A&A 417, 1031–1038 (2004)
DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361:20040008
c ESO 2004
HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Detected with the Calar Alto Adaptive Optics system ALFA
M. Mugrauer1,2,⋆ , R. Neuhäuser1,2,⋆ , E. W. Guenther3,⋆ , A. P. Hatzes3 , N. Huélamo4,⋆ , M. Fernández5,⋆ ,
M. Ammler1,⋆ , J. Retzlaff2,⋆ , B. König2 , D. Charbonneau6 , R. Jayawardhana7 , and W. Brandner8
Astrophysikalisches Institut, Universität Jena, Schillergäßchen 2-3, 07745 Jena, Germany
MPI für extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstraße, 85748 Garching, Germany
Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg, Sternwarte 5, 07778 Tautenburg, Germany
European Southern Observatory, Alonso de Cordova 3107, Casilla 19001, Santiago, Chile
Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a, CSIC, Apdo. Correos 3004, 18080 Granada, Spain
California Institute of Technology, mail stop 105-24, 1200 E. California Blvd., Pasadena CA 91125, USA
Department of Astronomy, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109, USA
MPI für Astronomie, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Received 16 May 2003 / Accepted 8 December 2003
Abstract. We present the first results from our search for close stellar and sub-stellar companions to young nearby stars on the
northern sky. Our infrared imaging observations are obtained with the 3.5 m Calar Alto telescope and the AO system ALFA.
With two epoch observations which were separated by about one year, we found two co-moving companion candidates, one
close to HD 77407 and one close to GJ 577. For the companion candidate near GJ 577, we obtained an optical spectrum showing
spectral type M 4.5; this candidate is a bound low-mass stellar companion confirmed by both proper motion and spectroscopy.
We estimate the masses for HD 77407 B and GJ 577 B to be ∼0.3 to 0.5 M⊙ and ∼0.16 to 0.2 M⊙ , respectively. Compared to
Siess et al. (2000) models, each of the two pairs appears co-eval with HD 77407 A, B being 10 to 40 Myrs and GJ 577 A, B
being ≥100 Myrs old. We also took multi-epoch high-resolution spectra of HD 77407 to search for sub-stellar companions,
but did not find any with 3 MJup as upper mass (m sin i) limit (for up to 4 year orbits); however, we detected a long-term
radial velocity trend in HD 77407 A, consistent with a ∼0.3 M⊙ companion at ∼50 AU separation, i.e. the one detected by the
imaging. Hence, HD 77407 B is confirmed to be a bound companion to HD 77407 A. We also present limits for undetected,
but detectable companions using a deep image of HD 77407 A and B, also observed with the Keck NIRC2 AO system; any
brown dwarfs were detectable outside of 0.5 arcsec (17 AU at HD 77407), giant planets with masses from ∼6.5 to 12 MJup were
detectable at ≥1.5 arcsec.
Key words. stars: low mass, brown dwarfs – stars: binaries: general
1. Introduction
Most nearby stars are quite old, so that close sub-stellar
companions are too faint to be detected directly. If we consider young stars, their companions are also young and therefore self-luminous due to accretion and contraction, see e.g.
Wuchterl & Tscharnuter (2003), who consider objects even
younger than in our observations; other teams (e.g. Baraffe
et al. 1998; Burrows et al. 1997) also show quantitatively
how sub-stellar objects get fainter when they get older.
However they use arbitrary initial conditions, so that their models should not be used for objects younger than ∼10 Myrs
Send offprint requests to: M. Mugrauer,
[email protected]
Visiting Astronomer, German-Spanish Astronomical Centre,
Calar Alto.
(Baraffe et al. 2002). If such young companions are also nearby,
they should be well separated from their primaries. Hence,
young nearby stars are most suitable for direct imaging of substellar companions, see e.g. Jayawardhana & Greene (2001) for
a comprehensive overview. There are ∼200 stars known with
ages from ∼1 to 100 Myrs within ∼100 pc (e.g. Montes et al.
2001b; Wichmann et al. 2003), about one third of them being
in the northern sky. Most of our targets still show lithium absorption and/or Ca II, H and K emission; some of them also
show Hα, and/or are classified as members of young associations by Montes et al. (2001b).
