Survival of Overconfidence in Currency Markets
Thomas Oberlechner1
Webster University Vienna
Carol Osler2,*
Brandeis International Business School
Thomas Oberlechner, Webster University Vienna, Department of Psychology, Berchtoldgasse
1, A-1220 Vienna, Austria, Email:
[email protected]
Carol Osler, Brandeis International Business School, Brandeis University, Mailstop 32, 415
South Street, Waltham, MA 02454, USA, Email:
[email protected]
* Corresponding author
The authors gratefully acknowledge helpful comments from Steve Cecchetti, Blake
LeBaron, Lukas Menkhoff, Dagfinn Rime, Paroma Sanyal, Robert Shiller, David Simon, and
Hanno Ulmer, as well as seminar participants at the Expertise in Context Conference in Berlin,
the University of Hannover, Queens University Belfast, the LIEP group at Harvard University,
Norges Bank, and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Also, we acknowledge with thanks
each foreign exchange professional who took the time to fill out the survey. We gratefully
acknowledge financial support for this research from Hottinger & Partner and the Austrian
Science Fund (Schroedinger Scholarship #J2219 and #J1955-SOZ).
Survival of Overconfidence in Currency Markets
This paper tests the influential hypothesis, typically attributed to Friedman (1953), that
irrational traders will be driven out of financial markets by trading losses. The paper’s main
finding is that overconfident currency dealers are not driven out of the market. Dealers with
extensive experience are neither more nor less overconfident than their junior colleagues. We set
the stage for this investigation by providing evidence that currency dealers display two forms of
overconfidence: they underestimate uncertainty and they overestimate their professional success.
This is notable since dealers face strong incentives to accuracy, have access to comprehensive
information, and have extensive experience.
[Key words: Overconfidence, imperfect rationality, behavioral, exchange rates, foreign
exchange, survival of imperfect rationality. JEL classifications: G14, G15, F31.]
This paper tests whether imperfect rationality survives in financial markets, an issue that
is central to the debate between neoclassical and behavioral economics. According to the
neoclassical view, most famously articulated by Friedman (1953), irrational traders will buy
assets at high prices and sell them at low prices, thus incurring trading losses that ultimately
drive them out of the market. Since extensive evidence now exists for the presence of imperfect
rationality in financial markets (Hirshleifer (2001); Daniel et al. (2002)), this argument provides
an important justification for maintaining an exclusive focus on rational agents: If irrational
traders are eventually forced to cease trading, then imperfect rationality may have at most a
transient influence on prices. Nonetheless, empirical research on this question is at best rare and
perhaps nonexistent. The evidence presented here suggests that one form of imperfect rationality,
overconfidence, does survive in financial markets and may in fact be unaffected by trading
We focus on the world’s biggest market, the foreign exchange market, and on the agents
that set the prices in that market, the dealers. We first provide evidence that currency dealers are
indeed overconfident, on average, as logically required for this investigation. Consistent with
evidence for other financial-market agents (see, for example, Glaser and Weber (2007)), the
dealers display two forms of overconfidence: they underestimate uncertainty and they
overestimate their own abilities. We test whether overconfidence survives the rigors of the
marketplace by comparing overconfidence across dealers with differing levels of experience. We
find that experienced and inexperienced currency dealers are equally overconfident. This robust
result holds for both dimensions of overconfidence; it holds whether we measure experience by
years of trading, age, or institutional rank; and it holds for different types of dealers.
The literature suggests a number of reasons why overconfidence might survive in
financial markets. Overconfident traders might make more money because they take on more
risk and thus earn higher returns (De Long et al. (1991); Hirshleifer and Luo (2001)). They might
make more money because their cognitive performance – and hence their ability to spot
profitable trading opportunities – is enhanced by illusions of success (Taylor and Brown (1988)).
Overconfident traders might be more successful even without making more money if their
overconfidence inspires superiors and customers to regard them highly (Trivers (1985)). Finally,
overconfidence might not enhance success per se but it might instead be necessary for dealers to
persist in this stressful, high-stakes profession (Oberlechner (2004); Oberlechner and Nimgade
Our finding that overconfidence survives among currency traders has potential relevance
for issues in both international economics and microstructure. At the intersection of those two,
for example, we find the puzzle of excessive real and nominal exchange-rate volatility under
floating exchange rates (Flood and Rose (1995)). Theoretical work by Odean (1998) suggests
that overconfident agents are likely to trade more and that this excess trading could foster excess
volatility. Deaves et al. (2003) and Glaser and Weber (2007) confirm empirically that
overconfident agents do trade more than others. The survival of overconfidence among currency
traders could also explain the profitability of trend-following technical strategies in currency
markets (Menkhoff and Taylor (2007)), since overconfidence can be the source of trending and
trend reversals (Daniel et al. (1998)).
The forward bias puzzle – meaning the substantial average risk-adjusted returns one can
expect from holding high-interest currencies – is another foreign-exchange anomaly that may be
related to the survival of overconfidence. Decades of effort to trace this puzzle to time-varying
premiums for volatility risk have had at best mixed success (Engel (1996)). An important
alternative explanation involves imperfect rationality, for which substantial evidence has long
existed (Goodman (1979); MacDonald (2000)). This evidence indicates that professional
exchange-rate forecasts are biased, inefficient, incompatible across horizons, and less accurate
than the naïve forecast of no change. As shown in Burnside et al. (2010), overconfidence could
be responsible for some of the forecasts’ shortcomings as well as the overall inverse relationship
between exchange-rate changes and interest differentials.
When studying the rationality of economic agents it is important to have an objective
basis for choice among the infinitude of potential departures from perfect rationality. Otherwise,
deviations from rationality could be tailor-made to explain each anomaly, leaving the overall
hypothesis of imperfect rationality essentially impossible to disprove. Our objective basis for
choice is the large body of evidence for overconfidence from the disciplines of psychology and
economics. The widespread human tendency towards overconfidence was noted as early as the
mid-1960s (Oskamp (1965)) and is by now one of the strongest findings in the psychology of
judgment and cognition. In the world of asset management, overconfidence has been identified
among defined contribution pension plan members (Bhandari and Deaves (2006)), pension-plan
decision makers (Gort et al. (2008)), individual online brokerage investors (Glaser and Weber
(2007), (2009)), and financial planners (van de Venter and Michayluk (2008)). More broadly,
overconfidence has been identified in settings ranging from corporate investment decisions to
medical diagnosis to driving skills (Malmendier and Tate (2005); Hoffrage (2004) and Alicke
and Govorun (2005) provide recent surveys). We are not alone, of course, in relying on evidence
from psychology to provide a scientific basis for the study of imperfect rationality (see, e.g.,
Barber and Odean (2000), (2001); Daniel et al. (1998); Biais et al. (2005)).
