Journal of IMAB
ISSN: 1312-773X
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers) 2016, vol. 22, issue 2
Maya G. Lyapina1, Mariana Tzekova2, Maria Dencheva2, Assya Krasteva2, Mariela
Yaneva-Deliverska3, Angelina Kisselova2
1) Department of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Nutrition, Medical Faculty,
Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria
2) Department of Oral and Image Diagnostic, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical
University - Sofia, Bulgaria.
3) Department of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Public Health, Medical
University - Sofia, Bulgaria
The incorporation of nanoparticles into glass powder of glass ionomers led to wider particle size distribution,
which resulted in higher mechanical values. Consequently
they can occupy the empty spaces between the Glass
ionomer particles and act as reinforcing material in the composition of the glass ionomer cements. The nanofiller components of nano ionomers also enhance some physical properties of the hardened restorative. Its bonding mechanism
should be attributed to micro-mechanical interlocking provided by the surface roughness, most likely combined with
chemical interaction through its acrylic/itaconic acid copolymers. The paper reviews their secondary caries prevention – fluoride release properties, mechanical and physical
propreties, biocompatibility aspects, and antimicrobial activity.
Key words: nanodentistry, dental restorative materials, nano-glass-ionomer cements, biocompatibility aspects
Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) was invented by
Wilson et al. at the Laboratory of the Government Chemist
in early 1970. They are water-based cements, known as
polyalkenoate cements [1]. Their generic name is based on
the reaction between silicate glass and polyacrylic acid, and
the formation arises from an acid/base reaction between the
components [2, 3].
Due to the ability to modify the physical properties
(by changing the powder/liquid ratio or their chemical formulation may) of glass-ionomer cements they could be used
in a wide range of clinical applications [4]. They have certain unique properties that make them useful as restorative
and adhesive materials – adhesion to moist tooth structure
and base metals, anticariogenic properties due to the release
of fluoride, thermal compatibility with tooth enamel,
biocompatibility and low toxicity [5]. On the other hand,
their extensive use as a filling material in stress-bearing areas is limited by their poor mechanical properties (low fracture strength, toughness and wear) [6, 7].
In the posterior dental region, glass-ionomer cements
are mostly used as a temporary filling material [8]. The requirement to strengthen those cements has lead to research
effort into reinforcement concepts. Several former approaches dealt with incorporation of second phase ceramic
or glass fibers or with metal particles. Encouraging results
were also obtained by compounding reactive glass fibers [9,
10]. The principles of today’s GIC are well understood,
which in turn has led to improved formulations and highly
reproducable techniques [11]. However, the main problem
of a weak strength and toughness for permanent filling
therapy still remains.
Nanoparticles incorporation advantages
The incorporation of nanoparticles (the average particle size of glass ionomer particles were around 10-20µm)
into glass powder of glass ionomers led to wider particle
size distribution, which resulted in higher mechanical values. Consequently they can occupy the empty spaces between the Glass ionomer particles and act as reinforcing
material in the composition of the glass ionomer cements
[12]. The nanofiller components of nano ionomers also enhance some physical properties of the hardened restorative.
Its bonding mechanism should be attributed to micro-mechanical interlocking provided by the surface roughness,
most likely combined with chemical interaction through its
acrylic/itaconic acid copolymers [13].
Nano light-curing glass ionomer restorative blends
nanotechnology originally developed for Filtek™ Supreme
Universal Restorative with fluoraluminosilicate (FAS) technology. Their most important advantages are: superb polish,
excellent esthetics, and improved wear resistance. The clinical indications are: - primary teeth restorations; - transitional
restorations; - small Class I restorations; - sandwich restorations; - class III and V restorations; - core build-ups [14].
Secondary caries prevention – fluoride release
Scientific reports show that secondary caries and restoration fracture remain the two main challenges for dental
restorative materials [15]. Secondary caries refers to the recurrence of tooth decay after the initial restoration, and is
cited as the most frequent reason for the replacement of existing restorations [16]. The sustained release of fluoride
ions could be a substantial benefit for a dental restoration,
because the fluoride could enrich neighboring enamel or
/ J of IMAB. 2016, vol. 22, issue 2/
dentin to combat secondary caries [17]. F-releasing restorative materials include glass ionomers, resin-modified glass
ionomers, compomers, and resin composites [18-20].
