Political Analysis (2005) 13:113–138
Advance Access publication March 1, 2005
Parties in Elections, Parties in Government, and
Partisan Bias
Keith Krehbiel
Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
[email protected]
Adam Meirowitz
Department of Politics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
[email protected]
Thomas Romer
Department of Politics and Woodrow Wilson School of Public and
International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
[email protected]
Political parties are active when citizens choose among candidates in elections and when
winning candidates choose among policy alternatives in government. But the inextricably
linked institutions, incentives, and behavior that determine these multistage choices are
substantively complex and analytically unwieldy, particularly if modeled explicitly and
considered in total, from citizen preferences through government outcomes. To strike
a balance between complexity and tractability, we modify standard spatial models of
electoral competition and governmental policy-making to study how components of
partisanship—such as candidate platform separation in elections, party ID-based voting,
national partisan tides, and party-disciplined behavior in the legislature—are related to policy
outcomes. We define partisan bias as the distance between the following two points in
a conventional choice space: the ideal point of the median voter in the median legislative
district and the policy outcome selected by the elected legislature. The study reveals that
none of the party-in-electorate conditions is capable of producing partisan bias independently. Specified combinations of conditions, however, can significantly increase the
bias and/or the variance of policy outcomes, sometimes in subtle ways.
1 Introduction
The relationship among preferences of the electorate and policy outcomes of government
is a fundamental topic in both normative and positive democratic theory. As a practical
matter, it seems unthinkable to study this relationship without considering political parties.
Authors’ note: This project originated in conversations stimulated by a session at the Challenges in Political
Economy conference sponsored by CBRSS at Harvard, May 4, 2002. We thank (others may blame) intellectual
impresario James Alt for this. We also gratefully acknowledge comments of Larry Bartels, Nolan McCarty, many
participants in the CSDP lunch seminar at Princeton and the American politics workshop at Columbia, and
a comparable number of referees. Fernando Botelho and Frederico Gil Sander provided able assistance.
Political Analysis Vol. 13 No. 2, Ó The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for
Political Methodology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
[email protected]
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
Parties are invariably active in democratic politics at each of two phases of political
behavior. In the electoral stage, parties compete for votes of citizens to earn seats in
government. In the governmental stage, parties compete for influence over policy
outcomes. While recent research on the U.S. political system is decidedly split on the
nature and degree of majority-party influence over policy outcomes in the governmental
stage,1 an approximate consensus seems to have formed about the significance of parties in
the electoral process. Subject to variation in emphases and degrees of belief, the following
claims encompass a sizeable sweep of the received wisdom about parties in the American
The American voter is more likely than not to identify with one of the major parties
and to vote accordingly, even controlling for a voter’s policy preferences (Campbell
et al. 1960; Miller and Shanks 1996; Bartels 2000).
Formal affiliation with a political party is often a legal requirement, and almost
always a practical necessity, for candidates seeking high office (Jacobson 2001).
In spite of the centrifugal forces of localism, institutionalized by single-member
districts, national party organizations in the United States persistently attempt to
manage candidate recruitment (Jacobson 1985–86; Kazee and Thornberry 1990).
Likewise, party organizations at national, state, and local levels actively raise and
disperse funds to enhance their preferred candidates’ electoral prospects (Herrnson
1989; Damore and Hansford 1999; Ansolabehere and Snyder 2000; Schecter and
Hedge 2001).
In this conventional portrayal, U.S. politics originates with citizens’ partisan
predispositions and policy preferences and culminates in the production of public policies
by elected representatives. In any given step along this path, partisanship motivates
behavior and parties mediate among competing interests. Extensive bodies of work
address some of the links in the causal chain between parties in the electorate and parties in
government, but relatively few researchers have undertaken comprehensive studies of the
combined policy impact of parties in the electorate and parties in government. Noteworthy
exceptions include Erikson and Wright (1997) and Erikson et al. (2002). Broadly, their
argument is that voters in the electorate have partisan predispositions that they express
sufficiently systematically in elections that legislators, too, are partisan. Likewise, partisan
legislators in government express their constituency-induced preferences sufficiently
systematically that policy outcomes are responsive—albeit indirectly—to changes in
partisanship in the electorate. Such works make plausible cases for partisan-based
representative democracy.2
Dozens of researchers stress the importance of parties in government, ranging from the vast literature on divided
government to the relatively theoretical- and intra-Congress-oriented studies on the consequences of institutional
features. In the latter vein, for example, Cox and McCubbins (1993, 2002) and Aldrich et al. (2002) argue that
parties are powerful in moving outcomes away from the median voter or blocking moves to the median voter. On
the other hand, Krehbiel (1993, 1996) raises doubts about the effects of party independent of preferences;
Schickler and Rich (1997) rebut Cox and McCubbins’s claims about partisan motivations for procedural reforms;
Brady and Volden (1998) and Krehbiel (1998) attribute nonmedian outcomes with gridlock due to supermajority
procedures rather than partisanship; and Krehbiel and Meirowitz (2002) reassess the Aldrich model of majorityparty power and illustrate how his substantive claim of majority-party power is analytically incorrect.
Additional research in this macro-political vein constructs an equally plausible but different argument. Jacobs
and Shapiro (2000) emphasize politicians’ influence on constituency preferences rather than vice versa. They
also question the responsiveness of government to citizen preferences.
Partisan Bias
Continued progress in fleshing out the relationships between partisan forces and
governmental policies depends on addressing the substantive concerns of the macropolitics research. However, a deeper understanding of the mechanics in these relationships
rests on analytic approaches that are increasingly explicit about the micro foundations of
partisanship in the political system. This article, accordingly, embraces macro-political
questions with a more micro-analytic approach than is customary in the macro literature.
The partisan electoral conditions whose consequences we explore are: platform
differentiation between candidates within constituencies, party ID-based voting behavior,
and national electoral tides.
The focal endogenous variable is partisan bias in policy, which has an analytically
precise meaning within the framework we employ. Partisan bias refers to the difference
between two policies. The first policy is the result of a benchmark party-free model of
elections and legislative policy making—one in which there is no platform differentiation,
no voting based on party ID, no national electoral tides, and where the legislature is
nonpartisan. Given the structure of our problem, this baseline policy is the ideal point of
the median voter in the median district. The second policy corresponds to the outcome
predicted by a particular pair of models of parties in elections and parties in government.
The specifics vary according to how parties affect electoral or legislative outcomes.3
As we noted above, the literature on parties in the United States tends to embrace the
proposition that partisanship in the electorate induces partisan governmental conditions
that, in turn, produce noncentrist policy outcomes that favor the majority party. This view
is reinforced by the undeniable scope and intensity of party activity in U.S. politics. An
alternative perspective that is more prevalent in micro-analytic studies, however, cautions
against equating partisan activity during political processes with partisan bias in policy
outcomes. Pragmatic competitive office seekers within districts or states may converge to
similar or identical, centrist platforms that undermine the policy aims of their polar and
relatively extreme national party organizations. Inter-district variation in ideology and
localism of district elections may neutralize national tides and facilitate the election of
slates of parties with heterogeneous induced preferences and overlapping party distributions. Finally, even if these various dampening effects on partisanship in the electorate are
not prevalent and, therefore, induced preferences at the national level are homogeneous
within parties and bipolar across parties, competitive pressures within the legislature may
nevertheless result in national policy that reflects the legislative median, rather than the
majority-party median. In any of these hypothetical scenarios, policy centrism rather than
partisan bias may emerge as a characteristic feature of governmental policies, even if the
legislature is elected under highly partisan conditions.
To assess the relationships among parties in the electorate, parties in government, and
partisan bias, we formulate a model that captures the partisan electoral conditions of
platform differentiation, party ID-based voting behavior, and partisan tides. In order to
encompass these conditions and to trace out their consequences in a tractable way, we
focus on aggregate features of each of the conditions. This approach allows a fairly rich
parameterization of the model and permits us to use numerical computation to explore
variation in the force with which each condition applies and, especially, the way these
conditions interact.
