Hindawi Publishing Corporation
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Volume 2010, Article ID 613931, 11 pages
Research Article
Immersion and Gameplay Experience: A Contingency Framework
Daniel Örtqvist1 and Mats Liljedahl2
1 Department
2 Interactive
of Business Administration and Social Sciences (IES), Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, Sweden
Institute, Sonic Studio, Acusticum 4, 941 28 Piteå, Sweden
Correspondence should be addressed to Mats Liljedahl,
[email protected]
Received 16 February 2010; Revised 2 September 2010; Accepted 17 November 2010
Academic Editor: Michael Katchabaw
Copyright © 2010 D. Örtqvist and M. Liljedahl. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
The nature of the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience is investigated, focusing primarily on the literature
related to flow. In particular, this paper proposes that immersion and gameplay experience are conceptually different, but
empirically positively related through mechanisms related to flow. Furthermore, this study examines gamers’ characteristics to
determine the influence between immersion and gameplay experiences. The study involves 48 observations in one game setting.
Regression analyses including tests for moderation and simple slope analysis are used to reveal gamers’ age, experience, and
understanding of the game, which moderate the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience. The results suggest
that immersion is more positive for gameplay experience when the gamer lacks experience and understanding of the game as well
as when the gamer is relatively older. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed at length in the paper.
1. Introduction
To date, gaming research has covered multiple disciplines
including psychology and pedagogy as well as information
and communication sciences, management and business,
and different disciplines of engineering. Such broad interest
has influenced the diversity of the research questions and the
focus of the existing studies. One area that has recently drawn
significant attention is the interactive nature of the game
setting, focusing in particular on gamers’ experiences and
their consequences. As suggested by Ermi and Mäyrä, “The
act of playing a game is where the rules embedded into the
game’s structure start operating, and its program code starts
having an effect on cultural and social, as well as artistic and
commercial realities. If we want to understand what a game
is, we need to understand what happens in the act of playing,
and we need to understand the player and the experience of
gameplay” [1]. Following this statement, the current research
specifically focuses on the nature of gameplay experiences.
One powerful gaming experience is immersion, which
has been mentioned by gamers [2], designers [3], and game
researchers [4] alike as an important experience of interaction. Research on gaming has examined the assumption
of a strong relationship between immersion and gameplay
experience, such that immersion is intertwined with gameplay experience—either by conceptual overlap or through a
strong, positive, and linear relationship. Consequently, studies have been conducted on the antecedents of immersion
in an attempt to more fully understand how to influence
consumers of games (i.e., gamers) so that they experience
both immersion and subsequent gameplay experience. Studies have found that immersion is related to the realism of
the game world [5] as well as environmental and contextual
sounds [6]. Immersion is also said to have depth [2]. Thus,
the experience of immersion—which can be benefitted or
harmed by game characteristics—has been deemed critical to
game enjoyment. Yet little evidence supports such a strong
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience.
Indeed, only a few studies have truly investigated immersion’s
contribution (if any) to the gameplay experience. Therefore,
the current study aims to investigate the nature of the
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience as
well as investigate contingencies influencing the relationship
between immersion and gameplay experience.
In this paper, we discuss the ways in which the gameplay experience can be conceptualized, provide a model
that organizes some of its fundamental components, and
conclude with an assessment of the model, including some
directions for further research. It should be noted that this
study is exploratory in nature. As such, the goal is to generate
new areas of discussion rather than propose results that
are perfectly generalizable over different settings. The paper
concludes with an analytical generalization in relation to
results of previous studies in similar and different settings,
offering proposals and guidance for future studies.
2. Theory and Hypotheses
Gameplay experience is one of the most central targets in the
development of any game. The current study focuses on the
temporal gameplay experience rather than players’ weighted
experience based on peer influence, game reviewers, or other
social references. Gameplay experience is thus defined as
“an ensemble made up of the player’s sensations, thoughts,
feelings, actions, and meaning making in a gameplay setting”
[1]. As such, at the high end gameplay experience can be fun,
challenging, and victorious. Our argument that follows is
that gameplay experience is an attitude directed towards the
game, which serves as a general opinion about the experience
from the game.
