10. G.-J. Arts, S. Kuersten, P. Romby, B. Ehresmann, I. W.
Mattaj, EMBO J., in press.
11. A. K. Hopper, L. D. Schultz, R. A. Shapiro, Cell 19, 741
(1980); D. J. Hurt, S. S. Wang, L. Yu-Huei, A. K.
Hopper, Mol. Cell. Biol. 7, 1208 (1987); G. Simos et
al., EMBO J. 15, 2270 (1996).
12. K. Hellmuth et al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 18, 6374 (1998).
13. F. Müller and S. G. Clarkson, Cell 19, 345 (1980); F.
Stutz, E. Gouilloud, S. G. Clarkson, Genes Dev. 3, 1190
14. Templates for in vitro synthesis of primary transcripts of
tRNATyr were made from pxt62 DNA (13) by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with primers 59GGGAATTCAT T TAGGTGACACTATAGAACCGGCCTTCGATAGC
and 59-GGCAAGCT TAAAGCGTCCTTCGAGCCGGAAT(g, c, a)G(a, g)ACCAGC; lowercase letters represent
sequence variants used to generate mutants (T55C,
G57T/C) within loop III of mature tRNATyr. Template for
the precursor of tRNAMet
lacking the 39 CCA end (23)
was used in PCR to make template for the precursor
containing the mature 39 end with primers 59-GTGAATTCTAATACGACTCACTATAGGG and 59-CTCTGGATCCTGGTAGCAGAGGATGGT T TCGAT followed by digestion with Mva I. Unlabeled yeast tRNAPhe was from
Sigma. Transcription, purification, injection, and isolation of the RNAs from oocytes were as described (32).
Transfer RNA transcripts were coinjected with U1Smand U3 RNAs, serving as controls for export and nuclear
injection and dissection, respectively, and low and high
amounts of tRNATyr primary transcripts (Fig. 1) were 10
to 20 and 80 to 100 fmol per oocyte, respectively. For
DNA injections, low and high amounts of the X. laevis
tRNATyr gene were 0.125 and 1.0 ng per oocyte, respectively, of pxt62 plasmid DNA (13); for in vivo labeling,
[a-32P]GTP was used at 0.5 mCi/oocyte. For depletion of
nuclear RanGTP, 20 to 30 ng of RanT24N [an inhibitor
of the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor for Ran,
RCC1 (9, 19)] or RanGAP was preinjected into the
nucleus; comparable results were obtained with
RanT24N or RanGAP (18). For standard RNA analyses
under neutral conditions, electrophoresis was in 8%
(30:0.8) polyacrylamide, 7 M urea, 0.53 TEB (45 mM
tris-borate, 1.15 mM EDTA, pH 8.3) gels. For analyses
under acid conditions, RNAs were isolated at pH 5.0 and
on occasion deacylated at pH 9.0, as described (24), and
electrophoresis was in 6.5% (19:1) polyacrylamide, 8 M
urea, 0.1 M NaOAc (pH 5.0) gels. Periodate oxidation of
RNAs was as described by E. Lund and J. E. Dahlberg
[Science 255, 327, (1992)]. For in vivo aminoacylation
of tRNAMet
(Fig. 3C), oocytes were injected with 35Si
methionine (0.2 mCi per oocyte), and comigration of
the 35S-label and met-tRNAMet
was determined by RNA
staining before autoradiography of the dried gels (18).
For blockage of aminoacylation or protein synthesis,
Tyr-AMS (27) was injected to final concentrations of
150 to 300 mM or cycloheximide was added to 200
mg/ml of medium; inhibition of protein synthesis was
monitored by labeling with 35S-methionine (50 mCi/ml
of medium).
15. Precursors with an intron or extra sequences at the
ends were differentiated by RNase T1 fingerprinting
(32), with reference to published sequences (13).
16. D. A. Melton, E. M. De Robertis, R. Cortese, Nature
284, 143 (1980); K. Nishikura, J. Kurjan, B. D. Hall,
E. M. De Robertis, EMBO J. 1, 263 (1982).
17. J. E. Dahlberg and E. Lund, Sem. Cell Dev. Biol. 8, 65
18. E. Lund and J. E. Dahlberg, unpublished results.
19. S. A. Richards, K. L. Carey, I. G. Macara, Science 276,
1842 (1997).