The direct detection of close sub-stellar companions is
currently less difficult in the near infrared, because in these
wavelengths the brightness difference between companion and
primary star is low and detectors work well; in the thermal infrared, the brightness difference is even lower, but the detectors
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M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
are not yet as sensitive as in JHK. Nevertheless these close
companions are much fainter than their host star. The application of an adaptive optics system increases the resolution to
the diffraction limit and advances the dynamic range so that the
detection of these faint objects becomes feasible.
The determination of the spectral type and hence companionship of faint companion candidates using JHK colors is difficult, because such objects are too faint and located in the
PSF wing of their host star, so that colors cannot be measured
well. To solve simultaneously both extinction and spectral type,
three-band imaging would be indispensable. Nevertheless one
needs a further observation to confirm the proper motion of a
possible companion. Finally four images are necessary which
makes such a photometric search inefficient. On the other hand,
an astrometric survey (in one band) only needs two observations (1st and 2nd epoch), i.e. allows one to study many more
targets with a minimum of observation time.
Most of the nearby stars have high proper motion and therefore they are well suited for an astrometrical survey. In this
technique each star with at least one faint object nearby is observed in two epochs. Companion and primary star show the
same motion relative to non-moving background stars. The
proper motion of our target stars is high enough so that an
epoch difference of one year is sufficient in most cases to find
co-moving companions.
For a co-moving companion (candidate), spectroscopic
confirmation is always necessary, either by taking a spectrum
of the companion (showing its late spectral type) and/or by taking spectra of the primary (showing its secular acceleration due
to the companion). We are searching for sub-stellar companions also on the southern sky, with speckle and normal imaging
at the ESO NTT, and now also with AO (NAOS-CONICA at
the ESO VLT). Four sub-stellar companions to young (nearby)
stars have been confirmed by both proper motion and spectroscopy: The ∼12 Myrs young TWA-5 B (Lowrance et al.
1999; Neuhäuser et al. 2000), the ∼300 Myrs old Gl 569 B, C
(Martı́n et al. 2000; Lane et al. 2001), the ∼35 Myrs young
HR 7239 B (Lowrance et al. 2000; Guenther et al. 2001), and
the ∼300 Myrs old HD 130948 B, C (Potter et al. 2002; Goto
et al. 2002).
Here, we present some first results from our ongoing imaging program at the Calar Alto observatory. We present the instrument and data reduction in Sect. 2, the astrometric results
in Sect. 3, photometry in Sect. 4, and spectroscopy in Sects. 5
and 6. Finally, in Sect. 7, we present the H-R diagram to determine masses and ages of the new companions and discuss our
2. Imaging observations and data reduction
The observations were done in the H-band (1.6 µm) using the
3.5 m telescope on Calar Alto observatory in Spain. The telescope was equipped with the adaptive optics system ALFA
(for Adaptive optics with a Laser guide star For Astronomy,
Glindemann et al. 2000), used here without laser guide star. The
IR detector used was Ω-Cass, a 1024 × 1024 HgTeCd-detector
with a pixel resolution of 0.077′′ per pixel. As individual integration time, we used 0.842 s, i.e. as short as possible in order to
Table 1. Pixel scale and image orientation of Omega-Cass for the different observing runs. North is shifted by the orientation angle given
below from the top of the image to right.
Pixel scale [mas]
01 Nov. 2001
77.40 ± 0.20
11.80 ± 0.30◦
26 Apr. 2002
77.60 ± 0.30
22.27 ± 0.05◦
23 Dec. 2002
77.46 ± 0.05
18.60 ± 0.10◦
avoid saturation on the bright primary stars. In order to reach a
high sensitivity (i.e. limiting magnitude for faint companions),
the total integration time was almost 20 min. Therefore, many
short integrated images had to be superimposed.
The jitter technique was used to take into account the high
IR sky background and to observe both sky and target star in
each frame. After sky subtraction, each image was flat fielded
with a mean sky flat image, created out of several sky images
taken in twilight. Finally all reduced images were shifted and
combined to the result frame.