A central component in understanding the gameplay
experience is the influence of immersion [7]. Immersion
has been studied both in the literature on games and also
in the literature examining virtual reality. Studies focusing
on virtual reality have, like studies on games, focused on
contextually defining immersion, attempting to understand
its antecedents and its relationship to enjoyment, and also
to measure immersion. We have especially reviewed the
literature on immersion related to games, and we do put
forth some influential studies in Table 1. These studies
have some common implications for our understanding
of immersion and gameplay experience. First, while many
studies have viewed immersion and gameplay experience as
two very close conceptual constructs, we follow results from
the literature review to argue that gameplay experience is
a distinct construct from immersion. Gameplay experience
relates to the gamer’s development of attitudes toward the
game whereas immersion is rather a synonym for presence
when engaging in the game [8]. Similar studies reported in
Table 1 have also viewed immersion (or presence) as generally separated from enjoyment (read gameplay experience).
While separate, we do expect a strong, positive, and causal
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience.
The experience of being present in a game is generally
perceived as a positive experience; hence, such an experience
should result in the gamer developing positive attitudes for
the game. As such, we believe that being immersed will lead
to a certain gameplay experience.
Another general finding among the studies presented
in Table 1 is that there are similarities between immersion
and flow experiences. We here follow Csikszentmihalyi [14–
17] when conceptualizing flow as a holistic experience that
people feel when they act with total involvement. We also
believe that flow-like experiences could bridge the sense of
being immersed to the positive evaluation leading to a sense
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Table 1: Literature review of immersion.
Brown and Cairns [8]
Ermi and Mäyrä [1]
Nacke and Lindley [9]
Douglas and Hargadon
Paras and Bizzocchi
Reid et al. [12]
Weibel et al. [13]
Main results/implications
Analyzed players’ feelings towards
their favourite game and led them to
propose three gradual and successive
levels of player immersion:
engagement, engrossment, and total
Subdivided immersion into three
distinct forms: sensory,
challenge-based, and imaginative
Forwarded that the experience of
immersion is very close to what
Csikszentmihalyi describes as a flow
Used schema theory to understand
immersion in different media.
Examined antecedents to immersion
in interface design, options for
navigation, and other features of game.
Adopted flow for understanding the
consequences of immersion.
Argued that educational games need to
be immersive to be well functioning.
The main rationale was that
immersion involves an acceptance and
submission to rules and conditions
that create and drive the participation
in the virtual environment.
Found a positive correlation between
immersion and enjoyment. Argued
immersion to be temporal, but
influences gamers over time as they
trigger attitudes as enjoyment.
Found presence (compare
immersion), flow, and enjoyment
(compare gameplay experience) to be
different but yet related concepts in a
statistical test of two groups with
about 40 participants in each.
of gameplay experience. We return to this argument in the
development of hypotheses in the study.
One central point of a conceptual separation of immersion and gameplay experience is the potential to allow
their relationship to be dependent on contingent influences.
According to a contingency framework, the gamer’s characteristics moderate the relationship between immersion
and gameplay experience such that immersion is expected
to actually lead to different levels of gameplay experience.
We draw from the literature related to flow to explain
why a perceived presence in a game (i.e., immersion) can
render different attitudinal developments (i.e., gameplay
experience) depending on the characteristics of the person
playing the game.
Gameplay experience is largely dependent on the perceptual interpretation of the gamer (labeled gamer characteristics) interacting with the immersion. Thus, we propose
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Figure 1: Research framework.
a model (see Figure 1) in which immersion is related to
gameplay experience, but the magnitude of this influence
is dependent on the characteristics of the gamer. This
implies that immersion can evoke highly pleasant gameplay
experiences for some gamers, but possibly even unattractive
gameplay experiences for other gamers [18]. The following
subsections introduce the rationale for a positive relationship
between immersion and gameplay experience and discuss
how gamers’ age, experience, and game understanding
influence the magnitude by which immersion influences
gameplay experience.
2.1. Immersion and Gameplay Experience. Although the
concept of immersion is frequently addressed by researchers
and practitioners (i.e., players and game designers), the
precision in the conceptual definition has been questioned
[8]. Some have defined immersion as “the sensation of being
surrounded by a completely other reality [· · · ] that takes
over all of our attention, our whole perceptual apparatus”
[19]. Immersion has also been defined as the “extent to
which a person’s cognitive and perceptual systems are tricked
into believing they are somewhere other than their physical
location” [20]. Overall, immersion refers to the success
in a game to create an experience of escapism for the
gamer. Following studies conducted on media, we refer to
immersion as a psychological experience of nonmediation
[21], which implies that significant immersion would relate
to an experience of being in a world that is perceived
to be generated by the computer instead of just using a
computer [22].
Many studies treat immersion as a construct conceptually
close to gameplay experience. We argue that these constructs
are conceptually different, but empirically strongly related.
Immersion is conceptually rooted in one’s presence in the
game while gameplay experience is an attitudinal evaluation
of the experience of the game. Although the presence and the
attitudinal evaluation are likely strongly related empirically,
the conceptual foundation for immersion and gameplay
experience is fundamentally different.
