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Cena, Federica; Gena, Cristina; Grillo, Pierluigi; Kuflik, Tsvi; Vernero,
Fabiana; Wecker, Alan J.. How scales influence user rating behaviour in
None pp: 1-20.
DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2017.1322145
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How scales influence user rating behaviour in
recommender systems
Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Pierluigi Grillo, Tsvi Kuflik, Fabiana Vernero &
Alan J. Wecker
To cite this article: Federica Cena, Cristina Gena, Pierluigi Grillo, Tsvi Kuflik, Fabiana Vernero
& Alan J. Wecker (2017): How scales influence user rating behaviour in recommender systems,
Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2017.1322145
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Date: 10 May 2017, At: 05:04
How scales influence user rating behaviour in recommender systems
Federica Cenaa, Cristina Genaa, Pierluigi Grilloa, Tsvi Kuflikb, Fabiana Verneroa and Alan J. Weckerb
Department of Computer Science, University of Torino, Torino, Italy; bDepartment of Information Systems, The University of Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Many websites allow users to rate items and share their ratings with others, for social or
personalisation purposes. In recommender systems in particular, personalised suggestions are
generated by predicting ratings for items that users are unaware of, based on the ratings users
provided for other items. Explicit user ratings are collected by means of graphical widgets
referred to as ‘rating scales’. Each system or website normally uses a specific rating scale, in
many cases differing from scales used by other systems in their granularity, visual metaphor,
numbering or availability of a neutral position. While many works in the field of survey design
reported on the effects of rating scales on user ratings, these, however, are normally regarded as
neutral tools when it comes to recommender systems. In this paper, we challenge this view and
provide new empirical information about the impact of rating scales on user ratings, presenting
the results of three new studies carried out in different domains. Based on these results, we
demonstrate that a static mathematical mapping is not the best method to compare ratings
coming from scales with different features, and suggest when it is possible to use linear
functions instead.
Received 11 May 2016
Accepted 17 April 2017
1. Introduction
Following the advent of Web 2.0, many web-based applications (including social media and e-commerce websites) give users the opportunity to rate content, for
social or for personalisation purposes. For example, YouTube1 allows users to rate videos and share their ratings
with others. Users provide their ratings by means of ‘rating scales’, that is, graphical widgets that are characterised by specific features (granularity, numbering,
presence of a neutral position, etc.) (Gena et al. 2011).
On the web, we can find various examples of rating
scales, differing, among other things, in their visual
appearance, which is probably their most salient feature,
for example: Amazon2, aNobii3 and Barnes & Noble4 use
stars; Facebook5 and YouTube use thumbs; TripAdvisor6
uses circles; LateRooms7 uses squares and Criticker8 uses
bare numbers.
User ratings are especially valuable pieces of information for most recommender systems (Adomavicius
and Tuzhilin 2005), where users express their preferences for items by rating them and, based on these ratings, they receive personalised suggestions, hopefully
suited to their needs. It is, therefore, important to be
able to correctly interpret and compare ratings even
when they were expressed using different rating scales,
as described in the following scenarios. For example,
an application A (e.g. IMDb) may be able to import
CONTACT Fabiana Vernero
[email protected]
© 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Rating scales; recommender
system; user studies; human–
machine interface
users’ ratings from another system B (e.g. YouTube) in
the same domain in order to improve its user models
with more information about users. Since the two systems use two different rating scales (e.g. ‘stars’ and
‘thumbs’ with different granularities), system A needs a
mechanism to correctly translate ratings from scale B
to its scale, for example, from a 2-point scale of thumbs
to a 10-point scale of stars. In the same way, a new webbased application, which is not able to provide recommendations due to the cold-start problem, can import
user ratings from other systems which the user is served
by (each with its own rating scale), and use them to generate recommendations. Thus, it needs a method for
converting these heterogeneous ratings data to the single,
homogeneous scale it uses. Similarly, in a Web 2.0 scenario, social aggregators or mash-up systems, such as Trivago in the tourism domain, may aggregate different
services with different features and provide an aggregation (or a summary) of the information from all the systems involved. Thus, they need to correctly aggregate
users’ ratings expressed with different rating scales.
Moreover, application developers may want to change
the rating scale in order to better satisfy users’ needs,
as YouTube did in 2009, moving from 5-point (stars)
to 2-point (thumbs). In this case, the application needed
to keep all previous ratings collected in the past, and to
be able to properly convert them to the new scale.
Finally, application developers may want to give users an
opportunity to use different rating scales for different
tasks (e.g. stars to configure their interests in the user
model and thumbs to rate items, as can be seen in certain
websites, such as booking.com9 for instance) or in certain moments (e.g. when users gain experience with
the system, they may switch from one scale to another).
Furthermore, application developers might give their
users the possibility to rate items according to different
parameters, each of which can be assessed on a specific
rating scale. For example, an application in the tourism
domain might allow users to rate hotels according to
their cleanness and location, providing a 5-star rating
scale for cleanness and a thumbs-up/thumbs-down one
for location. Thus, in principle a system could allow
users to choose which rating scale to use (Cena, Vernero,
and Gena 2010). Finally, in the context of the so-called
cross-domain recommendation, Cantador, Berkovsky,
and Cremonesi (2015) propose to leverage all the available user data provided in various systems and domains
in order to generate a more complete user model and
better recommendations. As a practical application of
knowledge transfer in the context of a single domain
(e.g. movies), a target system may import user ratings
of overlapping items from a source system – for example,
representing user rating with a given rating scale – as
auxiliary data to a target system – representing user rating with another rating scale with different granularity –
in order to address the data-sparsity problem.
In all these cases, these systems need a way to compare ratings given in different rating scales. However,
this is not a trivial task, since the rating scales themselves
have an effect on the ratings, as many studies point out
(Garland 1991; Friedman and Amoo 1999; Amoo and
Friedman 2001). In fact, how people respond to different
rating scales is primarily an issue of psychology rather
than a mathematical question (Cummins and Gullone
2000). This paper particularly focuses on the influence
the rating scales exert on user rating behaviour, that is,
their capacity to induce users to assign higher or lower
ratings than they would assign with a different rating
scale. Some interesting insights about the effect of rating
scale features on the user rating behaviour in recommender systems can be found in the work of Vaz, Ribeiro,
and de Matos (2013). Their results suggest that using a
rating scale with a smaller granularity obtains better
results, in terms of a lower mean absolute error
(MAE), in a rating prediction task. While the work of
these authors deals with the impact of rating scales on
user rating behaviour in a broad sense, we are particularly focused on their influence on user ratings. While
there does not seem to be much debate around this
issue in the field of recommender systems and intelligent
user interfaces, a notable exception is represented by
Cosley et al. (2003). The authors found out that ratings
on different scales correlated well, and suggested that
designers might allow users to choose their favourite rating scale and compute recommendations by means of
mathematically normalised scores.
Conversely, in a similar experiment done by Cena,
Vernero, and Gena (2010), where users were asked to
rate the same item on different rating scales, it was
observed that 40% of the ratings departed considerably
from mathematical proportion, suggesting that rating
scales themselves might induce users to be more or less
optimistic (or strict, or meticulous). This insight has
been also confirmed in two further experiments done
by Gena et al. (2011). In our vision, this effect is, at
least in part, a consequence of the set of features (granularity, numbering, presence of a neutral position, etc.)
that characterise and differentiate a certain scale from
the others. For example, a rating scale exploiting a
human metaphor and offering only one point (like the
simple ‘thumbs-up’) is perceived very differently in comparison with a scale consisting in bare numbers ranging
from 0 to 100. Consequently, the ratings given by means
of the two scales can be expected to be considerably
different as well.
