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2000, Science
2 pages
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fields, each distinctive enough in its properties to attract its own coterie of experts. Perhaps the most bizarre are local fields such as the 7-adic numbers, where live such creatures as the number 1 + 7 i 72 + 73 i. .. These numbers are forbidden in the universe of real numbers because they can become infinitely large. Finally, there are the function fields, whose elements are polyno-A proof of the Langlands conjecture for function fields answers a question that mials or quotients of po~ynom~a~s-~or exhas puzzled mathematicians for over 3 decades ample, (2-3x + IX(x i 2). Although local 4 FEBRUARY 2000 VOL 287 SCIENCE fieids-and functio; fields are less Familiar In January 1967, a 30-year-old Princeton Lafforgue, a number theorist at the Univerthan number fields, they often are easier to mathematics professor named Robert Lang-sitk de Paris-Sud. study. Lafforgue's work proves Langlands's lands wrote to Andrk Weil, the dean of the This fall, thanks to Lafforgue, another conjectures only in the context of function world's number theorists, asking for his piece of the program finally fell into place. fields. In 1998, three other mathematicians opinion about two new conjectures. "If you In November, Lafforgue gave the first U.S. proved them for local fields as well. That am willing to read [my letter] as pure spec-presentation of his proof of the "Langlands leaves only the central problem of number ulation I would appreciate that," wrote conjecture for function fields" in a series of fields unresolved. "I don't think it will take Langlands; "if not-I' m sure you have a lectures at the Institute for Advanced Study a miracle," says Langlands. "There's a waste basket." in Princeton, New Jersey. A 300-page handhump we've got to get over, an insight that's Weil never wrote back, but Langlands's written version of Lafforgue's proof has not out there yet." letter turned out to be a Rosetta stone link-been circulating among mathematicians Historically, Langlands's conjectures ing two different branches of mathematics. since the summer, but it has not yet been arose out of an effort to find very general He posited that there was an equivalen-submitted for publication. Nevertheless, the versions of what number theorists call rerather like a French-English dictionary-experts seem quite confident that it will hold ciprocity laws-patterns governing how between Galois representations and auto-up. "I' m sure it5 a contender for the Fields whole numbers can be broken down morphic forms. The former describe the in-medal:' says Peter Sarinto sums of products of other whole tricate relationships among the solutions to nak, a number theorist numbers. (The term is a bit of a mis-'
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arXiv: Algebraic Geometry, 2016
The analogy between the arithmetic of varieties over number fields and the arithmetic of varieties over function fields is a leading theme in arithmetic geometry. This analogy is very powerful but there are some gaps. In this note we will show how the presence of isotrivial varieties over function fields (the analogous of which do not seems to exist over number fields) breaks this analogy. Some counterexamples to a statement similar to Northcott Theorem are proposed. In positive characteristic, some explicit counterexamples to statements similar to Lang and Vojta conjectures are given.
Journal of Number Theory, 2016
In this paper, we introduce a Carlitz module analogue of the classical Euler totient function, and prove a function field analogue of Euler's theorem by using the Carlitz action and the Carlitz module analogue of the Euler totient function. We propose a function field analogue of Carmichael's totient function conjecture. In contrast to the classical case, we answer the function field analogue of Carmichael's conjecture in the negative. We also propose a function field analogue of Sierpiński's conjecture, and discuss some special cases of this analogue.
1 . Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1 2. Origins – in the margins .......................................................................................... 5 3. Early stages – in the margins as well ..................................................................... 8 4. FLT between 1800 and 1855 – still in the margins .............................................. 13 5. Marginality within diversification in number theory (1855-1908) ....................... 22 6. The Wolfskehl Prize and its aftermath ................................................................. 34 7. FLT in the twentieth century: developing old ideas, discovering new connections .................................................................................................... 44 8. Concluding Remarks: the Fermat-to-Wiles drama revisited .............................. 56 9. REFERENCES.....................................
From some works of P. Furtw\"angler and H.S. Vandiver, we put the basis of a new cyclotomic approach to Fermat's last theorem for p>3 and to a stronger version called SFLT, by introducing governing fields of the form Q(exp(2 i pi/q-1)) for prime numbers q. We prove for instance that if there exist infinitely many primes q, q not congruent to 1 mod p, q^(p-1) not congruent to 1 mod p^2, such that for Q dividing q in Q(exp(2 i pi /q-1)), we have Q^(1-c) = A^p . (alpha), with alpha congruent to 1 mod p^2 (where c is the complex conjugation), then Fermat's last theorem holds for p. More generally, the main purpose of the paper is to show that the existence of nontrivial solutions for SFLT implies some strong constraints on the arithmetic of the fields Q(exp(2 i pi /q-1)). From there, we give sufficient conditions of nonexistence that would require further investigations to lead to a proof of SFLT, and we formulate various conjectures. This text must be considered as a ba...
... At this point he proceeds to use some of his theory of finite-dimensional Kolchin closedgroups (but also some analysis). Our proof uses instead the model theory of abstractfinite-dimensional groups (groups of finite Morley rank). ...
A New Theory of Numbers, 2020
“How can all of this be true all at the same time?” This will be the question you will be asking yourself once you discover the amazing inner world hiding behind numbers, as they reveal palindromes, two types of dual characteristics, visible and invisible patterns, perfect plus/minus as well as odd/even balances, and much more. Learn that prime numbers can be organized in a perfect 24-based, yet decimally-based system and aren’t randomly distributed. Discover a whole new way to see numbers as one unified, and I dare say, Intelligent and Logical system. An entire new Number Theory is hereby introduced as well. Find out further aspects hiding behind the Fibonacci numbers, and similarly found ratios point to the square roots of whole numbers. A bonus chapter reveals the number present in our solar system.
DESCRIPTION Brief history of the theory of numbers in the second half of the 19th century
We discuss the use of the motivic L-functions in arithmetic as a computational tool and as a mean of proving some fundamental theoretical results. Classical L-functions. Dirichlet's class number formula. The Kubota and Leopoldt p-adic L-functions and the Iwasawa theory. L-functions of a global field of a positive characteristic. Examples of the use of L-functions. 2. Local and global methods in arithmetic. The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer Conjecture. Constructing rational points from complex and p-adic L-functions. Fermat's Last Theorem and Modularity of Elliptic Curves (see William Stein, `An Explicit Approach to Number Theory'. Lecture notes available at: res.pdf 3. Motivic L functions and Galois representations. Weil conjectures. Complex and p-adic L-functions attached to motives and their use. Automorphic L-functions and Artin's Conjecture. 4. Modular forms and congruences. Deformation theory of Galois representations and families of modular forms. Applications to the proof of Serre's Modularity Conjectures (Khare-Wintenberger-Kisin et al., 2007). References: The relation to the proof of the Sato-Tate Conjecture (2006). (see Manin Yu.I. and Panchishkin A.A., Introduction to Modern Number Theory, Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, vol. 49 (2nd ed.), Second printing Springer-Verlag, 2007, 514 p).
RPS Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, 2024
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Horizonte Independiente. Revista Electrónica de Humanidades, 2023
Vegetables - Importance of Quality Vegetables to Human Health, 2018
MLitt Dissertation, University of St Andrews, 2010
CHNT 23, 2018 – Proceedings, 2020
Parasitology Research, 2005
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2016
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2013
Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014
Journal of Sensors