Interdisciplinary Description of Complex Systems 4(2), 136-143, 2006
Josip Stepanić1, * Hrvoje Štefančić2 and Vinko Zlatić2
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture – University of Zagreb
Zagreb, Croatia
Theoretical Physics Division – Ruđer Bošković Institute
Zagreb, Croatia
Category: Conference paper
Received: 15 June, 2006. Accepted: 15 February, 2007.
For an organisation with a Pareto-like distribution of the relevant resources we determine the social
free energy and related social quantities using thermodynamical formalism. Macroscopic dynamics of
the organisation is linked with the changes in the attributed thermodynamical quantities through
changes in resource distribution function. It is argued that quantities of thermodynamical origin form
the optimised set of organisation’s state indicators, which is reliable expression of micro-dynamics.
resource distribution function, Pareto distribution, social free energy
JEL: C15
PACS: 05.70.-a, 89.65.Gh
*Corresponding author, η:
[email protected]; +385 1 6168 180;
FSB, I. Lučića 1, HR – 10000 Zagreb, Croatia.
Social free energy of a Pareto-like resource distribution
Deepening the understanding of diverse human systems, their subsystems and smaller parts,
is essential for a number of reasons, e.g. in order to enable reliable predictions about nearfuture states, improved allocation of scarce resources, improved planning of policies,
increasing possibility for improvement of human living and working conditions, etc. The
listed topics are important for different kinds of human systems, ranging from a family or a
small group of persons to national and international systems. Within such systems there are
institutions, processes and organisations the precise value of which is, in the socioeconomic context, important both for them and for the environment. Here we particularly
consider an organisation, not the whole system that it is a small part of. We assume that the
organisation’s resources are documented, e.g. book-kept. That may be due to internal
procedures, relevant legislature, taking part in stock-markets, the transparency needed for
external funding, etc. A straightforward consequence of documenting is that distribution of
organisation’s resources is known in different times. That enables their diverse statistical
treatments, enlarging thereby the possibility to gain additional insight in resource structure
and dynamics, i.e. to unveil possible, additional pieces of information.
Our aim is to develop a quantity which figures as an indicator of the state of the social system,
and which may be intuitively and clearly determined from documented microscopic quantities.
A particular, interdisciplinary way of interpreting functioning of an organisation is possible
through meta-theoretical description in which two system-oriented branches of theoretical
physics, the thermodynamics and statistical physics, are exploited. That long-lasting approach
has been recently revived by the idea that a part of socio-economic activity is expressible and
measurable by way of social free energy. The social free energy is a measure of resources
which can be transferred for a given purpose within a social system without changing its
structure [1]. Formally, it was recently introduced meta-theoretically as the analogue of the
physical free energy in a number of independent works: as the combination of innovation and
conformity of a collective, profit, common benefit, availability, or free value of the canonical
portfolio (see [1] and references therein). Substantially, it was recognised as a quantity with
intrinsically social interpretation whose meta-theoretical origin enables its quantification and
relation to other quantifiable functions [2]. In particular, that approach was introduced,
developed in more detail, and accompanied by the modelling which in itself serves as a
precursor to further application of the notion of social free energy on realistic cases [3].
In this article we start with the assumed form of a distribution of resources for a general
organisation. In particular we take the distribution as one-parameter, Pareto-like distribution.
Using it, we determine thermodynamical quantities. In that way we develop the notion of
social free energy on the one hand, and contribute to searching for the existence of invariants
in different organisations. While some results strictly depend on the form of the distribution
chosen, others - including the most general ones - are independent of that choice. In
particular, the power tail, the characteristic of Pareto distribution, was encountered in a large
number of diverse systems [4] – ranging from original work on distribution of income, via
distribution of outflows, via distribution of movies’ popularity to distribution of flaws during
quality control [5 – 7]. It is not clear whether in these examples there is some unifying
underlying mechanism for generating Pareto distribution of observed resources, or not [6].
Nevertheless, this uncertainty about microscopic origin does not prevent the development of
macroscopic approach in which underlying mechanisms are suppressed. Before proceeding,
J. Stepanić, H. Štefančić and V. Zlatić
let us mention that the Pareto-like form chosen enables the development of compact
expressions for relevant quantities.
In the second section of the article, we describe the distribution and argue about its adequacy.
In the third section we determine thermodynamical quantities, that we analyse in the fourth
section. Conclusions and projections of future work are given in the fifth section. The
simplified case of the presented model is treated separately in the appendix.