Up to now we have observed ∼80 stars out of our northern
sample of ∼100 stars at least once. We observed 12 stars with
companion candidates in two different epochs. 22 more stars
with at least one faint object nearby still require a 2nd epoch
image. In the following, we will present two companions found
among these 12 stars observed twice. The remaining data will
be presented later elsewhere.
In addition to Calar Alto, we have also observed a few stars
with the Keck 2 telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawai’i. We observed HD 77407 on 28 Feb. 2002 using the Keck 2 telescope
with NIRC2 and AO using an H-band filter and the 400 mas
diameter coronograph. NIRC2 has a pixel scale of 9.942 ±
0.500 mas/pixel (NIRC2 team, Campbell, priv. comm.). The
total integration time for the observations of HD 77407 was almost 7 min (23×(100 × 0.182 s)). We performed the data reduction using the reduction software MIDAS provided by ESO for
flat fielding, background subtraction, and adding of the images.
The 400 mas coronograph has a throughput of about ∼0.1%
determined by us by comparing the companion HD 77407 B
outside the coronograph with the primary star A located behind
the coronograph. Note that we use the 400 mas coronograph,
different from the 300 mas coronograph used by König et al.
(2002) for another observation obtained in the same night.
3. Astrometric results
The first step in the astrometric analysis of the images
is the measurement of the pixel scale and the orientation
of the images. In order to determine these important values, we need to observe visual binary stars with wellknown separations and orientations (position angles), e.g.
from Hipparcos, namely HD 79210, HD 82159, HD 108574,
HD 112733, HD 218738, HIP 63322. The result of the calibration for the different epochs is shown in Table 1.
The second step is the position measurement of the target
star and all faint objects in the images, all of which may be
regarded as companion candidates. The position measurement
is done with ESO-MIDAS using Gaussian centering.
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Table 2. Separation between HD 77407 A and B.
RA [arcsec]
Dec [arcsec]
Nov. 2001
0.197 ± 0.009
−1.644 ± 0.005
Dec. 2002
0.174 ± 0.004
−1.680 ± 0.002
Table 3. Relative motion between HD 77407 A and B.
Result of astrometry
RA [arcsec]
Dec [arcsec]
−0.023 ± 0.010
−0.034 ± 0.005
If B is non-moving
Fig. 1. HD 77407: H-band image taken in epoch Dec. 2002 with the
3.5 m Calar Alto + ALFA + Ω-Cass with a total integration time
of 16.5 min.
We have observed 12 stars with companion candidates
twice, i.e. at two different epochs separated by about one year
(see below for details). In the case that a companion candidate
is a non-moving background object, we should see only the
(known and fast) motion of the star, i.e. the separation changes
from 1st to 2nd epoch. This motion includes the proper motion and the parallactic motion. Moreover, for close companions, orbital motion may be detectable. If the separations
measured in 1st and 2nd epoch in both right ascension and
declination are identical (within the errors and taken into account possible orbital motion), then a faint object can be regarded as co-moving companion – unless the proper motion of
the primary star is too slow: the motion of the primary star between the two images (according to its proper motion and the
epoch difference) should be significantly larger than the astrometric precision achieved, in order to obtain significant astrometric results. A follow-up spectrum is always useful to confirm the companionship.
3.1. HD 77407
We have included HD 77407 in our sample of young nearby
stars after the Cool Stars Workshop in 1999 on Tenerife, where
it was listed as a young star in the poster by Wichmann &
Schmitt (2001), see also Montes et al. (2001a) and Wichmann
et al. (2003). In our own optical spectrum (see Sect. 6) we measure EW(Li) = 170 mÅ i.e. the star is clearly young.
HD 77407 is located at a distance of 30.1 ± 0.8 pc. The
proper motion of this star is −86.26 ± 1.24 mas in right ascension and −168.79 ± 0.59 mas in declination.
The ALFA image is shown in Fig. 1. There is a close object (B) north of the primary target star (A) at a separation of
only 1.689 ± 0.005′′ with a position angle of 353.7 ± 0.5◦ . The
star was observed in epoch Nov. 2001 and Dec. 2002. The separation between B and A for the two epochs is shown in Table 2.