Because the model that we analyze is stochastic, we will ultimately treat partisan bias as a random variable and
discuss its distribution under various assumptions about partisan influence in elections and legislatures. Readers
should avoid confusing the word ‘‘bias’’ in partisan bias with the statistical term ‘‘bias.’’
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
When viewed from a macro-political perspective, our approach adds micro-level
specificity. However, from the opposite, micro-level perspective, reservations might be
voiced on the grounds that our formal characterization of voters, candidates, and legislators
departs from some of the conventions of equilibrium analysis. Conventionally, analysts
characterize agents as optimizing and then study the properties of the equilibrium that
results from the interaction of these agents. We chose not to follow this convention for
several reasons. First, at the current state of the modeling art, there is no tractable
analytical framework that captures what we see as the key elements of the problem.
Second, we believe that our approach provides insights that will be useful in formulating
game-theoretic models.4 While our model does not treat voters or candidates as strategic
actors, it does permit us to study interactions that almost certainly would be relevant in
a strategic setting. Indeed, for a given model of electoral politics, strategic behavior by
voters will result in a path of play that corresponds to one of the cases we study in our
analysis. For example, we consider situations such that, in a given electoral district, two
candidates either converge to the same platform or have divergent platforms located on
either side of the district median voter. Each of these corresponds to possible strategic
equilibria of two-candidate competition. (A third possible equilibrium, with candidates’
platforms diverging, but not symmetrically, could readily be incorporated in our framework.5) Our treatment of legislative policy-making draws on commonly studied formal
models of legislative politics—in one case, a chamber operating under an open rule in
which legislators optimize given their (induced) preferences, and in the other case,
a chamber operating under an open rule in which legislators are influenced by party
leadership. We can therefore be confident that our analysis is likely to include outcomes
that would be predicted by a more fully specified equilibrium model. Third, while the
discussion in the body of the article is in terms of a specific set of numerical calibrations,
we have also conducted numerical and analytic robustness checks (see Appendices B and
C) that reinforce our confidence in our qualitative results.
We begin our analysis with a discussion of key features of parties in government and
parties in elections and how we model them. We then present the results of using the
model to study the magnitude of party effects and consider some departures from the basic
assumptions to check the robustness of our results. In the final section, we address some
outstanding issues.
2 Parties in the Electorate and Parties in Government
Political parties have conflicting policy objectives. Party politics is a game in which each
party maneuvers to win elections, to obtain majority control of government, to change
policies its members dislike, and to block changes to policies they do like. In a two-party
A strategic model of this form would involve, at the least, an early stage in which candidates and/or parties
optimize over campaign activities, an intermediate stage in which voters optimize over the available candidates
in their district, and a late stage in which the elected legislators select policy. Voter behavior would be based on
rational expectations over play in the legislative stage, and campaigning decisions would be based on rational
expectations over both the voting behavior and the legislative stage. Austen-Smith (1987) represents an example
of work that is in this spirit.
Nonconvergence of platforms in a two-candidate election can arise as an equilibrium in models of elections with
uncertainty and policy-motivated candidates (Calvert 1985; Wittman 1977, 1983); models of elections in which
voters forecast legislative outcomes but candidates in each district can freely adopt platforms (Austen-Smith
1987); models of elections with valence (Londregan and Romer 1993; Groseclose 2001; Aragones and Palfrey
2002; Schofield 2004); and models of elections in which parties select levels of valence and policy (Meirowitz
2004; Wiseman 2004). In the case of valence, the divergence tends to be asymmetric around the district median.
Partisan Bias
system with these features, party competition is a tug-of-war in which the majority party
attempts to pull policies across the political center and into its own center, and to keep
them there. The minority party resists such efforts by attempting to build bipartisan
coalitions with moderate majority party legislators. A voluminous literature depicts
collective choice as a competitive struggle in which tensions between centripetal and
centrifugal forces are resolved in either electoral or governmental arenas.6 We follow in
this tradition, using an orthodox unidimensional spatial model in both electoral and
governmental stages.
2.1 Parties in Government
Because our primary focus is on a relatively diverse set of electoral conditions, the models
of the governmental stage are rudimentary throughout most of the analysis. Policy is made
by a unicameral legislature. Rather than taking positions on, or attempting to resolve, the
ongoing controversy on whether parties or party labels have an effect on the legislative
outcomes, we consider each of the polar positions: a nonpartisan and a partisan model (or,
respectively, a weak-party and a strong-party model).
The nonpartisan (weak-party) model is simply collective choice under an open rule
with no agenda control. This corresponds to a setting in which parties are sufficiently weak
in government that their policy significance is small. In the pure case, the legislative
process is majoritarian. The fundamental result in such a setting is Black’s median voter
theorem (Black 1958). The theory is nonpartisan because, regardless of legislators’ party
identification, the unique equilibrium outcome is the ideal point of the median voter of the
entire body.7 We refer to the legislature’s median voter’s ideal point as M.
The partisan (strong-party) model, in contrast, presumes that political parties in
government are disciplined. In a two-party system, this means the majority party as
a whole has the requisite votes to dictate the outcome. The precise outcome that is dictated
becomes a struggle exclusively within the majority party, and the theory assumes that this
is an intra-party median-voter process. The legislative outcome, therefore, is the median of
the ideal points of the members of the majority party—not the median of the entire
legislature. One justification for this theory is that, while the majority party is disciplined,
the policy that the party wants is determined in the party caucus operating under an open
rule. Thus, Black’s theorem predicts that the party caucus will converge on the median
majority party member’s ideal point. We refer to the majority party’s median voter’s ideal
point as P.
2.2 Parties in the Electorate
In most models of government, preferences of legislators are exogenous.8 In the model we
employ, preferences of governmental officials are endogenous to the electoral process.
Elections, in other words, determine the composition of the government and, therefore,
raise the possibility that parties in the electorate may be sufficiently strong to influence
policy outcomes even if, as in the nonpartisan model of policy formation, parties in
government are weak.
See, for example, Hotelling (1929), Downs (1957), or Wittman (1977, 1983) on electoral competition, and
Shepsle and Weingast (1987), Krehbiel (1998), or Cox and McCubbins (2002) on spatial competition in
Uniqueness requires an odd number of voters.
One notable exception is Austen-Smith and Banks (1988); however, their focus is not on partisanship.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
Table 1 Overview of the electoral environment
Separation of
Partisan tide
On the location
of candidates
within districts
On voter responses
to ideological stimuli
On voter responses
to national advertising,
appeals, and interests
Downsian convergence
of candidates
within districts
Voters in all districts
are identical and
No party has an edge
in any given election
Parties induce candidates
to take more ideological
stances than would
otherwise happen
Voters from more
extreme districts give
a party-ID edge to the
ideologically closer
Party R (arbitrarily)
enjoys a nationwide
probabilistic advantage
Where parties
may be
How this
condition is
in the
To describe the electoral environment, we begin with standard spatial-model
assumptions and add some ways that parties may play a role in elections. Summarized
in Table 1 and surrounding text, and formalized in the following section, these consist of
three electoral conditions with partisan underpinnings: separation of candidates within
constituencies, ideology-based partisanship of voters, and partisan tides.
Condition S: Separation of candidates within districts
Each district holds an election between candidates who represent two parties, R (right) and
L (left). The policy platform of the Party L candidate in a district is L, and the Party R
platform is R. We adopt the simplifying assumption that, within each district, parties (or
the candidates) select platforms that are either separated or not separated.9 In both cases,
the winning candidate is selected randomly (details below) and becomes the district’s
representative. Upon election, the candidate’s platform becomes his or her induced ideal
point in the legislature. In the case of nonseparation (or, equivalently, convergence), we
assume that both candidates’ platform locations lie at their district median voter’s ideal
point. This case comports with the theory of Downsian competition. Clearly, this is a case
of minimal partisanship, because R ¼ L implies that it makes no difference from
a preference standpoint which party gets elected. In the case of separation, we assume that
candidates’ platform locations are on opposite sides of, and are equidistant from, their
district’s median, with L , R. One reason for nonconvergence is that state, regional, or
local party organizations pressure candidates to take different stances, e.g., with local party
organizations catering to local demands and national organizations attempting to build and
We do not explicitly model electoral competition within each district, because platform selection by parties and
voting behavior are not of first-order importance here. See Osborne (1995) for a review of models of strategic
platform selection.