The model distribution function of the resources of a value u is the following function
N (a )
p (u , a ) =
1+ ua
as shown in Fig. 1, with the norm N(a) equal to
sin( π / a )
N (a) =
Fig. 1. Resource distribution function (1) for a = 2,5.
Resources u in (1) are considered to be non-dimensional quantities, which means that they
are measured in units of some referent resource. We assume here that it is a constant during
considered processes, and hence we leave it unspecified.
The distribution (1) requires a > 2. For large enough u, (1) becomes
N (a) ⋅ u − a ,
which is Pareto distribution function with the exponent of the power law distribution equal to
a (and Pareto distribution shape parameter k equal to k = a – 1) [4]. In realistic cases and in
performed simulations for Pareto distribution, values of a range from 1,5 to 3. Generally,
Pareto distribution is valid only in a certain, finite interval of resource values. In cases when it
is used for income or outflows of individuals, or human groups, it includes the inegalitariness
of the system it is attributed to [8]. The inegalitariness lessens for larger values of a. We
consider as the measure of inegalitariness the portion of people whose resources are smaller
than some constant, otherwise unspecified number. Independently of the value of that number,
the portion is smaller for larger a. In addition, both originally and nowadays still prevalently
Pareto distribution is related to income and outflow, i.e. transfer of resources distributions.
Generally, one may argue that for owned, held resources it is not universally applicable. For
Social free energy of a Pareto-like resource distribution
the purpose of simplicity, we consider that Pareto distribution is relevant also in cases of
representing distribution of book-kept resources, at least for certain classes of organisations.
Nevertheless, the formalism described is straightforwardly applicable to other distributions, a
topic that we will address in detail in future.
We describe the region u ≈ 0 using a modified Pareto distribution (1), which denotes realistic,
finite number of zero-value resources. Generally, distributions which in the large resource tail
follow Pareto form, approach a plateau in the low resource part. The particular form of that
plateau, introduced through the constant (taken to be equal to 1 in denominator in (1)) is, thus
a representation of a realistic feature. It is expected that in realistic cases the region of low
resource values will be rather insignificant for interpretations of the all-organisation
characteristics, hence the precise form of the plateau is not crucial for the distribution.
Form (1) is a particular form of a whole family of possible forms representing organisations’
distribution of resources. In that sense, the formalism to follow means more than just
elaboration of facts for a particular choice of resource distribution, as it represents a general
procedure for calculating the aggregated quantities for a general resource distribution function.
For a detailed description of physically-interpreted microeconomic behaviour see [9].
In (1) a reference is an idealised situation of quasi-equilibrium organisation’s operations,
without turmoil in environment and other sources of significant fluctuations. Closely related
to (1) is the resource distribution of an organisation which has just undergone a turmoil and
which is, somewhat generalised, represented as a sudden and drastic change of a portion of
resources in the following way:
N ' ({u}, a )
p (u; {u}, a ) =
θ (u 0 − u )[θ (u < − u ) + θ (u − u > )] ,
1+ ua
where {u} stands for u<, >, 0 (with u< < u> < u0) while N' is a straightforwardly obtained norm.
Expression (4) is nevertheless a somewhat cumbersome expression. In (4) the sudden lack of
resources of a given interval of amounts is assumed. It is reasonable to consider a sudden
enhancement of resources in a finite interval of values by substituting the bracket with
[1 + θ(u – u<) + θ(u> – u)].
The total energy U of the system with resources described by (1) is given with
U (a ) = ∫ up (u , a )du =
2 cos( π / a )
The entropy S(a) is determined using the statistical mechanics formula
S (a ) = − ∫ p (u , a ) ln p (u , a ) ⋅ du ,
− C − Ψ (1 − 1 / a ) ,
sin( π / a )
S (a ) = ln
in which Ψ(⋅) is digamma function, and C = 0,577 is the Euler constant.
Temperature T(a) is determined using
TdS = dU,
that gives
J. Stepanić, H. Štefančić and V. Zlatić
π sin( π / a )
2 cos 2 ( π / a )
T (a) =
ψ ' (1 − 1 / a ) + a − πctg( π / a )
while free energy is obtained using
F (a ) = U (a ) − T (a ) S (a ) .
The closed expression for (10) is omitted here because of its non-tractability. Dependence of
entropy (7) and temperature (9) on a is shown in Figures 2 and 3, respectively, while the
dependence of free energy on a is shown in Figure 4.
