International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2021;8(3):86–90
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Review Article
A review on: Medicinal properties of ginkgo biloba
Shoheb S Shaikh1, *, Nachiket S Dighe1
1 Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bhagwant University, Ajmer, Rajasthan, India
Article history:
Received 18-09-2021
Accepted 25-09-2021
Available online 22-10-2021
Traditional medicine and medicinal plants, as well as their study of modern chemical principles, may lead
to the development of newer, less expensive medications. Ginkgo Biloba is well-known for curing a variety
of ailments and is utilized in a variety of traditional medicinal formulations. Scientists and researchers from
all over the world have spent decades studying the chemical composition of the entire Ginkgo Biloba plant,
as well as its biological and pharmacological functions. These investigations established Ginkgo Biloba’s
medicinal potential in modern medicine and as a prospective drug discovery candidate. The current paper
provides an overview of Ginkgo Bilobaethnobotany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, and toxicity.
Medicinal plants
Ginkgo Biloba
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1. Introduction
beneficial properties after decades of research. Terpenoids
and flavonoids are active components in Ginkgo biloba
extract have antioxidant qualities, antiasthmatic effects
(helping to relieve bronchospasm), skin regenerative and
wound-healing properties.Ginkgobiloba extract has also
been shown in trials to increase blood circulation, reduce
clot formation, strengthen the walls of capillaries and
their elasticity, and protect nerve cells from injury that
can occur when they are deprived of oxygen. Due to its
unique pharmacological properties and effects, G. biloba
is a popular commonly used to treat different
stages of Alzheimer’s disease, concentration difficulties or
even concentration deficit disorder, dementia and memory
impairment, cerebral insufficiency, intermittent claudication
(leg pain and cramps caused by artery obstruction), vertigo,
and tinnitus (hearing loss). It’s worth noting that each
element of Ginkgo biloba extract has its own therapeutic
mechanism, and that these processes, when combined,
provide the extract its own pharmacological activity. 1
Medicinal plants are a rich source of chemicals that are
useful in medicine. Medicinal plants have been utilized to
treat a variety of ailments since antiquity. For the creation of
innovative pharmaceutical goods, systemic examination of
these plants yields a variety of bioactive compounds. There
has recently been a surge in interest in the pharmacological
examination of diverse plants utilized in various traditional
medical systems. Many traditionally known plants have
been intensively examined using sophisticated scientific
techniques and reported for various therapeutic qualities,
such as anticancer activity, anti-inflammatory activity,
antidiabetic activity, anthelmintic, antibacterial activity,
antifungal activity, hepatoprotective activity, antioxidant
activity, larvicidal activity etc. and so on, in the previous
few decades.
Ginkgo Biloba L. is a tree species that has a long
history of medicinal use due to the numerous benefits it can
provide to human health. Researchers are still interested in
G. Biloba, studying its mode of action and discovering new
1. Taxonomy 2
2. Kingdom- Plantae
3. Subkingdom — Viridiplantae
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:
[email protected] (S. S. Shaikh).
2394-2789/© 2021 Innovative Publication, All rights reserved.
Shaikh and Dighe / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2021;8(3):86–90
Infrakingdom — Streptophyta
Superdivision — Embryophyta
Division — Tracheophyta
Subdivision — Spermatophytina
Class — Ginkgoopsida
Subclass — Ginkgooidae
Order – Ginkgoales
Family — Ginkgoaceae
Genus — Ginkgo L
Species — Ginkgobiloba L.
doubted whether Ginkgo biloba exists in the wild today,
Sporne (1965) declared unequivocally that “if it survives
naturally anywhere, it is restricted to a small and relatively
inaccessible region in South China.”Li (1956), however,
mentioned certain evidences that Ginkgo still exists in the
wild state in South-eastern China, along “the north western
border of Chekiang and south eastern Anhwei”. In China
and Japan it is grown as a sacred tree in temple gardens. It
is cultivated in the United States as a shade tree. It is also
successfully cultivated in some gardens of Europe, America
and India.
1.1. Plant description
Ginkgo has been found in rocks dating back to the Triassic
period, and possibly even earlier. Its leaves have been
found in Permian and Carboniferous rocks. Even today,
Ginkgo biloba grows. As a result, botanists refer to it as a
"living fossil." It’s also known as the world’s oldest seed
plant.Ginkgobiloba’s plant body is saprophytic, and the
saprophyte has a general appearance that is similar to that
of several conifers. The trees grow ex-currently and can
reach heights of up to 30 metres. Ginkgo trees exhibit a
very uneven branching pattern. The branches are dimorphic,
meaning that they have long shoots with unlimited growth
potential and scattered leaves, as well as dwarf shoots with
limited development potential.
