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2011, … of Urology: IJU: Journal of the …
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Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, 2018
Primary malignant melanoma of the urethrais avery rare tumor constituting 0.2% of allmelanomas. Around 120 cases are published inliteraturetilldate. Wereportacaseofmalignantmelanomaoriginatingin theurethrainapostmenopausalwoman whichwas diagnosedonbiopsy and subsequentradicalsurgeryperformed.
Urology Case Reports, 2021
Primary malignant melanoma of the urethra in women is a rare tumor with a poor prognosis. We report the case of a 48-year-old patient who consulted for a mass in the urethral meatus associated with symptoms of the lower urinary tract. The result of the biopsy of the mass revealed a malignant melanoma confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The extension workup was negative. She had a total cystectomy with lymph node dissection done. The one-year follow-up was without particularity.
Medicinski vjesnik, 2005
Primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra is a rare tumor with great agressivity and poor prognosis. We reported the case of 65-year-old woman with polypoid tumor on the external meatus of the urethra. Tumor was localy resected, and immunohistochemistry revealed diagnosis of malignant melanoma. After three months distal urethrectomy was performed with tumor-free margin, and the patient is still alive during more than five years follow up period.
Cancer, 1993
We report here on a rare case of primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra. A 69-year-old female presented at our hospital with a several month history of dysuria, poor stream, gross hematuria, intermittent blood spots, and a painful mass at the external urethral meatus. The physical examination revealed a soft, small, chestnut-sized lesion through the urethral orifice. The mass was tan colored, ulcerated, covered with necrotic tissue, and protruded from the external urethral meatus. The mass was removed by wide local excision under spinal anesthesia. The pathological diagnosis was malignant melanoma of the urethra. Computed tomography of the abdomen as well as a whole-body bone scan showed no evidence of metastasis. The patient has been free of disease for 6 months postoperatively. We discuss the clinicopathologic features and treatment of this tumor.
International Urology and Nephrology, 1995
A case of primary malignant melanoma of the female urethra is reported. Physical examination and visceral studies confirmed the primary character of the tumour and histologic examination proved it to be nodular malignant melanoma. Less than 100 cases have been previously reported. The role of immunohistochemical stains to substantiate the diagnosis is stressed. Therapy and prognosis are briefly discussed. Primary malignant melanoma is one of the rarest tumours of the female urethra: to date, less than 100 cases have been described in the literature [1-15]. An additional case is reported herein and a brief review of the literature is presented. Case report An 82-year-old woman was admitted in October, 1993 for evaluation of recurrent, painless gross haematuria of 3-month duration. Physical examination was unremarkable except for a firm, black nodule protruding from the external urethral meatus (Fig. 1). Urinary cytology and uriculture were negative.
Os dez princípios gerais da economia são: 1) Em economia, sempre existem tradeoffs; 2) O custo de algo é o que se deixa de ganhar ao obtê-lo, ou seja, seu custo de oportunidade; 3) As pessoas razoáveis pensam na margem; 4) As pessoas reagem a incentivos; 5) Os mercados são bons para a economia; 6) O comércio é bom para todos, pois permite maior especialização e variedade; 7) Os governos podem melhorar os mercados; 8) O padrão de vida de um povo é determinado pela sua produtividade; 9) Os preços sobem com a emissão de moeda; 10) Há um tradeoff de curto prazo entre desemprego e inflação. 2. PENSANDO COMO UM ECONOMISTA O pensamento econômico se desenvolve através de modelos, que se baseiam em hipóteses que simplificam a realidade. Utilizam-se os economistas do método científico, partindo da teoria para a observação, então para a coleta de dados e por último para a confirmação ou refutação da teoria. Por serem difíceis os experimentos controlados valem-se da história para fazer a observação experimental. As análises econômicas podem ser declarações positivas, que explica, determina como é ou declarações normativas, que sugerem, prescrevem, diz como deveria ser. É normalmente quando possuem divergências dessas duas categorias que os economistas discordam e é principalmente das declarações normativas que a economia se ocupa. Dentro dos modelos econômicos comuns temos a Fronteira de Possibilidade de Produção e o Diagrama do Fluxo Circular, que descreve como o dinheiro circula entre os mercados de bens e serviços e as famílias e como estes interagem uns com os outros. GRÁFICOS Os gráficos descrevem como as variáveis se relacionam no mundo real. Pode tratar da relação de causa e efeito, podendo aparecer dois problemas: a variável omitida e a causalidade reversa. 3. GANHOS COMERCIAIS E INTERDEPENDÊNCIA O princípio dos ganhos do comércio diz que cada bem deve ser produzido por quem tem o menor custo de oportunidade para produzi-lo. Assim, ambos terão uma maior variedade no consumo e melhor especialização na produção dos bens. Esse custo de oportunidade é sustentado pela teoria das VANTAGENS COMPARATIVAS de David Ricardo, que diz que os custos de oportunidade devem ser comparados para que determinemos quem deverá produzir qual bem. O outro lado da teoria das Vantagens Comparativas é a de Vantagens absolutas, que compara as produtividades dos produtores. Um produtor pode ter vantagens absolutas na produção de todos os bens, mas nunca terá vantagens comparativas na produção de todos eles. Assim, quando os produtores se concentram na produção dos bens no qual tem
Chapter 1: Ways of thinking about how data should be used 3 Chapter 2: Responsibility 11 Chapter 3: Responsible data practices and interventions 18 Chapter 4: What we mean by responsible data stewardship 28 Chapter 5: What's next? 31 Endnotes 32 Methodology 32 Acknowledgements 33 About This report has been researched and produced by the Open Data Institute, and published in March 2023. This report was written by Joe Massey, Sasha Moriniere and Ed Parkes (Emerging Field), with supporting contributions from Yusuff Adigun, Jane Crowe, and Jack Hardinges.
