonic-dochmiac responsion.45 These are either in (exact) dochmiacdochmiac responsion, or they are in monodes.
Type A comparanda
|lw w w w w w w|
Birds 1193 = 1265:
|l w w www w w|
a>έ) ρα περινέφελον = μηδέ τιν᾽ ἱερόθυτον
|l w ww w w w w|
Thesmophoriazusae 1026:
ἐφεστὼς ὀλοὸν ἄφιλον ἐκρέμασε
I omit Birds 1266 and Thesmophoriazusae 685-686, both of which are corrupt, rather than relying on one
of the emendations.
Type B comparanda
|w w
Birds 234:
w w w w w w|
ὅσα τ᾽ ἐν ἄλοκι θαμὰ
|w w w w
Birds 1194:
ww w w|
ὃν Ἔρεβος ἐτέκετο
|w w w w w w w
Acharnians 362 = 390:
ww w w|
w ww|
w w
w w w w|| w w
w w w
w ww|
ἄνομ᾽ ἄνομα πάθεα
Type D comparanda
| w w w w w w l|
Birds 239:
κλάδεσι νομὸν ἔχει,
|w w
Thesmophoriazusae 724:
w w w w l|
τάχα δὲ μεταβαλοῦσ᾽
|ww w w
Thesmophoriazusae 914:
w w w|
φέρε, σὲ κύσw, ἄπαγέ μ᾽ ἄπαγ᾽ ἄπαγ᾽ ἄπαγέ με
|w w
Thesmophoriazusae 1039a:
w ww|
λαβέ με, λαβέ με, πόσι
|w w
Thesmophoriazusae 915:
ἐπὶ κακὸν ἑτερότρος
Thesmophoriazusae 914:
w w w
πάνυ γὰρ ἐμέ γε πόθος = σκοτοδασυπυκνότριχά
|ww w w
Thesmophoriazusae 725:
w| = |w
w w l|
περίβαλε δὲ χέρας
Note that since the only dochmiac of the shape |lwwwwwl| is found in paeonic-dochmiac
responsion, there are no Type C comparanda.
Of the fifteen, there are three cases where the foot-based prominence follows
straighforwardly, and all relevant ww sequences are implemented with (LL) feet:
ἱ(ε.ρό)(θυτο)<ν>, (ὅ.σα) ... ἄ(λο.κι), (σκο.το)(δα.συ)(πυ.κνό)(τρι.χά)
There are ten cases where at least one (LL) implementation is lacking. I use the
shorthand notation “X but Y” for cases like ἐπὶ κακὸν ἑτερότρος (Thesmophoriazusae
725), where (ἐ.πὶ) gives a (LL) implementation, but ἑ(τε.ρό)(τρο.πο)<ς> does not, and
“X despite Y” for the reverse order:
ἄ(φι.λο)<ν>, ὃν Ἔ(ρε.βο)<ς> despite (ἐ.τέ)(κε.το), (πά.νυ) but (ε.μέ)γε, (ἐ.πὶ)
but ἑ(τε.ρό)(τρο.πο)<ς>, (λα.βέ)με but (λα.βέ)με, ἄ(νο.μ’) ... ἄνομα πά(θε.α),
ἄ(πα.γ’) ... ἄ(πα.γέ)με, κλά(δε.σι) ... (νο.μὸ)ν ἔ(χει), (τά.χα) but
(με.τα)βα(λοῦσ’), (πε.ρί)(βα.λε) but δὲ (χέ.ρα)<ς>
Three cases require some further discussion. Τhe foot structure of περινέφελον and
μεταβαλοῦσ’ involve a factor that is not treated by Golston (1990). There is evidence
from meter that disyllabic prefixes such as περι- and μετα- formed their own
phonological words and thus domains for footing in Greek, as also in Dutch, Italian,
Polish, etc.46 The evidence is twofold. In tragedy, leftward (i.e., onset to coda)
Cf. Booij (1999); Oostendorp (1999); Peperkamp (1997); Rubach and Booij (1990). This is especially
true of prefixes like περι- with enough phonological material to pass minimum word requirements. In
many languages, there is a minimum number of morae or syllables required of a lexical word. The
resyllabification of the first segment of a stem-initial muta cum liquida cluster across the
boundary between a prefix and stem (+) is avoided, as is leftward resyllabification across
word boundary (Devine and Stephens 1994: 35). The poets syllabify the clusters as if
they were word-initial:47
ἀπο+τρέ.που (Iphigenia Aulidensis 336)
ἀπο+τρο.πa>/ (Helena 360)
Second, in the stricter styles of the iambic trimeter, the poets avoided resolution of a
disyllabic prefix in LL+LH-shaped words such as ἀπο+λαβών.48 In this respect, too,
they treat the prefix-stem boundary like a word boundary (#), since resolution of LL#
sequences is likewise avoided.49 This points to a typologically common, compound-like
prosody, where two prosodic words are involved (square brackets enclose prosodic
[περι] [νέφελον]
[μετα] [βαλοῦσα]
Prosodic words are the domain for foot structure:
[(πε.ρι)] [νέ(φε.λο)<ν>]
[(με.τα)] [βα(λοῦ)σα]
The third case involves the prominence relationships in φέρε, σὲ κύσw. ἄπαγέ
(Thesmophoriazusae 915). There, the first ww sequence is implemented with (φέ.ρε).
standard analysis of word minima (McCarthy and Prince 1986) relates the restriction to foot structure: a
word must consist minimally of one foot. Thus, the bimoraic lexical word minimum in Greek points to
bimoraic feet (Golston 1991). For discussions of word minima, cf. Devine and Stephens (1994: 93),
Mester (1994: 20 ff.), and Hayes (1995: 47).
Exceptions to this are rare, but exist: ἀ.πό+τ.ρο.ποι (Phoenissae 586)
Cf. (Devine and Stephens 1984: 80-81; 1994: 149-150).
Devine and Stephens suggest that both reflect prosodic domain-final lengthening (loc. cit.).
The second presents a problem. In phrasal context, the final long vowel of κύ(σω) is
shortened before the initial vowel of ἄ(πα.γε) by “epic correption”. One could assume
that the the result was κύ.σο ἄ.πα.γε, i.e., that the second syllable retained its prominent
status, and that the resulting σο ἄ was a strong-weak LL sequence. It is hard to say what
sort of empirical evidence could be brought to bear on this question, so I will categorize
this example as insecure.
2.8.2 Comparison of foot distribution and conclusion
I sum up the results for comparison in Table 12, where δ ~ p represents the group
of dochmiacs that respond with paeons and δ elsewhere represents the control group of
dochmiacs in exact dochmiac-dochmiac responsion and in monodes, leaving out the two
cases labeled as insecure above.
Table 13: (LL) distribution in dochmiacs
(LL) in all ww
(LL) absent
δ elsewhere
We see that 80% of dochmiacs in responsion with paeons have a (LL) moraic trochee
implementing all the ww positions that respond with lw sequences in the paeonic dimeter,
whereas only 20% of the dochmiacs in the control group do. A Fisher’s Exact Test
shows that the distributional difference is statistically significant in a sample of this size
(p = 0.0307).50 The result is consistent with the hypothesis that Aristophanes arranged
words so as to align strong-weak rhythms based on foot structure with strong-weak
rhythms based on categorical syllable weight, i.e., that he preferred matching LL with HL
in inexact responsion. Clearly, it was not an absolute requirement, but this is consistent
with the way his surface-matching preferences worked in exact trochee-trochee
Strictly speaking, we should not include the one example of Type C paeonic-dochmiac responsion, since
there are no comparanda involving a dochmiac of the shape |lwwwwwl|. If we do not, the p-value sinks to
0.00903, i.e., the difference between the distributions is even more significant and thus remains consistent
with our hypothesis. If we include the two insecure cases discussed above, the difference becomes more
significant yet.
3. A new method of judging emendations to the Rigveda
3.1 Introduction
Prosody played a prominent role in the grammar of the poets who composed the
verses passed down to us in the Rigveda. They arranged their words and phrases into
rhythmic patterns that reveal a complex system of preferences that refer to various levels
of prosodic structure, of which the best understood are syllable weight and word
boundary. Despite the remarkably conservative oral tradition that preserved the hymns
over a long period and the impressive accuracy with which it was carried over into
writing, the study of Vedic meter has convincingly shown that the Saṃhitā text does not
perfectly reflect the compositions it transmits.51 In the following pages, we will see a
number of examples of such inaccuracies.
In the present study, I present a refined method of judging emendations to the
Saṃhitā text (henceforth S. text) that have been proposed because of a discrepancy
between the prosodic shape suggested by the spelling of a word and the location of that
word in the meter. Before introducing the method, I briefly exemplify the type of
discrepancy that motivates textual emendation. In the following pages, I will refer to the
prosodic shape reflected by the way a form is written in the S. text as its spelling shape,
and the shape of the emendation as its suggested shape. Thus, in pausa, the spelling
Grassmann (1873), Oldenberg (1888; 1909), Pischel and Geldner (1889), Arnold (1905), and Seebold
(1972) are several pioneering works in this area.
shape of the masc. nom. sg. of the adjective pāvakáḥ ‘pure’ is HLH. The first syllable pā
is heavy (H), the second syllable va is light (L), and the final syllable káḥ is heavy. The
suggested shape of the form, according to a universally accepted emendation pavākáḥ is
LHH. I will use light and heavy to refer to the prosodic shape of specific forms, and the
symbols w, l, and x (i.e., breve, longum, and anceps) to refer to metrical positions. We
can represent the pāda-final location of pāvakáḥ in the 11-syllable Triṣṭubh, for example,
as in (1).
(1) pāvakáḥ pāda-finally in the Triṣṭubh
Meter of Triṣṭubh positions 9-11: w l x
Spelling shape of the S. text form: H L H
Form: pā va káḥ
The word-initial HL-sequence is a very poor implementation of the breve-longum of the
meter, which are very strictly regulated verse-finally. The emendation to pavākáḥ*
(postposed asterisks mark emendations and restorations), which is based on the frequent
mismatches between meter and spelling shape of the sort shown in (1), yields the better
metrical fit given in (2).
(2) pavākáḥ* pāda-finally in the Triṣṭubh
Meter of Triṣṭubh positions 9-11: w l x
Suggested shape of the form:
Form: pa vā káḥ*
The method I will put forward in the following pages differs significantly from
the standard approach in that it takes every location in the verse into account, as opposed
to concentrating only on the stretches of the verse where the distribution of heavy and
light syllables is most strictly regulated, i.e., the cadence, as in (1) and (2), and to a lesser
extent, the post-caesural portion of trimeter verse. As an example, we may take the
metrical distribution of the set of inflectional forms of pāvaká- which have the spelling
shape HLH and suggested shape LHH (pāvakás, pāvakám, pāvaké, pāvakā́s, pāvakā́n). I
will refer to the set as HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká-, or as pāvakás-type forms.52
In 11-syllable verse, 28 HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- are attested. Of those, 22
are located pāda-finally, 5 are located immediately before the caesura 5|, and one is
located immediately before the caesura 4|. I give an example of each in (3), drawn from
an electronic version of the van Nooten and Holland (1994; henceforth vNH) metrically
Note that by this definition, forms are treated according to their surface shape, and as if in pausa. This
means that forms are excluded which underlyingly have the spelling shape HLH, but due to sandhi have the
shape HLL, such as pāvaká, which happens not to occur in 11-syllable verse, but occurs in 8- and 12syllable verse (3.27.4b, 7.15.10c, 8.13.19c, 9.24.7a) and includes forms that have the shape HLH in pausa,
but not in context, such as at 9.24.6c, where the word-final -o is presumably shortened by antevocalic
correption śúciḥ pāvakó ádbhutaḥ. One could argue for grouping the forms in other ways, e.g., in terms of
their underlying shape. The most important thing, though, is to define the groups consistently, such that in
general, what is included and excluded from the set of HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- (or whatever set of
forms is under consideration) by this particular definition is also included and excluded from the
restored text,53 which I alter in order to undo the emendation of pāvaká- to pavāká-*.