Partisan Bias
preserve the party’s ‘‘brand name’’ (Snyder 1994; Snyder and Ting 2002). An alternative
source of nonconvergence stems from uncertainty and policy (or mixed) motivations on
the part of candidates (Wittman 1977, 1983; Calvert 1985).
2.2.2 Condition I: Ideology-based partisanship
Individual voters’ partisan predispositions may also weigh heavily on electoral choice in
ways that can be modeled at the aggregate (district) level. Voters who identify strongly
with a particular party are more likely than are independents and weak identifiers to vote
on the basis of party label—even when other factors, such as candidate qualifications and
their platform locations, are equal. If, furthermore, partisan identification is correlated with
policy preferences, then we might expect that voters whose policy preferences are further
to the left are more likely to identify with an L-party candidate, ceteris paribus. Similarly,
a voter whose policy preferences are further to the right would be more likely to identify
with an R-party candidate. At the aggregate level, this implies that, other things equal,
a district whose median is further to the right will have a higher propensity to vote for an
R-party candidate. This would hold even when candidate platforms have fully converged
or when platforms symmetrically straddle the district median. Because a similar effect is
also true for Party L members, the absolute magnitude of the effect of partisanship is
largest for the most extreme districts. For example, ideology-based partisanship means that
constituents in a very left-leaning district such as California’s 35th, which includes Watts,
are highly likely to elect a liberal Democrat (e.g., Maxine Waters) even if her Republican
challenger replicates or mirrors her location strategy. A comparably conservative district
would likewise elect a Republican over a Democrat even if—on policy grounds alone—its
median voter is indifferent between the parties’ candidates. In our framework, these partyID effects become progressively weaker as more moderate districts are considered until, at
the midpoint of the spectrum, each candidate has an equal chance of winning the election.
2.2.3 Condition T: Electoral tide
In a purely nonpartisan electoral environment, candidates are effectively independent agents,
and the party label has no particular meaning or value during the campaign and on election
day. In other circumstances, however, the electoral prospects of a party’s candidates may rise
or fall in all districts. The causes of such fortunes and misfortunes are the stuff of political
punditry. They range from high-profile scandals to unusual economic or national security
developments. For our purposes, all that matters is that they exist, and they may well have
a partisan basis. Accordingly, we will model electoral tides as a common, party-wide shift
factor in the probability that any of a party’s candidates are elected.
3 A Simulation Model
In light of our characterizations of parties in government in terms of strong-versus-weak
parties, the key points on which to focus when assessing partisan bias in policy outcomes
are the majority-party median, P, and the legislative median, M. In the model the identity
(and possibly the induced ideal policy) of the winning candidate from each district is
random. (Below we will fill in the details of how the exogenous conditions affect the
distributions of these election results.) Because P and M depend on these random elections
they are also random variables. Thus, the output of the model is distributions for the
random values P and M. We now turn to the details of how we use simulations to
approximate these distributions under the various combinations of electoral conditions.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
We begin by presenting each of the electoral conditions of our model, together with the
corresponding parameters. These form the exogenous structure of our model. We then
discuss the endogenous variables. After this general presentation, we provide, for each
exogenous parameter, an empirically plausible calibration based on data from U.S.
national elections. Our calibration exercises also serve to shed further light on the
substantive interpretation of the parameters.
Exogenous electoral conditions
In each of N districts (N odd), the policy-relevant aspect of voter preferences is represented
by a single exogenous and fixed variable mi (i ¼ 1, . . . , N) that represents the ith district’s
median voter defined over a single continuous policy dimension. The values of the district
medians, mi, range from K to K, where K ¼ (N 1)/2. For convenience, we also assume
that m1 ¼ K, m(N þ 1)/2 ¼ 0, and mN ¼ K. Moreover, the distribution of districts medians
has a symmetric bell shape.10 (In Appendix A we provide details of how we construct this
distribution. In Appendix B we discuss the sensitivity of our results to the assumptions
about the shape and symmetry of the distribution.)
The point 0 is the ideal point of the median voter in the median district and serves as the
benchmark for our measure of policy centrism. Because an individual legislator’s induced
preferences are related to the median preferences of the district he represents, the distribution
of induced preferences of government officials is related to the distribution of district
medians. The degree of partisanship in the electorate is determined by combinations of three
binary variables—S (separation of candidates), I (ideology-based partisanship), and T
(electoral tides)—and three corresponding parameter settings, d, a, and s. It is useful to think
of the binary variable as a switch and a parameter as a dial. The state of the condition/switch
determines whether a force will be applied or not (and, respectively, takes on the value of 1
or 0), but the state does not stipulate how much force will be applied in the on state. The
parameter/dial determines the magnitude of the force when the state equals 1.
The electoral conditions are formalized as follows.
S ¼ 0. Platforms of both candidates in each district are the same as their district
S ¼ 1. Candidates’ platforms are separated by 2 and have their district median as
a midpoint.
The term represents the deviation between a candidate and his or her district median in
policy units. Since the scale is defined by the number of districts (N) and has no intrinsic
meaning, a normalization is helpful. Because K ¼ (N 1)/2, the range of district ideal
points is N1. So, if we let d ¼ 2/(N 1), then the parameter d . 0 is a measure of the
gap between the two candidates’ platforms as a fraction of the range of district medians in
the nation as a whole.11
Note that the district medians are not random, so this distribution is not a probability distribution, but rather
a convenient way of describing how the N district medians are arrayed on the policy space.
More specifically, these assumptions imply that in district i, the platform L is mi d(N 1)/2 and R is
mi þ d(N 1)/2. For example, for the median district (where mi ¼ 0), d ¼ 1 means that candidates’ platform
locations correspond to the leftmost and rightmost districts’ medians; i.e., candidates in this district locate at K
and K. If d ¼ .5 then candidates in the district with mi ¼ 0 have platforms of K/2 and K/2.
Partisan Bias
3.1.2 Ideology-based partisanship
While platform locations are deterministic and exogenous, which candidate wins in
a district is random. We consider two alternatives. Let x be the district median.
I ¼ 0. In each district, party R wins the election with probability p(x) ¼ 0.5.
I ¼ 1. The probability that party R wins in a district with median x is given by
pðxÞ ¼ 0:5 þ
a 0:5
where a 2 ð:5; 1Þ:
The probability function captures the notion of ideology-based partisanship as follows.
The constant sets the baseline probability that R (and L) wins at ½. The variable x refers to
district median preferences that range from K to K. The fraction preceding x is
a normalized ideology-effect coefficient whose magnitude depends on the parameter, a.
When a is very close to 0.5, each candidate wins with a probability very close to
0.5, regardless of x, i.e., independent of where the district lies on the ideological
spectrum. Substantively, the lower bound of a ¼ 0.5 represents purely spatial/nonpartisan
voting at the individual level and is therefore indistinguishable from the nonpartisan
benchmark, I ¼ 0.
For higher values of a, however, the state I ¼ 1 captures probabilistically a party-ID
effect. Specifically, even when the two candidates adopt the same platform, one will have
an advantage proportional to jxj, the extremity of district preferences relative to the median
of the median district, which equals 0. At the upper limit (a ¼ 1), the leftmost district
(x ¼ K) elects the Party L candidate with certainty, while the rightmost district (x ¼ K)
elects the Party R candidate with certainty.