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Santa Cruz, Madeira, Portugal, 18-20 September 2024., 2024
There is a pressing need to develop more sustainable built environments. Climate change also means that built environments must be resilient to extreme weather events. However, the concepts of sustainability and resilience often appear to be in conflict. Sustainability is concerned with driving positive change while resilience aims to maintain the functionality of existing systems. This conflict must be addressed to achieve sustainable development efficiently. This study describes the development and application of the Resilient Sustainability Measurement and Evaluation (RESUME) methodology that aims to integrate sustainability and resilience in a framework that can be used to assess neighbourhoods. The study presents the RESUME framework and applies this to a case study in Pretoria, South Africa. Findings from the study indicate that the RESUME approach provides a valuable way of addressing sustainability and resilience at a neighbourhood level and recommends developing this further.
El estudio de 16 huesos de una gran ave ha permitido identificar un ejemplar adulto de buitre negro (Aegypius monachus) hallado en el interior de un silo ibérico del Serrat dels Espinyers en el Prepirineo de Lérida, aproximadamente contemporáneo a la instalación de un campamento militar romano y a la fundación de la ciudad romana de Aeso, a corta distancia del yacimiento. El silo, datado entre finales del siglo II y la primera mitad del siglo I a.C. contenía depósitos intencionales de otros animales, destacando el esqueleto en conexión de un équido y los restos de catorce perros. La aparición de huesos de buitre negro es inusual en la protohistoria europea y los escasos ejemplos documentados se relacionan con depósitos de carácter cultual de época romana, hecho que en el caso de estudio refuerza el carácter simbólico de este animal y aporta nuevas evidencias sobre los ritos asociados a la fase final de la cultura Ibérica. Hegazti handi baten 16 hezur aztertu izanari esker, Lleidako Pirinioaurreko Serrat dels Espinyerseko iberiar zuloaren barruan topatutako sai beltz heldu bat (Aegypius monachus) identifikatu dute. Gutxi gorabehera, aztarnategitik gertu dagoen Aeso hiri erromatarraren sorrerarekiko eta bertan kokatutako erromatarren kanpamentu militar baten garaikidea da. Zuloa, gainera, beste animalia batzuk gordetzeko nahita erabilitakoa zen eta K.a. II. mendearen amaiera eta I. mendearen lehen erdiaren artea datatu dute. Bertan gordetako animalien aztarnei dagokienez, nabarmendu beharrekoak dira hauek: ekido batekin lotura duen eskeletoa eta hamalau txakurren gorpuzkiak. Sai beltzaren hezurrak azaldu izana ez da ohikoa Europako protohistorian eta dokumentatutako adibide urriak erromatar garaian egindako izaera kulturaleko gordailutzeekin lotuta daude. Hori dela eta, azterketa honi dagokionez, animalia horrek zuen izaera sinbolikoa indartu da eta iberiar kulturaren amaierako faseari lotutako errituei buruzko ebidentzia berriak mahaigaineratu dira. The zooarchaeological analysis of a large bird bones has allowed the identification of an adult black vulture (Aegypius monachus) found inside a silo at Serrat dels Espinyers, an Iberian settlement in the Pre-Pyrenees of Lleida. The silo, dated between the end of the 2nd century and the first half of the 1st century BC, contained other animal intentional deposits, including the skeleton of an equid and the remains of fourteen dogs. This structure is approximately contemporary with the installation of a Roman military camp on the site, and with the founding of the Roman city of Aeso, a short distance away. The 16 vulture bones recovered refers it to the most complete specimen found until today in northeastern Iberian Peninsula protohistory. It is represented by the bones of the wings, the shoulder girdle, the femurs and the pelvis bones, while the bones of the skull, vertebrae, ribs, sternum and the distal end of the legs are absent. The presence of old fractures and a cutmarks on the ulna indicate previous handling of the animal before deposition. The appearance of vulture bones is unusual in European protohistory and the few documented examples, usually of black vultures, are related with cultic deposits from the Roman period. In this context, our study reinforces the symbolism of this animal and provides new evidence of the rites associated with the final phase of Iberian culture.
Scientific Reports, 2021
Ambiente&Sociedade, 2017
Australian family physician, 2010
Journal of Music History Pedagogy, 2012
Revue Francaise De Psychanalyse, 2012
International Journal of Market Research, 2024
Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2017
Kırklareli Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2021
SPIE Proceedings, 2016
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 2017
2018 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2018
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2008