(The | represents caesura, and the || represents verse end.)
(3) pāvaká- locations in 11-syllable verse
pāda-final (22x)
ví yá inóti | ajáraḥ pāvakó || (6.4.3c)
before the caesura 5| (5x)
śúcim pāvakáṃ | ghṛtápṛṣṭham agním || (5.4.3b)
before the caesura 4| (1x)
yáḥ pāvakáḥ | purutámaḥ purū́ṇi || (6.6.2c)
I present the same data in Table 14, in which the columns refer to the metrical
positions, numbered 1-11, of the verse. In the row, pāvakás refers to the pāvakás-type
forms, i.e., the set of inflectional forms with the shape HLH/LHH.
The electronic text I use is derived from the text made available online by the University of Texas
Linguistics Research Center, Karen Thomson and Jonathan Slocum, which is itself virtually identical to the
vNH text, save for a number of (mostly typographical) corrections including, incidentally, correcting
inconsistencies in the emendation of pāvaká- to pavāká-*. I will refer to this as the UTvNH text where it is
necessary to distinguish it from the vNH text.
Table 14: Metrical distribution of pāvakás in 11-syllable verse54
Metrical Positions
1-3 2-4 3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8 7-9 8-10 9-11 Total
Reading the row from left to right, we see that a pāvakás-type form is never located
spanning positions 1-3 of the Triṣṭubh. It is located spanning positions 2-4 of the
Triṣṭubh once, spanning positions 3-5 five times, etc. Taking the entire metrical
distribution of the form or set of forms under consideration into account is a significant
improvement. As we will see in greater detail below, the poets located words according
to strong distributional tendencies even in the less strictly regulated portions of the verse
such as the opening. It is not accidental, for example, that the poets never located a
HLH/LHH form of pāvaká- pāda-initially in the Triṣṭubh. When composing in 11syllable meter, the Rigvedic poets located only 10% of the LHH-shaped words they used
in pāda-initial position.
The factors determining the location of particular word shapes in the less
regulated portions of the verse are far from being fully understood. Certainly,
preferences for syllable weight distribution play a role, though they are less strictly
adhered to than they are towards the end of the verse. Preferences for and against word
boundary in particular metrical positions, primarily the location of the caesura after the
Here and throughout, “11-syllable verse” refers to Triṣṭubh-type verse, such that 11-syllable verses that
are both located in a 12-syllable context and exhibit Jagatī-type cadences are excluded. For a list of such
verses, see Gippert (1997: 66-67).
fourth or fifth syllable in trimeter verse, are also involved, and while it would be overly
simplistic to view the opening as a kind of dumping ground for forms that are difficult to
locate in the break and cadence, it is clear that part of the reason why the poets rarely
placed certain word shapes in the opening was because those shapes filled out some
portion of the break or cadence so well, and vice versa. Using the method proposed here,
by considering the entire metrical distribution of a set of forms, we take these factors into
account whether we understand them or not. This allows us to better judge emendations
and restorations of forms that are infrequently found in the cadence, either because their
shape is not well suited for location in the cadence, or because the forms are infrequently
attested overall.
From a more general standpoint, considering the distribution across the entire
verse broadens the focus of inquiry, which is currently restricted to the comparison of a
form with a “yard-stick” representation of the more strictly regulated portions of the
meter (i.e., a conception in terms of breve, longum, etc.). Essentially, we turn our
attention to the compositional process that produced the verse in its entirety. This is not
at all to say that the type of comparison that focuses primarily on the rhythmic patterns in
the more regulated portions of the verse is poor. To the contrary, it has produced many
successful emendations, two of which we will confirm in sections §3.2 and §3.3. In fact,
the emendation of pāvaká- to pavāká-* is a kind of glänzende Bestätigung of the method.
As I demonstrate in the discussion of pīpiyānéva (§3.4), however, the danger associated
with operating with the yard-stick comparison and not considering word shape
distribution is to make emendations that result in a more regular rhythm in a short, strictly
regulated portion of the verse, but do not respect the composition of the verse as a whole.
If we are to continue to use the meter to probe what the prosodic shapes of various forms
were for the poets themselves, and if we are to do this in a conservative and accurate
manner, we must take the entire verse into account.
In order to put this desideratum into practice, we compare the metrical
distribution across the verse of the form or set of forms in question first to the metrical
distribution of all words that have its spelling shape, then again to the metrical
distribution of all words that have its suggested shape. After we have done this, we are in
a position to compare the distributions, and decide whether the form or set of forms in
question patterns with the one group or the other. Since it is easy to make impressionistic
errors when dealing with small samples such as the distribution of the pāvakás-type
forms presented above, we associate the differences in distributions with an objective,
statistically grounded numerical value (§3.2). While this sort of comparison would be
extremely tedious to do by hand, we are now in a position to do this with greater ease
with a digitalized corpus of the Rigveda, and a program that syllabifies and parses the
verses.55 In the following section, I demonstrate the method with pāvaká- as a kind of
control case, since it is agreed that the result should support the emendation to
I rely on a corpus based on the UTvNH text, and I use a Perl program created by Kevin Ryan (UCLA), to
whom I am indebted both for the programming and numerous substantive discussions of the project.
Ideally, the method would be applied to every item in the Rigvedic lexicon.
3.2 Exemplifying the method with a control case: pāvaká- and pavāká-*
In order to determine what prosodic shape HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- had for
the Vedic poets, we test whether the poets distributed HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- in the
verse as they distributed words of the shape HLH or as they distributed words of the
shape LHH. The method requires three sets of data. First, we need to know what the
metrical distribution of HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- was in a particular meter. This was
given in Table 14 above. Next, we need the same information for the location of all
HLH-shaped words and all LHH-shaped words in 11-syllable verse. I present these three
data sets in Table 15.
Table 15: Metrical distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
3-5 4-6
125 583 177
75 817
9-11 Total
25 1038 818
0 4392
6-8 7-9 8-10
Reading the table from left to right, beginning with the HLH row, we see that when
composing 11-syllable verse, the poets located 125 HLH-shaped words in pāda-initial
position, 583 spanning positions 2-4 (the vast majority of which are followed by the the
caesura 4|), 177 spanning positions 3-5 (followed by the caesura 5|), etc. The total
number of HLH-shaped words that the poets used in 11-syllable verse was 3216. A
glance at the LHH row tells us that the poets located 606 of a total of 6119 LHH-shaped
words pāda-initially, 75/6119 spanning positions 2-4, etc. Since the totals (28, 3216,
6119) differ so drastically, it is easier to view the same information in terms of the
proportion of forms that occur in each metrical location, as given in Table 16, where the
totals are retained in the rightmost column (N).
Table 16: Proportional distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words in 11syllable verse
Metrical Positions
7-9 8-10 9-11
pāvakás 0.00 0.04 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.79
0.04 0.18 0.06 0.01 0.32 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.01 3216
0.10 0.01 0.13 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.72 6119
With the exception of pāda-initial position, we see that the group of pāvakás-type forms
patterns far more closely with the LHH-shaped words with respect to metrical
distribution, not only in the more strictly regulated post-caesural portion of the line, but
throughout the entire verse, with the exception of the pāda-initial location. In the case of
pāvaká-, a word which is well attested and frequently located in the cadence, it is hardly
necessary to look beyond the cadence of the Triṣṭubh to come to the conclusion that the
word must have had the shape LHH for the poets. The Iranian cognates (Parthian pw’g
‘pure’, Farsi pāk ‘id.’) corroborate the view that the inherited form must indeed have
been pavāká-*, and a likely source of the transmission error has been identified in the
pāvaka- ‘fire’ of Classical Sanskrit (cf. AiGr 2,2: 266-267, EWAia s. v. PAVI, with refs.).
It is perhaps as sure a case for emendation as there could be.
It is worth pointing out, however, that using the method proposed here, we might
consider emending pāvaká- on the basis of the opening of the verse alone. Looking only
at the opening goes contrary to the point of taking the entire metrical distribution, and by
extension, more of the poets’ compositional process into account, but I would like to use
the opportunity to introduce Fisher’s Exact Test, as well as to show just how informative
the less regulated portions of the meter are. I give the token frequencies and percentages
for the opening alone in Table 17 and Table 18.
Table 17: Metrical distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words in the opening
of 11-syllable verse
Metrical Positions
3-5 Total
Table 18: Proportional distribution of pāvakás, HLH-, and LHH-shaped words in the
opening of 11-syllable verse
Metrical Positions
pāvakás 0.00 0.17 0.83
0.14 0.66 0.20
0.40 0.05 0.55 1498
If we had only this information available to us, e.g., if the post-caesural portion of every
Triṣṭubh line in the Rigveda had been tragically lost in transmission, we might notice that
HLH/LHH forms of pāvaká- pattern more closely with LHH-shaped words in two of the
three positions, but hesitate to assign either shape to the forms in question, because of the
small sample size. With only 6 attestations, what are the odds that these forms of
pāvaká- actually had the spelling shape HLH, but were distributed more like LHHshaped words by chance? The statistical test known as Fisher’s Exact Test (extended to
matched-length column tables) accounts for the small sample size and answers precisely
this question.
When we perform the Fisher’s Exact Test comparing the distribution of the
pāvakás-type forms and HLH-shaped words in the opening of the verse, the test yields a
value that reflects the probability that the distributional differences can be ascribed to
chance (a p-value). A p-value of 0.2 would inform us that (assuming that the pāvakástype forms have the same underlying distribution as all the other HLH-shaped words) if 6
of the pāvakás-type forms were distributed over and over in the opening of the verse,
there is a 20% chance that a distribution equally (or more) different from the overall
distribution of the HLH-shaped words would arise. In this study, I assume a standard
significance value of p = 0.05, which is to say that if the p-value is less than 0.05, the
distributional differences cannot be ascribed to chance, and if it is greater than 0.05, they
When we perform the test comparing the distribution of pāvakás-type forms and
HLH-shaped words in the opening of the Triṣṭubh, we are calculating the p-value on the
basis of the distributions shaded gray.
125 583 177
The test yields a p-value of 0.003. The distributions are significantly different. There is
only is a 0.3% chance that such differences could have arisen by chance. The test
comparing the distribution of pāvakás-type forms and LHH-shaped words yields a pvalue of 0.05529, which is to say that the differences are not significant at the p = .05
level, but very nearly so. We will see below that taking factors such as morphosyntax
and formulaics into account in addition to word shape often explains the sorts of
differences we see between the distribution of pāvakás-type forms and LHH-shaped
words in this case. The basic point here is that the distribution of pāvakás-type forms in
the opening of the Triṣṭubh—part of the verse that is usually left completely out of
consideration when metrical evidence for or against an emendation is being weighed—
might lead us to consider emending the form.
That said, we want to take as much data as possible into account, and in the case
of pāvaká-, we have much more data to judge the distributions by than the opening of the
Triṣṭubh verse. A Fisher’s Exact Test comparing the distribution of forms like pāvakás
across the entire verse with the distribution of HLH-shaped forms across the entire verse
yields a p-value of less than 2.2e-16 (i.e., 2.2 times 10-16). The differences in distribution
across the entire verse are highly significant. The same test comparing the distribution of
forms like pāvakás with LHH-shaped words across the entire Triṣṭubh verse yields a pvalue = 0.36. The distribution of forms like pāvakás is not significantly different than
that of LHH-shaped words. They would arise by chance 36% of the time. Below, we
will see that in practice, p-values reflecting highly significant distributional differences
generally reflect that the forms in question had a different prosodic shape for the poets
than is suggested by the S. text spelling, whereas non-significant distributional
differences typically arise from non-prosodic factors affecting the compositional process,
such as morphosyntax and formulaics. We will also see that in extreme cases, nonprosodic factors can lead to significant differences as well, with the result that the form in
question is distributed differently from both sets of comparanda.