20. S. Sarkar and A. K. Hopper, Mol. Biol. Cell, 9, 3041
(1998); A. K. Hopper, F. Banks, V. Evangelidis, Cell 14,
211 (1978); T. Kadowaki, D. Goldfarb, L. M. Spitz,
A. M. Tartakoff, M. Ohno, EMBO J. 12, 2929 (1993).
The close association of tRNA splicing enzymes with
the yeast nuclear envelope, in contrast to their nucleoplasmic location in X. laevis oocytes (3), may
reflect different requirements for RanzGTP in splicing
in these organisms. Alternatively, the inhibition of
tRNA splicing in yeast lacking a functional RanzGTP
system might lead to feedback inhibition by accumulated nuclear tRNAs; however, this mechanism would
have to be very sensitive to the amounts of nuclear
tRNAs because unspliced tRNA precursors accumulate rapidly after disruption of the Ran system in
yeast (11). In Xenopus oocytes, a larger nuclear volume may make this less of a problem.
lacking an intron but with a comHuman pre-tRNAMet
parable mutation at position 57 also is processed and
exported slowly [M. Zasloff, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
80, 6439 (1983); J. A. Tobian, L. Drinkard, M. Zasloff, Cell
43, 415 (1985); C. Traboni, G. Ciliberto, R. Cortese, ibid.
36, 179 (1984); (23)]. Mutations at position 55 were not
tested previously, because they alter the B-box of the
tRNA promoter, which is required for producing tRNAs
in vivo from injected genes.
Mutated tRNAs or end-immature processing intermediates either may not be recognized by the export
machinery or may be actively retained by nuclear
proteins that bind to such molecules [C. J. Yoo and S.
Wolin, Cell 89, 393 (1997); E. Bertrand, F. HouserScott, A. Kendall, R. H. Singer, D. R. Engelke, Genes
Dev. 12, 2463 (1998)]. At least some form of retention appears likely because wild-type and mutant
pre-tRNAs containing 59 m7G caps were not exported
efficiently (18). These molecules are recognized as
having some tRNA character, because they undergo
base modifications soon after synthesis (16, 18).
A. Jarmolowski, W. C. Boelens E. Izaurralde, I. W.
Mattaj, J. Cell Biol. 124, 627 (1994).
U. Varshney, C.-P. Lee, U. L. RajBhandary, J. Biol.
Chem. 266, 24712 (1991).
When aminoacylated, both forms of tRNATyr migrated during electrophoresis as broad bands (denoted by
the brackets in Fig. 3D, lanes 3 and 5) that could be
resolved into doublets (lane 5). Deacylation of each
form produced a species with a single electrophoretic
mobility (lanes 4 and 6), indicating that alternative
conformers may form upon aminoacylation; however, aminoacylated tRNAMet
migrated as a single band
(Fig. 3A), showing that formation of the doublet is
not general to all tRNAs.
F. Müller, S. G. Clarkson, D. J. Galas, Nucleic Acids Res.
15, 7191 (1987); A. Kressmann, S. G. Clarkson, V.
Pirotta, M. L. Birnstiel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
75, 1176 (1978).
27. H. Ueda et al., Biochem. Biophys. Acta 1080, 126
(1991); H. Belrhali et al., Science 263, 1432 (1994); C.
Berthet-Colominas et al., EMBO J. 17, 2947 (1998).
28. If tRNAs remain aminoacylated during translocation
through the nuclear pore complex, they could be
passed directly into the translational machinery in
the cytoplasm, in agreement with the “channeling”
hypothesis for recycling of tRNAs [R. Stapulionis and
M. P. Deutscher, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92,
7158 (1995)].
29. T. W. Dreher, O. C. Uhlenbeck, K. S. Browning, J. Biol.
Chem., in press. Because some EF-1a is present in
nuclei (6), it could also act as an adapter to export
aminoacylated tRNA with an alternative export receptor such as exportin-1; in support of this proposal,
mutations in the gene encoding eIF2-g, a factor
similar to EF-1a that binds met-tRNAMet
, are syni
thetically lethal with a los1 deletion (12).
30. J. P. O’Connor and C. L. Peebles, Mol. Cell. Biol. 11,
425 (1991).
31. G. Urlaub, P. J. Mitchel, C. J. Ciudad, L. A. Chasin, ibid.
9, 2868 (1989); L. K. Naeger, R. V. Schoborg, Q. Zhao,
G. E. Tullis, D. J. Pintel, Genes Dev. 6, 1107 (1992);
H. C. Dietz et al., Science 259, 680 (1993); M. S.
Carter, S. Li, M. F. Wilkinson, EMBO J. 15, 5965
(1996); W. Kugler, J. Enssle, M. W. Hentze, A. E.
