Smoothing irregular data using polynomial filters

2010, ELMAR

Abstract—To make provision for irregularly occurring updates a “variable-step” polynomial filter is derived which improves the smoothing-, and coasting capabilities of the 1-step predictor and the current-estimate polynomial filters. Similar to the original filters, the variable-step ...

Smoothing Irregular data using Polynomial Filters ∗ † Pieter Reyneke∗ , Norman Morrison† , Derrick Kourie‡ and Corné de Ridder§ Department Radar and Imaging Systems, Denel Dynamics, Irene, 0157, South Africa Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, 7700, South Africa ‡ Fastar Research Group, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa § School of Computing, University of South Africa, Pretoria, 0002, South Africa Email: [email protected] Abstract—To make provision for irregularly occurring updates a “variable-step” polynomial filter is derived which improves the smoothing-, and coasting capabilities of the 1-step predictor and the current-estimate polynomial filters. Similar to the original filters, the variable-step polynomial filter comprises an autoinitialising expanding memory filter which later switches to a fading memory filter. Results are compared by running the proposed and original filter versions in parallel. Keywords—Radar tracking filters, Polynomial approximation, Smoothing, Extrapolation, State estimation I. I NTRODUCTION The 1-step predictor and current-estimate filters introduced by Morrison in [1] and [2] both recursively calculate a least squares approximation of a process model, determining the state of a polynomial curve fitted over noisy observations. In the present context, recursive refers to adding one observation at a time. These filters are subject to the constraint that observations should be evenly spaced. However, in natural environments, measurements cannot always be assigned to an integer type time batch without losing accuracy. The reasons for this are threefold: • High-fidelity time stamps are usually measured during real-time process control as floating point values. • Floating point time values more accurately position updates in time, leading to less ambiguity caused by natural variations (related, for example, to temperature, target clutter, occlusion, etc.) • Detector or algorithm design may result in nondeterministic jumps in the update intervals, or in uneven even/odd time-interval symmetry. Examples where variable update intervals can be expected include: nodding algorithms, zig-zag sweep detectors, linear sensor integration and asynchronous mode changing. For above mentioned reasons this research proposes a variablestep extension to the polynomial filters derived in [1] and [2]. A. Background — Polynomial filters Recursive polynomial filters calculate either a least squares solution (the expanding memory polynomial (EMP)) or a weighted least squares solution with the weight (θ ∈ (0, 1)) fading the previous state estimate, Z(t) = θZ(t−δ)+Γ(1−θ) (the fading memory polynomial (FMP)). For the EMP, Γ(n) (see Section IV-A), based on orthonormal discrete Legendre polynomials, is used to update a least squares fit. In the case of FMP, Γ(θ) (see Section IV-B), based on orthonormal discrete Laguerre polynomials, is used to update weighted least squares update fit with an update weight of (1 − θ). This is done to realise a recursive autoregressive state update in each case, as derived in [2] — i.e. one sample at a time is added to the current state vector. Morrison [1], distinguishes between a current-estimate and a 1-step predictor. Equations 1 and 2 show the computation of the predicted state, Zn∗ and the error term en for both the current-estimate filter and the 1-step predictor filter. Z ∗ n = Φ(1)Zn−1 , en = yn − z0∗ n , ... ... (predict state Zn∗ ) (1) (calculate error term en ) (2) However, the formula for updating differs for the two respective cases, as shown in equations 3 and 4. Furthermore, in each case below, either Γi (n) or Γi (θ) needs to be used in the place of Γi to do the update for the EMP or FMP respectively, see Sections IV-A and IV-B. The current-estimate filter: Use either Γi (n) or Γi (θ) and do the update: Zn = Z ∗ n + Γi en (3) The 1-step predictor filter: Use either Γi (n) or Γi (θ) and do the update: Φ(−1)Zn+1,n = Z ∗ n + Γi en (4) nd This last step, Equation 4, written out for the 2 1-step predictor update, renders: order, z2∗ n+1,n = z2∗ n,n−1 + Γ2 en z1∗ n+1,n = z1∗ n,n−1 + 2z2∗ n+1,n + Γ1 en z0∗ n+1,n = z0∗ n,n−1 + z1∗ n+1,n − z2∗ n+1,n + Γ0 en The remainder of this paper is laid out as follows. Section II provides the classical linear tracking differential equation. In Section III the motivation for a change in state transition matrix is presented. A formal explanation of the extension of the current-estimate filter to a variable-step polynomial filter can be found in Section IV. Section V reports on results obtained from trial runs on simulated polynomial data thereby verifying the prediction capability of a variable-step implementation. Section VI presents the smoothing results of very noisy and irregular, real data. Finally, results obtained during missile testing are provided in VII, before concluding the paper in Section VIII. N OMENCLATURE The Padé expanded STM is: In what follows, the following notation is used: t represents time in seconds; τ represents the constant expected update period (or system batch time) in seconds; δ represents deltatime in seconds; η represents time in τ ’s; and ζ represents delta-time in τ ’s. Additionally, the term order is used to refer to a non-negative integer value attributed to a fit, a differential equation, a process model or a filter model; and the term degree is used to refer to a value attributed to a polynomial. II. T HE CLASSICAL D IFFERENTIAL E QUATION To explain polynomial filters, consider the derivation of the classical 2nd -order linear differential equation (DE), where it is assumed that the 3rd derivative is 0. dr dṙ ... dr̈ r = r̈ = =0 (5) dt dt dt If r is defined as r = [r1 , r2 , r3 ]T = [r, ṙ, r̈]T , the DE becomes: ṙ = r˙1 = r2 r˙2 = r3 r˙3 = 0 (6) This may be written in matrix form as follows: ṙ = Ar where:  0 A= 0 0 1 0 0 (7)  0 1  0 (8) Note that r = Z, which is the nth order state vector. Ψ(t) = eAt is a solution for the linear DE system in Equation 7. The system has infinitely many solutions depending on initial conditions. Note that Ψ(δ) can be used as a state transition matrix (STM). III. T WO S TATE T RANSITION M ATRICES TO CHOOSE FROM An STM is used to shift a DE system’s state vector from time t by an amount δ, a real number, to time t+δ via a simple multiplication. This is done without recalculating the state (Z). Thus, using the STM one can shift the state as follows: Z ∗ (t+ δ) = Ψ(δ)Z(t). Note, the asterisk indicates that the newly calculated state is an estimate at t + δ. The asterisk is omitted at t since t is where the last fit was calculated. As the STM of the polynomial one can either choose the Padé expanded STM, Ψ(δ), or the commonly used STM for polynomial filtering Φ(δ). (See [1].) Both can be used directly for prediction of states at any time, with or without denormalisation. For example in our case, as will be seen, Zn ∗ could be predicted from Zη−ζ directly before updating the