3.1.3 Tide
T ¼ 0. There is no national tide. The probability that R wins is p(x).
T ¼ 1. The probability that party R wins is p(x) þ s.
To represent a national tide for the R party, we simply add a constant s . 0 to p(x).
Throughout we use a sufficiently small s so that p(x) þ s does not exceed 1 in any
In summary, these parameterizations allow us to represent an electoral environment
as the exogenous conditions in effect (S, I, and T) and their associated parameter values
(d, a, and s). Formally, a simulation can be represented as (d, a, s j N, s), where N is
the number of districts, s is the number of runs or iterations, and everything else is defined
as above.
3.2 Endogenous variables
The endogenous variables of chief interest in each case are the policy outcomes M
and P that correspond to features of the legislative environment (nonpartisan or partisan,
respectively). The values of the endogenous variables are determined in the following
Notice that when a ¼ 0.5, p(x) ¼ 0.5 for all x. In this case we are effectively in state I ¼ 0. Adding tide s in this
state raises the flat probability line by s, just as adding s in state I ¼ 1 raises a sloped probability line by s.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
1. Set parameter values (d, a, s j N, s).
2. Set a value for S, I, and T.
a. Election phase. For the given electoral environment, the outcome of the election in
each district is determined by comparing a draw from a uniform distribution on
[0, 1] with the probability rule defined by I and T. Party R wins if the draw is
below the threshold specified by the probability rule; otherwise L wins. This
is repeated with independent draws in each of the N districts. The set of winners is
composed of N party–ideal point pairs who will hold seats in the legislature.
b. Government phase. M (the legislative median) and P (the majority party median)
are calculated and recorded as the outcomes under the nonpartisan and partisan
models, respectively.
3. Repeat steps a and b a large number of times (s in all) to generate distributions of M
and P for the given electoral environment.13
4. Perform steps 2 and 3 for each of the eight possible settings of S, I, and T.
5. Repeat 1–4 with different parameter values.
With sufficient data from simulated election and governmental stages, we recover the
approximate distributions of the outcome variables, M and P.14 One intuitive way to think
about the distributions of M and P relates to forecasting problems. For a fixed profile of
exogenous parameters and variables (d, a, s, S, I, T), the distributions represent our beliefs
over the values of M and P if we think the election is characterized by the values (d, a, s, S,
I, T) . The average of the distribution on M (or P) is our expectation of the policy under the
weak (or strong) theory of parties in government if elections are characterized by the
specific values (d, a, s, S, I, T). These distributions are not deterministic because we still
face uncertainty about how districts will vote even though we believe that (d, a, s, S, I, T)
characterize their behavior.
We are especially interested in identifying conditions under which M or P deviate
significantly from zero—the benchmark. To capture this tendency, we will look at the
means, mean absolute deviations about zero (MAD), and variances of M and P. Means and
MAD (or, alternatively, variances) provide different ways of looking at partisan bias.
Means have a straightforward interpretation of policy bias or non-centrism in our
expectations about legislative outputs. Mean absolute deviations and variances can be
interpreted as measures of how much uncertainty there is about the legislative output.
When M or P has a high MAD (or variance), the range of possible legislative outputs for
a given election-legislative pair is large. Thus, high MAD (or variance) means that the
random aspects of district-level voting propagate into a high degree of uncertainty about
the likely legislative outputs.15
Experience suggests that results are rarely more than negligibly different between sample sizes of 1000 and
5000. We chose an excessively large s of 10,000.
More precisely, since the individual iterations are independent, the strong law of large numbers implies that as
the number of iterations tends to infinity the sample average and variance converge almost surely to the first and
second moments of the underlying distributions.
If one wanted to give the model a dynamic interpretation, mean and MAD might be construed as measures of
long-term averages and policy volatility. We are reluctant to provide this dynamic interpretation; among other
things, this would require a specification of a status quo policy and a description of the process of change over
time. We return to this point briefly at the end of Section 7.
Partisan Bias
3.3 Calibration
Since we are interested in numerical solutions to our model, it is useful to specify
empirically plausible values of the parameters d, a, and s. When consulting data and
calibrating simulation settings, we are inclined to err on the high-partisanship side in order
to be sure to uncover partisan effects if and when they are present.
Choosing appropriate values for d is not straightforward for at least two reasons. Most
common measures of legislator preferences are derived from roll call voting, which reflects
behavior late in the legislative process, when legislators may be subject to influences
beyond the general electoral connection. Furthermore, such estimates are usually available
only for winning candidates. Fortunately, recent research addresses these limitations in
part. Ansolabehere et al. (2001) develop a measure of winning and losing candidate
positions using data from the National Political Awareness Test Web site. Among other
things, they estimate that on average the divergence between candidates is about 0.47 on
a 0–1 scale. Ansolabehere et al. (2003) control for several other factors that affect
candidate behavior in the legislative process and find that on a 0–100 scale of Chamber of
Commerce scores, a party change has an effect of 30 points, thus implying a d of
approximately .3. We choose a value of the parameter somewhat greater than these
estimates (0.5), because there is reason to believe that these estimates are biased downward
for present purposes.16
To get an empirically plausible value of a, we estimated a probit model for the elections
of the 105th and 106th Congresses. The model predicts the probability of a district electing
a Republican as a function of NOMINATE scores, which can be interpreted as rough
approximations of district preferences. In each case the t statistic on the coefficient for the
Republican dummy variable was greater than 10 and the magnitude of the effect was large.
In the election of the 105th Congress, for example, the 25th-percentile conservative district
elects a Republican with probability .2, while a 75th-percentile district elects a Republican
with probability .8.
While this finding argues for a high value of a, we should note some caveats. First, the
scale and distribution of NOMINATEs are different from those of our x, so the 25th and
75th percentiles of the ratings do not necessarily correspond to the 25th and 75th percentile
of our district median voters. Second, probits are nonlinear while our p(x) is linear. Third,
to the extent that the effect is real, the probit estimates are also inflated because with high
likelihood the 25th percentile district’s winning candidate is more liberal than her district
median voter, while the 75th percentile districts winning candidate is more conservative
than his district median voter. In light of these problems it seems prudent to interpret the
probit estimates as confirming that ideology-based partisanship exists while conceding that
there is no straightforward method for estimating how much of it exists. We therefore
choose a value that is unavoidably subjective but probably somewhat high. Specifically,
we will set a ¼ 0.9.
To calibrate the setting of s, we find the portion of variation in national Republican
congressional vote percentages not explained by variation in the composition of the
The endpoints of the spectrum in Ansolabehere et al. (2003) are the most liberal and most conservative
members in Congress, whereas our parameter is normalized by the most liberal and conservative district
medians. To the extent that ideology-based partisanship (see below) is characteristic of the electoral
environment, the latter denominator is likely to be smaller than the former. Another rough approximation for d
might be obtained by considering the distance between the average Republican and Democrat preference
measures (e.g., NOMINATE scores) when turnover occurs. This estimate would be based on fewer observations
and might be biased due to the correlation between turnover and out-of-touch incumbents and/or challengers
who are more willing to converge.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
electorate. The proportion of votes going to Republican congressional candidates serves as
an aggregation of district-level voting behavior.17 We treat the National Election Study’s
seven-point scale of party identification as a measure of the ideological leanings of
voters.18 The calibration exercise involves two steps. First, for the years 1952–2000 we
regress the national proportion of congressional votes for the Republican candidates on the
percent of the population that considers itself Republican (strong and weak identifiers) and
the percent that considers itself Democrat (strong and weak identifiers).19 The predicted
Republican proportions from this estimation are then used to generate residuals. For
a given year the residual represents the portion of national voting behavior that is not
explained by the partisan dispositions of the voters. For this period the maximal residual
has a magnitude of 0.044 and seven of the twenty-five years have residuals with magnitude
greater than 0.030. From this we infer that in some elections the national percentage of
votes to the Republicans can vary from a prediction based just on the longer-term
tendencies of voters by s ¼ 0.04. We interpret this to mean that the idiosyncratic part of
national election behavior can be as high as four percentage points.