A study performed by Lin et al (2011) aimed to investigate the fluoride release properties and the effect on
bond strength of two experimental adhesive cements. Synthesized particles of nano-fluorapatite (nano-FA) or nanofluorohydroxyapatite (nano-FHA) were incorporated into a
resin-modified glass ionomer cement (Fuji Ortho LC) and
characterized using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron
microscopy. Blocks with six different concentrations of
nano-FA or nano-FHA were manufactured and their fluoride release properties evaluated. The unaltered glass
ionomer cement Fuji Ortho LC (GC, control) and the two
experimental cements with the highest fluoride release capacities (nano-FA+Fuji Ortho LC (GFA) and nanoFHA+Fuji Ortho LC (GFHA) were used to bond composite blocks and orthodontic brackets to human enamel. After 24 h water storage all specimens were debonded, measuring the micro-tensile bond strength (ìTBS) and the shear
bond strength (SBS), respectively. The optimal concentration of added nano-FA and nano-FHA for maximum fluoride release was 25 wt.%, which nearly tripled fluoride release after 70 days compared with the control group. GC
exhibited a significantly higher SBS than GFHA/GFA, with
GFHA and GFA not differing significantly. The ìTBS of GC
and GFA were significantly higher than that of GFHA. The
obtained results seem to indicate that the fluoride release
properties of Fuji Ortho LC are improved by incorporating
nano-FA or nano-FHA, simultaneously maintaining a clinically sufficient bond strength when nano-FA was added
Investigation and comparison of the amount of fluoride release of conventional, resin modified and nanofilled
resin modified glass ionomer cements was performed by
Upadhyay et al. (2013). In this study, tablets of glassionomer cements were immersed in deionized water and incubated at 37°C. After 1, 2, 7, 15 and 30 days, fluoride ion
was measured under normal atmospheric conditions by fluoride ion selective electrode. Buffer (TISAB II) was used to
decomplex the fluoride ion and to provide a constant background ionic strength and to maintain the pH of water between 5.0 and 5.5 as the fluoride electrode is sensitive to
changes in pH. The authors reported that the release of fluoride was highest on day 1 and there was a sudden fall on
day 2 in all three groups. Initially fluoride release from conventional glass-ionomer cement was highest compared to
the other two glass-ionomer cements, but the amount drastically reduced over the period. Although the amount of
fluoride release was less than both the resin modified and
nanofilled resin modified glass-ionomer cement, the release
was sustained consistently for 30 days. In conclusion, the
cumulative fluoride release of nanofilled resin modified
glass ionomer cement was very less compared to the conventional and resin modified glass ionomer cements and
Nanofilled resin modified glass ionomer cement released
less but steady fluoride as compared to other resin modified glass ionomer cements [22].
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Mechanical and physical propreties
Sayyedan et al (2013) showed that higher mechanical properties could be achieved by addition of forsterite
(Mg 2SiO 4) nanoparticles to ceramic part of GIC. They
aimed to fabricate a glass ionomer- Mg2SiO4 nanocomposite
and to evaluate the effect of addition of Mg2SiO4 nanoparticles on bioactivity and fluoride release behavior of prepared nanocomposite. In their study forsterite nanoparticles
were made by sol-gel process. Nanocomposite was fabricated via adding 3wt.% of Mg2SiO4 nanoparticles to ceramic part of commercial GIC (Fuji II GC). Fluoride ion
release and bioactivity of nanocomposite were measured
using the artificial saliva and simulated body fluid (SBF),
respectively. The results of the performed analysis confirmed that nanocrystalline and pure Mg2SiO4 powder was
obtained. Fluoride ion release evaluation showed that the
values of released fluoride ions from nanocomposite are
somewhat less than Fuji II GC. The performed tests confirmed the bioactivity of the nanocomposite. Statistical
analysis showed that the differences between the results of
all groups were significant. The authors consider that glass
ionomer- Mg2SiO4 nanocomposite could be a good candidate for dentistry and orthopedic applications, through of
desirable fluoride ion release and bioactivity [23].