3.3 A second case: pīpāya and the emendation pipāya*
In 1901, Oldenberg expressed the opinion that the 3sg. perf. indic. act. to payi‘swell’, pīpā́ya and unaccented pīpāya, should be read with a short reduplication vowel,
as pipāya. (I will use pīpāya to refer to both the accented and unaccented 3sg. forms.)
He provides a brief descriptive sketch of the textual state of affairs that motivates the
emendation (Oldenberg 1901: 299):
pīpā́ya (resp. pīpāya) steht an 5 unter 10 Stellen so dass das Metrum
Kürze der ersten Silbe verlangt; von den übrigen 5 Stellen sind 4
metrisch indifferent, eine (VIII, 29, 6) spricht, wenn auch nicht mit
Bestimmtheit, eher für die Kürze. Also wird pipāya zu schreiben sein.
Noting the emendation again in passing (1906: 161), Oldenberg added that the source of
interference in transmission may well have been pīpayat and related verbal forms that
have a long reduplication vowel but do not belong to the inflectional paradigm of the
perfect. This would be somewhat parallel to the change of pavāká-* to pāvaká- in
transmission, where the probable source of interference has been identified in Classical
Sanskrit pāvaka- ‘fire’.57
I cite the 10 occurrences of pīpāya in the Rigveda below, drawing again from the
electronic version of the vNH text. I undo the subset of attestations where vNH emend
pīpāya to pipāya, and refer the reader to the footnotes regarding the inconsistencies in the
vNH text and in their Metrical Notes. The occurrences where Oldenberg considered the
meter to require a light first syllable are the following 5, where the form occurs pādafinally in Triṣṭubh verse. I group the attestation at 4.3.9d, a pāda with ten syllables,
together with the other four 11-syllable pādas, since from a compositional standpoint, the
post-caesural portion of the pāda, the portion where pīpāya is located, is compositionally
Arnold independently suggested the same emendation (1905: 128).
equivalent to a Triṣṭubh {break + cadence} that normally follows the caesura 5|. The
raised dot marks the “rest”.58
Pāda-final location (5x)59
1.181.8c vṛ́ṣā vāṃ meghó vṛṣaṇā pīpāya ||
4.3.9d jā́maryeṇa • páyasā pīpāya ||
6.44.21c vṛ́ṣṇe ta índur vṛṣabha pīpāya ||
6.66.1c márteṣu anyád doháse pīpā́ya ||
7.27.4c ánūnā yásya dákṣiṇā pīpā́ya ||
Given the poets’ relatively strict preference for the rhythm lwlx|| at the close of the
Triṣṭubh, these five occurrences are strong evidence that the form had a weight template
LHL for the poets who composed the pādas, not the HHL shape suggested by the spelling
pīpāya in the S. text. The occurrence where Oldenberg thought the meter suggested, but
It is also possible to read jā́mariyeṇa* with Grassmann (1873, s. v.), but the form is a hapax. From the
standpoint of word shape distribution, this metrical location would be unremarkable for a word of the shape
HHHL, about 75% of which are so located in 11-syllable verse, as well as for a word of the shape HHLHL,
about 88% of which are so located in 11-syllable verse.
Unfortunately, the editorial treatment of the 3sg. act. perfect forms is inconsistent in the vNH text. At
1.181.8c, vNH print pipāya*, and in the Metrical Notes, the editors reference Arnold’s statement cited
above. In the second case, at 4.3.9d, vNH print pipāya, but in the Metrical Notes, they treat it as if they
have chosen to print the pīpāya of the S. text. The entry reads “9d Tr. 10 syllables. Uncommon opening:
uwwl. Rare cadence: lllu.” The note suggests that vNH read jā́mariyeṇa*, though they print jā́maryeṇa.
(They treat the 5th syllable as part of the break, even when it precedes the caesura.) In the following two
cases (6.44.21c, 6.66.1c), the editors print pīpāya and pīpā́ya respectively. In the Metrical Notes, they
refer to the rare cadence, without reference to Arnold, and in the final case (7.27.4c), they print pīpā́ya,
refer to the cadence as rare in the note, and refer to Arnold.
did not require, a light first syllable is at 8.29.6a, where pīpāya is located after the
caesura 4| in a Jagatī pāda.
Location after the caesura 4| (1x)60
8.29.6a pathá ékaḥ | pīpāya táskaro yathāṁ̆
Oldenberg’s logic is that after the caesura 4|, the rhythm wlw is 4 or 5 times as common
as llw.61 Therefore, all else being equal, it is more likely that a form in that position had
the shape LHL than HHL. I will return to this in the discussion of pīpiyānéva below
(§3.4). The remaining forms are located in the opening of trimeter verse.
Location in the opening62
pāda-initial (2x)
1.153.3a pīpā́ya dhenúr áditir ṛtā́ya
6.10.3a pīpā́ya sá śrávasā mártiyeṣu
spanning positions 2-4 (1x)
2.2.9b dhī́ṣ pīpāya | bṛháddiveṣu mā́nuṣā
There, vNH print pipāya, “to avoid the uncommon break”.
I say 4 or 5x, because it is not possible to tell on the basis of vNH’s table (p. xviii), due to a misprint.
Both rhythms wlw and lll are represented as lll there.
There, vNH print received pīpāya and pīpā́ya in all cases. There is no note regarding the form at
1.153.3a. The relevant note to 2.2.9b reads “pipāya for S. pīpāya (Arnold) not necessary in this position.
However, in other positions in the line pīpāya should be scanned with a light first syllable.” There is no
comment regarding the forms at 2.35.7b or 6.10.3a.
spanning positions 3-5 (1x)
2.35.7b svadhā́m pīpāya | subhú ánnam atti
The proposed emendation has escaped notice, to some extent. It is not noted by
Mayrhofer (EWAia s. v. PAYI), and Krisch (1996: 50) treats pīpāya as a long
reduplicated perfect that displays a phonologically conditioned alternation of the
reduplication vowel, such that the reduplication vowel is long / __ CV (pīpay-, pīpāy-,
pīpi-), but short / __ CC (pipy-). Kümmel, however, both notes the proposed emendation
and argues that no reduplicated form that can securely be assigned to the perfect stem is
located in the meter in a position that points to a reduplicant pī- (2000: 298), though he
lists the root payi- among the group of roots that exhibit long reduplication in the perfect
and share the full grade root shape CaUi- (2000: 22).
The proposed emendation of pīpāya to pipāya* presents us with a somewhat more
interesting case than that of pāvaká- to pavāká-*, since it may be possible to extend the
emendation to other forms of the perfect. It also raises a potential complication, since the
reduplicant may not have had a constant prosodic shape. In the case of pāvaká-, we took
a group of inflectional forms that either all had the spelling shape HLH or the suggested
shape LHH. The stem, to be sure, did not exhibit an alternation such as pāvaká- ~
pavāká-. If in fact the perfect to payi- belonged to the recessive class of long reduplicated
perfects—and this itself is uncertain, as Kümmel points out—it is prima facie possible
that the perfect stem did exhibit stem alternation. Of the long reduplicated perfects, there
are two major types. There is a minority type, which exhibits an inner-paradigmatic
quantitative alternation of the reduplication vowel, which is morphologically conditioned,
such that the strong stem exhibits a short reduplication vowel (vavardha, yuyodha), and
the weak stem exhibits a long reduplication vowel (vāvṛdhvā́ṃsam, yūyudhuḥ*).63 It is
unlikely that the perfect forms to payi- exhibit this sort of alternation, which in the
Rigveda is restricted to roots of the shape CaRC- ~ CṚC- (where R represents a
There are, however, other possible processes that may have left various forms of
the perfect to payi- with stem allomorphs that differed with respect to the length of the
reduplication vowel. These seem to have conspired to eliminate ante-consonantal perfect
stem allomorphs of the shape CŪCŪ- (where U = high vowel) either via shortening of the
reduplication vowel, yielding CUCŪ- (e.g., ninī-, bibhī-), or via shortening of the root
vowel, yielding CŪCU- (e.g., dīdi-, dīdhi-). While the history of these changes is not
particularly clear, they may have affected forms of the perfect to payi-, including the
active participle pīpivā́ṃsam, which occurs twice, in pāda-initial position of a Triṣṭubh
and Gāyatrī verse (5.76.1d, 7.96.6a), and it is thinkable that an allomorph pīpi-, originally
phonologically regular in ante-consonantal position (e.g., in pīpivā́ṃsam), might have
yūyudh-* is itself an emendation for the yuyudh- of the S. text, which is highly secure, and goes back to
Arnold. See also Krisch (1996: 27) and Kümmel (2000: 409) for discussion. The rhythmic distribution
proposed for the alternation in these stems by KuryLowicz (1956: 341 ff.) fails to capture forms such as
As I argue elsewhere (2009), this type originated in perfects formed to Indo-Iranian roots with a
laryngeal + sonorant onset.
been extended to the perfect middle participle pīpiyānā́, which occurs at 3.33.10c,
immediately following the caesura 4|.
ní te naṃsai | pīpiyānéva yóṣā
For further discussion of this form, see section §3.4 below.
In order to apply our method, we must take care to choose as large a group of
perfect forms as possible that both occur in the same meter and are not affected by
processes that would secondarily yield a short reduplication vowel. The most robust
group of this sort are the 8 3sg. act. forms cited above that occur in the Triṣṭubh. These
have the spelling shape HHL, and the suggested shape LHL. The relevant metrical
distributions are given in Table 19 and Table 20 below.
Table 19: Metrical distribution of pīpāya, HHL-, and LHL-shaped words in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
3-5 4-6 5-7 6-8
7-9 8-10
9-11 Total
505 136 658
1 120
18 210
3 2196
32 556
Table 20: Proportional distribution of pīpāya, HHL-, and LHL-shaped words in 11syllable verse
Metrical Positions
7-9 8-10 9-11
pīpāya 0.25 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.63
0.35 0.09 0.46 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.01 1441
0.15 0.01 0.16 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.06 0.00 0.62 3565
It is quite clear that pīpāya patterns more closely with the LHL-shaped words than with
the HHL-shaped words. Given that the poets located roughly half of all HHL-shaped
words immediately preceding the caesura 5| in 11-syllable verse—a portion of the verse
that is usually not taken into consideration when judging metrically motivated
emendations—we would expect more forms of pīpāya in that position. And we would of
course expect fewer forms of pīpāya in pāda-final position. In pāda-initial position, the
percentage of pīpāya forms lies between the percentage of HHL- and LHL-shaped words,
and in the location spanning positions 2-4, where the overall location of HHL- and LHLshaped words differs significantly as well, pīpāya does not occur, apparently patterning
with the LHL-shaped words. Once again, however, we should ask what it means for 25%
of pīpāya forms to be attested in pāda-initial position, and 0% spanning positions 2-4,
given that the total number of occurrences in the Triṣṭubh is 8. Fisher’s Exact Test takes
the sample size into account, and a comparison of the metrical distribution of pīpāya with
that of HHL-shaped words yields a p-value of 6.347e-08. The probability that the
differences in distribution would arise by chance in this sample size is infinitesimal. A
comparison of the metrical distribution of pīpāya with that of LHL-shaped words yields a
p-value of 0.8773, meaning that distributional differences of that magnitude or greater
would arise by chance about 88% of the time.
