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This document outlines a comprehensive marketing budget plan, detailing the allocations across various categories including personnel, market research, marketing communications, channels, customer acquisition and retention, and other miscellaneous expenses. The total budget amounts to $600, systematically broken down to guide financial planning and resource distribution for marketing efforts.
Marketing expenditures in the form of pricing, product development, promotion and channel development are made to maximize return on investment. A challenge in evaluating the effectiveness of these expenditures is dealing with the potential simultaneity of an output measure, such as sales, and input measures, such a promotional spending, that are jointly determined by consumer preferences and sensitivities. While marketing control variables are explanatory of sales, they are not determined independent of the marketplace. This paper proposes an approach to dealing with the simultaneous relationship among input and output variables that yields measures of the efficiency of converting inputs to outputs, and the optimal allocation of input variables. We illustrate our approach using data from a services company operating in multiple geographic regions.
Marketing plan for K&A Virtual Wear, 2022
MBA 675 Marketing Management Project Template The Marketing Management Project should include all of the following elements: 1. Executive summary 2. Table of Contents 3. Name of product/service 4. Purpose statement (describe the purpose for your marketing plan) 5. Marketing goal statement 6. Mission Statement (product’s mission within the industry-include consumer interests) 7. Research conducted to identify needs, segments, marketing share opportunities, competition, etc. 8. Target customers/consumers 9. Marketing segments (Ex. regional, gender, ethnic, social status, age, profession, etc.) 10. Market needs, based on research and target segments, industry environment, trends 11. SWOT Analysis 12. Marketing Strategy-include marketing objectives, and positioning 13. Marketing strategies (what will be included in the marketing mix?) For example: product/service pricing, distribution, advertising/promotional plans 14. Communication strategies and marketing mix (Four Ps) 15. Budget for MARKETING MIX (with expenses, revenues, timelines, activities) for one year 16. Calendar (include all dates, marketing activities tied to budget/expenditures 17. References (minimum list of 10) 18. Other
Industrial Marketing Management, 1990
Service level and quality are closely related to revenues and expenditures. The e..pected value of the service by the consumer is eventually translated in the managerial process into budgets. However, although budgeting is a fundamental planning and control function of marketing managers, the subject is scantily addressed in marketing textbooks. A survey of the literature reveals the paucity of empirical researches on this subject. Furthermore, most of the studies that address the issue of budgeting have focused on the budgeting of advertising. Studies on advertising budget fall in two broad categories: advertising expenditures and budget setting methods. The relationship between advertising sales and profits has long been a subject of interest, controversy, and research; advertising-to-sales ratios in particular have been studied [I, 5, 9, 141. Other studies have sought to sess how advertisers set their budgets [2, 8, 10-121. ective and task, affordable, percentage of past years sales, match competitors, and percentage of anticipated sales methods are the most frequently reported methods; quantitative methods, arbitrary, and other methods are less used.
International Journal of Service Science, Management, Engineering, and Technology, 2012
In this work the authors address an IT service customer’s challenge of selecting the cost-optimal service level agreement among different options offered by an external provider. They model the customer’s optimization problem at distinctive levels of detail with regard to the description of service quality aspects. At each level of detail they explicitly consider the potential negative monetary impact of different service quality levels on a customer’s business process – reflected via the concept of “business cost.” First, they analyze which information a customer typically bases service level agreement decisions upon today and elaborate on the question which additional information a rational customer would need to take a well-founded decision. Second, the authors define a set of concepts that a customer should consider when selecting service level agreements. Third, the authors apply these concepts to develop a “business cost budget method” that enables a customer to compare multip...
Theoretical and Applied Economics, 2008
In the marketing area, planning might be defined as an anticipation process of those changes that affect the market and as an elaboration process of the corresponding action means. It will result in a marketing plan, which might be tactical (short-term period), spread on a period of time that might vary from six months to one year, or a strategic (long-term), spread on a period of time of three to ten years.
International Journal of Production Economics, 2015
Firms that introduce new products often conduct market research to reduce the substantial uncertainty in demand. When a fixed budget is assigned to marketing-oriented activity, investments in market research must be balanced against other advertising expenses. We characterize a firm's optimal marketing and production decisions for a new product. The larger a firm's production cost, the higher is the cost associated with unsold products. Market research increases the forecast accuracy and thus reduces the risk of overage. As a consequence, one might expect that a firm's investment in market research should be higher if it faces higher production costs. Interestingly we find that an increase in the production cost may sometimes lead to a decrease in the optimal investment in market research, even when the marketing budget is not restrictive.
Westerly, 2024
With the term ‘tendentious’ foremost in our minds, is it through glancing both backwards, canonically, and outwardly, into the Anthropocene, that we might next begin to locate new possibilities for creative production? Confronted with Europe’s then-impending cataclysms, in ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ (first published in 1935), Walter Benjamin beholds the fascistic aestheticizing of politics and understands that the work of artists, in response, must be to politicize our art. That is, rather than championing propaganda or mere doggerel, in an emerging crisis, Benjamin sought to reclaim political thinking as a necessary dimension within art that could signal or signpost ways back toward empathetic socialities. In ‘The Author as Producer’ (published a year earlier), he asserts that this essay is no less than ‘a study of Fascism’ (Benjamin 221), and then urges creative producers (and indeed readers too) to locate the lexical means by which to shift from mere attitudes and into activisms. Rather than become engulfed and systematically subsumed or, worse, act as mouthpieces parlaying the logic of systems that enslave from within, Benjamin sought for an art that might either demobilize or, at the very least, speak back to the masses of ideologically enchanted Volk gathering across Europe. Perhaps he is correct: in times of crisis, on writers there is ‘only one demand, the demand to think, to reflect on [our] position in the process of production’ (Benjamin ‘Author’, 236). Early in the 21st century, in an era of increasingly intelligent machines, the struggle for control of who gets to produce ideas may be more than ever urgently upon us. Almost a century after Benjamin, and a couple of millennia after Plato’s agon with poets, the question has reached fever pitch: which, if any, might be the social functions of our art?
RESUMEN: El propósito del artículo es ofrecer al lector un análisis de los relatos que algunos exiliados argentinos en España elaboraron a finales de la década de los 80 del siglo XX para contarme la difícil tarea de reinventarse a sí mismos una vez que los proyectos de vida en los que habían creído y por los que habían vivido fueron aplastados, rotos y, a veces, desaparecidos sin dejar rastro en la sociedad argentina. ABSTRACT: The main objective of this article is to the offer to reader an analysis of the narratives of some Argentina exiles in Spain at the end of the 1980s. The narratives were developed in an endeavour to explain to the author the difficult task of reinventing oneself once the life projects that these exiles had believed in and lived for were squashed, broken and sometimes disappeared altogether from the Argentine society. DEL OLMO PINTADO, M. (2010). El exilio después del exilio. AméRica Latina Hoy, 34, 35-47.
FOLD&R Fasti On Line Documents & Research, 96, 2007
Manuscrits. Revista d'història moderna
Pharos Journal of Theology
Reading the ‘Trace’ in Modern and Contemporary Fiction. Eds. Rosario Arias and Lin Pattersson. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2022. 127-155, 2022
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Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004
International Journal for Philosophy of Religion, 1975
Dental Materials, 2004
História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, 2011
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2010
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2016
Journal of Visualized Experiments
Радиоэлектроника, наносистемы, информационные технологии, 2018
Indian Journal of Microbiology, 2011
Chemistry of Materials, 2013
Cuadernos del CURIHAM, 2007
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2018
Environmental Health Engineering and Management