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Social Work in Health Care
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A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social
Gary Holden DSW , Ellen Tuchman PhD , Kathleen Barker PhD
, Gary Rosenberg PhD , May Thazin BSc , Sofie Kuppens PhD &
Katie Watson MSW
Silver School of Social Work, New York University, New York, New
York, USA
Medgar Evers College, The City University of New York, Brooklyn,
New York, USA
Department of Preventive Medicine, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, New York, New York, USA
Polytechnic, New York University, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Centre for Methodology of Educational Research, Department
of Educational Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
Version of record first published: 10 Jul 2012
To cite this article: Gary Holden DSW, Ellen Tuchman PhD, Kathleen Barker PhD, Gary Rosenberg PhD,
May Thazin BSc, Sofie Kuppens PhD & Katie Watson MSW (2012): A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social
Work, Social Work in Health Care, 51:6, 483-505
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Social Work in Health Care, 51:483–505, 2012
Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0098-1389 print/1541-034X online
DOI: 10.1080/00981389.2012.671649
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
Silver School of Social Work, New York University, New York, New York, USA
Downloaded by [New York University] at 15:16 31 August 2012
Medgar Evers College, The City University of New York, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Department of Preventive Medicine, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,
New York, New York, USA
Polytechnic, New York University, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Centre for Methodology of Educational Research, Department of Educational Sciences,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Silver School of Social Work, New York University, New York, New York, USA
Social work practitioners must act every working day in the face of
uncertainty. This uncertainty arises in part because knowledge is
often difficult to locate or sometimes lacking regarding: the systems
context the population being served; the particular client system;
the set of problems the client system is experiencing; as well as
the various interventions that could be selected. It seems reasonable to explore ways to reduce the experience of uncertainty, and
narrow, if not eliminate, the knowledge gaps that arise in such
situations. The generic idea of evidence-based practice has been
advanced for some time as an approach to support practitioners
in their day-to-day work. This article has two foci. First, it will
briefly and selectively review attempts to make social work practice
Received November 18, 2011; accepted February 27, 2012.
Sofie Kuppens is a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders, Belgium.
Address correspondence to Gary Holden, DSW, Room 409, New York University,
Silver School of Social Work, 1 Washington Square North, New York, NY 10003. E-mail:
[email protected]
G. Holden et al.
more evidence based. Second, it will describe one stage in the evolution of a Web-based service ( Information for Practice [IP]). IP
is a long-term project with the mission of keeping practitioners
informed about news and new scholarship in the field, so that they
can more easily make their practice more evidenced based.
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KEYWORDS best practices, clearinghouse, evidence-based practice, evidence-informed practice, grey literature, knowledge dissemination, literature review, open access, practice guidelines,
translational research
Although social work clients and practitioners clearly achieve positive outcomes, one can always ask: Where is there room for improvement? A variety
of approaches (e.g., evidence-based practice [EBP]) have been advanced as
a ways to improve practice for years and there are some indications of their
adoption (e.g., Howard, Himle, Jenson & Vaughn, 2009). Yet, others have
commented that:
[r]epeated demonstration of the beneficial effects of evidence-based psychotherapeutic, case-management, and pharmacologic interventions has
not led to widespread implementation of such interventions in usual care
settings . . . Service providers often rely upon non-evidence based practices in providing services to children and families. (Aarons & Palinkas,
2007, p. 411)
Contrast Aaron and Palinkas’ comment with the Collins and Daly’s observation in their small qualitative study of social workers:
In the current research, when questioned about what evidence meant
in social work, participants overwhelmingly indicated that, to them,
evidence was primarily the information, gathered from multiple sources,
which pertained to a specific case. This included but was not limited
to prior case histories and notes, the social worker’s own observations,
reports from other professionals (such as psychiatrists, doctors, police,
home care, or education), the views of the service user and the previous
knowledge and experience of the social worker. This echoes the
findings of a previous survey of social workers commissioned by IRISS.
. . . A few participants, particularly in the children and families team,
mentioned research as evidence spontaneously but this was in the
minority. (2011, p. 8)
If social work is going to move toward greater use of evidence from research,
how will this occur? How will practitioners learn about, and possibly be
influenced by, research? To explore possible answers to these questions, this
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
article will note some of the observations of others and our own regarding
the difficulties of social work practice and the use of evidence in attempting
to improve that practice.