We focus on two important dimensions of overconfidence: hubris and miscalibration.
Hubris refers to the tendency to overestimate one’s own success (Alicke and Govorun (2005);
Camerer and Lovallo (1999); Roll (1986)). Miscalibration refers to the tendency to overestimate
the precision of one’s information (Lichtenstein et al. (1977); Soll and Klayman (2004)); its
name refers to the way perceived probabilities are poorly calibrated to true probabilities.
Our sample of North American currency dealers brings several strengths to the analysis
of imperfect rationality in finance. First, dealers are the agents who actually set prices; many
studies in behavioral finance focus on amateurs, whose influence on the market might be limited.
Second, dealers face intense financial incentives for accuracy: dealers’ annual bonuses, which
typically reach $100,000 and often exceed $1 million, are largely determined by their personal
trading profits and the penalties for losses can include the loss of a job. Third, dealers are experts
in their field who get daily practice and are provided by their employers with comprehensive
information resources. Finally, the extent of the dealers’ experience varies widely: some are
trainees while others have over twenty-five years of experience and have the title of Treasurer.
The paper is structured as follows. Section II, which follows, summarizes academic
perspectives on the survival of overconfidence in financial markets. Section III outlines the
structure of the foreign exchange market and describes our data. Section IV provides evidence
that dealers tend towards miscalibration and hubris. Section V presents the evidence for our main
finding, specifically that overconfident dealers are not driven out of the market. Section VI
Overconfidence and the Survival of Imperfect Rationality
By now, most economists assume that departures from rationality exist in financial
markets. Nonetheless, they often doubt that these departures compromise financial market
performance. The view is that even if “investors are irrational …, they [may be] met in the
market by rational arbitrageurs who eliminate their influences on prices” (Shleifer (2000), p. 2),
an argument often expressed in terms of a “rational marginal agent.” The present study examines
whether overconfidence, as one form of imperfect rationality, survives among the market
participants most likely to serve as marginal agents. Foreign exchange dealers set the price in
almost every currency transaction of meaningful size and they undertake speculative and
arbitrage trades with substantial resources at their disposal. If overconfidence survives within
this group then, given limits to arbitrage, there may not be sufficient rational marginal agents for
the market to achieve and maintain efficient prices.1
Skepticism about the survival of imperfect rationality is often based on Friedman’s
(1953) depiction of how trading losses could drive imperfectly rational traders out of business.
Though Friedman’s analysis did not cite a specific form of imperfect rationality, it could
logically be expected to apply to overconfidence. Biais et al. (2005) find a direct empirical
relation between miscalibration and reduced trading performance. The connection could operate
through excess trading which in turn can result from either miscalibration (Odean (1998)) and or
hubris (Glaser and Weber (2007)).
Skepticism about the survival of imperfect rationality is also sometimes based on a set of
related ideas about cognitive performance: “(i) that people, through repetition, will learn their
way out of biases; (ii) that experts in a field, such as traders in an investment bank, will make
fewer errors; and (iii) that with more powerful incentives, the effects [of cognitive biases]
disappear” (Barberis and Thaler (2003)). While it seems logical that experience, expertise, and
incentives will overcome irrational tendencies, the evidence for all three points is mixed at best.
For example, studies show that experience sometimes reduces forecasting accuracy (Staël von
Holstein (1972); Glaser et al. (2005)) and raises overconfidence (Bradley (1981)). With respect
to expertise, a few studies find that it reduces miscalibration (Keren (1987); List (2003); Murphy
and Winkler (1984)), but most studies find that it has no effect (Chen et al. (2007); Lichtenstein
et al. (1977)). Likewise, financial incentives appear to attenuate some biases (e.g., Laury and
Holt (2005)) but they do not eliminate miscalibration (Fischhoff et al. (1977); Sieber (1974)).
We note that when there is positive-feedback trading, as there is in currency markets (Osler (2009)), the
presumption that rational arbitrageurs eliminate departures from the efficient price is incorrect (De Long et al.
The finance literature suggests a number of reasons why overconfident agents might
actually survive. De Long et al. (1991) argue that overconfident traders hold riskier assets than
others and thus earn higher average returns. Kyle and Wang (1997) show that overconfident
individuals involved in bilateral negotiations can survive because other participants compete less
aggressively. The trading strategies of overconfident traders may help them exploit the
mispricing caused by liquidity and noise traders (Hirshleifer and Luo (2001)). Wang (2001)
shows, in a theoretical setting, that in markets with high fundamental volatility both
underconfident and extremely overconfident agents are driven out while modestly overconfident
traders ultimately dominate.
Overconfidence may also enhance success and promote trader survival through a number
of psychological channels. Overconfidence could support trading success because it enhances
cognitive abilities (Greenwald (1980)) and it could support non-trading skills such as
organizational capability and leadership because it promotes self-esteem (Taylor and Brown
(1988)). Overconfidence may also speed professional advancement by inflating others’ opinions
about oneself (Trivers (1985); Bénabou and Tirole (2002)). Finally, overconfidence fosters
persistence, an essential trait in a profession where setbacks occur daily (Felson (1984)).
“Confidence in his abilities and efficacy can help the individual undertake more ambitious goals
and persist in the face of adversity” (Bénabou and Tirole (2002), p. 872). Currency dealers
concur. According to a trading manager at a top-ten institution interviewed by the authors, “If
you are not that self-confident, you are not going to be a good trader.” Dealers may self select for
overconfidence through a "sleep-well-at-night" effect: those that can handle the stress sleep well
at night while the others switch careers.
As this summary indicates, the disciplines of both psychology and economics provide
conflicting theoretical and empirical predictions about the survival of imperfect rationality in
financial markets. Identifying which predictions are correct requires empirical tests.
Market Overview and Data
Trading in the foreign exchange market, the world’s largest by any measure, averages
roughly $4.0 trillion per day (Bank for International Settlements (2010)). Dealing banks stand
ready to provide instant liquidity to hedge funds, mutual funds, and other asset managers;
corporations that buy and sell goods internationally; central banks; and other “end-user”
institutions. In this predominantly wholesale market, the dealers are involved in almost every
significant currency trade. The interdealer market, in which banks trade with each other, by itself
represents almost half of total trading (Bank for International Settlements (2007)), and the rest of
trading almost invariably involves customer-bank transactions.