state, where η = τt with τ a real positive number, and ζ = τδ . The linear DE has the following discrete solution [3]: r(t + δ) = Ψ(δ)r(t) (9) Note that [3] compares many algorithms for computing the matrix exponential. (See the expm function in [4].) [Ψ(δ)]i,j = δ j−i (j − i)! {∀ i, j| 0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ m} 0 elsewhere (10) where m = order + 1 is the dimension of the square matrix Ψ. This transition matrix (exactly the same as the one wellknown from least squares), can be written out as follows:   2 δ m−1 δm 1 δ δ2! · · · (m−1)! m!   δ m−2 δ m−1   0 1 δ ··· (m−2)! (m−1)!    δ m−3 δ m−2   0 0 1 · · · (m−3)! (m−2)!  Ψ(δ) =  (11)  .. .. ..  .. ..  ..  . .  . . . .    0 0 0 ···  1 δ 0 0 0 ··· 0 1 The commonly used STM for polynomial filtering, defined in [1], is represented as follows: µ ¶ j (j−i) {∀ i, j| 0 ≤ i ≤ j ≤ m} Φi,j (δ) = δ 0 elsewhere i (12) j! = δ (j−i) (13) (j − i)!i! where m = order + 1 is the dimension of the square matrix Φ. This original transition matrix, in Equation 13, can be written out as follows:   m! m−1! δ m−2 (m−1)!1! δ m−1 1 δ δ 2 · · · (m−2)!1!  0 1 δ ··· m−1! m! m−3 m−2    (m−3)!2! δ (m−2)!2! δ  m−1! m! m−4 m−3   0 0 1 · · · (m−4)!3!  δ (m−3)!3! δ  Φ(δ) =   .. .. ..  .. .. ..  . . .  . . .    0 0 0 ···  1 δ 0 0 0 ··· 0 1 (14) The following discrete system results from the commonly used STM: r(t + δ) = Denorm(Φ(ζ))r(t) (15) where Denorm is the denormalisation function described in [1] and in Section IV, Equation 19. We prefer to utilize and extend the first STM option, presented in Equation 10 and written out in Equation 11, because Ψ(δ) can easily be differentiated, by simply using only one less row and column of Ψ(δ), e.g. in Matlab: z_dot = Psi(1:N-1,1) * z'(2:N);. The same holds for higher order derivatives. This characteristic is also applicable to the multi-dimensional case. A. A note on multi-dimensional use There are essentially two ways to expand the system to three or more dimensions: either replicate the observation and state vectors in the row direction (i.e. make it wider); or block expand the matrix with zeros. Commonly, state estimation methods block expand the matrix with zeros. In our case, only column replication of r in Equation 15 was performed — r becomes a 3-D vector. For the 2nd order case:   x y z r(= Z) : =  ẋ ẏ ż  (16) ẍ ÿ z̈ B. Altering the original EMP and FMP to use the preferred form STM, i.e Ψ, to simplify estimation and prediction The original expanding memory polynomial (EMP) and fading memory polynomial (FMP) filters as derived in Chapters 9 and 13 of [2], can be adapted to utilise the STM in Equation 10. ΓΨ is defined in terms of Γ(= ΓΦ ) for the ith -degree polynomial set for both the EMP and FMP filters, as follows: ΓΨ (j, i) = Γ(j, i) × (i − j)! where j ∈ [0, i]. As an example, the change for the 4th degree ΓΨ is as presented: ΓΨ (4, 4) = αΨ ΓΨ (3, 4) = βΨ ΓΨ (2, 4) = γΨ ΓΨ (1, 4) = δΨ ΓΨ (0, 4) = ²Ψ = α × 0! = β × 1! = γ × 2! = δ × 3! = ² × 4! standard 1-step predictor and current-estimate filter versions described in [1] and [2]. The two filters are normalised/scaled respectively as follows: EMP See Equation 17. FMP in the case of the FMP the filter parameter θ needs to be normalised to ensure that the amount of fading per update time (τ ) is the same as the original. This is done by calculating the effective theta (θef f ) as follows : θef f = θζ . As previously discussed, in all cases normalised time η(t) starts with 0 at the track start time (t0 ) and is scaled (normalised) by the constant expected update period τ , i.e. η(t) = t−t0 (see Equation 17). Denormalisation differs slightly from δ merely