Kulozik, Nucleic Acids Res. 23, 413 (1995); J. Zhang et
al., Mol. Cell. Biol. 18, 5272 (1998).
32. A. E. Pasquinelli, E. Lund, J. E. Dahlberg, RNA 1, 957
(1996); M. P. Terns, E. Lund, J. E. Dahlberg, Genes Dev.
7, 1898 (1993).
33. We thank A. Pasquinelli, L.-S. Her, D. Glodowski, J.
Petersen, G. Pennabble, and D. Brow for useful comments and suggestions, S. Brown for help in the early
phases of this work, A. Grandjean and S. Blaser for
technical assistance, I. Mattaj and S. Clarkson for
strains, I. Macara for RanT24N and RanGAP proteins,
L. Davis for mAb414, and T. Steitz and S. Cusack for
the aminoacyl-AMS compounds. Supported by NIH
grant GM30220.
9 September 1998; accepted 2 November 1998
Defective LPS Signaling in
C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr
Mice: Mutations in Tlr4 Gene
Alexander Poltorak, Xiaolong He,* Irina Smirnova, Mu-Ya Liu,†
Christophe Van Huffel,‡ Xin Du, Dale Birdwell, Erica Alejos,
Maria Silva, Chris Galanos, Marina Freudenberg,
Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli, Betsy Layton, Bruce Beutler§
Mutations of the gene Lps selectively impede lipopolysaccharide (LPS) signal
transduction in C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr mice, rendering them resistant to
endotoxin yet highly susceptible to Gram-negative infection. The codominant
Lpsd allele of C3H/HeJ mice was shown to correspond to a missense mutation
in the third exon of the Toll-like receptor-4 gene (Tlr4), predicted to replace
proline with histidine at position 712 of the polypeptide chain. C57BL/10ScCr
mice are homozygous for a null mutation of Tlr4. Thus, the mammalian Tlr4
protein has been adapted primarily to subserve the recognition of LPS and
presumably transduces the LPS signal across the plasma membrane. Destructive
mutations of Tlr4 predispose to the development of Gram-negative sepsis,
leaving most aspects of immune function intact.
Conservative estimates hold that in the United States alone, 20,000 people die each year
as a result of septic shock brought on by
Gram-negative infection (1). The lethal effect
of a Gram-negative infection is linked, in
part, to the biological effects of bacterial
lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin), which is produced by all Gram-negative organisms. A
powerful activator of host mononuclear cells,
LPS prompts the synthesis and release of
tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and other toxic
cytokines that ultimately lead to shock in SCIENCE VOL 282 11 DECEMBER 1998
sepsis. Nonetheless, it is clear that timely
recognition of LPS by cells of the innate
immune system permits effective clearance
of a Gram-negative infection before it becomes widely disseminated (2, 3).
More than 30 years ago, mice of the C3H/
HeJ strain were found to have a defective
response to bacterial endotoxin (4–8). Inquiry
into the genetic basis of LPS resistance revealed a single locus (Lps), wherein homozygosity for a codominant allele (Lpsd) was
responsible for the endotoxin-unresponsive
state. The Lpsd mutation arose in mice of the
C3H/HeJ substrain and became fixed in the
population during the early 1960s (9). In
A. Poltorak, X. He, I. Smirnova, M.-Y. Liu, C. Van
Huffel, X. Du, D. Birdwell, E. Alejos, M. Silva, B. Layton,
B. Beutler, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 75235–9050
USA. C. Galanos and M. Freudenberg, Max-Planck
Institute für Immunobiologie, Freiburg, Germany. P.
Ricciardi, CNR–Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Center, Milan, Italy.
*Present address: Northwestern University, 2300
Children’s Plaza, No. 209, Chicago, IL 60614 –3394,
†Present address: University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Department of Pharmacology, Dallas,
TX 75235–9041 USA.
‡Present address: Millennium, Inc., Cambridge, MA
02139 – 4815, USA.
§To whom correspondence should be addressed at
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 5323 Harry Hines
Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75235–9050, USA.
