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Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
With the Egyptian ministry of Interior tightening the security procedures of the police buildings and exaggerating the design of these buildings physical security elements, the main features of cities and the urban nature of them were distorted; in addition the Ministry of Interior incurred heavy costs for insurance. Because the general impression is the low level of police buildings physical security, the familiar view of the mental image is typical and repetitive; this research came to analyze the physical security elements of those buildings in an attempt to change the philosophy of physical insurance for police buildings in Egypt. The research followed the comparative analytical approach in analyzing the physical security elements of local and international police buildings in accordance with the different variables surrounding each building, to identiy the various alternatives of the physical security elements and to prove that the physical security of police buildings in Egypt is not optimal and that they are just rigid templates apply standard criteria.
المجلة الدولیة للتراث والسیاحة والضیافة, 2020
Iraqi Journal of Architecture and Planning, 2018
يعد المعلم الديني أحد أهم العناصر المكونة للمدن الدينية ومنها المدن العربية الاسلامية والتي تشكل احد مكونات الهيكل العمراني، إذ تبرز اهمية المعلم الديني من خلال الانتماء الديني (الروحي) لشاغلي المدن، كما تعد من العناصر العمرانية المميزة والمعرفة للهوية العمرانية، والتي رسمت الصورة الذهنية لبنية المدن الدينية في ذاكرة الناس الجمعية. إذ اعتمد البحث دراسة المخطط في المدن الدينية وتحديداً المدينة العربية الاسلامية؛ لأهميتها الدينية ووضوح أثر العامل الديني في نشأتها وتخطيطها، ومن خلال استعراض الدراسات السابقة التي تناولت تحليل المدينة العربية الاسلامية حددت المشكلة البحثية: "بوجود قصور معرفي حول الدور التنظيمي للمعالم الدينية في تخطيط المدينة العربية الاسلامية"، وعليه صيغت فرضية البحث: بان للمعالم الدينية دوراً تنظيمياً في تخطيط المدينة العربية الاسلامية، بأثره على الارتباطات المحورية وعلى المستويين الشمولي والموضعي. عرف البحث المعالم الدينية بأنها: الشواخص أو العناصر العمرانية ضمن مخطط المدينة التي تمتاز بهيئة شكلية حاضرة في ذاكرة الناس الجمعية، والتي تتمثل بدور العبادة بشكل ع...
The Conference Book of the General Union of Arab Archeologists
International Journal of Heritage, Tourism, and Hospitality, 2015
يهدف البحث لنشر الكتابات العربية بالكنيسة المرقسية بالإسكندرية للمرة الأولى، كذلك للوقوف على الخطوط التي كتبت بها، وتسلسل كتابتها ونوعية الكتابة ومصدر اقتباسها، وكذلك لوضع تخطيط للكنيسة موضح عليه أماكن هذه الكتابات وخصائصها، وذلك لتوفير المادة العلمية للم رشد السياحي لإتمام عمله على أكمل وجه، كما وضع في نهاية هذا البحث مسار جولة سياحية بناءا على ترتيب وضع البحور الكتابية بالكنيسة. وقد قسم البحث إلى سبعة مباحث، يختص كل مبحث بكتابات جزء بالكنيسة وقد رقمت العناوين الفرعية لكل مبحث بأرقام لكل بحر كتابي تم الإستعانة بها بالتخطيط وكذلك تم الإستعانة بها في الإشارة لهذا البحر الكتابي دون الحاجة لإعادة كتابته أو الإشارة لمكانه. المبحث الأول اختص بالكتابات بالمدخل الخارجي للكنيسة، والثاني بالدعامتين في الرواق المستقطع، أما الثالث فكان للكتابات بشرفة الدور العلوي للكنيسة، وال ا ربع للكتابات بين عقود البائكة القبلية، والخامس للكتابات بين عقود البائكة البحرية، والسادس للكتابات على حامل الأيقونات الحجري، والسابعة والأخيرة للكتابات عند مدخل مدفن الآباء بالرواق القبلي للكنيسة، وقد تم إلحاق البحث با... Arabic Inscriptions in the St. Mark Church of Alexandria Descriptive - Analytical study Rabab Adel Hassan Saleh Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Fayoum University The research aims to publish the Arabic’ inscriptions in the Church of St. Mark in Alexandria for the first time, as well as to find out the kind of calligraphy of each inscription, and the sequence of written, and the source quoted, as well as to develop a plan for the church with the places of these writings and their characteristics, so as to provide scientific material to the tourist- guide to help him to complete effectively his work, finally a plan of the church was annexed; it describe the places of Arabic literature, as well as their characteristics. The research is divided into seven sections, the first is about outside the inscriptions in the entrance of the church, and the second on the two columns in the hallway, and the third was for the inscriptions on the balcony of the upper floor of the church, and the fourth is about the inscriptions between the arcs of the southern colonnade, and fifth is about the inscriptions between the arcs of the northern colonnade, and the sixth is about the inscriptions on the Iconostasis, the seventh and last is about the inscriptions at the entrance of the Patriarchs' Mausoleum in the southern aisle of the church, Finally the results, the pictures and the plan was annexed. Key words: the Church of St. Mark, Arabic inscriptions, wall reliefs, Coptic' church, religious inscriptions.
