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Revista de istorie și teorie literară, 2023
A lost manuscript book. The world geography copied by Sava Popovici from Rășinari (1785): The paper discusses a manuscript book – known in a copy made by the priest Sava Popovici (1735-1808) from Rășinari in the year 1785 –, which was described in 1912 and 1915. Its trace was completely lost afterwards and it attracted attention only once, in a marginal way. Our research has led to the identification of the original – a Russian introductory book for the students of the Saint Petersburg academic gymnasium – and to a plausible proposal for its anonymous author: the Prussian astronomer Christian Nicolaus von Winsheim (1694-1751), who was teaching after the famous schoolbook of Johann Hübner. We are also proposing the most probable author of the translation: the schoolmaster Radu Duma (174?-1791) from Brașov. Its final sections discuss the image of India as described in its chapter on Asia and, respectively, its probable use as a textbook in a number of schools from the South-Eastern part of Transylvania: Brașov, Rășinari, and Sibiu.
En este artículo presentamos el diseño de una actividad con uso de GeoGebra sobre derivadas que es introductoria al teorema de Lagrange para ser utilizada en lo que denominamos práctica educativa abierta con uso de la App GeoGebra. A través de ella pretendemos fomentar el desarrollo de lo que hemos dado en bautizar habilidades matemáticas con uso de la App GeoGebra (HMGG). Mostramos dichas HMGG, su relación con los ítems de la actividad y su grado de desarrollo. Hemos implementado la actividad en seis cursos de Análisis Matemático I de la Universidad Nacional de La Matanza de Argentina durante el año 2019. Luego de la experiencia realizada contamos con evidencia empírica sobre la facilidad de desarrollo de las HMGG con exigencia cognitiva baja y sobre la necesidad de estimular las HMGG de exigencia cognitiva mayor. Esta evidencia nos permite afirmar que la tecnología facilita la visualización de conceptos matemáticos, pero es el docente el que guía, enseña, enfoca en los conceptos i...
Geography and encyclopaedism. Revisiting Gheorghe Lazăr: Between 1810 and 1822, Gheorghe Lazăr (1779/82-1823) composed or compiled four geography textbooks for the use of the Romanian schools of Transylvania and Walachia: a mathematical geography (1810), a geography of Transylvania (1815), an astronomical geography (1820), and a world geography (1822), respectively. The first two were destined for publication in Transylvania, but his superior blocked all attempts. The last two were used in the St. Sava College of Bucharest, and – according to a 1822 manifesto – the world geography was being prepared for publication. Like most of Lazăr’s Nachlass, they have been lost after his death. The present article discusses all the available information about these books and attempts to identify their sources on the basis of contextual data. It also underlines Lazăr’s long lasting interest for the subject matter of geography, which has been neglected by both his biographers and the historiography of geographical studies in Romanian culture. My thesis is that it should be understood as part of Lazăr’s encyclopaedicism, another dimension of his intellectual formation and academic profile which has been neglected. The last section, which places Lazăr in the context of the geographical textbook production during his mature life and the decades following his death, shows that many other manuscript textbooks have met with the same fate: they failed to reach the printing press and – sooner or later – have been lost.
Logistica a avut, incă din cele mai vechi timpuri, un rol fundamental in dezvoltarea globală pentru aproape 5.000 de ani ai umanităţii, in ansamblul ei. De la construirea piramidelor din Egiptul Antic, logistica a făcut progrese remarcabile. De nenumărate ori, soluțiile logistice geniale au format baza pentru trecerea de la o eră istorică la alta. Pentru forțele armate, logistica este un cuvânt relativ nou folosit pentru a descrie o practică foarte veche: furnizarea, circulația și intreținerea forțelor armate atât in timp de pace, cât mai ales in condiții de război. Datorită rolului covârsitor al logisticii, planificatorii militari și comandanţii iau in considerare impactul logisticii asupra pregătirii operaționale. Considerațiile logistice reprezintă unul dintre factorii fundamentali luaţi in calculul planurilor de luptă incă din cele mai incipiente stadii ale confruntărilor armate, fără de care forţele luptătoare pot reprezenta doar insemne și numere pe o hartă. Acest articol este...