Fig. 1. Diagram of a small portion of the 2.6-Mb
contig spanning the Lps critical region, described elsewhere in its entirety along with the
sequences of primer pairs used to amplify
markers (26). Centromere is to the left. Three
BACs (49K20, 309I17, and 152C16; Research
Genetics designations) contain fragments of
Pappa (49K20) and the complete Tlr4 gene
(309I17 and 152C16). Each BAC is ;150 kb
long. The orientation and exonic composition
of the genes identified is schematically correct,
but for clarity, the genes are drawn at far higher
magnification than the BACs. Dots to the left of
the three Pappa exons that were identified in
K20 indicate that the gene continues to the left
of the contig [other exons were detected in
BACs 131M6, 216C14, and 358P4 (29]. Genetic
mapping data (number of crossovers per number of meioses examined) are bracketed above
the two genetic markers nearest to the Lpsd (B
and D4MIT178).
contrast to C3H/HeJ mice, substrains C3H/
HeN and C3H/OuJ (Lpsn homozygotes),
which diverged from the same stock as C3H/
HeJ mice, exhibit vigorous responses to LPS.
A second mutation preventing responses
to endotoxin was identified in mice of the
strain C57BL/10ScCr (10–12); animals of the
control strain C57BL/10ScSn are normally
responsive. The allelic nature of the C3H/HeJ
and C57BL/10ScCr mutations was indicated
by the observation that F1 animals produced
by the cross C57BL/10ScCr 3 C3H/HeJ are
as unresponsive as individuals of the C3H/
HeJ parental strain (10). But significantly,
heterozygotes produced by the cross C57BL/
10ScCr 3 C57BL/10ScSn are as responsive
to LPS as the normal (C57BL/10ScSn) parent
(10), indicating that the C57BL/10ScCr allele
is not codominant, but is strictly recessive to
the common wild-type allele.
Speculations regarding the protein that is
affected by mutations of Lps have, for the
most part, posited that the LPS signal transduction apparatus is disrupted. Ulevitch, Tobias, Wright, and co-workers showed that
LPS is concentrated from the plasma by lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP), and
that the genetically unlinked plasma membrane protein CD14 is the principal receptor
for LPS on the surface of mononuclear cells
(13–15). Deletion of the CD14 gene substantially increases the concentration of LPS required for a biological response (16). However, because CD14 lacks a cytoplasmic domain, it has been postulated that a coreceptor
for LPS must permit transduction of the signal across the plasma membrane. Several
protein kinase cascades are known to become
activated by LPS (17–21), ultimately leading
to the production of TNF and other cytokines
that mediate LPS effects (22, 23). However,
direct biochemical, immunologic, and expression cDNA cloning approaches have
failed to identify the genetic lesions in endotoxin-resistant mice.
In 1978, the Lps locus was mapped to
mouse chromosome 4 and shown to occupy a
position between the Mup-1 and Ps loci (24,
25). Our own genetic and physical mapping
data (26 ) identified two limiting genetic
markers (B and 83.3) that were separated
from Lpsd by, respectively, four crossovers in
a panel of 1600 meioses and three crossovers
in a panel of 493 meioses.
A minimal contig, consisting of 20 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones and
one yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)
clone, was analyzed by sequencing. Nearly
40,000 reads were obtained from shotguncloned genomic DNA, bringing over 1.6 Mb
of the central contig to a near-contiguous
state and yielding dense coverage of .95%
of the entire critical region. BLAST searches
(27) performed on masked versions of the
sequence disclosed dozens of high-scoring
homologies with published expressed sequence tags (ESTs), but these were excluded
from consideration as they could not be
cloned from macrophage or fetal cDNA libraries of reliable complexity. Several pseudogenes were observed, but were dismissed
because they were found to be fragmentary.
GRAIL analyses, performed on long, contiguous sequences of the central contig with the
program X-GRAIL (28), revealed an abundance of retroviral repeats and scattered nonretroviral exons, many of which proved to be
derived from pseudogenes.
Only two authentic genes (a portion of the
Pappa locus and the complete Tlr4 locus)
were identified in the entire region, each by
BLAST analysis and by GRAIL analysis
(Fig. 1). Pappa encodes a secreted metalloproteinase and is not expressed by primary
macrophages or macrophage cell lines (29).
These considerations, as well as its extreme
proximity to marker B, made it seem a poor
candidate. Tlr4 seemed an excellent candidate, both on the grounds of map position and
because the proinflammatory interleukin-1
(IL-1) receptor, like Tlr4, is a member of the
Toll receptor family. Further, a human mutation causing coresistance to LPS and IL-1
(30) attests to the likelihood that the IL-1 and
LPS use structurally related receptors.