The calibration approach demonstrates the interpretation of s. Here, we think of p(x) as
measured by a linear function of voter propensities. While we do not use district-level data,
the difference between aggregate level voting and the best linear aggregate predictor will
be s under the assumption that each district has the same s (which is the assumption in
the model). While our use of the N.E.S. seven-point scale as a measure of aggregate
preferences is surely imprecise, it is clear which way this calibration of s is likely to err.
Since a better model will result in smaller residuals, we are presenting an overestimate of
the idiosyncratic aspect of national elections and thus s ¼ 0.04 is likely to be an
overstatement. The interpretation of the error as party tide when the independent variable
is party identification is not unreasonable for two reasons. First, the party identification
question of N.E.S is often interpreted as a measure of ideology; second, we interpret tide as
capturing aspects of aggregate voting behavior that are not explained by stable aspects of
behavior (like the distribution of policy preferences or stable partisan identifications).
4 Results
Our summary of the results progresses through the eight possible states of the electoral
environment, from the benchmark model with no party-in-election effects (S ¼ I ¼ T ¼ 0)
through a model in which all three conditions hold (S ¼ I ¼ T ¼ 1). For each of eight
electoral environments, we present summary statistics of the simulated distribution
outcomes. The main question is: Which combinations of partisan electoral conditions, and
strong- or weak-party governmental conditions, cause significant deviations in the policy
outcome from the nonpartisan benchmark of 0? Before interpreting the findings, the issue
of what constitutes a significant deviation requires a brief discussion. Because our
estimates of moments are based on a large number of simulations, the estimates are
approximately equal to the moments of the underlying distribution. Classical hypothesis
testing is inappropriate under these conditions, because the observed variation in a variable
(say M) represents randomness from the stochastic model—not sampling error. On the
other hand, the strong form of this reasoning—that any difference is therefore a real or
Data on the national vote shares for Democrat and Republican candidates for the U.S. Congress are presented in
Table 2 on pp. 47–48 in Mann et al. (2001).
The data are from the N.E.S. Web page, http://www.umich.edu/;nes/nesguide/toptable/tab2a_1.htm. The
relevant question is VCF0301 in the NES Cumulative Data File.
The estimated model is %Repvote/(%Repvote þ %Demvote) ¼ 0.427 þ 0.006RepID - 0.001DemID þ s.
Partisan Bias
Table 2 Outcomes under all electoral environments*
Weak parties
in government,
chamber median, M
Strong parties in
government, majority
party median, P
419.9 20.1
74.7 19.3
2.0 11905.3 109.0
99.0 2119.1 109.1
0.6 16686.8 129.1
117.1 2752.3 128.3
R seat R in
share majority
District median
*a ¼ 0.9, d ¼ 0.5, s ¼ 0.04, s ¼ 10,000 per row, n ¼ 435.
**Proportion of district median voters who prefer the benchmark (0) to the outcome.
significant difference—is not fully defensible either. With a finite number of simulations,
limited precision, and rounding error, small differences are inevitable and must be treated
as insignificant. Our subjective response, accordingly, is to designate as small differences
those that are small relative to the more tangible features of the model, such as the range of
district medians, or some fraction of the ideological space occupied by legislators.
Table 2 reports the results for all eight combinations of electoral conditions using the
parameter settings (d, a, s j N, s) ¼ (.5, .9, .04 j 435, 10000). These values of d, a, and s
are sufficiently large to demonstrate the effect of their respective conditions.
4.1 Weak parties in government
The main findings from Table 2 are summarized in the form of two propositions: one for
each form of parties in government. The first proposition identifies necessary and sufficient
electoral conditions for partisan bias given weak parties in government.
Proposition 1. Partisan bias with weak parties in government. The expected value of
the legislative median, M, is not distinct from zero unless the election involves separation
and tide (S ¼ T ¼ 1). For large enough values of d and s, conditions S ¼ 1 and T ¼ 1 are
sufficient for bias in M.
Recall that in the weak parties model, bias in M and partisan bias in outcomes
are equivalent. The analytic basis for the proposition is that the expected value of the
legislative median, M, is zero and thus unbiased whenever S ¼ 0 or T ¼ 0 (rows 15 and
7). However, when both conditions S ¼ 1 and T ¼ 1 are in effect and their respective
parameters d and s are sufficiently large, outcomes at the legislative median are biased
even in the absence of party strength in government (rows 6 and 8).20 What remains to be
explained is that neither condition alone is sufficient to generate bias.
The structure of the proposition reveals the nature of inference in the simulation exercise. It is possible to
establish through logic that S ¼ 1 and T ¼ 1 are necessary for a bias in M. However, establishing that
a noticeable bias results under these conditions requires specifying particular values of the parameters.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
Consider first the case of divergent platforms (S ¼ 1) but no electoral tide (T ¼ 0). If the
legislature has weak parties and thus policy outcomes lie at the legislative median,
a necessary condition for partisan bias is that elections, on average, generate a distribution
of ideal points whose median is greater than or less than 0. When candidates’ platforms
diverge, the electorally induced legislative median exhibits greater variability than when
platforms converge (compare MAD in row 1 with MAD in row 5). This volatility,
however, does not indicate bias (compare M in the same rows). Platform divergence,
therefore, is not sufficient for partisan-biased outcomes.
Next consider the reverse case: an electoral tide (T ¼ 1) without platform divergence
(S ¼ 0). Without separation of Party L and Party R candidates in districts, the stochastic
component in the election has no bearing on the preferences of the elected representatives
(see rows 2 and 4). Therefore, it is known a priori that the composition of the government
will perfectly replicate the set of district medians. This ensures that the median winning
candidate will come from, and will replicate, the benchmark median voter of the median
district. Along with weak parties in government, we will be certain to have an unbiased
outcome. The presence of an electoral tide, therefore, is not independently sufficient for
policy bias.
With both the separation and tide conditions in effect, things are different. Because of
tide, the majority of legislators tend to be from Party R. Because of candidate platform
separation, Party R’s winning platforms are different from Party L’s, as well as being
different from the district medians. Furthermore Party R’s winning candidates have
induced preferences to the right of the medians in their districts. So, when the parameters d
and s are large enough, the result is partisan policy bias (compare mean values of M in
rows 1 and 6).
Strong parties in government
The next proposition identifies electoral conditions for partisan bias with strong parties in
Proposition 2. Partisan bias with strong parties in government. The expected value of
the majority party median, P, is not distinct from 0 unless the election involves tide
(T ¼ 1) and at least one of the following: separation (S ¼ 1) or ideology-based
partisanship (I ¼ 1). For large enough values of s and fd or ag, conditions T ¼ 1 and
(S ¼ 1 or I ¼ 1) are sufficient for bias in P.
It is not surprising that an electoral tide is necessary for systematic bias in policy,
because without this source of asymmetry, P will be equal to 0 on average. The question is
whether any additional condition or conditions provide sufficiency. As in Proposition 1,
candidate platform separation coupled with a tide is sufficient. Because most legislators are
members of Party R (as happens, in expectation, proportional to the tide, s) and all Party R
legislators are to the right of their district medians (as happens, with certainty, in the case
of separation, d . 0), the majority party median will also be to the right of the median of
district medians. The consequence is partisan bias.
