arXiv:hep-ph/9708345v1 13 Aug 1997
July 1997
Exclusive Photon-Photon Processes
S. J. Brodsky
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center,
Stanford University, Stanford, California 94309
Invited Talk given at the
International Conference on the Structure and the Interactions
of the Photon (Photon97) including the
11th International Workshop on Photon-Photon Collisions
Egmond ann Zee, The Netherlands
May 10–15, 1997
Work supported by the Department of Energy, contract DE–AC03–76SF00515.
Exclusive γγ → hadron pairs are among the most fundamental processes in QCD,
providing a detailed examination of Compton scattering in the crossed channel. In
the high momentum transfer domain (s, t, large, θcm for t/s fixed), these processes
can be computed from first principles in QCD, yielding important information on
the nature of the QCD coupling αs and the form of hadron distribution amplitudes.
Similarly, the transition form factors γ ∗ γ, γ ∗ γ → π 0 , η 0 , η ′, ηc . . . provide rigorous tests
of QCD and definitive determinations of the meson distribution amplitudes φH (x, Q).
We show that the assumption of a frozen coupling at low momentum transfers can
explain the observed scaling of two-photon exclusive processes.
Exclusive two-photon processes provide highly valuable probes of coherent effects
in quantum chromodynamics. For example, in the case of exclusive final states at
high momentum transfer and fixed θcm such as γγ → pp or meson pairs, photon-
photon collisions provide a timelike microscope for testing fundamental scaling laws
of PQCD and for measuring distribution amplitudes, the fundamental wavefunctions
of hadrons. [1] At very high energies s >> −t , diffractive processes such as γγ →
neutral vector (or pseudoscalar) meson pairs with real or virtual photons can test the
QCD Pomeron (or the C = −1 exchange Odderon) in a detailed way utilizing the
simplest possible initial state. [2] In the case of low momentum transfer processes,
the comparison of the two-photon decay width for a given C = + resonance with
its inferred two-gluon width provides an indirect discovery tool for gluonium. As
discussed at this conference by H. Paar, [3] CLEO has reported a very small upper
limit for the coupling Γ(γγ → fJ0 (1220) due to the absence of a signal for Ks Ks
decays, whereas a large gg → fJ0 (1220) coupling is inferred from Mark III and BES
observations of J/ψ → γfJ0 decays. Using Chanowitz’s “stickiness” criteria, [4] this
points to a gluonium interpretation of the fJ0 .
Traditionally, γγ data has come from the annihilation of Weisäcker–Williams effective photons emitted in e− e± collisions. Data for γγ → hadrons from ep → e′ p′ R0
events at HERA has also now become available. The HERA diffractive events will
allow studies of photon and pomeron interference effects in hadron-induced amplitudes. As emphasized by Klein, [5] nuclear-coherent γγ → hadrons reactions can be
observed in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC or the LHC, e.g. Z1 Z2 → Z1 Z2 π + π − . Even-
tually γγ collisions will be studied at TeV energies with back-scattered laser beams,
allowing critical probes of Standard Model and supersymmetric processes with polarized photons in exclusive channels such as Higgs production γγ → W + W − , and
γγ → W + W − W + W − . [6]
Hard Exclusive Two-Photon Reactions
Exclusive two-photon processes such as γγ → hadron pairs and the transition form
factor γ ∗ γ → neutral mesons play a unique role in testing quantum chromodynamics
because of the simplicity of the initial state. [1] At large momentum transfer the direct
point-like coupling of the photon dominates at leading twist, leading to highly specific
predictions which depend on the shape and normalization of the hadron distribution
amplitudes φH (xi , Q) the basic valence bound state wavefunctions. The most recent
exclusive two-photon process data from CLEO [7] provides stringent tests of these
fundamental QCD predictions.
Exclusive processes are particularly challenging to compute in QCD because of
their sensitivity to the unknown non-perturbative bound state dynamics of the hadrons.