A typical dealing room includes salespeople, interbank traders, and proprietary traders.
Salespeople manage the bank’s relationship with customers. Interbank dealers use the interbank
market to manage inventory accumulated in customer trades, to speculate, and to do arbitrage.
Proprietary traders – usually interbank dealers with extensive experience – speculate with the
bank’s own funds in foreign exchange and other assets. (Foreign exchange market structure is
described more fully in Osler (2009).)
Our analysis of overconfidence is based on the results of a survey distributed on June 25,
2002 to all foreign exchange dealing banks in North America. North American dealers, in
aggregate, account for almost one fifth of world-wide trading (Bank for International Settlements
(2007)). Of the 1,080 questionnaires sent out, 416 were completed, an overall return rate of 38.5
percent; this compares favorably with return rates of other surveys of foreign exchange
professionals, which are sometimes in single digits (Cheung and Chinn (2001)). In aggregate, the
North American dealers in our study have vast trading capacity: the sum of their daily position
limits is at least $30 billion.2 Participating institutions include a number of prominent banks with
familiar names, which we label “top-tier banks.” Appendix A lists the membership criteria for
this group.
Research based on survey data has become fairly standard in the analysis of exchange
rates (e.g., Frankel and Froot (1987); MacDonald (2000); Cheung and Chinn (2001); Menkhoff
(2001)). This acceptance reflects, in part, an acknowledgment that carefully structured surveys
provide no incentive to distort the truth. Further, evidence indicates that our results would be
unchanged even with financial incentives for accuracy (Fischhoff et al. (1977); Sieber (1974)).
The survey first assessed a number of personal and professional attributes, from which we
draw the following portrait of participating dealers (see Table 1). About half of them work in
New York City, and most work in the spot market. The participants primarily trade U.S. dollars
against the euro, the yen, and the Canadian dollar, with smaller concentrations trading U.S.
dollars against British pound and Swiss franc; a few trade other currency pairs. Though a
majority of our participants trade in the interbank market, sizable portions work in sales (32
percent) or serve as proprietary traders (20 percent). Many dealers have multiple functions. Over
one in five of the salespeople are female, while only one in thirteen interbank and proprietary
traders are female.
[Table 1 near here]
Since our study focuses on the effects of experience on overconfidence, it is essential that
the dealers in our sample represent a wide range of experience. The Trainees in our sample have
The aggregate limit figure is based on dealer responses when asked to locate their position limit on a list with five
ranges: $0 -$10 million, $11-$25 million, $26-$50 million, $51-$100 million, and over $100 million.
spent just over one year on a trading floor, on average, and are in their mid-twenties; the Junior
Traders average four years of trading experience and are typically in their early thirties; the
Senior Traders average twelve years of experience and are typically in their late thirties; the
dealers in the Head Trader/Treasurers category average 17 years of experience and are typically
over forty. Across all dealers, years of trading experience ranges up to thirty.
Existence of Overconfidence
This section sets the stage for our main result by providing evidence that currency dealers
tend towards miscalibration and hubris. Readers willing to accept this conclusion can move
direction to Section V, which concerns the survival of these two tendencies.
Existing evidence that people overestimate the precision of their information largely
comes from experiments in which individuals provide 90-percent confidence intervals for
general knowledge questions such as “How many miles is it from Paris to Tokyo?” (Lichtenstein
et al. (1977)). Under perfect rationality, 10 percent of these confidence intervals would exclude
the correct answer, but that share is typically above 50 percent among experimental subjects
(Nofsinger (2007)). Our survey took a similar approach but tailored the questions to measure
financial-market calibration. Each trader was asked to “enter today’s exchange rates of the Euro,
the Japanese Yen, the British Pound, the Swiss Franc, and the Canadian Dollar against the U.S.
Dollar. Then give your personal forecasts of these exchange rates on December 1, 2002 and on
June 1, 2003. For each currency, give your actual forecast and the lower and the upper limit of a
range within which you expect these rates to be with a certainty of 90%.”
Confidence intervals: Standard tests
The standard test for miscalibration involves comparing the share of confidence intervals
that exclude the correct answer to ten percent, the true share under the null hypothesis of no
overconfidence. We first examine the confidence intervals of proprietary traders, who regularly
keep positions open for a month or more. Since the horizons of other traders are shorter,
proprietary traders might be better calibrated than salespeople or interbank traders. We focus on
the dealers’ five most actively traded currency pairs (“currencies” for brevity), identifying them
by the market’s standard 3-letter abbreviations: euro-dollar (EUR), dollar-yen (JPY), sterlingdollar (GBP), dollar-Swiss franc (CHF), and dollar-Canadian dollar (CAD).
Consistent with the literature, the share of the proprietary traders’ confidence intervals
excluding the realized exchange rate at the end of the forecast horizon exceeds ten percent for all
ten of the tests associated with our proprietary traders (five currencies, two forecast horizons). As
shown in Table 2, Panel A, the share of December confidence intervals excluding the realized
rate ranges from 25 for GBP to 44 percent for CHF; for the June forecasts the share ranges from
44 to 92 percent.
The possibility that these results reflect overconfidence is also supported by the fact that
the share of June intervals excluding the realized rate is consistently higher than the
corresponding share of December intervals. Indeed, the average share for June intervals, 70.7
percent, is roughly double the share for December intervals, 35.2 percent. This pattern is
predicted by the robust finding that overconfidence rises with task difficulty (e.g., Lichtenstein et
al. (1977); Pulford and Colman (1997); Dittrich et al. (2005)).
To examine whether proprietary traders are indeed better calibrated than other traders we
carry out the same test for all traders. As anticipated, the share of forecast intervals excluding the
realized rate is generally higher for all traders than for proprietary traders. Nonetheless, the
average difference between the relevant shares for proprietary traders and all traders is quite
small, at 4.6 percentage points. This is consistent with evidence in the literature that
miscalibration responds only modestly to financial incentives (Fischhoff et al. (1977); Sieber
(1974)). It may also reflect the importance to all dealers of having a “view” about exchange
rates. Some customers base trading decisions on these views and good forecasting increases
one’s chance of becoming a proprietary trader, considered a plum job.
