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Artigo publicado na edição nº 2 de junho de 2005. Sesmarias e posse de terras: política fundiária para assegurar a colonização brasileira Mônica Diniz Até onde temos podido representar aquelas formas de comércio, instituições e idéias de que somos herdeiros? (Sérgio Buarque de Holanda)
Anais do X Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação (ciKi), 2020
Nos últimos anos, o conceito de plataformas digitais foi incorporado à administração pública, originando o termo “Governo como plataforma”. Governo como plataforma apresenta-se como um modelo técnico-organizacional, apoiado em tecnologias digitais de arquitetura com padrões abertos e moduláveis que, a partir da regulamentação e moderação do governo, proporciona a conexão entre governo e sociedade para a cocriação de serviços e políticas com elevado valor público. A partir de uma revisão de escopo, que incluiu artigos teóricos, descritivos e estudos de caso publicados na última década, o presente artigo tem como objetivo identificar os aspectos que compõem um governo como plataforma e que são determinantes para o seu sucesso, considerando estratégias e ações nos eixos técnico, regulatório e organizacional, internamente ao governo e, externamente, junto à sociedade.
de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo O GOVERNO ELETRÔNICO E SUAS MÚLTIPLAS FACETAS Aires José Rover e Fernando Galindo (eds.) O GOVERNO eletrônico e suas múltiplas facetas / Aires José Rover e Fernando Galindo (eds.). -Zaragoza : Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza, 2010 XXX p. ; 22 cm. -(LEFIS series ; 10) Textos en portugués y español ISBN 978-84-15031-XX-X Internet en la administración pública ROVER, Aires José 004.738.5:35
Análise e avaliação de web sites do governo federal brasileiro, especificamente dos ministérios pertencentes aos setores constantes do programa Sociedade da Informação. O trabalho foi realizado mediante aplicação de lista de critérios e recomendações ergonômicas. Os critérios foram agrupados em quatro grandes quesitos: abrangência e propósito, conteúdo, planejamento visual/gráfico e funcionalidade. Concluiu-se que, com relação aos critérios adotados neste trabalho, os sites dos órgãos governamentais devem procurar maior adequação às recomendações ergonômicas.
Journal of Politics and Law, 2019
Expropriation is a right granted to States under international law; however this right does not guarantee States to abuse their power to unlawfully seize properties without following due process or paying the right compensation. In August 2018, the president of South Africa proposed a bill that would allow the government to expropriate land without compensation and this bill has attracted the attention of both scholars of international law and foreign investors. With a qualitative approach and a cross sectional analysis of data, this article seeks to analyze the nature of this bill to determine whether it infringes on the principles and practice of international law, as well as the likely consequences that the bill could have on the global image of South Africa and foreign direct investment in the country. The research approach allowed the authors to analyze important literature while making inferences to cases of expropriation in different parts of the world and juxtaposing them with South Africa’s intended policy. The article concludes that one of the main critical issues for determining the lawful nature of expropriation is that it should be accompanied by an appropriate, adequate, effective, and prompt compensation, and as such not only does this bill constitute to a breach of international law but it will also damage the economy by scaring foreign investors away. In addition, the State would be compelled to spend millions of the already limited resources of the country in defending itself against international lawsuits that will be filed by affected individuals. It is thus suggested that a much better approach for land reform should be adopted by the government in its quest for development.
Orillas, 2024
Resumen El artículo propone un análisis de las poesías del Libro centroamericano de los muertos (2018) de Balam Rodrigo, dedicadas a las historias de los migrantes centroamericanos a través de la ruta del Triángulo Norte hasta Estados Unidos, con el fin de evidenciar que su discurso poético es una respuesta estética y política a la crisis migratoria. En la primera parte del texto se define el contexto especifico, para luego insertar la migración de los centroamericanos en la "crisis sistémica" y en las más amplias dinámicas del capitalismo y la colonialidad. En la segunda parte, se profundizan las estrategias representativas utilizadas por el poeta mexicano, proponiendo también un diálogo con las fotografías (una de Salgado, las demás presentes en el texto) para ahondar en la relación entre presencia y ausencia en las imágenes y las poesías acerca de la migración.
Türkiyat araştırmalar enstitüsü, 2018
Third Millennium: Indian Journal of Evangelization, XXII, 2, (April – June 2019), 68-71., 2019
POLITICAL MINISTRY AS PART OF CHRISTIAN MISSION This Paper: “A Note on Political Ministry as Part of Christian Mission”, was published in Third Millennium: Indian Journal of Evangelization, XXII, 2, (April – June 2019), 68-71. Although the Christians in India are just about 2% of total population, they render major services in various fields to the people of our country basing on the teaching and example of Sadguru Jesus Christ. The Christian contribution in the sectors of education, health, social welfare and rural development amounts to more than 20% of the social services rendered in India. Nearly 80% of care centers for the persons affected by the diseases like HIV/AIDS, TB, Leprosy and Terminal Cancer, and home for the disabled, destitute and aged are run by Churches and Christian organisations or being supported by them. Churches and Christian organisations in India also are very much involved in poverty eradication and empowerment of the Marginalized through various ways such as conscientisation, organisation of self-help groups and skill training for self-employment. In doing these services, Church’s primary mission is to transmit the love and mercy of God and bring His reign of justice and peace to the people of India irrespective of caste, creed and community. These services have been acknowledged by the leaders of many states and national leaders who often commend and acclaim valuable Christian contribution to Nation building. However, the signs of the times and place call for Church’s political service. There is a pressing need for the Christian political ministry in India. Christian political apostolate is the need of the hour. Pope Francis encouraged taking up political service in his Message for the World Day of Peace 2019 titled, Good Politics is at the Service of Peace when he wrote: “If exercised with basic respect for the life, freedom and dignity of persons, political life can indeed become an outstanding form of charity.” Hence, the Bishops and Leaders of Churches need to encourage the Faithful to opt for political vocation and to take up political service. They must urge Christians, especially the youth, both women and men, to take up leadership roles in public and political life.
Fe y libertad, 2023
Journal of Anxiety & Depression, 2019
Revista Mad, 2017
IRJEMS International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, 2024
Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz , 2024
International Journal of Engineering Research and, 2020
Oud Holland, 2012
BIO Web of Conferences, 2020
Pacific Historical Review, 2019
MFS Modern Fiction Studies, 2009
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 1996
The Journal of Rheumatology
2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB), 2013
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 2015