substituting Equation 19. If one wishes to get the Φ equivalent and original state vector one needs to multiply the respective Ψij and the state elements with ζ(j−i)! ( j−i) and i! ζ i respectively. This was added in the test code in order to validate equivalence to the original. This concludes the derivation. Using normalised time the prediction/extrapolation/estimation formula up to batch time η becomes : Zη∗ = Ψ(ζ)Zη−ζ based on the previous fit done at the batch time η − ζ with η, ζ ∈ R. A. The Expanding Memory Polynomial Filter The update workflow for adding an observation, yn , to the EMP filter is as follows: IV. S OLUTION : E XTENDING THE C URRENT-E STIMATE P OLYNOMIAL F ILTER TO A VARIABLE - STEP F ILTER In this section, the variable-step filter version is derived from the current-estimate filter (see Chapter 12 of [1]). This filter was then implemented in Matlab and verified on various scenarios. Firstly, η is defined as the normalised time — a real number measured as a multiple of the expected update period (τ ) from the start time of a track (t0 ). t − t0 η= (17) τ Secondly, ζ = number. δ τ, defines the normalised delta-time, a real t + δ − t0 (18) τ Note, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , the update- or batch number, as originally defined in [1], stays unchanged and is defined as the number of observations added to the EMP filter. The correct time can be recovered by denormalising as follows: η = η + ζ, n = n + 1 . . . (n and η is updated) Zη∗ = Ψ(ζ)Zη−ζ , . . . (predict by ζ) eη = yn − z0∗ η , Zη = δ =ζ ×τ (19) (20) (21) When using the variable time-step EMP and FMP filter versions, certain normalisations must be performed in order to make them parameter identical, i.e. “hot-pluggable” with the . . . (calculate the error) + Γn eη , . . . (do the update) The state vector update for the EMP filter — after prediction using Ψ up to the current normalised time η — now becomes: • 0th-degree z0η = z0η ∗ + αn eη , • 1st-degree z1η = z1η ∗ + βeη z0η = z0η ∗ + αeη 6 β= (n + 2)(2) 2(2n + 1) α= (n + 2)(2) η+ζ = t = η × τ + t0 t + δ = (η + ζ) × τ + t0 Zη∗ • 2nd-degree z2η = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη z1η = z1η ∗ + βeη z0η = z0η ∗ + αeη 30 γ= (n + 3)(3) 18(2n + 1) β= (n + 3)(3) 3(3n2 + 3n + 2) α= (n + 3)(3) α= 1 n+1 • 3rd-degree • = z3η ∗ + (3!)δeη = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη = z1η ∗ + βeη = z0η ∗ + αeη 140 δ= (n + 4)(4) 120(2n + 1) γ= (n + 4)(4) 20(6n2 + 6n + 5) β= (n + 4)(4) 8(2n3 + 3n2 + 7n + 3) α= (n + 4)(4) z2η = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη z1η = z1η ∗ + βeη z0η = z0η ∗ + αeη 1 γ = (1 − θ)3 2 3 β = (1 − θ)2 (1 + θ) 2 α = 1 − θ3 z3η z2η z1η z0η • = z4η ∗ + (4!)²eη = z3η ∗ + (3!)δeη = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη = z1η ∗ + βeη = z0η ∗ + αeη 630 ²= (n + 5)(5) 700(2n + 1) δ= (n + 5)(5) 1050(n2 + n + 1) γ= (n + 5)(5) 25(12n3 + 18n2 + 46n + 20) β= (n + 5)(5) 5(5n4 + 10n3 + 55n2 + 50n + 24) α= (n + 5)(5) B. The Fading Memory Polynomial Filter The update workflow for adding an observation, yn , to the FMP filter is as follows: θ = θζ . . . (θ is updated) η =η+ζ . . . (η is updated) Zη∗ = Ψ(ζ)Zη−ζ , . . . (predict by ζ) eη = yn − z0∗ η , . . . (calculate the error) Zη = Zη∗ + Γθ eη , . . . (do the update) Similar to the update for the EMP filter, after prediction using Ψ, the details for state vector update for the FMP filter are as follows: • 0th-degree z0η = z0η ∗ + αeη , • • 1st-degree z1η = z1η ∗ + βeη z0η = z0η ∗ + αeη β = (1 − θ)2 α = 1 − θ2 α=1−θ 3rd-degree = z3η ∗ + (3!)