Researchers arguing that immersion is similar to presence
often highlight that immersion is conceptually linked to
Csikszentmihalyi’s [14] conceptualization of flow. Following
such trends, immersion has been labeled as “microflow”
[18] and “gameflow” [23] to mention a few. The strong
link between immersion and flow comes from the shared
similarities in that both are interrupted when the task at hand
is distracted; consequently, both require attention, alter one’s
sense of time, and lead to the sense of self being lost [8].
The conceptual arguments related to flow were developed to
account for the pleasure found by immersion in everyday
activities [15–17]. Although not explicitly developed to
explain gameplay experience, conceptualizations of flow
resonate well with reports of causes of gameplay experience
and can explain how immersion and gameplay experience
are different as well as why immersion is linked to rewarding
gameplay experiences.
In essence, we suggest that the mechanism that transfers
immersion to gameplay experience is based on flow. The
flow-like experience of immersion triggers a powerful sense
of gratification that is manifested in a rewarding gameplay
experience (i.e., an experience that creates an attitude). In
accordance with Csikszentmihalyi [17], the escape from the
real world through fantasy behavior creates arousing and
relaxing sensations, which in turn influence the attitudinal
evaluation of the gameplay experience. As such, we propose
the following hypothesis.
Hypothesis 1. Immersion is (a) conceptually different from
but (b) positively related to gameplay experience.
2.2. Age. The first situational contingency is related to the
gamer’s age. Immersion is generally positively related to the
gameplay experience, yet the level of gameplay experience
developed from a certain level of immersion is dependent on
the gamer’s age. We argue in our theorizing that older gamers
will experience more rewarding gameplay experiences from
increases in immersion than younger gamers.
Much research has shown that a difference exists in the
appraisal of rewards depending on age. In media work, Rettie
[24] found that younger respondents did not experience the
same rewards when engaging in activities on the Internet,
where they were exposed to challenges perceived as stressful
and irritating instead of evaluating the immersion as a
rewarding state. Similar arguments have been posted in
studies examining flow. For instance, Csikszentmihalyi [25]
argued that with age immersion-like experiences become
increasingly rare; therefore, each experience of immersion
adds to the development of positive attitudes (i.e., gameplay
experience in this case). Thus, we suggest that age has a moderating influence on the relationship between immersion and
gameplay experience.
Hypothesis 2. Age moderates the relationship between
immersion and gameplay experience such that increases in
immersion more positively influence the gameplay experience for gamers who are older compared to gamers who are
2.3. Experience. The second situational contingency is
related to the gamer’s experience of gaming. In specific,
we suggest that the level of gameplay experience developed
from a certain level of immersion will be dependent on the
gamer’s experience of gaming. We argue in our theorizing
that gamers with low gaming experience will experience
more rewarding gameplay experiences from increases in
immersion than gamers with high gaming experience.
Gamers with higher gaming experience will not experience the same reward effects from yet another flow-like
experience; rather, they are more used to the transitions
between the real and the created reality [25]. As such,
the emotional influence triggering the attitudinal evaluation
of the gaming experience would likely be deemed as less
rewarding for a more experienced gamer compared to a
novice gamer. Indeed, Novak et al. [26] examined online
experiences and found that “the degree to which the online
experience is compelling appears to decrease with years of
experience online.” As such, it is possible to assume that—
although experiencing a presence—gamers with significant
experience would consider the fact that they were facing
challenges below their skill threshold when evaluating and
forming their attitudes of gameplay experience. Hence,
we propose that experience moderates the influence of
immersion on gameplay experience.
Hypothesis 3. Gaming experience moderates the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience such
that increases in immersion more positively influence the
gameplay experience for gamers with low gaming experience
compared to gamers with high gaming experience.
2.4. Game Understanding. The third situational contingency
is related to the gamer’s understanding of the game, suggesting that the level of gameplay experience developed
from a certain level of immersion will be dependent on the
gamer’s understanding of the game. We argue that gamers
with a limited understanding of the game will experience
more rewarding gameplay experiences from increases in
immersion compared to gamers with a higher level of
understanding of the game.
Gamers with a comparably lower understanding of the
game, but who still feel a presence in the game (i.e., immersion), will likely use their senses to a greater degree to fill in
information when they do not understand the situation. This
type of presence would likely positively influence the attitudinal evaluation of the gameplay experience, as it requires
the gamer to be alert and emotionally intertwined with the
game to a greater extent than a gamer who does not need to
understand or learn in order to complete the game. Thus, it
is more likely that a person who does not extensively use all
the senses relies on less concentration, which has been proven
to interrupt flow-like situations and lead to a more negative
evaluation of the experience [27]. In addition, experienced
challenges are positively related to flow-like experiences,
transforming into rewarding attitudinal evaluations (see, for
instance, Kim et al. [28]), such as evaluations of gameplay
experience. Based on this argument, we propose that game
understanding moderates the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience.
