many other disciplines such as communications,
programming languages, and in manufacturing of
various computer components. These standards have
permitted different manufactums to develop upon other
manufacturers' products. 'Ihis in turn spawned a surge
in the productivity and competitiveness of the market.
The same type of progress in the simulation technology
can also be accomplished.
The concept of a simulation environment combines
the various different aspects of the simulation
process into one complete powerful tool. The
environment is intended to provide all the necessary state-of-the-art advances and concepts that a
modeller may require during the simulation development and execution process.
The benefits of a standard to the simulation field are
not limited to economic gains. A wider use and
acceptance of simulation can be foreseen in an industry
that is still not convinced of its usefulness. To many
upper level management in large corporations, simulation is avoided as much as possible and the modeller is
sometimes regarded as an "Alchemist" or a dabbler in
the black arts. A standard can add more clout to the
credibility of the simulationpractice. With more use of
simulation, a faster rate of progress in ideas, concepts
and implementations of simulation languages and
environments can be envisioned.
Hence the "environment" requirements must be
suited towards the end user needs, free of obligations to learn a new language. The requirements
must specify the useful features, independent of
different platforms and implementation languages.
The discrete event simulation community has progressed a long way since the last thirty years.
Simulation is being implemented and accepted as
an integral part of the product life cycle in many
industries. The field promises many interesting
development opportunities, however, many believe
that a more standardized approach is necessary if
industry is to fully participate as a partner in the
expansion of the area. In this paper we intend to
spur some discussion in the simulation community
by laying down some issues involved in standardization. These issues are also the focus of the
I.E.E.E. P1173 working group on simulation
(sponsored by the I.E.E.E. Technical Committee on
There may also be some negative side effects of
standardization. A potential undesired consequenceof
standardization(as experienced in other fields) may be
the damage it could do to research in the field, e.g. it
may diminish research funding for new simulation
environments. Therefore, one must be careful to use
standardization as a means for advancing the field and
not for inhibiting research. However, a long term disagreement in the basics may equally be harmful and
certainly is not very productive. What a standard could
achieve is a delicate balance between these two ends of
the spectrum.
The above points bring forth the concept of a Standard
Discrete Event Simulation Environment (SDESE).
The SDESE is different from a language in the sense
Standards have been successfully developed in
0 1990IEEE
that it is not syntax dependant, but proposes to
define the features and components of an "environment" which includes a model base, model construction and experimentation facilities.
underlying language syntax is viewed as an independent implementation detail. However the
construct of the underlying language (its implementation, data structure processing capabilities
etc.) may affect the ability of the language to
support a SDESE. This point will be further
discussed in the following section.
The environment proposes to maintain a standard
set of interfaces that allow it to integrate tools
from multiple sources. Its significance is far
reaching than this, since a standard interface also
implies a common method of verification of the
model. Given that two environments, although
implemented differently, possess common definitions of model and specific internal features (which
shall be elaborated in this paper), verification of
the input/output definitions of each individual part
is possible. Figure 1 further illustrates the position
of the SDESE in relation to the modeller and the
hardware platform and languages.
As a result, a verification process applied to a
given SDESE can also be used for another implementation of a SDESE. The modeller has access
to a
larger pool of resources than is currently available
to single source languages. Simulation vendors can
utilize their resources to further enhance their
implementations rather than re-inventing the wheel
and developing different add-ons to their products.
The standards approach presents a more "unified"
one, to further the cause of the simulation community.
essful. Perhaps one of the popular ones is the recent
Unix implementation standard proposed across 80286
based personal computers. The circumstances leading
to their success are quite different from those prevailing
in the simulation arena.
On the path of standardizing a simulation environment,
as mentioned in the previous section, it is not desirable
to concentrate upon implementation details. At present,
simulation bases exist across various hardware platforms executing under numerous different operating
systems. Furthermore, discrete event simulation itself
is a wide discipline. Its use is so general that hardware
requirements can range f "personal computers to parallel architectures. Defining specific implementation
procedures would impose a smct limitation of the standard across specific hardware/software configurations.
This in turn may not be suitable nor feasible for a
given simulation project. Even for cases where the
hardware is deemed adequate, the current base of
Abstractions and Implementations in Discrete
Event Modelling and Simulation
In view of the many different implementations of
discrete event simulation languages that exist, it is
a considerably difficult, if not impossible, task to
develop or standardize upon a given implementation. There are a few cases outside the simulation
area where implementation standards are succ-
simulation languages may not be utilized without
significant re-working of the code to comply with
the standard.
gramming languages. The constructs found in programming languages can be adapted for implementing
higher levels of abstraction used in simulation .
Consequently, an SDESE would be significantly
more useful if it were to concentrate upon abstraction details as opposed to implementation details.
A word of caution must be presented here. The
implementation language of the SDESE is a tool that
provides the basic functionality of the simulation
environment. As with any critical tool, they must be
chosen rationally. For example, strict t y p limitations
imposed by the underlying language can severely hinder the development of an environment and resmct
modeller creativity. Also the underlying implementation language must allow the programmer to access
lower level Components of given models if the modetler
wishes to do so.