In a recent study De Caluwé (2014) investigated if
combinations of nano- and macrogranular glass with different compositions in a glass ionomer cement can improve
the mechanical and physical properties. Glasses with the
composition 4.5 SiO2-3 Al2O3-1.5 P2O5-(5-x) CaO-x CaF2
(x=0 and x=2) were prepared. Of each type of glass, particles with a median size of about 0.73 µm and 6.02 µm were
made. The results showed that the setting time of GIC decreases when macrogranular glass particles are replaced by
nanogranular glassparticles, whereas the compressive
strength and Young’s modulus, measured after 24 h setting,
increase. The effects are more pronounced when the
nanogranular glass particles contain fluoride. After thermocycling, compressive strength decreases for nearly all formulations, the effect being most pronounced for cements
containing nanogranular glass particles. Hence, the strength
of the GIC seems mainly determined by the macrogranular
glass particles. Cumulative F-release decreases when the
macrogranular glass particles with fluoride are replaced by
nanogranularglass particles with(out) fluoride. In summary,
the study shows that replacing macro- by nanogranular glass
particles with different compositions can lead to cements
with approximately the same physical properties (e.g. setting time, consistency), but with different physicochemical
(e.g. F-release, water-uptake) and initial mechanical properties. On the long term, the mechanical properties are
mainly determined by the macrogranular glass particles
Nassar et al. (2014) conducted a study was to assess
the clinical performance of cervical restorations of two different nanofilled materials a nano glass ionomer (Ketac
N100). and a nano composite (Grandio SO) and its adhesive (Futurabond DC) for one year and thus their ability to
be placed in cervical carious lesions. Most of the restorations maintained good quality during the observation period,
which was considered a short materials may be used with
confidence in Class V carious lesions. A longer evaluation
period may be recommended to decide the use of restorative material safely in Class V cavities [25].
Hydroxyapatite is a biologically compatible material
and a major component of dental enamel and bone tissue.
Because of its biocompatibility and structural similarity to
human teeth and the skeletal system, a number of dental
studies have evaluated its application as a bone substitute
or dental restorative material.
Mu et al. (2007) investigated the mechanical character, microleakage and mineralizing potential of nano-hydroxyapatite (nano-HAP)-added glass ionomer cement. 8%
nano-HAP were incorporated into GIC as composite, and
pure GIC as control. Both types of material were used to
make 20 cylinders respectively in order to detect three-point
flexural strength and compressive strength. Class V cavities
were prepared in 120 molars extracted for orthodontic treatment, then were filled by two kinds of material. The
microleakage at the composite-dentine interface was observed. Class V cavities were prepared in the molars of 4
healthy dogs, filled with composite, and the same molars
in the other side were filled with GIC as control. The teeth
were extracted to observe the mineralizing property with polarimetric microscope in 8 weeks after filling. Three-point
flexural strength and compressive of nano-HAP-added GIC
were increased compared with pure GIC. The nanoleakages
and microleakages appeared at the material-dentine interface in the two groups, but there were more microleakages
in control group. New crystals of hydroxyapatite were
formed into a new mineralizing zone at the interface of tooth
and nano-HAP-added GIC, while there was no hydroxyapatite crystals formed at the interface of tooth and pure GIC.
According to the results achieved, 8% nano-HAP-added
GIC can tightly fill tooth and have mineralizing potential,
and can be used as liner or filling material for prevention
Lee et al (2010) evaluated the differences in bonding strength and resistance to demineralization between micro-hydroxyapatite and nano-hydroxyapatite added to selfcured resin-reinforced/modified glass ionomer cement.
RelyX was used as the base glass ionomer cement material
and for the control group. 10% micro-hydroxyapatite added
glass ionomer cement was named experimental group 1, and
10% nano-hydroxyapatite added glass ionomer cement was
named experimental group 2. Physical tests for ISO99171:2007 in each group was acceptable, except the setting time
of nano-hydroxyapatite added glass ionomer cement, which
exceeded maximum setting time. Bonding strength was
greatest in nano-hydroxyapatite glass ionomer cement, and
cohesive failure was common in all specimens. When fractured surface was observed under SEM, spherical particles
were observed in experimental groups containing hydroxyapatite particles, and they were more prevalent in nano-HA
addedglass ionomer cement group than in micro-hydroxyapatite added group. Both experimental groups exhibited
greater resistance to demineralization compared to the control group, and there was no significant difference between
the experimental groups. Under SEM, nano-hydroxyapatite
addedglass ionomer cement exhibited increased resistance
to demineralization compared to micro-hydroxyapatite
added glass ionomer cement [27].
Moshaverinia et al (2008) aimed to enhance the mechanical strength of glassionomer cements, while preserving their unique clinical properties. They synthesized, characterized and incorporated into a formulation of Fuji II commercial GIC a N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) containing polymer, nano-hydroxy and fluoroapatite (nano-HA and FA).
The mechanical properties of the resulting cements were
evaluated and it was shown that these materials are promising additives for glass-ionomer restorative dental materials. This study showed that addition of NVP, nano-HA and
FA into glass-ionomer cements had the ability to enhance
the mechanical strength compared to the unmodified cement. However, the effect of nanoparticles addition on the
mechanical properties of GIC was more impressive than
addition of NVP modified polyacrylic acid to GIC [12].