If this candidate is a non-moving background star, we
should see only the proper and parallactic motion of the star between the two observing epochs. This motion can be calculated
using Hipparcos data. Table 3 shows the measured relative motion between the star and the companion candidate which can
be computed with the values from Table 2. The relative motion
between the star and its companion candidate – as observed –
is significantly smaller than expected for a non-moving background star. Therefore, it appears likely that object B is a real
companion of HD 77407. We do not include the Keck image
in this analysis, because it has a different pixel scale. Precise
relative astrometry should be done only by using the same telescope and instrument.
There is some relative motion between the two objects
larger than 5 σ in declination. How can we explain this? A
separation of 1.689 ± 0.005′′ corresponds to a projected separation of 50 ± 2 AU at a distance of 30.1 ± 0.8 pc. We assume the mass of the barycenter to be ∼1 M⊙ (this is reasonable because the primary has spectral type G0 and lies in an
H-R diagram close to the main sequence). Using Keplers’s
third law, we can estimate the orbital motion of the companion.
The predicted separation is 31.5 mas at the second epoch observations. This is consistent with the observed relative motion between HD 77407 A and B (41 ± 11 mas, Table 3). According to
Fig. 2, we can clearly distinguish between a non-moving background object and a co-moving companion (allowing for orbital
motion). Hence, the pair appears to be bound and we see first
hints for orbital motion.
3.2. GJ 577
GJ 577 is included in our sample since 2001, because it is listed
as young star in Montes et al. (2001a,b).
GJ 577 is located at a distance of 44.3 ± 1.3 pc. Its proper
motion is −121.47 ± 0.73 mas in right ascension and 112.21 ±
0.63 mas in declination. The ALFA image is shown in Fig. 3.
There is an object (B) to the west of the star (A) in a separation of 5.39 ± 0.02′′ with a position angle of 260.9 ± 0.2◦ .
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Table 4. Separation between GJ 577 A and B.
RA [arcsec]
Dec [arcsec]
April 2002
5.332 ± 0.018
0.865 ± 0.012
Dec. 2002
5.325 ± 0.003
0.836 ± 0.009
Table 5. Relative motion between GJ 577 A and B.
Result of astrometry
RA [arcsec]
Dec [arcsec]
−0.007 ± 0.018
−0.029 ± 0.015
If B is non-moving
Fig. 2. Separation of HD 77407B from its host star at the two observations. The straight solid line is the expected separation if B is a nonmoving background star; the curved solid line takes into account parallactic motion of the primary. The dotted line (±the calculated orbital
motion of B) is expected for a co-moving companion. The 2nd epoch
observation is 27σ deviant from the background hypothesis and fully
consistent with being a co-moving companion.
Fig. 4. Separation of GJ 577 B from its host star at the two observations. The straight solid line is the expected separation if B is a nonmoving background star; the curved solid line takes into account parallactic motion of the primary. The dotted line (±orbital motion as
expected) is expected, if B is co-moving with A.
Fig. 3. GJ 577: H-band image taken in epoch April 2002 with the
3.5 m Calar Alto + ALFA + Ω-Cass with a total integration time
of 17.9 min.
The star was observed in epoch April and Dec. 2002. The
separation between B and GJ 577 is shown in Table 4. We
can again calculate the relative motion between the star and
its companion candidate. With the Hipparcos data, we determine the motion of the star between the two epochs. The results are shown in Table 5. The computed relative motion for a
non-moving background star is listed below. In both axis the
relative motion between the two objects is negligible if we
consider the uncertainty in the astrometry. In declination the
observed relative movement is 10 times smaller as the value
expected for a non-moving background object. Therefore, we
can conclude that object B is a companion of GJ 577. A separation of 5.39′′ (at 44.3 ± 1.3 pc) corresponds to a semi-major
axis of 239 ± 7 AU. Therefore, the orbital motion of the companion can be calculated with the third Kepler law. We again
assume a mass of barycenter of 1 M⊙ because the primary has
a spectral type G5 and lies close to the main sequence in an
H-R diagram. We then expect an orbital motion of about 7 mas
within the time passed between the first and second observation in April and December 2002. The prediction is consistent
with the measured orbital motion of the primary and secondary,
see Fig. 4.
