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This study aims to describe the implementation of teachers management professional development through the teachers working group. This study is a mixed research conducted in ten districts /cities spread in Aceh Province, involving 37 Elementary Schools. The subject in this study include core teacher, teachers, chairman of the KKKS (Principal Working Group), as well as education offices chosen by purposive sampling. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Qualitative data analysis carried out by the procedure or steps such as data reduction, data display, and verification. The results showed that: (1) Profile of KKG in general consists of the components: (a) the legal basis, the name, position, and the nature of the organization, (b) the vision, mission, and futuristic goals, (c) membership, management and organizational structure, (d) basic budget, and (e) the facilities and infrastructure for KKG; (2) The implementation of KKG is done through the regular and development activities; (3) The obstacles encountered in the implementation of KKG include: (a) inadequate facilities and infrastructure, (b) financing needs to be improved, (c) the motivation of teachers is still low, (d) the principal supports to include teachers in routine activities are lacking due priority school activities, and (e) the support of local government and education authorities on the development of KKG is still lack; while (4) KKG development management evaluation done with the steps: (a) the supervision and monitoring, (b) evaluation, (c) reporting, and (d) feedback.
Journal of Professional Capital and Community
article-type="e-conceptualpaper" dtd-version="1.1d1" xml:lang="en"><front id="meta-hdr"><journal-meta><journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JPCC</journal-id><journal-id journalid-type="doi">10.1108/JPCC</journal-id><journal-title-group><journal-title>Journal of Professional Capital and Community</journal-title><abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="publisher">JPCC</abbrev-journal-title></journal-title-group><issn publication-format="print">2056-9548</issn><publisher><publisher-name>Emerald Publishing Limited</publisher-name></publisher></journal-meta><article-meta id="art-meta"><article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">618728</article-id><article-id pub-id-type="
The concepts of leadership, management and administration overlap and have been accorded different emphases over time and in different contexts. Their usage varies across countries and professional cultures. In English speaking countries such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the US, the role of leader is seen as of prime importance in raising standards and promoting school improvement, but this is not so in other countries, for example the Netherlands and Scandinavian countries. This difference in emphasis reflects variations in the functioning of education systems and their historical, national and regional policy contexts that will exert different degrees of influence on institutions' work and therefore on the role of leaders in schools. The distinction between the focus or concerns of organizational leadership and management has been summarized as follows: In another way, the term leadership and management can be combined as below: I. Leadership in Education Leadership in Education refers to School leadership, which is the process of enlisting and guiding the talents and energies of teachers, pupils, and parents toward achieving common educational aims. This term is often used synonymously with Educational Leadership in the United States and has supplanted educational management in the United Kingdom. Several universities in the United States offer graduate degrees in educational leadership. Certain obstacles of educational leadership can be overcome. A self-assessment technique can help examine equity and justice that affects student diversity, especially with selection of candidates. The definition of school leaders guiding the OECD (The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) activity suggests that effective school leadership may not reside exclusively in formal positions but may instead be distributed across a number of individuals in the school. Principals, deputy and assistant principals, leadership teams, school governing boards and other school-level professional personnel can contribute as leaders to the goal of learning-centered schooling. The precise distribution of these leadership contributions can vary depending on factors such as governance and management structure, levels of autonomy and accountability, school size and complexity and levels of student performance.
The following study examines teacher leadership from four specific aspects. The introduction refers to the importance and necessity of teacher leadership followed by the section of its definition. After the conceptual framework the third section describes the relation between teacher leadership and distributed leadership emphasising on the problematic nature of ‘leaders-followers’ structure. The last section explores how the phenomenon of teacher leadership functions in the Greek educational sector and finally the essay concludes with a general critical consideration derived from the preceding evidence.
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