The main contribution of this paper is twofold: first,
we provide new empirical evidence about the effects of
rating scales on user ratings focusing on recommender
systems with studies on large samples and in different
domains and contexts, both on and off the web; second,
we demonstrate that a static mapping is not the optimal
solution to compare ratings originating from rating
scales with different features.
By static mapping, we refer to a standard mapping
which does not take into account user behaviour, but
only the number of points offered by a certain scale,
and maps them to a chosen interval based on mathematical proportion. For example, in case the destination
interval is 0–1 (i.e. the lowest value should be mapped
to 0 and the highest to 1), the new rating can be obtained
by applying the following formula:
∗( point position − 1),
|points| − 1
where |points| indicates the number of points of the original scale and point_position indicates the position of the
point corresponding to the original rating. For example,
for mapping 3 out of 5 in a 5-point rating scale to a destination interval of 0–1, |points| corresponds to 5,
point_position corresponds to 3 and the obtained value
is 0.5.
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 provides
the background of previous work on rating scales, while
Section 3 provides an analysis of rating scales in order to
point out their features and a general description of the
three empirical evaluations; Sections 4, 5 and 6 describe
the different experiments in three different contexts: several movie websites, a museum guide and a controlled
web-based experiment. Afterwards, Sections 7 and 8 discuss and conclude the paper with considerations and
future directions for work.
2. Related work
2.1. Specific features and their impact on user
The effect of rating scales on user ratings is often
reported in research works in different fields, such as
economics, psychology and surveys design. These
works generally focused on the study of how specific features, such as granularity, neutral point or labelling, can
affect the final rating.
Granularity. The optimal number of points in rating
scales (granularity) and its possible effect on user
responses are a much-debated issue in the literature,
even if the results obtained so far do not appear to be
conclusive. Lim (2008) had 137 participants who repeatedly assessed their overall level of happiness with 4-, 5-,
7- and 11-point Likert-like rating scales, with the aim of
investigating whether the number of points can affect the
respondents’ ratings. The author directly rescaled all ratings to the 11-point scale for comparison purposes and
found that the mean happiness value was significantly
higher for the 11-point scale with respect to the 4- and
7-point scales, while there were no significant differences
between participants’ mean ratings for the 11- and 5point scales. This implicitly implies that higher granularity causes higher ratings. Dawes (2002), in a study that is
related to our experiment 3 (Section 6.2), found that data
collected with 5-point scales could be easily translated to
make them comparable with data collected with 11-point
scales. Similarly, in a subsequent study, they found that
five- and seven-point scales can easily be rescaled; comparing 5- or 7-point data to 10-point data, a straightforward rescaling and arithmetic adjustment easily
facilitated the comparison (Dawes 2008).
Other works studied the effect of granularity on the
reliability of the response. Preston and Colman (2000)
examined Likert-like scales with 2–11 points, as well as
a 101-point scale, and found that ratings expressed by
means of scales with 2, 3 or 4 points were the least
reliable, valid and discriminating; in addition, participants at their study preferred scales with a relatively
high number of points (i.e. 7, 9 or 10), even if scales
with 2, 3 or 4 points were judged quicker to use. Thus,
they concluded that high granularity is more reliable
and preferred by users.
Similar results were obtained by Weng (2004), who
investigated how granularity can impact the test–retest
reliability and found that scales with more response
options (at least three) have a better chance of attaining
higher reliability. More recently, Shaftel, Nash, and Gillmor (2012) compared different rating scales (a 5-point
and a 7-point standard Likert rating scales, a 9-point
numerical scale with verbal labels only at the endpoints,
a 0–100 visual analogical scale marked in tens (i.e. 0, 10,
20, etc.) and a 6-point verbally labelled scale) and found
that some items were ineffective at collecting distinguishing information with some rating scales but effective
with others, concluding that the best granularity depends
on the item content and purpose, and thus the decision is
Neutral point. In Garland (1991), the author produces
some evidence that the presence or absence of a neutral
point on a scale produces some distortion in the results.
In particular, they found that some respondents may
choose the midpoint in order to provide a less negative
answer, because of a social desirability bias. On the
other hand, rating scales with no midpoint force the
real indifferent to make a choice, causing a distortion
towards higher or lower answers, depending on the content which is being assessed. Weijters, Cabooter, and
Schillewaert (2010) also investigated whether the presence or absence of a neutral midpoint can affect user
responses. In particular, they found that it causes a
higher NARS (‘net acquiescence response style’, i.e. the
tendency to show more agreement than disagreement),
a lower ERS (‘extreme response style’) and a lower MR
(‘misresponse to reversed items’). In relation to our
goals, we can say that with neutral points in the rating
scale, we will have less extreme responses and higher
Labelling. Various researchers observed that the labelling of a scale influences user responses. Weijters, Cabooter, and Schillewaert (2010) took into account the format
of labels, comparing a case where all points were labelled
and one where only the endpoints were labelled. They
observed that labelling all the points (w.r.t. only the
extremes) causes a higher NARS, a lower ERS and a
lower MR. They concluded that the format of a rating
scale can bias the mean, variance and internal consistency of the collected data, so that pieces of information
obtained with different rating scales are not directly
comparable. Other authors studied the effect of the
polarity of the labels, providing evidence of a bias
towards the left side of a scale, possibly due to factors
such as reading habits, a primacy effect or pseudoneglect, that is, an asymmetry in spatial attention
which favours the left side of space (Holzinger, Scherer,
and Ziefle 2011). Friedman, Herskovitz, and Pollack
(1993), for instance, collected students’ attitudes towards
their college with two different scales, one where the
items were labelled ‘strongly agree’, ‘agree’, ‘undecided’,
‘disagree’ and ‘strongly disagree’ and one where the
labels appeared in the opposite order, and found that
the first scale resulted in a significantly greater degree
of agreement. Similarly, Yan and Keusch (2015) varied
the direction of an 11-point rating scale with numeric
labels (from 0 to 10, and vice versa) and found that the
mean ratings were shifted towards the left end of the
scale. Moreover, in Amoo and Friedman (2001), the
authors show that the negative evaluation side of a
scale is perceived as more negative when it is labelled
with negative rather than positive numbers (e.g.−4
rather than 1), and this causes higher average ratings
when scales with negative numerical labels are used.
The same result was later achieved by Tourangeau, Couper, and Conrad (2007). Interestingly, the authors also
observed an analogous (even if less extreme) effect
with colours: in fact, they found that user ratings tend
to be higher when the endpoints of a scale are shaded
in different hues, as compared to scales where both
ends are shaded in the same hue.10
2.2. Using different rating scales in recommender
Differently from the above-mentioned works, we focus
on rating scales as a whole, trying to highlight the influence of scales on user ratings in recommender systems.
As seen in Section 1, this topic is particularly relevant,
since the recommender’s performance depends on ratings. However, apart from Vaz, Ribeiro, and de Matos
(2013) and Cosley et al. (2003), who studied the effect
of different scales on user ratings also in relation to
MAE, most of the studies in this area focused on other
aspects, such as the design of rating scales and the effects
of users’ personality on rating behaviour.