These results, while striking, cannot persuasively demonstrate overconfidence because
the placement of the dealers’ confidence intervals depends on their point forecasts, which have
two notable shortcomings. First, the point forecasts themselves may be inaccurate, since studies
consistently show that professional forecasters could improve their accuracy by adopting the
naïve forecast of no change (MacDonald (2000)). Second, the point forecasts are probably not
generated independently, since traders often discuss their views with others. We isolate the
influence of confidence-interval width by re-aligning each interval relative to the rate prevailing
when each dealer submits the survey, maintaining proportionate distances of confidence-interval
endpoints above and below.
The share of confidence intervals excluding realized rates generally declines after this
realignment, suggesting that our dealers’ point forecasts, like those of most professional
forecasters, are less accurate than the no-change forecast. Nonetheless, the results do not
challenge our previous inference that dealers tend to underestimate uncertainty. As shown in
Table 2, Panel A, the share of intervals excluding the realized rate remains significantly higher
than ten percent for nine of our ten currency-horizon pairs. Further, the excess over ten percent
remains economically meaningful; the average share across the five currencies is 26.3 for
December forecasts and 66.0 for June forecasts.
We test the statistical significance of these realigned confidence intervals by noting that,
under the null hypothesis of no overconfidence, each interval represents a Bernoulli trial where
p=0.10 is the probability of excluding the realized rate. If n is the number of intervals submitted,
the share of realigned intervals excluding the realized rate has a binomial distribution with mean
np and standard deviation np(1-p). Since n is reasonably large, this can be approximated by the
corresponding normal distribution. In these tests, all but one of the ten shares is significantly
different from 10 percent at standard significance levels.
[Table 2 near here]
Overconfidence is also suggested by the inaccuracy of dealer forecasts relative to the nochange forecast. The conclusion that they lack accuracy is supported by a formal statistical
analysis showing that the dealers’ average RMSE typically exceeds twice the RMSE of the nochange forecasts and the dealers’ average directional accuracy, at 51 percent, is not statistically
better than a coin toss (for details see Oberlechner and Osler (2009)). Since the more accurate
no-change forecast is always available free on the dealers’ computer screens, it is striking that
none of them submitted point forecasts within a few basis points of it. Bradley’s (1981) research
suggests this choice may be another manifestation of miscalibration. That study examines the
responses of novices and experts to questions for which subjects had only an even chance of
providing the correct answer. Though subjects’ claimed expertise was unrelated to correctness,
by construction, their willingness to admit ignorance was inversely related to claimed expertise.
Confidence intervals: Comparison against benchmarks
Since rational forecasts are not necessarily accurate ones, the foregoing results could be
unrelated to miscalibration. Suppose, for example, that dealers rationally anticipated low
volatility during the forecast horizon but realized volatility was high. In this case the confidence
intervals would tend to exclude realized rates, as occurs in our data, despite being rational.
Instead of comparing confidence intervals to realized outcomes, we next compare the dealers’
confidence-interval widths to the widths implied by rational volatility forecasts.
We forecast volatility using GARCH models of exchange-rate returns at different
horizons.3 Dealers completing the survey in July evidently had to forecast over longer time
horizons (four and ten months) than those completing the survey in October (one and seven
months). Surveys were submitted in July, August, September, and October, so we create
GARCH models of historical non-overlapping returns measured over all the relevant forecast
time horizons: 1, 2, 3, and 4 months for December forecasts; 7, 8, 9, and 10 months for June
forecasts. Each sample ends in the associated survey-completion month, so each model’s final
variance estimate is an out-of-sample forecast of volatility for the associated forecast time
Dealers’ access to real-time market information might enhance their forecasting ability
relative to the crude AR(1) of our GARCH models, so we shrink the GARCH variance forecasts
before converting them to confidence intervals. By how much should they be reduced? Our
earlier evidence suggests that dealers do not have special forecasting power at horizons of a
The data, which come from Datastream, begin in 1970 for EUR, GBP, and CHF, and in 1978 for JPY and CAD. In
every case we first tried a GARCH(1,1) model. This converged (in Stata) in 26 of 40 cases. If this failed, we tried a
GARCH(1,2) model (converged in ten cases), a GARCH(2,2) model (converged in three cases), and finally an
ARCH(1) model.
month or more, but Evans and Lyons (2005) show that by incorporating order-flow data they can
reduce one-month forecast variances by up to 15.7 percent. We therefore assume conservatively
that dealers forecast returns as well as Evans and Lyons and reduce the GARCH-based variance
forecasts by 15.7 percent. From these adjusted forecast variances we calculate 90-percent
confidence intervals using the fact that the 90-percent confidence interval for a normal
distribution equals 3.29 times the standard deviation.
If our proprietary traders are well-calibrated, then about half of their confidence intervals
should be narrower than the GARCH benchmark. Instead, they are almost all narrower than the
benchmark (Table 2, Panel B). This finding is robust to three methodological modifications:
broadening our focus to include all traders; considering only traders at top-tier institutions; and
basing the benchmark confidence-interval widths on the unconditional rather than the conditional
distribution of returns.4
To evaluate the statistical significance of these results, we take the null hypothesis to be
no miscalibration and view each interval as the outcome of a Bernoulli trial in which too-wide
and too-narrow have equal probability. The number of too-narrow confidence intervals under the
null thus has a binomial distribution with p = 0.5 and n ≡ nfcm is the number of responding traders
for a given forecast date f, currency c, and survey completion month m (e.g., nDEJ = 262 for
December 1 forecasts for the euro submitted in July). Since our samples are reasonably large and
p is not extreme, the distribution is well approximated as normal with mean pnfcm and variance
p(1-p)nfcm. Our results are highly significant, with all marginal significance levels below 0.0001.
These test statistics do not provide a direct measure of the share of traders who are
overconfident, but back-of-the-envelope calculations suggest that the share is fairly high. As a
The results using the unconditional distribution, unreported to save space, are available upon request.
baseline, suppose that there are no underconfident dealers, so all dealers are either wellcalibrated or overconfident. Suppose likewise that half of well-calibrated dealers choose toonarrow confidence intervals. In this case, the 94.5 percent share of too-narrow intervals among
our 355 EUR forecasts for December would be observed only if 90 percent of dealers were
overconfident. If we adopt the more generous assumption that the share of too-narrow intervals
from well-calibrated dealers had only a 5 percent likelihood of occurring by chance, the implied
share of overconfident dealers declines only to 88 percent.