δeη = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη = z1η ∗ + βeη = z0η ∗ + αeη 1 δ = (1 − θ)4 6 γ = (1 − θ)3 (1 + θ) 1 β = (1 − θ)2 (11 + 14θ + 11θ2 ) 6 α = 1 − θ4 z3η z2η z1η z0η 4th-degree z4η z3η z2η z1η z0η 2nd-degree • 4th-degree = z4η ∗ + (4!)²eη = z3η ∗ + (3!)δeη = z2η ∗ + (2!)γeη = z1η ∗ + βeη = z0η ∗ + αeη 1 (1 − θ)5 ²= 24 5 δ= (1 − θ)4 (1 + θ) 12 5 γ= (1 − θ)3 (7 + 10θ + 7θ 2 ) 24 5 β= (1 − θ)2 (5 + 7θ + 7θ 2 + 5θ3 ) 12 α = 1 − θ5 z4η z3η z2η z1η z0η V. T ESTING The Matlab code for an implementation of the EMP and FMP filters are extremely simple and available from the corresponding author. Testing was done on the following scenarios. A. The polynomial filter in a noisy environment Here the original and improvised versions of the polynomial filters are compared using known simulated polynomials of different orders. The simulation parameters were PD = 0.5, in the presence of σ = 50.0 additive noise, for an update period of τ = 1s. The resulting graphs when approximating a 4th -degree polynomial with a 3rd -order filter model are shown in Figure 1. The filter parameter θ was set to 0.95. Note, when choosing a constant update rate the variablestep and original polynomial filters render near identical state vector estimates. Thus when the derived variable-step filter was compared to both the original filters the results were 2 Σ (Zvstep − Zoriginal ) < 10−10 over the total track-time of 100s (τ = 1s). During the comparison to the 1-step predictor a “one batch” prediction was necessary on the variable-step ∗ filter, i.e Zη+1 = Ψ(1)Zη , before the mentioned sum-ofsquare subtraction could be done. Degree = 4, Run4 1000 fZ(0)=881.8053 fZ(0) Error, last value , 1Step=848.0403, ContStep=795.6041 1000 View publication stats 800 200 500 0 600 0 400 −500 −60 200 −40 −20 0 fZ(1)=34.8626 20 40 −40 −20 0 fZ(2)=1.4308 20 40 −40 −20 0 fZ(3)=0.017189 20 40 −200 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 fZ(1) Error, last value , 1Step=11.1344, ContStep=0.36173 50 50 0 0 −200 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 Pd =0.5, Ps =0, Ns =50 Sjitter =0.3 10 20 0 30 −50 −60 −50 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 fZ(2) Error, last value , 1Step=−0.23652, ContStep=−1.6583 2 5 150 0 1step cont 100 0 −2 50 −5 −60 0 −4 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 fZ(3) Error, last value , 1Step=−0.0028933, ContStep=−0.082431 0.2 0.2 −50 0 −100 −150 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 0 −0.2 −60 30 −40 −20 0 20 −0.2 −60 40 −40 −20 0 20 40 (b) 4th -degree state vector (a) Position and position-errors 4th -degree polynomial function Fig. 1. VI. R ESULTS FROM SMOOTHING VERY NOISY FLIGHT DATA THAT VERIFY SMOOTHING AND PREDICTION CAPABILITY Figure 2 displays the smoothing achieved on “detected area in pixels”, an irregularly detected feature, extracted from noisy flight data. The data-set parameters were as follows: PD ≈ 0.25, in the presence of non-linearly changing additive noise σ as a function of range, and, for an irregular update period of around τ = 0.01s. 4th order State Vector 6 0.04 4 z0* 0.06 2 0.02 0 0 input orig filtered degree pred − 0.1s −0.04 −0.06 0 0.5 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 5 z1* −0.02 1.5 0 −5 20 4th order errors 0.06 0 z2* 0.04 −20 0.02 −40 input filtered pred − 0.1s 0 5000 z3* −0.02 −0.04 −0.06 0 0.5 1 0 −5000 1.5 (b) 3rd -degree state vector (a) Position and position-errors Fig. 2. 