Mağallaẗ al-dirāsāt al-Tiǧāriyyaẗ al-muʿāṣiraẗ, 2021
Les intérieurs Domestiques Tunisiens Entre Imitation et Originalité, 2018
Summary : Tunisian domestic interiors between imitation and originality. The intense changes in Tunisian society and the urban landscape assign to interior architecture an important role in the general plans for the management and arrangement of space in general and the space of "interior" in particular. From this strategic role that belongs to this specialty, we have deduced the importance of the theoretical and modeling effort of the domestic space, in relation to the encompassing space, whether urban or rural. But the rapid transformations of society and the social space, both public and private, are likely to place users and interior architects facing "difficult" alternatives between the desire for belonging and imitation of the " Habitus "and the need for differentiation and originality. We have thus observed that the simultaneity of the two tendencies and the two desires is translated, in the absence of a culture of space, by a juxtaposition, most often unsuccessful, of identity motifs. These motifs, with all the decorative elements "kitch", tend to invest the visible and apparent aspect of the habitat, while the distribution of the living spaces remains marked by the major functions of the privacy and the opening on the outside world. The interior architecture in Tunisia, at least from the analyzed examples, aspires to reach the theoretical and professional maturity, guaranteeing the successful synthesis between the imitation necessary for insertion in a cultural environment, and originality as consecration of privacy as a value. One can only note that, despite the tendency to favor modern functions in the management of domestic spaces, the habits and imagination typical of the architecture of the traditional house tend to invest modern functional habitat. Key words : Architecture, interior, dwelling, exterior, imitation, identity, domestic, space, layout, arrangement, culture, appropriation, originality, differentiation, body, lived-time, design, community, adaptation, individualization, innovation.
Kocaeli Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, 2021
Gelecek kuşakların yetiştirilmesinde belirleyici olan eğitim, devletlerin istikbali bakımından geçmişten bugüne önemli bir unsur olagelmiştir. Osmanlı Devleti’nde de eğitim gelecek kuşakların yetiştirilmesinde etkili olmuştur. II. Meşrutiyet döneminde ise eğitim felsefeleri ve eğitime ilişkin strateji sorunları toplumsal gündemin tartışma konuları arasında yer almıştır. Ancak bu dönemde eğitimin mevcut yapısı, Osmanlının geleceğini kurtarmayı sağlayacak bir durumda değildi. Bu nedenle Meşrutiyetin başında, Müslüman Türk unsurun eğitimini yürüten kurumların ıslah edilmesi gündeme gelmiş ve yapılan tartışmalar sonucunda ıslahata ilkokullardan başlanması yönünde bir görüş birliğine varılmıştır. İlköğretim kapsamında 6 Ekim 1913’te Tedrisat-ı İptidaiye Kanun-ı Muvakkati uygulamaya konulmuştur. Bu kanun eğitim tarihimiz açısından son derece öneme sahiptir. Kanun ilk olma niteliğini taşımakla birlikte Cumhuriyet dönemi de dâhil uzun bir müddet yürürlükte kalmış, eğitim öğretim faaliyetlerine birçok yenilik ve çözüm getirmiştir. Kanun çıktığı döneme kadar iller bazında birtakım düzenlemeler ile yürütülen eğitim öğretim faaliyetleri ülkede tek bir kanunla bir çatı altında toplanmıştır. Bu yönüyle Tedrisat-ı İptidaiye Kanunu eğitim öğretim faaliyetlerini yerel boyuttan ulusal boyuta taşımıştır. Kanunun çıkarılma amacı, ilköğretimin genel yapısını belirleyip bir düzene kavuşturmak ve eğitimdeki finansal sorunlara çözüm üretmektir. Bu kanunla; o zamana kadar iptidai ve rüştiye olarak ikiye ayrılmış olan ilköğretim “mekatib-i iptidaiye-i umumiye” adı altında birleştirilerek altı yıllık iptidai okullar açılmaya başlanmıştır. Bu okulların yönetimleri ve masraflarının karşılanması vilayetlerde kurulan hususi idareye bırakılmıştı. Bu araştırmanın amacı II. Meşrutiyet döneminde Türk eğitim sistemindeki tartışmaları ele almak ve Tedrisat-ı İptidaiye Kanun-ı Muvakkati’nin ilköğretime getirdiği yenilikleri saptamaktır. Nitel araştırma deseninde tasarlanan çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak doküman incelemesi tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacı doğrultusunda Tedrisatı İptidaiye Kanun-ı Muvakkati’nin orijinali Türkçeye transkripsiyon edilmiş ve elde edilen bulgular betimsel analiz yöntemiyle incelenerek raporlaştırılmıştır.
Waste water fed pisciculture is nowadays a common feature in aquaculture belts across the globe. East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW) a nature's wonder where waste water fed natural aquaculture beltis is active for more than 70 years now and is efficiently operating as a natural waste management system. The peri urban wetland is also a site of international importance and is listed in Ramsar. Field and lab-based investigations were carried out using three commonly edible carp variety of fishes such as Rohu (Labeorohita), Catla (Catlacatla) and Nile Tilapia (Oreochromisniloticus) collected from ponds (bheries) of the wetland located on the eastern fringes of Kolkata, India. The lab-based analysis revealed the presence of toxic metals such as Cr, Pb, Cd and Hg in the samples with the seasonal order of accumulation being monsoon > post-monsoon > winter > pre-monsoon in the successive years of 2016, 2017 and 2018. Bio-accumulation of toxic heavy metals in fishes follows the order Tilapia > Rohu > Catla where as the bioaccumulation pattern of toxic metals shows the trend Pb > Cd > Cr > Hg across all the seasons and years. The ambient media was also investigated to understand in detail the bioaccumulation pattern at different trophic levels of the ecosystem. Water and sediments were analyzed to evaluate the contamination of toxic heavy metals from point and non-point sources. Current study shows the observed bioaccumulation pattern of the toxic heavy metals in one of the fragile ecosystems that raises an important question of environmental safety in the food we intake on daily basis.
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Bab 2 Keuangan Negara Dalam Teori dan Praktik
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