Numerous recent studies were conducted aiming to
compare certain mechanical and biological properties of different nanorestorative dental materials.
de Paula et al (2011) evaluated the biomechanical
degradation of two nanofilled restorative materials - a resinmodified glass ionomer, Ketac N100 and a composite, Filtek
Z350, compared with conventional materials (Vitremer and
TPH Spectrum). Twenty specimens obtained from each material were divided into two storage groups (n=10): relative
humidity (control) and Streptococcus mutans biofilm (biodegradation). After 7 days of storage, roughness values (Ra)
and micrographs by scanning electron microscopy were obtained. In a second experimental phase, the specimens previously subjected to biodegradation were fixed to the toothbrushing device and abraded via toothbrushes, using dentifrice slurry (mechanical degradation). Next, these specimens
were washed, dried, and reassessed by roughness and SEM.
There was statistically significant interaction among factors:
material, storage (humidity/biofilm), and abrasion (before/
after). After biodegradation (S mutans biofilm storage),
Ketac N100 presented the highest Ra values. Concerning bio
plus mechanical challenge, TPH Spectrum, Ketac N100, and
Vitremer presented the undesirable roughening of their surfaces, while the nano composite Filtek Z350 exhibited the
best resistance to cumulative challenges proposed. This
study demonstrated that the nanotechnology incorporated in
restorative materials, as in composite resin and resin-modified glass ionomer, was important for the superior resistance
to biomechanical degradation [28].
In a recent study, the same authors (de Paula, 2014)
investigated the effect of chemical degradation on the surface roughness (Ra) and hardness (Knoop hardness number
[KHN]) of nano restorative materials. Disc-shaped specimens (5-mm diameter; 2-mm thick) of Filtek Z350 and TPH
Spectrum composites and the Vitremer and Ketac Nanolightcuring glass ionomer cements were prepared according to
the manufacturers’ instructions. After 24 hours, polishing
procedures were performed and initial measurements of Ra
and KHN were taken. The specimens were divided into 12
groups (n=10) according to material and storage media: artificial saliva, orange juice, and Coca-Cola. After 30 days
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of storage, the specimens were reevaluated for Ra and KHN.
The pH values of the storage media were measured weekly.
Composites were found to present lower roughness values
and higher hardness values than the ionomeric materials under all storage conditions. After degradation, the KHN of
all experimental samples decreased significantly, while the
Ra of the ionomeric materials increased, depending on the
media, with a markedly negative impact of Coca-Cola and
orange juice. There was no difference among the storage
media for Filtek Z350 with regard to the KHN values. According to the results achieved, nanofillers did not show any
influence on the roughness and hardness of resin-modified
glass ionomer cements and resin composites concerning
their degradation resistance [29].
Joshi et al (2013) investigated and compared three
different pit and fissure sealants with different composition
to check their effectiveness for sealing ability and
microleakage. Total 120 therapeutically extracted premolars
devoid of any caries, anomalies or morphogenic diversity
were collected and distributed equally in three groups (40
in each) - group I: composite based pit and fissure sealant,
group II: compomer - restorative material and group-III:
glass ionomer cement based pit and fissure sealant. Samples were cleaned with slurry of pumice and etched with
phosphoric acid etchant. After thorough washing and drying, teeth were treated and cured with three sealants having different composition followed by thermocycling and
immersion in methylene blue dye for 24 hours. Teeth were
then observed and score was given for microleakage. Composite material was found better for sealant material as it
was showing significantly least microleakage as compare to
glass inomer cement and promising result with compomer.
Authors concluded that besides many inventions, researches
and nano-technology implementation in dental materials,
composite material is comparatively better than glass inomer
cement and compomer as sealant materials [30].
Biocompatibility aspects
Recent studies are intended to assess some aspects
concerning the biocompatibility of restorative dental
The possible cytotoxicity and pro-inflammation effect of three different powdered GICs (base, core build and
restorative) prepared with and without titanium dioxide
(TiO2) nanoparticles were investigated by Garcia-Contreras
(2014). Each GIC was blended with TiO 2 nanopowder,
anatase phase, particle size <25 nm at 3% and 5% (w/w),
and the GIC blocks of cements were prepared in a metal
mold. The GICs/TiO2 nanoparticles cements were smashed
up with a mortar and pestle to a fine powder, and then subjected to the sterilization by autoclaving. Human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines (HCS-2, HSC-3, HSC-4,
Ca9-22) and human normal oral cells [gingival fibroblast
(HGF), pulp (HPC) and periodontal ligament fibroblast
(HPLF)] were incubated with different concentrations of
GICs in the presence or absence of TiO2 nanoparticles, and
the viable cell number was determined by 3-(4,5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide
method. Prostaglandin E2 was quantified by enzyme-linked
/ J of IMAB. 2016, vol. 22, issue 2/
immunosorbent assay. Changes in fine cell structure were
assessed by transmission electron microscopy. Cancer cells
exhibited moderate cytotoxicity after 48 h of incubation,
regardless of the type of GIC and the presence or absence
of TiO2 NPs. GICs induced much lower cytotoxicity against
normal cells, but induced prostaglandin E2 production, in
a synergistic wanner with interleukin-1â. The study shows
acceptable to moderate biocompatibility of GICs impregnated with TiO2 nanoparticles, as well as its pro-inflammatory effects at higher concentrations [31].