However, in some important cases, the leading power-law behavior of an exclusive amplitude at large momentum transfer can be computed rigorously via a factorization
theorem which separates the soft and hard dynamics. The key ingredient is the factorization of the hadronic amplitude at leading twist. As in the case of inclusive
reactions, factorization theorems for exclusive processes [1, 8, 9] allow the analytic
separation of the perturbatively-calculable short-distance contributions from the longdistance non-perturbative dynamics associated with hadronic binding. For example,
the amplitude γγ → π + π − factorizes in the form
Mγγ→π+ π− =
e T (x, y, Q)
e φ (y, Q)
dy φπ (x, Q)
e is in the pion distribution amplitude and contains all of the soft, nonwhere φπ (x, Q)
perturbative dynamics of the pion qq wavefunction integrated in relative transverse
e 2 , and T is the quark/gluon hard
momentum up to the separation scale k⊥
< Q
scattering amplitude for γγ → (qq)(qq) where the outgoing quarks are taken collinear
with their respective pion parent. To lowest order in αs , the hard scattering amplitude is linear in αs . The most convenient definition of the coupling is the effective
charge αV (Q2 ), defined from the potential for the scattering of two infinitely heavy
test charges, in analogy to the definition of the QED running coupling. Another
possible choice is the effective charge αR (s), defined from the QCD correction to the
annihilation cross section: Re+ e− →hadrons (s) ≡ R0 (1 + αR (s)/π). One can relate αV
and αR to αM S to NNLO using commensurate scale relations [10].
The contributions from non-valence Fock states and the correction from neglecting
the transverse momentum in the subprocess amplitude from the non-perturbative
region are higher twist, i.e., power-law suppressed. The transverse momenta in the
perturbative domain lead to the evolution of the distribution amplitude and to nextto-leading-order (NLO) corrections in αs . The contribution from the endpoint regions
of integration, x ∼ 1 and y ∼ 1, are power-law and Sudakov suppressed and thus can
only contribute corrections at higher order in 1/Q. [1]
e is boost and gauge invariant and evolves in
The distribution amplitude φ(x, Q)
e through an evolution equation [1]. It can be computed from the integral over
ln Q
transverse momenta of the renormalized hadron valence wavefunction in the light-cone
gauge at fixed light-cone time [1]:
e =
φ(x, Q)
~⊥ 2
2 ~
e −
ψ (Q)
d k⊥ θ Q
(x, k~⊥ ).
x(1 − x)
e The natural
A physical amplitude must be independent of the separation scale Q.
variable in which to make this separation is the light-cone energy, or equivalently
the invariant mass M2 = k~⊥ /x(1 − x), of the off-shell partonic system [11, 1]. Any
e for the distribution amplitude will be comresidual dependence on the choice of Q
pensated by a corresponding dependence of the NLO correction in TH . In general,
the NLO prediction for exclusive amplitude depends strongly on the form of the pion
distribution amplitude as well as the choice of renormalization scale µ and scheme.
The QCD coupling is typically evaluated at quite low scales in exclusive processes
since the momentum transfers has to be divided among several constituents. In
the BLM procedure, the scale of the coupling is evaluated by absorbing all vacuum
polarization corrections with the scale of the coupling or by taking the experimental
value integrating over the gluon virtuality. Thus, in the case of the (timelike) pion
M2π+ π− assuming the
form factor the relevant scale is of order Q∗2 ∼ e−3 M2ππ− ∼
= 20
asymptotic form of the pion distribution amplitude φasympt
= 3 fπ x(1 − x). At such
low scales, it is likely that the coupling is frozen or relatively slow varying.
In the BLM procedure, the renormalization scales are chosen such that all vacuum polarization effects from the QCD β function are re-summed into the running
couplings. The coefficients of the perturbative series are thus identical to the perturbative coefficients of the corresponding conformally invariant theory with β = 0. The
BLM method has the important advantage of “pre-summing” the large and strongly
divergent terms in the PQCD series which grow as n!(αs β0 )n , i.e., the infrared renormalons associated with coupling constant renormalization [12, 13]. Furthermore, the
renormalization scales Q∗ in the BLM method are physical in the sense that they
reflect the mean virtuality of the gluon propagators [13, 14, 15, 16]. In fact, in the
αV (Q) scheme, where the QCD coupling is defined from the heavy quark potential,
the renormalization scale is by definition the momentum transfer caused by the gluon.
Because the renormalization scale is small in the exclusive γγ processes discussed here,
we will argue that the effective coupling is nearly constant, thus accounting for the
nominal scaling behavior of the data [17, 18].