Vaz, Ribeiro, and de Matos (2013) carried out an
experiment where they compared the performance of a
collaborative filtering algorithm using ratings expressed
on two scales with different granularity. More specifically, the authors obtained two different datasets by
mapping their original set of ratings, which were
expressed on a 5-point scale, to a 3-point scale (dislike/
neutral/like), converting ‘1’ and ‘2’ ratings to ‘dislike’,
‘3’ ratings to ‘neutral’, and ‘4’ and ‘5’ ratings to ‘like’.
Their results suggest that using a rating scale with a smaller granularity obtains better results, in terms of a lower
MAE, in a rating prediction task. The intuition behind
such a result is that general preferences, expressed at
the level of like and dislike, are more stable than preferences expressed with a high degree of detail. While this
work deals with the impact of rating scales on user rating
behaviour in a broad sense, we are particularly focused
on their influence on user ratings. Cosley et al. (2003)
asked their subjects to rerate 3 sets of movies on MovieLens (already evaluated by means of the original 5-point
rating scale) with a binary scale (thumbs up–down), a
no-zero scale (range: −3, +3) and a half-star scale
(range: 0.5, 5). The authors found out that ratings on
all three scales correlated well with original user ratings,
and suggested that designers might allow users to choose
their favourite rating scale and compute recommendations by means of mathematically normalised scores.
However, they also observed that users tended to give
higher mean ratings on the binary and on the no-zero
scales, and that new ratings on the binary scale correlated
less strongly with original ratings than new ratings on the
no-zero and half-star scales.
Differently from these studies, we aimed at conducting a more comprehensive study of rating scales, considering granularity, neutral point and visual metaphor and
doing this in a variety of different usage scenarios.
2.3. The design of rating scales
Referring to the design of rating scales, Swearingen and
Sinha (2002) suggested to adopt a mix of different
types of questions (e.g. expressing binary liking versus
rating items on a Liker-like scale) and to provide constant feedback on user contributions in order to keep
users from getting bored or frustrated during the rating.
Herlocker et al. (2004) pointed out that the granularity of
user preferences with respect to recommended contents
may be different from the granularity managed by the
specific recommender system. Thus, an appropriate rating scale should allow users to distinguish among exactly
as many levels of liking as it makes sense to them.
In van Barneveld and van Setten (2004), the authors
defined the main elements of interface aspects for presenting system predictions and collecting explicit user
feedback in the context of a TV recommender system:
(1) presentation form; (2) scale of the prediction or rating (including range, precision, symmetric versus asymmetric and continuous versus discrete); (3) visual
symmetry or asymmetry; and (4) the use of colour.
They also found that most users prefer to have predictions presented by means of 5-star interfaces, while
they are less in agreement regarding interfaces to provide
input to the system, consistent with the findings of Cena,
Vernero, and Gena (2010).
Also Nobarany et al. (2012) concentrated their work
on the design of ‘opinion measurement interfaces’11 (as
they called the rating scales). They identified two axes:
Measurement Scale (absolute rating vs. relative ranking)
and Recall Support (previously recorded opinions). They
experimented the use of two prototypes with different
rating and ranking scales (Stars, Stars + Recall, Binary,
List). The measures used to compare the scales were
speed, accuracy, mental demand, suitability of organisation, fun to use and overall preference. Quantitative
and qualitative final results showed that (1) a rating
interface that provides recall support with examples of
users’ previous choices is preferred, and (2) rating accuracy is perceived as more important than rating speed.
For Usman et al. (2010), the star rating system is the
de facto standard for rating a product, being regarded as
one of the most appealing rating systems for direct interaction with users. However, due to its limitation when
comparing items with different numbers of raters (i.e.
stars do not convey any information regarding the number of people who reviewed a certain item), the authors
argue that the visual strength of the five stars is not
enough to declare that they are the best option also for
recommender systems. For this reason, they proposed
a Relative Ranking, where a benchmark item is used to
compare other items until they reach its number of
points. According to the authors, this method is more
realistic and useful at a glimpse than the five stars system.
Sparling and Sen (2011) investigated the costs, in terms
of mental effort and time, which are associated with rating scales with different granularities and carried out an
online survey where they compared the following four
scales: unary (‘like it’), binary (‘thumbs up’/‘thumbs
down’), five-star and 100-point slider. They found that
users’ average rating time increases with the granularity
of rating scales, while there are no significant differences
as far as cognitive load is concerned, if the unary scale
(which requires a significantly less hard work on the
part of users) is excluded. Moreover, the participants in
their survey preferred the stars and the thumbs, disliking
the scales at the ends of the granularity spectrum (unary
scale and slider).
that a pessimistic sad user rates 3 out of 5 stars’, even
if they actually mean the same. For example, Hu and
Pu (2013) showed the influence of user personality
characteristics on user rating behaviours. They conducted an online survey with 122 participants: they
used the Five-factor Model (openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism) and the Big Five Inventory (John and Srivastava
1999) in order to describe the personality of each user
in the first part of the survey. An adjustment using
averages could be adopted in order to compensate for
idiosyncratic behaviour. For example, Schafer et al.
(2007) predicted user ratings for an item i as a positive
or negative variation with respect to their average rating,
and the amount of such variation is determined as a
function of the difference between the rating other
users assigned to item i and their average rating. Similar
approaches are described in Herlocker et al. (2004), Adomavicius and Tuzhilin (2005) and Goldberg et al. (2001).
3. Empirical evaluations
We carried out three user studies in different domains
and contexts, all of them with the aim of validating our
main hypothesis regarding if and how rating scales
have a personality and thus are able to influence users’
ratings. The first evaluation (Section 4) focused on existing movie websites and aimed to evaluate how the same
movies are rated using different scales. The second one
(Section 5) exploited a system designed by some of the
authors, which acts as a museum visitor’s guide for the
Hecht12 museum in Haifa, Israel, and offers different rating scales (Kuflik et al. 2015). This second evaluation
took place in a different context from the web, in order
to assess the external validity of the other results. The
third one (Section 6) is a controlled experiment where
participants have to explicitly translate ratings from
one scale to another.
The three evaluations differ in various aspects, thus
allowing us to explore the issue of rating scale personality
from different points of view:
2.4. User personality and its impact on user
Many studies in recommender systems focused on
differences in rating behaviour that can be related to
users’ personality. This is a complementary perspective
with respect to the one proposed in our paper, but we
put it here for completeness in the discussion. As
explained in Schafer et al. (2007), ‘one optimistic
happy user may consistently rate things 4 out of 5 stars
Domain: the first and third evaluations were carried
out in the movies domain, while the second one was
in the museum/cultural heritage domain;
Procedure: the first and second evaluations used realworld data, generated by people using a particular system in situ, while the third evaluation was a controlled
Number of participants: evaluation 1 is based on large
datasets with thousands of ratings per system, while
evaluations 2 and 3 use data from about 300 subjects
Type of comparison: the first and second evaluations
compare ratings given to a certain item by different
people, and each person is expected to have used
only one website/rating scale; in the third evaluation,
each participant rated all the items with all the rating
Context: evaluation 1 used real-world data obtained
from ratings given in a context of interaction with
real websites, while evaluation 2 used real-world
data coming from ratings given in the context of interaction with a museum guide and, finally, evaluation 3
was a controlled experiment performed using an ad
hoc web-based interface.