Before continuing into a more detailed description
of the SDESE features, the notion of an abstraction
should be clarified. This concept is a key ingredient to describe the simulation practice.
An abstraction is a representation of a system. It
can be viewed as a mapping from a given state to
another (presumably more abstract) state space.
For example, a model can be viewed as an abstraction of a conceptualized system. The abstraction
could contain components such as 1/0 definitions
and state transitions. Proceeding one stage further
with this rationale, a set can be thought of as an
implementation of the states abstraction. Alternately, a heap can be considered an implementation
of the sets abstraction. It can therefor be observed
that there can be several layers of abstraction for a
given conceptualized system.
A language provides the programmer with a set of
conceptual tools. If these tools are inadequate for a
given problem they will be ignored and worked around.
With this in mind, an Object Oriented Programming
Language utilized as the basic implementation medium
of the SDESE may provide more flexibility for creative
development than conventional languages. This type of
an approach contains some proven concepts that can
ease the implementation of a SDESE.
To appreciate some of the benefits of Object Oriented
Programming, let us examine some examples: One of
the more powerful methods of managing complexity in
a simulation study is hierarchical modelling. This is
the ordering of related model components in a tree structure with the general system model at the root of the
tree. This type of organization is naturally defined in
object oriented programming with the concept of
classes and derived classes . In conventional languages, extra effort would be required to implement and
manage hierarchical models.
This distinction between implementation and
abstraction is important when one considers which
areas of the SDESE can be successfully defined.
This paper will only concentrate on defining and
outlining the issues concerning abstraction.
The issue of language
Another example is the concept of encapsulation : a
model is combined with the functions and procedures
that manipulate it to form an object. The "model"
object can then be addressed at a significantlyabstract
level allowing for flexible manipulation in a simulation
At first one may be inclined to develop a standard
containing syntax optimized for simulation abstractions. However the result would be no more than
injecting yet another simulation language into a
field that is not favourable to adopting just one
syntactic description. This is not the intention of
the SDESE.
Finally, the concept of classes can be exploited: a class
is a type and defines the behaviour of a set of similar
objects. This can be easily extended into the simulation environment where models and sub-models are
If one simply observes data types within simulation languages, one can conclude that they are not
radically different than those found in other pro-
defined with their respective behaviours. This will
be further explained in the next section.
also want to have operations for other pre- and postprocessing purposes such as window drawing, filtering,
etc. Such operations that manage the presentation
(visualization),however should not be considered as
part of the model. Therefore, support for such operations can be considered desirable, but not mandatory.
In particular environments, such operations may be
supported through default dispatch mechanisms with
provisions for allowing modellers to define their own.
In the remaining parts of this paper, we will outline
the kinds of constructs needed to be supported by
SDESEs. It is assumed that the SDESE will utilize
the primitives of a well chosen programming
Desirable features
The above, however is a very simplistic view of a
model. First, a model needs to interact with its environment. Therefore, type model needs to be modified;
Now that the basic objectives of the SDESE have
been defined, this section will concentrate upon the
necessary components of the environment.
type MODEL
Most people would agree that modelling is the
most basic activity of a simulationist. Modelling is
an activity in which real or imaginary worlds are
expressed in a symbol space of a formal language.
It is more abstract than coding in principal in that
coding is only required if a translation is needed
from the formal language in which the model is
expressed to another language understood by a particular machine.
interfaces are used to ensure that models can interact
with their environments including other models in a
predefined manner. This is done to enhance modularity
which is both a powerful and necessary requkment for
The benefits are numerous:
A model is intended to represent a segment of the
domain being studied. It replicates the behaviour
of its real counterpart in a symbol space by generating trajectories consistent with those of what it
represents. A model is the most basic construct
that should be available to a simulationist. Therefore, support for defining a model in an SDESE is
fundamental. Thus, there should be a construct of
the form:
development of a database of
component models,
model reusability,
prerequisite for hierarchical
construction of models,
increased degree of testability.
The second issue is decomposition: A simulation
environmentmust have provisions for model decomp
osition. Decomposition permits a complex model to be
expressed in terms of simpler components. Verification
and validation of the model can then be more readily
carried out. Modularity and decomposition (also
known as divide and conquer) are concepts complementary to each other. Therefore,
type MODEL
data (representation)
A model could be described using a set of operations operating on data. A data structure, often
referred to as state or representation, may take the
form of a stack, list, etc. Operations manipulate
the data and have to be consistent with the structure, e.g. if data is a stack then operations may be
push, pop, etc. Although the operations are primarily intended for manipulating the data, one may
type MODEL
component models
becomes the extended description for a model.