In sum, the close distributional agreement throughout the verse between pīpāya
and the class of LHL-shaped words provides extremely strong evidence that the
reduplication vowel of the forms located in the opening of the verse was short as well. If
we recall Oldenberg’s argument for the emendation, that 5 of the 10 forms required a
short vowel, a sixth suggested it, and the rest were metrically indifferent, we get a sense
of the increased potential of the method proposed here. Essentially, we may now say that
all 10 forms require the emendation, and none is indifferent, and bring confirmation to
Oldenberg’s suggestion.
3.4 A closer look at pīpiyānéva
In the case of pīpāya, the proposed method allowed us to extend our editorial reach
into the opening of the verse with more security. In this section, I attempt to show how
the method requires a more conservative treatment of material in the latter part of the
verse. In pointing out that there is no strong metrical evidence for a long reduplication
vowel in any perfect formed to payi-, Kümmel briefly discusses the location of all of the
forms that can securely be assigned to the perfect stem (as opposed to the reduplicated
aorist pīpay(a)-), and claims that “das Ptz. Med. pīpiyāná- steht nach der Zäsur, was eine
Lesung *pipiyº begünstigt” (2000: 298). While this claim is in perfect keeping with the
usual method of judging emendations by the meter, and Kümmel should not be faulted
for it in any way, it is incorrect, and serves to exemplify a case where we come to a very
different conclusion once we take word shape into account. I repeat the verse:
ní te naṃsai | pīpiyānéva yóṣā (3.33.10c)
Kümmel’s claim is based on the fact mentioned above, that following the caesura 4|, the
rhythm wwl is much more common than the rhythm lwl. We can represent this in yardstick format as 4| uwl, reflecting that following the caesura 4|, positions 5-7 of the
Triṣṭubh are filled with a LLH sequence of syllables (four times) more frequently than
they are filled with a HLH sequence. I schematize Kümmel’s implicit assumption in (4).
(4) Since we find
four caesura 4| wwl
for every
caesura 4| lwl
we would also expect
more caesura 4| [LLHHL]word than
caesura 4| [HLHHL]word
The main methodological point I would like to make is that it does not necessarily follow
from the yard-stick (uwl), which represents the average frequency of heavy and light
syllables in particular metrical positions, that a word of the shape LLHHL is preferred to
a word of the shape HLHHL following the caesura 4|. In Table 21, we see that in 11syllable meter, LLHHL- and HLHHL-shaped words occupy one of two positions in the
verse. They either span positions 1-5 or 5-9, which is to say that they are either pādainitial, or occur immediately following the caesura 4|.
Table 21: Metrical distribution of HLHHL- and LLHHL-shaped words in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
5-9 Total
Table 22: Proportional distribution of HLHHL- and LLHHL-shaped words in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
0.90 183
While LLHHL-shaped words are roughly twice as common as HLHHL-shaped words in
11-syllable verse, we see from Table 22 that they are distributed with nearly identical
frequency in the same locations in the Triṣṭubh. While it is true that following the
caesura 4|, the rhythm wwl is 4 or 5 times more common than the rhythm lwl, words of
the shape LLHHL and HLHHL are equally common following the caesura 4|, despite the
fact that they result in precisely those post-caesural rhythms. By taking word shape into
account, in this case, we come to a much more conservative conclusion than we do if we
only consider the frequency with which particular metrical positions are filled with heavy
and light syllables. While the yard-stick comparison seems to invite an emendation of
pīpiyanéva to pipiyanéva*, once we consider how the poets located words, we see that
the evidence from versification does not favor either the S. text reading or the
emendation. We are left to decide on other grounds whether or not the form had a long
reduplication vowel.65
3.5 The evidence for laryngeals making position in vedic meter
It was first suggested by KuryLowicz (1927: 240) and later independently by
Schindler (cf. Gippert 1999: 97) that certain sequences that are spelled -VCV- in the S.
text, but derive from earlier *-VCHV- sequences (where H represents a laryngeal), still
reflect a syllabification -VC.HV- in their distribution in Vedic meter. According to this
view, the laryngeal, or some later non-syllabic segmental development thereof, is still
reflected in the metrical distribution of certain words in the Rigveda. Since it is not clear
exactly what phonetic value the laryngeal or its later reflex would have had at the time
when the Vedic hymns were composed, I represent it with x in proposed emendations,
where x stands for a non-syllabic segment whose other features are not known. Thus, if
we assume that the noun meaning ‘person’, which is spelled jána- in the S. text, and
derives from Indo-Iranian *jánHa-, was syllabified ján.xa-* at the time of the
composition of a verse such as 6.11.4d
añjánti suprayásam páñca jánāḥ
I would like to note the potential application of the method proposed here to the problem of deciding
between “alternative resolutions” (cf. vNH: ix). In the vNH text, the choice is based on the yard-stick
approach, which potentially results in word locations that were not actually favored by the poets.
then páñ.ca ján.xāḥ gave a regular (i.e., very frequent) verse-final rhythm lwlx||, while
the prosody suggested by the S. text spelling páñ.ca já.nāḥ gives an irregular (i.e., much
less common) cadence lwwx||. (The || represents verse end.) According the the tallies in
vNH (p. xvii), the rhythm lwlx|| outnumbers lwwx|| in 8-syllable verse by a ratio of
approximately 100:1.
Neither KuryLowicz nor Schindler published an extensive study of these putative
effects, and despite two relatively recent article-length treatments by Gippert (1997;
1999), which I return to immediately below, it remains unclear how extensively
*-VC.HV- syllabification is reflected in the Rigveda. We know that at some point
between the Indo-Iranian proto-language and Classical Sanskrit, *-VC.HV- sequences
developed into -V.CV- sequences, which is to say that eventually, the laryngeal was lost
in that context without any lasting effect on the weight of the preceding syllable.66 The
heavy status of the first syllable of the *-VC.HV- sequence did not survive into Classical
Sanskrit via compensatory lengthening, or any other process of moraic preservation. The
S. text spelling of the relevant sequences reflects the -V.CV- state of affairs. Given this
I should clarify by saying that in Classical Sanskrit, the laryngeal was lost without having any effect on
syllable weight at the level of the binary opposition between heavy and light syllables. For syllable weight
differences at the sub-categorical level in Classical Sanskrit, cf. Ryan (2009; forthcoming). Interestingly,
Ryan demonstrates that th in the context V_V was more geminate-like than t in the same context, so that
while th was not enough like a geminate to cause the first syllable in a VthV sequence to be heavy, poets
avoided placing such syllables in crucially light positions of the meter. One possible explanation of the
geminate-like quality of th would be its historical origin as a bi-segmental sequence *th2, and the same
explanation could be extended to the behavior of all of the voiceless aspirated stops such as the ph of śaphá‘hoof’ < *CaphHá- < * kopHó-, and the kh of sákhi- ‘companion’ < *sákhHa- < *só/ékwHi-.
development and chonological trajectory, it is logically possible that the evidence from
Rigvedic meter could reflect a stage of development anywhere between *-VC.HV- and
*-V.CV-. At the one extreme, words like jána- ‘person’ and rátha- ‘chariot’ would have
always had a heavy first syllable for the poets (i.e., *ján.xa-, *ráth.xa-). At the other
extreme, the hypothesis that laryngeals make position in Vedic meter is false, and words
like jána- and rátha- always had a light first syllable for the poets, just as they do in
Classical Sanskrit verse. The meter could also reflect any number of intermediate stages
of development. The laryngeal-induced effects on syllabification could be restricted to
some subset of -VCV- < *-VCHV- strings, and this subset could in theory be
circumscribed in any number of ways: phonologically (e.g., restricted to word-initial
syllables), morpho-syntactically (e.g., restricted to nouns), lexically, etc., or some
combination thereof. The fact that we have to do with an oral poetic tradition could
complicate matters in an interesting way. It seems perfectly possible that the effects were
(in part) limited to traditional words and phrases, for example, and the older
syllabification could well have been retained as a prosodic option. (This could be viewed
as a type of lexical restriction, assuming the phrases in question were lexicalized in the
poetic grammar.) This was more or less the scenario envisioned by KuryLowicz.
If this hypothesis is correct, a form like jána- is like pāvaká- insofar as its spelling
in the S. text does not reflect the prosodic shape that the form had for the poets, but while
the error in transmission of pāvaká- was presumably restricted to that one lexical item,
the putative scansions reflecting laryngeal effects may in fact involve a much more
widespread discrepancy between word shape as reflected in the S. text and word shape as
reflected by the way the poets located forms in the meter. The question of how
widespread these effects are is therefore of interest for those concerned with the history
and the restoration of the text of the Rigveda, as well as for those concerned with the
historical phonology of Indo-Iranian and Indo-European languages. In this section, I will
suggest some ways in which the comparison of word shape distribution can be applied to
this question.
The hypothesis that *-VC.HV- sequences were all retained as *-VC.xV- at the
time of composition is implicit in, or at least compatible with the only detailed treatments
of the topic, namely Gippert’s two articles just mentioned (1997; 1999). I should
explicitly state that Gippert (unlike KuryLowicz) does not discuss what sort of
compositional scenario his analysis is compatible with. Instead of running the risk of
misrepresenting the author’s views, I present a brief review of his articles coupled with a
discussion of his method and what I take the implications of his approach to be for our
understanding of Rigvedic composition.
3.5.1 Gippert 1997
In his 1997 article, Gippert treats a corpus of Triṣṭubh verses that exhibit the
irregular (i.e., less frequently attested) verse-final rhythm wx||, according to the scansion
suggested by the S. text. The usual closing rhythm lx|| outnumbers wx|| by
approximately 70:1.67 After excluding cases that are generally agreed to require
emendation/restoration, the corpus numbers 215 verses.68 Gippert then proceeds to
identify 100 cases that would scan with the far more frequent closing rhythm l x ||, on
the hypothesis that every -VCV- sequence in those cadences that continues an earlier
*-VCHV- sequence was syllabified as -VC.xV-. These 100 putatively regular cadences
include cases where there is general agreement among Indo-Europeanists that the string
in question was *-VCHV- in Indo-Iranian, e.g., 5 forms of rátha- ‘chariot’ < *RathHa-, as
well as cases where the reconstruction of a *-VCHV- sequence is tenuous at best, such as
the locative of the word for ‘day’ áhan, which occurs 3 times verse-finally in Triṣṭubh
meter, on the basis of which Gippert suggests an Indo-Iranian pre-form *ájhHan.69 In
closing, Gippert tentatively suggests a number of ways in which further irregular
cadences not involving *-VCHV- strings could be explained as rhythmically regular,
This figure is derived from the tallies in vNH (p. xvii).
The cases Gippert excludes are pāvaká- for pavāká-*, nṛṇā́m for n8ṇā́m* ~ n8ṇáam*, -VchV- for
-VcchV-*, and -Vḷ(h)V- for -Vḷ(h)V-*, -VẓḍV-*, vel sim.
Note that in the case of áhan, Gippert offers no evidence for the laryngeal aside from the irregular
rhythm. The logic is perfectly circular. The 100 cases also include a small set of cases where Gippert
suggests regularity arising from laryngeal effects that do not involve *-VCHV- strings, which I exclude
from the discussion, such as one verse-final instance of vi var, where Gippert suggests reading vī var* <
*wi Hwar, and five instances where he suggests reading iṣīrá-*, with ī < *H, for trisyllabic verse-final
forms of iṣirá- ‘lively’, contra Jamison (1988: 222 and fn. 16). Note, however, that if we follow Gippert’s
approach, we would actually expect iṣirá- not to have a putative light-heavy onset, but rather a heavy-light
onset, due to the development of *(H)išHrá- > *(H)iš.H0.rá-, as in his reconstructed development of
*pRthHwíH > *pRth.H0.wíH and *dhughHtár- > *dhugh.H0.tár-. That is, they should all involve the same
development of *-VCHCV- > *-VC.H0.CV-.
leaving the reader with the impression that he may well be of the opinion that the cadence
rhythms of Rigvedic verse were all but completely regular.