Hypothesis 4. Game understanding moderates the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience such
that increases in immersion more positively influence the
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
gameplay experience for gamers with less game understanding than gamers with more game understanding.
3. Research Methods
The present study employed an experimental approach to
test the nature of the relationship between immersion and
gameplay experience and to investigate contingencies to this
relationship. We used a single game setting—Beowulf—
as our experimental vehicle (see next sub-section for an
introduction to Beowulf). One advantage of sampling from a
single game setting compared to multiple settings is reduced
external variance, as universal factors are deemed to be more
prominent in isolation. All gamers experienced the same
game and played for the same length of time, thereby reducing alternative explanations for findings. Also, our selected
game was audio based and developed for short gaming
sessions. The plot and layout of the game was simple enough
for the surveyed gamers to quickly get started with the game.
These features of the game provided advantages given that
we needed to do the study with individuals who played the
game for only a short while. While the game setting has
its unique characteristics, it still has common features for
how to relate to the game (even if this is driven more by
sound compared to graphics). We believe the game to be
representative in how immersion and gameplay experience
relate and are influenced by gamers’ characteristics. The
following subsections describe the research setting (i.e., the
game), the sample and data collection, and the technique for
measuring the phenomena under study.
3.1. Research Setting. Beowulf [29] is a heroic epic poem that
experts believe was written sometime between 700 and 1000
A.D. It is sometimes referred to as England’s national epic.
In the Beowulf game used in the current study, one small
episode of the long poem is lifted out and translated into a
gameplay scenario. The episode in the poem narrates how
the Scandinavian hero Beowulf defeats the monster Grendel
in its lair.
In the game, Grendel lurks in a dark system of caves
and tunnels inhabited not only by the monster itself, but
also by wolverines, snakes, bats, and a host of potential
dangers. As our hero enters the first cave, a gust of wind
blows out his torch and darkness descends. The player, as
Beowulf, must now completely trust in his/her hearing to
navigate a route to the monster, with only minimal help
from a simple revealing map. The task is to successfully
navigate the hazards lying between the cave entrance and the
monster. The player interprets the myriad of sounds that fill
the environment both for navigation and for confrontational
combat situations. Finally, the monster must be located and
dispatched with a well-timed swing of Beowulf ’s sword.
A majority of the output stimuli from the game are
sounds; indeed, gameplay is driven almost entirely by audio,
with only sparse and coarse-grained visuals. This approach is
called an “audio mostly game.” An audio mostly game is not
a game for visually impaired persons; rather, it is a game for
hearing, possibly sighted persons who have various reasons
for requesting the shift from eye to ear. In this sense, the
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Beowulf project is different from the numerous audio-only
game projects for persons who are visually impaired.
A nondetailed map represents the game world graphically. This map shows only the parts of the cave system
that the player has visited so far. The map slowly reveals the
game world as the player progresses through and explores it.
Figure 2 shows one example of what this revealing map can
look like after a couple of minutes of play.
Navigating and moving in the game world are controlled
using the arrow keys on the computer keyboard in the
same way as in the Sleuth game [30]. The blue triangular
arrow in Figure 2 shows both the players’ current position
and current direction: north, south, east, or west. The right
arrow key turns the current direction 90 degrees clockwise;
the left arrow key turns the current direction 90 degrees
anticlockwise. If the current direction is “east,” as in Figure 2,
pressing the right arrow key will alter the current direction to
“south” while pressing the left arrow key will alter the current
direction to “north.” The up arrow key moves the current
position one “map point” step in the current direction. In the
situation illustrated by Figure 2, pressing the up arrow key
will move the player one step east (right). If the player tries
to move to a map point that does not exist, the blue arrow is
not advanced, and a “bump” sound is played, indicating that
the player hit a wall.
Having reduced the visual support to merely a simple
revealing map, the soundscape perceptually takes several
steps forward and becomes crucial in moving around the
game world and handling the challenges and situations
encountered. The soundscape is three dimensional. Players
localize items and find directions by listening, moving, and
turning, using the same stereophonic principles as in real
life. Headphones ensure that players experience the necessary
stereo sound experience.