As a further robustness test we construct benchmark confidence intervals from option
implied volatilities. These are sampled at the end of the associated survey-completion months
(e.g., for July forecasts we used implied volatilities from the last trading day in July) and are
adjusted for maturity. They are not reduced to allow for the possibility that our dealers have an
advantage in forecasting exchange rates because implied volatilities are independent of any trend
in the underlying asset. As shown in Table 2, Panel C, a large and statistically significant
majority of the confidence intervals provided by the dealers are again smaller than the
These tests so far assume that survey participants decide the width of their confidence
intervals independently from other participants. In our final test, we evaluate statistical
significance under the alternative assumption that interval widths are not generated
independently. To do this we bootstrap the distribution of confidence intervals assuming that the
confidence-interval width for each dealer, CIi, is the sum of a shared component, CIS, and an
idiosyncratic component, d i : CIi = CI S + d i . Appendix B describes the methodology in detail.
The results, shown in Table 2, Panel D, again indicate that our survey participants are
significantly overconfident. The null hypothesis of rationality is rejected at the five percent level
or better for nine of ten tests and at the ten percent level in one remaining test.
So far we have provided evidence that currency traders tend to overestimate the precision
of their information. We next provide evidence that dealers also tend to overrate their personal
success. Survey participants were asked: “How successful do you see yourself as a foreign
exchange trader?” The top rank of 7 was assigned to “Much more successful than other foreign
exchange traders;” the bottom rank of 1 was assigned to “Much less successful than other foreign
exchange traders”; “Average” was assigned to the middle rank of 4. All categories of the sevenstep rating scale were individually labeled.
The participants’ immediate superiors (i.e., head traders or chief dealers) were also asked
to rate their subordinates. The superiors were specifically instructed to compare subordinates to
others with similar responsibilities at the same institutional rank, since such specificity is shown
in the organizational literature to increase discriminative ratings and to reduce judgment errors
among supervisors (Locklear et al. (1989)).5 The superiors rated their subordinates along three
dimensions: “Overall Contribution to the Organization,” “Trading Profits,” and “Trading
Potential.” Traders’ Overall Contributions to the Organization were comprehensively defined to
include trading profits and broader factors such as the support of other traders and the
completion of tasks for the whole group (Borman and Motowidlo (1993)). Overall Contribution
thus matches the overall success rating requested of the traders themselves. Trading Profits is
self-explanatory. Trading Potential was defined as the degree to which traders have the personal
making of successful traders in their trading area; head traders were specifically instructed to
For example, without position-specific standards, supervisors may show an unwanted tendency to rate workers
better the higher their rank (Brandstätter (1970)).
separate trading potential from realized profits. The three ratings are highly correlated, with
bilateral correlation coefficients ranging from 0.58 to 0.72.
Our currency market professionals give themselves an average rank of 5.06, or “better
than average,” with standard error of 0.05 (Table 3). In all, three quarters of traders perceive
themselves as more successful than average (ratings 5, 6, or 7), a share that is roughly fourteen
times the share of dealers perceiving themselves as below average.
[Table 3 near here]
Though these shares seem extreme, there is at least one reason why they could
conceivably be realistic: most of our dealers work at top-tier institutions. If this explains our
result then traders at lower-tier institutions should generally rate themselves below average, but
the average self-rating of traders at lower-tier banks, 4.86, is only slightly below the average selfrating of traders at top-tier banks, 5.20, and remains significantly higher than the benchmark for
no hubris, 4.0.
As noted earlier, these results are consistent with extensive evidence for the “better-thanaverage effect” (Alicke and Govorun (2005)), as the common tendency towards hubris is often
labeled. Among traders, this apparent bias could reflect traders choosing favorable yardsticks
when rating themselves. Rather than rate themselves against their current competitors, for
example, they might rate themselves against every trader with whom they ever worked,
including those that failed and dropped out of the profession. Alternatively, traders might assign
different weights to the various skills that are involved in trading, with higher weights assigned
to the skills at which they excel. Whatever traders were thinking, it is still statistically
implausible for three-quarters of a large sample of individuals to be above average overall.
To evaluate the statistical significance of these results, we undertake a bootstrap test of
the null hypothesis of no hubris. We assume the superiors’ ratings represent the true distribution
of ratings within rank and responsibility classes (which is less restrictive than the assumption that
superiors correctly rated individual traders.) Only two of the twelve rank-responsibility
categories – senior interbank traders and senior salespeople – include sufficient individuals to
generate a meaningfully powerful test. Fortunately, these two categories include 70 percent of
the dealers with both superior and subordinate ratings.
For each rank-responsibility category we create 1,000 sets of k ratings, where kI =78 is
the number of senior interbank traders and kS = 94 is the number of senior salespeople. Each
rating is drawn at random (with replacement) from the associated sample of superiors’ ratings.
For each set of simulated ratings we calculate the share that are above average, and the
distribution of these simulated shares is compared with the corresponding observed share from
that rank-responsibility category. Note that the tests are biased towards accepting the null
because the supervisors themselves tended to rate their subordinates better-than-average.
Average supervisors' ratings (standard errors) are 4.6 (0.09), 4.5 (0.09), and 4.9 (0.08) for the
Overall Contribution, Trading Profits, and Trading Potential dimensions, respectively.
[Table 4 near here]
The tests unambiguously reject the null hypothesis of no overconfidence (Table 4). In our
baseline test, which uses the Overall Contribution rating by superiors, none of the 1,000 sets of
simulated ratings for senior interbank traders had a share of above-average ratings as high as the
observed share of 77.5; indeed, the highest simulated share was 66.2. Similarly, none of the sets
of simulated ratings for senior interbank traders had a share of below-average ratings as low as
the observed fraction of 5.6. Our conclusions are not changed if the superiors' ratings for Trading
Profitability or Trading Potential replace their ratings for Overall Contribution.
Survival of Overconfidence
So far this paper has presented evidence that currency dealers display two widespread
human tendencies: they underestimate uncertainty and they overestimate their abilities. This is
notable since dealers face strong incentives to be accurate, have access to comprehensive
information, and get frequent practice forecasting and assessing their personal trading
These results set the stage for the paper’s central question: Is overconfidence driven out
of the foreign exchange market? Overconfidence could disappear if individual dealers become
well-calibrated in response to frequent feedback or strong incentives for accuracy. Alternatively,
it could disappear if overconfident dealers are fired or leave the profession voluntarily. This
section presents evidence that overconfidence is not driven out of the market.
