Study on CO2 Absorbing Rigid Pavement

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology

Due to vast growing of population and traffic, environment serious issues like pollution, deforestation , global warming , greenhouse gases emission is more such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, sulphur dioxide and CO2 which are causing lungs irritation, respiratory problems , infections such as pneumonia for human beings .To overcome this problem in this paper an attempt has been made to absorb CO2 from environment by constructing the Rigid Pavement using Zeolite as a admixture in concrete. The building industry CO2 emission is mainly comes from cement production capturing of CO2 from point of source from ambient air and reducing concentration by using zeolite powder. Concrete with zeolite has a supplement material can absorb large quantity of CO2. Generally zeolite is porous hydrated alumina silicate they may be minerals, synthetic minerals. Introducing zeolite materials into the concrete blocks absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. Hence it will be ecofriendly. Absorbs CO2, reduces the air pollution and keep environment clean and full of oxygen and also increases the compressive strength of concrete.

International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020 Vol. 4, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 179-182 Published Online March 2020 in IJEAST ( STUDY ON CO2 ABSORBING RIGID PAVEMENT Prof. Maheshwari G Bisanal1, Prof. S. M. Chandrakanth2, Mr. Pavan Jadhav1, Mr. Gururaj Mali1 1 Department of Civil Engineering, KLECET, Chikodi - 591201, Karnataka, INDIA 2 Department of Civil Engineering, VSM’s SRKIT, Nipani - 591237, Karnataka, INDIA Abstract—Due to vast growing of population and traffic, environment serious issues like pollution, de-forestation, global warming , greenhouse gases emission is more such as hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, sulphur dioxide and CO2 which are causing lungs irritation, respiratory problems , infections such as pneumonia for human beings .To overcome this problem in this paper an attempt has been made to absorb CO2 from environment by constructing the Rigid Pavement using Zeolite as a admixture in concrete. The building industry CO2 emission is mainly comes from cement production capturing of CO 2 from point of source from ambient air and reducing concentration by using zeolite powder. Concrete with zeolite has a supplement material can absorb large quantity of CO2. Generally zeolite is porous hydrated alumina silicate they may be minerals, synthetic minerals. Introducing zeolite materials into the concrete blocks absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere. Hence it will be ecofriendly. Absorbs CO2, reduces the air pollution and keep environment clean and full of oxygen and also increases the compressive strength of concrete. Keywords— Zeolite, Environment, Pollution. I. Carbon dioxide, II. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY Methodology – Present work consists of following methodology which is shown in Fig. 1. A. Strength, INTRODUCTION Due to uncontrolled urbanization in India, environmental degradation has been occurring very rapidly and causing many problems like land insecurity, worsening of water quality, air pollution, Noise pollution etc. In that air pollution is a major problem. The sources of air pollution includes ammonia, CO, CO2, SO2 etc. In this paper an attempt has been made to absorb CO2 from atmosphere by using Zeolite as a admixture in concrete. Zeolite is manufactured in factories. This kind of material has property to absorb CO2 with incredible strength. Because of this nature this material can be substituted in place of aggregate. The Zeolite is available in powder as well as in fine aggregates form which can be used to replace sand and cement in concrete in planting the property to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. This type of material is easily available in market. As the material literally costly even here the replacement is made only up to certain extent so that this will be affordable. Fig. 1. Methodology The materials used for the work are Cement, M sand, Coarse Aggregate, Water and Zeolite as a admixture in concrete. B. Materials – Zeolite: The classical definition of a zeolite is a crystalline, porous aluminosilicate. However, some relatively recent discoveries of materials virtually identical to the classical zeolite, but consisting of oxide structures with elements other than silicon and aluminum have stretched the definition. 