Of the 100 Triṣṭubh cadences that Gippert claims are regular, the following items
occur 5 times or more: sákhi- ‘companion’ < *sákhHi- (6x); jána- ‘person’ < *jánHa(13x); rátha- ‘chariot’ < *RáthHa- (15x); and superlatives formed with the suffix -tama(20x), which Gippert derives from *-tmHo-, a reconstruction that I would consider to be
insecure.70 All together, these constitute roughly half of the cases that Gippert would
explain as regular due to laryngeal effects. The other items involved are attested fewer
than 5 times, and often, just once.
We may now ask what sort of compositional scenario Gippert’s analysis is
compatible with. Descriptively, his analysis requires that the poets knew in each of these
cases where the Indo-Iranian laryngeals were, and where they were not. In my
understanding, this implies that for the poets, either the laryngeals or their segmental
reflexes were still phonologically present in the context -VC_V-. If the laryngeals had
already been lost without a prosodically relevant trace in that context, it strikes me as
For the morphophonological history of rátha-, see Nussbaum apud Rieken (2003: 47, fn. 39) and for that
of sákhi-, Nussbaum apud Rau (forthcoming). From an inner-Indo-Iranian point of view, the superlative
formant -tama- could reflect either *-tmHa-, *-tm(m)a-, with a prevocalic syllabic nasal, or *-tama-. If the
formant derives from *-tmHo-, we might expect better evidence for Italic *-tamo-, but Latin -timus and
Old Latin -tumus seem to point to Italic *-tomo- < *-tm(m)o-, with the developments of prevocalic m >
om, as in homō ‘man’ < *Gm(m)ō (Brent Vine, p. c.). See also Nishimura (2004, with refs), and Weiss
(2009: 105, 357).
highly unlikely that the poets would have known exactly which -VCV- sequences derived
from *-VCHV- sequences.
The next question we may ask is whether Gippert’s analysis actually provides
evidence for a stage of composition where laryngeals were still present in the context
-VC__V-. This depends entirely on his implicit assumption that the cadence is just that
much more regular than it would appear from the S. text. If we do not agree on that, then
his analysis could be viewed as a circular exercise that involves re-inserting reconstructed
Indo-Iranian laryngeals in Rigvedic forms wherever they yield a more regular cadence,
the only confirmation of their presence being the more regular cadence rhythm itself.
There are several sources of evidence that might be brought to bear on the question of
just how regular we expect the cadence to be. First there is the diachronic comparison
between Avestan and Vedic meter.71 This would specifically involve the comparison of
Avestan 4 + 7 syllable meter (i.e., 11 syllable meter with a caesura after the fourth) with
the Triṣṭubh.72 If it could be established on the basis of that comparison that we should
expect early Indic verse to have inherited more regular cadence rhythms than we observe
in the S. text from the Indo-Iranian poetic tradition, that would constitute good evidence.
The comparison is vexed, though, mostly by the limited size of the Avestan metrical
For a convenient overview of the literature, cf. Korn (1998: 22-23, 25-29). Cf. also Westphal (1860:
449-458), Geldner (1877: i-xv), Bartholomae (1886: 1-31), Meillet (1925: 37 ff.), Oldenberg (1888: 43 ff.),
KuryLowicz (1952: 438 ff.; 1975: 102 ff.), Gippert (1988).
It is not even agreed upon whether this 11-syllable meter, with a caesura after the fourth syllable, found
in the Gāθā uštavaiti (Y. 43-46) and the Gāθā sp0ṇtā.mainiiuš (Y. 47-50), is to be directly equated with the
Triṣṭubh. Cf. especially the views of Gippert (1988), which are based in part on word shape distribution.
corpus and our relatively poor understanding of Avestan prosody. There are a number of
ways of understanding the Avestan data, and even more ways of reconciling this with
Vedic meter. In any case, we cannot bring the evidence from diachronic metrics to bear
on the question with any decent degree of certainty. We might also look to metrical
typology for an answer. While there is a general (perhaps universal) tendency for
metrical requirements to become more strict towards the end of a verse, syllable weight
distribution in Vedic meter follows this pattern whether we assume laryngeal effects on
scansion or not, and it is important to keep in mind that Gippert’s approach to the
Triṣṭubh cadence would result (at best) in an increase in the ratio of verse-final lx|| to
verse-final wx|| from approximately 70:1 to 130:1. The cadence, even without any of the
suggested emendations, is more strictly regulated than the break, which is in turn more
strictly regulated than the opening of the verse. To my mind, the question of just how
much more regular we would expect the Triṣṭubh cadence to be remains open.
3.5.2 Gippert 1999
Gippert’s 1999 inquiry proceeds along similar lines. There, Gippert collects all
the -v(T)hi- sequences (Gippert’s notation for short vowel + aspirated stop or h + i) that
occur in the rightmost ictus position in both dimeter and trimeter meters, which is to say
that they occur in the metrical position where the preference for a heavy syllable was
strongest. There are 38 such cases. The Gāyatrī verse 3.59.7c is one such case.
abhí śrávobhiḥ pṛthivī́m
There, the sequence -ṛthi- of pṛthivī́m ‘earth’ (acc.) is located in the rightmost ictus
(position 6 in Gāyatrī). If pṛthivī́m in 3.59.7c had the LLH prosodic shape suggested by
its spelling in the S. text and by its LLH shape in Classical Sanskrit verse, then this
Gāyatrī verse had a rare verse-final rhythm wwx||.
w l
w l ||
a.bhí ś.rá.vo.bhiḥ. pṛ.thi.vī́m
If, however, we assume that at the time of the composition of this verse, the ‘earth’ word
retained the HLH shape of the reconstruction *pRth.Hə.wī́m (< I-E *plth2wīm) then the
verse would have had a far more regular (i.e., more frequently attested) verse-final
rhythm lwl||.
w l
w l ||
a.bhí ś.rá.vo.bhiḥ. pṛth.Xi.vī́m*
Gippert explains all but 6 of the 38 cases of this sort as due to the effects of laryngeals on
syllabification, again with the reconstruction of a laryngeal being more secure in some
cases than others. This would (at best) result in an increase in the ratio of lwx|| to wwx||
from approximately 25:1 to 29:1. Again, it is unclear whether we should assume that the
cadence was that much more regular than it would appear from the S. text, and whether it
is significant that 32 of the 38 -v(T)hi- sequences found there contained laryngeals, since
laryngeals are one of the historical sources of both the aspiration of stops (whence also
“plain” h via deocclusion of voiced aspirated stops) and the vowel i (cf. duhitár-
‘daughter’ < Early I-Ir *dhughHtár- < I-E *dhugh2tér-).73 Gippert himself raises the latter
point. Most of the lexical items involved occur just once in the relevant metrical
positions. In 8-syllable verse, the forms found most frequently are 5 inflectional forms of
dhā- ‘put’ (dadhiṣe, dadhire), 4 forms of pṛthivī́(m) ‘earth’, and 2 forms of duhitár‘daughter’.
There is a further important point to make regarding pṛthivī́ and duhitár- (on
dadhiṣe and dadhire see below). The putative *-VCHV- sequence in these two forms has
a different phonological history from the *-VCHV- sequence reconstructed for jána- and
rátha-. In the latter pair, as noted above, we have the development *-VCHV- > -VCV-,
e.g., *jánHa- > jána-, which is to say that the -VCV- sequence of the S. text and the
Classical language derives from a *-VCHV- sequence as far back as we can reconstruct.
In the former pair, however, the -VCV- sequence of the S. text and the Classical language
derives, according to Gippert’s reconstruction, from an earlier *-VCH0- sequence, which
itself developed from an even earlier *-VCH- sequence in pre-consonantal position:
Early I-Ir
Late I-Ir
*plth2wih2 > *pRthHwíH > *pRthH0wíH (?) > pṛthivī́
*dhugh2tér- > *dhughHtár- > *dhughH0tár- (?) > duhitár-
By early Indo-Iranian, I refer to a stage of the proto-language before the “vocalization” of laryngeals in
the context C_C. The question of an earlier vocalization in the context C_# has no bearing on the inquiry at
The intermediate stage of development, the Late I-IR *-VCH0- assumed by
Gippert, following Schindler, where the epenthetic vowel (0) develops beween the
laryngeal and the following consonant, is in fact based (at least in part) on the supposed
evidence from scansion.74 It is worth noting that there is no general agreement on the
reconstruction of that particular stage, and there are other thinkable scenarios, such as a
direct “vocalization” of *H / C__C (Rasmussen 1983: 374; 1989: 85, fn. 18). In short,
the reconstruction of a *-VCHV- sequence (specifically, *-VCH0-) is far less secure for
pṛthivī́ and duhitár- than it is for the jána-type.
In summary, we have Gippert to thank for two studies that provide us with an
excellent data collection and systematically represent the strong hypothesis that wherever
we find what appears to be a -V.CV- sequence, the first syllable of which is located in the
metrical position where a heavy syllable is strictly preferred, and wherever this sequence
derives from an earlier -VC.HV- sequence (of either origin), we may assume that the
syllable located in the ictus position scans as heavy, and reflects the older syllabification.
In my view, this approach presupposes that the laryngeals or a non-syllabic segmental
reflex thereof were still phonologically present for the poets in the context -VC_V-.
For this particular reconstruction, cf. Schindler (1986: 386), and also Tichy (1985). I do not distinguish
here between the vocalic outcomes of laryngeals in the contexts C__# and C__C, since I am only
concerned with the latter environment. Hence my use of 0 as opposed to the various other notations, for
which cf. Kümmel (2000: 3 with refs.).
3.5.3 Word shape distribution and observed versus expected
Instead of asking how many cadences we can explain as regular due to laryngeals
making position, I propose that we return to the basic claim as formulated by Schindler,
namely that that there are “ganz deutliche und in überzufälliger Menge [sc. auftretende]
Fälle in der indoiranischen Metrik, wo ein solcher Laryngal, neben dem ein i steht, noch
Position bildet”.75 That is in my opinion the best way to formulate both the problem and
the claim. The hypothesis rests on the claim that the relevant forms occur in the relevant
metrical locations significantly more often than expected (given their spelling). I propose
to use the evidence from word shape distribution to provide an objective expected value,
by asking how often we would expect to find such forms in the cadence if they scan
according to their S. text spelling, and how often we would expect to find them there if
they scan according to the laryngeal effects hypothesis. The evidence from word shape
distribution provides us with a way of comparing the observed distribution with two
expected distributions.
Thus an audio recording of Schindler’s contribution to the Podiumdiskussion “Phonetik der Laryngale”
at the Fachtagung der indogermanischen Gesellschaft in Copenhagen, 1993, as cited by Gippert (1999: 97
and fn. 3).