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Social work is a fluid profession flowing across time in a chaotic environment. Client systems are often underprivileged and exist in stressful
circumstances with underdeveloped capacities. Social workers are, in many
instances, BSWs and/or MSWs, who are underprepared, poorly supported,
overworked, underpaid, too frequently attacked physically and undervalued
in general. Agencies can be as poor and underappreciated as their clients
and staff. Research in and about practice is infrequently conducted, underfunded, and often ignored. Dedicated practitioners attempting to incorporate
more evidence into their work face real obstacles. Despite such systemic
deficiencies, social work professionals must continue to make decisions
every day in the face of uncertainty (cf., Barth et al., in press; Institute
of Medicine, 2011).
All professionals now face an evolving task: how to navigate the increasingly dense and rapidly growing volume of information. De Kunder (2011)
estimated there were 12.13 billion Web pages on September 9, 2011. Gabler
recently commented that, “[we] live in the much vaunted Age of Information.
Courtesy of the Internet, we seem to have immediate access to anything that
anyone could ever want to know” (2011, p. 1). Yet, the quality of information
online regarding specific issues has been found wanting for at least a decade
(e.g., Eysenbach, Powell, Kuss & Sa, 2002; Khazaal, Chatton, Cochand, &
Zullino, 2008). Regardless of how one assesses the utility of information
found “online” (we know this category has become more varied as scholarly
sources have moved online), we assume use of online information sources
by social workers has increased since the turn of the century (e.g., BarnettQueen, 2001; Ishizuki & Cotter, 2009). The increasing amounts of available
information and the goal of increasing use by practitioners mean that navigation tools become increasingly important. For instance, it has been estimated
that 92% of adult Internet users in the United States use search engines
(Purcell, 2011). Are search engines meeting professionals’ needs to effectively and efficiently find relevant information? Are social work practitioners’
search skills keeping pace? Most searches by novices will produce “something” on the topic of interest—but what is the quality of that something.
If, as often happens, a search returns hundreds or thousands of hits, how
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deep into that mass does the searcher venture? Do they only consider the
first or second page of results (e.g., 10–20; cf., Jansen, Spink, & Saracevic’s,
2000; Silverstein, Henzinger, Marais, & Moricz, 1999)? Do they consider the
methods of search engine companies and how those entities determine the
most relevant information displayed for users? Do these searchers use more
than the 2–4 query range (per search session) Markey (2007a) reports in her
review? Markey goes on to note that “[a]lthough research findings demonstrate that end users are not conducting very sophisticated online searches,
the vast majority are satisfied with their searches” (p. 1078, cf., Markey,
To those unfamiliar with the application of evidence in social work, discussions of the concepts may appear confusing (cf., Barth et al., in press).
In our view, dividing the overall topic into four categories adds clarity. They
General processes are intended to help practitioners incorporate the
best available evidence into their practice. These include EBP and EIP
(evidence-informed practice) (e.g., Gibbs, 2003; Roberts & Yeager, 2006;
Rubin, 2008; Sackett, Straus, Richardson, Rosenberg & Haynes, 1997).
Specific products are some form of intervention or treatment with a body of
evidence that suggests they could be used successfully in practice. These
have been referred to in the literature as: empirically supported treatments
(ESTs); evidence-supported interventions (ESIs); evidence-based practices
(EBPs) (e.g., Rosen & Proctor, 2002; Thyer & Myers, 2011; Woody &
Sanderson, 1998; cf. Thyer & Pignotti, 2011, re: the “non-existence of
Implementation directions are more detailed guides to delivering intervention products or carrying out some process in practice that may have
varying degrees of evidence supporting them. Subtypes of this category
found in the literature include: treatment manuals (TMs); treatment protocols (TPs); clinical practice guidelines (CPGs); best practices (BPs); and
implementation toolkits (ITs) (e.g., AHRQ, 2011; CALSWEC, 2011; Institute
of Medicine, 2011, Mullen & Bacon, 2006; Roberts & Yeager, 2006; Woody
& Sanderson, 1998).
Filtering tools provide access to a selection of Internet-based information.
Wilson (2002) notes that these can be viewed as gateways for which content is selected for a more or less specific group of intended users. This
proposed category also includes tools such as open access (OA) repositories and vortals (vertical industry portals). The goal is to increase the
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
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sensitivity and precision (e.g., Taylor, Wylie, Dempster, & Donnelly, 2007)
of practitioner searching by providing the searcher with a database from
which less relevant information has been excluded.
Different combinations of the conceptual categories above might be
employed depending on the particular practice problem. For instance, a
practitioner might employ an EBP approach that included doing a search of
a database like PsycINFO covering content relevant to the professional issue,
to discover an ESI and a related TM that would guide the application of that
ESI. Conversely, a practitioner might use an EBP approach and search key
databases, OA repositories and vortals, to discover the best evidence regarding the typical course of the condition the client has (e.g., recent diagnosis
of a chronic illness). That process might not include a specific product or
directions for implementing a specific product (e.g., ESI or TM).