Long shoots can grow up to 50 cm in a single year.
Dwarf shoots take a long time to mature. A 2-3 cm long
dwarf shoot could be several years old. There isn’t always
an obvious demarcation between the two sorts of shoots, and
the former may transform into a dwarf shoot for a year or
two before reverting back to a long shoot. 3
1.3. Nomenclature of gingko
Kaempfer, a European botanist, proposed the name
"Ginkgo" in 1690, and Linnaeus approved it the following
year (1771). Linnaeus proposed the name "biloba" to the
species because of the regularly notched feature of the fanshaped leaves (1771). The correct spelling, according to
Moule (1944) and Thommen (1949), is Ginkyo. Li (1956),
However, he used and lobbied for the term Ginkgo, claiming
that the maiden hair tree has been properly named Ginkgo
and "surely will be remembered as such forever." The
tree’s original name was Salisburia adiantifolia, but it was
eventually altered to Ginkgo biloba.
1.4. Chemical composition
Flavonol and flavone glycosides, lactone derivatives
(ginkgolides), bilobalide, ascorbic acid, catechin, ironbased superoxide, 6-hydroxykinuretic acid, protocatechuic
acid, shikimic acid, sterols, and vanilic acid are all found in
the leaf extract of Ginkgo biloba.
1.5. Pharmacological action
Fig. 1:
1.2. Geographical distribution
The Ginkgo biloba tree is a tall, slender, and lovely tree.
It’s known as Maiden-hair Tree because its young leaves,
both in form and venation, are extremely similar to those
of Adiantum (also known as Maiden-hair Fern). It’s the
world’s oldest seed plant. In some parts of China and Japan,
it is grown for its edible seeds. Though Chamberlain (1935)
Despite the fact that the chemical components of the ginkgo
leaf have different intrinsic pharmacological capabilities,
they work together to produce more strong pharmacological
effects. Ginkgo leaf extract, for example, protects neurons
from oxidative stress, possibly reducing tissue degradation
in dementia sufferers. Ginkgobiloba leaf extract also
enhances blood flow throughout the body by restoring
the equilibrium between prostacyclin and thromboxane
A2, which leads to better vasoregulation. The inhibition
of phosphodiesterase and the release of catecholamines
are hypothesised to cause vascular contraction and an
improvement in venous tone. The anti-toxin and anti-cell
death properties of Ginkgo biloba leaf extract may also
be attributable to the suppression of beta-amyloid peptideinduced toxicity and cell death. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract
is thought to inhibit monoamine oxidase A and B, as well as
catechol-O-methyl transferase (an enzyme that breaks down
adrenergic transmitters) 3) Increases the amount of alphaadreno receptors in the brain, which decreases with age. 4
Shaikh and Dighe / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2021;8(3):86–90
1.5.2. Anti inflammatory action
Fig. 2:
1.5.1. Neuropsychiatric disorders
Autism: There was a recent study that involved 47 children
with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of autism. In addition to
risperidone, patients were randomly randomised to take
Gb or placebo. The ABC-C scale was the key outcome.
According to the aforementioned subscale, there was no
statistically significant difference between the two groups.