We organize our analysis around two testable implications of the hypothesis that
imperfect rationality will not survive:
• Absolute rationality: The most experienced dealers are not overconfident at all.
• Relative rationality: Overconfidence is moderated by experience.
For this analysis we need measures of each individual’s overconfidence. Our measure of
individual miscalibration focuses on the extent to which a dealer’s confidence intervals fall short
of its value under rationality, taking the rational value to be the width calculated from our
GARCH analysis. We first calculate the ratio between the width of each confidence interval and
the relevant GARCH width. As before, we distinguish dealers according to the month in which
Profitability, for example, is measured daily and every month each dealer and boss sign statements to show they
agree on the figure.
they submitted the survey. For dealer i’s confidence interval for currency c at forecast date f, wicf,
G is the appropriate GARCH width for that dealer’s surveythis ratio is Rcfi ≡ wcfi / wcfm
, where wcfm
completion month. Since each dealer provided up to ten confidence intervals, we take the
average of the submitted ratios, Ri. (The correlation between the dealers’ average December and
average June ratios is a strong 0.82, so little information is lost by combining intervals.) Dealer
i’s miscalibration, Mi, is then defined as the gap between unity and this average: Mi ≡ 1- Ri. For
well-calibrated individuals Mi is near zero and could be slightly negative; for overconfident
individuals Mi ranges upwards to a maximum of one.
To measure each trader’s hubris we take the difference between the trader’s rating of
his/her own performance, PiOwn, and the superior’s Overall Contribution rating, PiSup: Hi ≡ PiOwn PiSup. 7 For agents who are not overconfident Hi will be zero; like miscalibration, Hi rises with
overconfidence. Note that this measure is not available for lower-tier banks because superiors’
ratings were only solicited from top-tier banks.
To ensure robustness we measure experience three ways: years spent trading, age, and
institutional rank. For years spent trading we create three categories: 0-8 years, 9-14 years, and
15 or more years. For age we create four categories: 30 and under, 31-35, 36-40, and over forty.
For rank we create three categories: Trainees and Junior Traders, Senior Traders, and Head
It might be natural to assume that miscalibration and hubris are closely related. Indeed,
Gervais and Odean (2001) describe how, in theory, hubris could be the source of miscalibration.
Nonetheless, the correlation between our dealers’ miscalibration and their hubris, -0.18, is not
only economically small but significantly negative. A weak relation between these two
This measure effectively assumes that superiors’ ratings are more accurate than those of their subordinates
dimensions of overconfidence is consistent with results from other relevant studies (Deaves et al.
(2003); Régner et al. (2004); Glaser and Weber (2007)).
Absolute rationality: Are the most experienced dealers overconfident?
If imperfect rationality is driven out of the market, the most experienced traders will
display zero overconfidence. Table 5, which reports the averages of measured miscalibration and
hubris for dealers in different experience categories, provides no support for absolute rationality.
Table 5, Panel A shows that average miscalibration is statistically significant among the
most experienced dealers no matter how we measure experience. Among dealers with 15 or more
years of trading experience, confidence intervals are 58 percent smaller, on average, than they
would be under the null hypothesis that dealers are all well-calibrated (t-statistic 28.1).
Confidence intervals among dealers over 40 years old are on average 59 percent smaller than
implied by the null (t-statistic 29.8); confidence intervals among Head Traders/Treasurers are on
average over 40 percent smaller (t-statistic 2.9).
Hubris is also economically and statistically strong for experienced dealers, as shown in
Table 5, Panel B. For dealers with 15 or more years of experience, hubris averages 0.65 (tstatistic 2.2). This represents a substantial distortion of their performance ratings, as it covers
over a quarter of the gap between the superior’s average performance rating for this group, which
is 4.5, and the highest possible rating, which is seven. Average hubris is 0.46 for dealers over 40
years old (t-statistic 2.1), which implies that this group inflates their performance rating almost
20 percent of the way towards ideal performance, on average. Average hubris is 1.13 for Head
Traders and Treasurers, which implies that these individuals inflate their performance rating
almost half-way to ideal performance.
[Table 5 near here]
As discussed in Section IV, the incentives to overcome miscalibration are strongest for
proprietary traders, so this group provides a stronger test of whether experienced traders are
overconfident (Table 5, Panel C). The miscalibration and hubris measures for this group provide
no evidence for dealer rationality, however. Among the most experienced proprietary traders,
both miscalibration and hubris are statistically and economically significant. (Note that, to
conserve statistical power, we create fewer age categories when analyzing proprietary traders;
we do not use “rank” to measure experience since almost all proprietary traders have the rank of
Senior Trader or higher.)
For robustness we also examine miscalibration among the most experienced dealers at
top-tier banks (as noted earlier, the hubris measures apply only to top-tier banks). These dealers
are likely to have greater influence over market prices than other dealers because they have
larger position limits and more customers. A comparison of results for top-tier banks (Table 5,
Panel D) and for all banks (Table 5, Panel A) indicates that there is no difference between the
most experienced dealers at top- and lower-tier banks. Our conclusion that the most experienced
dealers tend to be overconfident is also sustained if we focus exclusively on the currencies that
dealers trade most actively.8
Relative rationality: Is overconfidence moderated by experience?
Overconfidence could be moderated by experience even if it doesn’t disappear with
experience. The moderation hypothesis is not supported by our comparison of overconfidence
levels across dealers with varying experience. When experience is measured in terms of years
spent trading, the miscalibration estimates are almost identical for dealers at all experience levels
at 0.59, 0.58, and 0.58 for the traders with least experience, intermediate experience, and greatest
Results of this robustness test are available upon request.
experience, respectively (Table 5, Panel A). When experience is measured by age, the
miscalibration estimates vary more but the variation is non-monotonic. Estimated miscalibration
averages 0.59 for the two youngest groups, 0.52 for traders in their late 30s, and once again 0.59
for traders over forty. Moreover, the differences across experience groups are again insignificant.
When experience is measured by rank, the point estimates of miscalibration decline modestly
with rising rank – from 0.65 to 0.57 to 0.42 – but once again the differences are insignificant.