In describing the role of science in social work, Reid (2001) focused on two
different uses of science when he observed:
One has been to follow a scientific model in conducting professional
activities: science as a method. For example, a physician or social worker
may use diagnostic tests and systematic observation, form hypotheses,
evaluate results and so on in treating a patient or client. The professional here is behaving like a scientist in the case at hand. The other has
been to use scientific knowledge to inform those activities: science as
knowledge. In this usage the physician or social worker applies researchbased knowledge to enhance understanding of the patient or client
(assessment knowledge) or to remedy his or her problems (intervention
knowledge). (p. 274)
Reid acknowledged a criticism relevant to utilizing research based knowledge for practice—that is that insufficient research based knowledge exists
to guide practice. However, consistent with evidence based practice and
practice guidelines proponents, Reid asserted that a considerable body of
knowledge is available to practitioners.
While we agree in general with Reid on this point, it seems clear that
there are many obstacles between the body of relevant research that exists
and the practitioner in the workplace. A key example is cost. As previously noted, social workers and social agencies are often underfunded.
Professionals who are trying to get inside the discourse of their profession
may not be able to afford access to the gated community of peer-reviewed
publications. Although access to Campbell Collaboration (2001) materials
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is free, Cochrane Collaboration full text content is not ($310 per year).
Similarly, in 2011 NASW Press charged non-members $95.00 for access to
each of their four journals (NASW, 2011). The United States price of the
Oxford University Press journal, British Journal of Social Work is more ($178;
OUP, 2011). Given the choice of many governments to cut social programs
rather than tax upper income groups and businesses fairly, it seems unlikely
that practitioners’ information environments will be enhanced through governmental funding streams any time soon. The movement to open access
(OA) online journals has proceeded much more slowly than many had
hoped due to resistance within the publishing industry, as well as from
academics who are appropriately concerned about how their publications
in OA journals will be treated in reappointment, tenure, and promotion decisions. Regardless of the underlying causes, the dissemination of research to
practitioners can, and must, be improved.
The next four sections of this introduction will examine some of the recent
work that has been done within the first three categories (general processes;
specific products; implementation directions). This will be followed by more
in depth examination of a tool that falls within the fourth category: filtering
General Processes
Are social workers implementing the general process of EBP? Morago (2010)
surveyed 357 social care and social work agencies in the United Kingdom
and the majority of responses were from social work professionals (86.4%).
Of the total sample, 16.1% had attended training for EBP and another 36.8%
responded that they had good knowledge of EBP although they had not
participated in training for it. Less than 1 in 10 (9.7%) were involved in
some way in the creation or operation of evidence-based programs. Staudt
and Williams-Hayes (2011) found that child advocacy center therapists in
their study (47.6% had degrees in social work) were generally positive about
evidence-based practice. Among other caveats, they suggested that this result
might be, in part, due to the fact that this was a group of specialist providers
rather than a group that was working with diverse client populations in
which keeping up with the literature would be more difficult.
Howard and colleagues (2009) argued that a lack of adoption of EBP
may not be exclusively the result of practitioner resistance but due to the
quality of and ease of access to the evidence-based practices that social
workers are being encouraged to use. A reasonable question is this: Is there
enough social work research disseminated in forms that practitioners are
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
able to easily use to reduce uncertainty in practice (especially without paying access fees)? For instance, Shlonsky, Baker, and Fuller-Thomson (2011)
noted two explanations in the literature for the limited application of EBP.
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the information to reduce uncertainty may not exist; and
social work practitioners do not have the time to find what does exist.
Shlonsky, Baker, and Fuller-Thomson explored the utility of methodological
search filters as a method of reducing the time to find relevant information.
As part of this exploration, these researchers developed the Avalanche Index
(AI), described as, “the number of hits [search returns] one would need to
read through in order to find one of the studies (i.e., studies included in
a review)” (n.p.). While it seems clear to us that better searches strategies
(e.g., with improved filters) should produce better results, and in fact the
approaches designed by Shlonsky and colleagues do appear to do that,
an important question remains: How long and how much effort will it
take to improve the results to a level that will have utility for practitioners? Shlonsky’s team report average AI measures in the 233–588 range (for
two databases across multiple reviews). Assuming a practitioner actually
has access without cost barriers (a topic we will return to later), how long
will it take the average MSW practitioner to review each article to make an
include/exclude decision regarding its applicability to their particular clinical
question? Fifteen minutes per article on average will serve as an exemplar
for our purposes. Take an optimistic AI estimate of 200 and assume that
there are five articles that should be found. That would mean this practitioner would have to spend approximately 250 hours to screen the search
yield to obtain the five articles. [5 × 200 × .25 hrs = 250 hrs]. How realistic
is this and for how many questions regarding clinical practice (cf., Stanhope,
Tuchman & Sinclair, 2011)?