The more surprising result is that tides and ideology-based voting generate policy bias
even without platform separation. The essence of condition I ¼ 1 is that the farther to the
right a district is, the more likely it is that the district elects the candidate from Party R;
conversely, the farther to the left a district is, the greater the probability that Party L’s
candidate is elected. It follows that, on average, the Party R median in the legislature will be
Partisan Bias
positive and the Party L median will be negative. Given a symmetric distribution of districts,
in the absence of electoral tide, Party R and Party L are equally likely to be in the majority; so
the mean P over a large number of simulations will be (close to) zero. With tide, however,
Party R is more likely to be in the majority than Party L (compare rows 3 and 4 of column 8
or 9 in Table 2). Therefore, ideology-based partisanship (without candidate separation) and
national tide result in a higher likelihood of a right-of-center majority party median (party R)
than of a left-of-center majority party median. The mean value of P, therefore, is positive
(row 4). Add to these electoral conditions a cohesive majority party in government and the
resulting policy exhibits partisan bias, quantified by P.
One might wonder whether the electoral environment described in row 4 of Table 2 would
be theoretically plausible in a world in which candidate locations are strategic. That is, could
platform convergence (S ¼ 0) be an equilibrium in a district where one party’s candidate had
an electoral advantage of the type captured by the conditions I ¼ 1 and T ¼ 1? The answer is
yes. Wittman (1983) considers just such a case: where candidates are office-motivated, and
the electorate is biased in favor of one candidate, in the sense that one candidate has ‘‘a greater
than 50 percent chance of winning the election even if both candidates took identical
positions’’ (Wittman 1983, p. 146). Proposition 3a of Wittman (1983) shows that this type of
bias has no effect on the equilibrium candidate location for candidates who wish only to
maximize the probability of winning. Wittman focuses on best responses of one candidate
when the other candidate’s position is held fixed. His result that the bias in favor of one
candidate does not affect best responses implies that in equilibrium candidate policies
converge. Therefore platform convergence is an equilibrium in such a model.
Accordingly, if, when I ¼ 1 and T ¼ 1, voters in leftist districts resolve ties in favor of
the left candidate with higher likelihood than voters in rightist districts, then Wittman
(1983) predicts candidate convergence (S ¼ 0) in each district.
Propositions 1 and 2 together combine parties in the electorate with parties in government in roughly parallel fashion. Partisan tide (in the electorate) is a necessary condition
for partisan bias. A strong majority party in government amplifies partisan bias. Although
it is not a primary focus here, the micro-behavioral foundations of these two ingredients for
partisan bias are similar. Each factor represents individual-level behavior in which partisan
affiliation, not just policy preference, affects individuals’ utilities. While conventional
formal models of electoral behavior rarely employ such utility functions, survey research
has long found this kind of behavior to be common among American voters. Our
framework amplifies its well-substantiated importance in the electoral arena by revealing
analytically its necessity for partisan bias in governmental policy outcomes.
4.3 Single-condition effects
No electoral condition by itself—not even strong parties in government—is sufficient to
produce systematic partisan bias in legislative outcomes. Tide alone results in a legislature
that tends to be dominated by R representatives, but there is no corresponding bias in
policy outcomes unless candidates separate in the electoral arena. Separation alone results
in more volatility of legislative outcomes (considerably more under strong parties), but,
without a partisan tide, the distribution of legislative outcomes will be centered at the
benchmark of 0 under both party-in-government models. Ideology-based partisanship
alone results in legislative parties that are quite heterogeneous, but, again, without an
electoral tide, Parties R and L win a majority with equal probability, and policies
symmetrically bounce back and forth centered on the unbiased baseline median of district
medians. Finally, strong parties in government alone do not generate biased outcomes,
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
Fig. 1 Deviations from electoral median as functions of d and s. (a ¼ .5)
because induced preferences of the respective parties without partisanship in the electorate
are indistinguishable, i.e., P ¼ M ¼ 0 on average.
Interaction effects
Insofar as no single electoral condition is sufficient for producing policy bias, interactions
among partisan conditions are crucial to understanding partisan bias. To illustrate further
the interaction effects of conditions on policy consequences, we present in greater detail
the case of separation and national tide without ideology-based partisanship (row 6 of
Table 2). Figure 1 depicts the average chamber median and average party median as
a function of s (tide) and d (separation). Propositions 1 and 2 reveal that bias in M and P is
possible in this specification. The figure demonstrates how responsive the policy bias is to
parameter settings. Two properties are illustrated. First, the bias in M under weak parties in
government is always less than that in P under strong parties in government. Second, both
biases are increasing in the partisan electoral conditions as parameterized by s and d.21
Another illustration is the case of national tide and ideology-based partisanship without
platform separation (row 4 of table 2). Figure 2 shows the plot of the bias in the majority
party median as a function of the parameters s and a for this case. Again, partisan bias is
increasing in both partisan parameters.
Because M ¼ 0 on average under these conditions, its surface is not shown but would
be the floor of the figure. Note also that the scaling on the vertical axes is much different
across the figures. Roughly speaking, for the same amount of tide, candidate separation has
a greater partisan-bias effect than does ideology-based partisanship.
5 Magnitude of the effects
While the model clarifies some interaction effects between partisan electoral conditions
and partisan bias in governmental policy, an important question remains. How big are
For high (left) values of d, P appears to decrease in s (coming forward), but this is an illusion due to the angle
from which the surface map is viewed.
Partisan Bias
Fig. 2 Deviations from electoral median as functions of a and s. (d ¼ 0)
these effects? Inspection of Table 2 and Figures 1 and 2 provides some insight. With weak
parties, the bias in policy, whether measured as the mean of M or its mean absolute
deviation from zero, is relatively small for reasonable ranges of the parameters. For
example, in Table 2, the maximum bias occurs under the conditions of row 8 when all
partisan conditions hold (S ¼ I ¼ T ¼ 1). The magnitude of the bias in this case is around
26. To put this in perspective, the range of district medians in these simulations is the
interval [217, 217]. So a bias of 26 represents approximately 6 percent of the range of
district medians. From Figure 1, we see that one needs to have quite a lot of platform
separation (d around .7) and a strong national tide (s around .1) before the bias in M
approaches 10 percent of the range of district medians.
Another way to look at the magnitude question is to get a measure of the size of the
group that bears a policy-preference-related loss due to failure of policy to be located at the
benchmark of 0. More specifically, what fraction of district medians would prefer the
benchmark outcome of 0 to the expected outcome from the legislature? Based on the same
simulations we have reported, columns 10 and 11 in Table 2 answer this question for weak
and strong parties in government, respectively. If M is biased (rows 5 through 8), the
dissatisfied majority is between 52 and 57 percent of district medians. The finding is
different under strong parties. The bias in P reaches 99 units (Table 2 rows 6 and 8), which
translates into 76 to 80 percent of district medians who would prefer the benchmark
(column 11). The requirements for bias this extreme are stringent, however. At least two of
the three electoral conditions must hold and the majority party in government must be
perfectly disciplined.22
Other governmental institutional features also embody biases whose quantification may add perspective to these
calculations. For instance, consider the U.S. presidential veto with 2/3 override interpreted through the lens of
pivotal politics (Krehbiel 1998). In the presence of a credible presidential veto threat, the equilibrium bill elicits
a vote of 67–33, which implies that a cutpoint lies at the veto pivot’s ideal point. The bill passes and the
corresponding bias measure comparable to the analysis above is 67 percent.
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
6 Robustness
The analysis moves beyond existing work by combining various conceptions of partisan
influence in elections and legislatures in a single model. Typically (with some exceptions,
as we have noted), elections and legislatures are studied separately. But to highlight the
logic and simplify the exposition, we have made several strong assumptions. For example,
we assume that the distribution of district medians is bell-shaped (and thus symmetric and
unimodal). Appendix A discusses the construction of a model in which the districts are
polarized—most districts have extreme preferences. Appendix B presents the findings
from this exercise. The conclusion is that the qualitative findings we have discussed hold
in this case also. Appendix B also discusses the extent to which symmetry affects the
central conclusions of the article.
We use simulations because analysis of this model with a large (but finite) number of
districts is cumbersome (if not intractable). Using computers to generate many realizations
of the random variables M and P allows us to approximate these variables’ distributions
under a wide range of parameterizations. An alternative, analytical rather than computational, approach is to assume that there is a continuum of districts (see Appendix C).