4. Photometry
Due to the small field of view of an adaptive optical system, it
is not possible to find many 2MASS reference stars for relative
photometry. Therefore we determine the magnitude difference
between the star and the companion. With the H-band magnitude for star A as published in 2MASS, and having assured
that the primary stars are not saturated in our images, we can
derive the H-band magnitude of the companions. The results
are shown in Table 6.
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Table 6. Photometry of HD 77407 A, B and GJ 577 A, B apparent
magnitudes (from 2MASS for the primaries A, from our images for
the companions B by differential photometry).
mH (A)
mH (B)
HD 77407
5.54 ± 0.03
7.68 ± 0.07
GJ 577
6.89 ± 0.02
10.84 ± 0.05
Fig. 6. Optical spectrum of GJ 577 B, the companion, M 4.5, showing
strong Hα emission, deep TiO and VO molecular absorbtion bands and
red continuum.
Fig. 5. Optical spectrum of GJ 577 A, the primary, G5.
From the known spectral types of the primaries and,
hence, their expected intrinsic JHK colors and their published
JHK magnitudes (from 2MASS), we find that interstellar absorption is negligible, as expected for nearby stars. Hence, the
absolute H-band magnitudes for the companions are 5.3 ± 0.1
for HD 77407 B and 7.6 ± 0.1 for GJ 577 B. We do not use the
Keck image of HD 77407 for photometry here, because star A
is located behind a (semi-transparent) coronograph and star B
is located partially behind one of the spiders.
5. Spectroscopy of GJ 577 B
Spectra of GJ 577 A and B were taken with the MOSCA faintobject spectrograph on the Calar Alto 3.5 m telescope at the
end of Dec. 2002. We use the green500 grism which covers the wavelength range from 4200 to 8200 Å. The dispersion is about 2.9 Å per pixel with Site-CCD which has 2048 ×
4096 15 µm pixel. We used a slit-width of one arcsec which
gives a resolving power λ/∆λ ≃ 700. In order to calibrate
the relative fluxes in the spectra, we also observed Feige 56.
Standard IRAF routines were used to flat field, wavelength and
flux-calibrate the spectra using frames taken with the standard
flat field and Hg-Ar and Ne lamps.
Figure 5 shows the resulting spectrum of GJ 577 A and
Fig. 6 the spectrum of GJ 577 B. As pointed out by Reid et al.
(1995), the ratio of the fluxes in the 7042 to 7046 Å-band versus
the flux in the 7126 to 7135 Å band can be used for determining the temperatures of very late-type objects. We derive TiO-2,
TiO-4 and TiO-5 values of 0.508, 0.587 and 0.340 respectively.
Using these values and the information given in Reid et al.
(1995) and Hawley et al. (1996), we derive spectral types in the
range M 4 to M 5. We also used the PC3 (1.02) and PC6 (2.05)
coefficients from Martı́n et al. (1999) yielding M 3.1 and M 3
to M 4, respectively; for the PC6 index, used for L-dwarfs only
in Martı́n et al. (1999), we used data of early M dwarfs given
in that paper and a linear regression to early M. The spectrum also shows that the Hα-line is in emission. The equivalent
width is −4.7 Å, which implies that log(Hα /Lbol ) is about −4.0.
These values are fairly typical for an object of this spectral type,
and we thus conclude that the level of chromospheric activity
of GJ 577 B is normal. The equivalent width of the Na I doublet
around 8190 Å is 5.8 Å, partly affected by telluric absorption. It
appears deeper (stronger) than in ∼10 Myrs young M-types objects of the TW Hya association (Neuhäuser et al. 2000), pointing to an older age for GJ 577 B compared to TW Hya stars.