Accordingly, we cloned the Tlr4 cDNAs
from C3H/HeJ mRNA and from the mRNA of
several LPS-responsive strains of mice (includ-
Fig. 2. The Lpsd allele represents a
missense mutation affecting the
cytoplasmic domain of Tlr4. Reverse transcription of mRNA isolated from mouse peritoneal macrophages was followed by PCR
the entire coding region of the
mouse Tlr4 cDNA, yielding a product 2951 nucleotides (nt) long. The open reading frame of the mouse
Tlr4 cDNA predicts a protein that is 835 amino acids long. The mutation, at position 712, lies in the most
conserved portion of the Tlr4 sequence and is located within the cytoplasmic domain. Dots below the
sequence indicate residues that vary between species. The Pro3 His substitution that distinguishes Tlr4
of C3H/HeJ mice is boxed. Abbreviations for the amino acid residues are as follows: A, Ala; C, Cys; D,
Asp; E, Glu; F, Phe; G, Gly; H, His; I, Ile; K, Lys; L, Leu; M, Met; N, Asn; P, Pro; Q, Gln; R, Arg; S, Ser; T, Thr;
V, Val; W, Trp; and Y, Tyr.
ing C3H/HeN) by reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction, using primers derived
from the genomic sequence. A single mutation
(the presence of an A instead of a C) was
observed at position 2342 of the C3H/HeJ Tlr4
cDNA sequence (GenBank accession number
AF095353). This mutation lies within the coding region: At position 712 (within the cytoplasmic domain), a histidine is predicted to
occur in the Tlr4 protein of C3H/HeJ mice,
whereas LPS-responsive mice, rats, and humans display a proline in this position (Fig. 2)
(31). The same mutation was identified in C3H/
HeJ genomic DNA, but not in genomic DNA
from C3H/HeN mice or mice of any other strain
examined (29).
Although the Tlr4 cDNA was readily amplified by RT-PCR from macrophage RNA derived from C3H/HeJ, C3H/HeN, and C57BL/
10ScSn mice, it could not be amplified from
macrophage RNA derived from C57BL/
10ScCr mice. In contrast, a low-abundance
control cDNA (32) could be readily amplified
from all strains (Fig. 3A). Moreover, the Tlr4
mRNA could be detected on Northern (RNA)
blots prepared with total RNA derived from
macrophages of C57BL/10ScSn mice but not
C57BL/10ScCr mice (Fig. 3B).
Because a definable mutation exists within
Tlr4 in C3H/HeJ mice, and complete absence
of Tlr4 mRNA expression is observed in
C57BL/10ScCr mice, it is apparent that Lps is
identical to Tlr4. Certain inferences may thus be
drawn from the phenotypes that result from
distinct allelic combinations of Lps.
The null allele of Lps represented in
C57BL/10ScCr mice behaves as a recessive
mutation (10). Hence, the presence of a
single wild-type Tlr4 allele (Tlr4Lps-n/u) is
sufficient to permit normal LPS signal
transduction. By contrast, the mutation of
C3H/HeJ mice is codominant, in the sense
that Tlr4Lps-n/Tlr4Lps-d heterozygotes show
intermediate levels of endotoxin response
(7). Thus, the Pro3 His point mutation exerts a dominant negative effect on LPS
signal transduction.
A single copy of the Lpsd allele (Tlr4Lps-d/u)
yields a phenotype as unresponsive as two copies (Tlr4Lps-d/Tlr4Lps-d) (10). This fact is consistent with the notion that LPS signal transduction proceeds directly through the Tlr4 molecule, and tends to detract from the alternative
hypothesis that Tlr4 undergoes interaction with
a second plasma membrane protein that acts, in
turn, as an LPS signal transducer.
Tlr4 mRNA is reportedly expressed predominantly in lymphoid tissues (33). Our own
data (29) are in agreement with this finding, but
in addition (Fig. 4) suggest that the Tlr4 mRNA
is strongly and transiently suppressed by LPS in
RAW 264.7 cells (34). As such, down-regulation of Tlr4 mRNA may contribute to endotoxin tolerance (35). It remains to be seen whether
species-dependent variation in LPS responses,
and modulation of LPS sensitivity by steroids,
interferon-g, and other agents, may be traced to
the Tlr4 protein.