Assuming that the district preferences are uniformly distributed on the policy space allows
us to derive closed form expressions for M and P. The comparative statics of this analytical
model match those in the body of the paper.23
7 Discussion
Partisan bias is not necessarily an undesirable characteristic of governmental policy.
Indeed, a substantial body of literature argues or seems to presume that it ought to be
a core feature of democratic politics (e.g., APSA 1950; Stokes and Miller 1962). Partisan
bias is not necessarily a desirable feature either, if policy stability and centrism in policy
are valued. Important as these normative issues are, we have deferred any serious attempt
to resolve them in favor of a positive objective that seems prerequisite: to better understand
the relationships between a comprehensive set of partisan conditions and their potential
policy consequences.
Another way to think about our study is as an attempt to answer the question: What
difference does it make which of two leading models of parties in government is correct?
More precisely, once we recognize that the composition of a legislature is the result of
partisan electoral forces, how much does it matter whether legislative outcomes
correspond to legislative medians versus majority party medians? We analyzed two
connected aspects of partisan politics: candidate choice in the electoral arena and policy
choice in the governmental arena. Our study is not unique in making this connection, but
its purpose and method have several unique properties. While previous studies have tended
to focus on a specific weak link of the chain beginning with citizens in a democratic polity
and ending with governmental policy,24 we sought to model a longer chain: starting with
individual and district-level voter preferences, moving through candidate competition,
With a continuum of districts, M and P are nonrandom. This is a consequence of the fact that, with enough
districts electing R with probability p(x), the percent of candidates from districts with median x will be
arbitrarily close to p(x). In the continuum model, the randomness therefore disappears.
Countless studies on representation exist, of course, but the benchmark is how the preferences and/or behavior
of the elected individual—not the collective choice in government—comport with the preferences of voters.
Some studies are more comprehensive, such as Stokes and Miller (1962), but focus much more on the existence
of a weak link (e.g., voters’ information about candidates and policies) than on the policy consequences of the
weak link.
Partisan Bias
individual voting, national electoral tides, district-level electoral outcomes, individual
legislators’ induced preferences, collective choice processes in government, and finally
policy outcomes as they relate to voter preferences. We find, generally, that partisan bias
can occur via strong parties but that it does not happen easily as an analytic matter,
particularly if parties in government are not cohesive.
The analysis also lends itself to a relatively precise claim that deserves further empirical
scrutiny. To the degree that most empirical studies of the U.S. Congress find that party
cohesion in the legislature is not a given,25 widespread partisan bias in outcomes requires
not only:
(1) regular and large partisan tides in congressional elections,
but also
(2) at least one of the following:
a. high levels of candidate separation in district (or state) elections
b. high levels of ideology-based party-ID voting.
Of these conditions, current research seems most compelling on existence and magnitude
of candidate separation (condition 2a). The growing percentage of independents in the
electorate has eroded the force of ideology-based partisan voting (2b), but party ID still
accounts for too much variation in voter choices to ignore. Finally, partisan tides
(condition 1) come in and go out. Even at high tide, however, partisan policy bias of
a modest sort (as measured, e.g., by the dissatisfied-majority criterion) requires the
presence of another partisan electoral condition.
Overall, for reasons that span elections and government, the findings suggest that the
magnitude of partisan bias in policy is not great. First, notwithstanding the multiple
polarizing sources of partisanship in the electorate, electoral institutions tend not to skew
the composition of the legislature substantially. Second, even our intentionally strong
version of strong parties in government—disciplined imposition of the majority party
median akin to Scattschneider’s responsible party government—fails to produce a large
degree of partisan bias in policy. Had we opted for the currently more popular but
considerably weaker notion of party government via obstructive agenda setting (Cox and
McCubbins 2004), the degree of partisan bias would have been smaller still.
To the extent that subjectivity weighs into such speculation, these interpretations call
for empirical work to derive more refined estimates of partisan parameters and for
additional modeling to pursue dynamic approaches with more institutional details. For
example, the framework is easy to adapt to study the pivotal politics model. Some basic
dynamics can also be fairly readily accommodated. Further theoretical development would
recognize that the behavior of parties in elections may be strategically linked to
expectations about what happens in the legislature. More specifically, party resource
allocation strategies across districts may well depend on whether parties hold a weak-party
or a strong-party model of the legislature. In the former case, parties with divergent policy
preferences would adopt electoral strategies that pull the expected legislative median in the
preferred direction. In the latter case, each party would have incentives to adopt electoral
strategies that affect the expected majority-party median. These and other, more
strategically based models are on our ongoing research agenda.
Indeed, one recent theoretical account of congressional politics by the most ardent advocates of the strongparties-in-government assumes that parties in government are not cohesive. See Cox and McCubbins (2002).
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
Meanwhile, the contribution of this first pass at the problem with our approach is that it
may sharpen the attention of future research on the set(s) of factors likely to reduce present
uncertainties about parties in the electorate, parties in government, and partisan bias in
Appendix A: Calculation of District Medians
Bell-shaped distribution
We construct a vector z with its ith element given by zi ¼ i/(N þ 1), i ¼ 1, . . . , N. Then we
define the vector w such that wi ¼ 1(zi), where () is the standard normal cdf. From
the construction of z and the symmetry of 1, if zi ¼ 1 zj, then wi ¼ wj. In particular,
w1 ¼ wN.
Next we define the vector m such that mi ¼ (N 1)wi/(wN w1) ¼ (N 1)wi/2wN. This
gives m1 ¼ (N 1)/2 and mN ¼ (N 1)/2, and the elements of the vector m provide the
desired bell-shaped distribution of district medians on the interval [(N 1)/2, (N 1)/2].
Compared to a uniform distribution on the same interval, the elements of m are sparser in
the tails and more bunched up around 0.
Polarized distribution
Starting with the vector m, we transform its elements so that we obtain a new vector m9
whose elements lie on the interval [(N 1)/2, (N 1)/2] but are denser near the ends of
the interval and relatively sparse around 0. Specifically, to construct the vector m9, we take
the (N – 1)/2 largest elements of m, and rescale these to form new values mi9 ¼ mL þ mN
mi, where L ¼ (N þ 3)/2 and i ¼ L, . . . , N. We do the same for the (N 1)/2 smallest
values to get mi9 ¼ m1 þ mL9 mi, where L9 ¼ (N 1)/2 and i ¼ 1, . . . ,L9. For i ¼ (N þ
1)/2, mi9 ¼ mi.
Appendix B: Robustness of the Effects
First we consider a distribution of district medians that is polarized rather than bell-shaped,
keeping the assumption that the distribution is symmetric around zero. This extreme
heterogeneity of voter preferences across districts may be due to various activities of
parties in elections. For example, state-level parties may play roles—inadvertent or
intentional—in shaping district heterogeneity in redistricting cycles. For instance, some
have suggested that districts have become more bimodal, with clusters on ideological
extremes, because of the tendency to gerrymander safe seats for relatively ideological
incumbents. To the extent that this is so, one can think of preference polarization as
a party-related condition of the electoral environment, along with the three conditions of
our model. For economy of exposition, we will refer to condition H ¼ 0 as corresponding
to our earlier assumption of a relatively low heterogeneity across districts, and H ¼ 1 as
corresponding to relatively high heterogeneity.
Table B1 presents our simulations using the polarized distribution of district medians.
Other parameters are as in Table 2. The effects are subtle. Comparing columns 2–4 of the
two tables reveals that heterogeneity dampens the bias in M that occurs in the presence of
candidate separation and national tide. This result is due to the effect that heterogeneity has
on the distribution of candidate locations relative to the overall median of district medians.