As shown in Table 5, Panel B, the hubris measures provide similarly scant support for the
hypothesis that overconfidence declines with experience; indeed, this evidence suggests weakly
that hubris rises with experience. When experience is measured by years spent trading, average
hubris is 0.50, 0.47, and 0.65 for traders with the least experience, intermediate experience, and
greatest experience, respectively, though the differences across groups are insignificant. When
experience is measured by age or rank, however, the evidence that hubris rises with experience is
a bit stronger. For both these experience measures, average hubris is insignificant for the least
experienced traders and it is significant – and higher – for all other groups. The evidence for the
hypothesis that hubris rises with experience is weakened, however, by the insignificance of
differences in hubris across experience categories. Research has revealed that that
overconfidence rises with experience and expertise in various settings (Staël von Holstein
(1972); Glaser et al. (2005)). Most notably, for this paper, overconfidence rises with expertise
when maximum achievable accuracy is extremely low, as in exchange-rate forecasting (Bradley
The hypothesis that overconfidence is moderated by experience likewise receives no
support if the sample is restricted to proprietary traders (Table 5, Panel C) or to dealers at top-tier
banks (Table 5, Panel D).
The results of this section suggest consistently that overconfident traders are not driven
out of currency markets. Despite many years of trading, experienced dealers still tend to
overestimate the precision of their information and to overestimate their own abilities.
Concluding Observations
This paper tests whether overconfident traders are driven out of the foreign exchange
market. Friedman famously claimed that imperfectly rational traders will be driven out of
financial markets by trading losses (1953), a claim that has been influential because it supports
the assumption of trader rationality. Nonetheless, this claim has rarely, if ever, been tested. We
examine whether overconfidence, a well-documented form of imperfect rationality, survives
among those who set prices in the world’s largest financial market.
We set the stage for this analysis by providing evidence that currency dealers, like most
people, display two types of overconfidence; they tend to overestimate the precision of their
information (miscalibration) and they tend to overestimate their professional success (hubris).
We then analyze how overconfidence varies across foreign exchange dealers with different
amounts of experience. The results indicate that even the most experienced dealers are strongly
overconfident and that they are just as overconfident as their junior colleagues.
These conclusions are remarkably robust. They hold for both types of overconfidence;
they hold regardless of whether we measure experience by years spent trading, age, or
institutional rank; they hold for proprietary traders, who get the most experience forecasting at
our horizons, as well as other traders; and they hold for traders at the most prestigious dealing
Future research could constructively examine the mechanism(s) through which dealer
overconfidence survives. Among the many hypotheses worth exploring, we highlight three:
Overconfidence, by fostering persistence and a tolerance for adversity, might enable dealers to
sustain a career with intense competition and frequent setbacks; overconfidence, by leading
others to have inflated opinions of one’s success, might increase one’s likelihood of promotion
within an organization; overconfidence, by enhancing cognitive facility, might enhance dealers’
ability to identify profitable trading opportunities.
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Appendix A: "Top" and "lower" tier foreign-exchange dealing banks
Top Tier: Leading North American foreign exchange dealing banks. The 26 banks in this
category were defined as institutions included in at least one of the following lists: (i) membership in the
New York Foreign Exchange Committee in 2001 and/or 2002; (ii) the top 10 institutions of the Best
Provider of Foreign Exchange Services Overall annual ranking published by Global Investor Magazine in
March 2001 and/or March 2002; (iii) the top 10 institutions of the Global Top 50 Foreign Exchange
Market Companies by estimated market share annual ranking published by Euromoney Magazine in May
2001; (iv) the top 10 institutions of the annual Best Bank Overall for Foreign Exchange Dealing ranking
published by Foreign Exchange Week in December 2001; (v) the top 10 institutions in the annual ranking
of banks’ foreign exchange revenues 2001 published by Foreign Exchange Week in December 2001.
North American trading floors of the resulting 26 institutions were contacted and invited to
participate in the study. Twenty-one of these trading floors agreed to participate fully, resulting in an
institutional participation rate of 81 percent of the leading market participants. Of 551 questionnaires sent
to these 21 trading floors, 326 were returned, an individual questionnaire return rate of 60 percent.
Lower Tier: Other foreign exchange dealing banks in North America. These are defined as all
other foreign exchange banking institutions in the U.S. and in Canada listed in Societé Générale's Dealer
Directory (Nicolson (2002)). Foreign exchange traders at these institutions were sent questionnaires by
mail. Of 529 questionnaires sent to banks in this group, 90 were returned, resulting in a questionnaire
return rate of 17 percent for this group.
Appendix B: Testing significance under null that confidence-interval widths are not independent
This appendix describes the bootstrap procedure used to identify the distribution of
confidence intervals under the assumption that dealer’s confidence interval widths are not
independent. Specifically, it is assumed that each dealer’s confidence-interval width, CIi, is the
sum of a shared component, CIS, and an idiosyncratic component, d i : CIi = CI S + d i . The
bootstrap simulations are done separately for each combination of forecast date f and currency c.
Within each f-c combination we work separately with each forecast submission month m, since
any shared component would likely differ across surveys submitted in different months. For
concreteness we illustrate our methodology with the December 1, 2002 confidence intervals for
euro submitted in July of 2002.
To determine the shared variance components, VDec
, Euro , July , we first sample (with
replacement) 1,000 values from our GARCH model’s fitted variances for the four-month returns,
V Dec , Euro , July . We assume (as in previous tests) that dealers can use order-flow information to
reduce the forecast variance by the full 15.7 percent estimated by Evans and Lyons (2005). We
then calculate the associated 90-percent confidence interval widths: CISDec,Euro,July =
3.29 (1 − 0.157)VDec
, Euro , July .
To find the idiosyncratic component of a simulated confidence interval width,
d Dec
, Euro , July , we first calculate the differences between each dealer’s originally-submitted
proportionate confidence-interval width and the mean proportionate width across all dealers for a
given forecast submission month: diDec,Euro,July = widthDec,Euro,July - meanwidthDec,Euro,July. We then
sample (with replacement) nDec,Euro,July of the original differences for each of the 1,000 elements
of V Dec , Euro , July to create the nDec,Euro,July simulated widths for that survey completion month:
CI iDec,Euro,July = CI Dec
, Euro , July + d Dec , Euro , July .
We then sample a second time (with replacement) from the relevant fitted variances to
create a set of 1,000 “true” variances, VTDec,Euro,July, and associated true rational confidence
interval widths: CITDec,Euro,July = 3.29 (1 − 0.157)VDec
, Euro , July .