Rating scales used in our evaluations (with their corresponding websites, as far as the first evaluation is concerned) were selected with an eye to the fact that they
allowed us to cover different possible values for the
most distinctive features we identified in a previous
work (Cena and Vernero 2015), that is, visual metaphor,
icon, granularity, range, positive/negative, neutral position and point mutability. A description of the meaning
of these features is provided in Table 1.
In fact, according to our vision, the personality of a
rating scale is somehow related to its objective features,
so that scales with different features can be expected to
have different effects on users’ ratings.
For the first evaluation, rating scale selection was also
affected by the kind of data access facilities (e.g. public
Application Programming Interfaces, or APIs) offered
by websites. Thus, we selected the following:
The free text numerical scale ranging from 1 to 100,
which is used in Criticker13;
The 6-point rating scale with icons representing a
hypothetical movie viewer (with mood from frustrated to enthusiast) exploited by Filmeter14;
The 4-star rating scale used in FilmCrave,15 which
offers half-star ratings;
The 5-star rating scale used in MovieLens,16 which
offers half-star ratings;
The 10-star rating scale used in IMDb.17
For the second evaluation, we used the following:
A 5-star rating scale (it was included in all three evaluations because of its status of ‘standard’);
A 2-point, a 3-point and a 5-point rating scale with
icons representing smiling, sad or neutral faces;
A 3-point numerical rating scale with the available
positions explicitly labelled as ‘−1’, ‘0’ and ‘+1’.
Finally, for the third evaluation, we reused all the rating scales selected for the first two evaluations. A visual
summary of the selected rating scales is presented in
Figure 1, while a concise description of their distinctive
features is given in Table 2.
4. Real movie ratings analysis
Goal. The goal of this evaluation was to investigate the
values of ratings given on heterogeneous rating scales
(and using different systems) on the same items. Our
hypothesis was that static normalisation was not enough
for mapping user ratings expressed with different rating
scales. In studies done by Cena, Vernero, and Gena
(2010) and Gena et al. (2011), it was observed that ratings expressed on the same items by means of different
rating scales depart considerably from mathematical
proportion, and so we can assume that rating scales
Table 1. The most distinctive features included in the model of
rating scales devised by Cena and Vernero (2015).
The metaphor, used in the visual appearance of a rating
scale, which can impact on its interpretation and
emotional connotation (e.g. a smiley face exploits a
metaphor related to human emotions). Not all visual
presentation forms make use of metaphors.
The specific image or presentation form used in a rating
The number of positions in the rating scale
The minimum and maximum values of the scale (e.g. from
0 to 10)
The presence of either only positive, or only negative, or
both kinds of points
The presence of a neutral, intermediate position (middle
Whether the points in a rating scale are represented in the
same way or not
Figure 1. The rating scales analysed in our work, chosen from
existing websites and an ad hoc experiment.
Table 2. The analysed rating scales described under different features.
Visual metaphor
None (but reference to
school marks)
Neutral, standard rating
Neutral, standard rating
Neutral, standard rating
Neutral, standard rating
Human, domain- related
Measurement tool
Number of
1 star – 4 stars
only positive
1 star – 5 stars with halfstar ratings
1 star – 5 stars
only positive
only positive
1 star – 10 Stars
only positive
very negative
mood – very positive
very sad face – very
happy face
very sad face – very
happy face
very sad face – very
happy face
−1 – +1
positive +
YES (different icons)
positive +
positive +
positive +
positive +
YES (different icons
and colours)
YES (different icons
and colours)
YES (different icons
and colours)
Point mutability
only positive
Table 3. Main statistic for the movie rating data: number of
actually have an influence on user ratings. Thus, we
decided to extend the experiments to a broader set of
data in order to externally validate those findings.
Hypothesis. Our main hypothesis was that ratings
given to the same movies using different rating scales
could produce different results due to the features of
the scales.
Design. Five factors (the five movie portals), betweensubjects design.
Subjects. Anonymous subjects who left ratings on
1199 selected movies on the below described systems.
Since we collected only anonymous ratings, we do not
know exactly the total number of subjects who left ratings on these systems, but just the total number of ratings
(see Table 3), since one subject may have rated several
times. Note that for selecting the movies, we used an
availability sampling approach (also known as sample
of convenience18): the selected movies are those that
have ratings on all the six movie portals, and similarly
the same subjects and their ratings.
Apparatus and materials. The raw data on ratings
were collected both manually, and through public
APIs, and through proprietary crawlers (see the detailed
description below).
Procedure. In order to validate our hypothesis, we collected the ratings given to 1199 different movies by using
five different rating scales, which differ in metaphor and
granularity (see Section 2), belonging to five different
popular movie portals:
Criticker,19 which exploits as rating scale a free text
numerical scale from 0 to 100 (see Figure 2);
Filmeter,20 which exploits a 1–6 rating scale with icons
representing a hypothetical movie viewer (from frustrated to enthusiast mood) (see Figures 3 and 4)21;
FilmCrave,22 which exploits a 1–4 stars rating scale
(with the possibility of half-star ratings) (see Figure 5).
IMDb,23 which exploits a 1–10 stars rating scale (see
Figure 6);
MovieLens,24 which exploits a 1–5 stars rating scale
(with the possibility of half-star ratings) (see Figure 7).
At the beginning of 2014, we started to collect data
from Criticker, since, at that time, it provided an API
Table 4. Main descriptive statistics for the movie average rating
Std. error of
Std. deviation
Figure 2. Criticker’s rating scale and average rating display.
Figure 3. Filmeter’s rating scale.
for extracting movies’ data. With the Criticker API, we
selected the most popular films (the ones that had a
higher number of ratings). We extracted movie information such as title and id about these films as well as
Figure 4. Filmeter’s average rating display.
the corresponding IMDb identifier and users’ ratings.
In particular, for every film we have extracted all the ratings (in the range 0–100) provided by the users. Then we
have calculated the average rating values for every movie.
IMDb does not offer any kind of API to query its huge
database of films and film-related information. To overcome this constraint and collect data about ratings in
IMDb, we used the IMDb movie id extracted from Criticker film list to reach the movie’s URL, and then a softbot automatically parsed the corresponding pages and
Figure 5. FilmCrave’s rating scale and average rating display.
extracted the average ratings and the corresponding
number of ratings. Unlike Criticker, from the IMDb
pages we did not collect all the single ratings, but only
the average ratings, and the total number of ratings
(and the total number of users) for each movie. Similarly,
we manually collected the average ratings and the total
number of ratings for the same movies from Filmeter25
and FilmCrave since there were no APIs available,
while for MovieLens we utilised the dataset consisting
of 20 million ratings26 and selected the corresponding
movies through the IMDb id. Similarly to what was
done for Criticker, we calculated the average rating
values for each movie.
Figure 6. IMDb’s rating scale and average rating scale display.
We then compared the values obtained from the five
rating scales. In order to be able to compare the different
scales, the users’ ratings were normalised onto a 0–1
scale, according to the static mapping described in Section 1. With this conversion mechanism, all the values
are represented in a comparable 0–1 range.
We saved all the converted data in a database and calculated some descriptive statistics about ratings (mean,
standard deviation, etc.), inferential statistic (Kruskal–
Wallis test), correlations and regressions.
