Study of the processability of the poly(SNS) in different media

1999, Synthetic Metals

Electrogeneration and electrodissolution processes of poly(2,5-di-(-2-thienyl)-pyrrole), “[poly(SNS)]”, films in acetonitrile medium was studied by chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and “ex situ” microgravimetry. The influence of several tetraalkyammonium salts, as electrolytes, on the processability of this material was stated.

ELSEVIER SyntheticMetals 102 (1999) 1402-1403 Study of the processability of the poly(SNS) in different media T.F. Otero ‘, S. Villanueva ‘, E. Brillas b, J. Carrasco ’ a Universidad de1 Pais Vasco, Facultad de Quimica, Laboratorio de Electroquimica, P.O. 1072, 20080 San Sebasticin (Spain) b LCTEM, Departament de Quimica Fisica, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franquh 1, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) ’ Departament d’Enginyeria Quimica i Metal.Ilirgia, Universitat de Barcelona, Marti i Franquks 1, 08028 Barcelona (Spain) Abstract Electrogeneration and electrodissolution processes of poly(2,5-di-(-2-thienyl)-pyrrole), “[poly(SNS)]“, films in acetonitrile medium was studied by chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry and “ex situ” microgravimetry. The influence of several tetraalkyammonium salts, as electrolytes, on the processability of this material was stated. Keywords: processability, poly(2,5-di-(2-thienyl)-pyrrole, electrogeneration, electrodissolution, tetraalkylammonium salts 1. Introduction In the last years a lot of work has been done to synthesize new conducting polymers. Electrochromic [ 11, electrochemiomechanical [2, 31 or electroporosity properties and related applications are receiving increasing interest. However, processing and characterization of these conjugated polymers have been limited by their inherent insolubility and infusibility. It is noteworthy that only materials that are able to combine good electrical and mechanical properties with processability and environmental stability have the chance to be considered for the production of devices. A big advance has been done f?om the synthesis of “soluble” conjugated polymers [4-lo]. In this way, our laboratory has improved the conditions of synthesis of different trimers, such as 2,5-di-(-2thienyl)-pyrrole (SNS) and 2,5-di-(-2-thienyl)-thiophene (SSS). We can obtain electrogenerated films of poly(SNS) and poly(SSS) by applying an anodic current density through LiC104 + acetonitrile solutions that contain SNS or SSS like monomers [8-lo]. Poly(SNS) films are also electrodissolved in LiC104 + acetonitrile solutions by applying a cathodic current density. To gain a better understanding on the processability of poly(SNS), we present herein a comparative study of its electrogeneration and electrodissolution processesin several acetonitrile media with other background electrolytes, such as TEAClOd, TBAClOd, and THACl04. 2. Experimental The monomer SNS was synthesizedas reported previously [8,9]. Acetonitrile tirn Lab Scan, HPLC grade, was directly used as solvent. Lithium perchlorate was Aldrich, A.C.S. reagent, while tetraethylammonium perchlorate (TEAClOd), tetrabutylammonium perchlorate (TBACl04) and tetrahexylammonium perchlorate (THAC104) were Fluka, pure reagent. These salts were dried in an oven at 80°C prior to be used. All the electrochemical studies were performed in a onecompartment thermostated three-electrodes cell. Two platinum sheetsof 1 and 2 cm’ of surface area were used as working and counter electrodes, respectively. Both electrodes were cleaned by immersion in sulfochromic mixture and rinsed with distilled water and further with acetonitrile before each electrogeneration. The reference electrode was an Ag/AgCl electrode filled with a NaCl-saturated aqueous solution. The chronoamperometric and chronopotentiometric measurements 0379-6779/99/$ - see front PII: SO379-6779(98)01204- matter 0 1999 Elsevier 1 Science S.A. All rib:lts were carried out using a PAR 273A potentiostat-galvanostat connected to a personal computer PC Pentium SCE 100 and controlled through a PAR M270 program. Each solution was deoxygenated by bubbling nitrogen, once presaturated with acetonitrile, for 15 min prior to each experiment. The polymer weight was obtained by “ex-situ” microgravimetry. Each film was dried in hot air, rinsed several times with acetonitrile, dried again and weighed until constant weight. The weight of the electrodes and polymer films was determined with a Sartorious 4504 MPS ultramicrobalance, having a precision of lo-‘g. 3. Results and discussion We have reported previously the electrogeneration (Fig. la) and the electrodissolution (Fig. 2a) processes of poly(SNS) films from 0.1 M LiC104 + acetonitrile solutions [8,9]. These processes have been now comparatively studied using acetonitrile solutions with 0.1 M of TEAClOd, TBAC104 or THAC104 as electrolyte. 