The heavy-quark potential V (Q2 ) can be identified via the two-particle-irreducible
scattering amplitude of test charges, i.e., the scattering of an infinitely heavy quark
and antiquark at momentum transfer t = −Q2 . The relation
V (Q2 ) = −
4πCF αV (Q2 )
with CF = (NC2 − 1)/2NC = 4/3, then defines the effective charge αV (Q). This
coupling provides a physically-based alternative to the usual MS scheme. As in the
corresponding case of Abelian QED, the scale Q of the coupling αV (Q) is identified with the exchanged momentum. The scale-fixed relation between αV and the
conventional MS coupling is
αV (Q) = αM S (e
2CA αM S
Q) 1 −
+··· ,
3 π
above or below any quark mass threshold. The factor e−5/6 ≃ 0.4346 is the ratio of
commensurate scales between the two schemes to this order. It arises because of the
conventions used in defining the modified minimal subtraction scheme. The scale in
the MS scheme is thus a factor ∼ 0.4 smaller than the physical scale. The coefficient
2CA /3 in the NLO term is a feature of the non-Abelian couplings of QCD; the same
coefficient would occur even if the theory were conformally invariant with β0 = 0.
Recent lattice calculations have provided strong constraints on the normalization and
shape of αV (Q2 ). [19] The J/ψ and Υ spectra have been used to determine the
αV (8.2 GeV) = 0.196(3),
where the effective number of light flavors is nf = 3. The corresponding modified
minimal subtraction coupling evolved to the Z mass using Eq. (4) is given by
αM S (MZ ) = 0.115(2).
This value is consistent with the world average of 0.117(5), but is significantly more
precise. These results are valid up to NLO.
Ji, Pang, Robertson, and I [20] have recently analyzed the pion transition form
factor F γ
→ π 0 obtained from eγ → e′ π 0 , the timelike pion form obtained from
e+ e− → π + π, and the γγ → π + π − processes, all at NLO in αV . The assumption
of a nearly constant coupling in the hard scattering amplitude at low scales provides
an explanation for the phenomenological success of dimensional counting rules for
exclusive processes; i.e., the power-law fall-off follows the nominal scaling of the hard
scattering amplitude Mhad ∼ TH ∼ [pT ]4−n where n is in the total number of incident
and final fields entering TH . The transition form factor has now been measured up
to Q2 < 8 GeV2 in the tagged two-photon collisions eγ → e′ π 0 by the CLEO and
CELLO collaborations. In this case the amplitude has the factorized form
4 Z1
FγM (Q ) = √
dxφM (x, Q2 )Tγ→M
(x, Q2 ),
3 0
where the hard scattering amplitude for γγ ∗ → qq is
(x, Q2 ) =
(1 + O(αs )) .
(1 − x)Q2
The leading QCD corrections have been computed by Braaten [21]; however, the NLO
corrections are necessary to fix the BLM scale at LO. Thus it is not yet possible to
rigorously determine the BLM scale for this quantity. We shall here assume that
this scale is the same as that occurring in the prediction for Fπ . For the asymptotic
distribution amplitude we thus predict
Q Fγπ (Q ) = 2fπ
5 αV (Q∗ )
3 π
As we shall see, given the phenomenological form of αV we employ (discussed below),
this result is not terribly sensitive to the precise value of the scale.
An important prediction resulting from the factorized form of these results is that
the normalization of the ratio
Rπ (Q2 ) ≡
Fπ (Q2 )
4πQ2 |Fπγ (Q2 )|2
Q) 1 − 0.56 M S
= αM S (e
= αV (e−3/2 Q) 1 + 1.43
= αR (e
Q) 1 − 0.65
is formally independent of the form of the pion distribution amplitude. The αM S correction follows from combined references [21, 22, 23]. The next-to-leading correction
given here assumes the asymptotic distribution amplitude.
We emphasize that when we relate Rπ to αV we relate observable to observable
and thus there is no scheme ambiguity. Furthermore, effective charges such as αV
are defined from physical observables and thus must be finite even at low momenta.
A number of proposals have been suggested for the form of the QCD coupling in
the low-momentum regime. For example, Petronzio and Parisi [24] have argued that
the coupling must freeze at low momentum transfer in order that perturbative QCD
loop integrations be well defined. Mattingly and Stevenson [25] have incorporated
such behavior into their parameterizations of αR at low scales. Gribov [26] has presented novel dynamical arguments related to the nature of confinement for a fixed
coupling at low scales. Zerwas [27] has noted the heavy quark potential must saturate to a Yukawa form since the light-quark production processes will screen the
linear confining potential at large distances. Cornwall [28] and others [29, 30] have
argued that the gluon propagator will acquire an effective gluon mass mg from nonperturbative dynamics, which again will regulate the form of the effective couplings
at low momentum. We shall adopt the simple parameterization
αV (Q) =
β0 ln
Q2 +4m2g
which effectively freezes the αV effective charge to a finite value for Q2 ≤ 4m2g .