Results. The total number of ratings collected from
each system is shown in Table 4, together with the
mean and standard deviation. We are aware of the fact
Figure 7. MovieLens’ rating scale.
that the average number of ratings for movies greatly
varies between one system and another. However,
these numbers represent the actual photograph of the
ratings for movies at the time of evaluation on these
As we can notice in Table 5, the mean values show
differences that need to be evaluated in order to discover if they are significant. In particular, IMDb and
Criticker show higher average ratings, followed by
MovieLens, FilmCrave and Filmeter. Our hypothesis
in interpreting these results is that the higher granularity and the presence of a neutral point encourage users
to rate higher. Criticker offers the finest explicit granularities – and probably pushes the users to be more precise and even stricter – and, in terms of granularity, it is
followed by IMDb, whose granularity is probably perceived very close to that of Criticker (100 vs. 10).
MovieLens has the same granularity of IMDb through
the use of half-star ratings, but it offers the possibility
to choose an explicit neutral point, which collects
23.6% of ratings (see Figure 8). Figure 8 indeed shows
the percentage of ratings per rating position. We can
observe that the half-star positions are not frequently
used, with respect to full-star positions. So we can conclude that, generally, users perceive as main granularity
of the scales the one associated to the full-star position.
The same probably happens with FilmCrave; however,
we could not compute these calculations since we
only have available the average ratings per movie.
FilmCrave shows an average value closer the one of Filmeter, which shows the lowest average: they both do
not have a neutral point, and their granularity is close
and based on even numbers. Indeed Filmeter shows
the lowest average, also associated with the widest rating range (0–1) probably because the icons associated
with rating positions push the users to use the lowest
rates, and lacks of a neutral point.
In order to evaluate the significance of these average
results, we performed the Kruskal–Wallis one-way
analysis of variance (ANOVA) by ranks, a non-parametric method of testing equivalent to the parametric
one-way ANOVA, on the movie average per systems.
When the Kruskal–Wallis test leads to significant results,
at least one of the samples is different from the other
samples. The Kruskal–Wallis test rejected the null
hypothesis and confirmed that the values are different
with significance at the .05 level. However, we also
wanted to determine which of these groups significantly
differ from each other. Thus, we ran a post hoc pairwise
comparison that showed that the differences between the
means are all significant.
In order to understand the general trend of rating
behaviour, we have first plotted the rating trends on a
graph that orders the Criticker rating values from the
smallest to the largest and accordingly the other ratings
(see Figure 9).
From this general view, we can see that there are emerging trends between IMDb and Criticker (in Figure 9(a),
the Criticker ratings are partially covered by the ones of
IMDb), followed by MovieLens, FilmCrave and Filmeter.
In order to investigate the nature of these relationships, we
calculated correlations. In particular, we calculated Pearson’s r coefficient to highlight significant linear correlations among pairs of scales and then we performed a
linear regression analysis to define linear functions
which allow predicting user ratings on a particular scale,
given their ratings on another scale.
As we can notice in Table 6, all the rating values are
significantly correlated. Following Cohen’s classification
system (Cohen 1988), we consider only large relationships, that is, the ones with r > 0.5 and explained variability > 0.25. All the correlations among the scales are large,
and the ones between Criticker, MovieLens, IMDb and
Table 5. Main statistic for the movie average rating values: correlations.
Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
Pearson Correlation
All the correlations are significant at the .01 level.
5. Rating scales in the museum
Figure 8. Distribution of ratings per scale position in MovieLens.
FilmCrave are extremely large. Notice that the extremely
large correlations between IMDb and Criticker are also
due to the fact that Criticker offers to IMDb users the
possibility of importing their IMDb ratings into
Looking at Table 7, we can observe that the relationship among all the variables is significant, and we can use
linear regression to predict one variable from another. If
the variables were bound by a precise mathematical
mapping, the regression coefficient would be equal to
1. However, Table 7 shows regression coefficients larger
and smaller than 1. So we can assume that the different
values of the regression coefficients are caused by the
influence of the features of the rating scales. We can
also notice that regression coefficients larger than 1
describe faster changes in the dependent variable, while
smaller coefficients describe slower changes. Negative
signs of the intercepts highlight the presence of lower
values in the dependent variable.
Figure 9. Graphic of correlations among all the scales.
Goals. In order to further explore the idea that rating
scales may influence user behaviour and test its external
validity in a context other than the web, we designed a
study using a museum visitors’ guide system. Initial
results of that study, published in Kuflik et al. (2012),
showed that, indeed, users gave different scores when
they were using different rating scales. Here we report
on the results of the complete study (overall 251 logs
analysed out of about 600 visit logs of real participants’
visits; 3–4 times the number of participants reported in
the initial study).
Hypothesis. Our main hypothesis was that ratings
given to the same presentations using different rating
scales would produce different results due to the influence of each rating scale.
Design. Five factors (the five rating scales), betweensubjects design.
Subjects. The participants (about 600, out of which
only 251 logs were used due to various problems) were
normal museum visitors who used a museum visitors’
guide during their visit. The visitors were not identified
(only by a user ID that was defined when the guide
was given to them). No personal information was
Apparatus and Materials. In early 2011, a museum
visitors’ guide system was introduced at the Hecht
museum, a small archaeological museum located at the
University of Haifa, Israel. The system is described in
Kuflik et al. (2015). It is a web-based system that allows
users to freely walk around in the museum, wearing a
Table 6. Main statistic for the movie average rating values: regressions.
Independent variable
Dependent variable
Pearson’s r
Explained variance
Regression coefficient
Y = 1.114X − 0.182
Y = 1.162X − 0.209
Y = 0.953X + 0.053
Y = 1.067X − 0.063
Y = 0.562X + 0.354
Y = 0.683X + 0.184
Y = 0.549X + 0.383
Y = 0.592X + 0.319
Y = 0.765X + 0.235
Y = 0.897X + 0.053
Y = 0.763X + 0.258
Y = 0.838X + 0.157
Y = 0.934X + 0.024
Y = 1.071X − 0.177
Y = 1.143X − 0.222
Y = 1.042X − 0.069
Y = 0.838X + 0.124
Y = 0.925X − 0.039
Y = 0.999X − 0.082
Y = 0.836X + 0.147
small proximity sensor and carrying an iPod touch.
When they are detected in the vicinity of a point of interest, they are offered a selection of multimedia presentations about objects of interest. Once they have selected
a presentation and viewed it, they are required to provide
feedback about their satisfaction from the presentation
before continuing the visit (i.e. providing feedback is
mandatory before the user continues to use the system).
As part of the design of the user interface, five different
feedback mechanism designs (presented in Figure 10)
were implemented and integrated into the system in
order to explore whether the interface design of the rating scales has an impact on the ratings, as suggested by
Kaptein, Nass, and Markopoulos (2010). The scales in
this experiment differ in granularity (from 2 to 5 points),
in metaphors (human emotions: the smiley faces; school
marks/degrees: the numerical scale; scoring/ranking: the
stars), in the presence of a neutral position (present in
stars, in 3-point faces or in the numerical scale) and in
numbering (there is a scale consisting of −1, 0, 1).
They were selected due to their popularity (stars and
faces) and due to the fact that stars are neutral, while
smiley faces have an emotional aspect. Numbers were
chosen in order to see what may be the impact of a
clear negative value on ratings.
