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Crop Science, 2011
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) production in many regions is constrained by low temperatures. Numerous screening methods have been proposed for studies of freezing tolerance (FT) and winter hardiness (WH). Here, we compared the response to low temperature of 54 barley genotypes released in Europe. Major components of WH were analyzed in fi eld and growth chamber experiments under different hardening and freezing conditions. Phenotype screening of freezing injury (lethal temperature for 50% of the plants [LT 50 ], plant survival, and chlorophyll fl uorescence) and indirect evaluations (molecular-marker-based analysis of vernalization requirement) were used. The maximum quantum yield of the photosystem II photochemistry measured as the variable (F v ) to maximal (F m ) fl uorescence ratio (F v :F m ) analysis was confi rmed as a reliable method of screening genetic diversity for FT in plants at early growth stages. Variability for FT was also found after shorter acclimation at optimal (3/1°C day/night) or suboptimal (12/7°C day/night) hardening temperatures. High levels of FT and WH were found in both winter and facultative growth habits. Facultative genotypes were more responsive to early hardening than spring or winter types. Some of them coped best with frost in both laboratory and fi eld experiments. The most tolerant winter genotypes coped best with prolonged exposure to low temperature in the fi eld experiments. A conservative estimation of the role of FT in WH implies that at least 50% of WH was associated with the level of FT. A combined analysis using physiological and molecular tools is proposed for phenotyping WH in large populations.
Iranian Cultural Research, 2011
Tehran as a symbol of Iranian modernity has been considered in many Iranian fiction films. Representation of Tehran in cinema can be the representation of Iranian modernity revolution. This study focuses on the representation of urban image in Iranian fiction films through critical theories such as Simmel or Benjamin opinions. In this article we discus about the mediator role of cinema for representing the Urban life Image and confliction of modernity in Iran.Meanwhile some megalopolis such as Paris, Berlin, Moscow, New York and sanpitersboorg est.…have had great opportunity for understanding confliction of modernity in their situation, Tehran has never have that chance. Regarding to this vacuum we want to explain the role of Iranian fiction films for understanding the entrance of modernity consequences in different eras. We believed that fiction films can represent confliction of city and village, represent of modern dualities, non cohesive rationality and many other gaps in Iranian modernity that we have to know.
The notion of relativistic observer is confronted with Naveira's classification of (pseudo-)Riemannian almost-product structures on space-time manifolds. Some physical properties and their geometrical counterparts are shortly discussed.
El proceso de desarrollo de cursos virtuales en instituciones de educación superior es típicamente un proceso lento, complejo, poco sostenible y con gran dependencia de apoyo técnico especializado. Como solución a este problema, en el Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) se ha propuesto el diseño de una herramienta que brinda autonomía a los profesores para crear sus propias lecciones digitales en un ambiente de recursos compartidos y con elementos estandarizados que mejoran el aspecto visual y cognitivo de las lecciones. A diferencia de otras herramientas, se implementó un diseño centrado en el docente, quien participó en todas las etapas, desde la conceptualización hasta la evaluación de la interfaz y las interacciones; lo cual da como resultado una estructuración clara de la aplicación, con buena usabilidad y de rápido aprendizaje, así como un proceso de creación más eficiente. En este contexto, este artículo describe la propuesta de diseño de un editor de lecciones como par...
Resumen: El artículo aborda el nacimiento de la fotografía de guerra en España con la Guerra de África (1859-60). El fotógrafo pionero fue Enrique Facio, del que analizamos su obra. Empleamos las crónicas de guerra de Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Diario de un testigo de la Guerra de África, que sirven para establecer la relación de las ilustraciones con las crónicas y porque los datos sirven para fijar algunas autorías de las fotografías. Además, se han utilizado archivos familiares, el Archivo General de Palacio (Madrid), el Archivo General Militar de Segovia y la Biblioteca Nacional. También se ha considerado a otros fotógrafos e ilustradores que retrataron la contienda bélica, como Carlos Iriarte, José Vallejo, José Requena y López, Lanos, Juan Del Peral, Dantez. Abstract: This paper discusses the birth of war photography in Spain during the Hispano-Moroccan War (1859-60). The pioneer photographer was Enrique Facio, whose life and works are analyzed. The war chronicles of Pedro Antonio de Alarcón, Diario de un testigo de la Guerra de África, are used not only to establish the relation between the ilustrations and the chronicles, but also to determine the authorship of some of the presented photographs. Additionally, other sources such as family archives, the Palace General Archive (Madrid), the Military General Archive of Segovia and the National Library have been employed. Moreover, other photographers and ilustrators that portrayed the military conflict have been considered: Carlos Iriarte, José Vallejo, José Requena y López, Lanos, Juan Del Peral, Dantez.
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2017
This paper makes two contributions to the literature. First, by employing a macro-level institutional dataset on benefit levels for social assistance (SA) and minimum income protection (MIP) in 22 European countries in the period 1990–2013, I show that the adequacy of income support for low-income inactive individuals in European welfare states has been steadily decreasing since 1994. Second, the paper revisits empirically the hypothesis of a trade-off between the adequacy of out-of-work benefits and the public expenditure on active labor market policies (ALMPs). The empirical results of the fixed effects model show that the trade-off does not appear to be significant in any of the tested specifications. The results are robust to the introduction of a set of conventional controls related to the labor market.
Restoration of Aquatic and Terrestrial Systems, 1988
Automated stream dosers that deliver a wet slurry of calcite were installed in 1987 on two Maryland Coastal Plain streams subject to acidic pulses during rainstorms to evaluate the use of stream liming technology to maintain suitable water quality for early life stages of anadromous fish. Results of water quality sampling during baseflow conditions and hydrologic events indicated that significant changes in water chemistry occurred at the upstream (untreated) site during elevated flows on each stream. Observed responses in stream chemistry during the events included declines in pH, acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), and Ca, and increases in monomeric A1 concentrations. With the addition of calcite, stream chemistry conditions at the downstream (treated) sites during each event were similar to those observed during baseflow. In situ bioassay experiments indicated that survival of yellow perch eggs and newly-hatched larvae may be enhanced by stream liming.
Journal of Applied Phycology, 1995
Contributions in New World Archaeology, 2020
The Belize Valley figures prominently in the history of Maya archaeology as the birthplace of settlement pattern surveys, where Gordon R. Willey and his colleagues conducted their pioneering research project, from 1954 to 1956. Six decades on, settlement surveys are an integral part of archaeological research strategies not only across the Maya area, but globally. With the advent of LiDAR technology, settlement surveys enter a new developmental phase, and we take this opportunity to review the history and progress of these surveys in the Belize Valley. We focus on one particular archaeological site, Baking Pot, so as to better illustrate the methods and technological advances that have been brought to bear in the mapping of one ancient Maya city-state. Now that the survey of this ancient settlement is nearing completion, we veer from traditional settlement surveys that in principle focus on unbounded central places and centroids, in an attempt to tackle an important question, which to date has remained conspicuously understudied, that of borders and boundaries. Using a series of geospatial analyses, we investigate the potential of these approaches for reconstructing ancient polity boundaries and as lessons learned we explore which methods are of greater utility and can be applied to other surveys in the Maya lowlands.
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 2: Molecular and Chemical Physics, 1986
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010
Uppers, Downers, and All Arounders 8thEd by Darryl S Inaba, William E Cohen
Neurology, 2004
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Science, 2010
Editora Mentes Abertas, 2021
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1987
2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2021
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 2015
Journal of Tropical Horticulture, 2020
Palabra Clave - Revista de Comunicación, 2010