We can use the non-relativistic heavy quark lattice results [19, 31] to fix the
parameters. A fit to the lattice data of the above parameterization gives ΛV =
0.16 GeV if we use the well-known momentum-dependent nf [32]. Furthermore,
the value m2g = 0.19 GeV2 gives consistency with the frozen value of αR advocated
by Mattingly and Stevenson [25]. Their parameterization implies the approximate
constraint αR (Q)/π ≃ 0.27 for Q = s < 0.3 GeV, which leads to αV (0.5 GeV) ≃
0.37 using the NLO commensurate scale relation between αV and αR . The resulting
form for αV is shown in Fig. 1. The corresponding predictions for αR and αM S using
the CSRs at NLO are also shown. Note that for low Q2 the couplings, although
frozen, are large. Thus the NLO and higher-order terms in the CSRs are large, and
inverting them perturbatively to NLO does not give accurate results at low scales.
In addition, higher-twist contributions to αV and αR , which are not reflected in the
CSR relating them, may be expected to be important for low Q2 [33].
It is clear that exclusive processes such as the photon to pion transition form
factors can provide a valuable window for determining the magnitude and the shape
of the effective charges at quite low momentum transfers. In particular, we can
check consistency with the αV prediction from lattice gauge theory. A complimentary
method for determining αV at low momentum is to use the angular anisotropy of
e+ e− → QQ at the heavy quark thresholds [34]. It should be emphasized that the
parameterization (14) is just an approximate form. The actual behavior of αV (Q2 )
at low Q2 is one of the key uncertainties in QCD phenomenology.
As we have emphasized, exclusive processes are sensitive to the magnitude and
−3 2
shape of the QCD couplings at quite low momentum transfer: Q∗2
V ≃ e Q ≃ Q /20
and Q∗2
R ≃ Q /50 [35]. The fact that the data for exclusive processes such as form
factors, two photon processes such as γγ → π + π − , and photoproduction at fixed
θc.m. are consistent with the nominal scaling of the leading-twist QCD predictions
(dimensional counting) at momentum transfers Q up to the order of a few GeV can
be immediately understood if the effective charges αV and αR are slowly varying
αM S
Q2 (GeV2 )
Figure 1: The coupling function αV (Q2 ) as given in Eq. (14). Also shown are the
corresponding predictions for αM S and αR following from the NLO commensurate
scale relations.
at low momentum. The scaling of the exclusive amplitude then follows that of the
subprocess amplitude TH with effectively fixed coupling. Note also that the Sudakov
effect of the end point region is the exponential of a double log series if the coupling
is frozen, and thus is strong.
In Fig. 2, we compare the recent CLEO data [7] for the photon to pion transition
form factor with the prediction
Q Fγπ (Q ) = 2fπ
5 αV (e−3/2 Q)
The flat scaling of the Q2 Fγπ (Q2 ) data from Q2 = 2 to Q2 = 8 GeV2 provides an
important confirmation of the applicability of leading twist QCD to this process. The
magnitude of Q2 Fγπ (Q2 ) is remarkably consistent with the predicted form, assuming
the asymptotic distribution amplitude and including the LO QCD radiative correction
with αV (e−3/2 Q)/π ≃ 0.12. Radyushkin [36], Ong [37] and Kroll [38] have also noted
that the scaling and normalization of the photon-to-pion transition form factor tends
Q2 Fγπ (Q2 )
r r
r r
Q2 (GeV2 )
Figure 2: The γ → π 0 transition form factor. The solid line is the full predic-
tion including the QCD correction [Eq. (15)]; the dotted line is the LO prediction
Q2 Fγπ (Q2 ) = 2fπ .
to favor the asymptotic form for the pion distribution amplitude and rules out broader
distributions such as the two-humped form suggested by QCD sum rules [39]. One
cannot obtain a unique solution for the non-perturbative wavefunction from the Fπγ
data alone. However, we have the constraint that
1 1
5 αV (Q∗ )
≃ 0.8
i 1−
3 1−x
3 π
(assuming the renormalization scale we have chosen in Eq. (9) is approximately
correct). Thus one could allow for some broadening of the distribution amplitude
with a corresponding increase in the value of αV at low scales.