The same authors (Garcia-Contreras, 2014) investigated also the effect of TiO2 NPs on the drug-sensitivity of
oral squamous cell carcinoma and inflammation of human
gingival fibroblasts. The number of viable HGF cells was
determined by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) was
quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Contamination with lipopolysaccharide was assayed by the endotoxin assay kit. Intracellular uptake and distribution of
TiO2 NPs were assessed by transmission electron microscopy. TiO2 NPs (0.05-3.2 mM) did not affect HGF cell viability, although TiO2 NPs clusters were dose-dependently
incorporated into the vacuoles of cells. Interleukin-1β (IL1β) (3 ng/ml) stimulated the secretion of PGE2 into the culture medium by HGF cells. TiO2 NPs also induced PGE2
production, in synergy with IL-1β. Since only a minor
amount of lipopolysaccharide was detected in TiO2 NPs, the
enhanced production of PGE2 was not simply due to lipopolysaccharide contamination. The study demonstrates,
for the first time to the knowledge of the authors, that TiO2
NPs at concentrations higher than 0.2 mM exert an pro-inflammatory action against HGF cells, regardless of the presence or absence of IL-1β [32].
Antimicrobial activity of nanorestorative dental
In dentistry the antimicrobial activity of the wide
range of cements with different applications is also relevant.
Antibacterial activity of dental luting cements is a very important property when applying dental crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays, or veneers, because bacteria may be still
present on the walls of the preparation or gain access to the
cavity if there is microleakage present after cementation
Among all the dental restorative materials, glassionomer cements (GICs) are found to be the most cariostatic
and somehow antibacterial due to release of fluoride, discussed above. Although numerous efforts have been made
on improving antibacterial activities of dental restoratives,
most of them have been focused on slow release of various
incorporated low-molecular-weight antibacterial agents such
as antibiotics, zinc ions, silver ions, etc [34-36].
Magalhaes et al (2012) evaluated the antibacterial activity of three dental cements modified by nanosilver:
Sealapex, RelyX ARC, and Vitrebond. The cements were incorporated with 0.05mL of silver nanoparticles solution.
Control groups were prepared without silver. Six Petri plates
with BHI were inoculated with S. mutans using sterile
swabs. Three cavities were made in each agar plate (total =
18) and filled with the manipulated cements. They were incubated at 37ºC for 48 h, and the inhibition halos were
measured. No inhibition halos were obtained for Sealapex
and Rely X, but Vitrebond showed bactericidal activity without silver and enhanced effect with silver incorporation.
Teratogenicity of nanosilver in humans is unknown because
no cases or studies have been reported in the literature.
Thus, nanosilver assessment in humans for potential teratogenic effects is imperative [37].
The incorporation of nanoparticles into glass powder of glass ionomers led to wider particle size distribution,
which resulted in higher mechanical values. Consequently
they can occupy the empty spaces between the Glass
ionomer particles and act as reinforcing material in the composition of the glass ionomer cements. The nanofiller components of nano ionomers also enhance some physical properties of the hardened restorative.
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Please cite this article as: Lyapina MG, Tzekova M, Dencheva M, Krasteva A, Yaneva-Deliverska M, Kisselova A. Nanoglass-ionomer cements in modern restorative dentistry. J of IMAB. 2016 Apr-Jun;22(2):1160-1165.
Received: 25/01/2016; Published online: 15/06/2016
Corresponding author:
Maya Lyapina, MD
Department of Hygiene, Medical Ecology and Nutrition, Medical Faculty, Medical
15, Acad. Ivan Evstr. Geshov Blvd ., 1431 Sofia, Bulgaria.
Phone: +359 887 161 768;
[email protected]
/ J of IMAB. 2016, vol. 22, issue 2/