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Mécanique & Industries, 2002
Applications de revêtements durs (Cr x N y ) obtenus par méthodes P.V.D. à l'usinage du bois Applications of hard coatings (Cr x N y ) obtained by P.V.D. methods in wood machining Reçu le 10 janvier 2002; accepté le 15 mars 2002
Surface and Coatings Technology, 2008
The invention relates to a protection method of a metal substrate, particularly aluminum alloy, against corrosion and abrasion, characterized in that it comprises forming on said alloy coating substrate zinc and nickel, and then polishing the coating thus formed. This method may further comprise applying to the polished coating alloy of zinc and nickel, with a transparent surface coating and airtight.
Journal de Physique III, 1996
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2002
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Ce papier a pour objectif de présenter les premiers essais de modélisation du procédé de trempage d'un moule cylindrique dans un bain de polymère. L'objectif est de pouvoir prédire numériquement l'épaisseur de couche liquide extraite autour du moule après sa sortie du bain. Une rhéologie anisotherme newtonienne a été utilisée dans un premier temps. Les premiers résultats obtenus ont montré que l'épaisseur extraite n'était pas constante le long du moule ; elle est maximale à l'extrémité inférieure et minimale à l'extrémité supérieure. Des problèmes d'instabilités à l'interface matière/air et de pertes de matière apparaissent, une approche d'introduction de la tension de surface sera présentée.
The automotive sector applies constant pressure on the PM industry to produce components with superior mechanical properties at minimum cost. In this regard, sinter-hardenable powders are particularly well suited since they allow direct quenching of components at the end of the sintering cycle, thus eliminating the extra steps normally required for heat treating. This thesis presents the results of the modelization of the influence of admixing and/or prealloying on the optimization of compressibility and hardenability of sinterhardenable steel powders. Small powder batches were produced using a water atomizer at Laval University powder metallurgy laboratory. A first design of experiments (DOE) was used to optimize the chemical composition and to study the interactions between prealloyed elements (Nickel, Chromium, Molybdenum and Manganese) and admixed elements (Nickel, Chromium, Manganese and Copper) on hardenability and compressibility. Mechanical properties were also characterized...
It should be remembered that in the Congo Basin, investments in new wood processing plants or in the extension of existing ones are still very limited. In addition, the 3 wood products exported from this region are mainly sawn timber, veneers, and plywood. It should be noted that despite some timid existing opportunities, some companies operating in the Congo Basin are struggling to invest in wood processing and therefore do not effectively contribute to the development of national and sub-regional economies. To better capitalize on these opportunities, it is important to create a business environment conducive to new investments in advanced wood processing. Ultimately, this study made it possible to assimilate the techniques and processes of obtaining veneers and plywood successfully through the technology of the machines developed, with the application of our theoretical knowledge in order to gain experience of professionally enhanced intellectual capacities. The plywood productio...
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2020
Le portail polychromé de la cathédrale d'Angers (XIIe-XXIe siècle). La pierre, la couleur et la restauration. Contribution à l'étude des portails médiévaux en France et en Europe, 2024
Հալեպի արձանագրությունները (The inscriptions of Aleppo), 2013
El jaguar en el siglo XXI. La perspectiva continental / coord. de Rodrigo A. Medellín, J. Antonio de la Torre, Heliot Zarza, Cuauhtémoc Chávez, Gerardo Ceballos. – México : UNAM, Instituto de Ecología, 2016
Computational Science, Engineering & Technology Series, 2013
Atmosphere, 2019
Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry, 2001
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 2006
Journal of Grid Computing, 2022
All Days, 1998