Beowulf is a first-person listener game in which the player
hears through Beowulf ’s ears. Very little visual information is
provided to guide the player’s perception. Instead Beowulf ’s
soundscape takes over most of the responsibility for communicating the properties of the game world, traditionally done
through graphics. For this to work, all sounds have to be very
realistic, of high quality, and carefully implemented.
3.2. Sample and Data Collection Procedures. Data were
collected from a quota sample consisting of 48 individuals
in an experimental setting. Four settings were used to collect
data in order to ensure that sufficient variance existed in
the data; thus, the data collection design was similar to a
stratified sample. Each of the four groups comprised 12
respondents. Group 1 was made up of music conservatory
students who were 20 to 25 years old. Group 2 was high
school students from southwest Sweden who were 13 to
15 years old. Group 3 was art and design students who
were 20 to 25 years old. Group 4 was high school students
from northeast Sweden who were 13 to 15 years old. This
type and size of sample is quite common in similar studies
examining immersion. Similar studies have even addressed
similar research questions with similar analytic methods
using 25 respondents [9].
Lair of Beowulf
Figure 2: The revealing map.
Data were collected in an experiment setting in which
respondents were asked to first try out the game and then give
immediate feedback. As accuracy in filling out questionnaires
decreases with time, we found it important that the respondents be able to discuss flow in an environment both
physically and temporally close to their experience. During
the test, the subjects first got a short introduction to the
game, its background, and the Beowulf story as well as
instructions on how to navigate in the game using the
arrow keys on the computer keyboard. The test situation
was conducted on identical laptops (Apple MacBook Pro),
with all subjects using Koss Portapro headphones to ensure
consistent audio parameters.
After having played the game for approximately ten
minutes, the subjects started to fill out the questionnaire
(described in Section 3.3). The test session was ended
once the questionnaire was completed. Each session lasted
approximately 30 minutes and was supervised by one of the
3.3. Measurement. A questionnaire was developed and
administered to the sample in the gaming setting. The
respondents were asked to complete the questionnaire after
they had played the game for about ten minutes. The
questionnaire contained in total 24 questions using a 7-point
Likert scale with the same anchors (1 = strongly disagree,
and 7 = strongly agree) and 6 open-ended questions in which
the respondents could provide more qualitative data on the
experiences with the game.
3.3.1. Gameplay Experience. Gameplay experience was measured using three items on a seven-point Likert scale. The
items were related to experiences of the game, including
the gamers’ attitude to the time it took to experience the
game as interesting, the number of challenges in the game,
and the amount of time needed to complete the game. A
typical item was worded “It took very long time to play
the game” (reversed scored). Gamers who expressed that
they quickly became emotionally engaged in the game, that
they were interested in more challenges, and that the game
ended too fast were interpreted as exhibiting a high gameplay
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics.
experience. The average gameplay experience was 5.24, with
a standard deviation of 1.20.
3.3.2. Immersion. Immersion was measured as a composite
construct from two items, both assessed on a seven-point
Likert scale. The items were related to the gamers’ sense
of being completely engaged in the game as well as how
easy it was to grasp their presence in the gaming world. A
typical item was worded: “I was completely engaged in the
game”. The average immersion in the sample was 5.24, with
a standard deviation of 1.18.
3.3.3. Age. The study was conducted on a sample with two
age categories: younger gamers (i.e., gamers between 12 and
18 years of age) and slightly older gamers (i.e., between 19
and 25 years of age). Due to the within-group homogeneity
of the responses, age was categorized as a dichotomous
variable in which the younger group was coded as 1 and the
older groups as 2. Half (50%) of the sample were younger
3.3.4. Gaming Experience. Gaming experience was comprised of a single item assessed on a seven-point Likert
scale. Gamers were asked to respond to a statement about
how frequently they play games (i.e., “I often play computer
games”), which was used as a proxy for gaming experience.
The average response was 4.33, with a standard deviation of
3.3.5. Game Understanding. Game understanding was measured using four items assessed on a seven-point Likert scale.
The items related to the gamers’ experience—namely, they
found it easy to know when to use items embedded in the
game, easy to understand what to do in the game, easy to
understand when things happened, and easy to know how
to act when things happened. A typical item was worded:
“I immediately understood when I was under attack in
the game”. The average response was 4.46, with a standard
deviation of 1.42.
3.4. Methods for Analyses. Hypotheses were tested by
employing regression analyses following recommendations
for evaluation of moderation. To retain statistical power due
to the number of observations, the hypotheses were tested in
4. Results
First, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the
variables adopted to test the hypotheses. Table 2 presents the
descriptive statistics and the correlations of the variables in
the study. We found initial support for our hypothesis as
the measure of immersion was positively related to gameplay
experience. The threat of multicollinearity is low: the highest
correlation coefficient is about .39. To reduce multicollinearity among the independent variables and the interaction
terms, the variables used to compute interaction terms were
standardized. Reliability estimates (i.e., Cronbach’s alpha)
Min Max Ave St.D.