Given the observed magnitude difference between primary
and secondary, and the known spectral type G5 for the primary,
the spectral type M 4 to M 5 for the fainter object is as expected
for a bound companion, i.e. being at the same age, distance, and
6. Spectroscopy of HD 77407 A
We have started a program to search for close, lowmass companions around young nearby stars using precise stellar radial velocity (RV) measurements taken
with the 2 m-Alfred-Jensch telescope of the Thüringer
Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS). Young stars have been
largely excluded from RV planet searches due to their high
level of intrinsic RV variability. Magnetic activity in the form
of spots, plage, changes in the convection pattern, etc. can
cause significant RV jitter of several tens of m s−1 (Saar &
Donahue 1997; Saar & Fischer 2000; Hatzes 2002). This
additional source of noise can obscure the signal due to the
presence of a planetary companion. In spite of this large intrinsic noise planetary companions can be detected around young
stars as long as one has enough measurements to average out
the activity noise (e.g. Hatzes et al. 2000). The TLS Program
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Fig. 7. Radial velocity measurements of HD 77407 (nightly averages)
showing some scatter consistent with an active spotted star. The lines
show the expected RV change for an 0.3 and 0.6 M⊙ companion
at 50 AU separation. The lower mass is consistent with a long-term
trend seen in the RV data, and is also consistent with the imaging
may be the first RV planet search program to search for planets
around a sample of young stars and HD 77407 is among the
Using the cross-dispersed coudé echelle spectrograph, we
obtained 32 RV measurements of HD 77407 in 20 separate
nights covering a time span of roughly two years. This spectrograph is especially optimized for high-precision RV work,
located in a temperature stabilized coudé room with a temperature stabilized iodine I2 gas absorption cell placed in front of
the entrance slit. The use of an I2 cell allows modelling of temporal and spatial variations of the instrumental point-spread
function. Temperature sensors on the iodine cell, close to the
grating, and close to the grism allow us to monitor any possible change in temperature. With the 1.2′′ slit used the resolving power λ/∆λ is 67 000. The cross-dispersing grism gives a
wavelength coverage of 4630 to 7370 Å which encompasses
the full wavelength region of the iodine absorption lines (5000
to 6000 Å). The RV analysis procedure largely follows the data
modelling outlined by Butler et al. (1996) and the instrumental point spread function reconstruction techniques of Valenti
et al. (1995). A template spectrum of the Tautenburg I2 cell
was taken at the McMath telescope, and template stellar spectra taken without the cell were obtained with the TLS echelle
Figure 7 shows the RV measurements for HD 77407
(nightly averages). The error bars represent internal errors determined by the mean rms scatter of the RV computed using individual spectral chunks (typically several hundred). This does
not include any systematic errors which may be present in the
data and which are difficult to assess given the short time span
of our measurements. The rms scatter of the RV measurements
in Fig. 7 is about 30 m/s, or more than a factor of 2 greater
than the internal errors. These variations could easily be caused
by activity noise. The Hipparcos photometry shows significant scatter of ≈0.015 mag (after subtracting the mean error in quadrature). This yields a spot filling factor of 1.4%
assuming these are the source of the photometric variations.
Hatzes (2002) presented an empirical relationship between
RV amplitude due to spots, the v sin i of the star, and the spot
filling factor. Assuming v sin i ≃ 7 km s−1 yields an RV amplitude from spots of about 80 m s−1 . Thus cool spots on
HD 77407 can easily account for the observed RV scatter of this
star. Our RV measurements, however, can exclude the presence
of any companion with m sin i greater than ∼3 MJup and periods of less than 4 years. Such companions would cause peakto-peak variations in excess of 140 m/s which would have been
clearly visible in our data.
The acceleration induced by a 0.3 M⊙ and 0.6 M⊙ companion in a circular orbit 50 AU from the star is 22.3
and 43.9 m s−1 yr−1 , respectively. This expected motion is
shown in Fig. 7 as solid (22.3 m s−1 yr−1 ) and dashed lines
(43.9 m s−1 yr−1 ). The acceleration expected from the lower
mass companion is consistent with any long term RV variations for HD 77407 given the large scatter of the individual
measurements; such a lower-mass companion (0.2 to 0.4 M⊙ )
at ∼50 AU projected separation is detected in the imaging, (see
above). Tentatively, the acceleration due to a higher mass companion seems to produce too large of an RV change. However,
we measure only the radial component of total stellar orbital
velocity, so we cannot exclude a higher mass for the stellar
companion. The long-term RV trend seen in HD 77407 A with
an amplitude consistent with the mass estimate for component B – as detected in the imaging – confirms that B is a bound
companion to A.