3.5.4 The distribution of the pṛthivī́ group
For the tests, I separate the forms into two groups, those that possibly continue a
*-VCH0- sequence (the pṛthivī́ group), and those that securely continue a *-VCHVsequence (the rátha- group). I begin with the pṛthivī́ group. In order to effectively apply
our method, we need the items to be relatively well attested. We also need to choose
forms that we are reasonably certain contained laryngeals. In 8-syllable verse,
LLH/HLH-shaped forms of pṛthivī́ and duhitár- occur 20 and 17 times, respectively. I
also test the distribution of dadhiṣe and dadhire, which together are attested 20 times in
8-syllable verse, although there are some questions involving the presence of a laryngeal
in those forms, which I discuss below. The distribution of pṛthivī́ in 8-syllable verse
The four forms of pṛthivī́(m) in the cadence of 8-syllable meter that Gippert takes
to be evidence for pṛth.xi.vī́(m)* occur in the following verses.
yéṣām ájmeṣu pṛthivī́
abhí śrávobhiḥ pṛthivī́m
yát te dívaṃ yát pṛthivī́m
dhruvā́ dyaúr dhruvā́ pṛthivī́
As I just mentioned, we should ask not how we can explain each of these cadences as
regular, but how often we would expect to find pṛthivī́(m) in the cadence of 8-syllable
verse if it had the shape LLH for the poets, and how often we would expect to find it if it
had the HLH shape suggested under the laryngeal effects hypothesis. Our null hypothesis
should always be that a form had its spelling shape, i.e., the prosodic shape suggested by
the S. text, and we should only emend the text where we are forced to do so. The
metrical distribution of pṛthivī́, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8-syllable verse is given
in Table 23 and Table 24.
Table 23: Metrical distribution of pṛthivī́, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8-syllable
Metrical Positions
1-3 2-4 3-5
4-6 5-7
6-8 Total
50 592
28 980
5 4223
Table 24: Proportional distribution of pṛthivī́, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8syllable verse
Metrical Positions
pṛthivī́(m) 0.15 0.10 0.00 0.55 0.00 0.20
0.26 0.02 0.04 0.42 0.00 0.26 1419
0.05 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.00 0.76 5591
Given that 20% of LLH-shaped words in 8-syllable verse occur pāda-finally, we would
expect precisely four occurences of pṛthivī́(m) in the cadence, assuming that the word
simply has the LLH shape reflected by its spelling in the S. text. If the word really had
the shape HLH for the poets, we would expect it to occur in the cadence 14 or 15 times,
since about 75% of HLH-shaped words occur pāda-finally. Fisher’s Exact Test reflects
very significant distributional differences between pṛthivī́(m) and HLH-shaped words in
the verse (p = 3.196e-06). It is virtually impossible that such distributional differences
could have arisen by chance.
On the other hand, Fisher’s Exact Test comparing the distribution of pṛthivī́(m)
with LLH-shaped words yields a p-value of 0.1855. The distributions are not
significantly different. While it is perfectly possible that the differences we observe
could be ascribed to chance alone, it is clear that a word’s prosodic shape is not the only
factor that determines its distribution in the line. In this particular case, some of the
differences, at least, are to be explained in light of the cooccurence of pṛthivī́(m) with
dyaúḥ (and dívam) ‘heaven’.76 As in English, ‘heaven’ always precedes ‘earth’ in the
collocation. If we think of word shapes as competing for certain positions, in this
particular case, ‘heaven’ is always given an earlier position in the pāda than ‘earth’. This
might explain the slight underrepresentation of ‘earth’ pāda-initially, and its slight
overrepresentation spanning positions 4-6.77 Since ‘heaven’ and ‘earth’ in these passages
Thus as at 1.22.13a, 2.41.20a, 8.40.4d, 10.58.2a, and 10.173.4a. Note that cases of dyā́vāpṛthivī́ are
excluded by definition since they are a graphic word in our text, and that this is of course the right thing for
the test, since the two constituents of the copulative compound are not freely separable (though it seems to
be possible under certain conditions, as at 2.41.20a).
Note also the noun-epithet phrase pṛthivī́(m) mahī́(m) ‘great earth’ at 8.40.4d, 10.60.9a, 10.85.2b, and
do not always occur in a phrase of the same prosodic shape, it is not possible to take this
into account with the method presented here. (For a way of treating formulaic phrases
with a fixed prosodic value, see the discussion of duhitár- below.)
In any case, the distribution of pṛthivī́(m) does not differ significantly from that of
all other LLH-shaped words, and where pṛthivī́(m) does depart somewhat from the LLH
average, it does not pattern more closely with HLH-shaped words. The distribution of duhitár- in 8-syllable verse
The two forms of duhitár- discussed by Gippert occur pāda-finally in 8-syllable
verse. They have the spelling shape LLH, and the suggested shape HLH, on the
hypothesis that they reflect a syllabification duh.xi.tár-*, reflecting an older
*dhugh.H0.tár- (a reconstruction which we noted was insecure), from early Indo-Iranian
*dhughHtár- (a highly secure reconstruction). While forms of the relevant shape are
relatively well attested in 8-syllable verse, at a total of 17, we will see below that it is
unfortunately not possible to say anything definite about their prosodic shape by
comparing their distribution with that of LLH- and HLH-shaped words, due to the
prosodic shape of the formula that most of the forms are bound up in. Nevertheless, I
present the relevant frequencies in Table 25 and Table 26 below, where duhitar refers to
the class of LLH/HLH-shaped forms of the word.
Table 25: Metrical distribution of duhitar, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8-syllable
Metrical Positions
1-3 2-4 3-5
4-6 5-7
6-8 Total
50 592
28 980
5 4223
Table 26: Proportional distribution of duhitar, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8syllable verse
Metrical Positions
duhitar 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.00 0.12
0.26 0.02 0.04 0.42 0.00 0.26 1419
0.05 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.00 0.76 5591
We can see from the tables that LLH/HLH-shaped forms of the word for ‘daughter’ are
restricted to the locations spanning spanning positions 4-6 (88%) and 6-8 (12%). The
distribution of the forms is significantly different from that of LLH-shaped words (p =
0.01007) and that of HLH-shaped words (p = 1.276e-07).
All but three of the forms in the location spanning positions 4-6 are bound up in a
vocative formula duhitar divaḥ ‘O daughter of heaven’, referring to the dawn goddess
Uṣas, as for example in
ví ucchā duhitar divaḥ (1.48.1b = 5.79.3b = 5.79.9a).78
One of the remaining three occurs in an inflectional modification of the formula in the
nominative case:
ucchántī duhitā́ diváḥ (7.81.1b)
In such cases, it is possible to treat the formula as if it were a single word (since we are
dealing with an inseparable group of 5 syllables) in order to apply our method.79 Here,
the unit would have the spelling shape LLHLH, and the suggested shape HLHLH. I give
the distribution of LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words in Table 27 and Table 28.
Table 27: Metrical distribution of LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words in 8-syllable verse
Metrical Positions
1-5 2-6 3-7
4-8 Total
0 247
0 709
The other vocative formulae occur at 1.30.22b, 1.48.9b, 1.49.2d, 5.79.2b, 5.79.8b, 7.81.3a, 8.47.14b,
8.47.15b, and 10.127.8b.
The equation of a formula with a word of the same overall shape is, of course, not a perfect one. It would
be impossible to make in cases where the caesura divides constituents of the formula, for example, and
problematic in any other metrical environments that are sensitive to word boundary, or the prosodic effects
of a word boundary. Nevertheless, it is a decent approximation.
Table 28: Proportional distribution of LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words in 8-syllable
Metrical Positions
0.00 1.00 248
0.00 0.99 715
In this particular case, though, words of the relevant shapes have an all but identical
distribution (p = 1) in 8-syllable verse. They are virtually all located spanning positions
4-8, like the vocative formula. We also see that if we view the formula as an inseparable,
word-like prosodic unit, its distribution follows from regular compositional patterns.80
If we remove all the cases of duhitar divaḥ (and sandhi variants thereof), as well
as the one modification in the nominative case duhitā́ diváḥ (7.81.1b), we are left with
only 4 attestations, two of which occur spanning positions 4-6:
dákṣa yā́ duhitā́ táva (10.72.5b)
átho me duhitā́ virā́ṭ (10.159.3b)
The other two are the two pāda-final occurrences on which the laryngeal effects
hypothesis is based, the first of which also expresses ‘daughter of heaven’, in the
nominative case, with a different word order.
A more refined approach would take the formulae to be preferentially unified, and proceed to identify the
conditions under which the consituents are separated.
divó adarśi duhitā́ (4.52.1c)
sómaṃ sū́ryasya duhitā́ (9.1.6b)
A Fisher’s Exact Test comparing the distribution of duhitā́ outside of the formula shows
that the distribution could have arisen by chance both if it had a LLH- or HLH-type
distribution.81 In sum, we can say that the relevant forms of duhitár-, given their
participation in the formula duhitar divaḥ, would have had the same metrical distribution
no matter whether they had the prosodic value LLH, as suggested by the S. text, or the
value HLH, according to the proposed emendation duhxitar*. Taking a properly
conservative approach to textual emendation, however, we would not emend, since their
metrical distribution is perfectly in line with the received text.
At this point, I would like to briefly look at the context immediately surrounding
4.52.1c, where ‘the daughter of heaven’ occurs in an order other than the formulaic one,
in order to make a suggestion about word order. I give the first stanza of 4.52, a Gāyatrī
hymn to Uṣas, the dawn goddess, attributed to Vāmadeva. (The bolding is my own.)
If we consider the nominative modification at 7.81.1b to be “inside” the formula, the p-values are 0.3725
and 0.4554 compared with LLH- and HLH-shaped words, respectively. If we consider it “outside” the
formula, the p-values are 0.6061 and 0.1851.
práti ṣyā́ sūnárī jánī
viucchántī pári svásuḥ
divó adarśi duhitā́
She has just appeared, the spirited woman,
shining forth from (her) sister,
heaven’s daughter.
No one would deny that factors other than rhythm play into the poet’s choice of word
order, and in this stanza, I think it is quite clear that the poet’s choice to place duhitā́
pāda-finally is motivated by his desire to juxtapose the pāda-final triad jánī, svásuḥ,
duhitā́. (Note also the sound play between -nárī, pári, -darśi, and the d-alliteration in
pāda c.) I consider it perfectly possible, if not likely, that the motivation for this
juxtaposition, which clearly overrode the formulaic order of the vocative phrase that the
poet of 7.81.1b retained when carrying over the phrase into the nominative duhitā́ diváḥ,
may also have overridden the relatively strict preference for a closing rhythm lwx||.
The distribution of duhitár- in 11-syllable verse presents a very similar situation.
It differs significantly from that of LLH-shaped words (p = 0.02699), and slightly more
so from HLH-shaped words (0.002413). A full 65% (20/31) of the forms are located
spanning 3-5 (as compared to 43% of LLH- and 33% of HLH-shaped words), where it is
bound up in (at least) two formulaic phrases. The first, ‘heaven’s daughter’, seems like a
Triṣṭubh variant of duhitar divaḥ, except that the poets inflected it more readily: voc. divo
duhitar (4x: 6.64.4d, 6.64.5c, 6.65.6a, 7.77.6a); nom. divó duhitā́ (4x: 1.92.5d, 1.113.7a,
1.124.3a, 5.80.5d); gen. divó duhitúr (1x: 7.67.2d). The second is duhitā́ sū́riyasya ‘the
daughter of the sun’, and a favorite of the poet Kakṣīvat (4x: 1.116.17a, 1.117.13c,
1.118.5b, 6.63.5a). There, too, the location of the formulae is consistent with the prosodic
shape represented in the S. text spelling. The distribution of dadhiṣe and dadhire in 8-syllable verse
Arguing against positional effects of laryngeals in the reduplicated forms to dhā‘put’ is not necessarily a strong argument against laryngeal effects in general, since
laryngeal deletion processes may have affected the forms already in Indo-European. The
(semi-regular?) deletion of laryngeals in reduplicated forms could have potentially
affected the entire paradigm, and a first laryngeal may have been deleted between
obstruents in a number of forms of the paradigm as well, including dadhiṣe, since the
process would have applied to the (underlying) pre-form *dhe-dhh1-soi, yielding (surface)
*dhetsoi (with the regular regressive assimilation of the features [voice] and [spread
glottis] in addition to the deletion of h1).82 If, in fact, forms such as dhatsva at 10.87.2d
reflect the lautgesetzlich result of this process, then forms of dadhiṣe could well go back
to earlier laryngeal-less forms, to which the i (or an earlier *0) was added without the
restitution of the laryngeal. Nevertheless, I present the distribution of these forms, as
well as that of the words with the spelling shape LLH and the suggested shape HLH, in
For a formulation of the deletion of a first laryngeal between obstruents in non-initial syllables of Indo-
European, cf. Jasanoff (2003: 77 and fn. 37).