3.1. Electrogeneration process 3.1.1. Chronoamperometric behaviour The poly(SNS) electrogeneration was performed from 5 mM monomer and 0.1 M electrolyte + acetonitrile media at different constant potentials ranging between 0.55 V and 1.45 V vs. Ag/AgCl. Under these conditions, a monotonic decrease of the anodic current density with polarization time was always observed. Films of low adherence and dark colour were found at each potential studied. During their generation, a polymeric cloud was formed around the electrode due to the release of the material produced. This avoids a reproducible gravimetric determination of the resulting deposits. 3.1.2 Chronopotentiometric behaviour Using the same media, the electrogeneration of oxidized poly(SNS) films was attempted under constant anodic current densities of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 mA cm-*. Adherent, uniform and black films were only grown by flowing 0.5 mA cm-’ when a constant potential between 0.65 V and 0.67 V was recorded. Higher current densities gave low adherent deposits, making difficult its kinetic study by “ex-situ” ultramicrogravimety. reserved. TX Otero 2 0.07 f 0.06 f 3 g 0.05 4 8 g et al. I Synthetic Metals IO2 (1999) 1402-1403 1403 process must be accompanied by the entrance of more perchlorate counterions into the oxidized poly(SNS). 3.2. Electrodissolution process of poly(SNS) films: kinetics 0.04 0.03 0.02 10 40 50 60 70 t/s Fig. 1. Dependence of electrogenerated poly(SNS) weight on polymerization time. The films were obtained on Pt at 0.5 mA cm- from 5 mM SNS solutions in acetonitrile with: (a) 0.1 M LiC104, (b) 0.1 M TEAClOd, (c) 0.1 M TBAC104, (d) 0.1 M THAC104. Temperature 25°C. 0 20 30 3.1.3. Galvanostatic growth of poly(SNS) films: kinetics Taking into account the above results, the kinetics of the oxidized polymeric films was followed in each electrolytic solution by gravimetric determination of the material produced by the flow of an anodic current density of 0.5 mA &’ during different times ranging between 10 and 60 s. Uniform and adherent films were always obtained. A linear dependence of the poly(SNS) Iihn weight on the polymerization time was found in all cases (Fig. 1). From these data, the average productivity for the electrogeneration process was found to be of 2.2x10-, 1.6x10”, 1.3~10” and 1.1x1r3 mg/mC using LiC104, TEAClOd, TBAC104 and THAC104, respectively. The productivity then decreases with increasing the cation size of the electrolyte. That means that for the same polymerization charge injected to the polymer, less polymer mass is electrogenerated. The excessof charge can serveto form more linkages between chains and/or to increase the number of polarons (positive charges) along the polymeric structure. This last 0.08 , I a 0.07- 0, 0.020.01- d % 10 I 20 I I I 30 40 50 60 t/s Fig. 2. Variation of electrodissolved poly(SNS) weight with dissolution time. Films were generated at 0.5 mA cm‘ for 60 s and further reduced at -0.2 mA cm-’ in acetonitrile solutions containing: (a) O.lM TBAC104, (b) 0.1 M LiC104, c) 0.1 M TEAClOd, (d) 0.1 M THAC104. Temperature 25°C. 0 Each oxidized polymer film was further reduced by flowing a cathodic current of 0.2 mA cm-*. A yellow-green cloud of reduced polymer was progressively formed around the electrode keeping its potential at ca. 0.65 V. A potential jump to more cathodic values was observed at the end of the electrochemically assisted dissolution, i.e., when the electrodissolution time was completed. The weight of the remaining electrode was similar to their value before electrogeneration, indicating that practically all the oxidized state is dissolved during reduction. Figure 2 shows the linear correlations found between electrodissolved weights and dissolution times related to films generated for 60 s and solved in the four studied electrolytes. Electrodissolution is then a faradaic process. The ratio of the charge consumed for electrodissolution to that electrogeneration was ca. 0.33, 0.21, 0.19 and 0.16 for LiC104 TEAC104, TBAC104 and THAC104, respectively. From those experimental results we can postulate the presence of parallel reactions, during electropolymerization, consuming charge without generation of any polymer. Those reactions are more important when cations having greater radius were used as electrolytes, giving lower productivities. Conclusions The electrogeneration of oxidized poly(SNS) films 6om different acetonitrile solutions with electrolytes such as LiC104, TEAC104, TBAC104 and THACl04 follows a faradaic process when they are produced at 0.5 mA cmM2. The productivity of this process decreaseswith the increase of the cation size. These films can be completely electrodissolved in their background solutions by flowing a cathodic current density, also following a faradaic process. The use of LiC104 favours the generation of more polarons into the polymeric chain. Acknowledgement The authors wish thanks to M.E.C. and DGICYT (project 940883) of Spanish Government for financial support. References [l] T.F. Otero, M. 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