As a result, Gb did not appear to be an effective risperidone
supplementary therapy. Even in childhood, it looked to be
safe and well accepted. 5
ADHD: In 50 ADHD patients, Salehi et al. conducted
a double-blind trial of Gb against methylphenidate. In
compared to methylphenidate, the researchers found that Gb
showed no equivalent efficacy. Even though Gb showed a
considerable reduction in side effects (particularly insomnia
and loss of appetite), methylphenidate showed a significant
improvement in a variety of symptoms. 6
Rigney et al. devised a clinical trial to assess the
impact of EGb (Rigney et al., 1999). Thirty-one healthy
participants were given either 120 mg or 240 mg of EGb,
or a placebo, at random. Steinberg Short Term Memory
(SSTM), Linear Analogue Rating Scale (LARS), Leeds
Sleep Evaluation Questionnaire (LSEQ), Scanning Task
(STM), CFF, CRT, SCT, DSST, and Actigraphy were among
the tests administered. There were statistically significant
variations in reaction time, motor reaction time, and CFF
after EGb treatment, and EGb was more prominent for
memory than attention. 7
A study was conducted to see how acute dosages of EGb
affected cognitive ability (Kennedy et al., 2000). Eighteen
healthy female and male college students (ages 19–24) were
given 120, 240, or 360 mg of EGb or a placebo. The study
enrolled a total of a hundred patients, with the key outcome
measures being the ADAS-cog, the Geriatric Evaluation by
Relatives Rating Instrument (GERRI), and the CGIC. There
was a substantial difference in the EGb group for the ADAScog and GERRI at the end point, but no difference in the
CGIC. In the year 2000, the same results were obtained. 8
The effect of pure polysaccharides from Ginkgo biloba
leaf (P-PGBL) on the inflammatory response caused
by lipopolysaccharides (LPS) in RAW264.7 murine
macrophage cells, as well as the potential processes
involved. P-PGBL administration significantly reduced
LPS-induced protein and mRNA expression of Toll-like
receptor 4 (TLR4) in a dose-dependent manner, according
to the findings. In LPS-stimulated RAW264.7 macrophage
cells, P-PGBL treatment reduced the expression of the
nuclear factor-B (NF-B) p65 protein. P-PGBL, on the other
hand, reduced the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines such
IL-1 and IL-6. Finally, P-PGBL has an anti-inflammatory
impact by blocking the TLR4/NF-B signalling pathway,
which reduces inflammatory cytokine production. 9
1.5.3. Anti cancer action
Liu et al. investigated the probable underlying regulatory
mechanism of EGb 761’s anti-metastatic action on
colorectal cancer cells. EGb 761 treatment of colorectal
cancer cells inhibited cell migration and invasion abilities
in a concentration-dependent way, according to the cell
migration and invasion assay. They used quantitative realtime PCR (RT-qPCR), western blotting, and immune
precipitation analysis to go deeper into the underlying
regulatory processes that could explain these findings.
The findings revealed that EGb 761 increased LincRNAp21 expression in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
LincRNA-p21 overexpression also inhibited colorectal
cancer cell metastasis. Furthermore, both EGb 761 and
LincRNA-p21 reduced the expression of fibronectin,
an extracellular matrix protein. More crucially, RNA
immune precipitation (RIP) and chromatin immune
precipitation (ChIP) experiments revealed that LincRNAp21 interacted directly with EZH2, suppressing fibronectin
expression. Finally, the gain and loss function experiment
demonstrated that EGb 761 suppressed migration, invasion,
and fibronectin production in colorectal cancer cells through
the LincRNA-p21/EZH2 pathway. As a result, EGb 761
could be a viable therapy option for colorectal cancer, and
restoring LincRNA-p21 levels could help EGb 761’s anticancer effects. 10
Ahmed and colleagues investigated the efficiency of
EGb in the treatment of rats with hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC). The histological characteristics of the liver tissue
were shown to be greatly improved by EGb. After EGb
therapy, ING-3 gene expression was unregulated, while
Foxp-1 gene expression was down regulated in the liver.
Furthermore, EGb reduced the levels of alpha-fetoprotein
(AFP), glypican-3 (GPC-3), and carcinoembryonic antigen
(CEA) in HCC rats, implying that EGb’s anti-cancer
characteristics were produced by its anti-proliferative and
apoptotic properties in the HCC animal model. 11
Shaikh and Dighe / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2021;8(3):86–90
1.5.4. Vitiligo treatment
Furthermore, EGb reduced the levels of alpha-fetoprotein
(AFP), glypican-3 (GPC-3), and carcinoembryonic antigen
(CEA) in HCC rats, implying that EGb’s anti-cancer
characteristics were produced by its anti-proliferative and
apoptotic properties in the HCC animal model. The research
conducted by Hayder et al. Fifty patients were enrolled in
the study, with twelve receiving Ginkgo biloba capsules
(75mg) twice day and twelve receiving placebo capsules for
eight weeks at Al-Kadhimyia Teaching Hospital. Twentysix healthy individuals were used as the control group. At