LPS signal transduction via Tlr4 has not
previously been observed in any experimental system. However, it has recently been
reported that human Tlr2 cDNA transfected
into 293 cells can promote LPS signal transduction, given coexpression of CD14 (36).
The present study excludes an independent
role for Tlr2 in LPS signal transduction. The
demonstration that Lps is identical to Tlr4
effectively proves that Tlr4 is essential for
LPS signaling. And in mice that lack Tlr4 (for
example, C57BL/10ScCr animals), endogenously expressed Tlr2 does not contribute
appreciably to LPS signal transduction,
which fails to occur at measurable levels
despite the presumption that the Tlr2 locus is
intact. Although Tlr2, like Tlr4, might be
required for LPS signaling, the available data
are not sufficient to sustain this conclusion.
In Drosophila, the Toll signaling pathway
culminates in activation of the drosomycin
gene and is required for effective protection
against fungal infection (37). Several homologs of the prototypic gene Toll exist in
Drosophila, including 18-wheeler (38, 39),
which facilitates the antibacterial response of
flies (40). In mice, Tlr4 appears to have been
retained chiefly to serve the LPS response
pathway. Hence, C3H/HeJ and C57BL/
10ScCr mice are developmentally and immunologically normal, aside from their inability
to respond to LPS and to counter Gramnegative infection. CD14, the best-characterized cell surface receptor for LPS, is also a
member of the Toll superfamily. It is conceivable that it directly engages Tlr4 upon interaction with LPS, thereby inducing signal
transduction through the latter protein.
Hu and co-workers (41) have recently ad-
Fig. 3. C57BL/10ScCr mice fail to express Tlr4 mRNA. (A) RT-PCR was
carried out with the primers TGTCCCAGGGACTCTGCGCTGCCAC and
GT TCTCCTCAGGTCCAAGT TGCCGT T TC, predicted to yield a product
2596 nt long. As a positive control, a fragment from the central portion
of the low-abundance, 5.1-kb transferrin receptor ( Tfr) mRNA was
amplified from the same cDNA preparation, with primers from the
Marathon amplification kit (Clontech, Palo Alto, California). Complementary DNA from C3H/HeJ, C3H/HeN, SWR, and C57BL/10ScSn
macrophages yielded the expected 2.6-kb Tlr4 amplification product with 35 cycles of amplification, whereas cDNA from C57BL/10ScCr mice did not yield any product. All cDNA samples yielded
the expected 0.3-kb product when amplified with Tfr control primers. (B) A Northern blot of total
macrophage RNA obtained from C57BL/10ScCr and C57BL/10ScSn mice reveals that the nonresponder strain produces no detectable Tlr4 mRNA. RNA was separated in a 1.2% agarose gel,
transferred to a nylon membrane (Magnagraph; Micron Separations Westborough, Massachusetts),
and probed with a genomic DNA fragment from the third exon, corresponding to the region
between nt 844 and 2641 of the mouse Tlr4 cDNA sequence (GenBank accession number
AF095353). Two bands are consistently detected on Northern blots of control (C57BL/10ScSn)
mice (left) and on Northern blots prepared with RNA from mice of other strains (29). C57BL/10ScCr
RNA yields no signal, even with prolonged exposure. The ethidium-stained gel is shown in the panel
on the right.
Fig. 4. Induction of RAW 264.7 cells by
LPS suppresses expression of Tlr4
mRNA. Cells (;106) were induced with
LPS at a concentration of 100 ng/ml for
the period indicated. Cells were disrupted by NP40 lysis, nuclei were removed
by sedimentation, and cytoplasmic RNA
was extracted with SDS and phenol. The
Tlr4 mRNA was detected on Northern
blot with the 1.5-kb fragment described
in Fig. 3. Tlr4 mRNA concentration declined upon LPS stimulation, before approaching preinduction levels. The
ethidium-stained gel is shown in the
panel on the right. SCIENCE VOL 282 11 DECEMBER 1998
duced evidence to suggest that, in birds, distinct allelic forms of Lps influence survival
during Gram-negative infection. It is possible
that mutations of human Tlr4 also affect susceptibility to Gram-negative infection, or its
clinical outcome.
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24. J. Watson, R. Riblet, B. A. Taylor, J. Immunol. 118,
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25. J. Watson, K. Kelly, M. Largen, B. A. Taylor, ibid. 120,
422 (1978).