(10) may be interpreted from a formal and a substantial viewpoint. Formally, (10) is
applicable in case of a quasi-equilibrium processes, because the expression (8) is
appropriate in quasi-stationary dynamics of organisation’s resources, with relatively small
part of resources transferred in the relevant time unit. Because of that, flow of resources is
relatively small, fluctuation in resource distribution as well, and consequently there is
quasi-equilibrium situation for which (10) is relevant expression. Substantially, (10) means
that individual processes in the organisation, which include resource transfer, are changed
in a time interval which is relatively small compared to the time interval of a
characteristic change in organisation’s
Fig. 2. Entropy as a function of a.
Fig. 3. Temperature as a function of a.
Social free energy of a Pareto-like resource distribution
Fig. 4. Free energy given by (10).
environment. In that case, no matter what the environment state is, the organisation’s
resource distribution function has the assumed form (1). The change in the environment is
thus projected onto the change of the parameter a of the resource distribution function.
Substantially, (12) enables the determination of the quantity of resources which are
extractable from the organisation when its state changes from some initial i¸ to some final f:
∆F = Ff – Fi.
That quantity then gives the resources which are not bound to the organisation’s dynamics
but are exploitable for other purposes, one of which is regularly preventing or lowering the
destructive influence of environment dynamics. Thus F measures the system level of
adaptation. However, adaptation is not separated from other, intrinsically system quantities,
like entropy. The higher level of adaptation brings about lower entropy, the interplay of
which is discussed for general resource distribution elsewhere [1]. If ∆F > 0 in (11), the
system level of adaptation rises, and vice versa. Regarding changes in entropy, if ∆S > 0, the
system is considered to evolve spontaneously.
Energy, entropy (Fig. 2) and temperature (Fig. 3) are lower for larger a, in accordance with
the fact that for larger a, the portion of low-value resources is larger.
For a < 3,187 the social free energy is negative. We do not consider in detail the implications
of F changing the sign, as we further in the section concentrate on the region 1,5 < a < 3.
With rising a the number of important resources of significant value decreases. In other
words, system is more adapted with smaller number of valuable resources if we consider
larger value of F as a sign of better adaptation.
Let us consider possible small fluctuations in distribution of resources, thus in values of a.
Small changes in value of a are less important for the value of F in case of relatively large a. In
that sense, larger a means that fluctuations are suppressed. This is because small fluctuations
mean fluctuations in quantity of low-value resources, which are relatively large in number in
case of a sufficiently large a. In order to preserve the functional form of the distribution function
(1), the value of large-value resources should be somewhat changed, but without crucial changes
in their quantity that would bring about a significant change in a. In cases of a relatively
small value of a, its small fluctuations bring about relatively large change in F, because there
is relatively large portion of large-value resources which can contribute to fluctuations.
J. Stepanić, H. Štefančić and V. Zlatić
Social free energy as a measure of adaptation means that changes in alignment with
environment for relatively small values of a are reachable using intra-system redistribution of
resources. To the contrary, changes in alignment (i.e. better adaptation) for relatively large
values of a are brought about through changes in the number of small-valued resources. Thus,
for large values of a there is structured response to environmental influences, and the
corresponding systems can be considered as having some hierarchy because different
resources function differently in response to environmental influences. Furthermore, this
implies that large-valued resources contribute more to structure (or entropy) and intensity of
dynamics than to free resources, i.e. the more-valued the resource is, the stronger it is bound
to the system. This is valid in case of relatively small environmental influences, which is
considered to be a regular characteristic of environment dynamics.
The process of determining macroscopic quantities from a given microscopic quantity – here
a resource distribution function – is presented. In particular, for a realistic, Pareto-like
resource distribution function, the social free energy is determined in characteristic situations.
For the distribution chosen, the social free energy is constantly negative. Changing its value
closer to zero is related to the model with better adaptation, the possibility of intensely
localised-in-time dynamics and with rising proportion of low-value resources.
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Social free energy of a Pareto-like resource distribution
J. Stepanić, H. Štefančić i V. Zlatić
Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Zavod za teorijsku fiziku, Institut Ruđer Bošković
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Za organizaciju kojoj je raspodjela resursa opisana funkcijom sličnom Paretovom određujemo socijalnu
slobodnu energiju i druge veličine primjenom termodinamičkog formalizma. Makroskopska dinamika
organizacije povezana je s promjenama u pridruženim termodinamičkim veličinama putem promjena u funkciji
raspodjele resursa. Diskutiramo kako veličine termodinamičkog porijekla tvore optimalni skup indikatora stanja
organizacije, kao pouzdani iskaz mikrodinamike.
funkcija raspodjele resursa, Paretova raspodjela, socijalna slobodna energija