Nidever et al. (2002) also included this star in their
RV planet search program, but did not find any variability
within their time base of only 23 days consistent with our data.
7. Discussion
HD 77407 is a slow rotating (v sin i ≃ 7 km s−1 ) G0 star
with a notable chromospheric excess emission in the Hα, Hβ
and Ca II lines. It is detected as radio source with a flux
of 1.67 mJy at 20 cm and also as EUV source (Wichmann et al.
2003). Montes et al. (2001a) and Wichmann et al. (2003) report EW(Li I) = 170...183 mÅ, consistent with our own measurement EW(Li I) = 170 mÅ, indicating that it is a very
young star. It is identified as a member of the local association (20 to 150 Myrs) due to its galactic space motion (Montes
et al. 2001a). Our RV monitoring revealed no sub-stellar spectroscopic companion to HD 77407, but some scatter probably
due to stellar activity (typical for young stars), and also a longterm trend consistent with the mass estimate of the co-moving
companion detected in the imaging.
GJ 577 is a G5 V star with high levels of photospheric magnetic activity and a photometrically determined rotation period
of around 4 days (Messina & Guinan 1998; Messina et al.
1999). Based on the kinematic criteria this star can be considered as a member of the Hyades supercluster with an age
of 600 Myrs. A moderate Ca II H and K emission is observed
in the spectra as well as an EW(Li I) of 145 mÅ. This lithium
absorption is too strong for a member of the Hyades supercluster and is close to the weakest Li-lines of the local association with an age of 20 to 150 Myrs (Montes et al. 2001a,b).
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Fig. 8. H-R diagram with Siess et al. (2000)
models with (z = 0.02 no overshooting)
for HD 77407 and GJ 577 primary and secondary, our observed MH value versus the temperature obtained from our observed (or derived) spectral type. The isochrones (dotted
lines) are labeled by ages in Myrs. The object
mass is given in units of solar mass. Furthermore
we have plotted data for main-sequence stars
(solid black line) from Schmidt-Kaler (MV ) and
Kenyon-Hartmann (H − V and T eff ) for spectral
types F8V to K0V. GJ 577 A lies on that mainsequence for spectral type G5V as observed, inconsistent with the ZAMS by Siess et al. by
∼500 K.
Halbwachs et al. (2003) included GJ 577 in their spectroscopic
observing program, but did not find any close low mass companion, nor any long-term trend, consistent with our data.
If we use the measured absolute H-band magnitudes
of HD 77407 B and GJ 577 B as well as the stellar age given
above, we can determine the companion mass and its effective temperature by using the evolutionary models for low-mass
stars from Siess et al. (2000). The spectral type is converted to
effective temperature using the scale for main-sequence dwarf
stars by Kenyon & Hartmann (1995).
In Fig. 8, we show the H-R diagram for both new visual
pairs and compare their locations with tracks and isochrones
by Siess et al. (2000) with a metallicity z = 0.02 and no
GJ 577 B appears to be older than 100 Myrs or already
on the zero-age MS (ZAMS), also consistent with the 20
to 150 Myrs given by Montes et al. (2001a,b). Here, it is not
possible to determine the age better from the companion alone,
because the isochrones lie very close together at its location in
the H-R diagram.
We used Siess et al. (2000) models as well as Baraffe et al.
(1998) models. We took those sets of models which were available for low-mass objects down to 0.1 M⊙ . For Baraffe et al.
(1998) models (mixing length parameter α = 1.0, He abundance Y = 0.275 and solar metallicity [M/H] = 0) and for the
Siess et al. (2000) models (with metallicity z = 0.02 no overshooting and with Kenyon-Hartmann conversion) the primaries
lie below the main sequence, which is unphysical and may indicate problems with that particular set of models. We note
that the primary stars are not saturated in the 2MASS images
and that the Hipparcos parallaxes of the primaries should not
be affected by the much fainter companions. Furthermore we
used MV data from Schmidt-Kaler and converted them to MH
using (V − H) from Kenyon-Hartmann (1995). Those data are
consistent with the 2MASS photometry and lie also under the
Siess et al. ZAMS (see Fig. 8). For a metallicity [M/H] = −0.5,
Table 7. Stellar properties of HD 77407 B and GJ 577 B.