However it is useful to separate models which are
decomposed from those that are not. A model with
no components is called an atomic model, otherwise it is called a coupled model. Thus,
upon that decomposing a large model into its smaller
constituents makes the validation and verification
process more manageable. In addition to this, in a
discrete event simulation environment, a modeller
would need the support for testing the components.
component models; atomic or coupled
coupling scheme
It is worth emphasizing that the simulationist must be
freefrom the implementation details of high level con-
structs in the environment. That is, the environment
should provide facilities for debugging which will
recognize constructs designed for simulation such as
atomic or coupled models, as well as simpler types of
operations. We leave open the question of whether
verification support be part of any standard.
Experimentation is the phase that follows modelling in
a design or analysis task. 'Ihe purpose of experimentation is to learn more about the system under study by
subjecting its model to various input sequences selected
from the legitimate inputs of the model.
The major distinction of coupled models is the
existence of a coupling scheme to connect the
interfaces of its component models. Also, coupled
models may have operations for pre and post
processing, as well as for manipulating their component models and outputs.
The process of constructing experimental protocols
resembles modelling in that it can be considered
modelling the environment of the system under study.
Thus we consider such protocols as realized by a
model, coupled or atomic, called an experimental
frame. When coupled together, models and their
experimentation frames constitute a closed world.
Observation of models during experimentation and
checking for the acceptability of the experimentations
may also be expressed using model theoretic means.
The above discussion presents the basic constructs
needed to support modularity and decomposition in
a simulation environment. So far we have not
considered timing and synchronization issues which
are essential to simulation. Along the time axis, a
modeller needs to be able to synchronize the
activities of his models. A simulation environment
needs to provide such means for the modeller. At
the atomic model level, a primitive of the form
"hold (duration)" may be used for scheduling the
models' activities in the future.
Simulation models are built for experimentation, yet
modelling and design of experimentations must be as
separate as possible. This is not a conflict because an
experimentation may contain a set of segments of
appropriate qualities rather than a single segment.
Therefore, the models must be general enough SO that
an entire family of experiments can be applied to them.
At the coupled model level, the problem may
appear as a conflict between two or more component-models scheduled for an internal activity for
the same time. This situation can be handled using
a tie breaking mechanism. The details of how
particular implementations handle model activities
should not concern the modeller, but the semantics
should be clear so that it can be made to behave as
in tended.
In addition to features supporting modelling, an SDESE
must also be able to support design and conduct of
experiments. It is very fruitful to separate the design
of experimentations from the modelling itself and in
this respect, the environment should be able to recognize them as such.
Another dimension to model development is
validation and verification. It is usually agreed
The fact that developing experiments is really a
modelling activity implies that the support provided
and experimentation specifications used in the
modelling environment should enable one to design
experiments as well. However there are some
additional issues which are worth considering as
part of a standard simulation environment:
the future of the system and works in parallel
with (presumably ahead of) the real system.
Models may have to be synchronized with
reality when necessary.
Advanced features
There are other features which are a mark of a well
structured simulation environment. However, many of
these features are still being studied and there are many
others that do not appear in the following list. Therefore, it would be premature to include these in a standard. It is envisaged that, as the state of the art
advances, although at a somewhat slower pace, the
standard definition will be modified accordingly.
Data or statistics gathering capabilities.
Such facilities should provide at minimum
the ability to attach observers to specific
points in a model, i.e. inputs and outputs.
Observation of interactions between the
components models. Facilities for intercepting data (messages) exchanged between subcomponent models and means to relate the
cause and effect of such exchanges.
Facilities for granular modelling.
This implies hiding the detail of a model's
sub components and structure. Once the
individual sub components are tested, a
"higher" view of the model can be used to
ease the complexity of the system components.
Models should be reusable or replicable.
This facilitates model construction of similar
systems and enhances the concept of a
model base.
Facilities for redefining basic algorithmic
components of the simulator.
e.g., flexibility in choosing internal random
number generators or utilizing an external
algorithm or data file.
Facilities for presentation of information
related to experimentation.
Some examples; check-pointing, resetting,
restarting, stopping, etc.
Simplification reduces the time and space complexity of a simulation model. We often simplify the parts of a model when they are not the
focus of the simulation study. It would be
beneficial to have automatic means for model
Adaptive system modelling. Adaptive modelling
allows the study of systems that change their
behaviours over time. Therefore, a simulation
environment should at worst not prevent the
simulationistsfrom developing their own techniques for adaptive system simulation and at
best it should have features supporting it.
AI and modelling.
There are many examples in which simulation
and AI methods co-exist to solve a large prob
lem together. Mature methods applying AI
techniques to modelling and simulation should
eventually be facilitated.
Real time inputs to the models. This
involves the definition of interfaces and
synchronization of models with the real
system. This may be particularly useful in
cibes where simulation is used in predicting
Distribution of discrete event simulation provides help in overcoming the problem of long
execution times inherent in complex simulation
Issues that are likely to be involved in defining a
standard simulation environment were investigated.
When doing so, only the functionality of such an
environment was considered. We hope that these
considerations will stimulate discussion and bring
up others. As a result, the user is provided with a
richer set of tools to produce more reliable models,
and suppliers are provided with a new and potentially rewarding market to explore.
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