We have also analyzed the γγ → π + π − , K + K − data. These data exhibit true
leading-twist scaling (Fig. 3), so that one would expect this process to be a good test
of theory. One can show that to LO
(γγ → π + π − )
4|Fπ (s)|2
1 − cos4 θc.m.
(γγ → µ+ µ− )
in the CMS, where dt = (s/2)d(cos θc.m. ) and here Fπ (s) is the time-like pion form
factor. The ratio of the time-like to space-like pion form factor for the asymptotic
distribution amplitude is given by
|Fπ(timelike) (−Q2 )|
|αV (−Q∗2 )|
αV (Q∗2 )
(Q2 )
If we simply continue Eq. (14) to negative values of Q2 then for 1 < Q2 < 10
GeV2 , and hence 0.05 < Q∗2 < 0.5 GeV2 , the ratio of couplings in Eq. (18) is
of order 1.5. Of course this assumes the analytic application of Eq. (14). Thus
if we assume the asymptotic form for the distribution amplitude, then we predict
Fπ(timelike) (−Q2 ) ≃ (0.3 GeV2 )/Q2 and hence
(γγ → π + π − )
≃ 2
s 1 − cos4 θc.m.
(γγ → µ µ )
The resulting prediction for the combined cross section σ(γγ → π + π − , K + K − )† is
shown in Fig. 3, along with CLEO data [7]. Considering the possible contribution of
the resonance f2 (1270), the agreement is reasonable.
We also note that the normalization of αV could be larger at low momentum
than our estimate. This would also imply a broadening of the pion distribution
amplitude compared to its asymptotic form since one needs to raise the expectation
value of 1/(1 −x) in order to maintain consistency with the magnitude of the Fγπ (Q2 )
data. A full analysis will then also require consideration of the breaking of scaling
from the evolution of the distribution amplitude. In any case, we find no compelling
argument for significant higher-twist contributions in the few GeV regime from the
hard scattering amplitude or the endpoint regions, since such corrections violate the
observed scaling behavior of the data.
The analysis we have presented here suggests a systematic program for estimating exclusive amplitudes in QCD (including exclusive B-decays) which involve hard
scattering. The central input is αV (0), or
αV = 2
dQ′ αV (Q′ ), Q20 ≤ 1 GeV2 ,
The contribution from kaons is obtained at this order simply by rescaling the prediction for
pions by a factor (fK /fπ )4 ≃ 2.2.
r r
r r r
σ (nb)
M (GeV/c2 )
Figure 3: Two-photon annihilation cross section σ(γγ → π + π − , K + K − ) as a function
of CMS energy, for | cos θ∗ | < 0.6.
which largely controls the magnitude of the underlying quark-gluon subprocesses
for hard processes in the few-GeV region. In this work, the mean coupling value for
Q20 ≃ 0.5 GeV2 is αV ≃ 0.38. The main focus will then be to determine the shapes and
normalization of the process-independent meson and baryon distribution amplitudes.
The leading-twist scaling of the observed cross sections for exclusive two-photon processes and other fixed θcm reactions can be understood if the effective coupling αV (Q∗ )
is approximately constant in the domain of Q∗ relevant to the underlying hard scattering amplitudes. In addition, the Sudakov suppression of the long-distance contributions is strengthened if the coupling is frozen because of the exponentiation of a double
log series. We have also found that the commensurate scale relation connecting the
heavy quark potential, as determined from lattice gauge theory, to the photon-to-pion
transition form factor is in excellent agreement with γe → π 0 e data assuming that
the pion distribution amplitude is close to its asymptotic form
3fπ x(1 − x). We also
reproduce the scaling and approximate normalization of the γγ → π + π − , K + K − data
at large momentum transfer. However, the normalization of the space-like pion form
factor Fπ (Q2 ) obtained from electroproduction experiments is somewhat higher than
that predicted by the corresponding commensurate scale relation. This discrepancy
may be due to systematic errors introduced by the extrapolation of the γ ∗ p → π + n
electroproduction data to the pion pole.
Much of this talk is based on collaborations with Peter Lepage, Hung Jung Lu, Chueng
Ji, Dave Robertson, and Alex Pang, and I thank them for helpful conversations. This
work is supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract no.
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