Moreover, all of the difficulties of carrying out the EBP process should
be considered in the relation to the zeitgeist of rising expectations. For
instance, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s Effective Health
Care (EHC) Program has begun a discussion of the possibility of conducting
peer reviews of database search strategies (EHCP, 2011). Will MSW practitioners be able to conduct literature reviews that are acceptable, given the
evolving state of the art?
Specific Products
Thyer and Myers (2011) trace the genesis of ESTs to the American
Psychological Association Division 12 Task Force on the Promotion and
Dissemination of Psychological Procedures (TFPDPP, 1993). They also
noted that this development was followed by various monographs and
edited collections, as well as related efforts by organizational entities (e.g.,
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Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the United
States; National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence in the United
Kingdom). A variety of approaches have been employed to rate the evidence regarding interventions. For instance, the California Evidence-Based
Clearinghouse for Child Welfare uses a 5-point scale (CEBCW, 2011).
Regardless of the number of cut points in any intervention effectiveness
categorization scheme additional research and discussion regarding such
categorizations would be helpful.
In a qualitative study of child welfare workers in California, Aaron and
Palinkas (2007) found a number of potential problems in the introduction
of “an EBP,” such as acceptability of the EBP to stakeholders and perceived
support for implementation of the intervention (p. 411). They concluded
that “[c]onsideration of multiple levels including the system, organization,
provider, and consumer . . . is needed to improve the process and outcomes
of . . . implementation” (p. 419). We would agree that research on implementation has substantial potential. This assertion receives some support from
the relatively recent appearance of the open access journal Implementation
Science (Eccles & Mittman, 2006).
Implementation Directions
According to Mullen and Bacon (2006), the advantages of CPGs include
a focus on specific practice issues, conditions, and populations—that they
are oriented to practitioners, are worded specifically enough to offer practitioners clear guidance, and include directions to be taken in treatment.
They may result in cost savings as well. Kosimbei, Hanson, and English’s
(2011) systematic review examined 15 studies (11 intervention and 4 modeling studies) of the impact of clinical practice guidelines on physicians’
prescribing behavior. They note that the “interventions aimed at changing
clinician behaviour either through training, prompts, feedback, supervision
or a combination” (p. 3). They reported that all, except one of the intervention studies, found financial savings and that those savings ranged from
6 % to 57%. Yet, they noted that among a number of caveats related to such
studies is how costs savings are calculated (i.e., as part of subcomponent
costs vs. as part of overall costs). To date we have not seen a discussion of
the cost-saving potential of practice guidelines in the social work literature.
Mullen and Bacon (2006) cautioned social workers that extant guidelines may not be based on empirical support but on consensus in a particular
area (cf., Howard & Jensen, 1999). Howard and his colleagues (2009) suggested the possible utility of clinical practice guidelines, yet noted that some
have criticized such guidelines as not responsive enough to changes in the
evidence base over time. Alonso-Coello et al. (2011) explore this critique in a
survey of 44 institutions involved in producing CPGs. While 64% of the sample “supported the concept of ‘living guidelines’ . . . that are continuously
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
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monitored and updated,” only 27.8% categorized the guideline updating
process as “very rigorous” (p. 4).
The recent report by the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on
Standards for Developing Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines (Institute
of Medicine, 2011) clearly summarizes the concerns with CPGs:
Certain factors commonly undermine the quality and trustworthiness of
CPGs. These include variable quality of individual scientific studies; limitations in systematic reviews (SRs) upon which CPGs are based; lack of
transparency of development groups’ methodologies (particularly with
respect to evidence quality and strength of recommendation appraisals);
failure to convene multi-stakeholder, multi-disciplinary guideline development groups, and corresponding non-reconciliation of conflicting
guidelines; unmanaged conflicts of interest . . . and overall failure to
use rigorous methodologies in CPG development. Furthermore, evidence
supporting clinical decision making and CPG development relevant to
subpopulations, such as patients with comorbidities, the socially and
economically disadvantaged, and those with rare conditions, is usually
absent. (p. 2)
While the issue of comorbidities and guidelines has been discussed in social
work, we have not seen an examination of guidelines relevant to social work
like the one published recently by Fortin et al. (2011) in medicine.