26. A. Poltorak et al., Blood Cells Mol. Dis. 24, 340
27. BLAST searches were performed against the nonredundant (NR) GenBank database, the TIGR database
of ESTs, and the dbEST database of ESTs. Searches
against NR and TIGR databases were performed at
both the nucleotide (blastn) and amino acid (blastx)
levels. dbEST searches were carried out at the nucleotide level only.
28. Obtained from Oak Ridge National Laboratory via
the World Wide Web (
29. A. Poltorak et al., data not shown.
30. D. B. Kuhns, P. D. Long, J. I. Gallin, J. Immunol. 158,
3959 (1997).
31. Supplementary Web material for Fig. 2 is available at
32. To monitor the efficiency of reverse transcription and
PCR, we used primers specific for the transferrin
receptor ( TFR) as a positive control when attempting
to detect the low-abundance Tlr4 mRNA in macrophage or fetal RNA samples by RT-PCR.
33. R. Medzhitov, P. Preston-Hurlburt, C. A. Janeway Jr.,
Nature 388, 394 (1997).
34. RAW 264.7 cells, obtained from the American Type
Culture Collection, are immortalized LPS-responsive
cells, frequently used in studies of LPS signal transduction and TNF gene regulation. RAW 264.7 cells,
like primary macrophages, become refractory to LPS
for a variable interval of time after a primary stimulus
with LPS.
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40. M. J. Williams, A. Rodriguez, D. A. Kimbrell, E. D.
Eldon, EMBO J. 16, 6120 (1997).
41. J. X. Hu et al., Genome Res. 7, 693 (1997).
42. We acknowledge the assistance of J. Turner, A. Powelka,
R. Jain, R. Clisch, and C. Brady, all summer undergraduate research fellows who worked with us to identify the
Lpsd mutation. We are also grateful to the Beutler
Family Charitable Trust for providing funds for the
purchase of an ABI model 373 sequencer.
30 September 1998; accepted 3 November 1998
Exploiting the Basis of Proline
Recognition by SH3 and WW
Domains: Design of
N-Substituted Inhibitors
Jack T. Nguyen, Christoph W. Turck, Fred E. Cohen,
Ronald N. Zuckermann, Wendell A. Lim*
Src homology 3 (SH3) and WW protein interaction domains bind specific
proline-rich sequences. However, instead of recognizing critical prolines on the
basis of side chain shape or rigidity, these domains broadly accepted amide
N-substituted residues. Proline is apparently specifically selected in vivo, despite low complementarity, because it is the only endogenous N-substituted
amino acid. This discriminatory mechanism explains how these domains achieve
specific but low-affinity recognition, a property that is necessary for transient
signaling interactions. The mechanism can be exploited: screening a series of
ligands in which key prolines were replaced by nonnatural N-substituted residues yielded a ligand that selectively bound the Grb2 SH3 domain with 100
times greater affinity.
Protein-protein interaction domains, such
as Src homology 3 (SH3) and WW domains, participate in diverse signaling pathways and are important targets in drug
design (1, 2). These domains specifically
recognize unique proline-rich peptide motifs but bind them with low affinities (Kd 5
1 to 200 mM) compared with other peptide
recognition proteins such as antibodies and
receptors (Kd 5 nanomolar to picomolar
concentrations). SH3 domains recognize
sequences bearing the core element, PXXP
(P 5 proline, X 5 any amino acid), flanked
by other domain-specific residues (3). Identification of compounds that potently interrupt these interactions has proven difficult:
extensive screening of natural and nonnatural combinatorial libraries has not yielded
compounds that bind as well as or better
J. T. Nguyen, F. E. Cohen, W. A. Lim, Department of
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, Department of
Biochemistry and Biophysics, and Graduate Group in
Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, CA
94143, USA. C. W. Turck, Howard Hughes Medical
Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA
94143, USA. R. N. Zuckermann, Chiron Corporation,
Emeryville, CA 94608, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed Email:
[email protected]
than PXXP peptides (4, 5). Here we show
that the essential ligand feature recognized
by both SH3 and WW domains is an irregular backbone substitution pattern: N-substituted residues placed at key positions
along an otherwise normal Ca-substituted
peptide scaffold. Prolines are required at
these sites, not on the basis of side chain
Table 1. Reduction in binding affinity (21) caused
by alanine (A) or sarcosine (A*) substitutions within proline-rich ligands of Sem5 SH3 domain and
Yap WW domain (22). “Required” prolines are
Wild type
Wild type
SH3 ligands
WW ligands
Kd mutant/Kdwild type