Procedure. We collected visit logs as part of our regular operation where the visitors guide was offered to normal museum visitors during regular museum opening
Table 7. Linear regression analysis: results for five stars as the independent factor.
ten stars
Five smileys
Three smileys
−1, 0,+1
Two smileys
Four stars
Ten stars
Five smileys
Three smileys
−1, 0, +1
Two smileys
Four stars
Ten stars
Five smileys
Three smileys
Two smileys
Four stars
Y = 0.93X + 0.05
Y = 0.84X + 0.15
Y = 0.93X + 0.08
Y = 0.90X + 0.09
Y = 1.31X − 0.04
Y = 1.43X − 0.08
Y = 1.85X − 0.32
Y = 1.04X − 0.06
Y = 0.92X + 0.06
Y = 0.84X + 0.14
Y = 0.88X + 0.10
Y = 0.91X + 0.12
Y = 1.27X − 0.01
Y = 1.35X − 0.02
Y = 1.82X − 0.29
Y = 1.05X − 0.06
Y = 0.94X + 0.05
Y = 0.97X + 0.03
Y = 0.84X + 0.17
Y = 1.39X − 0.12
Y = 0.92X + 0.08
Y = 1.52X − 0.16
Y = 1.92X − 0.39
Y = 1.02X − 0.06
Figure 11. Average, median and standards deviation of the ratings of the five rating scales used in the museum experiment.
Figure 10. The five rating scales that could be randomly selected
for use in the museum visitors’ guide system.
hours. For experimentation purposes, whenever a visitor
logged in and started using the system, a randomly
selected rating scale was activated for them and used
throughout the entire visit. The interactions of the visitors with the system were logged, where the log contained (among other data) the location of the visitor,
the presentation viewed, whether it was completed or
stopped and the rating the visitor gave to the presentation. The experimentation started in October 2011
and ended in January 2014, when we had about 600
logs of visitors; out of them, 292 logs were good (there
were quite a few logs that had problems: they were
part of another specific experimentation, they were not
recorded properly, etc.) and 251 that had 3 ratings or
more were analysed. On average, a visitor rated 14.8 presentations (min = 3, max = 91, median = 12, STD = 12.2).
With respect to the rated presentations, out of 346
different presentations available for the users to rate,
288 were actually rated by users during the visits. We
had 3747 rating records; hence, a presentation got an
average of 13 ratings in 5 rating scales, resulting in an
average of 2.6 ratings in every rating scale. Moreover,
in many cases, items were not rated in all five rating
scales but only in some of them. This study differs considerably from the other studies reported here with
respect to the numbers of rating available for analysis.
Hence, we provide only the overall results without any
further statistical analysis that may not provide any
additional insights, given the relatively small number
of ratings per rating scale and item.
Results. In general, all visitors scored the presentations
high. Figure 11 presents the average ratings of the five
different methods used in the experiment. In order to be
able to compare the various scales, all were converted to
the 0–1 scale according to the above-presented static mapping; that is, when there were 2 values, then 0 and 1 were
used; when there were 3 values, then 0, 0.5 and 1 were used.
Looking at Figure 11, we can see that the average
values of the stars (1–5) and 5 faces are close as well as
the numerical values (−1, 0, +1) and 3 faces. It is interesting to see among the face scales that 2 faces provided
the highest scores, then 3 faces and then 5 faces. Looking
at the medians, it seems that all the scales with the smallest range (2 stars and then −1, 0 ,+1 and 3 stars) had
similar scores, while the two scales with the highest but
identical range (five faces and stars) had, again, a lower
but similar score. Given the specific setting of the
museum, it is no wonder that in general the scores
were high, as it is also common in other areas. The
museum is a pleasant environment where visitors come
to enjoy, and the presentations are informative, interesting and of high quality. Still, when visitors had the
choice, that is, when the scale had more granularity,
they were a bit more critical. Statistical analysis (Wilcoxon test and Mann–Whitney with Bonferroni correction) revealed that the differences between all scales are
significant, with one exception – the difference between
‘−1, 0, +1’ and ‘3 faces’ was not statistically significant.
Given all the above, we can say that whenever the
range of the rating scale is similar, then the conversion
between them should be relatively easy as it looks like
here they have similar averages and medians. We can
also note that when the range of scores becomes smaller,
the average score becomes higher – users tend to rate
positively, but when there is more flexibility, they use
it. So if you would like to get a better feedback, then
the range of 5 enables a better feedback.
6. Users’ rating behaviour in a web-based user
Goals. We set up a web-based user study in order to
further analyse the differences within the set of rating
scales used in our previous studies (see Figure 1). The
main goal of this study was understanding how users
map their ratings on different rating scales. More specifically, we focused on the conversion of three input ratings
(2, 3 and 4 stars) from the 5-star rating scale to all other
scales. The 3-star rating was chosen since the use of a
midpoint in rating scales is much debated in the literature and we aimed at observing the way people translate
it when they are forced to make a choice. The other two
ratings were chosen in order to understand how people
convert ratings that, although being quite clearly ‘low’
or ‘high’, are not extreme values (1 and 5 ratings were
ignored as these are extreme values that are easy to convert). The 5-star scale was chosen as the input scale due
to its familiarity to most users. In fact, according to a
pilot survey we carried out on 45 web-based rating systems in book, movie and travel domains, stars were the
most popular icon (20/45), while 5 points was the most
exploited granularity (16/45).
Hypothesis. We hypothesised that there are statistically significant differences between the ratings of users
when they convert a given rating in a given scale to
different rating scales.
Design. A 3 × 8 factorial design, that is, input rating ×
output rating scale, within subjects.
Subjects. We recruited 330 participants among the
Facebook contacts of the authors, according to an availability sampling strategy.27 Of them, 206 were Italians,
105 were Israelis and 19 were from other countries. Of
these, 266 participants (174 Italians, 74 Israelis and 18
from other countries) completed the whole test.
Apparatus and materials. Participants took part in our
study through web pages (in English) that they could access
on their own, at their convenience. All questions were
accompanied by figures or interactive representations of
the input ratings and/or rating scales they mentioned.
Procedure. This study was carried out in 2013. Participants were asked to think of three movies that they
would rate with 2, 3 and 4 stars out of 5, respectively,
and to rate them using each one of the eight output scales
(Figure 12).28
Results. To allow comparison, users’ ratings were converted to a 0–1 range following the same static mapping
we used for the previous experiments. Results are presented in Figure 13, where many small differences can
be noticed.
Considering user conversions of the 2-, 3- and 4-star
ratings separately, the Friedman test29 confirmed our
intuition that there are significant differences among
user ratings on the eight output scales in all three cases.
Then, we compared all possible pairs of scales using the
Wilcoxon signed-ranks test (note that with 8 rating scales,
there are 28 different pairs). Results showed statistically
Figure 12. An example web page used for our user study.
significant differences for most of them, thus supporting
our idea that scales can actually exert an influence on
user ratings. However, an agreement (i.e. no significant
differences, indicating that two scales have a similar influence on users) could still be observed in at least 5 cases out
of 28 for each one of the three rating conversions. The
most significant cases of agreement are the following:
Three and 5 smileys were found to be in agreement
with 10 stars in the translation of 2 and 3, and of 3
and 4 stars, respectively. Similarly, they were in agreement with Filmeter in the translation of 2- and 3-star
Figure 13. Two three, four stars rating interpretation in eight
different rating scales.
ratings (3 smileys) and 3- and 4-star ratings (5 smileys). Three smileys and five smileys themselves are
found to be in agreement for the translation of
2- and 3-star ratings, which is not surprising since
these two scales are quite similar (same metaphor,
use of colour, use of explicitly negative points, close
granularity and a neutral point in both cases).