As with CPGs, if we had recently updated TMs for major areas of practices they would very likely be useful. Questions remain, however, regarding
how TMs would be made available and how much of a financial cost
they would pose to the practitioner? For instance, LeCroy’s (2008) edited
volume Handbook of Evidence-Based Treatment Manuals for Children
and Adolescents sought to present “detailed procedural descriptions” for
interventions with behavioral problems. It presents 15 treatment manuals
and lists for $65.00. Similarly, Barlow’s (2008) edited volume Clinical
Handbook of Psychological Disorders presents background and “[a] detailed
description of the actual step-by-step process of assessment and treatment” (p. xi) of 16 disorders along with common problems that may be
encountered. It lists for $85.00 and is (as are the other edited collections
noted) becoming dated over time (cf., Leahy, Holland, & McGinn, 2011;
O’Donohue & Fisher, 2009). Describing their experiences with the Robert
Wood Johnson/Center for Mental Health Services’ Evidence Based Practice
Project, Stanhope, Tuchman, and Sinclair (2011), noted that:
Frequently, students were responsible for facilitating WSM or IDDT
groups [Wellness Self Management or Integrated Dual Disorders
Treatment] and sometimes without workbooks or manuals despite
requests for more educational materials. In many sites the EvidenceBased Practices tool kits, resources developed by Substance Abuse and
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Mental Health Services Administration and Center for Mental Health
Services were unavailable. Furthermore, students identified a lack of
technology and resources such as computers, access to internet for
online resources, subscription sites (such as Cochrane and Campbell
Collaborations), full-text articles and curriculum based resources, information about evidence-based practices. Access to research was needed
for students both to broaden their own knowledge base about a particular EBP, to tailor the EBPs to the needs of their individual clients, and to
address issues related to engagement and therapeutic alliance. The lack
of resources was often a result of poor funding overall or not allocating funds towards identifying, instituting and maintaining research and
technology in their agencies. (p. 372, explanation of acronyms added)
Even if an EBP process is carried out and an EST with a TM is found, is
that enough? If that EST and TM require skills absent in the practitioner(s),
then additional training and supervision, and often funds to pay for those
supports, are required. And, even that may be insufficient. The systematic
review of Beidas and Kendall (2010), from a systems-contextual framework,
extends and provides a sobering echo of Stanhope, Tuchman, and Sinclair’s
In summary, a substantial amount of work has been accomplished on
incorporating more evidence into social work practice. Thyer and Myer’s
(2011) assert that, “[c]ertainly the language, if not the conceptual approach,
of EBP have reached a tipping point in the United States” (p. 22). Perhaps a
tipping point has been reached, but questions remain, including:
What proportion of social work practitioners employ aspects of evidencerelated processes or products discussed above?
What proportion of cases are they used in by those practitioners utilizing
What filtering tools are available that might help increase these proportions?
The remainder of this article focuses on the last question, by describing a
filtering tool designed to increase the proportions of practitioners’ practice
that are evidenced based.
Our long-held view is that dissemination processes are needed beyond
teaching the general process and creating specific products or implementation directions. The driving conceptualization of our work is providing
the practitioner with a free, virtual, professional library. Information for
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A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
Practice (IP) [] is how we have enacted that conceptualization.
It serves to deliver news, new scholarship and more to the practitioner
at the point of care for free (e.g., Holden, Barker, Rosenberg, & Cohen,
2012). It contains a series of categories: journal articles abstracts; open
access journal articles; guidelines plus; monographs and edited collections;
news; grey literature; calls; clinical trials; and funding. In addition multimedia content is contained in additional categories: images in the news; video;
infographics; and history. Some of our Fall 2011 additions to IP’s history
category demonstrate that attempts to improve practice through the provision of information is not new. These include: The Training of Pauper
Children (Kay-Shuttleworth, 1839); Evidence on Poor Law Medical Relief
( Select Committee of the House of Commons, 1862); and the Hand-book
for Visitors to the Poorhouse (Olmstead, 1888).
Primary categories on IP’s home page contain snippets of information
and provide hypertext links to the material which is located on other sites.
In some instances (e.g., open access journal articles, guidelines plus, grey
literature), these links are to free, full text materials, thus eliminating the
access toll problem noted above. Beyond using the IP website directly, the
practitioner can create personal Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds from
the entire site or from any subset of categories. They can also follow a
selection of IP’s content on Twitter (@Info4Practice ) or Facebook (http://
The original site that IP eventually evolved from was based on Gopher
space (pre-cursor to the WWW). It was created in 1993 (Holden, Rosenberg,
& Weissman, 1994, 1995), prior to the development of the evidence-based
clearinghouses described by Soydan, Mullen, Alexandra, Rehnman, and
You-Ping (2010). In addition, IP has always had a broader focus than the
clearinghouses described by Soydan and colleagues (2010). The most recent
version of IP was substantially reconstituted in November, 2010. IP and its
earlier versions developed during the same time period as the excellent
Resource Discovery Network in the United Kingdom. This service evolved
into Intute in 2006, but unfortunately closed down in July 2011(Hiom, 2006;
Intute, 2011). Although primarily a sweat equity effort, IP has been generously supported over time by: the Silver School of Social Work; the Division
of Social Work and Behavioral Science, Mount Sinai School of Medicine;
Dr. Helen Rehr; the Cordellia Foundation; and New York University.