Table 29 and Table 30, where dadhire stands for the set of dadhiṣe and dadhire forms in
8-syllable verse.
Table 29: Metrical distribution of dadhire, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8-syllable
Metrical Positions
1-3 2-4 3-5
4-6 5-7
6-8 Total
50 592
28 980
5 4223
Table 30: Proportional distribution of dadhire, LLH-, and HLH-shaped words in 8syllable verse
Metrical Positions
dadhire 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.60 0.00 0.25
0.26 0.02 0.04 0.42 0.00 0.26 1419
0.05 0.02 0.01 0.18 0.00 0.76 5591
The p-values reflect an insignificant difference between the distribution of dadhire-type
forms and LLH-shaped words (p = 0.1138), and a highly significant difference between
dadhire-type forms and HLH-shaped words (p = 1.102e-05). In all of the locations
except those spanning positions 1-3 and 4-6, dadhiṣe and dadhire clearly pattern very
closely with LLH-shaped words. There are, however, far fewer forms of dadhiṣe and
dadhire in pāda-initial position, and far more spanning positions 4-6, than the average
LLH-shaped words. When inspecting the distribution of pṛthivī́ and duhitár- above, we
noted some effects of formulaics on word order. While formulaics (and many other
factors) must play a role in the distribution of dadhire-type forms as well, I would like to
take the occasion to explore some effects of morphosyntax on the distribution of these
particular forms. With some systematic exceptions, involving imperatives and
imperatival modal forms, for example, verb-initial word order is a marked one in
Sanskrit, as in many other languages. In Table 31 and Table 32, I present the distribution
of LLH-shaped words (again), LLH-shaped verbs (LLH Vs), LLH-shaped verbs without
imperatives (LLH Vs no Is), and finally the dadhire-type forms. (I did not remove
imperatival modals, but only true imperatives from the penultimate set.)
Table 31: Metrical distribution of LLH words, LLH verbs, non-imperative LLH verbs,
and dadhire in 8-syllable verse
Metrical Positions
LLH Vs no Is
6-8 Total
Table 32: Proportional distribution of LLH words, LLH verbs, non-imperative LLH
verbs, and dadhire in 8-syllable verse
Metrical Positions
0.26 0.02 0.04 0.42 0.00 0.26 1419
0.26 0.02 0.08 0.43 0.00 0.21
LLH Vs no Is 0.14 0.03 0.05 0.44 0.01 0.33
0.05 0.05 0.05 0.60 0.00 0.25
Separating LLH-shaped verbs from LLH-shaped words in general resulted in very little
difference in distribution. Removing the imperatives, however, resulted in a substantial
change. The increased similarity between the distribution of dadhiṣe and dadhire and the
LLH-shaped non-imperative verbs is striking, and this is reflected in the p-value of
0.5556. Using the same approach, but taking morphosyntactic information of a finer
grain such as argument structure into account would be one way of approaching
questions of Rigvedic syntax, as it would allow us to tease apart syntactic and prosodic
constraints on word order in Vedic versification.83
We might, for example, test whether the class of unaccusative verbs tends to occupy verse-initial position
more often than is expected of verbs in general, unergative verbs, transitives, etc. For a recent discussion
of verb-initial order in Vedic, cf. Viti (2008).
3.5.5 The rátha- group84
Our second group of test forms consists of three items that securely continue an
early Indo-Iranian *-VCHV- sequence, and are well-attested in 11-syllable verse: jána-,
rátha-, and sákhi-. In attempting to test whether they are distributed like LH-shaped
words, we are confronted with an interesting problem. The word shapes we have dealt
with so far exhibit a very homogeneous distribution in the verse. LH-shaped words in
11-syllable verse, however, present a very different picture. While there are certain
positions where they are clearly disfavored for metrical reasons, in the positions where
they are not, different lexical items occur at surprisingly different rates. Without
identifying and controlling for those factors—a project that is unfortunately beyond the
bounds of this dissertation—a conclusive comparison between the forms of the ráthagroup and LH-shaped forms is impossible. A comparison with HH-shaped words in 11syllable verse, however, is possible. I begin with that, then briefly discuss the problems
associated with the distribution of LH-shaped words.
This data collection required me to mirror the specific Triṣṭubh corpus that Gippert used for his study as
closely as possible. To do so, I extracted all the verses from the UTvNH text that contain 11 syllables and
do not contain the symbol for a “break”. This excludes the verses identified in vNH as 11-syllable Jagatī. I
then removed 11 more verses that were identified by Gippert as 11-syllable Jagatī verses (pp. 66-67), and
changed -VchV- sequences to -VcchV-. The resulting corpus contains 16,553 verses.
124 The distribution of the rátha- group
We noted some effects of morphosyntax on word shape distribution in the
discussion of dadhiṣe and dadhire above. In order to more carefully control for those
factors, I compare the distribution of the rátha- group with that of HH-shaped nouns in
Table 33 and Table 34. I also require that the HH-shaped comparanda be a-stem nouns,
i.e., nouns of the same inflectional class as jána- and rátha-. For sákhi-, which is
inflectionally anomalous, the a-stem nouns serve as good comparanda from a
phonological point of view as well. I control for additional phonological similarity by
requiring the HH-shaped a-stem nouns to have the shape CVCCa-, so that they are as
similar as possible to the putative jánxa-*, ráthxa-*, and sákhxi-*.
Table 33: Metrical distribution of the rátha- group and CVCCa- nouns in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
1-2 2-3
4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 Total
14 193 187
CVCCa- 125
Table 34: Proportional distribution of the rátha- group and CVCCa- nouns in 11-syllable
Metrical Positions
8-9 9-10 10-11
0.20 0.02 0.27 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.04
0.27 0.00 0.40 0.09 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.00 0.07
0.54 0.00 0.16 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.14
CVCCa 0.16 0.02 0.25 0.24 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.00
0.21 781
The distribution of jána- and CVCCa- nouns is significantly different (p = 0.0001234), as
is that of rátha- (p = 2e-06) and sákhi- (p = 1.667e-06), but jána- stands out from the
others, as well as from all nouns with a LH spelling shape whose distributions I have
examined in that it is located surprisingly often pāda-finally—even well above the
expected rate for HH-shaped a-stem nouns. I return to the anomalous distribution of
jána- below, in §
Both rátha- and sákhi- exhibit the kind of distributional variation typical of LHshaped nouns, though they occur more frequently in pāda-final position than do most
other LH-shaped nouns.85 We may compare the LH-shaped forms of three well-attested
nouns that certainly do not derive from forms with position-making laryngeals, but
The frequency with which sákhi- occurs pāda-initially is in part due to a turn of phrase where pāda-initial
nom. sg. sákhā is followed by a different case form of the same word: sákhā sákhāyam (acc. sg., 7.18.6d,
10.87.21c), sákhā sákhye (dat. sg., 5.29.7a), sákhā sákhyur (gen. sg., 1.72.5d, 3.43.4d), sákhā sákhīn (acc.
pl., 3.4.1d), sákhā sákhibhyas (dat./abl. pl., 10.42/43/44.11d).
nevertheless occur pāda-finally: nár- ~ nṛ́ ‘man, hero’ < *HnaR-, víś- ‘clan’ < *wík-, and
páti- ‘lord, master’ < *páti-. I give only the proportional distributions in Table 35.
Table 35: Proportional Distribution of sample LH-shaped nouns not < *-VCHV- in 11syllable verse
Metrical Positions
8-9 9-10 10-11
0.16 0.00 0.58 0.04 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.00 0.04
0.04 122
0.45 0.03 0.29 0.03 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03
páti- 0.22 0.00 0.31 0.12 0.06 0.08 0.08 0.00 0.12
Most nouns with LH-shaped inflectional forms that occur at least 14 times in 11-syllable
verse do not occur pāda-finally, though, including forms that certainly did have *-VCHVsequences at an earlier stage of the language, such as háva- ‘call(ing), invocation’ <
*GáwHa-, támas- ‘darkness’ < *támHas-, and páyas- ‘milk, juice’ < *páyHas-. I give
their distributions below, in Table 36.
Table 36: Proportional Distribution of sample LH-shaped nouns < *-VCHV- in 11syllable verse
Metrical Positions
9-10 10-11
0.10 0.00 0.48 0.03 0.07 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.24
0.00 29
támas- 0.07 0.00 0.36 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.07 0.00 0.07
0.00 14
páyas- 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.07 0.14 0.00 0.00 0.07
0.00 14
The samples given in Table 35 and Table 36 are intended to give some idea of the degree
of distributional variation found in LH-shaped nouns, where the rate of occurrence
spanning positions 1-2 varies from 7% to 45%, and from 3% to 21% spanning positions
6-7. The obvious inference is that factors other than the prosodic and morphosyntactic
ones that we have taken into account play a more significant role in the distribution of
LH-shaped words in 11-syllable verse than they do in the other word shapes we have
studied so far. Given the deviations in the well-represented metrical locations, comparing
the distribution of single LH-shaped items with the entire group is problematic until the
factors involved in the distributional variation can be controlled for. A note on the chronological distribution of jána-
A factor that we have not yet touched upon is the chronological stratification of
the Rigveda. The subject is much debated, but there is a general consensus that the
hymns in the Family Books (books 2-7) represent a more archaic stratum of composition
than do the other books, which contain a mixture of younger-looking compositions as
well as some archaic material.86 Comparing the metrical distribution of jána- in the
Family Books (FB) with its distribution outside of the Family Books (oFB) reveals a
significant difference. The data is given in Table 37 and Table 38.
Cf. Jamison (1991: 10-11) and Witzel (1997: 261 ff.).
Table 37: Metrical distribution of jána- in and outside of the Family Books
Metrical Positions
1-2 2-3 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 Total
jána- FB
jána- oFB
Table 38: Proportional distribution of jána- in and outside of the Family Books
Metrical Positions
jána- FB
8-9 9-10 10-11
0.11 0.00 0.32 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.07 0.00 0.04
0.39 28
jána- oFB 0.32 0.05 0.26 0.16 0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05
0.11 19
The difference in the distribution of the word in these two strata is significant (p =
0.0306). Assuming that this broadly reflects a chronological change, with some noise
from the archaic material in the non-Family Books, it appears that the younger poets are
less willing to locate jána- pāda-finally, and prefer to locate it in pāda-initial position, and
spanning 4-5. At this point, it is difficult to say what exactly has happened. It is clear
that the change cannot be understood as a plain shift in prosodic shape from HH to LH,
since in the Family Books, the form is not distributed like a HH-shaped a-stem noun.
Among other differences, it is located far too regularly in pāda-final position. I leave the
question for further study, but suggest one possible point of departure. The overrepresentation in pāda-final position may be due to its participation in a formula, perhaps
páñca jánāḥ/n ‘the five peoples’.87 It is plausible that the poets would have retained an
older HH phonological shape of jána- in the formula, which would have been located
pāda-finally around 75% of the time, to judge by the location of HLHH-shaped words in
11-syllable meter. It is possible that the word jána- could have been associated with that
position in the verse, and that the poets would have continued to locate it there, even
outside of the formulaic context. With that speculation, I leave the problem.