(1) Gameplay
(2) Immersion 2.00
(3) Age
(4) Experience 1.00
(5) Game
N = 48,
P < .001,
7.00 5.24 1.20 1.00
7.00 5.24 1.18 .35∗
2.00 1.52 0.50 .24
7.00 4.33 2.06 .22
.27 1.00
.08 .07 1.00
7.00 4.46 1.42 .38∗∗ .39∗∗ .17 .07 1.00
P < .01,
P < .05.
were acceptable (i.e., α > .70) in relation to recommended
levels (Nunnally [31]; Fornell and Larcker [32]).
After establishing initial support (i.e., by correlational
analyses) for hypothesized relationships and support for
the psychometric properties of the studied variables, we
continued by examination of the hypotheses. First, we tested
the argument that immersion and gameplay experience are
two distinct constructs which are positively related. Second,
we tested the moderation by gamers’ characteristics (i.e.,
age, experience, and game understanding). In order to
retain statistical power due to the sample size we tested
the moderating influences in separate models. We followed
general guidelines for how to test categorical and continuous
moderation effects (Aiken and West [33]; Baron and Kenny
4.1. Immersion and Gameplay Experience. We argued in the
first hypothesis that immersion is (a) conceptually different
from and (b) positively related to gameplay experience.
To test the first part of the hypothesis we performed a
simultaneous principal component analysis with Oblimin
Kaiser normalization of the items (i.e., variables) measuring
immersion and gameplay experience. If the factor analysis
extracts two factors with eigenvalues above one, and where
loadings of items are according to measurement, then the
first part of the hypothesis is supported. Secondly, to test
whether immersion and gameplay experience are positively
related, we performed a simple regression analysis where
immersion is the independent variable and with gameplay
experience is the dependent variable.
A principal component analysis with Oblimin Kaiser
normalization (four rotations) revealed two distinct factors
with eigenvalues over one (see Table 3). The first factor—
immersion—contained two items which both related to the
immersion factor with loadings between .77 and .85, and
with simultaneous low loadings to the gameplay experience factor (i.e., loadings below .10). Similarly, the three
items measuring gameplay experience revealed loadings
between .67 and .85 on gameplay experience, and simultaneous loadings below .15 on the immersion factor. This
supports the first part of the hypothesis, that immersion is
conceptually different from gameplay experience.
The second part of the hypothesis concerned the influence by immersion on gameplay experience. Regression
analysis reveals that immersion explains 10% of the variance in gameplay experience according to the adjusted R
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Table 3: Principal component analysis.
Variable 1
Variable 2
Variable 3
Variable 4
Variable 5
Gameplay experience
Table 4: Regression results.
Coefficients coefficients
Immersion ×
Dependent variable: gameplay experience.
square value. Further, the regression model is significant
(F = 6, 21∗ ), and immersion is a significant predictor of
gameplay experience with a standardized coefficient of .35
(see Table 4). This supports the second part of the hypothesis
that immersion is positively related to gameplay experience.
Overall, we found support for hypothesis one, and thereby
we found support for a chain reaction which sets of in the
flow-like experience of being immersed, which in turn will
render positive attitudes, and finally be positively related to
gameplay experience. As we found support for our central
hypothesis, we continue by examining if this influence is
dependent upon characteristics of the gamer.
Dependent variable: gameplay experience.
Gameplay experience
Table 5: Regression results.
12–18 year
19–25 year
Figure 3: Interaction between immersion and age on gameplay
Table 6: Simple slope analysis.
4.2. Age. We next examine the role of the gamers’ age as a
moderating variable on the relationship between immersion
and gameplay experience. We found the model including
the interaction term to explain 17% of the variance in
gameplay experience, which should be compared to the
10% explained by immersion only. The regression model is
significant (F = 4.19∗ ) and the interaction term (immersion
× age) is significant (see Table 5), which implies that the
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience is
dependent on the gamers’ age, in accordance with the second
hypothesis. As such this test strongly supported hypothesis
two as the inclusion of the interaction term explained
substantially more variance in the dependent variable and
since the interaction term was significant. We continue by
examining the support for hypothesis two by examining the
nature of the interaction effect. First we plot the interaction
effect, and thereafter we perform simple slope analyses.