We repeat this procedure for the December 1 forecasts submitted in August, September,
and October. This provides a set of 1,000 “periods.” For each period there are four true
confidence-interval widths, one for each survey-completion month and four sets of idiosyncratic
confidence-interval widths. For each period we calculate how many of the simulated dealer
widths are smaller than their associated true width. We then express the total as a share of the
number of simulated widths for that forecast date and currency, nDec,Euro = ∑ n Dec , Euro ,m . The
distribution of these shares is taken to be the true distribution of shares under the null hypothesis
that individuals’ estimated confidence interval widths are unbiased but correlated with each other
to the extent that they share the same mean on a period-by-period basis. We note that this test
implicitly assumes that estimated and actual confidence interval widths are uncorrelated, which
we accept because it favors the hypothesis of no overconfidence and because anything else
would necessarily involve arbitrary assumptions that would make it difficult to interpret the
Table 1: Characteristics of survey respondents
The table provides descriptive information concerning the 416 respondents to a June 2002 survey
of North American currency market professionals. Note: totals may exceed 100% because some
individuals fit multiple categories.
New York City 53%
U.S. non-NYC 33%
Derivatives 23%
Money Market 6%
Interbank Trader 59%
Proprietary Trader 20%
Treas./Head Trader 12%
Senior Trader
Junior Trader
Over 40
Less than 26
Currency Focus
USD vs. Other
EUR vs. Other
Table 2: Confidence intervals are too narrow
Ninety-percent confidence intervals for exchange rates on December 1, 2002 and June 1, 2003
were submitted by North American currency market professionals in response to a survey
distributed in June of 2002. Panel A shows the share of confidence-intervals widths that exclude
the realized exchange rate. Under the null hypothesis of no miscalibration and independence the
true share is 10%. For “realigned confidence intervals,” end-points are aligned relative to the
exchange rate on the day the survey was completed rather than dealers’ point forecasts.
Panels B and C show the share of confidence-intervals widths that exceed objective
benchmarks. Under the null the share is 50%. In Panel B this benchmark is based on GARCH
variance estimates. In Panel C the benchmark is based on option implied volatilities. Under the
null the shares have a binomial distribution with p = 0.10 (Panel A) or p = 0.5 (Panels B and C).
Panel D bootstraps the statistical significance of fractions from Panel B assuming that interval
widths are not generated independently. * means 5% significance; ** means 1% significance.
A. Share of confidence intervals excluding realized exchange rates
Proprietary traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders: Realigned confidence intervals
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
B. Percent of intervals narrower than GARCH estimates
Proprietary traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders at top-tier banks
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
C. Percent of intervals narrower than estimates from option implied volatilities
Proprietary traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
All traders at top-tier banks
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
D. GARCH benchmarks with variance forecasts that are not independent
All traders
December 1 forecast
June 1 forecast
98.4 **
Table 3: Most traders rate themselves professionally above-average
The table shows self-assessments of personal success submitted by North American currency
market professionals as part of a survey distributed in June of 2002. Participants rated their own
professional success on a scale of 1 = far below average to 7 = far above average, with 4 =
average. "Top-tier" traders work for "Top-tier" banks.
All traders
Top-tier traders
Other traders
Share above average (5, 6, 7)
Share below average (1, 2, 3)
Number of participants
Average self-rating
(Standard error)
Table 4: Bootstrap tests of hubris
The table shows the marginal significance of the share of North American currency market
professionals rating themselves above average. Their superiors were asked to rate them on the
same scale, with respect to three dimensions of success: Overall Contribution, Trading Profits,
and Trading Potential. Distribution of traders’ share under the null of no hubris is bootstrapped
from superiors’ ratings. Values of 0.000 indicate that the most extreme simulated share was less
extreme than the observed share.
Bootstrapped marginal significance levels
Senior interbank traders
Above average (5, 6, 7)
Below average (1, 2, 3)
Above average (5, 6, 7)
Below average (1, 2, 3)
Senior salespersons
Table 5: Overconfidence unrelated to experience
The table shows average overconfidence for currency dealers with different levels of experience.
A dealer’s miscalibration is measured as the average percent gap between the width of his/her
confidence intervals and GARCH-based benchmarks. A dealer’s hubris is measured as the gap
between his/her self-rating of performance and the superior’s Overall Contribution rating.
“Hubris share” is average hubris as a percent of the gap between 7, the highest possible rating,
and the superior’s average rating for the group. All measures are zero for perfectly calibrated
individuals and rise with overconfidence.
5A: Miscalibration, all traders
Experience = years trading
Number obs.
0-8 yrs vs. …
9 – 14 yrs vs. …
Experience = age
Number obs.
Under 30 yrs vs. …
31 – 35 yrs vs. …
36 – 40 yrs vs. …
9 - 14
t-statistics for differences across groups
≤ 30
31 - 35
t-statistics for differences across groups
36 - 40
41 +
Head Traders,
Jr. Traders
Number obs.
t-statistics for differences across groups
Trainee and Jr. Trader vs. …
Senior Trader vs. …
Experience = rank
Table 5B: Hubris, all traders
Experience = years trading
Hubris share
Number obs.
0-8 yrs vs. …
9 – 14 yrs vs. …
9 - 14
t-statistics for differences across groups
Experience = age
≤ 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 +
Hubris share
Number obs.
Under 30 yrs vs. …
31 – 35 yrs vs. …
36 – 40 yrs vs. …
Experience = rank
Hubris share
Number obs.
t-statistics for differences across groups
Jr. Traders
Head Traders,
t-statistics for differences across groups
Trainee and Jr. Trader vs. …
Senior Trader vs. …
5C: Miscalibration and hubris for traders by functional responsibility
Number obs.
Sales vs. …
Interbank vs. …
Experience =
years trading
Number obs.
0 - 7 yrs vs. …
8 – 15 yrs vs. …
t-statistics for differences across groups
Proprietary traders only
9 - 14
15 +
t-statistics for differences across group
9 - 14
15 +
Experience = age
≤ 35
≤ 35
> 35
Number obs.
t-statistics for differences across group
35-and-under vs. …
> 35
5D: Miscalibration at top-tier banks
Experience = years trading
Number obs.
0-8 yrs vs. …
9 – 14 yrs vs. …
Experience = age
Number obs.
Under 30 yrs vs. …
31 – 35 yrs vs. …
36 – 40 yrs vs. …
9 - 14
t-statistics for differences across groups
≤ 30
31 - 35
36 - 40
41 +
t-statistics for differences across groups
Head Traders,
Jr. Traders
Number obs.
t-statistics for differences across groups
Trainee and Jr. Trader vs. …
Senior Trader vs. …
Experience = rank