Morago’s (2010) findings seem to support the general ideas behind
IP. When asked what they thought would facilitate the incorporation of
EBP into practice settings, the greatest percentages of respondents reported:
“more time and/or resources” (90.3%); “dissemination of research findings
in a user-friendly and understandable way” (80.6%); and “more information
and/or training” (72.3%) (p. 460). While IP cannot create more time in the
practitioner’s life, it can make the practitioner’s search for information more
efficient and thus reduce uncertainty in a larger proportion of cases than
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would have been possible without IP. Although, IP is not yet evolved to the
level of some of the decisions support systems seen in medical settings (e.g.,
Kawamoto, Houlihan, Balas, & Lobach, 2005), it is hard to imagine that such
systems will be incorporated into the bulk of social work practice in the near
Currently (October 31, 2011) IP has a total of 36,540 posts. We have not
done formal outcomes assessment of the site. Rather we have relied from
the beginning on use data as an indicator for the utility of the site. Data
are acquired from both WordPress and Google Analytics. It is market view
of outcomes, if the site is useful, people will use it. There were a total of
91,367 visits or 272 visits per day on average to IP between November 30,
2010 and October 31, 2011 with 45,625 absolute unique visitors (the total
number of individuals who visited IP at least once during that period). Across
all visits, the average number of pages per visit was 1.67 and the average
time spent on the site was 2 minutes and 44 seconds. Obviously a number
of users will come to the site by accident or come to the site once or a few
times and not find it useful. So one relevant statistic is the number of visitors
who return more than a few times (visitor loyalty). Among the total number
of 91,367 visits, 46,122 (50.5%) were returning visitors. Out of all visits one
third (34.0%) came back more than 26 times and 15.5% came back 201 or
more times.
Most visits (57.6%) came directly to the site (no specific source) and
22.5% of visits came via search engines (e.g., Google, Yahoo, Bing). Google
accounted for 96.2% of the search engine traffic to the website. The remaining 19.9% of the visits came from referring websites that included a hyperlink
pointer to IP. During this period, IP received visits from 161 countries/ territories. As can be seen from Figure 1, 73.1% of visits came from United States,
FIGURE 1 Top ten geographic sources of traffic for IP in descending order.
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A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
followed by Canada (11.6%) and United Kingdom (3.4%). Within the United
States, there were visits from all 50 states, but about one third of the visits
(36.0%) originated from New York, followed by Massachusetts (11.0%) and
Florida (6.1%).
With the addition of overall and category specific RSS feeds to IP, new
types of “use” become interesting. For instance, IP has been receiving an
average of 334 RSS feed visits per day. In terms of social media, we tweeted a
selection of IP content during this 11-month period (3,220 tweets, done manually), and had 622 followers on Twitter as of November 1, 2011. We have
also begun experimenting with an automated broadcast of IP content to
Facebook. Beyond these statistics, IP also uses a monthly alerting service
that notifies users the previous month’s archives are available. Currently
3,240 individuals are enrolled in this service.
IP might be more useful if it created and delivered pre-digested clinical
summaries regarding professional topics of interest as some services do
(e.g., UptoDate, On the other hand, the amount
of resources required to create such a service in a professional field as
wide-ranging as social work would be large and likely difficult to a support
financially. Few supporting advertisers come to mind and the end user populations (e.g., social workers, social work students and faculty) are poorly
compensated which would logically lead one to conclude that creating such
a fee based service in social work might not be successful. The current cost
of individual access to UptoDate is $44.95 for 30 days, while a one-year subscription to Dynamed for a licensed medical practitioner is $199.95 (http:// Added to this mix is the issue of keeping such
point of care services current as revealed by the findings of Banzi et al.
(2011). Even if such a service eventually appears in social work, it would
likely still not contain all of the features that IP currently does. That said, IP
will link to the relevant contents of any such service that makes their content
available for free online.
IP does not and never will provide complete coverage of all of the
potentially relevant information practitioners might want. We know of no
database that does—an observation that all searchers should remember (e.g.,
Flatley, Lilla, & Widner, 2007; Holden, Barker, Covert-Vail, Rosenberg, &
Cohen, 2008, 2009; Kemp & Brustman, 1997; Mendelsohn, 1986; Shek 2008;
Taylor et al., 2006, 2007; Tomaiuolo, 1993).