Figure 3 plots the relationship between immersion and
gameplay experience at the two age groups studied. We have
followed guidelines for plotting moderation effects including
categorical variables. As obvious from the plot, both slopes
are positive but the slope for the older group is steeper
suggesting that immersion is more important for the older
group, and that the younger group still rates the gameplay
Simple slope
Standard error
Degrees of freedom
Categorical moderator
12–18 years
19–25 years
experience higher (compared to the older group) when
immersion is low.
Further analysis of these slopes (as can be viewed in
Table 6) shows that the slopes are differently positive (.11 for
the younger group and .48 for the older group). However,
only the older group is significant (T-value > 1.96; P <
.05). Therefore, it is not possible to state that immersion
has any influence whatsoever for the gameplay experience
of the younger group, while we provide evidence for the
importance of immersion for the older group. Hence, the
results are in line with our arguments that with age the flowlike experience of immersion adds more to the development
of positive attitudes (i.e., gameplay experience in this case).
As such we find support for hypothesis two.
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Table 7: Regression results.
Immersion ×
Gameplay experience
Dependent variable: gameplay experience.
4.3. Experience. We next examine the role of gaming experience as a moderating variable on the relationship between
immersion and gameplay experience. The theoretical logic
underpinning this argument is that increases in immersion more positively influence the gameplay experience for
gamers with low gaming experience compared to gamers
with high gaming experience. As such, we expect gamers with
low gaming experience to have the most positive effect (i.e.,
the highest slope) of immersion on gameplay experience.
We found the model, including the interaction term, to
explain 16% of the variance in gameplay experience, which
should be compared to the 10% explained by immersion
only. The regression model is significant (F = 3.89∗ ), but
the interaction term is marginally significant (i.e., P < .10).
As such, we find but partial support for the moderating
relationship of gaming experience on immersion-gameplay
experience relationship (see Table 7 for more details on the
results). Since the interaction term is at least marginally
significant, we continue by examining the support for
hypothesis three by examining the nature of the interaction
effect. First we plot the interaction effect, and thereafter we
perform simple slope analyses.
Figure 4 plots the relationship between immersion and
gameplay experience at three levels of gamers’ experience,
low corresponds to one standard deviation below average,
med stands for average, and high is one standard deviation
above average. We have followed guidelines for plotting moderation effects including continuous variables. As obvious
from the plot, all three slopes are positive, but the slope for
gamers with lower experience is more steep compared to the
other slopes. In fact, the slope for the experienced gamers
seems almost to indicate no relationship between immersion
and gameplay experience.
Further analyses (as can be viewed in Table 8) reveal all
three slopes to be positive. However, only the simple slope for
the gamers with low experience is significant (T-value > 1.96;
P < .05). Therefore, it is not possible to state that immersion
has any influence whatsoever for the gameplay experience of
the gamers with average or high experience, while we provide
evidence for the importance of immersion for the group with
low experience. Hence, we find partial support for hypothesis
three as the interaction term was marginally significant and
the slopes behaved as predicted in the hypothesis.
Gameing experience
Figure 4: Interaction between immersion and gaming experience
on gameplay experience.
Table 8: Simple slope analysis.
Simple slope
Standard error
Degrees of freedom
Continuous Moderator
4.4. Game Understanding. We next examine the role of the
gamers’ understanding for the game as a moderating variable
on the relationship between immersion and gameplay experience. We found the model including the interaction term to
explain 23% of the variance in gameplay experience, which
should be compared to the 10% explained by immersion
only. The regression model is significant (F = 5.76∗∗ ) and
the interaction term is significant, which implies that the
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience
is dependent on gamers’ understanding for the game, in
accordance with the fourth hypothesis. As such, this test
strongly supported hypothesis four as the inclusion of
the interaction term (immersion × game understanding)
explained substantially more variance in the dependent
variable and since the interaction term was significant (see
Table 9 for full details). We continue by examining the
support for hypothesis four by examining the nature of the
interaction effect. First, we plot the interaction effect, and
thereafter we perform simple slope analyses.
Figure 5 plots the relationship between immersion and
gameplay experience at three levels of game understanding,
low corresponds to one standard deviation below average,
med stands for average, and high is one standard deviation
above average. We have followed guidelines for plotting moderation effects including continuous variables. As obvious
International Journal of Computer Games Technology
Table 9: Regression results.
Immersion ×
Gameplay experience
Dependent variable: gameplay experience.
Table 10: Simple slope analysis.