Partisan Bias
Table B1 Outcomes with heterogeneous district preferences*
Weak parties
in government,
median, M
Strong parties
in government,
majority party
median, P
MAD Mean
share majority
0.7 3070.2 48.8
-0.5 2915.7 47.4
0.2 23297.6 152.6
146.1 1526.6 151.2
1.8 14898.6 108.9
99.3 5112.6 109.7
5.9 68397.2 261.6
251.5 4439.9 260.2
*a ¼ 0.9, d ¼ 0.5, s ¼ 0.04, s ¼ 10,000 per row, n ¼ 435.
**Proportion of district median voters who prefer the benchmark (0) to the outcome.
With H ¼ 1 most districts are relatively extreme and with H ¼ 0 most districts are
relatively centrist. Even when candidate platforms are separated (S ¼ 1), extreme districts
tend to have L and R candidates that are both on the same side of 0, the median of the
district medians. With platform separation, moderate districts have candidates that straddle
0. When many districts have candidates on opposite sides of 0, electoral tide has a greater
effect on the legislative median than when only a few districts have such pairs of
candidates. In general, the overall legislative median is more sensitive to changes in the
electoral outcome of moderate districts than of more extreme districts. So separation and
tide have a more pronounced effect on M when H ¼ 0 than when H ¼ 1.
As to the majority-party median, heterogeneity amplifies the impact of separation and
tide. With separation, Party R legislators will tend to have induced preferences that are
more rightist than those of Party L legislators. With H ¼ 1, the median legislator of the
majority party will be from a district farther from zero, ceteris paribus, than when H ¼ 0.
So increased polarization of the electorate sharpens the divergence between the legislative
outcome under weak parties versus under strong parties. At the same time, this divergence
is in a sense less consequential under H ¼ 1 than when H ¼ 0. For example, in row 8 of
Table B1, the mean of P is over 250, which is a bias of almost 60% relative to the range of
district medians. Yet, as shown in columns 10 and 11, because so many districts have
voters with relatively extreme preferences, the proportion of ‘‘dissatisfied medians’’ is only
63% (compared to the 80% who are dissatisfied with P in this electoral environment when
H ¼ 0).
We have purposely built considerable symmetry into our model. Except for allowing for
the possibility of national tide, we have made the parties symmetric and we have used
symmetric distributions of district preferences. In large part this assumption is defensible
as we do not want asymmetries to drive our results about policy bias. It is nonetheless
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
worth speculating about possible effects of some types of asymmetry. One natural
extension of the separation condition would be to allow the platforms of candidates in
a district not to be equidistant from the district median.26 Our intuition about the median
statistic (informed by Proposition 1 and our discussion of the bias in M under
heterogeneity) is that the effect of this type of asymmetry is greater when it occurs in
moderate districts than in extreme districts. For example, suppose we ranked 435 districts
by their medians, with district 1 being the leftmost district and district 435 the rightmost.
Suppose also that the 75th quartile district L candidate’s platform is to the right of the
median of district medians (i.e., the Party L candidate in district 326 has a positive
platform). In this case if only the rightmost quartile of districts (those with index greater
than 326) experience asymmetry in candidate divergence (i.e., for the upper quartile of
district medians the Party R candidate is farther from the district median than the
Party L candidate), there will be no change to the distribution of legislative medians
relative to the case without this additional asymmetry. The outcome of extreme elections is
inconsequential to the location of the legislative median M. In contrast, this type of
asymmetry will have a noticeable effect on the distribution of the majority party median.
Alternatively, if only the 3rd quartile of districts (from district 217 to district 325)
experienced the asymmetry in candidate platforms, then the legislative median will be
affected. The outcome of these elections affects the location of the legislative median.
While these extensions touch only the tip of the iceberg, in terms of relaxing simplifying
assumptions, they demonstrate how one can incorporate richer assumptions than in our
first pass.
Appendix C: An Analytic Model
In the material that follows, we present and analyze a model that is quite similar to the
simulation model presented in the main body. The key difference is that here we consider
a continuum of different districts. This smoothing and the assumption that district medians
are uniformly distributed allows closed-form solutions. A less fundamental distinction is
that instead of treating the distribution of district medians as bell-shaped, here we assume
that the distribution of districts (by district medians) is uniform. A final distinction is that
we parameterize the linear function p(x) in a slightly different manner.
We consider a large number of districts with district medians on [0,1]. Let F(x) be
a smooth distribution function on [0,1]. At each point x there are F9(x) ¼ f(x) districts. Let
the probability that a district with median x elects an R candidate be
pðxÞ ¼ a þ bx:
An L candidate is elected with probability 1 p(x). So no tide means a ¼ (1 b)/2. The
policy position or platform of an R candidate from a district with median x is x þ d. We
assume d , ½ For the L candidate the platform is l(x) ¼ x d. The distribution of
legislator preferences is characterized as follows:
For a given point x there are f(x) districts having district median x that each elect
a legislator. The fraction of those districts that elect R legislators with platform x þ d is
Indeed, in a strategic setting, even in one that led to candidate separation, it would not typically be the best
response of a party that is disadvantaged by tide or ideology-based partisanship to locate as far from the district
median as the advantaged party (see, for example, Aragones and Palfrey 2002).
Partisan Bias
a þ bx and the fraction that elect L legislators with platform x d is 1 a bx.
Accordingly, the density of legislative preferences is given by the following function:
gðyÞ ¼ f ðy dÞpðy dÞ þ f ðy þ dÞð1 pðy þ dÞÞ
on [d, 1 þ d].
If the district medians are uniform, f(x) ¼ 1, then the distribution function for legislative
preferences is
GðyÞ ¼
½a þ bðy9 dÞdy9 þ
minf y;1dg
½1 a bðy9 þ dÞdy9:
This expression simplifies to
< ya 12 b a ad ybd þ 12 y2 b þ 12 bd2 þ 1
y þ d 2ad 2ybd
GðyÞ ¼
> y þ d ya ad ybd 12 y2 b 12 bd2
y51 þ d
y 2 ½1 d; 1 þ dÞ
y 2 ½d; 1 dÞ
y 2 ½d; dÞ
The legislative median ym solves
Gðym Þ ¼ :
For a parameterization in which ym2(d, 1 d) this implies that
ym þ d 2ad 2ym bd ¼ :
The solution is
ym ¼
2d 4ad 1
4bd 2
This solution is our continuous version of the expected value of M. The following remarks
lead to the conclusions of Proposition 1.
Remark 1: At a ¼ (1 b)/2 we have ym ¼ 12.
Remark 2: At d ¼ 0 we have ym ¼ 12.
Remark 3: At b ¼ 0 we have ym ¼ 2d4ad1
The majority party median is characterized as follows. The identity of the majority party
is given by
maj ¼
pðxÞf ðxÞdx. 12
0 pðxÞf ðxÞdx, 2
For f(x) uniform, maj ¼ R if a . (1 b)/2. The distribution of Party R legislators is
Keith Krehbiel, Adam Meirowitz and Thomas Romer
RðyÞ ¼
f ðy9 dÞ½a þ bðy9 dÞdy9:
In the uniform case this yields
RðyÞ ¼ ya ad ybd þ y2 b þ bd2 :
The total measure of majority party legislators is just R(1 þ d). This is equivalent to
a þ b/2. Thus, the majority party median yr solves
Rðyr Þ ¼
2a þ b
The equation
2a þ b
ya ad ybd þ y2 b þ bd2 ¼
has two real roots (for b 6¼ 0), but for values of b not too distant from 0 the correct
solution is
yr ¼
2a þ 2bd þ 2 2ab þ 2a2 þ b2 :
This solution is our continuous version of the expected value of P. The following remarks
lead to the conclusions of Proposition 2.
Remark 4: At d ¼ 0 we have yr ¼ 2b
(2a þ 2 2ab þ 2a2 þ b2 ) . ½. This is our
statistical effect.
Remark 5: At b ¼ 0 we have yr ¼ a1(12a þ ad) ¼ 12 þ d.
Remark 6: At b ¼ 0 and d ¼ 0 we have yr ¼ 12.
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