3rd -degree polynomial filter on a very noisy image feature, detected area VII. R ESULTS FROM SMOOTHING A FLIGHT PROFILE IN 3-D THAT VERIFY SMOOTHING AND PREDICTION CAPABILITY DURING A M ISSILE ON M ISSILE ENCOUNTER polynomial filter adheres to the Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB1 ) on variance, and is thus CRLB consistent [2]. The fading memory polynomial filter is not CRLB consistent. The modified polynomial filters described in this paper possess all the characteristics of the originally devised polynomial filters ([2]). They also have the following improved capabilities: • The time-interval of the modified (variable-step) polynomial filters does not have to be evenly spaced. • Missed detections do not have to be cycled (updated) in the modified polynomial filters. • Denormalisation is only needed if the modified polynomial filter should be hot-pluggable with the original. (See Section IV.) • The state transition matrix differs slightly from the polynomial filters originally devised in [2]. These differences are proposed to make predictions and derivations of predictions simpler. (See Section III.) The ith order derivation can now be done with the following sub-matrix i Z(t) formula: d dt = Ψ1:N −i,1 × Z(t)1+i:N i Note, the variance reduction factor (VRF) derivation done in [2] and refined in [1] remains unchanged and that these references remain the authoritative sources on the following aspects for Polynomial Filtering: • Switching from EMP to FMP upon reaching equal VRF. • Quick settling, automatic degree iteration. • Outlier exclusion. Polynomial filters are simple, elegant and fast. It is feasible to implement banks of these filters in firmware with type (either EMP or FMP), θ and order as the tunable parameters. These parameters can all be changed on the fly. Future work includes doing the reverse of the recursive expanding polynomial filter by discarding one sample at a time, thereby providing a recursive version for a fixed memory length expanding memory polynomial filter. R EFERENCES [1] N. Morrison, Filter Engineering — A Practical Approach: The GaussNewton and Polynomial Filters. To be published, 2011. [2] ——, Introduction to Sequential Smoothing and Prediction. McGrawHill, New York, 1969. [3] G. H. Golub and C. F. Van Loan, Matrix Computations, 2nd ed. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989. [4] Mathworks, “Matrix exponential function — expm(),” Online:, 2009. [5] H. Cramér, Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 1st ed. Princeton Univ. Press, 1946. [6] C. R. Rao, “Information and the accuracy attainable in the estimation of statistical parameters,” Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc, vol. 37, p. 8189, 1946. (a) Velocity, acceleration and their er- (b) 3rd -degree polynomial filter (in [7] Z. Long, N. Ruixin, and P. Varshney, “A sensor selection approach for rors black) compared to the LS(100)(red) target tracking in sensor networks with quantized measurements,” ICASSP 2008, March 2008. Fig. 3. Max 3rd -degree polynomial compared to Least-Square with history of 100 in a 3D Missile on Missile encounter Velocity 5 Velocity Errors i=476; time=32.5478 0.5 Est True 4 1500 0.4 0.3 3 1000 FitOrder=2; Nfit=250 0.2 Z 2 0.1 1 −1 500 0 0 1500 −0.1 0 0.5 1 1.5 −0.2 0 0.5 1 0 −500 1.5 −400 −300 −200 −100 Z 500 Acceleration Errors 30 10 20 0 10 1000 0 Y Acceleration 20 1500 0 0 1000 −30 5000 0 −400 0 Est True Y 500 −20 10000 −200 Z −10 −5000 X −10 0 0.5 1 1.5 −20 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 30 35 40 45 t VIII. C ONCLUSION This paper improved on the fading- and expanding memory polynomial filters devised in [2]. The expanding memory 1 The Cramér-Rao lower bound is a limit to the variance that can be attained by a linear unbiased estimator of a parameter of a distribution. See [5], [6] for fundamentals, [7] for a well-explained application and [1] for the proof of CRLB consistency, specifically for polynomial filters.