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2017, Ecovisões projetuais: pesquisas em design e sustentabilidade no Brasil
13 pages
1 file
The article presents a review of the main concepts and models for making and assessment of public policies, seeking to synthesize the state of the art in the field, that is, to map how classic and more recent literature approach the subject. The article also seeks to discuss possibilities for application of distinct streams of neo-institutionalist theories to the assessment of public policies.
UID/CCI/04667/2016Os conceitos de performatividade de género e de performatividade queer encontram-se no núcleo duro da teoria queer, e o “queering” é a metodologia de análise que comprova a extraordinária produtividade desta no desestabilizar da equação sexo/ género/desejo. A aplicação do projeto crítico desnaturalizador e desessencializador do queering às artes, das artes performativas às artes plásticas e à literatura, tem-se revelado imensamente frutífera para discernir os processos mediante os quais foram construídas a oposição binária entre masculinidade e feminilidade, os estereótipos identitários de género, ou as subjetividades sexuais abjetas.publishersversionpublishe
Há certas circunstâncias que surgem na vida da gente que proporcionam oportunidades raras para meditação e reflexão. Esta é uma oportunidade preciosa. Ao escrever esta página para dedicar mais u m livro a você, quero aproveitar a oportunidade para realçar o carinho e o afeto, o amor e a ternura que vão nesta simples dedicatória. Pena que as palavras sejam tão áridas e insuficientes para retratar a dimensão de certos sentimentos.
O Necolonialismo foi um movimento difundido no Brasil e em vários países da América e tinha como meta resgatar a nacionalidade na arquitetura, negando assim, o internacionalismo da arquitetura eclética que caracterizava as obras da época, sendo um movimento que abrirá as portas para a chegada da arquitetura moderna em vários países.
Os proxies são principalmente usados para permitir acesso à Web através de um firewall (fig. 1). Um proxy é um servidor HTTP especial que tipicamente roda em uma máquina firewall. O proxy espera por uma requisição de dentro do firewall, a repassa para o servidor remoto do outro lado do firewall, lê a resposta e envia de volta ao cliente. Figura 1: Visão geral de um proxy O proxy está rodando ou em um servidor firewall ou qualquer outro servidor interno que tenha acesso total a internet-ou em uma máquina dentro do firewall fazendo conexões com o mundo exterior através de SOCKS ou qualquer outro software firewall. Normalmente, o mesmo proxy é usado por todos os clientes em uma subrede. Isto torna possível para ele fazer caching eficiente de todos os documentos requisitados. A habilidade que o proxy tem no uso do cache, o torna atrativo para aqueles que não estão dentro do firewall. Configurar um servidor proxy é fácil e os mais populares programas clientes Web já tem suporte a essa ferramenta. Sendo assim, torna-se simples a tarefa de configurar um grupo de trabalho inteiro para usar o serviço de cache do proxy. Isto reduz os custos com tráfego de rede porque muitos documentos que são requisitados são lidos do cache local.
International journal of advanced research, 2021
This paper basically deals with the different types of abuse, faced by the toddlers or the children below the age of 18 years nowadays, as they are molested by any person having sexual urge or stimulation. The major types of child abuse arephysical abuse; emotional abuse and sexual abuse. The paper initially discusses about the sexual abuse being faced by the kindergartens, such type of physical and sexual abuse, basically means exploitation of the kid mentally and physically, by a person who has a control or power over that kid, and develops a great amount of trust on the kid. The paper further moves on to discussing the various ways or methods such an act of sexual abuse takes place over the teenagers, such as, badly touching the private parts; indulging in acquiring obscene pictures etc. The paper concludes while discussing the legal framework i.e. "Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012", introduced for the safety of teenagers in way of providing them remedies and rights to protect themselves from the perpetrators of sexual abuse.
This paper aims to analyze from a socio-political perspective a series of distinct anthropological visions regarding folklore studies in modern China. The shamanic practices have been undergoing a flabbergasting process of revival inside contemporary China, therefore academic studies on the topic in both China and the Western world flourished accordingly. Most of the academic studies tend to analyze this amazing Sino-shamanic boom from a post-colonial perspective, thus putting a lot of emphasis on cultural specificity and difference, meant to enrich and add more diversity to the global spectrum of shamanic and folklore studies, as it is the case with the Western scholarship; on the other hand, the Chinese scholarship, while massively focusing on the singularity of different shamanic practices in modern China, nevertheless, places these cultural paradigms within the larger context of Chinese identity, as a tool meant to prove the continuity and variety of modern China as a whole, uni...
Jurnal Pemberdayaan dan Pendidikan Kesehatan (JPPK)
Telah sepantasnya keadaan sehat sebagai point utama kehidupan untuk mewujudkan pola hidup bersih dan sehat. Adanya banyak penyakit yang menyerang anak usia sekolah seringkali dikaitkan dengan PHBS. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada siswi MTS AS-saidah jenis Jenis penelitian. kualitatif yang sifatnya mengeksplorasi hubungan dengan perilaku dalam bentuk pengetahuan, perilaku serta tindakan PHBS. Hasil penelitian mengambarkan pengetahuan siswi Mts AS-saidah terhadap PHBS positif serta menunjukan tindakan positif dalam penelitian ini disarankan kepada pihak sekolah agar meningkatkan sikap dan perilaku siswa yang positif serta perlunya peningkatan kepedulian petugas kesehatan menyampaikan penyuluhan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat di sekolah.
The aim of the study is to develop the fragility curves for low-rise, mid-rise, and high-rise concrete moment resisting framebuildings. The concrete moment resisting frame buildings were designed as per Indian seismic design code. The slab elements were modelled as membrane type, shell type and their influence on the probability of damage states obtained from fragility curves is also studied. For the development of the fragility curves, guidelines provided by HAZUS-MH MR4 technical manual has been used. For the analysis, concrete moment resisting frames weremodeled using ETABS. The nonlinear behavior has been incorporated using default plastic hinges in accordance with ASCE 41-13. Spectral demand and spectral capacity curves obtained from the nonlinear static pushover analysis are used for plotting fragility curves. Fragility curves were developed keeping spectral displacement as ground motion parameters.
Maya - Revista de Administración y Turismo, 2021
Passmore/The Wiley-Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of Coaching and Mentoring, 2012
Turai István (szerk.): Mesél a múlt. Régészeti feltárások Törökbálinton. Törökbálint 2021, 2021
Complexity, 2024
Decolonizing Rhetoric and Composition Studies, 2016
Coluna ANPOF, Boletim Conexões, 2024
Violence Elsewhere 1: Imagining Distant Violence in Germany 1945-2001, 2024
Kuramsal eğitim bilim dergisi, 2022
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2008
BioMed Research International, 2019
European Journal of Cancer, 1995
American Journal of Neuroradiology, 2021
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2013