179 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020 Vol. 4, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 179-182 Published Online March 2020 in IJEAST ( III. Table 1. Chemical Composition of Zeolite Chemical Composition SiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O Fe2O3 Al₂O3 SO3 Cl⁻ L.O.I Total % Concrete is designed for M-40 grade. The following table shows compressive strength of normal concrete cube for M 40 Mix design for average of 7, 14 and 28 days. Zeolite (%) 63.9413 2.9563 0.5211 1.9606 0.2847 2.3314 13.221 0.0413 0.0145 13.8208 99.6337 Table 5. Compressive Strength of Normal Concrete Cube Sample Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Average Sample Table 2. Cement Test Results Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Average Results 3.12 97% 35% 75Min Sample Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Average Table 3. M-Sand Test Results Results 2.74 Zone-I 1% 28 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 1145.25 50.9 1154.25 51.3 1127.25 50.1 1181.25 50.76 7 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 805.5 35.8 771.75 34.3 789.75 35.1 789.0 35.06 14 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 1089.0 48.4 1077.75 47.9 1098.0 48.8 1088.25 48.36 28 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 805.5 35.8 771.75 34.3 789.75 35.1 789.0 35.06 7 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 699.75 31.1 715.50 31.8 679.5 30.2 698.25 31.03 14 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 969.75 43.1 947.25 42.1 940.5 41.8 952.5 42.33 28 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 699.75 31.1 715.50 31.8 679.5 30.2 698.25 31.03 Table 8. Comp; Strength of Concrete Cube with 30% Zeolite Sample Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregates of size above 4.75 mm Sieve and below 20mm are used. Cube 1 Cube 2 Cube 3 Average Table 4. Coarse Aggregate Test Results Chemical Composition SiO2 CaO MgO Na2O K2O Fe2O3 14 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 1055.25 46.9 1039.50 46.2 1075.5 47.8 1056.75 46.96 Table 7. Comp; Strength of Concrete Cube with 20% Zeolite M-Sand: Those fractions from 4.75mm to 150 microns are termed as fine aggregate. The crushed sand is to be used as fine aggregate conforming to the requirements of IS: 383. Properties Specific gravity Gradation Water absorption 7 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 738 32.8 744.75 33.1 765.0 34.0 749.25 33.3 Table 6. Comp; Strength of Concrete Cube with 10% Zeolite Cement: Cement is of 43 grade Ordinary Portland Cement conforming to BIS 12269-1987 was used. Properties Specific gravity Finess of Cement Standard consistency test Initial setting time test TEST ON CONCRETE Zeolite (%) 63.9413 2.9563 0.5211 1.9606 0.2847 2.3314 7 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 630.00 28.00 636.75 28.30 652.50 29.00 639.75 28.43 14 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 924.75 41.10 900.00 40.00 895.50 39.80 906.75 40.40 28 days Load Strength (KN) (MPa) 992.25 44.10 978.75 43.50 963.00 42.80 978.00 43.46 Table 9. Average Comp; Strength of Normal Concrete and Zeolite Concrete Cubes Type of concrete Normal concrete 10% Zeolite concrete 20% Zeolite concrete 30% Zeolite concrete 180 Compressive strength in Mpa 7 days 14 days 28 days 33.30 46.96 50.76 35.06 48.38 52.50 31.03 42.33 46.50 28.43 40.40 43.46 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020 Vol. 4, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 179-182 Published Online March 2020 in IJEAST ( IV. CO2 Absorption test by Weight of Cube: The absorption of CO2 is measured by increased weight of cubes after 28 days of curing. Weight of Concrete Cubes is shown in Table No. 10 Table 10. Average Weight observation values of Zeolite and Normal Concrete Blocks. Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 (10% (20% (30% (Normal Zeolite) Zeolite) Zeolite) block) Initial weight of block (kg) 9.150 9.020 9.045 9.275 Weight of block on 5th day 9.135 8.995 9.025 9.250 (kg) Weight of block on 10th 9.120 8.985 9.004 9.243 day (kg) Weight of block on 15th 9.090 8.980 8.980 9.235 day (kg) Weight of block on 20th 9.085 8.975 8.975 9.232 day (kg) Weight of block on 25th 9.074 8.961 8.976 9.220 day (kg) Weight of block on 30th 9.076 8.963 8.978 9.218 day (kg) Weight of block on 35th 9.076 8.965 8.981 9.218 day (kg) Weight of block on 40th 9.078 8.966 8.982 9.218 day (kg) Weight of block on 45th 9.079 8.968 8.984 9.218 day (kg) Weight of block on 50th 9.082 8.973 8.989 9.218 day (kg) Figure 2 shows Graphical representation of Average Compressive Strength of Normal Concrete and Zeolite Concrete Cubes Construction of CC pavement with Zeolite powder will absorb some amount of CO2 from atmosphere intern it reduces the air pollution to some extent. From the compressive strength results it is observed that cubes with zeolite powder have achieved little high strength at 10% replacement of zeolite powder when compared to normal concrete, so that the optimum content of zeolite to be used as mineral admixture is 10% more than that will decrease the compressive strength concrete. Increase in zeolite content than optimum value will increase absorption rate of CO2 but decreases compressive strength. V. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig. 2. Comparison Chart Table 11. Amount of CO2 Absorbed by Zeolite Cubes Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Block Number B1 ( 10% zeolite ) B2 ( 20% zeolite ) B3 ( 30% zeolite ) B4 ( Normal block ) [8] Amount of CO2 Absorbed (Moles ) 0.136 0.181 0.250 0.000 [9] [10] 181 CONCLUSION REFERENCE Boden, T.A., G Maland, and R.J.Andres (2010). Global, Regional and National Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S.A DOI 10.3334/cdia/00001_V. Madandoust1, J. 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