Simple slope
Standard error
Degrees of freedom
Continuous moderator
from the plot, all three slopes are positive, but the slope
for the gamers with low game understanding is more steep
compared to the other slopes. In fact, the slope for gamers’
experiencing a high game understanding seems almost to
indicate no relationship between immersion and gameplay
Further analyses (as can be viewed in Table 10) reveal
all three slopes to be positive. However, the simple slope for
gamers with low and average game understanding is positive
and significant (T-value > 1.96; P < .05). Therefore, it is
not possible to state that immersion has any influence for
the gameplay experience of gamers’ with high understanding
for the game, while we provide evidence for the importance
of immersion for the group with low and average game
understanding. Hence, we find support for hypothesis four as
the interaction term was significant, and the slopes behaved
as predicted in the hypothesis.
5. Discussion and Conclusions
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship
between immersion and gameplay experience. Specifically,
this study conceptually differentiated between immersion
and gameplay experience and examined contingencies influencing the magnitude of influence between immersion and
gameplay experience. We found support for our arguments
based upon arguments related to flow; moreover, we determined that immersion is a separate, although empirically
related construct to gameplay experience. Finally, several
individual characteristics influenced the magnitude by which
immersion influences gameplay experience.
Game understanding
Figure 5: Interaction between immersion and game understanding
on gameplay experience.
Specifically, this study supports the claim that immersion
can create a flow-like sense which in turn fosters a positive
attitude (i.e., gaming experience) towards the gaming situation. We also established that the characteristics of the gamer
can influence how likely it is that flow-like states are actually
achieved. As such, we proposed and found support for the
moderating role of age: older individuals experienced more
impact on gameplay experience from immersion. This study
also found marginally significant support for the moderating
role of experience, implying that individuals with limited
gaming experience perceived larger effects from immersion
on gameplay experience. This study also found support
for the moderating role of game understanding, such that
individuals with less game understanding experienced larger
effects from immersion upon gameplay experience. Interestingly, in some of the settings, it seemed that immersion did
not influence gameplay experience at all.
The separation of immersion and gameplay experience
in modeling, together with tests of moderation effects,
makes possible a deeper understanding of the role and
impact of creating immersion in games. In fact, the effect
of immersion is not always positively and strongly related to
gameplay experience. To a large extent, it depends on gamers’
characteristics (i.e., age, experience, and understanding).
This implies that game development is much more complex
than merely creating senses of escapism for the gamer; rather,
it is about combining the game plot with the characteristics
of the intended segment of gamers.
Further, the present study holds implications for research
on human-computer interaction as it highlights that gaming
follows what has been labeled “the pleasure principle” [10].
That is, individuals who become immersed in their interaction with the game will experience affective pleasures and
hence evaluate the game experience positively. The conceptualizations and empirical tests also strengthens recent developments in gaming literature that supports that flow can be
used to understand the affective reactions of gamers, and that
immersion is a core central experience for developing these
affective reactions [9]. Further, by following developments
in flow literature we also learn that the characteristics of the
gamer influence the magnitude by which immersion actually
triggers flow-like states that influence and develop affective
pleasures and thereby gameplay experience.
As with any study, limitations do exist. The sample in
the current study was rather limited and specific, meaning
it may be difficult to generalize the results to other contexts.
However, analytical arguments do not suggest that this sample is specific in any way; thus, further testing of these results
in other samples should be conducted in order to generalize
findings. Another potential limitation is related to the very
specific game setting studied. While choosing a specific game
setting has several advantageous (as it for instance reduces
external variance and noise) it could also provide differences
which make the results difficult to generalize for other games.
Although our current belief is that the results from this
study have potential to transfer to similar settings, as they
are based on sound conceptual arguments and relate well to
previous literature, they should still be replicated to examine
the full potential of generalizability from the study. In
addition, although the study design had several advantages,
it actually proposed a limitation in terms of the potential to
test causality. Although it is likely that immersion influences
gameplay experience rather than the opposite, future studies
should test a cross-lagged design to examine whether the
relationship between immersion and gameplay experience
takes the nature of regular, reversed, or reciprocal causation.
We also acknowledge that other factors could be relevant
to include in a study on gameplay experience besides
those used in this study. Our goal was to produce a very
restricted set of insights to clarify points from the wellknown and established literature. As such, we only needed
constructs that captured immersion, gamers’ characteristics,
and gameplay experience. Of course, other constructs related
to gamers’ characteristics should be examined in future
research, as those adopted here are only examples.
Despite the limitations, we believe the merit of this study
is that it makes a number of contributions to the emerging
literature on gameplay experience. Specifically, it clarifies the
distinction and relation between immersion and gameplay
experience, which most studies seem to have neglected.
We also use several analytical techniques to evaluate the
robustness of our findings.
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