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This study examined market penetration strategy as a growth strategy for improving market share of MCN. Descriptive Survey method of research was used and primary data were obtained by the use of a structured questionnaire, interviews were conducted and observations were made. The sample size for the study was 83 respondents who were top management staff, middle management staff and lower management staff at MCN. Simple Random Sampling Technique was employed in the selection of the sample size. Data obtained were analysed by the use of Frequency Distribution Analytical method and Charts. In accordance with the purpose of the study, deterministic decision making matrix model which enables to choose the most appropriate option out of the alternatives by using numeric criteria, was used. The findings suggest that penetration strategy which has the highest pay off with the lowest risk be adopted to improve market share of MCN. The study also indicates that loyalty programs, free preview and discount pricing strategy have a significant influence in attracting competitors’ customers. Therefore, it is recommended that relatively low cost penetration strategy that ties customers to products through a dialogue approach be implemented to improve market share of MCN
Notes on a Method: Engaging with Augustine at the Intersection of Philosophy, Theology, and History, 2022
This article addresses the following question: Is it possible, and if so, to what extent, to draw upon sources from different contexts or disciplines to perform theological research? The first part describes the historical origins and contemporary application of the handmaiden model of theology (“philosophy is the handmaiden of theology,” philosophia ancilla theologiae). In the second section, I consider two closely related objections to this model, namely confirmation bias (or eisegesis) and anachronism. Section three demonstrates that while these objections should be carefully considered, they do not preclude altogether the possibility of engaging with sources across temporal or disciplinary boundaries. Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy grounds the possibility of such interaction. The remainder of the article provides a more specific vision of how this model can be practiced. First, I look to the theological tradition itself, in particular Augustine’s interpretive principles as applied to Genesis 1 (Confessiones 12) and Michael Fishbane’s appropriation of the Jewish hermeneutical tradition. Finally, the contemporary scholars William Desmond and Cyril O’Regan exemplify the responsible constructive engagement with the sources. I argue that practitioners of the handmaiden model must take seriously objections to and concerns about their methodology. Nonetheless, once critically adapted to present circumstances, this model is feasible for a contemporary scholarly context. One can respect the integrity of the sources while also interpreting them in ways which apply to present theological interests. A key implication of this research is that for each to function properly, historical theology and systematic theology must consistently interact with each other.
Modern Jewish history is an essentially interdisciplinary field. This series aspires to transcend disciplinary and methodological boundaries, welcoming original scholarship that advances our understanding of the modern Jewish experience. The series will cover all geographical areas and all periods in modern Jewish history by welcoming scholarly contributions including cultural history, intellectual history, transnational Jewish history, global Jewish history, and memory studies. We welcome original monographs and edited volumes as well as English-language translations of manuscripts originally written in other languages.
Los manuscritos leen «no tuviera miedo» (<pó~ov (Jti¡> EXTl). Pero Eusebio y Josefa omiten el 'Jti¡. Correctamente lo ponen entre paréntesis Wendland, Thackeray y Pel1etier. 37 pueblo: Sobre este significado de OXAOC;, d. P. Joüon, "Ox),o, au sens de 'peuple, population' dans le grec du Nouveau Testament et dans la Letlre d'Aristée: RScR 27 (1937) 618ss. 38 libros reales: En realidad, lo que motivó la traducción no fue sólo mejorar la biblioteca real (d. § 29), sino la necesidad de una traducción que experimentaba la comunidad judía de Alejandría, una vez que se había perdido el uso del hebreo.
Tierra de conflictos. Querellas de indios y cultura política en Metztitlán durante el siglo XVIII, Ciudad de México, Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, 2022
Testamentaria de Blas Onofre, gobernador del pueblo de los Santos Reyes Metztitlan. Inventario y avaluo de sus bienes, entre los que se citan varias casas en ese pueblo. Cuenta general de administracion de los bienes que hicieron los albaceas Juan Onofre y Juana Sánchez". Vol. 2254, exp. 5. "Maria Josefa Gregoria Acosta, tributaria de este pueblo, casada con Mariano Escalante, contra Nicolás Andrés Calixto, vecino de Miahuatlán, por tierras". Vol. 2414, exp. 3. "Testamentaria de Alonso de Vite, cacique de este pueblo. Cuenta general de administracion y adjudicacion de sus bienes a su viuda Teresa Maria".
Water-induced disaster including flood accounts for over 30% of total losses of lives due to natural disaster in the world. Spatial variation in geography over short reaches, young and complex geology, and uneven temporal distribution of rainfall contribute significantly to the occurrences of water-induced hazards, Exposure to hazards and vulnerabilities of people mainly due to poverty, and lack of good preparedness escalating loss of lives and property. The present comprehensive study investigates the impacts of the flood on livelihoods of the affected area. The objectives of the study are to assess the situation, the history, causes, aggravating factors, extent and effects of the flood to the community to study practices in the community, formulate community-based plans for flood mitigation and flood disaster risk reduction. The findings of this phase of the study are aimed to be used as input to the second phase when a broader framework of community impact analysis is conducted. Without assessing the flood, the narrow drainage capacity of the haphazard channel excavation for irrigation due to the absence of a proper irrigation canal system, and poor drainage due to dense settlements. Flood is found to be a recurrent phenomenon in the study area. In 2010 and 2022 floods have made some devastating impact on the study area. These flood events were unique in the sense that the floods were mainly due to the heavy precipitation in the Elgon area. The flood has damaged the physical infrastructures like houses, schools, sub health posts, hand pumps, and culverts. Also productive agricultural land, and livestock. Floods have caused difficulty in mobility, increased risk for living at houses, trends of fear and trauma, and erosion of social assets such as neighbourhood and brotherhood. Likewise, damage to stored grain and the spread of waterborne diseases are other distresses. Increased health hazards, increased investment in treatment and farming, increase in the price of seed, less return from animal husbandry, the poor performance of social institutions, changes in cropping patterns, and reduction in crop production are impacts of the flood on the livelihood of farmers. People share indicators that forecast flood such as the position of the cloud in the sky, the extent of rainfall in upper catchments and abnormal voices of animals and birds, the intensity of thunderstorms and wind, the position of stars, and magnitude of hotness. Strange sounds from rivers, muddy smells in the water, and rising levels of water flow are some indicators perceived as early warnings of a flood.
International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 2010
Revista de Filosofia Aurora, 2014
New German Critique, 2019
Cibo e Società. Una relazione da esplorare, a cura di M. De Castris, 2018
Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics, 2003
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009
RESWARA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2020
Dicle Medical Journal, 2018
Psychiatry Research, 2015