While obviously imperfect, IP does provide assistance with incorporating
evidence into social work practice. In terms of the general process, IP can
G. Holden et al.
serve as an ancillary filtering tool that contains an array of content not typically found in such specialty services. In terms of specific products, IP has
historically covered evidence-supported interventions that were available
on the Internet. Finally, while providing some coverage of implementation
directions such as CPGs in the past, IP recently sought to improve this
coverage (see below).
Reviewing IP during 2010–11 we identified two weaknesses that
represented opportunities for improving the site substantially.
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Guidelines Plus Category Upgrade
In early 2010 we were planning to develop a custom Google search engine
that would allow for IP-based guideline searches of both IP and the wider
Internet. As we were talking through this possibility, two of the practitioners
on the team noted that the kinds of practice guidelines that we were linking to in the Guidelines Plus (e.g., ones found at the National Guidelines
Clearinghouse) were less useful than one might expect. Although they offer
a substantial amount of detail, the specifics of the actual intervention were
often missing, and therefore they would be less than optimal guides for
While we continue to think that IP’s Guidelines Plus category has utility for some practitioners in some situations, it was clear that this category
was missing important information. In the past, if a treatment manual had
appeared in the yield from IP’s various information sources it would have
been included. However, we had not made the conscious decision to make
a dedicated effort to obtain these materials more systematically. Barth and
colleagues (in press) asserted that “[d]espite the increasing number of manualized treatments, the dissemination and implementation of manualized
evidence-supported treatments (MESTs) remains strikingly limited in practice settings” (in press). This observation supports our decision to increase
the presence of TMs on IP.
We proceeded to do a substantial amount of Internet searching for
treatment manuals that were relatively current and available (full text for
free). We next reviewed lists of evidence-based websites in an effort to
capture what might have been missed by those prior searches. We also
searched Google Books (for freely available full text). All of the relevant
content that was uncovered was added to our IP category—Guidelines Plus.
Although this process has produced limited results to date we continue to
search for relevant content. The name of this category was not changed as
we thought it was broad enough to capture content like treatment manuals.
Guidelines Plus contained 754 entries on November 1, 2011 (it had contained
289 entries on August 7, 2011) and continues to grow daily. Improving the
content added to IP is an ongoing effort, of which the addition of a treatment
manuals category is just one part.
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
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Advanced Search Procedure
The purpose of an ongoing parallel process is to improve the ease with
which users can find what they need on IP. As the amount of content in IP
increases, efficient navigation gains increased importance. Although the IP
site is easy to browse by month (of content entry) or by topical category
(e.g., meta-analyses and systematic reviews), we determined that the simple
search that was being used with the new version of the of IP that came
online in November 2010 was less than optimal unless the user was a proficient searcher who could construct Boolean searches. To rectify this issue,
the IP team decided to create an Advanced Search Procedure. After substantial testing by our team and some generous colleagues, the final design in
Figure 2 was created and added to IP in October 2011.
The main goal of IP Advanced Search is to help users design a search
process that is both intuitive and similar to other advanced search procedures they have likely used (e.g., Google, Yahoo). Not all users are familiar
FIGURE 2 IP advanced search.
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G. Holden et al.
with using Boolean logic in searching (i.e., the operators such as AND, OR,
NOT, etc.). So IP Advanced Search provides two options. First, the top Basic
Search box is for proficient searchers who understand Boolean logic and
are comfortable using it to compose more complex searches. Second, are
the four separate search boxes below the top box that allow searchers to
easily specify the details of their search strategy (e.g., entering terms in: all of
the words; this exact phrase; any of these words, and/or none of these words
(see Figure 2), rather than constructing it using Boolean operators in the
Basic Search box.
IP Advanced Search also allows faceted search (e.g., Lemieux, 2009).
The default for searches on IP is to search the entire database. But within
Advanced Search, the user can specify a search of a smaller set of categories.
For instance, if a social worker is interested in deciding how to intervene
regarding a particular problem, they might want to restrict their search to the
Guidelines Plus category. Beyond this faceted aspect, the user can search for
their search terms in only the titles of entries on IP or in the entire record.
The first choice will logically produce a smaller set of returns where the
search terms are more central to the document.
The new IP Advanced Search seeks to get all searchers to the content they need more efficiently. Beginning with a smaller, but more select
database (than Google for instance), the IP Advanced Search allows more
experienced searchers to construct free form searches; helps less experienced searchers construct more complex searches; and allows all searchers
faceting options to make their searches more effective.
So where do the observations above leave us regarding social work, evidence, and the transmission of evidence? We thought before we started this
article and we remain convinced that practitioners who want to improve
their practice by making it more evidence-based face real difficulties.