3.5.6 Summary of the metrical evidence for laryngeals making position
All the forms in the pṛthivī́ test group have a LLH shape to judge by their spelling
in the S. text (pṛ.thi.vī́, du.hi.tar, and a HLH shape according to the hypothesis
that laryngeals or their syllabic reflexes still affected the syllabification at the time of
composition (pṛth.xi.vī́*, duh.xi.tar*,*). We found that the metrical
distribution of LLH/HLH-shaped forms of pṛthivī́ did not differ significantly from that of
LLH-shaped words (p = 0.1855), but that the difference between their distribution and
that of HLH-shaped words was highly significant (p = 3.196e-06). Since 26% of LLHshaped words occur pāda-finally in 8-syllable verse, the fact that 4 of the 20 forms of
pṛthivī́(m) occur in that position is not at all unexpected, rather pṛthivī́(m) is represented
pāda-finally just as we would expect of a LLH-shaped word.
This occurs twice pāda-finally in 11-syllable verse in the Family Books (6.11.4d, 6.51.11b) and once in
the same location outside of the Family Books (1.89.10c). It is also found pāda-initially in 11-syllable
verse at 10.53.5a, and once in 8-syllable verse, spanning positions 3-6 (8.32.22b).
Our comparison of the distribution of duhitár- with LLH- and HLH-shaped words
was inconclusive. Since most of the occurrences in 8-syllable verse are restricted to the
formulaic vocative phrase duhitar divaḥ, its distribution is actually more like that of the
first three syllables of a word of the shape LLHLH, or HLHLH on the laryngeal effects
hypothesis. Since LLHLH- and HLHLH-shaped words have an identical distribution in
8-syllable verse, our method provides no further insight into the prosodic shape of the
‘daughter’ word. It is worth noting, however, that its two occurrences in the cadence do
not merit any surprise. That is roughly half the number we would expect of it as a LLHshaped word, and a far smaller fraction of what we would expect if it were distributed
like a HLH-shaped word.
After noting that it is possible that dadhiṣe and dadhire might have lost their
laryngeal due to early sound changes, and would thus have had a LLH shape on either
hypothesis, we found that its distribution did not differ significantly from that of LLHshaped words (p = 0.1138), but that it was quite significantly different from that of HLHshaped words (p = 1.102e-05). We also noted some effects of morphosyntax on the word
order, reflected in the increased similarity between the distribution of dadhiṣe/dadhire
and that of LLH-shaped non-imperative verbs (p = 0.5556).
In sum, none of these forms is located in the cadence more frequently than we
would expect of a LLH-shaped word, and there is no evidence that the poets situated
them in the verse any differently than they did other LLH-shaped words. While we only
treated the more robustly attested forms of the *-VCH0- group, if we consider them
representative (as did KuryLowicz and Schindler), it renders the hypothesis that
laryngeals in forms < (putative) *-VCH0- had (significant) effects on the scansion of this
group of forms highly improbable.
It is very interesting to note that as a class, LLH-shaped words are located pādafinally in 8-syllable verse 26% of the time, while the pāda-final rhythm wwx|| is so rare
overall, representing roughly 4% of 8-syllable cadences. This may well point to a
suprasyllabic phonological effect, which is to say that something about the rhythmic
organization of LLH-shaped words rendered the initial light syllable significantly heavier
than most other light syllables in the language. Similar effects are reflected in Greek
meter, where for example the medial syllable of HHH-shaped words is better suited for
location in a preferentially light position of the meter (the third anceps of the iambic
trimeter) than other heavy syllables (cf. Devine and Stephens 1982; 1994: 105 ff.).
Oldenberg considered the shape of the word to be a key factor, and it is worthwhile
repeating one of his arguments in favor of this view. He points out that while the initial
syllable of dat. sg. ávase is often located in a preferentially heavy position in the meter,
the first syllable of the nom./acc. sg. ávas is not (1888: 10-13 and fn. 1).
The tests involving rátha- and sákhi- were inconclusive due to the fact that LHshaped nouns are not homogeneously located in the verse, which foils a distributional
comparison. Neither form patterns like a HH-shaped noun (p = 2e-06 and 1.667e-06,
respectively), and both seem—impressionistically speaking—to occur somewhat more
often pāda-finally than other LH-shaped nouns. This certainly leaves room for a weaker
version of the laryngeal hypothesis, along the lines of that proposed by KuryLowicz,
where certain traditional forms or phrases may have had (discreet) alternative scansions,
e.g., nom. sg. sá.khā ~ sákh.xā*. The way the poets located jána- may lend credence to
this claim, assuming that the surprisingly high frequency with which it appears pādafinally somehow reflects a HH scansion, though the details are far from clear. It is worth
noting, though, that a laryngeal-based explanation for the weight of the initial syllable is
certainly not the only one available.88 Various processes, both phonological and
morphological could have yielded a jāná-, including the operation of Brugmann’s Law
on a form which had undergone laryngeal deletion, perhaps as the second member of a
compound (e.g., *X-ǵonh1-o- > *X-ǵon-o- > *X-jāna-), suffixation with vṛddhi of the
root, etc.
3.6 Conclusion
I hope to have convinced the reader that comparing word shape distribution in the
way proposed here is a more accurate way of judging textual emendations to the Rigveda.
By considering the entire verse, we indirectly take compositional factors into account that
are currently not completely understood. This is especially true of portions of the verse
that are less strictly regulated with respect to the distribution of heavy and light syllables,
primarily the opening of all verse types, and to a lesser extent, the post-caesural portion
of trimeter verse. The value of this became apparent in our study of pīpāya (§3.3), where
the method allowed us to confirm that the form is distributed like a LHL-shaped word not
Cf. Oldenberg (1888: 478 ff.) for a discussion of the shape(s) of jána-, with an especially interesting
point about the interaction of semantics and prosody.
only in pāda-final position, but throughout the entire verse, confirming Oldenberg’s
emendation pipāya*. The importance of thinking about versification in terms of words as
opposed to syllables was exemplified in the discussion of pīpiyānéva (§3.4). Held
against the metrical yard-stick, it appeared that there were grounds for emending the form
to pipiyānéva*, since the spelling shape of the form yields a less common implementation
of the first position following the caesura 4| in 11-syllable verse. Once word shape was
taken into account, however, we saw that there were actually no metrical grounds for
emending the form (though the fact that pipāya had a short reduplication vowel suggests
that the participle may have had one as well). The poets were just as likely to have
located a HLHHL-shaped form in that position as a LLHHL-shaped form. The
usefulness of using entire classes of word shapes for comparison became especially clear
in the treatment of the pṛthivī́ group (§3.5.4), where it seems that the frequency with
which we find those forms pāda-finally in 8-syllable verse is a property of LLH-shaped
words as a class, and not the only the small subset that derive from pre-forms where a
laryngeal (putatively) rendered the initial syllable heavy by position. The method allows
us to transcend the confines of the cadence, and the Rigveda itself essentially becomes
the yard-stick for comparison.
Along the way, I suggested a number of further applications for the method. It
provides us with a way of teasing apart prosodic constraints and other compositional
factors, since distributional differences within particular word shape classes cannot be
attributed to prosody—at least not to the prosodic factors that we have taken into account.
We saw the effects of syntax emerge in the discussion of dadhiṣe and dadhire (§,
where we compared the distribution of imperative verbs of the shape LLH with other
verbs, and we noted several cases where formularity affected the distribution of particular
items, such as duhitár- (§ Finally, we briefly touched on the possibility of using
the method to identify differences between compositional strata in the text, where we
compared the distribution of jána- in the Family Books with its distribution in the other
books. In sum, while the method is in need of much refinement, I believe that it has
considerable potential for Rigvedic philology and linguistics.
4 Retrospective and prospective
The first two studies in this dissertation may be viewed as a step towards an
analysis of foot structure in Greek. Any recent analysis of Greek prosody has the benefit
of the enormously valuable contributions to the problem that Devine and Stephens made
in over two decades of collaborative research that culminated in their monolithic work
The Prosody of Greek Speech (1994). The analysis of Greek foot structure offered in the
third chapter of that work operates with a foot inventory that includes both iambic and
trochaic feet which can be either bimoraic or trimoraic. Such an inventory has become
typologically implausible in light of more recent advances in phonology (Hayes 1995),
and a new analysis of Greek foot structure that operates with a more restricted foot
inventory is a desideratum. What I have offered here can only be considered a step
towards such an analysis until all of the data martialed by Devine and Stephens have been
sufficiently accounted for, leaving plenty of room for future work.
The focus of the first study in this dissertation is a change in word formation that
affected verbal nouns in -μα(τ)-. My basic contribution to the problem is a more accurate
description of the innovative grammar than has been offered in the past. The key
observation is that there are systematic differences between derivatives that correlate with
the phonological shape of the stem allomorph of the base verb. To account for the
assymetry, I have proposed to equate the previously unnoticed phonological aspect of the
innovation with Trochaic Shortening, which implies that speakers of Greek organized
syllables into moraic trochaic feet, corroborating Golston’s (1999) analysis of the
recessive accent calculus.
With moraic trochees in hand, so to speak, in the second study I examine two
interesting forms of inexact antistrophic responsion in Aristophanes, trochaic-paeonic and
paeonic-dochmiac responsion. When we compare how the poet located (LL) feet in
dochmiacs that respond with paeons with how he located them in other dochmiacs, we
find that there is a statistically significant difference. The difference reflects
Aristophanes’ preference to align (LL) feet with the HL sequences of the corresponding
paeon. On the typologically founded assumption that (LL) feet had a strong-weak footinternal rhythm (LL), matching (LL) with HL resulted in greater rhythmic similarity
between the surface instantiations of the dochmiac and paeon. I propose that we
understand Aristophanes’ preferential matching of (LL) with HL in inexact responsion in
parallel with his preference to match HL with HL in exact responsion. They are two
variants of the same overall preference to match strong-weak rhythms. The former relies
on foot-based subcategorical weight distinctions between light syllables, and the latter
relies on categorical weight distinctions that do not depend on foot structure. According
to Dale (1968: 97) similar types of inexact responsion are found in Euripides. The
Euripidean passages would thus be the most immediate and natural point of departure for
further research.
In the third study, I proposed a more accurate method of judging whether words
have the prosodic shape suggested by their spelling in the Saṃhitā text or not. The
standard way of doing this involves checking how often a form appears to violate the
preferences for syllable weight distribution in the meter. Since the poets composed verse
by arranging words and phrases rather than than syllables, a better way of judging
whether a form has the prosodic shape suggested by its spelling or not is to compare its
metrical distribution with words of the same prosodic shape and with words that have the
shape of the proposed emendation. The frequency with which certain LLH-shaped words
appear finally in 11-syllable verse, implementing lwx||, has led scholars to propose that
the forms actually had the shape HLH, reflecting an older state of the language, where a
laryngeal was still present *-VC.HV-. Upon comparing the metrical distribution of these
forms with all the other LLH-shaped words, we saw that there was no significant
distributional difference. Essentially, expectations based on the yard-stick of the meter
(lwx||) can be misleading, since the abstraction is based on the overall frequency of
syllable weight distribution, which in some cases makes significantly different
predictions from the frequency of word shape distribution. Ideally, we would check
every lexical item of the Rigveda this way.
We also saw that prosodic shape is predictably not the only factor governing the
metrical distribution of words in the verse. The comparison of LLH-shaped verbs with
LLH-shaped imperatives revealed the effects of morphosyntax on the word order: the
imperatives occur verse-initially far more often than do other verbs. The method has
interesting potential for the study of Rigvedic syntax and formulaics, since distributional
differences within word shape classes cannot be attributed to prosody, but must be due to
other factors. Further research in this area would ideally involve tagging all forms in the
corpus with morphosyntactic and other featural information, then comparing distribution
within word shape classes.
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