HD 77407 B
GJ 577 B
Age [Myrs]
10 ... 40
Mass [M⊙ ]
0.3 ... 0.5
0.16 ... 0.2
Spec type
M 0 ... M 3
M 4 ... M 5
T eff [K]
3850 ... 3470
3370 ... 3240
mixing length parameter α = 1 and He abundance Y = 0.25 for
Baraffe models and metallicity z = 0.01 for Siess models, each
of the two pairs appears to be co-eval. However it is extremely
unlikely that these two young stars are that metal-poor. Hence
we do not show those models here.
GJ 577 B was also detected by McCarthy et al. (2001)
and Lowrance et al. (2003). The former show their J-band
image having resolved A and B. They give J = 11.15 ±
0.15 mag and I ≃ 13 mag, consistent with spectral type mid-M.
Furthermore, McCarthy et al. (2001) quote Lowrance (2001) as
having measured the proper motion of GJ 577 B to be consistent with A. McCarthy et al. (2001) do not show nor mention a
spectrum, and the dissertation of Lowrance (2001) is not available to us. Lowrance et al. (2003) show that GJ 577 B is actually
a double star and is called GJ 577 B and C. The components B
and C are both close to the sub-stellar limit or brown dwarfs.
They have a combined spectral type of M 5 to M 6 which is
marginally consistent with our results.
We can use the ALFA and Keck images to obtain limits
for undetected, but detectable faint companion candidates, i.e.
for determining the limiting dynamic range achieved in terms
of magnitude difference versus separation. We measure the
3σ flux level (for HD 77407 for both Keck and ALFA, so that
we can compare them), and ratio it to the primary to determine
the curves shown in Fig. 9.
M. Mugrauer et al.: HD 77407 and GJ 577: Two new young stellar binaries
Fig. 9. Dynamic ranges achieved with ALFA and Keck AO
for HD 77407, magnitude difference in H between primary and companions versus separation in arcsec. The two companions detected are
indicated by circles. The Keck system is obviously much more sensitive than ALFA. We also indicate magnitude differences expected for
companions at the upper mass limits for planets and brown dwarfs –
computed for an age of 50 Myrs using Baraffe et al. (2003). Any brown
dwarf should have been detected outside of 0.5 arcsec (17 AU), and
any giant planet above ∼6.5 MJup would have been detected outside
of 1.5 arcsec. The upper x-axis scale in AU is given for the distance
of HD 77407.
Any additional stellar companion (above ∼75 MJup
for 50 Myrs following Baraffe et al. 2003) should have been
detected at a separation of ≥0.4 arcsec, the radius of the semitransparent coronograph used. Also, any brown dwarf companion above ∼40 MJup would have been detected outside
of 0.4 arcsec. Brown dwarfs of any mass ranging from ∼12
to ∼75 MJup were detectable outside of 0.5 arcsec, which
is 17 AU at the distance of HD 77407. We reached a magnitude
difference of ∆H = 9 mag at 0.5 arcsec separation. Giant planets with masses from ∼6.5 to 12 MJup were detectable outside
of 1.5 arcsec (50 AU), where we reached ∆H = 12 mag.
We will report other detected companion candidates (both
background objects as well as possibly bound secondaries) as
well as other possibly negative (null) results (i.e. primaries
without any detected companion candidates) elsewhere.
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to our referee, Eduardo Martı́n,
for several useful comments and the Calar Alto Time Allocation
committee for continuous support. R.J. acknowledges support
from NASA Origins grant NAG5-11905. The German-Spanish
Astronomical Centre Calar Alto is operated by the Max-PlanckInstitute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, jointly with the Spanish National
Commission for Astronomy. We thank the technical staff of the TLS
in Tautenburg for all their help and assistance in carrying out the observations. We thank Jens Woitas, Sebastian Els, and Martin Kürster
for taking some of the spectra of HD 77407. We made use of the
2MASS public data releases and of the Simbad database operated at
the Observatoire Strassburg. Some of the data presented herein were
obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, operated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute of Technology, the University
of California and the National Aeronautic and Space Administration.
We thank Randy Campbell and David LeMignant for help during the
observing run.
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