We agree with Wilson, Rourke, Lavis, Bacon, and Travers’ (2011) assertion
there are many potential challenges related to research use. Barriers that
have been consistently identified across sectors include: the complexity
of research evidence, organizational barriers, lack of available time, poor
access to current literature, lack of timely research, lack of experience
and skills for critical appraisal, unsupportive culture for research, lack
of actionable messages in research reports, and limited resources for
implementation. . . . Given these barriers, it is not surprising that a lack
of uptake of research evidence has been noted in many different sectors.
(2011, pp. 1–2)
A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
Will the addition of more examples of implementation directions like TMs
and upgraded advanced searching make IP an optimal resource? No. First,
as important as TMs are, we need to remember what Henggeler and
Schoenwald (2002) pointed out some years ago.
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Variables influencing treatment fidelity, including the quality of the treatment manual, can be conceptualized from a social ecological framework.
Practitioners are embedded in quality assurance systems (e.g., manuals, supervision), which are embedded within organizations, which are
embedded within community contexts. Variables at each level of analysis
influence practitioner behavior and, in many cases, can undermine the
intents of the best conceived treatment manual. (p. 419)
Clearly TMs are only one part of the solution. Second, as we have noted in
previous work (Holden, Barker, Rosenberg, Kuppens, & Ferrell, 2011), even
proprietary database systems used by scholars (e.g., Social Work Abstracts)
have problems that are not insignificant. Although the capabilities of these
proprietary systems have clearly increased, we continue to wonder about the
reliability and validity of the searches produced by them. IP is not immune
to such problems and this is a factor that practitioners should always keep
firmly in mind. These are imperfect systems, being used in imperfect ways,
usually by non-expert searchers.
Regardless of the quality of information delivery systems, at least two
end user issues remain. First, while these systems continue to evolve, some
recent findings suggest that practitioners (across professions) were more
likely to turn to or be influenced by interpersonal channels (e.g., significant
mentors; respected therapists; colleagues) as opposed to other channels such
as journals and web-based information (Cook, Schnurr, Biyanova, & Coyne,
2009; Dwairy, Dowell, & Stahl, 2011). Tendencies to be more influenced by
those with whom one has a social relationship may very well extend into
the Internet realm and we could find that connections within social networking sites are relied on more than information push sites like IP. Then
again, if information delivery systems like IP continue to improve, perhaps
the sources that practitioners turn to will change. Regardless of what transpires, we think that the some practitioners will focus on the quality of the
information rather than the mode by which the information is transmitted.
Second, as Reid (2001) asks, “[w]ill practitioners implement researchbased interventions with sufficient fidelity?” (p. 281). This is an important
empirical question for social work relevant evidence dissemination in general and for IP in particular. It is one thing to efficiently deliver the necessary
information and quite another for that information to be used effectively in
practice, over time. A related warning has emerged in healthcare regarding
the delivery of too much information. Carthey, Walker, Deelchand, Vincent,
and Griffiths (2011) suggested that a number of problems for providers are
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associated with the evolution of guidelines (e.g., increasing volume; multiple
examples for a topic; overly long and complex examples; problems tracking
versions of a guideline). Leach and Segal (2011) move beyond practitioners’ issues with treatment fidelity with CPGs to explore potential threats
to patient self-care in their discussion of diabetes mellitus (e.g., cognitive
ability; health literacy; mental wellbeing; physical ability).
Given our experience with “guidelines” for researchers/scholars, we can
empathize with the diminishment of intrinsic motivation that such guidelines
can produce (APA Publications and Communications Board Working Group
on Journal Article Reporting Standards, 2009). These dilemmas emphasize
the importance of translational research.
Yet, as Shlonsky, Noonan, Littell, and Montgomery have recently noted:
“we must continue to find ways to increase the efficiency of evidence gathering and appraisal so that practitioners can spend more time with clients,
integrating this evidence with client context and values to optimize decisionmaking” (2011, p. 363). We believe IP answers this call to bring more
efficient evidence-gathering systems to underpaid, under-resourced practitioners working in budget-strapped, information-poor environments. It is
merely one attempt to increase the application of evidence in social work
practice. Many such attempts will be necessary in the future.
Perhaps Rosen (2008) captured the spirit of IP best in his discussion of
the ethics of the link. He said:
As a blogger what I try to do is do everything well, all the time and give
you way more than you asked for every single time you come to my
blog—more knowledge than you thought, more links than you bargained
for, more nuance, more depth, more education than you imagined when
you clicked that link.
That is what we want practitioners to experience when they click on that
link to IP.
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A Few Thoughts on Evidence in Social Work
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