Three smileys were found to be in agreement with
‘−1, 0, +1’ for the translation of 3- and 4-star ratings.
Also for these two scales, which were already found to
be in agreement in the museum experiment (Section
‘Rating scales in the museum’), similarity in user ratings can be explained by the fact that they have the
same granularity, a neutral point and explicitly represented negative positions, even if they have very
different visual metaphors.
Figure 15. Comparison between Italians and Israelis: three stars
rating conversion.
Since we noticed some differences between Israelis
and Italians, we analysed their answers separately. Considering the 2-star rating (Figure 14), we can observe that
in cases where the means do not agree, the Israelis were
usually more critical than the Italians (the exception
being the ‘numbers’ scale). Statistical analysis (MANOVA30 with Bonferroni correction) revealed that there
are significant differences between the two national
groups in the ‘numbers’ scale, in the ‘−1, 0, +1’ scale
and in the 5 smileys scale (p < .05). Notice that the
observed average difference is smaller for numbers
than for the other two scales, while relatively large differences between Italians and Israelis (e.g. in the case of the
3-smiley scale) were not found to be significant.
As far as the 3-star rating is concerned, visual inspection of Figure 15 suggests that differences between the
two groups are systematically larger, with the exceptions
of the ‘numbers’ scale (smaller difference) and of the 4
stars, 10 stars and Filmeter scales that again elicited
very close rating interpretations in the two groups.
Again, the Israelis were a bit more critical in their ratings.
Statistical analysis (MANOVA) revealed that there are
significant differences regarding the 5-, 3- and 2-smiley
scales, and the ‘−1, 0, +1’ scale (p < .05).
On the contrary, differences are generally very small
for the 4-star rating (Figure 16), and they are statistically
significant only for what concerns the interpretation of
the numbers and 5-smiley scales (p < .05).
Following the same approach we described in Section 4,
we joined the data deriving from users’ translations of the
three input ratings and performed further analyses to study
whether and how ratings can be translated from a scale to
another, concentrating on the existence of simple linear
correlations. More specifically, we considered pairs consisting of five stars and each one of the other scales. Five
stars played the role of independent variables in the linear
regression study and were chosen because they were used
as the standard input scale in our web-based study.
Results are presented in Table 8, including the linear
regression-based equation that allows to translate ratings
from a scale to another. Notice that scales are ordered
according to the value of r (or, equivalently, to the percentage of explained variability), so that those which show a
higher linear correlation with the independent variable
are listed first. All results are significant, with p = .01,
and following Cohen’s classification system (Cohen
1988), all correlations can be considered very large.
Figure 14. Comparison between Italians and Israelis: two stars
rating conversion.
Figure 16. Comparison between Italians and Israelis: four stars
rating conversion.
Table 8. Main statistics for the web-based user study:
Four stars
Ten stars
All the correlations are significant at the .01 level.
The strongest correlation exists between 5 stars and 10
stars (r = 0.874). This result is not surprising, since we
previously observed statistical agreement between ratings on these two scales and we could already find an
extremely large correlation in the real movie ratings
analysis, where MovieLens was treated as a 5-point
scale by excluding half-star ratings.
Moreover, ratings on the 5-star scale are good predictors for ratings on numbers, five smileys and Filmeter
scales. While 5 stars, 5 smileys, 10 stars and numbers
all have ‘related’ granularity, Filmeter is similar to the
other scales in that it has a fine granularity.
Considering the two national populations separately,
we found no big differences between Italians and Israelis,
but we can observe that correlations are systematically
higher for Israelis. In fact, the average value for Pearson
correlation is 0.83 for Israelis and 0.78 for Italians.
In order to allow comparison with the real movie ratings analysis, we also studied the existence of linear
relationships in pairs consisting of the following scales:
numbers (Criticker), Filmeter, 4 stars (FilmCrave) and
10 stars (e.g. IMDb) (see Table 9). For simplicity, the
scale with the finest granularity played the role of independent variable. Our data show that there are large
relationships for all the pairs, thus confirming our findings for the real movie ratings analysis.
Summing up our main findings, we can observe the
In most cases, there are statistically significant differences between user ratings between any two rating
scales we tested. This result allows us to accept our
hypothesis and claim that rating scales have an influence on users’ rating behaviour.
Cases of agreement between two scales can be
explained by the fact that they have various objective
features in common. In most cases, the common feature is granularity, which can be the equivalent (as for
three smileys and ‘−1, 0, +1’), sometimes quite close
(five smileys and Filmeter) and sometimes directly
related (5 smileys and 10 stars). From the cases of
agreement we observed, only 3 smileys did not have
a similar granularity to 5 smileys and (particularly)
10 stars.
All rating scales are significantly correlated, so that
ratings can be translated from a scale to another
using linear regression-based equations.
The way different rating scales are perceived is likely
to be influenced by cultural background aspects. Israelis usually seem more critical than the Italians; at the
same time, they seem to be more consistent when rating items on different scales.
7. Discussion
Our work complements and adds to the large body of
knowledge about rating scales that already exists. Our
study in particular focused on the impact of the appearance of rating scales on user ratings in recommender
In this paper, we have provided new evidence that rating scales do have some distinctive features that somehow influence users’ rating behaviour. This is
confirmed by our statistical analysis that showed that
the average differences between rating scales (when
transformed to a common scale) are significant in
most cases, for all the three empirical evaluations we carried out (Sections 4, 5 and 6). In particular, in experiments 1 (Section 4) and 3 (Section 6), most of the
rating data are significantly correlated, thus showing a
similar behaviour of the users while they rate items,
but with up/down differences, in our opinion due to
the specific characteristics of the rating scales. Notice
that, for experiment 2 (Section 5), the smaller number
Table 9. Linear regression analysis: results for numbers, Filmeter, 10 stars and 4 stars pairs.
Independent variable
10 stars
Ten starsa
Four starsa
Four starsa
Four starsa
Y = 0.912X − 0.003
Y = 0.849X + 0.058
Y = 0.986X − 0.105
Y = 0.859X + 0.098
Y = 1.000X + 0.060
Y = 0.862X + 0.012
Large relationship according to Cohen’s (1988) classification.
of ratings (2.6 per rating scale per item) prevents us from
calculating correlations.
7.1 The impact of granularity on rating
In particular, for what concerns experiment 1, IMDb,
Criticker and MovieLens show higher average ratings,
followed by FilmCrave and Filmeter. Our hypothesis is
that the 10-point based granularity encourages users to
rate higher. Criticker offers the finest granularity, and
probably pushes users to be more precise and even stricter. IMDb offers an explicit 10-point granularity and, in
comparison with MovieLens (which offers an implicit
10-point granularity through half-star ratings and gives
the possibility to choose a neutral point), its average
results are indeed higher. MovieLens offers half-star ratings, which are not so frequently used (see Figure 8) as
full-star ratings. Filmeter shows the lowest average, also
associated with the widest rating range (0–1). We can
hypothesise that the absence of a neutral point, and the
icons associated with rating positions push users to
express lower ratings (see Figure 2). Neutral icons such
as the stars do not seem to affect users as much. When
they interact with star-based scales, users are probably
more influenced by the granularity and the presence or
absence of a neutral point. On the contrary, very descriptive and representational icons, such as those of Filmeter,
exert a greater influence on users’ ratings.