baseline, 4 and 8 weeks intervals, neutrophil percentage,
serum Glutathione (Elleman methods), Malonialdehyde
(Stocks and Dormandy methods),
Interleukin -6 (Elisa), and Vitiligo area scoring index
(VASI) were measured as measures to determine the
effect of Ginkgo biloba on the disease. After 4 weeks,
there was a significant difference in serum interlukin-6
(S. IL-6) between the Ginkgo biloba and placebo groups,
according to the results and discussion. After 4 and 8
weeks, there was no significant difference in Neutrophil
% between the Ginkgo biloba and placebo groups. After 4
and 8 weeks, serum glutathione (S. GSH) levels in Ginkgo
biloba increased significantly. After 4 and 8 weeks, no
significant differences in serum Malonialdehyde (S. MDA)
were identified between the Ginkgo biloba and placebo
groups, and no differences in VASI were found between the
Ginkgo biloba and placebo groups. Ginkgo biloba may be
effective in the treatment of vitiligo. 12
1.5.5. Memory impairment
While orally administered GBE was found to significantly
improve the speed of information processing in dual-coding
tests in a crossover study of 18 elderly men and women
(mean age 69.3 years), a study of eight healthy females
found differences between GBE and placebo in only one of
three methods of evaluation. 13
1.5.6. Treatment of tinnitus
Simultaneous use of a soft-laser for cochlea exposure and
administration of Ginkgo biloba extract for four weeks
has been reported to be beneficial in 20-50 percent of
patients. Although the mechanism of action of soft lasers is
uncertain, it has been established that light causes athermic
activation of biological processes. In fact, the Ginkgo-softlaser combination proved quite efficient in the treatment
of chronic tinnitus. Ginkgo gave more oxygen, and the
laser activated repair mechanisms by directly targeting
flavoproteins. 14
Improve visual function
on the vascular hypothesis of glaucomatous optic
damage, this study was conducted to assess the
of GBE and anthocyanins on visual function in
patients with normal tension glaucoma (NTG). A chart
review of 332 participants (209 men and 123 women)
who were treated with anthocyanins (n = 132), GBE (n
= 103), or no medication (control, n = 97) was used
to conduct retrospective analysis. These findings imply
that anthocyanins and GBE may aid in the improvement
of visual function in certain people with normal tension
glaucoma. 15
1.5.8. Cardiovascular diseases
D-galactose was used by Liuet al to create an ageing
phenotype in cardiomyocytes. They discovered that EGb
761 administration reduced the number of SA—gal positive
cells while also lowering diastolic Ca2+ and increasing
its reuptake. They also discovered that SERCA2a aided in
the improvement of diastolic dysfunction in ageing rats. 16
Kubota and colleagues investigated the effect of EGb on
intracellular calcium levels in rat thoracic aorta endothelial
cells and discovered that EGb might increase Ca2+ levels in
those cells, resulting in vasodilation. 17
For 30 days, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were
fed a diet containing 0.05 percent -0.5 percent ginkgo
in Kubota’s study. The level of intracellular calcium was
increased in endothelial cells, which appeared to alleviate
the impairment of dilatory function in these cells, according
to the scientists. 18
By lowering the amount of Ca2+ and mitochondrial
membrane potential, Han and Lifound that EGb could
prevent angiotensin II and hypoxia-induced vascular
endothelial cell injury. 18
In 2000, Campos-Toimil et al. investigated the effect
of EGb 761 in vascular endothelial cells and found that
EGb could inhibit type 4 phosphodiesterase activity by
reducing agonist-induced Ca2+ enhancement, implying that
Ca2+ signalling is important in mediating normal human
endothelial cell function. 19
The levels of free radical scavenging enzymes and risk
variables were investigated in eight patients who had an
aorto coronary bypass and were treated with EGb for two
months in a clinical trial by Rodriguez et al. 20
According to the scientists, EGb can boost superoxide
dismutase activity and lower ox LDL/LDL levels, lowering
atherosclerotic nanoplaque development. A similar clinical
trial conducted by a different group generated similar
Brinkley and colleagues investigated the effect of EGb
on blood pressure in almost 3000 older people, half of
whom were hypertensive. However, their findings showed
that EGb had no effect on blood pressure in both aged men
and women. 21,22
2. Conclusion
Ethnomedical and scientific reports about the medicinal
properties of Ginkgo Biloba represent it as a valuable
Shaikh and Dighe / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Analysis 2021;8(3):86–90
plant and establishing it as a candidate for the future drug
3. Source of Funding
4. Conflict of Interest
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Author biography
Shoheb S Shaikh, Principal
Nachiket S Dighe, Assistant Professor
Cite this article: Shaikh SS, Dighe NS. A review on: Medicinal
properties of ginkgo biloba. Int J Pharm Chem Anal 2021;8(3):86-90.