Cercetări arheologice, 2022
Acest studiu este dedicat unei categorii speciale de material arheologic, păstrate în colecțiile Muzeului Național de Istorie, terra sigillata de la Feldioara. Analiza a fost realizată pe un lot de 44 de piese ce au fost descoperite în cadrul campaniilor arheologice întreprinse între anii 1987-1990. În urma analizei stilistice (în cazul pieselor cu decor), coroborată cu analiza tipologică și cea a pastelor din care sunt confecționate obiectele am constatat faptul că importurile provin din două mari centre producătoare de terra sigillata: Lezoux și Rheinzabern. Astfel, centrul de la Lezoux reprezintă locul de proveniență a celei mai mari părți din sigilatele descoperite la Feldioara. Atelierele de la Rheinzabern constituie, de asemenea, una dintre sursele principale de terra sigillata de la Feldioara.
Nicola Nicolau: an Intellectual with an Unfair Posterity: This is the first in a series of three articles discussing the life and work of Nicola Nicolau (1762-1837), a Romanian merchant and scholar from the Transylvanian town of Brașov (Kronstadt, in the Habsburg Empire). Its chapters deal with Nicolau’s family and life, the books published by him, the question of their authorship, their sources, their circulation, and, finally, with Nicolau’s teaching activity. While settling, on the basis of primary sources, a number of earlier hypotheses and debates, it proposes some new hypotheses, which should be checked against further primary evidence.
La création de Masters en double diplomation à l’instar du Master Tourisme et Environnement ou du Master Géomatique appliquée entre l’Université fédérale du Nord-Est (République de Sakha, Fédération de Russie), et respectivement les universités de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ) et d’Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), met en exergue la question de l’universalité, du transfert, du partage des connaissances, que des valeurs culturelles dont elles sont à la fois les dépositaires d’un état de la société, que des vecteurs concourant à la transformation de celle-ci. La question de l’universalité des connaissances, des savoirs et des compétences s’opèrent dans le double cadre, d’une part, de l’imposition du modèle universitaire libéral avec de la mise en compétition des formations, de la recherche et d’autre part, de la mondialisation de la production scientifique et des pratiques académiques.
Psihologie, 2019
În acest articol sunt prezentate rezultatele referitoare la nivelurile de manifestare a inteligenței emoționale la cadrele didactice și orientările valorice, sunt determinate relațiile statistice dintre factorii studiați.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Starting from the idea that researchers have extended homonymy to other levels of the language in addition to the lexical one and defined it as an association of identical phonological structures with different meanings, the objective of the current paper is to examine some aspects of grammatical homonymy with reference to the Subject and Object Complements-syntactic functions that represent a highly debatable issue among linguists. We have in view the presence of the Complement in several constructions that can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the part of speech through which it is realized and its flexibility. In such ambiguous structures, the Subject and Object Complements can be frequently analyzed as Attributes, Predicatives or Objects. Moreover, many Romanian constructions with the Subject and Object Complements have very interesting derivative histories, but, at the same time, debatable from a certain perspective: the way they were produced. Subsequently, for clarifying, one can use techniques like articulation or word order change. This proves, once again, the necessity of an integrated approach to Romanian grammar, in order to avoid confusion: although it is still a problem of morpho-syntax, grammatical homonymy must be studied in relation with semantics and phonetics, thus being a typical case of interrelation between the branches of any language.
Textiles, Basketry and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World, Proceedings of the Vth International Symposium on Textiles and Dyes in the Ancient Mediterranean World (Montserrat, 19-22 March, 2014), J. Ortiz, C. Alfaro, L. Turell and M.ª J. Martínez (eds.), Universitat de València 2016
Business and Economic Horizons, 2017
Theory and Practice in Language Studies, 2024
American Journal of Archaeology, 2021
England and Bohemia in the Age of Chaucer, (eds) Peter Brown and Jan Čermák, 2023
Anais Do Congresso Da Associacao Brasileira De Performance Musical, 2014
The Transmedia Vampire: Essays on Technological Convergence and the Undead, 2021
Data & Knowledge Engineering, 2007
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 1999
Value in Health, 1999
International Journal of Surgery & Surgical Procedures, 2018
Nature and Conservation, 2020