At the same time, performing correlational studies
and linear regression analyses, we have highlighted
strong relationships among user ratings on different
scales: such relationships tell us that when using these
scales, users express their ratings in a comparable and
consistent way, so that ratings on a scale could be easily
predicted, provided that users’ ratings on a related scale
are known. In particular, regarding experiment 1, we
observed very large correlations between Criticker,
MovieLens, IMDb and FilmCrave, which are all above
r > 0.9, and large correlations (0.740 > r < 0.791) between
Filmeter (which is characterised by more influencing
icons) and the remaining ones.
All these correlations were confirmed in experiment
3,31 where we also identified a large correlation between
5 and 10 stars. Interestingly, we observed that all correlated scales show similar or closely related granularity,
as well as sharing other objective features. Likewise, we
observed some cases of statistical agreement between
pairs of rating scales (e.g. three smileys and ‘−1, 0, +1’
scale): again in this case, the involved scales usually
have similar objective features, and they always have
the same or a closely related granularity. Moreover, we
observed that scales with a larger granularity seem to
stimulate reasoning and, therefore, the expression of
pondered ratings, while scales with lower granularity
lead to extreme ratings, in accordance with some stateof-art work (Preston and Colman 2000).
Thanks to experiment 2, we could extend our results
to the museum context, and confirm that ratings given
to the same item with different rating scales are significantly different. Also in this case, granularity was useful
to explain the gathered data: on the one hand, ratings
were closer for scales with a similar granularity; on the
other hand, user ratings became higher when granularity
was lower. Interestingly, this last insight differs from our
results from experiment 1, where users tended to give
higher ratings when granularity was higher (as in Lim
2008). A simple way to explain these apparently contrasting behaviours is to ascribe them to domain-specific
effects (museum vs. cinema). In general, users liked and
appreciated the high-quality multimedia presentations
they watched and found them informative, hence the
high evaluations they received. This may explain why
with the rating scales with two or three options, the ratings were very high in general, while in the rating scales
with five options (stars and smileys ratings were similar),
the evaluations were a bit more moderate. However, if we
consider that rating scale granularity ranges 4–101 in
experiment 1 and 2–5 in experiment 2, our data may
actually highlight a tendency to give higher ratings
with scales that have an ‘extreme’ granularity, namely,
either very low or very high, and to be more critical
when using scales with an intermediate granularity.
Considering all three empirical studies, our intuition
is that granularity is the main and most clearly identifiable feature responsible for the effects that rating scales
can exert on user ratings, an insight that also confirms
the assumption that granularity is one of the most
important features of rating scales, in accordance with
the model we adopted (Section 2) and related work
(such as Lim 2008 and Dawes 2002). According to our
experiments, other scale features, such as the presence
of a neutral point or particularly expressive icons, influence unpredictably users’ ratings.
7.2 Comparing rating scales and their impact on
recommender systems’ performance
Another intuition garnered from our results is that the
rating scales also impact on the performance of the
recommender, as already introduced by Vaz, Ribeiro,
and de Matos (2013). This implies that comparing,
using MAE for instance, the results of recommender systems that collected user preferences by means of different
rating scales may lead to incomparable results. As highlighted by all three experiments (see Sections 4, 5 and 6),
some scales seem to push users to a similar, and thus
comparable, rating behaviour, while many other scales
do not. Thus, our suggestion is that MAE and RMSE
can be compared only when recommender systems use
the same rating scale to collect user preferences.
As far as rating conversion is concerned, our results
show that a uniform, predefined mapping is not enough
if we want to compensate for the effects of rating scales.
Luckily, we have found that strong linear relationships
exist between most pairs of rating scales that can be
used for rating translation. However, the specific coefficients to use for rating conversions differed in our evaluations, thus preventing us from providing a ‘one-sizefits-all’ recipe for rating translation. Our intuition is
that, given the existence of linear relationships between
two types of scales, a specific conversion formula should
be derived from an analysis of sample data which can be
considered representative, given the domain and audience that a certain service/website aims at targeting.
8. Conclusions and future work
The studies reported here confirmed our past results that
there are significant differences in users’ average ratings
on different scales. However, we also confirmed Cosley
et al.’s (2003) result that ratings consisting of different
scales correlate well in most cases. This means that ratings on a scale can be predicted based on ratings on
other scales, which is good, but a static, predefined mapping is not enough, in that it does not fully take into
account the effects of rating scales on users’ rating behaviour. According to our understanding, such effects are
responsible for the differences we could observe in
users’ average ratings. When there is a strong positive
correlation (according to Pearson’s r coefficient), we
suggest to translate ratings using linear equations derived
from regression analysis. For example, this can be done
when ratings are translated from a 10-point star scale
to a 101-point scale where users input bare numbers.
Based on our studies, however, there are no fixed parameters for such equations, and we suggest to derive
them from an analysis of real ratings expressed by the
target group of users in the target domain.
As future work, we aim to conduct further studies on
rating scales, in different contexts and different domains,
examining the relationship to the rating scale features.
This will be conducted with the goal of trying to determine a general model capable of understanding users’
rating behaviour given a particular scale.
A detailed analysis of the impact of colour on user ratings is out of the scope of the current paper. The interested reader can refer to Tourangeau, Couper, and
Conrad (2007) for more information on their study or
to Stickel et al. (2009) for a more general discussion of
how colours can enhance usability and user experience.
Notice that, by the term ‘opinion measurement interfaces’, the authors specifically refer to rating scales. In
the context of Web 2.0, and with the proliferation of
user-generated contents, however, the analysis of
people’s opinions, attitudes and emotions expressed
through natural language texts is gaining relevance.
The interested reader can refer to Petz et al. (2015) for
a discussion of the challenges arising from user-generated content (with respect to more formal texts) and
an evaluation of the effectiveness of several text pre-processing algorithms. Note that the data were gathered from Filmeter in 2013. Currently, the system has
changed its rating scale.
Even though random sampling is the best way of having a
representative sample, these strategies require a great
deal of time and money. Therefore, much research in psychology is based on samples obtained through non-random selection, such as the availability sampling – that is, a
sampling of convenience, based on subjects available to
the researcher, often used when the population source
is not completely defined (Royce and Straits 1999).
Notice that the data were gathered from Filmeter in
2013. Currently, the system has changed its rating scales.
Filmeter merely shows the integer value of the averages,
while other systems, such as IMDb and FilmCrave, show
the rounded averages.
The availability sampling is a sampling of convenience,
based on subjects available to the researcher, often used
when the population source is not completely defined.
Even though random sampling is the best way of having
a representative sample, these strategies require a great
deal of time and money. Therefore, much research in
psychology is based on samples obtained through
non-random selection (Royce and Straits 1999).
Notice that both rating scales (in the first and second
parts) and adjectives (in the second part) were always
presented to participants in a fixed order. This might
be considered as a limitation for this study, since it
might determine some order-related bias.
29. The Friedman test is a non-parametric statistical test
similar to ANOVA. It is used to detect whether at
least one of the examined samples/items is significantly
different from the others.
30. MANOVA was used instead of ANOVA since we had to
consider two dependent variables, that is, ratings by
Israeli and ratings by Italians.
31. Notice, however, that here we used 5-star and 4-star rating scales with no half-star ratings, differently from
MovieLens and FilmCrave.
We are very grateful to Fabrizio Garis and Sathya Del Piano,
the two students who helped us in collecting the large amount
of data we studied in the real movie ratings analysis (Section
5). We are also very grateful to Martina Deplano, who helped
us in carrying out the web-based user study (Section 6).
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
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